The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 16, 1938, Page 1, Image 1

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, .Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, January 16, 1938
of Monmouth
Williams Is Noble Grand;
relational Bank Heads - --.
' Are all Renamed
MONMOUTH These officers
were Installed Monday night is
the-1 OOF here, with Charles Bow
man district deputy, acting as in
stalling officer, and Charles Cal
breath as marshal: i
-Iran Williams NO: Forrest De
Lapp. VG; Claude Winegar, sec
retary: Tan Crider, treasurer; H.
K, Slekafoose. chaplain; Fred
OKKTaSAf V eI VlU , aU AfcW .va
d licton Beth-HE Jesei, RSNfS r Cq
Wi- Price. LSNGj JVv Smtto,
RSVG; JEric Swenson, LSVG;' Joe
Hsrland. IG; G. M..Partridge, OG.
"The first four of fleers Ubove
will entertain the organization at
supper nexttMonday night. T
- i Reeled Bank Officers : '
The annual election of stock
holders. ofTTirst National bonk,
Monmouth, held Tuesday and
consisted of p reelection of the
seven IncumWiits: JF. WIenert,
Edward G.fUddeHi. 3&jf R. Gra
ham, Ira CvPoweU, - James Hid
den. Jack EWjnp, and F. J. Hill.
The annual report-showed a small
gain .over the net profits of the
preceding yeaT. . v"
J van Moore has sold his barber
shoo- to IBv. Crawford of. Port
land. who7ha- taken possession4.'
Moore- had, ttot announced; nis
plana. ..ftf.A,
Charles v?t&it$.'; woqayaraV-iOp-.erator,
has moved to Salem, va
cating the Winegar boose on
Bread etreet, r . -
. Miasourfans Entertained -
:Mr. and lira. W. B. JEgelston
re entertaining their cousins.
Trank Thomas, R: A. Bosley and
llln Nell Bosley, all of Trenton.,
Mo They brought with them ume
sorghum molasses made In the
same mill nsed 37 years ago by
MUton Bosley, 88, father of Mrs.
Egelston and uncle of the guests,
when he lived In his native state.
Missouri. JBosley now makes his
home with the Egelston family.
Jr. J. N. Carls, head of the de
partment, of geography. ,ONS,
vent by rail to Toronto, Canada,
dating Christmas holidays. He
states on returning that the rains
and floods of Oregon made head
lines in Chicago newspapers. The
dry weather -of Toronto seemed
less cold than Oregon weather, h'e
said, although the thermometer
lnhe east registered lower than
lnbregon. I " '
Odesbees Plan
SHELBURN Mrs. J L. Oelea-
be plan to leave soon for Cali
fornia for an extended visit. with
her sister. : - ''-- '
Children of Mr, and Mrs. Rei
ger are absent from school , this
week confined to; their home with
measles. - f ;v 4;.
n Roe Phillips, a pioneer farm
er of this locality, has been' indis
posed for some time. ! ;
A number of old, neighbors and
friends attended funeral services
for Charles Beard, O, I which
were held. Sunday at the Baptist
church. Mr. Beard was a pioneer
son of this community. ;
PTA Snpper a Success
jln Spite of Weathejf;
u TToodcutter Is Injured
T j 1 '
SCOTTS MILL The. ; Parent-,
Teachers', snpper Thursday eve
ning waa quite success In spite
of -.the downpour of rain, which
truck this vicinity about supper
time and . lasted an evening.
Seventy-one people were served
and the proceeds were 115.50. Af
ter supper Mr. and Mrs. Jl. M.
EteVart and son, from : Brooks
and recently of Nanking, China,
showed pictures and gave interest
ing talks about their former home,
which they were forced to leave
because of the war. :
Frank Broslg was painfully in
jured yesterday when he severed
one toe and badly cut two more,
while cutting wood. He was three
quarters of a mile from home, and
alone, so he was obliged to walk
all -the way unaided,' suffering the
loss of great deal of blood. He
was taken to the Oregon" City hos
pital, where he will remain for aJ
wee or twe:
RlrsvWoodburn Hostess
; ito Hollywood Company
i ' i - '
.1, . ' . . . l.
HOLLYWOOD The M e rr'y
Miglers held their regular meet
Icfc i the home of Mrs.' J. E.
