PAGE SEVENTEEN, Exceptionally Good Biiy s in Used Cars Oilered hy Saleiii Dealers I The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday horning, January 16, 193S '4SV - 3? . !2 ?! 133 J. v t::t - Saesmon Classified Ads Catl 9101 4 '--'-J' - ' i :' f damlflrd AdverUslac ' Siagle Insertion per lino - -1 Three Insertions per line 20e Sir insertion! per Una T-30c Oh month per line ?L0 Minimum charge -.... ?5c 1 Copy tat this page accepted until 0:31 tha evening Iwfore publication tor chiMd ration. Copy recelvee liter thin time will be run undet Ui heading. "Too Lata ta CUs-if-" .. -'. , The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility tot error whlrh esay appear la advertisements pub lished In its columns, and In rase rhere this paper la t fault will re print that part of an advertisement la mhUh. the typographical mistake secure. V: --,;(:, Th Statesman reserves the rlirM to reiert questionable advertising tt furthtt reaenrea the rlRht plan alt advertbrtne; under th roper clasaWeattoa. LiTesIock r TOP PRICES paid for old, tn-ses and cows for fox feed. Tel. -8138. 1 "i j"i.ifj" i n.ri.r nri r.n "i i i n" i "mh' i iir FREEI WE pli op dead and worth, leas horses, -cuwa, shaep. TeL 481. cal led. : FREE WB pic up dead and worth less homes, cows. TeL 77f. C4 led. 1 ' , DEAD AND worthless borse a, cows, picked up free. Ph collect IL fcalem. 14KI4. Albany. Montgomery Bend. Help Wanted EXPERIENCED REAL estate sales man r woman for well established firm. Write X, Statesman, glTing ref. MAN AND WIFE to run local coffee agency. Earnings up to $40 In a mantn. New Ford sedan given pro ducers aa bonus. I send complete out fit. You don't risk a penny. Details free. Write Mills, 198 Tenth St., Oak land Cal. " " - i Help Wanted Female .WOMEN 2 experience not neces- aarr. Interested In earning 1100 wees: lv. WiUlna to travel and use own car. Salary and bonus op straight com mission to start optional. Sales .work rontactina- huTh school graduates for executive course. We train you our expense If employed. SUte age and rast experience. Auaress r. vj. to &. Chicago. WOMEN WHO can sew write me today for amazing opportunity to earn extra money without canvassing. Har ford. Dept. 933a, Cincinnati, unio. WANTED ADVERTISER needs several girls to address circulars. Make t SIS week. Answer umneaiaieiy en closing 1 Oc for suppllesL Paragon Com pany. Drawer 146, vnaxioiie, in. v.. sawsaasssaaKaMaalalkassaArfaBSBAsakAi ADDRESS- POSTCARDS at home. We pav 2c per card. Everything sup plied. Details free Dorothea, Cosmet ics, B-bUi, Mynes, wut ADDRESS. ENVELOPES home for ni Good mv. Exnerience unnecessary. Wonderful opportunity. Everything supplied. Nationwide Distributors, 401 Broadway, N. 1. MADAME WHITE Co. opening per manent branch office In Salem. -Will train' two women to demonstrate ' and c;i their . a-enuine Blanche White beauty service in Salem and surround-ine- territory. Manaxer 418 Marion lioteL- " ' " ADDRESS. MAIL our cards. Stamps nnoiied. Paid in advance. Send stamped addressed envelope. Dept. A ZaUel Service, Arlington, cant. , GET NEW wardrobe free. No can rassing. experience or Investment. mk aS or more weekly " and your -n wardrobe free. Send age and dress size. Fashion Frocks, Inc., Dept. U-205S, Cincinnati, unio. Salesmen Wanted MI-TV WANTED. Good "nearby Raw liga route now open. Sales way up this year. It willing to conduct home service business while earning $30 and tip weekly, write immediately. Raw leiRh'a, Dept. ORA-187-45, Oakland, Calif, Situations Wanted ' EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKING. . Mra. AdaitU 1130 Marlon, lltcpa HOUR OR DAY work. Fnone 5885. ; HOUR WORK. Exp, Ret TeL - 8757. MsaaaaiAAMAwAw9a MARRIED MAN with family wants work, farm or dairy. Wm. F. NeaL Rt. " 3i Box 33w. RiCKPR. WANTS small set of book t keep. Phone 6a34. -For Sale Miscellaneous TTPEWR1TERS. ADDING chinea. rash registers sold, rented, ra- MMed. Horn. vjoru . rTMtne wti. CASH OR trade for aaed fornlla ritneea. heaters, radloe, ' marhmetT. tnois. etc Woodry and Woodry. uc tiorieera, phona 6-1-1-0. 1611 N. Sum mer in Hoiiywooo. R VRGA1N USED clothing, o v a r coata. O. D. shirts, army shoe a, boots. magaslnes 7 for Zi--trade Z xor O A. Rummage Store, HIS, Ca' sssaasaassasaa's,s ssisssssBjssBSSasaasssaasssl FRUIT TREES ITALIAN PRUNE, top-grafted Roy al Ann cherry. Imp. Elbert a peach ... Mazxard seedling cherry trees and shrubbery. - Fruitland Nursery sales yd., 2 Center. T. 8258. A. J. Mathia. BRASS BED, mat, sprg. $6. P. 8377. SACRIFICE FURNITURE. rugs,r dlsiies, garden hose, lawn mower, usea auitsi size 37, o ceata io 7 rm. hse. for rent 975 So. High. n n n nrni i " . BIO SPECIAL AUCTION . S VLE OF high grade furniture, rugs, linoleum, davenport, range radio pi ano, etc of 8 Salem homes at the F. N. Wdry Auction Market, 16 10 N. Sum mer . St. la Hollywood THURSDAY NIGHT, JAN. 20. 