The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 16, 1938, Page 14, Image 14

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Mo
January 16, 1933
Barbara Frietchie
Tent Installs
- As Interested group -attended
the meeting at the Salem Wom
an's clubhouee on Friday night
when the Daughters of Union k
Veterans of Salem installed of
ficers for the year. The ceremon
ies were in charge of Bernetta
Johnson, of Portland; who Is na
tional guide and department pre
. Went - of the organization. She
was assisted by a staff of de
partment officers and past de
partment presidents, ! Those who
assisted were ; Alma IKlapots of
Albany, Esta Bier of Corvallls.
Diva Rounds, -Helen Dickover and
Mabel Hammond of Portland;
Ethel Barns of Newberg. Mary
Furber of Eugene and Madeline
Nash, Bertha Bergman and Mary
Entress, Salem, Bernice "Wilcox
of Eugene. j
There were numerous guests
from other valley tents and from
Portland and many friends from
Salem.' Mrs, Leon Brown spoke
greetings from the American Le
gion auxiliary, Mrs. Bertha Ray
from the Sons of Veterans aux
iliary, airs, uoiaia Kyie.irom me
Women's Relief Corps and Glenn
Adams from the -Sons of Veter
ans. Several other, friends also
brought greeting to j the new bf
4 fleers. . A beautiful ! tribute was
..paid to the new- president and
other - officers y members of
uaroara rrieicnie uni,
A late supper was i served from
a lace covered table centered
with acacia and freezias flanked
by candlesticks with yellow can
dles." , !; - - -
The officers were las follows:
President. Sarah Cutler;
lor vice president, Jennie Miner,.
junior vice president ellIe Mur-
ray; chaplain, Kitty liaumgan-
ner- treasurer. Laureile "Stow!
patriotic instructor, I Peart San
ders; council members, Eulena pjano PuDils PlaV
Pales. Kathryn Brown, Elizabeth r J - .
Skewis; secretaVy, Margaret Rin- At MuSlCale
gle; press correspondent.-Nellie
Hiday; guide. Addle ; Sanders; Th piano pupils of Frank
guard, May Bach, assistant Churchill were presented in a
guard, Mae Ivie; musician, Eliz- musicale on Friday night with
abeth Skewis; color oearers. Ma- parents at the audience in the
- bel Needham Mary Frances En- studio at 60 D street. Mrs. Gor-
tresa, Evelyn Entress Evans and dn McGilchrist sang several vo-
Rose Garrett. cal numbers and assisted Mr.
The social committee included Churchill at the refreshment
'Mrs. W II. Gardner, chairman, hour.
Mrs. Jennie
N. Sanders.
Miller and Mrs. J.
. -
Joanne Adolph LelebrateS
liirtiiaay saiuraay
Joanne Adolph, daughter of Mr.
and Mr. Rex Adolph, celebrated
her ninth birthday yesterday after
noon at her home on North 14th
street with an Informal nartv for
a roup of her friends. Refresh-
meats were served and Mrs.
Adolph was assisted by Mrs. Ken-
neth Wilson and Mrs. Alden
' Those bidden to honor Joanne
were "atty Wilaon, Nancy Buren,
KliKabeth Nelson. Martha Steus-
loff, Charlotte Alexander, Jane
Schmidt, Sally Terril, Patsy Pow
ell and Pauline Moores.
By ANNE ADAMS teria. The commlttee in charge oT
Can't you Just picture yourself the affair included Dorothy Bar
In the trim lines and flattering de- ham. Catherine Sharpnack nd
tails "of this slimming Anne Ad- Doris Gntekhnst.
ams "at home" frock? Make it up Each guest represented m
for your all-day-long wear and Roman character which was the
see if the family doesn't tell you theme carried out at the banquet
how young you look In the over- A feature of the evening wa tho
lapping V-neckline, panelled front, birthday cake to celebrate tho
and brief sleeves that are so vory 20th anniversary of the club,
comfy to wear! Even if you'ro
only a beginner att sewing, youll The second benefit card party m
enjoy stitching up Pattern 4691 the aeries of parties being S
for this frock is as simple as can by the,PLE&F club of the Pythian
be! ;, Note, too. the bright dash of Sisters, was played at the homo of
ric-rac trim. Your fabric needn't Mr. and Mrs., D. P. Slater, 71
be expensive, but be sure It's gay! North Capitol street. Friday Bight.