Wpodburn. A very pleasant so
cial af ternoen followed the reg
alar routine of business. ' '
Present were: Mrs. H a r o 1 4
Wpodburn, Mrs. C. C Colwell,
Mfi. P. P. Phlpps. Mrs. J. E.
Dvgan. Mrs. G. Thorp. Mrs.L.
"Suvder, Mrs. A. A. McCain, Mrs.
L.B. 'Maim, Mrs. Jtobt, Fromm,
Mrs. A. W. Fletcher, and Mrs.
J. 'B. Woodbum. f ; -
!.' . .1 ' ... . ; ....
Art Certificate
This Certificate entitles you to one week's Set
of FourPictures upon payment ot only 39c (46c
if by mail).
De sure to order Set No.
sequent acta, order the
Seized as Indiana Abductors, one Kills Self
Mystery of the Christmas , eve abduction of four
CenterviHe. Intt; persona,' Including three-year-old
John- Bryaju Jr-,ajul hi tnotherj waa cleared op
. whea police at Muncie. Ind arrested William Mar
rum. 30. of Newcastle, and an accomplice. Harry
Walters. 50, of Muncie. both of whom are aHejred
Pin Is Presented
To Former Of ficer
SILVERTON A surprise fea
ture of the Installation services of
Rebekahs And Odd Fellows
held Jointly Thursday night was
the presentation of a gold Past
Noble Grand pin to Mrs. Helen
WTightnan, who vu KoUe Grand
of the local order almost 30 year
ago. She has been a member of
the organization for 25 years.
During recent years she: has serv
ed aa musician. Presentation was
made by Rath Lorensen.
Officers installed were for the
Odd Fellows: Noble Grand. J. H.
Mosher; Vice-Grand Carl Kel
Iner jsecretary, John - Gehrke;
treasurer, Elmer King; warden,
BurrelL C. Mills; conductor, R. M.
Stewart; Inner guard, B. C. Ben
nett: outer guard, S. Tegland; R.
S. M. George Busch; L. S.
M. tj., L. R. Sawyer; R. S. V. G.,
W. C. Larson; L. S. S. V. G., Axel
Olson. : .
Rebekah officers installed
were: Noble Grand. Mrs. Myrtle
Stewart: VVG,., Jessie Rains; L. S.,
Mabelle Gay; R.' S-, Mrs. Maude
Pw; R. S.. Mrs. KathrynTayr
lor; u. ., Mrs, iaura uuscn; con
ductor.' Helen v Mulkey; warden,
Mrs. Elza Reed; chaplain, Emma
Adamson; I. G.. Letha Con vender;
O. G., Eda Riches; musician, Pearl
Davenport., -
State president of the Rebekah
assembly will pay a visit to the
local lodge on Thursday, Jan. 27.
Sew Qub Meeting
Event at 'Green
Sewing club recently held an in
teresting program of readings and
music. Mrs. Alex Bishop direct
ing. A number of original poems
written by Jane Dunnigan, a stu
dent of Mt. Angel Normal, was
read. Current events were dis
cussed by Mrs. W. G. Davis and
The club has planned to have
a program each . meeting. Mrs.
Adolph Klttilson and Mrs. Ed
ward Dunnigan, jr., will be host
esses at Mrs. Kittilson's home
January 19. .
Mrs. Ralph Gilbert was hostess
to the Sunshine Sewing club for
a special meeting to qttilt.
; Mrs. Rudolph Wacken will be
hostess January 1.
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Tan Cleave
have returned from visiting rela
tives at Cornnig and Los An
geles, Calif.
Social Service Qub '
: Meets at Parlors .of
Amity Methodist Church
AMITT The Social Service
club of the Methodist church-met
Wednesday afternoon in the
church parlors with the president
Mrs.1 Olive Taylor presiding. Re
ports of the various committees
were Teceived. Mrs. J. B. Meeker
had charge of the devotional per
iod. Her subject was "Love.
Refreshments were served and a
silver offering taken. - Hostesses
for the afternoon were Mrs. R.