7:30 sharp, Watch papera for full partlculara. - " -. WOODRT WOODRY. Auctioneers Phone 5-1-1-0. . cJrejioatatesmaa ADVERTISINQ ' y7eitern Adrerttalnr - . l : ItepreaentatlTei Fengsr-lUU Co, Ltd. , Sau rnnciaco, Ixs Angalea, Seattl Eastern Advertlalns Repiesentatlyeg Bryant Griffith V Brunaon, Inc. ChlcaTQ, Mff Tori. Datrolt. , Boston. Atlanta. . aaterid at PoatorTJe alrm tuhti every morawg sct Uondap 0isa eic 8X6 South Comstercia Street. SuksCRIPTlON RATES: . -ISMl Subacrlptton Rates la Advance Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday, Ui t cents; S Mo JLM; Ma $2-60 ; 1 year 13.60. Elsewhere SO cents per MoL or $6.00 for 1 year tn advance. Per copy can la. News Staads 0 Br CUT Carrier: $0 cents a month. $7. a year tn advance. For Sale Miscellaneous APPLES ISC And ( hot flrtl I house, west Keixer school, S. aide road. 1 . . - -------- W 9T 9 -aw w r hASrf i art flt l"IS k A . l 1 w a a . vj ( v 3 r i r.i mine, ma a. FAT HENS and ryer SOc ea. op. 140H So. Stad'St. R. CEDAR shingles, low prices. 3889. j PIANO $10, CIRCULATOR heater, tiO, Colts revolver, tl5 : Royal typewriter. $1, baby buggy, 10 : 1000 watt llglrt plant. A. a cur., (100. 05 REPOSSESSED RADIO $119.50. 0-TUBE VICTOR radio. baL Mj- Jan. weejy.;oeeiltoet. Urge ,ot of (rijiu Wolk out SEO. a WILL MUSIC STORE TOT BOSTON Bull pup. eligible for registration. Mrs. A. W . Maw, Z1S5 In. rourth. WE ARE offering the following mer chandise for sale at the wholesale price, ail new. X automatic washers. latest type, i-pnantom fitter Arrin ra mm, 1 No. 60S large capacity Silent DHA A rtw. ivv wrfic vnuaviLX OUCIll I Kinur i Kipmiatw h.r .i hm. Pennsylvania tires In all sixes for wholesale price phis 10. 1 air-cooled dragw. 1933 Chev. Sedan. 1928 Hup- mobile Sed. : bomebuilt carden tractor and practically new circulating neater, either wood or coal. See us for a real deal. ART GARAGE 2390 Fairgrounds Road Salem J-PIETP TITVIX-ri room aulre nrno- ticallv new g ft! extension tabte TeL 7271 ilondar pension bl- TeL wirL"!r'- -.- -u--.l-.rl.xi-uiWr WOOD RANGE, nickle and enamel trim. Good condition. CaS-N. 20th. TeL 6738. SALE 2S0 hea-y laying, trapnested Barred Rock pullets. Will contract hatching eggs from these. Phone 1X3F2. Lee's hatchery. Wanted Miscellaneous WANT WALNUT and filbert meata " . '. V. '" u ' " . nroert meats, I also in sheiL Slats Cafeteria. Miscellaneous FILMS DEVELOPED. 8 prists and enlargements. zc. Coin only. Quality CO- box 3s 73, Portland. Ore. CLASSES COMMERCIAL subjects inc. beginning and advanced short hand, typing, bookkeeping. Certified teacher. as Marlon St. Ph. 5865. FILMS DEVELOPED. 2 prints each ?TaI,J5t..R?1on,lr-l"lhon8 n Walnut Park. Large lot and 1i.l riim Cm-' 1ox 21' PortIand' rf-1 strictly modem. Price la esUy $4000 HUUC VUUliEU SlSALtj DellClOUS- I iy prepared, drtightruiiy served reas- across irora irent entrance 01a nign 1 school. I FILMS DEVELOPED. Eight prtnts and hand colored, enlargements, 25c I Coin only. Oregon Picture Co., box I For Rent Rooms NICELT FXJRN. warm sleeping room lor gentleman, Pfne a 1 35. OFFICE GIRLS. 696 N. Cottage. DESIR. FLUX. rm.. 446 Oak. P. $534,- DESIRABLE DOUBLE room with NICE SLEEPING rm. for man, heat nub K iuiu " air. , if j vcuin, HOUSEKPG. RM., 486 N.4 Liberty, Room and Board P.M.. BO., close tn, S45 S. ComX BOARD-ROOM. Very close in. 5482. BOARD. ROOM. 1434 Ferry. P. 6515. BD RM., reasonable. 1040 N. 17th. iwAiwwww EXCEL RM. A brd., 745 S. Com'L For Rent Apartments MODERN 3 RM. fum. cottage. Edge water Court, electric refrig., ga rage. $25. TeL 6877. ROBINWOOD APTS.. new. 1853 Court. One t rm., A 1 rm. turn. Ad ults. TeL 7294. 2 AND : RM&, S39 N. Liberty. NICELY ,FURN. 3 rm. apt. bath, 2 or 3 adurtsJnq. 1999 State. FURN. OR nnrurn. 3 rm. duplex. heated. 669 Union St APTS.. $8 A $12 mo, 355 BeUevue. "s'.,3!'"- . r J; 7ZZrrrrrrZZZT apt. nr. Capitol tiries. Street 3 R. FURN. APT., dose in. steam heat lights, water, furn.. 640 Marion. STRATTON APTS, 3 R. apt for , pvn.. xla ; - ' CLEAN MSKPG. furn.. includes gar. Commercial. rm. Everything $3 wk. 790 N. APARTMENT M MO. 332 Water St, 2 R. APT, 445 S. Winter. S R. FURN. APT., 648 Union. w' -irT-nv'Ti1 R Tl A.?'. "A r 1 FyPjr: FURN. NEW apt, 355 S. 14th. 4 RMS. AND sun rm.. well furnished . m , a l Sh te ".nL,! heat. Fris-tdaire. tense living; rm, ga- rage, a real home tor particular peo- lK iM r.32 'or aPPoment, hj .n. nui mrrti. aire, shower, garage. 