Pretty in gingham or ehambray. High scores for the" evening went
Pattern 4G91 is available in wo- to Mrs. L. Savage Mrs. Bess An
men's sizes 34, 36. 138, 40, 42. 44, derson. Ben Woelke n& Dale Sla
4& and 48. Size 3 SI takes 4 yards ter, special prizes to Mrs. Ennic
36 inch fabric and i! yards Tie- Bark and Ben Woelke. The next
rC. Illustrated atep-by-step sew- party will be Friday, January 11,
Ing" Instructions included. at' the same address.
emn mr Uunpt preferred) U
tkia Anna Adam pattern. Write plainly
iizr: nam" rWss style
per. "''
" NEWS FLASH! Jnt tht pre
hundred Iwely SpnnS ho
far erary kour of tht dar, whether
ra'r H or not o tlim. nrr young
or mmrm Mtsre! t All ey-to-ew
f R:Cc naartme. WRITE FDR THE
S your order to THK STATE 3
MAX, Pttem leprtet. Salem, Ore.
- f ' ' .
'' ' '.V " - 'i ,
v rv . r. - , ' ;
; , . w ; -. . . x
" - "' "
r , ' .- "- f t
V .: -
' -V'
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. DeLong
dine anniversarv last Sundav with a
Chemeketa Btreet. The couple were married January 4, 1888, :W
jf0rtn Dakota and have resided in Salem for nearly 30 years. (Ken-
neii - Ellls photo.)
Pupils participating were; Bon
nie Benson, Lois Schrenk, Eulalie
Blundell. Lucille Schirman, Dor-
Is Walser, Margaret Hughlett,
Joan Roddy. Charlotte Matthis
Hazel Wilson, Winifred Brixey,
Jack Naderman. . Lucille Hall,
Elizabeth Grant and Beverly Mc
Gilchrist. Eagles Auxiliary Club
Holds Meeting
Mrs. Hazel Pruitt was hostess
to members of the F.O.E. auxft-
iary Social club on Wednesday.
Assisting her were Mrs. Gladys
Cooper, Mrs. Daisy Gosser. Miss
Eima Hoyt, ana miss j-Tancea
Pabst. Roll call was answered by
"hobbles." -Games were played
during the afternoon.
Plans were made for a class
to be initiated at th meeting
of the auxiliary which was held
on Wednesday night. The initia
tion ceremonies are scheduled
for next Wednesday.
Bush School Pictures
To Be Framed -
The funds derived from the
benefit given on Friday night
by the Bash school P.T.A. will
go toward framing pictures re
cently acquired by the school and
for more equipment on the play
ground. The Cherry City bakery
has donated the auditorium at
Broadway . and Market streets
and bridge, pinochle and five
hundred will be played during
the evening.
Reservations are being made
through Mrs. Brazier Small,
8105; Mrs. William Phillips,
8907; Mrs. Elmore Hill. 4828;
or Mrs. Bert T. Ford, 4393.
Cast Is; Chosen for
Three-Act Play
The cast for a three act com
edy to be given for the Parent
Teachers association of Mission
Bottom has" been chosen. Mrs.
V. O. Kelly will be the director
of the play. "April's Fool."
Those included In the cast
are: Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jelder
ecks. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rich
ardson. Mrs. Robert Cole. Mrs.
Paul Townsend, Mrs. Ralph An
dersoon. Miss Lily Govier, Miss
Evelyn Cain, Elmer Glinesr and
Miss Louise Belque.
Latin Cluh Members
Enjoy Banquet
Members of the Latin club of
the senior high ixhool entertained
with their annual banquet Wed
npsdav nirht in the school cafe-
Mrs. George Allen. Mrs. Davtd
Bennett Hill, Miss Charlotte Hill
and Miss France Virginia Melton
are among those motoring to
Portland tomorrow night to at-
tend th Portland Symphony or -
. a m .. .. mi . .1.
chestra concert wun uiga beo
a-nest artist ' - .
guest anisi.
