The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 03, 1938, Page 10, Image 10

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday ( Morning, February 3, 1938
! -
ion Hears
National Defense Program
Is Theme of Talk By
Blanche Jones
MT. ANGEL The local Amer
' lean Legion poet and auxiliary
- unit had -Mrs. Blanche Jones of
Sherwood,- - national committee
woman, Mrs. Mae Waters, Salem;
state president, Mrs. Otella Mar
dis, Dallas. ' district president,
, Mos Palmateer, state depart
ment commander, .. and L 1 o-y d
Jones, - commander, of the Sher
wood rost, as guests at the Tues
. day night club sapper and meet
ings that followed.
J M-s. Waters told of : Governor
Martin's call "to the patriotic . or
ganizations of the state to help
'save- the battleship Oregon, with
the campaign for funds to fi
' nance the depositing of .the ship
in some park to begin next Mon
day. She also discussed the vis
its of the national commander
and. president set for early
spring. - "
Mrs. Mardis reviewed the. aux
iliary calendar, and spoke briefly
on citations requirements.
Contacts Congressmen
Mrs. Jones. Just returned from
the National Defense conference
in Washington, D.C.. gave inter
esting information of the defense
program as sponsored by the pa
triotic organizations of America.
She stated that 3 6 of these or
Ionizations were - represented.
While in Washington, 'Mrs. Jones
contacted, either personally or
through their secretaries, i he five
Oregon congressmen in regard to
the- nniveTsal service bill and re
ceived their reassurance.
Mo8 Palmateer addressed the
Legionnaires on the Universal
service bill, giving a comprehen
sive explanation.
; Plan Patriotic Program
.: Miss -Theresa Dehler, Ameri
canism chairman, told of a pro
posed patriotic motion picture to
be shown to the children of the
local schools and of the seven
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ber of The Associated Press, this newspaper also will make Its Xew
, York news headquarters in this new 15-story building, to be com
pleted this autumn.
neighboring districts on Washing
ton's birthday, February 22. She
also announced that an inde
strnctable copper marker for the
constitution tree, planted by the
pupils and teachers of St. Mary's
school last October, had been re
ceived from Washington. -
Mrs. Cletus Butsch told of the
recent changes in the public li
brary founded by the auxiliary
three years ago. The library will
henceforth be under the manage
ment of an advisory committee,
consisting of Mrs. Marcus Wam
pach, Alex Scharbach, and Mrs.
Cletus Butsch. Two assistants
will be hired.
Library Hours Announced
The boys of the manual train
ing class will make chairs and
tables for library moved last
week to more commodious quar
ters. To help defray expenses a
small charge will be made for
the books. The library will be
open to the public fron 3 to 4:30
p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays,
and Fridays and. from 8:50 to
S:30 on Sunday mornings.
Poppy poster activities started
Wednesday with a talk given to
the school children by Ed Stolle.
A motion was carried that the
auxiliary again order 700 memor
ial poppies:
The Legion will sponsor an
other merchandise shoot Sunday,
February 13, at the iubhouse on
the passing farm and the auxil
iary "wilt furnish hot lunches,
with Mrs. Frank Durschmidt in
charge. , i .
Construction on the memorial
building was begun this week,
the . excavating starting Monday
morning. . A number of local men
are being employed. " ,
Woodburn to Have
County Meeting
JEFFERSON A good attend
ance greeted the Jefferson district
Sunday school convention held at
the local Methodist church Sunday
afternoon. Dr. Earl Barker and &
group of students, from the Port
land 'Bible 'institute presented an
inspirational program. Miss Alice
Richey led the devotions, and a
quartet composed of Miss Rose
Alice Hanson, Arlyle Smith,- Keith
Macy and Victor McArthur sang.
Fred deVries, county president,
called-attention to the county Sun
day school convention to be held
at Woodburn February 25 and
26. '
i The local Methodist church was
awarded the banner for having
the highest average quarter's at
tendance and the Jefferson Evan
gelical school received the conven
tion" attendance banner. J. E.