R. Masaey.' Mrs. Don Massey, Mrs.
Howard Strout. and Mrs. John
Dahsea. . -Over 2 0 were f present.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McCnlloch
and daughter, -Miss Thelma left
Thursday Jor Long Beach, Cali
fornia, where- they plan to re
main ant! AprtL - - . -
MUs Mary Jewell Ladd of Ett-
gene.-senior at the Northwestern
Bible school was a recent guest
here at- the home of her aunt
and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
E.. Ladd. . . v
1 - rlf J" have that or sub-'
next i umbered Set of Four.
to have confessed to, police they committed the
- crime. Shortly Wter their arrest. Waiters com
. mil ted. suicide. Marcum. shown, seated right with
Walters, left, In the photo above, now faces possible '
death or a life sentence as the first to be tried
under the "Ltndberxh kidnaping las in the state
ZENA -Chris ' Tnngen. "chair
man of the committee on ar
rangements for Spring Valley
Farmers union, held at the Zena
schoolhouse Wednesday night,
gave an inspiring and vivid de
scription of his native home In
Switzerland. i
One sight which la comparable,
with nothing he has seen since
leaving Switzerland is the aurora
bosealls which for sheer beauty
and loveliness can not be found,
in any other country, , with.! Its
hues of the rainbow.
Preceding his talk, Charles Mc
Carter, president, presided at the
meeting when these officers were
elected for the ensuing year:
Ralph C. Shepard, president;
Charjes McCarter, vice-president;
S. D. Crawford, secretary-treasurer;
Worth W. Henry, " door
keeper; George Lane, conductor,
and W. Frank Crawford, . Fred
Muller and Ben McKinney, execu
tive committee. " h
Letters of general Interest from
S. B. Holt, state secretary, and
Ronald Jones were read bv the
secretary and the resolutions
yasoeu m nje national 'armers
union . convention at Oklahoma.
November 16 to 18, read! and
commented upon by S, B. Dodge
and discussed by members. L. H.
McBee of Polk county was chair
man on the resolutions commit
tee. Ralph) C. Shepard planned to
appoint his committees during the
evening, j - . ;
Refreshments were served by
Mr and Mrs. Chris Yungen and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Windsor.
'Spring' Comes to
Hazel Green; Sow
Seed and Grain
HAZEL. GREEN It is spring;
the pussy willows are blooming.
When did we have winter?
The farmers are busy . sowing
grain. The gardeners are replac
ing the soil in the greenhouses.
Lettuce seed will be sown soon.
J. A. Zlellnski is having 10 acres
cleared on the northwest corner
of the farm bought from Orvllle
Luckey. i
Louis Garberino and F
Zlellnski have sold a' number of
carloads of onions. The price ' Is
satisfactory. It Is reported! there
Is considerable loss to the! onion
growers because of the early tall
rains. Some crops were stored be
fore properly dried. There has
been too : much . rain this
for the electric fans to dry
in the warehouses.
W. H. WiUiams is erubbins:
three acres of prunes. Ho will sow
grain this year and next year
plant strawberries. j
Joseph Zlellnski has taken out
the older part of his gooseberry
planting because of borers. He
has a fine crop of turnips ion the
land to plow under' for fertilizer.
Funeral Serrice Held f
For Mill Gty Infant; ,
Burial Made at Lyons
' - -I
LYONS Funeral services for
James Kunkle, the infant! son of
Mr. and Mrs. John Kunkle were
held at the Stayton Funeral home
at 2 o'clock p. nr. Thursday with
burial in the Fox valley cemetery.
James was born at Lyons, Novem
ber 24, 1935 and died at a Port
land hospital Tuesday. Surviving
are his parents, one sister Jo Ann
and his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Benf Bodeker, all of Mill
City.,-:-' v --v-
G. F. Johnston attended a pub
lic service utilities meeting In Sa
lem. Thursday as a representative
for the Lyons People's Telephone
company. . ' , j
Willard Bush to Speak
Before Silverton Group
SILVERTON Willard C. Bnsh,
author t ,"Pahang,w which will
come off the Mcmillan pressv on
January 25, will be the. guest
speaker at the American! Legion
Auxiliary meeting Monday night,
Maurice Buchanan will give a
chalk talk. There will also be a
musical program given, a chalk
talk. There will also be a: musical
program. A 1:30 supper will be
held for members and specially
School Benefit Is
Planned by P-TA
SILVER CLIFF The local Parent-Teachers
group met at ,the
school house Friday night. Plans
were discussed for a benefit pro
gram, the proceeds to go for
school and playground equipment
and Improvements. No date was
set. The committee in chance will
be Jim Mulkey, Romey Lais and
Mrs. Thelma Mulkey.