253 N. 13th, Frigid ATTRACT1VE i R. FURN. apt ATTRAC TfTD. 3 rrnt, 210 N. 14tn.- PIJKASAKT X RM. furn, lights. ter. Maytag, adulta. $10. 1620 Ferry. FURN. AND unfurn. : See Fisher Apta, 336 Oak. A pleasant placer td-f live.., : , -- ' ;- - r-- ' RM- A RM-Turn- 150 S- MOD. HEAT, air-cond.. hot Water. Ighta. prlv- bath, gar. 2451 Slata, - -tr mrov . & -r it , ( 2 AO woek. J30 Oak. Ph. 6876. a 1 W a" mt a,-. -fww SBV A. a vlwWWA -fa- a. m wwv- -w water iree. aee owniw, wm irm 341 State street, room 4. v NICE 2-ROOM apt for business man or woman. 2a Center. v-,-.;;.-v''v 1 LARGE ROOM. Light, heat-hot water, furn, krtchenexte ana bat n room, $16 month. 14$ 6. CommerchtL FURN. APT. 553 S. 12th. For Rent Houses , I R. STRICTLY MOD.. oU burner. N. Salem, 035. Phone 3563. 4 ROOM UNFURN. modern house, full basement, garage, lnq. 406 N. Cot tags. 4 R. HOUSE. Imi. 756 S. 12th. 'IB. aiOUSB IN a Salem. $25 ma Lot for sale. In city, $25. Phone 7767 or 6019. - - . UNFURNISHED HOUSE near high school, adults, March 1 ; long lease. Box 699, Statesman. -t, ... ..w-,-awmwmmww rnr s RAT w dunlex. also S rm. furn. hse. I no. 411 N. Summer. P. 4194.1 ------ -in-r Liu-, lu-j-.-.-i - -1 1 I MOD. CLOSE In suburban, $25. Ph. U3, For Rent -Houses SU P np Kl. ,1th I living quarters, rood location, 6 R. I nouse and A. land. 1 mL from sa- 1VUK aalMuait inii unnaan GOOD HOME, close in. New fur-1' kT' 1 s-RMS., 3-BEDRMSu, fireplace, terms. S-rraa., hath A nook, $25.00. .1 6-nus., 2 hedrma., mod., 32.50. ' Purn. strtctly mod.. $55.00. -Store for small business. Hv. auar, $45.00. -I RICH I REIMANN, 167 S. High St xiuiBBi on uw dub i part of rent Let me explain. - I H. C Shields, Oreg. Bldg. Pit. 8J0Z. I iwwwiowokxomiiIiiwowiww I i-BEDRU. USE. Newly done OVex.llv ROBERT F. BLDROWr-Real Estate I vwiwwii,iwww 1 nuuor, rurvi. liJJ . ix. nurcii. . I l.. ; I ""wse- . 1 ' I For Kpnt I atcut I " ... .!! .? .na WD main l to rent. U L Stiff furniture Co. I T:7. ..V, '. VV'-' " I rriv.r. ranma. Jo I state atreeL inquire room iu. lei. lilt y.y.'y-y i d f1 '- x ruuiini larm, I . . i.uuoc, nSuu, r, m imivil ?.25.0 buys tot? and retaU eg roule- Ref requireL Hamel s Setice SUtion. Brxjks,Ore. ; iv. iiuusr, iiEiiis. water. Hi doicd. wliiiWMaww I STORE ROOM on High Street OP-I pumie cvuiuivum. xnq. guu nvroiiurci Company. ! . . wanted to Rent WANTED GOOD 3 bedrm. unfurn. ltouse under $80. Ph. 6744. WANT LOCATION t start barber I 'Siop or wULy.m countr.rowni?-l SnoeLstra. (607 N. Seneca' St.. Port- J SpoeUtra, 6607 N. Seneca' SL, Port land, urt j 4 R. MOD. HOUSE, preferably south. BUSINESS MAN wants room with private or convenient bath, also ga-1 rage. Preferably private home where 1 2KJ,5 n.?'' l"1 Bd dinner. P. O. box 584. Salem. . For Sale Real Estate HEKJ? I? P1?.8!1?? ttw ,5;rooB2 1 with easy terms. PiRI.F.THV V. T.i W 3J j state street , Phone 8622 - gga LIBERTY JRTC!E CUT from S3S00 68 tn 12.. 7SA An A v1ia K :W ftill AmAnf basim'ent furnace firenlar s-arare ah Improvements in and paid. - Now Tacnt. Owner savs sell at once. Let W'oOT DARNIELLE BROS., lj8S N. Capitol Phone 3511 S RMS.. BATH. S acres, lots fruit. 5a lem litl, S3Z50. TeL 7479 N. COTTAGE. 6 ROOM furnished house, $2a00 $500 dowit $25 a mo. N Com! 5 rooms furnished house I garage fruVt $32oT 830aoVn llfla mh ' U ' ; " ".V1 A. C. JENSEN 333 State Phnn. fi?? , NEW BRICK home on N. 2 in street priced very Teasonabie, with good terms! CARLETON E. i LANE 1 333 State Street,. -( , Phone 862 . MODERN 4 R. NOPS.tawiMt, rumace. nice lot- rrice izzzv. fuoui . Wolonn. vaaii, CI liM Ull XA Aa,lt. c ern house to good location New mode balance. VOS BURG H-GRANT Masonic Bldx. 5 ROOM HOUSE. Price $1750, clear. M7 A . .- n ! , n n ,rn til a- 4A n nymti nui. lu KALimuKg v VI with some timber. 20 ACRES all in cultivation, 13 miles ,V JlV.XVlL.a9 Uil IU tUlLl L1U'1, A m A1A1 from Salem on paved road. Priced real i . .. i 40 ACRES 6 miles from Salem with , $27-0. 6 rm. house, close In, large a good modern home, part creek-bot- -- dining rm., 2 bedrms base torn land with creek and mixed orch- ment furnace, fireplace, corner lot, ard. some timber. Want to trade for Paying pd., $o00 down, apartment house in Salem. $250 down. 5 rrns.. bath, lights, ga- ROSTEIN A ADOLPH. INC. t-..-. t. - 2 FINE LOTS. 100x105 ft in alL 6-K. bouse, garage, fruit A shrubbery, comer lot both streets: paved at side 2iSaV 'r ,220' n Che" w mekcta St .