White Shrine of Jerusalem will
hold its regular meeting Monday
night at the Masonic Temple at 8
o'clock. Mrs. Miller B. Hayden
and William Netmeyer will pre-
aide at the session. Birthdays In
November, December and Jawarj
will be observed.
who celebrated theif" eolden wed-
larar renAntlmi thafr Ymma nn
Saturday, January 13 .
WRC at Miller's hall, meet
ing and tea. i '.
Monday, January 17
PEP Teachers'! club 6 o'clock
dinner at New j Salem hotel,
business meeting; and line party
to follow.
Junior Aides i of American
Legion meet with Mrs. Leiz
Bergsvik, 1090 North Cottage
treet, nomination of officers.
Tuesday, January 18
North Salem WCTU Institute
at Church of God, Hood and
Cottage streets. jState president
speaker. i
East division lot Ladies Aid
of Presbyterian church, with
Mrs. John Anderson, 118 South
24th street, 2:30 p.m.
Ministers Wives association .
with Mrs. G rover Blrtchet, 2:30
Etokta club, with Mrs. Emil
Carlson, 1495 North 14th
street, 2 p.m.
War Mothers With Mrs. Mary
E. Ranch, 1060 North 14th
street, 2 p.m. j
VFW auxiliary sewing meet
ing with Mrs. Karl Nyberg, 905
Leslie street.
Junior Woodman, Fraternal
temple, 4 p.m.
Westminster Guild of the
First Presbyterian church meet
at church parlors, p.m.,
dessert luncheon.
Laurel Social Hour club with
Mrs. Robert Hall, Cascade
Drive, 2 p.m. j
Wednesday, January 19
Royal Neighbors sewing
,club, installation! with Mrs. Ger
trude Walker at 1045 North
Summer street.
Thimble clubj Neighbors of
Woodcraft, no-host luncheon
with Mrs. Mina i Olmstead, 245
Union street. I
Thursday, January 20
Disabled American War Vet
erans and auxiliary benefit card
party at Woman's clubhouse, 8
Willamette University Facul
ty Women's cljub, with Mrs.
Herbert Rahe, 1026 North
Winter street, 2 :30 p.m.
Pringle Pleasant Point so
cial club, with Mrs. Frank
KCKT club with Mrs. Ray
Clark. 1495 North Commercial
Friday, January 21
Bush school benefit - card
party. Cherry City Baking com
pany auditorium, 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, January 22
Chemeketan annual banquet,
Marion Hotel, 6:30 p.m.
Jonior officers' of Neiahbors of
Woodcraft entertained on Friday
night in HUiers han with Mrs.
aiuu umni as suaruiau neign-
Here's a stunning new design
. amall fans joined to form a circle iete, simple. Instructions for cut-
. 4nai VAVV1aaa 4AiaaMaraamaa1'ir
thoso bright prints you re ' hated
lo throw away. Make the center
and the plaid-effect bars ot each
H inch, block the same through-
out, but make the "fans" of as
many different materials as you
can -find. Pattern 1659 contains
'accurate pattern pieces; a diagram
of block which serves as a guide
tor PIachlg the patches and aug-
e will enter-
a Willamette ,
rt homS
tain members of the- Willamette
university . faculty woman
Thursday afternoon
on North Winter street
o'clock. Assisting the hostess will
bo--Mrs. C. - Hi Johnson, Mrs.
Franklin Thompson, Mrs. William
Mosher end Mrs. E. S. Oliver.
' Mrs. Emily Prescott will enter
tain members of the sewing circle
of the auxiliary to the Sons of
Union Veterans ot the Civil War
Monday afternoon at her home,
1064 Oak street, at 2 o'clock. Mrs.
Lena Robins and - Mr. Margaret
, Fessenden will assist the hostess.
There will be no meeting of th
Iota Sigma WCTU this month. Tho
next meeting will be held on Feb
ruary 21st in the WCTU hall
1 . . " T
In tHe Valldy
Social 10
LINCOLN S c yr let iaponlca
and potted plants were artistical- .
ly arranged about the rooms of
the Mack Van Buskirk home when
Mrs. Van : Buskirk, - Mrs. L. - L.