February committees are
iuncn, jonn Brewer; program,
Mrs. Kenneth Warnock; visiting.
Mrs. Lela Mulkey, Mrs. Richard
Patton, Kenneth Warnock. A
pie sale will take the place of the
regular lunch at the next meeting.
The following program was pre
sented: violin and accordion
music, Jim Mulkey and Robert
Gothberg; play, "Tending Baby.
Frances Warnock and Mrs. Thel
ma Mulkey; male, quartet,, "Har
bor Lights.'? Jim Mulkey, Ralph
Mulkey, - Robert Gothberg and
Jimmie Mulkey; reading. "Whistl
ing In Heaven," Mrs. Daphna
HunU skit. "P. T. A.-Work," Mrs.
Carrie To wnsend, . . MrsC r M innie
Lozier, Mrs. Thelma Mulkeyj-and
Miss Sadie Khth: 1 n: "
Refreshments were served.
Birthday Is Honored -
The birthday of Jim Mulkey was
Honored Thursday evening by a
large gathering of relatives and
friends at his home here.
The time was passed in games,
music and dancing and at a late
hour refreshments, including three
large Jlrthday cakes were serv
ed by Mrs. Mulkey, assisted by Mrs
Betty Marshall and Mrs. Verne
Those present were the honor
guest, Mr. Jim Mulkey, Mrs. Mul
key and daughters. Betty, Kath
Ieen and Jeanne, Mr. and i Mrs.
Kenneth Warnock, Frances and
Margaret, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Mulkey, Gene and Lloyd. Mr. and
Mrs. Verne . Lozier and. son
Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Orren
and granddaughter, LaVelle, Mrs.
Myrtle Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Clif
ford Mulkey and Carol, Mrs. Ar
thur Skirven and Jimmie, Robert
Gothberg, , Norman Dotter and
Jimmie Mulkey.
Install Officers j
For Lebanon WRC
LEBANON The John F. Mil
ler W. R. C. at its meeting on
Friday Installed president, Gladys
Burkhart; S. V.; Iva Cruson; J. V..
Minnie Weeks; secretary-treasurer,
Achsa Chess; chaplain, Mar
garet Groves; conductor, Minnie
Preston; assistant, Lockett Carl
son; guard, Minnie Mqrgan; color
bearers, Agnes Williamson,; Lucy
Gonstad, Minnie Weeks and Elen
Bellows; press eorresnondent.
Lockett Carlson: natriotlc in
structor, MinTne Preston; dele
gates to annual convention, Hattie
Mealey and Marie Dobesh. .
.Hattie Mealey was initiated as
a member. , ,
The corps members accepted an
invitation to the installation ser
vices of the ladies of the G. A: R.
of Albany next Tuesday.
Smithsonian Calendar
Given to Keizer School
By Sen. Chas. L. McNary
KEIZER An outstanding as
sembly program was held Friday
morning in the school auditor
ium. Nellie Pearmme,. student
president, read a letter written
to the Keizer school from Sena
tor Charles L. McNary and then
presented; the school , with a cal
endar Issued by the Smithsonian
institute and sent by Senator Mc
Nary. Dorothy Green - was ap
pointed student reporter. Nina
Varbel, Ruth Pearcy and Avadee
Thomas were appointed on the
next program committee.! Betty
Pierce and Arleen Frogley were
in charge of the following pro
gram: 'Grandpa Pays the i Bills,
Rosie Sugal; "Capitol Ship." song
by 7th and 8th grades. A play,
"The Sewing-Society." Cast of
characters: Dorothy Green, Dor
othy Smalley, Verle Saucy Ver
die Muller, Vesta Walker, Janette
Stratton, Howard Smalley. "Moo
Cow Moo, reading by Richard
Cassutt; "Who Am I." Bth grade;
"Water Melon. reading by Bob
Irvine : accordion solo, W a y n
Mill Gty Groups
Hold Usual Meets
Bridge, Women's Clubs in
Session; Rev. McAuley
Honored ahParty
, , , :. i
MILL C I T Y Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Schroeder. Mr. and Mrs.
T. W. Allen and Mrs. S. G. Hlg-
don attended a meeting of the
Matrons and Patrons' club of
the! OES in Corvallis Thursday
night. .
