The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, January 16, . IMS Gay Miisical Comedies Are Offered at Theatres This Weekend PAGE SIXTEEN Astaire, Burns Elsinore Stars K "A Damsel in Distress" Is Lively; Comedy ; Dance r Routines Unusual j Sparkling from start to finish with a merrily romantic story, a group of spectacular dances and captivating Gershwin tunes, Fred Astaire's and Burns- and Allen's .,,It,o. voblrlA for RKO Radio, "A DamBel in Distress," opens today at the Elsinore. ,j The story Is based on one 'of P. G. Wodehouse's best-Known humorous tales of English life, with Astaire in the role of an American dancer who seeks ;to vaSrn a titled British ftirl from her impending marriage with! a man she detests. It is complicated in uproarious fashion by the ac tivities i of a h a 1 f doxen other principals. - ! Much of the I tangle evolves from the conflicting loyalties jot the servants, of whom a stately Antler and a romantic young page-boy are the most active. while Astaire's press agenis en tMinr tr frM him from the af fair and get him. off to Paris to fill a dancing engagement, And the result is a; continuous panic for the audience' " : Burns and Allen, as the busy publicists, are at their hilarious best, and Miss Fontaine is both lovely and convincing as the dis tressed damsel. Montague Love, Constance Collier, , Ray Noble, Reginald Gardiner, young Harry Watson and Jack Carson help to make the film a brilliant piece of screen fare. The catchy Gershwin songs, Astaire's several spectacular danc ing routines, and the picturesque settings, including a huge repro duction ot a Tudor castle, are big features of the production. ..j Jessie Matthews .;' StarreHat State "Gangway". Provides Best Vehicle Ever; Dancer ! i , Finds Adventure , . Without question, Jessie Mat ttiBwa - hu.' In "Gamcway. her current musical, which opens to- day at - the State weaire, me w atnrr of her career. It's a fanciful, romantic tale, well Off the beaten track of. screen .mu sical comedy, and whoever wrote the dialogue Is positively "tops" at ttta hnfnMUI- ; -'!' r' TmIa i east as an .English "sob-sister" who is mistaken for the notorious jewel-thier, spawic. Tfer dTntn rpa take her to Amer ica, where she Is kidnapped by a k mobster, played by Noel" Madi son, who grants her to pull off a Job on the famous Van Tuyl dia monds. How that prince of senti mental tonrh "mnes." rescues her from the gangster clutches, how Barry Mackay, as me cnuso peer whi turned "flatfoot," falls In love with her, thinking her a thif "all the time. .how. Jessie plays Cinderella for a night forms. the burden of tne story, wnicn is fast-moving, plentuuuy supplied with brisk gag-lines, ana euwr talnlnr from beginning to end. NiriifR tn fl.v Jessie dances divinely there Is no one Quite like her In that line ana sings and acts with her customary gay ety. More than half .the scenes have a New York background, and Ilia nrpwnrA of Pendleton. Madi son, and a half-score of other ca- tahia Hollywood o layer give these scenes the proper touch of authenticity. The music, we re peat, by the Hollywood song-hit team of Goodhart, turner ana Hoffman Is all that you would vnoct from this trio, with the title song. "Gangway," partic ularly to be recommended, and .a A MATTHEWS HI GANGWAY Not Pendleton Barry Mackay Noi Mait v ADDED Continued Play with the Daredevil Demon of the ' Skyway Astaire Fun House Dance n1 04. X A British amusement park Is tbe brilliant pew. setting for the fan house dance in "A Damsel In Distress,'' performed by Fred As taire, George Burns and Grade, Allen playing today at the Elsinore theatre. .;;--., -.T..T. Evelyn Brent and John Barrymore, In the new mystery picture "Aight day at the Capitol theatre. Jessie Matthews and Barry .Mackay tion "uangway," opening, touay catchy number, "Lord and Lady Whoozls," that everyone will be singing and