Mickey andMrs. Bruce Wallace
entertainedthe Goodwill club
with a social afternoon Thursday.
At the business meeting Mrs. .
W. R. Edwards, Mrs. Van Bus
kirk' gave an interesting account
of the -relief committee, reporting
generous contributions of food
and clothing donated by the com-
munitv at Christmas time. Mrs.
vnv WawiTMoi. rrrreif nrrtPTURS Oil
Z. i ,v. i. n.
the community club, January 28
and 29 -
mmmm mm m a . J t
xne ciud pians 10 sena aeie-
gates to the Polk county federa-
tion .Of Rural Womens Clubs at
Elkins in February, as it became
a member in December. Mrs. Jack
Jessup read an article on the dally
life and habits of the Dionne quin
tuplets. Refreshments - were served by
the hostesses to special guests,
Esther Damm and Mrs. W. N.
Crawford, members, Mrs. Joe
Hackett, Miss Jeanne Smith, Mrs.
Jack Jessup, Mrs. S. W. Atkinson,
Mrs. S. D. Godlove. Mrs. Leola
Hurt, Mrs. W. R. Edwards, Mrs.
Roy Hammer, Mrs. D. R. Ruble,
Mrs. Ben McKlnney, Jack and Bill
TURNER The Methodist la
dles aid society held a well attend-
ed silver tea and 'program Friday
afternoon at the home of Mrs.
F. C. Gunning.
Mrs. Pembarton directed the de-
votions and gave a reading; Hel-
ena Witzel gave violin numbers
with Mrs. Agnes Bear at the pi
ano; Mrs. J. Versteeg favored
5 ?r5lJm;
nlng directed a very entertaining
guessing contest, bhe was assist-
mA at thm taa tinnr Iit Mn W
Spiers, Mrs. L. M. Small and Mrs.
C. A. Bear.
Others present were Mrs. A. E.
Robertson, Mrs. Bruce Groseclose,
Mrs. G. W. Farris, Mrs. John
Mickey, Mrs. E. J. Harrison, Mrs.
Whit taker, Mrs. McGuire, Mrs. R.
O. Witzel, Mrs. J. A. Holt, Mrs.
China Bones, Mrs. Fred Hays,
Mrs. M. A. Hill. Mrs. Dunlap, Mrs.
Ollie Ransom, Mrs. W. F. Weddle,
Mrs. Frank Ensor, Mrs. Peterson
and Eunice Bear.
DALLAS The regular meeting
of the Dallas Junior Woman's club
will be held on Monday evening,
January 17th at Library hall with
the president, Mrs. Ray McKey,
The nominating commit tee,
composed of Miss Catherine Haw-
kins, Miss Marjorie Waters and
Miss Mildred Stevens, will submit
a list of candidates for office for
the new club year. The president's
report will be given as will the re
ports of the various standing com
mittees. Following the business meeting,
cards will be In play. Hostesses
will be Miss Catherine Hawkins,
Miss Dorothy Greenwell. Mrs. Al-
mos LeFors and Mrs. Dan Quick,
ctt .
SILVERTON Mrs. Emma Rob-
inson, Mrs. Mary Townly and Mrs.
St r.n.v v
. J. Comstock were joint hos-
IS?? .11 ,nr wrf Mriiona-h
it ,1 Mn
S "- m?.8611 mJKi
"" " . '
Will Volgamore, Mrs. Ella Goss,
Mrs. uan uorenion. ituxn joren-
ZOn, Mrs. C. D. Hartman, Mrs.
Noan Skalfe, Mrs. Claire Skaife,
Mrs. E. E. Tavlor. Ms. John Por-
ter, Mrs. George Winchell, Mrs.
will Linn, Mrs. Harold Davis, Mr.
sopnia xsorgaara ana mrs. Anaur
Sallenger of Portland.
the World
gests contrasting materials; corn-
Xing, sewing ' and finishing; , a
. . ; n
yardage chart; diagram of oullt
to help arrange blocks for single
and double bed sia.