The Mill City Woman's club
met at the home of Mrs. Albert
Milsap in Gates Wednesday eve
ning with Mrs. C. D. Johnson and
Mrs. Milsap acting as hostesses.
After a business meeting Mrs.
A. HnJgigare 'irnteresting
talk on "MfttdtfiXdmmonly
Made in English ajfids'jCorrect Pro
nunciation- of Wofds-
A lunch: was 'strveaU by the
hostesses. ;-'.-s
; , Members , prese'ntfVere Mes-
dnmes S. Jepsen, ArJX .Scott; C.
C. Porter, C. Baltimore , H.
Schroeder, R. Schroeder, L. E.
Dike. W. Robinson. Mable Need-
ham, D. B. HilL F Taylor, Mc-
Roberts, A. Hoenig, G.- Gates, C.
Davis, F. Smith, E. . Collins,. W.
Schuey,W. Mason, R, Saucier, R.
Sause." Guests were Mrs. Pearl
Holthonie; Mrs. K. Smith, Mrs.
Wilson and Miss D. Hendricson.
Surprise Pastor, Party
Members and friends of the
First Presbyterian church sur
prised Rev. and Mrs.1 McAuley
Wednesday evening, serving a
dinner in Jumnfot (heltreddlng
annlversaryThewere presented
with gifts.
Mrs. R. L. Faust was hostess
for the bridge club Thursday,
serving a dessert luncheon at her
home. Those present were Mrs.
Mildred Allen, Mrs. Tom Allen,
Mrs. C. Cline, Mrs. L. E. Dike.
Mrs. Pearl Hojthouse, Mrs. Clar
ence Mason. Mrs. W. W. Mason,
Mrs. William Qulnn, Mrs. Frank
Potter, Mrs. R. Saucier, Mrs.
Charles Porter, Mrs. Herbert
Schroeder. Mrs. Albert Lawson,
Mrs. Arthur Alien and Mrs. R.
Ill-Fated Clipper
Of ficer Was 1937
Monmouth Visitor
MONMOUTH Paul S. Brunk.
Jr., Junior flight officer, on the
Samoan Clipper, was a Monmouth
visitor last fall, coming to see a
sister, Mrs. Alice Gulley student
at Oregon .Normal school.
The Brunk home Is in Eugene,
where the young- man's father re
sides, and where he attended
school prior to his entrance into
aviation. He was stationed in
Florida until transferred last fall
to Hawaii and the Pan-American
Airways staff.
Officer Brunk went to his
death with six others Tuesday
when the clipper plunged in
flames into the South Pacific near
Pago Pago.
Improvement Qub for
Island Selects Rural
Theme for Annual Play
Smidge From Turnip Ridge," a
rural comedy drama in three acts.
has been selected as the annual
play to be given by the Improve
ment club. The cast has been cho
sen and Intensive practice has
been started under direction of
Mrs. Grace Duren.
The Mother's Circle club was
pleasantly entertained Wednesday
afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Carl Wood In the Fairvlew dis
trict. Sixteen members and. one
guest, Mrs. E. Kitzmiller of Sa
lem were present.
Hosmer Is Reelected
was reelected president of the Sil
verton Townsend club at its meet
ing this week. Other officers in
clude vice-president, Mrs. Will
Volgamore; secretary, Mrs. Mabel
Goldsworthy; treasurer, Mrs. R.
L. Gourlie. .
Good health brings happiness and one's happiness
is an aid to Beauty.
Cherish and keep that good health.' To be well is to
keep well. Take care of yourself and when ailment comes
take all the precaution you can. Consult your physician
regularly and do
Our Prescription Service Is the Best
' Render and We Use Only the Best Materials
403 State, Corner liberty
Granger's Column
grange won the plaque sponsored
by the Dallas chamber of com
merce for the grange of Polk
county making the best showing
during the year along certain
specified lines of agricultural and
community service.
The award, has now been made
annually for five years. Rickrean
grange won the first plaque of
fered for three successive years,
so bceame owners of It." Rlckreall
won again last year when a new
plaque was sponsored. The agri
cultural achievements test used as
basis for deciding on the winner
this year were: Weed control, 4H
club work and rodent control.
Brush College grange took sec
ond place in the contest; Rick
reall. third; Fort Hill, fourth.