Clark, district president, an
nounced that the next convention
will be held at the Marlon Friends
to Get new Home
KEIZER A program under
direction of I. W. (Doc) Lewis
and Arthur Cummings is in prep
aration for the Community club
Friday night. Special music by a
trio and other numbers. Also
pie social, parcel post sale and
candy sale.
gathering of patrons of the dis
trict attended the January pro
gram of the community club held
Friday night at the school house.
The program included numbers
by Zora Willard, Judith Todd,
Mrs. D. C. Clark, Helen Wright,
Cecil Will, Evan Errand, Milton
Carson, Irvin Sion, J. M. Mur
phy, Floyd McFarlane, Virgil
Dixon, Raymond Bryan, Rosa-m-nd
The February meeting will be
in charge of the men who will
also terve the refreshments.
Plan Big Program
SWEGLE The Swegle com
munity club will meet at 8 o'
clock Friday night. Mrs. W. F.
Carothers, chairman, announces
this program:
A skit "Paying the Piper," by
Marian Thrasher, Edith Stark,
Ruby WTest, Dorothy Blanchard;
song by Alice and Marjorie
Blanchard; mandolin duet by
Edith Stark and Dorothy Blanch
ard, accompanied by Mrs. C. L.
Stark; a skit "The Family Meets
the Wife" by Roscoe Dickey. Mrs.
J. C: Simpson, Jean and Virginia
Carothers, Josephine Winkenwer
der, Mrs. Raymond Daniels; se
lections by these pupils from
Priscilla Meisinger school of mu
sic: Edith Stark, Helen Lawrence,
Patricia Meisinger, Allene Beard,
Gordon Winchcomb, Alvin Ball,
Florence Fredericksen, Betty EI
efsan, Muriel Webb; a skit "The
Dashing Darkies," by Ernest
Wells, Fritz Carothers, Erwin
Winkerwerder, Ramon Dickey.
Oscar Schackmann, Fred Hen
sell, Edward Rezac, Wilfred Was
Bon, Wayne Knight.
Women are asked to bring
Football Captain
Is Benedict now
SILVERTON Silverton friends
were surprised to learn of the
marriage of Don Kuenzi, football
captain, and Loretta Waltman Fri
day at Vancouver, Wash. Kuenzi
was graduated from the high
school Thursday prior to the marr
rlage. - .
Mrs. Eliza Chrlstensen, who has
been with the Ekman mortuary lor
the past several months, has gone
to Portland where she has em
ployment. Mrs. Grace Davis, for
merly of Pendleton but recently of
Portland, is. now at , the Ekman
funeral home.
The community group who is
putting on the program February
25 for . the public audition system
to be installed at the Eugene Field
school will, hold a meeting at 7
o'clock February 9 at the offices
of Supt. Goetz to make final plans.
Good Cheer Class of ,
Sunday School Holds
Party, Ttirriidge Home
TALBOT Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Turnidge entertained the Good
Cheer Sunday school class with
a party at their new home Satur
day night.
Those present were Charles
Aden, Marvin and Esther Cham
bers, Kreta and Clair "Calavan,
Georgia and Aneta Gilmour, Vir
gil Gould, Eldon Turnidge, Mar
jorie Cole and Lola Gilmour.
(rangers .News
. At the next meeting of the Sa
lem grange Saturday, February
5, Dr. sr P. Laughlin, teacher of
social science, ' Willamette uni
versity, will present a . historical
sketch of the development of the
constitution- of Oregon. Appro
priate musical numbers, including
"On The Oregon Trail" will be
a part of the program.
ert Beer and Mrs. .Thomas Bump
will be hostesses at the North
Howell grange hall next Thursday
afternoon for the regular meeting
of the. North Howell Home Eco
nomics club.
Twvnsend Club
Enjoys Dinner
Housewarniing Is Held for
Irvin " Pownall's in
new Residence
send club held an all-day meeting
at the IOOF hall Sunday with a
no-host dinner at noon with 3
present. After the dinner this pro
gram was given: Vocal duet by
Norma Haskins and Eunice Chun;'
reading by Alma Parker and La
cile - Crites; talk by Mr. Maupin
of Woodburn.
Albert Rich, who has been visit
ing his daughter, Mrs. H. S. Dixon
in Portland, the last four weeks,
returned to his home here Satur
day. SS Class Has Party
The young people's class of the
Christian church Sunday school
was entertained at the home of
Mrs. J. H. Parker Saturday night.