-aa j , .... a - . . ivv uuwn, price nanay new J-rnnm. lr a-la.sod In h.rV nnrrh k.k a a. .. . .11 .lia- elec. Close to bus. IZuu imu uuwn eT'been 'occupied DYn'lotl real , ; tllAn lh al n An aAm .nv a a. w r w , awvtr wn as, v mJ m 121.50 per mo. Room for two other houses. Ihla Is a snap. These are nricedl tor Quick le. Take tlp- buy now. J As. JJ. SIAKS. REA LTUa 4 6 Court Street Phone 8466 www..iwaw . . . '"2r?i .Vrr,DUZ "1 au vv . jricii aioas ouys at 1 a-rvo iwuw on a (n m on ri. o ui 11- Inter St 1800 down, price $2650.00. nice 6-R. house. Basement A furnace, paved street close to new high school. A real buy. See Mr: Collins with JASL L. ShiKS, 471 Court St. Trrt.t ivn sTtTiov i storr caw. TVS 9 nn nvul lilrhw.. n, coast, $3500 00. ! and Renins on 99E priced to sell or 1 will trade for good farm. - . Atvsn wen located station, caoms, DARNIELLE BROS. 1988 N. Capitol Phone 351L , A GOOD BUSINESS corner suitable! uuuu Duoinaoa corner Buuauic or store, naU down JJ of 1,1 dvn. small New, sm. hse.. H A. in cherries, Just I monthly payments, would, take car as doWB IaymeI)t- K WEIR 0reg Bldgv Ph.94n. -SaSSsSaSaSWaaSWaaaaaAa Look! 920 ACADEMY i STREET 5 RM. HOUSE, strictly modern, oak 1 ".r A" "!'" " ElaEtL.if ?!!t?n:J? l" .25 a? I m kitchen, floored attic nice let. rood 1 location.' Two blocks from Catholic I chooi and church. Eay walkiu 4.t. -.-.a t.t-4. a wiin.0 A. w juuim aaiiu IIIKH mKiMVm. 1 Sale price 13750.00, $375.00 down. $39.- i per montn. wntcn inciuuaa princi ,.i nb inwt mmttwm sakasrva iiisui uitx:. -A livilt i w-waws ituocti aau.1 -r-; - -north Salem ROOMS. NOOK, strictiv modern. I WUl sell - f urnlahed or unfurnished. I Terms $500 down, 4aL J2 per month 1 1 at t CARLETON Ei LANE i 323 State Street . Phone 6622. HOMESEEKERS BARGAINS 4 ROOM MODERN home basement furnace." etc northeast Salem $1,- ao fsao oown, $23.40 month. I 4 tooth home, N. Church St $1375, 1 f uu aown. Restaurant and Ice-cream narlor. well I equipped. Commercial St $3200 $6001 dawn payment 1 acre who new t room modern nome . ... . . . nice . lawn, electric water system. etc, one mile east off Garden road- iprico $500011000 down payment PHONE 6510 ART MADS EN A REAL LAND BARGAIN I ISO ACRES OF ood aoH located J about 1 H miles east of Salem on paved lroad. Ideal for sub-division er would 1 make a good close IB general farm. I Price 1112.50 Per acre, if you want real land BARGAIN here It la. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Phone 6468. Look! For Sale Real Estate Property for Sale by N. J. Lindgren street. Close to state bouse, large i rooms, lovely grounds, - trees, flowers an1 iinirhrv rim SK?hO Ktason- BRAND NEW (-room home, double garage. Price just reduced 1000. Now Oiierea rer T45t). Terms. NICE 5-ROOM house. S. High street. Lovalv lnratlnn A.1 roiuTItion. Priced I for autrk mln. JUKOS. Mpa sons Die ! erma. f 5 ACRES ON Garden road. Close to ritv limit Vrv Invelv (-room Strict- I mndprn haus. Rautlful trees. 1 ers ana snruDDery. Must oe seen to w appreciated. I 100 A. HIGHLT imnroved farm. 801 A. in cultivation. Balance pasture ana i I timber. Best kind of soiL R-room house I ture timber. Ail stocked c equipped, and bath. Grade B dairy farm. A reallCros all In. Priced verr reasonable - - . . .. - . - . . 1 1 arm. pnced to sen. fizza cusn, ance easy terms. I . 1 (- .rDPS Twspnwn T sn Mirni.l ty farm. 75 A. in cultivation, balance 0 U A J . .J. I pasture and timber. 200 acres could be cultivated. -Price 8S000 ; $1000 cash, balance very easy terms. A gooa stoca I farm i . gs ACRES CLOSE to Woodburn. AH in cultivation, large set 01 duuu-moU lngs. Ciectricuy ana DlB in nwuoc. Family orchard. Nice trees, flowers. shrubbery. Price $6500. cash. BaL long time payments. iiei. Kleetneitv ana Datn in noine. I 20 ACRES IMPROVED Just Off poruRoa nignway norxu. m t"0- Fair set of Wdgs. Price $3800. $1000 I casu. joai. terms, a. gooa nine I at the right i'tu un 200 A. HIGHLY Improved farm! about 10 miles from Salem. 145 A. In nign state 01 cultivation, mi, vmoiu.c ttrtA timber T.1 pie all vrar creek through farm. Good set of bldgs. Elec. Khts and bath. Will consider trade m,n .or.n rinu tn sa- VU SUituti Atsaasas aa.a luqv .aw lenv N. J. X-indgren or Clifford Harold 175 S. High St. Tel. 8890 wwwwMWMs.MMwwwMe 11800 CASH WILL BUY this 7 room home located near the Parrish school, paved St-, laree lot Must be sold right now to settle an ' estate. I W. IL GRABENHORST It CtA I REALTORS . I 124 S. Liberty St Phone 6468.1 vvwwwwnwaaa .1 5 RM. HOUSE with large lot, trees, paving paid. 0. -01 L.Jdre S ' down. all floors hardwood, large living rm., fireplace, - .. . . , . ..i:a lull oasemeni. pipe lumai-e, mov. List your property wltn It. A. FORKNER J 1853 N. Capitol A GOOD BUY RM. MOUEtia nouse near sr. niKii, $2500 $500 cash. Lowest priced prop- ertv in this Entfewood district H. P. GRANT-C. 11. SAIS1JU.KS 529 Court Ph. 6744-8330 LOT BARGAIN THIS NICE east front lot on N. 24th St., opposite the state hospital rM.1ric. TAviiift rot rionr titi Trin ajiuuuuo, a-if.iha.vw . a tt 1. fi SEr W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO..i c T .J1"" cms - - " - w I "WiSiwWWSrWViSWwWwaiSSe A GOOD 4 ROOM house full price month. This Is a good buy. F. H. WEIR, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411. 