Dallas, Falls City and Oak Grove
were not represented. Granges of
the county represented at the
meeting Wednesday at Rickreall
were Fort Hill, BueU. Rickreall,
Brush College and Monmouth.
Ed Rogers, Monmouth, present
ed achievement in weed control;
Byron Ruddell, 4H club activity;
and W. J. Stockholm, rodent con
trol. Agricultural groups and
County Agent W. C. Leth, decide
on the winners.
An official presentation of the
plaque will be made at some fu
ture date, probably with m dele
gation from the Dallas chamber
in attendance.
LIBERTY The grange home
economics club made plans at the
Thursday meeting at the P. G.
Judd home, to sponsor a grange
anniversary dinner in February.
It will mark the Red Hills
grange's seventh year.
A great deal of sewing was ac
complished during the day. A
covered dish luncheon was served
at" noon. Mrs. Judd. the hostess.
was assisted by her daughter. Mrs,
Gerald. Norwood. Mrs. W. R,
Dallas presided at .the business
TURNER Surprise grange at
Ex-Resident of
Monmouth Passes
MONMOUTH Word has been
received here of the death of Mrs.
H. C .Ostien of Royal Oak. Mich.,
last week. She lived In Monmouth
from 1911 to 1924, .where her
late husband was head, of the de
partment of mathematics at ONS.
Olive McClain was born June
13, 1863, near Des Moines, Iowa.
For many years she was a teacher
and both she, and Mr. Ostien were
on the facMlty of Bandon : high
school for four years preceding
their moving to Monmouth. She
headed. . the ' Red Cross unit of
Monmouth in. 1919 while Mr. Os
tien was overseas with the TMCA.
He died in 1924. She had made
her home with her only son, Tom,
and his family. In recent years.
They survive, also a sister, Mrs.
W. M. Roper, Emporia, Kan., and
one. brother, T. J. McClain, Des
MoineS. . .
N Interment was at M O t e o w ,
ices, Mr. and . Mrs. Tom .Ostien
Idaho, Tuesday. After the! serv
came on to Monmouth' to visit
friends. j
New Artisan Officers
Preside at Meeting;
Card Party Is Planned
sembly Artisans held its regular
meeting In the I OOF hall Thurs
day evening with the newly in
stalled officers In their stations.
Plans were made for a card par
ty and social to be held In the
IOOF hall : Thursday evening,
January 27. On the committee
for arrangements are Mrs. Ma
thilda Warring, Mrs. Gertrude
Warring and Miss Vera Whol
heter. The " next regular business,
meeting will be held February 10
and will be preceded by -a covered-dish
supper to be served at
6:30 to Artisans and their fam
ilies. what he prescribes.
fsBBsWrssl rsisansaainjsa saWrsBauBaBBsl ,y.,. ..A ;.-.;
DruS Store 'i I V
its recent meeting -made, arrange
ments for the entertainment of
Pomona grange Wednesday, Jan
uary 19,, at the hall, .with dinner
served .la the Christian ;hurch
dining room. Mr. and Mrs. L. S.
Lambert of Stayton grange were
guests. for: the -day, . Mrs.: Birdie
Denver had "charge fot a short
program. Gaylla and Nancy Ann
Ensley gave readings and Alice
Titus was soloist.
' : BRUSH COLLEGE The home
economics committee - of - Brush
College grange will be entertain
ed with a 12:30 o'clock luncheon
at the home of Mrs. Charles
Glare on the Wallace road Thurs
day, Jan. 20. Election of officers
will be held at this time.
Favor Power Vote
RICKREALL Rickreall grange
went cn record favoring the spe
cial election for the seven coun
ty districts on the Bonneville hy
dro, electrlct question at their
meeting here Friday night.
F. E. Pence, chairman of the
agriculture committee,- reported
the committee bad decided ' to
work on the following this year:
4H club, rodent and weed con
trol, seed prod ucts and market
ing. Master Lar kin named the
committees for 1938.
Committees Named
Agriculture, J. H. Harland, F.
E. Pence;, legislative, W. W.
Rowell. Kenneth Bursell; HEC,
Mrs. Charley Wlefs, Mrs. John
Reney, Mrs. J. P. Voth; relief,
Mrs. J. E. Ragsdale, Mrs. S. J.