- Send 10 cents in stamps or coin
(coin preferred) for this pattern
to The Statesman, Needlecrart
DepL, Salem, Ore. Write plainly
pattern namber, your name and
address- '
Mrs. Herbert Rahe wiTi enter
Style - Jstnilei
I V fyfa A I' - - b
'He's a rat terrierbut not
He's a darling now, even though
&nd his mistress in a. riarlinz
long tunic with tucks each about a halt inch from the next. Each
one is punctuated by a shiny button in the front and white lace
frosts the black crepe at neck and sleevelets . . . For your winter
trip, or just for dash In your January wardrobe take a black and
natural checked skirt, add a topper (this one's sleeveless) of nat
ural linen with big, black buttons and top that with a dashing lit
tle black wool jacket. Copyright, 1938, Esquire Features, Inc.
WOODBURN Mr. and Mrs.
Fred S. Hall are announcing the
marriage of their daughter Miss
Freda to Arthur M. Burt, son of
Mrs. Susan A. Burt of Vancouver,
Wn., the wedding to take place at
the home of the bride's parents
Wednesday night, January 19, at
8 o'clock.
Miss Hall was honored with a
nra.mint1sl shnwtr hv Mrs W TI
Broyles, Mrs. Nettie Johnson and
Miss Nona Otjen at the Broyles
home Wednesday evening.
The evening was spent inform-
any Wjtn games and sociability
Refreshments were served.
' Guests invited were Mrs. Gladys
McClure. Misses Lila and Mvrtle
Th0mas Engle, Mrs. Ernest Live-
,ay Mlsaes Mary and Margaret
t. -i ttj c rril
Opal Hasenyager, Mrs. Amos Has-
enyager, Mrs. Nancy Carpenter,
Mrs. Fred Frents, Mrs. Vernon
Frentz, Miss Mabel Jackson, Mrs.
h. Otien. Mrs. Agnes Doss aad
Mrs. A. W. Rockafellow.
DALLAS-r-Mrs. Randall Buell,
Mrs. Peter Berg and Mrs. Ed
Shaw, members of Circle 11 of
Methodist church, onterfained
with a luncheon at the Buell home
on Friday afternoon. The lunch
eon table was centered with an
attractive arrangement of fruit
guarded by red lighted tapers.
Those present for the luncheon
were Mrs. P. J. Voth, Mrs. Leif
Finseth, Mrs. George Richmond,
Mrs. L. L. McCarty, Mrs. Guy
r rs. 1 ar
snreeve, airs. u. awins, airs,
George Hawkins, Mrs. Charles
Low' Mrs. N. L. Guy, Mrs. E.
Brockway, Mrs. Anna Toevs, Mrs.
Roy Ferguson, Miss Florine Fer-
guson, Mrs. J. E. Sampson, Mrs.
Kate Knapp, Mrs. Rice, Mrs. L. R.
Wilson, Mrs. Gus Elle, Miss Evan
geline Voth, Mrs. Elmer Helms,
Mrs. J. E. Watson, Mrs. Albert
Teal and Mrs. H. J. Eastman.
Following the luncheon, a
pleasant afternoon was spent in
sewing and visiting.
ant reature, of the monthly meet-
, . nrnmm'i cinh
" -
Thlirsday.were a talk by Mrs. C.
H' Flsher D h" recent tHp
California and Mexico, and read-
lns by Mrs- Fisher of a Broup ot
a ne meeting was neia at me norae
of Mra L, D. Glbson in Saiem.
Mrs. F"red Gibson was appointed
nrnsrram ! airman tnr thu war.
Mrs. Fl8her chairman of the visit-
i, . T -nr m.
mona n charge of nublicitv and
Mrs. J. W. Simmons In charge of
Mrs. Fisher was appointed . to
represent this club In the coming
Federated club essay contest on
the subject, "How Shall America
Stay Out of War?" Mrs. William
Schwartz will be hostess Thurs
day, February 10.
