! 1 : - - PAGE NINE The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, February 3, 1S38 Buy, Rent, ::;?Elsified enngs 9 x Fine Classified Ads Call 9101 Clasaifled Advertising Single Insertion per line 10c Three Insertions per line 20e Six Insertions per line 30c One month per line $1 00 Minimum charge 2ac Copy for this P accepted until $ ;$$ the evet.lng before publication for ctassinHiion Copy recelvec after tht time wlH be run umlfi the heading. Too Let to Cla ify- The Statesman muimi no finan cial responsibility foi error which may appear in advertisements pub lished In its columns, and in rase where tlit paper l at fault will re print that part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake K-cura. - The Statesman reserves the right to reie-t questionable advertising It further reserve the right tf place all advertising under th proper ' classification. "BLIND" ADS which give only a box " number care of Statesman must be answered by letter. We cannot give any information, as to do so would destroy their purpose. Livestock TOP PRICES paid for old hornet and rows ror fox reed. Tel. in. , FREE WE pick up dead and worth less horses, cows, sheep, iei . cu' lect FREE: WE pick up dead and worth less horses, cows. TeL 7979, collect. npin svn worthless horses. COWS. picked up free. Ph. collect 4tl Salem. M .'utgomery nena. u. Salesmen Wanled rv fSR S salesmen for a new nrixturt mfa-. in Ore, Chance of a life time if yew qualify. Inq. 19-12, 2-4 at 1073 Second St, west saiem. PACIFIC COAST organization tocat Ing new branch in Salem has opening for lire, ambitious solicitors. Immediate profitable connection for right man or woman. Apply 9:30 to 5:30, 520 State St Situations Wanted EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKING, lira Adaitt. 113 Marlon Phone 944C EXP. GIRL wants hawk. R. 4. B. 371. YOUNG MAN wants work expert driver and service station clerk re pairman. 113 Piedmont, West Salem. For SaleMiscellaneous WASHER SPECIALS Wardway Washer with large roils .... ..$19.50 Square Tub Maytag with new roils ..$39.50 thoroughly reconditioned $29.50 Easy Dryer Washer with heavy copper tub $44.50 Wardway Washer . with gas engine . . ..-.?2.? YOUR, CHOICE OF THE FOLLOWING- USED WASHERS AT $10.00 WESTERN ELECTRIC GAINADAT ABC NATIONAL VACUUM HOGG BROS.- 325 Court St TYPEWRITERS, 'ADDING HI chines, cash registers sold, rented, re pahed. Roen 42 Court- Pbone $773. mn 1-1 nnn,nrv-.ryw-wvw-.-,-,- - r1 ASH OR trade for need furniture raneea heaters, radios, machinery. tools, etc. Woodry and Weodry, auc ttoneera, phone 8-1-1-0. 1410 N. Sum mer In Hollywood. WW TjAVENO bed prices low, Upstairs Furniture Store, 439 Court St SPRINGER SPANIEL pups,male thoroughbred Can 1710 N. ITtn. POULTRT FERTILIZER with peat moss lor lawns ana nowers, raciteu and delivered. TeL 133F2, Lee s Hatch- ery. , n . . . . . w BASEMENT, PUMP automatic. Ph. $783. R. F. Schuett, Salem, R. 3. WATKIN3 Prod. 580 N. 17. P. 7805. PUREBRED "PEKE" pupplea Very reasonable. 3 H mo. 1W Center. Phone 6121. BEER CABINET, A-l shape. 6679. TeL SEVERAL USED davenports, with and without chairs: also several used dar beds. Low prices. Upstairs Furni ture Store. 439 Court St TRAILER STORE fully equipped. Reas. terms. Ralph Prink, Rt 7, Box 191. Ph. $468. COOD WILTON rug. 9x12. suitable for home or office. Ph. 6013. xr fir" i iii " m m 2 PR. BEAUTIFUL overdrapes. iron and brass rods, like new. TeL 4556. jljTj-iXLru"u"uUf"v",ii'i'"' - - " " c-BURNER TAPPAN gas range. In- eulated even. 1349 Mission. Ph. 6467. TRAILER HOUSE, sale or exchange, 629 Court. " jeBeeeeeyaSaWaaeaeaesWMeaee1aeP COLORED FRYERS, dressed, drawn anJ delivered. Strictly fresh. Ph. 8023. XTXJXpiusirif"rT i 5 BOOTHS FOR beer parlor or rest aurant; Inquire 65$ Edgewater. Trade Miscellaneous 2$ CHRYSLER COUPE, just ever hauled, for good cow. Ph. 13F22. Wanted Miscellaneous WANT WALNUT end filbert meats, elm la sneU. State Cafeteria. WANTED. MARKET poultry, any quantity, any time. TeL 133F2, Lee's Hatchery. ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives Fenrer-Hall Co.. Ltd. Km rranclsco. i-os Angeles, cattle Eastern AdYertlsinj Kepresentatlves Bryant. Griffith Brunson, Tnc, Chicagov New York, Detroit. - Boston. Atlanta Entertd mt th PoHoTfic at 8ahtm, Oregon, am Second Cla Matter. linHett every morning except Monday Dn9int$ of tic t -nth Commercial Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: -Mail ubscrlptlon Rates in Advance Within Oregon? Dally and Sumlay. Mo. 50 cents ; S Mo. $1.6$ : Mo. $2.50 : 1 year $5.00. Elsewhere 60 cents per Mo. or $6.0$ for 1 year In advance. Per copy $ cents. News tands t cents. B City Carrier: 60 cents a month, $7.20 & year in advanto la Harton and adiacent counties. Miscellaneous AUCTIONEER D. - H. GROVE. EXPERIENCED auctioneer. Newberg. Ore. Ph. 30F3. Satisfaction guaranteed. For Kent Rooms DESIR. FURX. rm.. 448 Oak. P. 9534. WARM RM., close In, 1S1 a 14th. RMS, LADIES, 69$ N. Cottage. 5478. DESIRABLE HEATED quiet sleep ing rooms, 660 hi N. High St SLEEP. RM.. men. 635 Chemeketa. HEATED SLEEPING room. 435 N. Winter. RM. HEAT, hot water. 255 Center. Koni and Board RM, BD.. close in. 545 a Com'L BOARD-ROOM. Very close in. 6482. CLOSE IN. Sli Bellevue. comer & Commercial. Table board. Ph. g67. ROOM AND boaid. 1271 Chemeketa EXCELLENT RM.. bd. 745 S. Com. RM.. BD.. $22.50 mo. Tel. 5383. ROOM AND board. 569 N. Liberty. For Renl Apartments 3 RM. UNFURN. apt. Ph. 5248. MOD. APTS., furn. 1775 No. Front. I EMS., HEATED. 780 N. Winter, APT. FURN. 1 sip. R. 2183 State. 2 RM. APT.. 265 S. Commercial. 3 RM. FURN. apt, 246 State. FURN. 4 R. APT., adults. Wood water, 'lights. 120. 1020 N. 19tb. 3 R. FURN. apt. 1295 "D" St 2 LARGE CLEAN unfurn. bsmt rooms. Lights, water, gar., $3.50 wit 790 N. ComL 2 RM. APT., heat lights and water, private bath. Inq. 981 N. Cottage. FURN. 3 R. APTS.. 444 S. Higli. ATTRACTIVE BED sitting room for man close in. Tel. 630S. 3 ROOM FURN., first floor modern apt Employed adults. 335 Division. 2 ROOMS PARTLY furnished $10.00 Hollywood dist. Adults only. 1005 N 22nd St. No callers after 6 p.m. For Rent Houses 5 R., 2127 & 12th. Ph. 7279. COZY MOD. furn. house, 935 Mad ison. 7 R. HOUSE. CHOICE location, quire 545 Leslie. In C R. HOUSE. BASEMENT, furnace, garage. Inquire ta Hood: FOR RENT Sc NOT FOR SALE FINE 8 KM. residence, fully modern, 3 blocks from state house. St a. 00. ROBERT F. BUDROW Real Estate 12 Ladd Bcsh Bldg. Ph. S9C5 2 KM. FURN. hse.. adults. Ph, 8840. 4 OR 5 room unfurnished house w-ill K-ase. II. E. Wood, phone 5926. 3 R. CABIN part' furn!?' lighU water lnclu. $9. 80 mo. 1100 Edge water St, West. Salem. $ -FURNISHED HOUSES $10 andf? $60. rood' location. 2 Court Ph. 67 ( ROOM FURN. house $35.00. 5 room upstairs apt $2.0. P. H. BELL, Realtor 429 Oreg. Bidg. Ph. 812 WeeeVWVWMWWWW UNFURN. hses. $20 to $40. Ph. 711 "ftSThSe! for VoThTm? For Rent HOSPITAL UKI'S snd wlieel chain e rest li L SUM Furniture Ce. OFFICE ROOMS, 381 State street Inquire room 200. Tel. 3713. CARS .TRUCKS-U-Drive. Ph. 704 Wanted to Rent TOUNG MAN desires sleeping room, gar. Prt fam. pref. Bx 616, Statesman For Sale Real Estate t RMS.. BATH. 5 acres, lots fruit Salem Hta. $3250. Tet 7479. JUST FIN1SHKD new mod. home 1590 N. 18th. See it at once. Reason able terms. W. A Ciadek, owner. Phone 4277. NEW 5 RM. hse. 2 lots. Fine gar den soil. Lovely shade trees, good ga rage- This is a bargain. Only $1300. $500 dn. or less will handle. Hal. at $15 per mo. incl. Inter. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 137 "S. Liberty St. Ph. 7113. WHY RENT LIVING RM, dining rm.. kitchen, bath, 2 bdrms. Large attic, fireplace, full basement. Nice corner lot all paving paid. $3500. terms. R. A. FORKNER 1353 N. Capitol FOR SALE TO CLOSE an estate we offer two family house at 1440 State street for only $5500. This is a buy. Call to see it SEE Sirs. Ellis with CH1LDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State St Phone 6708 A HOME AND INCOME S UNIT APARTMENT house. Owner lives in one and received $25.00 each for two. Will sell for $6300 or accept small house as part payment SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State St Phone $708 eeeANerfeaegeeMerfMeaesMae SPECIAL 6 ROOM ENGLISH type, nicely lo cated. South Salem. Price $5300. Will accept small house la North Salem. SEE Airs, tans witn r?HILDS MILLER. Realtors 344 State St Phone $.08 2 BEDROOM HOUSE near schools. Reconditioned. $2259. Small dowa pay ment balance like rent ROBERT F. BUDKOW Keai fcsnaie 12 Ladd Bush Bldg. Ph. 6965 S RM. HSE.. small lot close in. furn. or unfurn. For sale cheap, for cash or half cash. 710 N. High. . SPECIAL- MUST BE sold within the next few days. $ rm. house hi good condition. A real snap for $700 cash. ROSTEIN ADOLPH. INC. 110H No. Commercial St $2150 An $ rm. house, 2 four rm, apta, 2 bath rms.. basement, fireplace, lot S0sl4 in a good district Terms. $4500 An up-to-date 6 rm. English style home 6 bike, from senior high school, bath down stairs, toilet A lav atory upstairs, nice lawn A shrubbery. Terms. . $400 down, nice living rm, bed rma, kitchen, bath, garage, $800. MELVIN JOHNSON, Realtor 726 Court St Phone $723 For Sale Farms WANTED FARM ' BEST FARM close in that $2700 cash will buy. - II. P. GRANT-C. H. SANDERS 529 Court St TeL 6744 4ft ACRES. 25 A. under cultivation. some prune orchard. Average bldga, $37$ twwn. . WM. E. MOSES $31 H State St '. Money to Loan CASH LOAN A NEW PERSONAL LOAN SERVICE IS NOW AVAILABLE. ITS NEW! PROMPT! COMPLETE! ECONOMICAL! OUR many loan plana will HELP YOU. Contracts Refinanced! Payments Reduced! Ad ditional Money Loaned on Your Car or Furniture Equity. You can borrow on Livestock from On your car from COMBINATION LOANS TO All money problems will be given tion. No obligations. People's Finance Co. Room 201, 2nd Floor, 1st National Bank Bldg. SALEM. OREGON State License M-220 Quick, Private Loans When you need extra cash use our simple borrowing plan. Ail you need j U to be able to make small regular payments. toVttatMwmaMtr& In amoun pocKetbooa. ror instance: - i 2 ' p"ya?ie "r fi .L' f ow nepayapie rr:r mmia 30 Repayable: 67.03 Per Montn I AUTO LOANS - PERSONAL LOA.NS IV IO S3UU All Clans Personal Finance Co. of Salem (Formerly Beneficial Finance Co.) Second Floor New Bligh BIdg. Rm. 11$ 518 State Street at High Phone 3191 Salem. Ore. License S-122 M-165 PERSONAL LOANS BORROW FROM Satem'e oldest ft largest independent company your problems will receive personal consid eration before and after the loan is made. Interest on unpaid balance. No fees tk Quick Courteous Service We Solicit Your Account General Finance Corporation 34 S. Commercial St., Salem. Or Lit Ko. S-138 Phone 916$ MONEY TO loan on good real estate. Charles Hudkins, 275 State street FEDERAL HOUSING loans, build refinance homes, business prop. Rates. Abrams 4 Ellis, Inc.. Masonic Bldg. Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO buy new or used care. Private money at very low rates. No red tape 1 to 20 months to repay. Roy H. Simmons I3 a Commercial St. Salem. Or. Phone 9163 Lie., No. M-I52 MORTGAGE LOANS on well lm- n roved countrr or city property. Low est rates. No brokerage or commission. LADD A BUSH TRUST CO. CASH LOANS PEOPLE'S FINANCE COMPANY Rm. 201, First Nafl. Bank Bldg. M-220 State License S-213 For Sale Farms BEAUTIFUL RIVER BOTTOM LESS THAN t miles out, acree,f buildings high and on pavement. Finest location near Salem. Choice silt soil. 9 acres boos. 3 acres prunes. Generous planting of other mixed fruit Fine for alfalfa. Small but good house, barn for team and 7 to 9 cows. Stock including 5 rows and 2 heifers to ro. also all Imp lements. Kor price and terms, tstutu air. Bartlett with philds MILLER. Realtors 344 State St. . Phone 6.08 BARGAINS IN FARMS 67 A. EVERY INCH good soil. Price reduced to 37500.00. Howell Prairie. 105 A., lge.. old bldgs. Owner must sell. Too old to oper ate. Price $9500.00. $3000.00 down. Long easy terms with low interest on baL 73 A. all cultivated, good bldgs., 14 ml. north. $8000.00. Will trade for acre-site- near Salem. DARNIELLE BROS., 1988 N. Capitol Phone 3511 50 ACRES WITH 30 acres m cultiva tion, 20 acres in crop, baL pasture with I some timber. Has a lair set of build- I inga, ana jamuy orcnaru. rricefv. i suitable for stock. Will assume up to $2000. ROSTEIN & ADOLPH. Inc. 110 No. Commercial St. FEDERAL LAND bank farms Priced risht Terms See W. a Bart lett Secy. Treas. 216 Oregon Bldg. phone 7127. Acreage 10 ACRES. 4 IN orchard, full set of bldgs., cow, chickens, tools included for $2600 or will trade for grocery or ser vice station. 5 acres fine land near Salem, mostly in fruit. Modern 7 room home. Trade for stock ranch. DARNIELLE BROS. 1988 N. Capital TeL 3511. 6 A.. 10 ML NORTH, seeded to clo ver, buildings, 2 story hen house, $1950, $450 cash. baL terms. H. f. GKANT41 M. SAJUJEKS 529 Court St . Phone 6744. 4 ROOM HOUSE, modern, very nice. acre, adjoining city limits. Trade for farm, gas station, or city property. WM. E. MOSES 331 H State St ACREAGE 3 ACRES WITH house $1100.60, 5 acre cherry orchard $1500.00. l- acre line nniiwrrj jwicii in uii bearing $3600.00. These places all join and may be had In one unit Lo- cated 6 mL NE of Salem. school. $1560 00. terms. ea cava itai. x. j uot save wf v w v .a 6 acres good land, family orchard. 5 R. house, garage, chicken house. On Vita Springs Road, $1350.0. $350.00 cash. 25 acres, cherries and prunes, young orchard. No bldgs. On V ita Springs Kd. $2500.00. $500.00 down, easy terms on balance. . Trover tracts, south of Salem. 16 acres bottom land. - $1500.00, $300.00 cash, balance arranged. 25 acres with 6 R. house and barn. $2500.00, $500.00 down, balance arran ged. 14 acres. $ ml. S. Salem, good 6 R. house, barn and outbuildings. $3500.00, $500.00 cash, balance arranged. 60 acres, 2 mL S. Perrydale, Polk county, $3000.00. $1800.00 cash. ISO acres. Ankeny Bottom, near Win tel Station. Well Improved. $7a00.00, $2500.00 will handle. 2$4 acres to mL from Salem. 16$ acre bottom land, balance upland. $0 acres good timber. All new mode buUdinga. $14,500.00, $1450.00 will! handle. HAWKINS at ROBERTS. INC Pbone 4109 Evenings call 7184, V. I IRISH ONE ACRE bouse partly finished. $100 down, $12.60 month. WM. E. MOSES 331tt State St Suburban - SUBURBAN FOUR ACRES, five room house, barn, chicken house, family orchard, all under cultivation. Electric water sys tem. Bath Ac toilet- Price $3400 terms. J. F. ULRICH CO., REALTORS 362 State St Phone 8672 SSaaseieesMeaWeaWeaeeeeWeseeiees BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN home. ii miles from Ladd A- Bush Bank. Can be bought at a bargain for a few days nnlv. Ten acres S room house. I A. tlm- Iber. C. E. Lane, $33 SUte, Ph. 8622. Money to Loan furniture or $10.09 to $300.00 ..