whistling. Sturgis President Of Berry Growers LEBANON The Berry-Grow ers, association of Lacotnb at the annual election re-elected " presi dent, Dan -Sturgis ; vice-president. E, K. Raines; secretary-treasur er, A. A. Ayers; directors, Ernest Ede and L. N. Harrison. - 5Iy stic Oab Meets .: r "Believe It or Not" was the top ic led by .. Mrs, Blandena Wilson at the Mystic club Friday at the home of Mrs. Ruth Haek. One guest, Floreine Calahan, was pres ent at the luncheon at which every member assembled. Mrs. L. T. Ward, president, and Continnons 2 to 11 P. IL I J 1. y , j j i 'I f , V J ff) ' "h 7 c ! - ' mm l fr - "J! . i ' i v 7 screen favorites, who are featured! Club Scandal," which opens to ' . T in the Gaumont musical produc at tne state tneatre. i " Mrs. A. F. Backberg, both of whom are leaving Lebanon, re ceived a gift. j The committee on arangements were Ruth Haek, Ruth Reeves, Alvena Michelson, Blandena Wil son, Olive, Mavia and Violet Gil son. . ' .. . ." Today and Monday ".' '. t "' 1 ' "- - - V ' : r 2 Big Features ' 'Breath taking suspense v . .,- mystery-drama llve before yon!- - - ' t a i i int rirtM JOHN - BARRYMORE ITHKE OVEIMAK CHARLES BlCKFOtO.LOUSF. CAMPBEU AND HIT XO. 2 mm Simone Simon Star at Grand She Sings; B. Bernie and Winchell Engage in Battle of Wits At least part of the news about Love and Hisses" ought to be on page one as an extra. Simone Simon sings! And how the glori- oous glamor girl sings! Twentieth Century-Fox's new Idea in musical show hits, which opened, yesterday at the Grand theatre, Is, to borrow a phrase from one of its stars, a wowsah! And with seven . hot-and-hissing Gordon and Revel song hits. Under the order xof new busi ness, it brings np that old toss- around between the Rajah of Rib, Walter Winchell, and his "Old Mousetrap," Ben Bernie. i The story tells us that Ben Bernie, -the "old maestro," dis covers (Simone Simon) a great singer. He asks "old pal" Win chell, America's one-man news paper, to build her np in his column. Winchell turns the band leader down, as should be expect ed, so Bernie schemes a plot. Adopting an exotic masquerade, Simone lets Winchell "discover" her.; himself, and the columnist showers- reams of publicity upon her. , Just before Bernie's new club is to open, with Simone as star, she reveals the plot to Winchell. Dismayed at having been taken in, Winchell plans a four-star vengeance .upon his favorite en emy. Revenge by any other man is sweet, but by Winchell it's hilarious. The climax brings the two feud ists together at the opening of Bernie's club, featuring their co discovery, Simone singing for them both. The ending is happy, even though the truce may be temporary. "X Star Is Born9! Is at Hollywood Janet Gaynor and Fredric . March Stars; Modern " Story in Color All theChfills of a trip to Holly wood are provided local film fans today at the' Hollywood theatre in "A Star Is Born," David O. Selx nick's ' glorious . technicolor pro duction starring Janet Gaynor and Fredric 5 March. For this first really modern story to come to the screen In color is so vividly told, so con vincingly played and so brilliant ly directed by William A. Well- man that you will leave the theatre feeling as if you'd actual ly paid a visit to filmland. Janet Gaynor and Fredric March have written-to-order roles and have never turned in per formances to match these. Janet emerges a lovely, new so phisticated personality with a rare flair, for wearing clothes as Esther Blodgett, the little country girl who comes to Holly wood in search of stardom, faces 100,000 at on odds as an extra, and soars overnight to fame. And March, as Norman Maine, the hard-drinking screen idol of the moment, who helps Janet get her first break, falls in love with her and marries her, has a grand role which offers him plenty of opportunities for the kind of com edy at which he excels. ANOTHER TRIPLE HIT SHOW!! V tr - Til Added Attraction Yearns Greatest Comedy Yesterday they made you ?Wake Up laughing as Walter winchell and uen isernie connnue tne mnniw feud in "hiss-tory" in "Love and Hisses," featured today at the Grand theatre. - ;t.:.:.::r' 4 ""W.