1 . . ..... ,.T , , . icir . . I iuu iajw, Joiori s. nop. lul"'rl": I . .. . . . 1 sin Place, oak floors, bathrtn. on first floor, I toilet & lavatory upstairs, $4500. I ?ei K ' "",it: A 1 -n:jm SI 1 1-11 tash7 3 rnia plistered, bath, yi caau, rms. llo-hts. a-araare. 1800. i yK .vis jimnsu.Ti. neunor 1 725 Court Street mr.T 1 LEFT 1365 : $25 DOWN, ?0xll5E;R4 SmJT. i anna . ... I 3-BEDKJS. nse. On A. Cliy wave ROBERT F. BUDROW-Real Estate 1 12 Ladd A Bush Bldg. Ph. 696. I rm wxi- w, - paved street for a good automobile. W. H. GRABENHORS.T CO. 134 S. Liberty Street (.RnOM HOTTSE. modern except 1 basement good location, not lar norm, i - . i $3000, clear, lor lu to .v a. bu'W fnl JZ?V- rrm o imuf.i, i 75 ? " t"UXTt .isSb" 1 Eumu. . . V, . . C. J. JACKSON, 341 SUte Street j .-LiMi n nnririri- ri i - . LISTEN Wnuld tm aecent a 11000 elft? That la what we offer In. value above the nrlce asked for a well-buUt brica home, riosa to state ouuaias I I rotSSO ft fine soil for garden or I kiilM.r nut rivlnn a fine rental COUrl. I The owner has been transferred and i is onenns mis at u i"w I $3500, easy terma Will make Hbe discount for cash above $2000 now on I place. This is a nargam. .uoi worth $2000. See It today. I SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS ft MILLER, Realtors i vrnuia mi 644 State Street Phone 6(08 mmmm FOR SALE Owner- leaving city January 19th. I Hurry and see this lovely colonial house, 2 large lots. Offered at low price of $6300. You will like It SEE Mri. Ellis witn CHILDS A MH.t.r.K, iteaiiors S44 State Street Phone 8.o n.i.- 1 ACRE GOOD IXXJA.I1U ismau -new nouea. auuui ""V"" bus line. Creek, view, several "" xruii xrees. tn y- wu.u uj"uv., laace iix.50 montn. - . BtlUtl.X.elr-ttti.A.arLrIlf ama 1 1 A,$ ROOMS.' e'!.1?? ants, peaches, grapes. $550 ; part i . I ,7 a t rooma. Electricity, lrra, gwre. On pavement close to .rr. r , 7 t Srsaa. Immediate noaaeaslon7 aavaaY arawa X This VhttH asCa. LtaiaatX - i ... . 1 ta- l.MIl KITM I KIH 1540 McCoy' Street TeL aiaWasaaaaiSaSaai I MODERN HOME ; $5250. WILL BUY this modern S room nooit, nice comer iw, acnoois. ioauiaia a ww SESSION. SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST k CO., REALTORS .... 134 S. Liberty St , v . Phone il Ejrxhange Real Estate 60 ACRES ON navirut 12 miles out stacked. Muttmed. for amall place close I tn ( A., good house, close In sn paved mt . 'iVL A. In bearine Cherries. IX . .. . -,. . 1 change for stock ranclv t $1150 for 10 acres 1 mues noria. small 1 house, electricity, near or e rhnnr far haus in Karth Salem. $2000 35 acres, running water, ime snrmK. $ miles out or exchange for small good bouse la Jsaiem. . . r aa m . a I . mmtm .r iataundrnx: I Apt house of 4 apts.. furnished a I wants to uduan for farm of 60 acres I or more; has Income of $76.00 per .month. VOSBURG H-GRANT Masonic Temple Ph. nil. of plumbing, close state buUdmgs IHllZJ? il Try..1 .ratr-"a I exchange for farm on coast, south pre-1 "P-1 ' months 10 repay. , I ferred. "I . Ryv H immnnm . Exchange Real Estate T R. MOD. HOME located 1?18 Na Capitol, trade for Improved or unim proved farm or city. What have you? See agent H, P. URANT-C. H. SANDERS I 529 Court Ph. (744 or 8330 down payment in a kooq location. 6 rm. hse.. well located in North 5U. lem, clear of encumbrance. Owner want to exchange for acreage. F. IL WEIR, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. till. For Sale Farms FEDERAL. I ZAND bank farms Priced right. Terms. See W. S. Bart- lett. secy- Treas. 21 Oregon Bldg. pnona nzi i iw ikijmwh flOW-IGETT FREE FttiDtrr nmurti Umt trnm w. u. tijait.!t:b.K.t;KS AGENCY East "D" St.. Rt. 7, Box 14. Ph. 80. 1 ACRES S. E OP Rrln nt bides. 1 Za acres In cult rest in pas- . - . - uai-iwttu good terms. k,AiL.r. i vj- iu. lAi J 331 SUte Phone $822. -. MWWMWW .P 105 A. NEAR Salem on two gaod roads near super highway. Would make fine subdivision. All in cultivation but SO A. in pasture and timber. rm. hsm wtn - .i e mi or Portland nrnnrtr. tl? 000 . jg5 x. with 85 A. under plow and A. open pasture and large second mi1h timber, freelc avml nrnn growtn timDer. .ater piped to New, modern h. equipped 11 f o house and outbuildings. house. Fully stocked and fine Jeraeyi and other A II In rmn I (I 000 Will t'nlce -.Her farm or rfrv ' nrnnertv part payment WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 477 court Street , tttnn risit nrtT.ntvr.s lff hn' n0U9eSi 8 mi. 0ut lays fine, gooa spring, pavement. H. P. GRANT-C H. SANDERS 520 Court Ph. 6744-8330 Acreage 95 ACRES. POLK Co. 65 cult.. ! house, barn, chicken house. $2450, $700 down, some stock ac Imp I. 369 acres. 