$10.09 to $504.00 $800.00 sympathetic. Intelligent considera S-213 Wanted Real Estate HAVE BUYERS or following acre Buick 2-Door Touring Sedan in excep 5 A. or more north or east not over 32700 cash, 5 or 6 mi. out. pi.ase list vour places. u t p.divt n w cwniRS 559 Court Ph. 6744 or 8330 Business Opportunities STORE BLDG. for sale or rent Near new senior high school. Phone 59 1 7. GOOD OPPO RTCJi ITT Lunch and confectionery for sale, best location in I college town. Write Eox 613, states man. STORE BLbW with" moaVrn' home in -connection a good investment R. A FORKNER 1853 N. Capitol TWO GROCERY STORES WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE t -i i . I ' 111 j 157 South Liberty Financial WE HAVE never paid less rdnmVhe,tie asooo Mutual Federal Savings ft Loan Ass'n Phone 4944 141 S. Liberty si. Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing inquire at Hawkins ft Roberta WANTED 1500 ON good 6 room dwelling on Klngwood Heights. Call 6744. For Sale Wood MILL BLOCKS, lg. IdL $4.50. P. 6832. PRUNE WOOD. $3.60. Ph. 6F12. OLD FIR. 2nd grth. fir. Graen. 6370. DRY FIR. oak. Ph. 3380, Ashcraft GUARANTEED DRY wood. TeL 7307. uuariANTKtcu OR T Wjoi coai l ei 6000. - fcalero Fuel Co. Trade ana 'ottftg LAMCfiC KX"OSD growth. Ph I87FI DRY 2nd growth O. F. Ph. 6700. XRY-WOOP all kinds, Ph. 6663 lt-IN. DRY old fir. Tel. 7860. SLAB DRY. eld fir, $5.50. P. 7005. ASH $6.23. 16". $6.75. Ph. 9703. 16" OLD FIR, $5-$5.50. Ph. 9456. eeeejeeMeaeeaeeeMeaee OLD FIR, limbs, slab, knots, 654: DRY WOOD, all kinds. Ph. 9560. Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING, reasonable. P. 9456. Lost and Found LOST BLACK purse, glasses, be- tween Mill City and Salem, Sunday, Reward. TeL 3j45. Personal LONELY T "WORTHWHILE" sweet- heart, husband, wife for you. Box 375. j, Angeles. Driving Instructions DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS by ex perienced InJtructor. Ph. 4920. READER A ADVISER. He looks at your hands and your eves. For appoint ment caU Senator Hotel, itoom ji. Hours 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Ph. 4151. Consult with Professor Apgar. XOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT No. 0618 In the County Court for Marion Conntr. Oregon In the matter ot the estate of CHARLES T. POMEROY in partnership as "Pomeroy and Keene." Notice is hereby given that the final account of A. A. Keene, ad minlstratar ot the estate of Charles TS Pomeroy in partner- ha3 been ''filed in the County Court for Marion County, Ore gon, and that the 8th day of March. 1938. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. thereof, at the Court House at Salem. Marion . . . v B County, Oregon, has been set as the time and place for hearing any anfl an objections to said final account A. A. KEENE, Administrator of the estate of Charles T. Pomeroy In partnership as "Pomeroy and Keene." W. C. WINSLOW. Attorney for administrator. Salem. Oregon. First publication February 3, 1938 Last publication March 3.1938. F. 3-10-17-Z4-M. 3 No. 74S , VOTTCE TO CREDITORS - 1 T tK r.f thn estate of Thfc r-otJU, jcpsed Joseph O. Crotser. aeceasea. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed . M. with will annexed Stviuiuswva eiev " of the estate of Joseph O. Crot ser, deceased, by the County Court of the SUte of Oregon, for Marion County, and has quaimea AH persons having claim against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me at office of The Oregon Statesman, Salem, Oregon, with vouchers and duly verified, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published Jan uary 13. 