Present were Marybelle and Ina
Mae Heinz, Eunice and Olenow
Chun, Edith Sowa, Gale Smith,
Lncile Crites, Ayleen Love, Alpha
and Alma Parker, Wester and
Durmond Love, Elliott Parker,
Charles Miles, Donald Hilton,
Paul Smlthrood, Wilfred Good
man, Wiley0 Dlmlck, Walton Dix
on, Roy. Brosig and the teacher,
Carl Millard.
' Guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Magee Sunday were
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Brown and
family of Kelso, Wash. Mrs.
Brown was the former Ruth Kel
logg of this place and is a sister
of Mrs. Magee.
House-warming Held
A group of young people en
Joyed a housewarming party at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin
Pownall Sunday night. Mr. and
Mrs. Pownall had Just moved into
the house recently vacated by Mrs.
Losinger on Sunday morning.
Lunch was served to Jim Nichol
son, Evelyn Sowa, Vera Olson,
George Dimick, Orval Brosig,
Norma Haskins, Walter and Hil
ton Thurman, and the hosts.
Mr, and Mrs. George Krause
and daughters, Jean and Janice
of Portland, were weekend guests
of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Amundson.
Mrs. Krause Is a daughter of the
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Coulson and
son, Edgar, attended a birthday
dinner in Portland Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Berg,
honoring the birthday anniversary
of Mr. Berg. Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Newton accompanied them to
Portland and visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Randall Dicus. Mrs. Newton
and Mrs. Dicus are sisters.
Richard Wagner
Rites Are Held
JEFFERSON Funeral services
were held Monday afternoon at
the Christian church in Jefferson
for Richard Wagner, 75, who died
In a Salem hospital Thursday
following a lingering illness. Rev.
Jasper Havens conducted the
services. Interment was in the St.
John cemetery near Albany, in
charge of E. E. Howell, mortician.
Mr. Wagner was born in Ana
mosa, Linn county, Iowa, January
26, 1863. He was united in mar
riage ttf Clara Grubb. SeDtember
20, 1S93. Ten of their 11 children
are still living. Mr. and Mrs. Wag
ner purchased a small farm north
west of Jefferson, where they
have lived since 1932.
Surviving are the widow, Clara
Wagner; five sons, Lloyd of
Wood, S. D., Roy of St. Anthony,
Iowa, Theodore of Burns, Cre.-,
Clarence of Yuba City, Calif., and
Albert of Jefferson; five daugh
ters, Mrs. Lydia Bartles of Min
den, Nev., Mrs. Leila Fellows of
Jefferson, Mrs. Bertha Fellows of
Chelan, Wash., Mrs. Etta Porter
of Seneca, Ore., and Mrs. Edith
Williams of Portola, Calif.; one
sister, Mrs. Mary Sherman of Au
rora, Calif., also 31 grandchildren
and three great-grandchildren.
Leavengood Piano
Pupils in Recital
LEBANON Mrs. C. I. Leaven
good presented 20 piano Pupils at
her home Sunday afternoon be
fore a large audience of music
lovers. Piano solos and duets were
played by primary pupils and high
school girls.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen High of Eu
reka spent the weekend with his
mother, Mrs. S. High. Allen is
teaching at Eureka.
Dr. Prince Byrd, Mrs. Roy Byrd
and Mrs. L. H. McMahan of Salem
spent Sunday with their cousin,
Mrs. Albiew Pewtherer. - . -
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bryant, who
are engaged in mining in CariBou,
B. C, have arrived on their an
nual trip to Lebanon, where they
spend the winter.
Loretta Waltman
And D. Kuenzi Wed
etta Waltman, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Waltman, and
Donald Kuenzi of Central Howell
were quietly married last Friday
at Vancouver, Wash.
.The groom graduated from Sil
verton high school this mid-term
and Miss Waltman was a promin
ent Junior at the same schooL
s of Mt. Angel
Assist in Initiation
Ceremonies at Hillsboro
MT. ANGEL A number Of Mt,
Angel KC's went to Hillsboro Sun
day to assist In the Initiation cere
monies there. All three degrees
were given, the ML. Angel team
exemplifying the first two. -
Those from the local council
taking part included Fred J.