250 cult, good bldgs., iso an acre, good terms. ' A. C. JENSEN 333 SUte Street Phone $622 5 ACRES EAST of Salem, room house, barn, -arage. chicken hou $22 S300 down. $15 a mo. house, 1 acre cherries, 1 acre mixed 13 acres nuie Irom satem. new fruit some timber, $3500 easy terms. A. C Ji.T(K7r. 333 State Phone $622 31 ACRES FIR timber, about 500S cda. and lots af piling, miles'.out on zsrnetnent. Z7O0 4S acres. 19 A. cult.. baL timber, room house, barn, etc 7 mL out on gra vel rnad $1500. $1050 1 acre close In, small house double garage, chicken house, electri city, some fruit. 1150 dawn. L J. CrTTENlXBJ)-0. U. XiLaa 172 S. Liberty St. 29 A. i MI. FROM Monitor. C rm. house, bath, lights, good bam. 2 5 A cult., excellent boh, paveti rouo, 50 "A. mi. from Independence, 01a hlda . all cult. 14000. - - ; . . road. , 8 rm. home, bath, lights, dairy barn. 60x80. bent In the valley. Lots of 250 A. 8 mL from Salem on paveu outbidgs., good soil, 230 A. cult, 16 A. alfalfa, 1117 per A.. cash. IK El. VI N JOTO3U7I. Keaitor 725 Court St Phone 372 BUNGALOW : ALMOST tronoplete. I New dist. 2-tedrTT.s. Garaxe wood- - Pofrlart 1 azn mil . rj?HC. whlci DTairwi, vim uci ground. Close in. f 100.00-Jwn $22.00 I e-acrES. !tt ml. E. 6-rm. hse. -.,-7 .-,xrA rfto on I fjlW. Wairi OJOlCiH, ft' ' - -1 $1000 00 down. Terms 3 A. ON THE pavement. 5-r. house. bath, electric water system, $1750. You will agree this is an exceptionally good buy. H. C. Shields, oreg. Bias. jrn. ovu--. Suburban SUBURBAN TRACT U-APBE. 4 IL HOUSE A basement. garage, about 1-mile east, paved road, $1000.00, give terms. 1250 down. Drfce $930.00 buys a 6- I R. house on paved street Garage A See Mr. Self with JAS. D. SEARS, REALTOR 476 Court Street Phone 84 B -verlclng Salenwn Cascade terms. , , . . . List your property with- it A. FOKJLN.UK 1853 N. Capitol St S ACRES close In east of Salem. 7- room modern houee, all kinds of fruit to responsible party., mona sssu. Wanted Real Estate "WANTED LISTINGS farm and i w A j rip i , j? A. FORKNER 5 N. Capitol Street WE'LL PAY $3000 cash for small, modern home. Box 688, care Statesman. Business Opportunities STORE BLDG. for sale or rent Near new- senior high schooL Phone 6977. I cit f nTXimmv mnA maar atnra Good location. Box 586, care States- i man. GROCERY STORE, owner. Ph. 5491. GOOD MODERN furnished apt. house, 6 apta., income' $150.00 month. r ..Amal. kna.l.A ... Am 17Vl0-it- alre toop n-,,, etc.. N. Salem. I Tr4 111000 Will fair, anme Brnod clear Salem prop. In trade PH. 6580 GOING BUSINESS, cash reaulred. B-00o Inauire I H. P. GRANT-C H. SANDERS i 529 Court St . Phone 6744 MOD. HOME and store bldg, well i located north. 8.250 terms. See u for auto camps and service stations. j List your property with i a. tjkjX.imkii .1 . . -185$ N. Capitol I pletely equlppedtBSiiem. Itox No. 591, v sutesman? 6sVklikslBalM ' GROCERT rm IT 9 BTT T t g laa I .imi 6iawiw uw ww- I SViMrvrx" wftTTaw L .1.1 4aaaf ea i .. . .. ' . ... I at 4 St AT .W . 1 if in , H. p. GRANT-C H. SANDERS 529 Court Ph. 6744. $310 1 HAVE BC TER. with. $1500 to $2000 1 casn lor grocery. , - , i-i-ii-ir-inrmnj-irinn.iuaji-,riMrt,Mi. .i uj TilVTlT 61lTt. Mii, tIon and atllu Candy, etc. Splendid I close-tn location, $400 cash, - Also lunch and confecttonerr. At tractive building; living quarters and 6 rooms above to rent. $550 cash. Rent oniy izb, BECHTEL-BRASHER, 141 SUU Money to Loan - 1 pmro a r. Tmrrc-rwri tiif , , . ,. . ..... AivuuA.iu mum 1 1 vuuw I refinance homes, business prop. Rates. 1 Abrams A Ellis. Inc. Masonic Bldg. Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED I awnb( IU EXIT BCW OT USSO. CBrw I Prl vat. money at rrr low rates. No I J 1 13$ S. ' Commercial Bt ' 8alem. Or. I Phone 0186 Llo. No. M-151 I mwi,ww(waaw)WWiW ' MONEY TO loan on good real estate. Charles Uudkina, 275 Stau street. For Sale Used Cars Buy Your Ford FROM A Ford Dealer 1933 V-S Coach, good rubber, runs good, needs very little me chan leal attention to be per ' feet I.L. ...$265 1935 FORD V-s '4-DR.! SEDAN WITH RADIO. NEEDS A LITTLE MECHANICAL AT TENTION i $365 1936 FORD Coupe, rum good 93a 1937 KORli Model Tudor Bed. $675 1917 FORD 85 Model Coach $58i 1936 FORD Tudor Tour. Sedan .