1938 Last publication February 10 1938. ' A. W. OVEItnOLT, Administrator with Will Annexed. L. T. Lnndburg. Attorney, J. 13-20-27 F. 3-10 For Sale Used Cars If W. L. Anderson Inc. ? Has What You Want in That Used Car, the Price Is Right. If We Haven't, We i 193$ DeSoto Airflow Touring Sedan. heater and overdrive. Price 1937 Plymouth DeLuxe Touring Coach, low 1930 Ford Cab Coupe, new top, V-8 tires A- .uesoto coach tor only 1931 Chevrolet Coach, overhauled See Jim St Clair for Terms and Trades! W. L. ANDERSON INC 360 MARION THE LOW ARE WORTH CHECKING AGAINST BOTH LOCAL AND OUT-OF-TOWN PRICES tional condition 1937 Ford Coupe, very low OTTO J. 3" North commercial SPECIALS 1936 Pe-GOOd m0t0r' $395.00 1933 Ford Co-jf.e. Runs good, upholstery per- feet. 6-ply tires. $245.00 lyZV " $85.00 1932 Nash Ambassador Sedan. $250.00 Motor Co. LOT MARION LIBERTY , UNDER COVER CENTER LIBERTY BXrej-eekrejep)- iMwMewiJVwii'Vi'yisiT f SPECIAL '37 Studehaker DeLuxe 4-Door Sedan Radio. Heater. Overdrive, Electric Clock, Searchlight and Sldemounts Original Price $1324 Sale Price $875 Phone 3912 NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT OP EXECUTRIX Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed, by the County Court of the State ot Oregon for the County of Marion, as Executrix of the last will and testament and estate of S. C. Stone, de ceased, and that she has duly I n1ifia4 a a ouch VrPCntriv all . olnJm. -Mln.t the estate of said decedent are noti fied to present the same, duly verified, to me. at the office of Walter S. Lamkin, my attorney, 205 Oregon Building, Salem, Marion County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregfon, this 13th day of January, 1938. M. J. STONE, As Executrix of the last will and testament and Estate of S. C. Stone, Deceased. WALTER S. LAMKIN. Attorney for Executrix, Salem, Oregon. J.13-20-27 F.3-10 Business Cards la this directory ran on monthly basis only. Rate: ft per line per month. Auto Brakes Uike Pa nek. 37$ South Commercial Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned. Harry W. Scott 14T a Cora L Ph. 461$ Body & Fender Repair FOR BODY FENDER Repairs. Auto Trim. Seat Covers, Glass replacement Auto . Painting SEK the HerraQ Ow one Co, $36 & Cora L St Pbone 3169 Brashes FULLER'S R. M. PROUD FIT. Phone 7563. Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 446$. R. K. Nerthnesa Fura'a cleaned, steel brsha used. $221 Chiropractors DR. a L, SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor. 25$ N. High. TeL Res 8763. Excavating EXCAVATING OF an kinds. Base ments due Dirt hauled er moved. Dirt for sale, Salem Sand and Gravel Co., Phone $40$. Florists BrolthanptV 447 Court . Ph. 6904. W. SALEM Florists, 1400 Edgewater y- v Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THB WEIDER LAUNDRY 2$$ & High - Tet $12$ MMeaaBaMBaeaeeeaaBaBeeeBBeaBeaBaBBBBBweHBeaBieBBBeeBrtMeNWBBBBBBenBt Painling-Paperhanging HERBERT EL WOOD. TeL 532$. M. D. JACKSON, PHONE $467. Valley For Sale Used Cars Can Get It for You. Completely reconditioned. Has ..$733 00 695.ee 185.00 40.00 - 195.00 mileage wheels PHONE 7702 PRICES AT $6ck mileage $565 WILSON Pbone 5451 Personally Indorsed WITH A Written Guarantee 36 PACKARD 120 TOURING ' SEDAN DeLuxe ...$82S 36 HUDSON 6-CyL SEDAN DeLuxe $625 36 HUPMOBILE DeLUXE SE DAN $645 36 FORD DeLUXE SEDAN....$495 36 FORD DeLUXE COUPE....$393 35 HUDSON DeLUXE COUPE $4 35 TERRA PLANE SEDAN. ..$495 33 PLYMOUTH DeLUXE SE DAN Radio $315 31 BUICK SEDAN Model 50 Looks and runs like new. Only 27,000 miles Special priced. STATE MOTORS, INC. Hudson-TerraDlane Sc Packard 625 Chemeketa St - - - Phone 8400 Open Evenings Closed Sunday: 1937 PLYMOUTH T SIC DAN. $700 1935 Studebaker T Sedan. $175. Prl vately owned. 1082 Electric. SACRIFICE 1935 PLYMOUTH Coach. Exc cond., low mile. 26 Ferry. TRADE '30 FRANKLIN for equity in late car. Cash cliff. 