-.--Xv: The Academy Award Is won again was in life in "A Star is Born," featured picture this week-end at $y Notable Pictures Coming Here Soon Reflect Advancement Being Made m Screen Entertainment, Says Porter "Progress" is the watchword of the tnotiori picture in dustry. Perhaps this industry, more than any other, realizes the . importance of progress and advancement, as can be seen by comparing all phases of this mighty present day organization with that of a few years past. . "The ensuing 11 months of 1938 will see great strides in the making of popular enter- tainment for the Bcreen, as well as educational advances," stated Carl A. Porter, manager of the Elsinore and Capitol theatres in Salem who recently attended a trade conference in Portland. "I have tried to bring the ultimate in screen entertainment to our Salem friends in the past few years, and this year looks more than ever like a banner year." Mr. Porter recently returned from Portland where he contract ed for some of the finest pictures of 1938 from the major studios of the world, including such great hits as "Nothing Sacred," starring Carole Lombard and Fredric March; "Hollywood Ho tel" with Dick Powell, Benny Goodman and his band, Louella Parsons, Hugh Herbert,' Glenda Starts Today L ( V Second Hit Feature FAITH BALDWIN'S PORTIA ON TRIAL - . with WALTER ABEL V FRIEDA ' INESCORT, h NE.IL HAMILTON HEATHER ANGEL RUTH- DONNELLY ft ra and Live," and today yon'U die by Janet Gaynor on screen as It with Fredric March as co-star, the the Hollywood theatre. Farrell, and the entire cast of the famed air program of the same name; Wallace Beery in The Bad Man of Brimstone": "True Confessions" with Fred MacMurray and Carole Lombard; Walter Huston and James Stew art in the famous $5000 contest picture "Benefits Forgot"; "Wells Fargo" with Joel McRae and Bob Burns; Myrna Loy and Franchot PJd . mi si -v.y If & If jTaki; tl riyoirX : F. - - - 4- V i Harrym tore stars In Capitol's Strong Plot; Audience Snares in ilystery Add np John Barrymore in one of the most, distinctive roles he has ever, played,' a cast composed entirely of front-rank screen fa vorites, and an entirely new twist to a myster ploti and your re sult 4a Paramount new thriller. Nights Club Scandal," which opens today at tbe (Capitol theatre. mis new mm is aisuntcive m its way of treating the murder which is - the f ouadation of the story. Instead of aj hazy fumbling through reels of flljm, ."Night Club Scandal" shows the audience the murder at the beginning of the picture, : when Jofhfc.'' Barrymore -murders ' hie" faithless 'wife- arid plants clues to implicate her lover, i Harvey-. Stephens. iFrom then on the ; audience la an equal terms with, if: hot ahead of, the police and reporters ': who work on the solution of. the crime. The. plots. and cOunter-plots which are the result' of the cluefplanting make 'a story which moves at top speed until the final fade-out. Barrymore's plot moves stead ily as he had planned, much to the grief of Stephens 'and his sis ter (Louise. Campbell ) until Mtss Campbell enlists jthe. aid of Re porter Lynne Overman in proving her brother's innojeenee. Overman uses his influence with Detective Charles Bickford ! and pries into the past of Barrymore until an other murder brings events to a head, and Barrymore is arrested. r With the eyes of a group of policemen focused on him, the murderer is able! to kill himself by poison, thus j outwitting the justice of the law; and another "perfect crime" is a failure. Brother Is Hired to Fill Teaching Vacancy HUBBARD Lester D. Cody who taught, the seventh and eighth grades in the