$450 l34 FtMtl Coupe j $316 1934 FORD lel.uit For dor Ra dio and heater $185 1JSJ FORli Fordor Sedan , , u- $3?s t32 CHEVROLET Sedan $285 1933 FORD Coupe. rbL seat ..$24R 1929 Chrysler Sedan, small model 114 5 1926 Model T Coupe, a real buy - la Motor Co. UNDER COVER CENTER k LIB ERTY LOT MARION At LIBERTY Money to Loan Quick, Private Loans When you need extra cash use our simple borrowing plan. . All you need is. to be able to mane amall regular payments. Ton can arrange to repay In amounts that will not strain your pocketbook. tor Instance: 150 Repayable 80. S3 Per Month 160 Repayable. S 03 Per Month $70 Repayable $7.03 Per Month AUTO LOANS - PERSONAL LOANS $10 to $500 All .Plana Personal Finance Co. of Salem (Formerly Beneficial Finance Co.) Second Floor New Bligh BMg. Rm. 1 1$ 518 State Street at Hign Phone 3191 Salem, Ore. License 8-1 221-1 85 PERSONAL LOANS BORROW FROM Salem's oldest largest Independent eampssay yoot problems will receive personal consid eration before and lifter ths loan Is mad. Interest on unpaid balance. No fees a Quick Courteous Service We Solicit Tour Account. General Finance Corporation lit S. Cominirclal St.. Salem, Or Phona 9168 . . Lie No. S-138 Financial 4 I WE HAVE never paid less than this rate on savings and Investments. Insured to 000 Mutual Federal Savings A I-oan Ass'n. Phona 4944 142 S. Llbertr m. Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm hd ctty property. Before borrowing lno?iire -at Hawkins Roberts. .. , , PUT YOUR $ $ 1 IN A SOUND INVESTMENT FIRST MORTGAGE on real estate. We now have a number of mortgages for sale. Amounts from $300 to $5,000. Net von 6 semi-annually. SEE US. CH1I.DS It MILLER, Mtre. Loans 344 State St Phona 6708. For Sale Wood .A RGB 5 ECOND growth. Ph 137F1 GUARANTEED DRt WOOD coal TeL 6000. Salem Fuel Co Trade anrl Unltagav i OLD FIR. 2nd rth. fir. Graen, 6370. OLD FIR limb, dry wood. Ph. 6700. 16-IN: OLD fir, 65-85.50. Slab $4.75. 16-ln. oak. $6.75. Phone $456. SPECIAL DRY wood, $L Ph. 1354. OLD FIR. $6 and $5.50. TeL 7005. DRY FIR. oak. Ph. 3380. Ashcraft GUARANTEED DRY wood. Tel. 7107. ALL KINDS of wood reasonable. TeL Weathers. 4859, 612 S. 18th St. WOOD,. ALL kinds. Call 1560. 4 FT. ASH wood, $6.25 cd. Ph. $701. SLAB WOOD. $3.50 cord up. Also dry wood. 1080 Cross street 20 CORDS second growth fir. near Roberts station on gravel road. D. Pettyjohn, route 1. Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING, reaaon'ble. P. 0466, Lost and Found LOST UNION cards, farm lease papers a driver's license. Reward, can Statesman oiiice. - . . - Japan Is Sorry ' a JipaJi tubbed it eyei la omrpris' Ad sorrow, when pretty ToshikA Okada. screen and itare gtax. fled Into Soviet territory with RyoW-! chi Suftmoto, Garrmimlst sweet-. neaxt.aAt tojoo lor was amid uio Rction of the couple was taatA mounl to axillr; tlMznaelrea- for the rest j of their . Uvea. For Sale Used Cars Buy : Now McKAYS 1927 Essex .Sedan ..L ...$ 25.09 1926 Chevrolet Sedan 66.00 ; 85.00 1828 Ford Coupe 1929 Chevrolet Sedan 1930 Nash Sedan-X 1930 Ford Roadster .5.00 . 125.00 . 125.00 . 245.00 1932 Ford Sedan ' 1933 Chevrolet Sedan 345.00 415.00 475.00 723.00 1934 Chevrolet. Sedan. 1926 Plymouth Coupe 1937 Chevrolet Snt Sedan'. Trucks 1929 Chevrolet Truck, platform body $ 75.00 19J3 Ford Sedan Delivery . 250.00 1932 Chevrolet Panel 285.H0 1334 Chevrolet LWB Truck 395.00 1935 Chevrolet LWB Truck 495.00 1335 Chevrolet Dump Truck 550.00 McKay Chevrolet Co. 331 Center Ph. 1113 439 N. Com! OPEN EVENINGS "TILL 8 SALEM AUTO CO. Salem's Finer New and Used Car Headquarters 1931 Stndebaker Coupe, real low mileage, perfect leather upholstering, per feet paint, new tires HURRY; THIS WON'T LAST? 1936 Ply. DeLx. Sedan $595.00 1S6 Ply. Del. Coach 695.00 1937 Chrysler Royal Sedan - $45.10 1937 Plymouth DeL. Cp. 685.06 1931 Uraluun Sedan, trunk 4b.19 ' HERE ARE CARS FOR LESS l2f Dodge Spt Cpe. $1 65.06 1020 Ford Pickup , - ,, . 125.60 1121 Ceupe, 2 of these- 15.0 102$ Chev. Cpe-a good one w 68.00 1121 Da rant Sedan 15.00 112$ Chrysler Sedan 125.00 1935 Dodge DeL Sedan .. 565.60 ".' A few more of equal value to choose from. See them loday. ' TWO LOCATIONS Sales and Service --t-.-'.- Lot 4S0 N. Commercial . Court at Church . Phone 473 . ,- . - Phone 4916 Personal LONELY? -WORTHWHILE sweet heart husband, wife for you. Box 8r5. i.oa Angeles. - i ii wniii r-i rii-i(-ii-o.rirLrtfxrLtxruu-u ADVENTURE, ROMANCE,-' I ft( dwell in the great northwest Meet 1 your meal tnrougn corresponopnee. I Information, box 956. Spokane. Wash. - XOsS UP to 7 pounds weekly. Write ur.wenac, canton, o. uaa. WANTED ORIGINAL poems, sonars. for immediate consideration. Send poems to -Columbian Music Publishers, Ltd, Dept E2 8, Toronto, 'Can. . 