Lowry; entertainment. OraLantx,
Clarke Irving, Mrs. Ida Ragsdale,
George Van Santen.
Master Lark in requested as
many as possible go to Portland
to protest increased railway rates.
Esther Bonnleksen was given the
obligation of the third and fourth
degrees. Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Madison' of Monmouth and Geor
gia Shumway- were initiated into
the first and second degrees.
The HTC reported $89.50 made
during the past year. Fifty dol
lars was spent in the kitchen.
District Rebekah
Meet Set, Dallas
DALLAS A district conven
tion of the Rebekah lodge will be
in Dallas on Tuesday, January 18.
The convention will open at 10
a. m. and 'will continue all day.
The convention will be in the na
ture of a school of instruction
and various phases of the lodge
work will be carried out.
Mrs. May Jones of Prineyille,
stale ' president of the Rebekah
lodge,, will be present f or the
meeting; It Is expected that sever
al other state officers will also
attend the convention.
In the evening the McCoy and
the Falls City lodges will be pres
ent, and at that time the presi
dent win make her official wlslt.
Albert Burelbach Is the newly
elected noble grand of the Dallas
lodge. Mrs. Roy Aldersan is chair
man of the affair.
4H Qub Leaders
Conference Set
. DALLAS Each year a' confer
ence for 4-H club leaders is. ar
ranged for at Oregon State col
lege. This year this meeting is to
be held on January 17. 18 and -19,
according to information received
at the county agent's office from
H. C. Seymour, state club leader.
This three-day conference Is
planned for the purpose of giv
ing leaders from all over the state
Instructions and assistance for im
proving the work of. the various
4-H clubs they lead.
; aMny specialists are secured for
this conference 'and a large num
ber of 4-H club members usually
attend, i ; - .. -
The work is divided in such a
way that leaders may choose the
type of work they wish, states
W. O. Leth, Polk county agent. .
- Special rates are secured for
hotel . accommodations and- meals
for the club leaders attending.
Service We
S l ':r:.:::;:Ss, '--3
Phone 3118
Pension Qiibbers
Elect, Aiimsville
Mrs. Rebo Is President ;
. near iveport ajjuus
" Corvallis Meet
AUMSVILLE The Townsend
club met at the Christian church
Thursday for fts regular meeting.
Bulletins from national head
quarters were read by Mrs.; Fred
Potter. New membership v cards
were Issued to Mr. and Mrs." Fred
Potter, Mrs. Rebo and Mr. Good-
all. .
Report of the delegate to the
district ' convention at Corvallis,
t a i t r.M T r
January ?, was giveu ujr mh. . v
Mountain. V
T. C. Mountain, who also at
tended the convention at Corval
lis, discussed the conditions neces
sary for the success of the Town
send plan as, described by Doctor
Gordon Ware at the Corvallis
convention. Fred Garbe spoke of
interesting highlights of the con
vention which impressed him as
a layman, a pieage oi s.uv was
paid by this club toward the con
vention expense., , r
New Officers Named
Election of officers for the en
suing six months resulted as fol
lows: president, Mrs. Rebo; vice
president, Fred Garbe: secretary
treasurer, Mrs. Fred Potter. The
next meeting of the organisation
will be held January 27.
The Sewing club, with Mrs.
White as chairman will hold the
next .meeting next Wednesday af
ternoon at 2:00 o'clock In the
school dining room. Women are
requested to bring their Friend
ship quilt blocks, if possible.
Sewing will be given ont also.
Oakdale Qub Meeting
Held Thursday Afternoon
. OAKDALE The Oakdale
club '- held its regular monthly
meeting at the home of Mr. Han
nah Ollsen, Thursday afternoon,
with -a large number of members
present . Mrs. Arthur Ollsen was
assistant hostess. The business
was in charge of the president,
Mrs. Clarence Sellers. After the
business the time was spent in
sewing and social converse. The
next Sunday meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. J. C. Wright,
January; 30, and the Thursday af
ternoon meeting will be February
10, at the home of Mrs. Emmer
son Murphy. Mrs. John Richmond
and Mrs. Nolea of Dallas City
were present.
Mrs. Tllford Dally attended the
W, C.; T...U meeting at the home
of Mrs. Holmes, . of Falls City,
nursuay anernoon. "
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