Hubbard school resigned his position re cently to accept a similar posi tion in the St. Helens school. Robert E. Cody, a brother of Lester, was hired to fill the posi tion left vacant by his brother. Robert comes to Hubbard from Mager, Oregon. Tone In "Man Proof"; and the all-color sensation of the screen, "Hurricane." The latter part of February and first ot March will bring further great attractions including Hum phry Bogart and the Weaver Bros, in "Swing Your Lady"; "Gold Is Where You Find It" with George Brent and Olivia de Havilland; Bette Davis in "Jeze bel"; Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland in "The Adventures of Robin Hood"; and a great cast in "Gold Digeprs in Paris,!' Carole Lombard and Ferdinand Gravet in "Food for Scandal"; plus an outstanding array of short sub jects including the always pop ular Edgar Bergen" 'and Charlie McCarthy, Floyd Gibbons' true adventures, the latest March of Time, "Popeye" cartoons, the Captain and the Kids cartoons, and many more special short fea- turettes and noveltys. "TAX" Good Pictures to YVii Folks Happy and Grand have th Pictures Comin . '- latsa gotta lotta what it a WINCHELL, BEN BERNIE IN AND HISSES? WITH b "REBECCA OF SUNNYBROOK WITH SHIRLEY TEMPLE "IN iCAGO" WITH TYRONE AYE AND DON AMECHE O "I'LL OMANCE" WITH GRACE CHAN AT MONTE jam: iwithers AND STUART erwin Ci i JECKERS" SONJA HENIE AND- JiECHE IN "HAPPY FA YE, FRED ALLEN, 1 1 4N T E ; IN ."SALLY, IRENE AND l JOE E. BROWN ACES' "THE BARONESS AND ITLER" WITH WILLIAM POWELL KNABELLA "JOSETTE'' WITH i a SIMONi DON AMECHE AND" t YOUNG THE RITZ BROTHERS NTUCKY 3IOONSHINE" J DANGEROUS" WITH R AND MYRNA LOY S "ALEXANDER'S RAGTIME a WITH TYRONE POWER, DON E AND ALICE FA YE pTEVENSON'S "K I DNAPE D FREDDIE BARTHOLOMEW YOWSAH! YOWSAH! v THEY'RE - WOWSAHS! AND . HOWTSAH ! t , ! ; ?'?. U"BenimlB Bernie I (H don't polofiia to ) Tjic Call Board " GRAND Today Walter Winchell, Ben Bernie and Simone Simon in "Love and Hiss- es." Wednesday "Thank You, Mr. Moto" with Peter Lorre. - SaturdayGrace, Moore, Mel 'vyn Douglas and Stuart Er win in "I'll Take Ro mance." v EIJSIN'dRE Today Double bill, Fred Astaire and Burns arid Al ien in "Damsel in Distress" and William Hall in "The Spy Ring" plus Ed Bergen and Charlie McCarthy in "Africa Speaks English." Thursday Double bill, -all color "Ebb Tide" with Ray Milland and Lewis Stone in ' "-You're Only Youn$ Once" ' "and Floyd Gibbons adven- ' ture "Playing With - Dan- :. ger." . - CAPITOL Today Double bill, "XMght Club Scandal" with John , Barrymore and Bob Baker . in "Courage ot the West." Tuesday Double bill, Marian . -Davies and Robert Mont- gomery in "Ever Since Eve" and "Love on Toast" . wtih an all star cast. rThuisdayDouble bill. "The - Patient in Room",J18" with. v Patric Knowles and "The Girl Said No" with Robert Armstrong and Irene Her- vey. ' STATE Today Jessie Matthews, Barry MacKay and Nat . Pendleton in "Gangway" and Captain Frank Hawks In "The Mysterious Pilot." Thursday Eastern circuit vaudeville and Guy Kibbee and Cora Witherspoon in "The Big Shot." Saturday midnight preview, "Stella Dallas." HOLLYWOOD Today Janet Gaynor and Frederick March in "Star Is Born" in technicolor. Wednesday Double bill, "All Over Town" with Ole Olsen and Chic Johnson and "Racketeers in Exile" with George Bancroft, Ev- elyn Venable and Wynne Gibson. Friday Double bill, Johnny Mack Brown in "A Law- man if Born" and James Gleason and Zasu Pitts in "Forty Naughty Girls." Polk Offices Get new - Machine Calculators court this week ordered two new machines which will be used ia offices as part of the new assess ment and collecting system which the county budget committee rec ommended ifcw,M:i.iai Make We at Tax" SIMONE POWER, MOORE CARLO" . IANDINCT JIMMIE IN "WIDE 4WOM- WARNER IRVING ROBERT G M TOPS IN - THEATRE ENTERTAINMENT ,:' "AFRICA SPEAKS ENGLISH" ; : . .. v . v Ill UCIIIC919I