Schwab, acting grand knight;
John Gaffke, deputy , grand
knight;- Alex Scharbach,, chan
cellor; Louis Schwab-warden; W.
D. Harris, financial secretary;
and Bob LeDoux - and Walter
Kruse. ' . .:
Rumored Quitting
i A -
I r i-
! ') i
- L 4 tZ mm n mum i" I
Robert Goetz, superintendent of
Silverton schools for 14 years.
Special Services
Slated, St. Louis
ST. LOUIS At a recent meet
ing of the Altar society, Mrs. Dave
Dubois was reelected president for
the second consecutive year.
Next Wednesday mass will be
observed here at 8 o'clock in
honor of the purification of the
BVM, and Thursday it will again
be celebrated at the same time in
observance of St. Blase.
Sacred Heart Sunday will be ob
served here next Sunday at an 8
o'clock high mass. Father O'Con
nell will conduct services, assist
ed by the St. Louis choir. ,
The parish is sponsoring a card
party, to be given in the parish
hall here next Sunday night.
Visit ' our complete
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I pU LUjymentJ
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Rumor Says Goetz
Is Resigning Post
Superintendent and Board
Refuse to Comment;
Record Fine
SILVERTON The rumor has
become quite current to the ef
fect that Robert Goetz, superin
tendent of Silverton schools for
14 years, has resigned, effective
at end of the current school year.
. When Mr. Goetz was reached at
his offices Wednesday he refused
to comment on the rumor. He
said he had not yet resigned and
further , than . that he refused to
discuss the matter.
Board Not Talking
. School board members contact
ed also refused to comment Wed
nesday morning.
Superintendent Goetz' work as
an educator has been outstanding
and has brought him recognition
from distant points.
Basketeer Victim
Smallpox Attack
SILVERTON Robert Strick
land, Silverton high school bas
keteer, was stricken with smallpox
this week. Whether or not other
students were exposed was not
definitely known but as a precau
tionary method all students were
asked to be vaccinated or to re
main at their homes until next
Monday. Dr. V. A. Douglas of the
county health department was
here Tuesday and made a number
of vaccinations. He returned for a
short time Wednesday morning to
complete his work.
A few cases of smallpox have
been reported from outlying districts.
Reunion Is Slated Sunday Night
At Polk County Historic Church
ZENA Spring Valley Christian Endeavor society Sun
day night will sponsor the fourth annual reunion for former
members and the friends of the Zena church, which was built
in 1859 and is the oldest denominational church 'situated be
tween Portland an Eugene.
The group is the only one in the state to hold an annual
, oreunion in commemoration of old-
PTA Completes
Member Contest
Losing Team to Give Treat
and Program at Next
VICTOR POINT A large crowd
attended the meeting of the
Parent-Teachers' association at
the schoolhouse Friday night. The
membership contest was closed
with Mrs. O. W. Humphrey's side
losing and J. C. Krenz's side win.
Mrs. Humphreys and her mem
bers will furnish entertainment
and refreshments at the February
Plan Exchange Program
The exchange program with the
community c 1 u b at Rock Point
will be presented Thunfay, Feb
ruary 24, in charge of Mrs. Jen
nie Humphreys and Mrs. Sara
Leslie Smith.
The program Friday included
"Is Your Name Smith?" play by
Rock Point community club; vocal
selections. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Mulkey, James Mulkey and Rob
ert Gothberg of Silver Cliff; In
strumental numbers, James Mul
key, Clifford Mulkey and Robert
Gothberg; violin and piano duet,
Mr 8. Marion Fischer and Mrs.
Carl Jones.
members. The program will
Include reminiscences of the-days
when the pioneers took up dona
tion land claims here in the val
ley, by old residents from a dis
tance and those , who still live
here. ;
Musical numbers, a historic
play and an address by Dr. A. M.
Williams of Nelscptt will round
out the program. j
Parent-Teachers Will ,
Hear Mrs. A. Steward .
Give Talk About China
Steward, who with her husband
and five children left China last
September for the United States,
will be the speaker at the 2:30
o'clock Thursday afternoon meet
ing of the Silverton Parent
Teachers association.
The tea committee will serve
tea at the close of i the meeting.
The affair is open to visitors
who may care to attend.
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