1138 Ruge St W. Salem, after 6 p. m. Sun. 28 CHEV. COACH. A-l shape. $75 Leonard Hotel, 254 N. tront NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTRIX Notice is hereby given that the vnderaigned has been duly ap pointed, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion, as Executrix of the last will and testament and estate of Ida S. Ross, de ceased; and that she has duly qualified as such Executrix; all persons having claims against the esUfte of said decedent are noti fied to present the same, duly verified, to me, at the office of Walter S. Lamkin, my attorney, 205 Oregon Building, Salem, Mar ion County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this no tice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 27th day of January, 1938. FLORA M. CLARK, Executrix of the last will and testament and estate of Ida S. Ross, Deceased. WALTER S. LAMKIN, Attorney for Executrix. Salem. Oregon. J 27-F 3-10-17-24 Full Program Slated For Tonight's Meeting Of Townsend Members WEST SALEM The local Townsend club will meet Thurs day night in the city hall, with Directory Mattresses SALEM FLUKF-RUO and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade; carpet cleaning. st- Ing; nmr rug weaving, s. utn wu bur. TeL $44 L OTTO F. ZW1CKER Est 191L CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 40$. Photo Engraving SALEM PHOTO engraving. 141 H CommerctaL TeL 6887. Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets programs, books or any kind ef print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment 31$ & ComoerelaL . Tele phone 910L Repairing SMITH'S REPAIR Shop. 4$ yrs. esp. repairing farm machinery. Blacksmith work welding. Let us help do your mechanical work. Shop located ea un ion. blk. from Willamette river, Look for the Hoe Cultivator sign. Radios RADIO SERVICE. Ph. 1113. Ill S. LIU Crossley Radio A Appliance Co. Stoves REPAIRS rOR ranges. Btra, drcula tors. p. 1. Heppner. 36$ Chemeketa. Transfer CAPITAL CITY Tansfer Co. 131 State St TeL 177$. Distributing, for warding and storage oar specialty. Get our rates. FOR LOCAL, or distant transfer stor age, burner eiL call 3131. Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks, to Portland daily. Well Drilling a A. WEST. Rt i. Bx. 44$. T. 110FI Wet Basements GUARANTEED BONE-DRY by the Seal Seep Service, applied inside. For Information call Gardner, 687$. Ret. For Sale Used Cars NOW GET THE USED at THE PRICE YOU at '29 McKays HUDSON SEDAN, six cylinder motor In very good condition, clean inside and out Now only FORD COUPE, smooth running motor, tires and finish good condition. Priced right at only PONTIAC SEDAN, new paint Job, light color top, s slick running car. Come In and drive It DODGE SEDAN, steel body, good finish, many miles of good transportation left in this car. PONTIAC COACH, new shiny paint Job, ewU run ning motor, tires and upholstery very good. CHEVROLET MASTER SEDAN, finish In new shade of tan. motor 4b chassis completely checked, A-l condition. '29 '31 FORD V-8 COUPE, very low mileage, original finish fiOf?r in perfect condition, motor very quiet Now only $pOOtJ S ee CHEVROLET MASTER SPORT SEDAN, complete OJ d ir quipped, such as beater, dual swipes and tall Many More Makes and Models to Choose From McKay Chevrolet Co. 333 Center Phone 3189 Open Evenings till $ NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLE MENT No. 9617 In the County Court for Marion County, Oregon In the matter of the estate of CHARLES T. POMEROY, De ceased. Notice is hereby given that the final account of Stella E. Pom eroy, executrix ot the estate of Charles T. Pomeroy, deceased, has been filed in the County Court for Marion County, Oregon, and that the 8th day of March. 