1 aaaSVaSiasa asiiisaasaassaaCai iSassaasialsaliaSBsssarsaAsiaSasaii 33 MASTER CHEV. coupe. $275 Clean, - good paint tires, motor A-l snape. Trade for cheaper car. Terms. Signal service, 18SS S. 12th. Teachers ' of District To Bleet in February SCIO A regular meeting of the district teachers' club Is to be held on the second Wednesday In February. December and Janu ary meetings were suspended 'on account of holiday and other ac tivities. . Sclo Masonic lodge 1s scheduled to work in the F. C. degree at the regular communication January 20., tended the funeral of Charles W. Those from a distance .who at Beard in Sclo, Sunday, ' Included George Partem, wife and son, Ver- n?n Parton, and wife, of Red raond. Ore.; Fred Beard and wife. Eugene; Henry Beard, nephew of deceased, Chiloquin, Ore. - Business Cards in this directory ran on - a monthly basis only.. Rate; St per tine per month. Auto Brakes Mike Panax, 178 South Commercial Bicycles BICYCLES, -NEW and reconditioned. Harry W. Scott 141 & Com'L Ph. 4610 Body & Fender Repair FOR BOOT A FENDER Repairs, Auto Trim, Seat Covers, Glass replacement Auto Painting SEE the HerraTl Ow ens Co, $11 & Com'L St Phone 1169 -Brushes FULLER'S R. M. PROUD FIT, phone Chimney Sweep TELEPHONB 4456. R. E. Northaasa rnrn'a cleaned, steel brshs. ss4. 1337 Chiropractors DR. O. X SCOTT. PSC, Chiropractor. ISO N.-Hlgh. TaL Res.. $761. , . . mZ. Excavating EXCAVATING OF all Unda,. ! Base ments dug. Dirt hsuled er moved. Dirt for sals. Salem Band and araral Col. Phone 040$. , : -t v , mi. Florists Brelthaupra, - 447 Court., Ph. $994. Laundries THS NEW SALEM LADNDRT ' THS WELDER. LAUNDRY 161 S. High . . TeL fill Alattresses SALEM , FLrjJT-KUa and ItatUess Fsctory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, eld remade : carpet cleaning, s fa tag f fluff rug wearing, a. tlth A WU bur. TeL $441. OTTO . ZWICKkUt Est. 1111. 42APITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 446a. For Sale Used' Cars Personally Indorsed WITH A-a ' Written Guarantee 36 Hudson DeLuxe Sedan :....$625 Electric hand, steel body, safety glass, hydraulic brakes, radial safety' control: adjustable shock absorbers; tnterior and finish like new: '38 license; why buy a new cheap car? 36 Hup. Sed. DeL...$650 Original finish, upholstery spot . less, steel body, hydraulic brakes. 2 -way shock absorbers; hrpoi rear axle, safety glass, 116 In. wheel. base: gets 18 miles to waL of gas. '34 license. 34 Stude. Diet. Sed...$450 '38 license. 33 Terraplane Cpe...$325 ' '38 license. State MotopsInc. Hudson Terraplane Packard 525 Chemeketa Phone 8409. Open Evenings Closed Sundays - Wanted Used Cars WANT BEST Model A Ford that $100.00 cash will buy. Box ($9, Statesman. Mystery Mr. D Here- Is "Mr. D.", mystery man in the Donald L. Robinsons ptus, . port tangle, pictured on bis wiyN to the office of Lamar Hardy. IT. S. district attorney in New York," for questioning- He - was Identi-j fled a Aaron Sharfin, Russian bora resident of the Bronx, and clerk in the Egyptian consulata in New York, who helped obtain the passport of the Robinsons through the office of Tammany County Clerk Albert MarineDi in April, 1935. Mrs. Robinson, also identified aa Ruth Marie Rabins, , was reported executed by a firing squad in Moscow. There has been -. no word to the fate of Robinson, but the IT. S. government prepared , to ask Russia for a full report oil " the cae.. - . Directory Painting-PapeTaaanying; i HERBERT E. WOOD, TeL $920. Photo Engraving SALEM PHOTO engraving. 141 N. CommerclaL TeL 6817. Printin; FOR BTATIONKKT carda pamfhleia. progisms, books ar any kind sf salntt Ing. rati The Stnlesmnn rt luting ie partmrat lit 8- ConysvOai, i Telf Repairing SMITH'S REPAIR Shop. 40 yra. e9v repairing farm machinery. Blarastsurth? work. A welding. Iet u help 4n fnur mechanical work." Shop located on Un-r lon,'tA blk. from WUlameite rlver; Look for the Hue Cultivator sign. ; - Stoves r ).j.4 t L..r;g r0. ' i l .t. I s I' l: I V ' fl I' 1 :'A ' , " - ' vxv : ft R fcPA t RS FOR eangea. htrs, etrrulav.. toes, p. j. treppner. IU cnmianv. Transfer CAPITAL CITT Tsnsfer - Co. f ; State SL TeL 7771. Dlstrluirllna.. lr wardlng and storage our apevtaltB. tiet. ear rates. . - - FOR IOCAL -or distant tra nafer atnr B ire. -burner oil. -call 3H1. Ijirmer;. Transfer Ce. Trucks tn Portland Uuily. Weil Prilling a A. WEST. Rt t. Bt. .646 T. IlOFs. Wei Basements GUARANTEED BONE-DRY by the new Seal Seep Service Applied on in-; ner surface. Phone 6670. , Wood Sawing For Prompt Woodsawlng Phone $216