DALLAS Mr. and Mrs. How
ard J. Eastman were delightful
hosts when they entertained with
a benefit card party at their home
Friday evening. The affair was
one of a series which is being
given by members ; of the Boy
Scout Mothers club to raise money
for the Improvement of the local
Boy Scout club rooms.
Three tables of cards were In
play at the conclusion of which
Mrs. William Domaschofsky held
high score and E. V. Dalton low.
A pleasant supper hour fol
lowed. ' !
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Carpenter, Mr. and
Mrs. William Domaschofsky, Mr.
and Mrs. W. H, EftenbergeT, Mr.
and Mrs. E. V. Dalton, Mrs. A,
Kracher, Mrs. Miriam Murray, and
the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Eastman.
llil 11 la
Turkey Dinners
We Are Kevcr Out of Tarkey
11 Aa '.
professionally, of course!'
crossed in his natural talents
In & dress crossed to the end ot its
ZENA Mrs. Celia Walling of
Lincoln was agreeably surprised
Friday when she went to spend
the aftermon with Mrs. Wayne D.
Henry and a committee appointed
following the Spring Valley Home
Missionary meeting met her and
presented a beautiful electric ta-
ble lamp.
The occasion was in honor ot
tun 18th MrthdaT inn1lrurT.
which occurs Sunday. A pink
frosted birthday cake topped with
nine pink candles centered the ta
ble at which refreshments were
served by the hostess assisted by
Mrs. W. W. Henry and Mrs. W.
N. Crawford.
Celia, is thrtldast member ef
. v Hom MiaMio-
Mrs. Walling, known as Aunt
ar; tocieu of which she is a char
ary SOCieiy OI wuica sue IS a cnr
ter member. She received quilt
pieces from several present Fri
day which pleased her as she'said
she pieeed her first quilt when
eight years old and has pieced in
numerable others since.
WOODBURN The second in a
series of six card parties spon
sored by the American Legion and
auxiliary was held In the Legion
club rooms Friday evening with
14 tables of "500" in play. Prises
"for high score were awarded Dr.
V. Adams 'for the men and Mrs.,
Fred Kinnsfor the women. Con-
solatioa prizes were won by Mrs.
Mary Hoyt and Geo. Wadsworth.
The door prize went to Mrs. Theo.
Nehl. . -
On the committee for refresh
ments were Esther Moon, Hedwig
Pulley, -Nellie Yates, Lydia Yoder,
Ruby Mikelson, Florence Johnson,
Mary Filbln and Mary Hoyt. The
third party of the aeries will be
held next Friday evening with Ma
rie Penn, Bertha Bentley, La Vent
Adams, Virginia Austin. Mayne
Cochran, Hazel Purd, Margaret
Willeford and Florence Adams as
the committee in charge.
KINGWOOD Eighteen menv
bers of the Laurel Social Hour
club attended the meeting held
Tuesday afternoon at the home ot
-wis. u. xv. f nueu, mil. xwj
Pen.ft wa. admitted to member
Mrs. D. K. Frlesen. Mrs. Roy-
"hip. Members brought article, for
a Itchen 8hower which will be
Sien lam" whose household
loods were recently destroyed by
The club voted to donate for
the use of county nurse Miss Mar
garet Gillis, bandages, children's
clothes and such' other needful
things as possible, Mrs. Robert
Hall will be hostess Tuesday, Jan
uary 18.
. I
SILVERTON Mrs. Chauncey
Whitman was hostess at a prettily
appointed luncheon Friday when
she, entertanled for the pleasure of
Mrs. Albert Steward of Nanking,
China. ,
Covers were placed for ' Mrs.
Steward. Mrs. Edith Schroeder,
Mrs. E. A. Kern, Miss Jane Gra
ham, Mrs. F. D. Fields, Mrs. Ida
Nemberg, Mrs. F. F. Sylvester and
Mrs. Edson Comstock.
Slot Machine for Fun
Not Banned, Belief
machines played for amusement
and not for money or merchandise
apparently were not banned by
the recent state supreme court de
cision. District , Attorney James
Bain told Police Inspector Leon
V. Jenkins today. . -
Made to fit your windows In
our shade 'factory, will last
longer and look better.