1938, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. thereof, at the Court House at Salem, Marion County, Oregon, has been set as the time and place for hearing any and all ob jections to said final account. . STELLA E. POMEROY, Executrix of the estate of Charles T. Pomeroy, Deceased. W. C. WINSLOW. Attorney for executrix, Salem, Oregon. First publication February 8, 1938. Last publication March 3, 1938. F. 3-10-17-24 M. 3 a three-act drama the main pro gram feature. Musical numbers will Include a vocal solo by Mrs. Florence Holt of Salem, num bers by the West Salem Trouba dours and a song and comedy sketch. Everyone is invited. At the last meeting Miss Opal Brown was elected program chairman. Cross Word Puzzle V7A 'A 12 13 IS 16 20 22 23 27 2BA 30 3 33 3H 36 37 3? 'A VI H2 HQ 2 S3 X, s s sir s s si XX; ISj EUliEMa SULrtKU OBBONTAl, I Worm x -4 Native Iadiaa employ as a saUiev Palm leaf U Coatees 13 Wear away . 14 Waste piece af elota 16 Make a asistake It Bind IT Deeliae It Frairrut ria 11 Verbal ' $f The wpiw of waat eeaatry is Ike 134th of his ItaeT $4 Oppose 27 Fetid 28 Stuns 2 Tewares a India m are ef dataaee II Tmpcrmte $$ Frigbtea -StPrinter's measure XfWke aae (he Js Mere Jraasla- - tleae Mte aaguan ex ias Nlgsss-I-34 Bring seat $$-Seat the wtage witk taeetieeee iwaTw-tta-vo-Wtl-t-wlag 41 Body ef water 4S Forward part et a vessel -U Remove blemishes 60 Period ef time re a mmtsvla 68 Waat Can ewiater f eVMsyVS S4MT mm Leli mjm $3 XM ef etoth VKBTfCAI. t Ntrkt Before a holiday ea em L. Jl eatmt a The wetship ef whet Efrptlsa was intraeacei hs the reiga ef ".' ' PlJa,, If - eoity What is Clm mimtas art ef tha eame ef tko Eaaima-Amoricaa aatwalmt ead famsgiaativs wrttert Eraaet ' $ Oae ef the Great Lake a What Amertrae samt w Lw't f SappoMi hypnoUe force $ Oee wee leags - Cape wore er the rope For Sale Used Cars CAR YOU WANT WANT TO PAY $35 $S5 $125 430 N. Coral No. 9744 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of Warren D. Wade, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Administrator of the estate of Warren D. Wade, deceased, by the County Court of the State ot Oregon for Marlon County, and has qualified. All per sons having claims against said estate are hereby no tified to present the same to me at office of The Oregon States man at Salem, Oregon, with vouchers and duly verified, with in six months from the date here of. Dated and first published Jan uary IS. 1938. Last publication February 10. 1937. GEORGE BRACHER, Administrator. L. V. Lnndburg, Attorney. J.13-20-27 F.3-10 SALE OP SCHOOL BONDS Notice is hereby given that the School Board ot West Salem DiaU No. 32, County of Polk, State of Oregon, will sell to the highest bidder, four $1000 aerial bonds, bearing interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum, dated Janu ary 1, 1937. and to mature 1940-1941-1942-1943. All bids shall be in writing and will be publicly opened on Feb. 15, 1938 at 7:30 p. m. at school building of said District. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. MRS. ELMER'D. COOK, Clerk. F 1-2-3. 10 11 'A 17 1 2H 21 25 26 2? 32 A 35 33 'A HO V3 HH SO f3 10 Coea ef UKvm te aa eoy 2t Pereelatei tl Jester t Uaaeeeaspaaiel 14 What iiwiroa aeeeUet wrote "OV 33 waat Jwetke ef the Seewem Ceert was sum air e eral as iseliage-s caei - Palme akmg after 38 West town as tae nouwneam the lalinii SB oxua el l WilnemT 31 Dedats . 33 One whe prevWUs feed $4 Portfcse ii Pmding eestosa 17 tStriet 88 Leaf r eeettar - 40 Coverrag for the feet . 41 Be keeabtea te 43 Vehicle 43 Legal ptofemioa I 46 Metric saoaanre ec axmi it fHv. at tha Caratia 49 StbumI lev numra Herewith is. the solution to yester day's puxzle. Is V A VE C IP fx eke f5jg IP git p EjTjH Ir g IE IwPlglElPlglO Cawrlgot 118. By Claf fmtane Syadlmta, too VA I 1