See oar famous Tontine Wash
able and Crackproof Shade be
fore baytng.
Reinbldt & Lewis
Salem Venetian Blinds
48 1 Conrt St- Thoac 4IS1
Attendance Large
For Installation
Two Hundred See Officers
of Paper Mill Union -Installed
LEBANON T h e Installation
ceremonies of the International
Pulp. Sulphide and Paper Mill
Workers Local, No. 214, at the
K. of P. hall Thursday evening
was attended by approximately 200
members and their families. The
new officers are: president, Rob
ert " Tolbert; vice-president, Ray
Hauxwell ; secretary, Charles
Butler treasurer, John Slmi; In
ner guard. Bob Richards; outer
g n a r d, Fred Pierce; trustee.
Charles Snydwer; reporter, E. K.
Hutchings. -
Program numbers included
music by the high school German
band; clarinet solo by Jean White,
accompanied by , Betty Keebler;
songs by, high school boys, and
skits by Mrs. Albert Simons and
Mrs. Virgil Horton.
Dancing was a diversion of the
Stop For Visit
Ivan and Percy Howell, restaur
ant men. of Huntington and their
sister, Mrs. Lena Burden, of Port
land, stoped here for a visit with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
Howell, while returning from
fishing trip at Nehalem.
Roshal Groves left Friday for
Roseburg to attend a Republican
rally Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Banrke and
their son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and" Mrs. E. A. Richardson, ac
companied by a nephew, Earle
Cooper, recently from Iowa, vis
ited a nephew and . cousin, Eric
Banrke, ot Toledo, this week and
found him, suffering from a brok
en leg.
Our Reg. $3.50
With Shampoo. Finder
and Hair Trim!
15 Off on All Other Permanent Waves
Except Contract Permanents
Our fifteen years In Salem doing high class work
is your assurance that the above specials are up
to the standard in quality throughout every detail!
Millers Beauty Shop
Semi- Annual Clearance
Our Entire Stock of High
Grade Shoes Go on Sale
at a Price Yon Cannot
Afford to Miss!
Short Lines
Dress and Sport
Brown. Values to
Get In on
Vitality Shoes
I Dress and Sport
AAAA to B,
up to size 10 ,
Do Not Stop With One Pair - - Buy Two or Three
Pairs That's Economy!
A real health shoe.
We Positively Do Not Buy Shoes for Sale Purposes!
105 N. High
Mrs. Whitlock's Fatner
Dies at Home in France;
Formerly of Silverton
SILVERTON Claude Soulier,
father of Mrs. Lester Whltlock,
died December 20 at his home at
Ouerigny, Neavre, France, accord
ing to word received here.
Mr. Soulier made his home at
Silverton for sometime a few years
ago. While he was a furrier by
trade, he spent much of his time
weaving baskets at . Silverton.
Many of his friends still have bas- .
kets made by him during his stay
here. -
He was 76 years of age at his
last birthday. The Whitlocks had
planned to go to, France to visit
Emmanuel Church Elects
Officers for Church Year
SILVERTON Election of of
ficers at the annual business
meeting of Immanuel Lutheran
church resulted in:
Deacon, C. E. Jorgenson; trus
tees, Conrad Johnson and .Arthur
Dahl; treasurer, H. N. Kiev, sec
retary, H. B. Jorgenson; Sunday
School superintendent, Hannah
Olson; assistant, Mrs. Almon
Rich; organist, Mrs. Elser Aar
hus: assistants, Mrs. Arthur Dahl.
Ardis Aaarhus. Jonas Byberg, and
Inga Thorkildson.
Cemetery board, R. O. Solum;"
board of auditors, Jonas Byberg
and Alfred Loe: Sunday school
board, Oscar Johnson and Almon
Mott Amendment Accepted
WASHINGTON. Jan. 15.-P)-Representative
Mott (R-Ore) said
tonight he had been advised the
conference committee considering
the housing bill had accepted his'
amendment extending provisions
of the proposed act to rural resi
dents .5fsr
V " I vc
Black and
These Sa vines!
Both Black and Brown.
One Group of -
Dress and
Sport Shoes
Opp. Courthouse
ST jsr