PAGE FIFTEEN ell-Bnij the Easy Way WitK a States: Classified : Ad 01 A The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning,' January 7, 1928 .SLID Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 ' Clusslfied AdTertUlB Single insertion per line 10c Three insertions per line 20c Six Insertions per line -30c One month per lin Minimum charge c Copy for this page accepted until IJI (he evening before publication for das! fiction Copy receive after tlii time will be ran uIei the heading. Late to Clas- IT.- . 1 The Blatewnsn assumes no finan cial responsibility for error which wiay apt"-"' in advertisements pub iiaitea Id Its columns, and In where -tlite paper t at fault will re print -that part of an advertiseiaesM 4a which the typographical mistake ocrrurm. The Statesman -reserves the right te eetect qiieatlonable advertising At furthw reserves the right tt .place all adwertleine: under tn proper claaairicatloa. Room and Board RM.'BD, emp. lady $5.60 wit. 7311. ROOM AND board. lS47 Court. ! For Sale Farms ROOMS. BOARD optional. Ph. 4927. 1 gte St-Ph- 8t2tr For Sale -Real Estate ! BEAUTIFUL MODERN homa to I 10 ACRES 114 MILE on pavement Walnut Park Add. This bouse has Just 1 east of Salem. New house, barn ga- heea Hunnlttxt arertl ran ha tuinrht vrrr I ran. elec water SVStetn. best Of SOU. reasonable. Cailetou E. Lane, 131 CARLETON E. LANE. 33S SHU St. Phone $622 KM., BD., close In, $45 S. Cora'L KEAUTIFULt ft ENDURING new home. It cost $4,925. Exceptionally I BD.. HEATED rm., J271 Chemeketa. I well-built will sacrifice. C. C. Losh, 234 BOARD-ROOM. Very close In. 5482. Acreage 1 A. $450. Royal Anne cherries bearing. Beautiful view for home site. StOO DOWN. BRAND new borne, all I " .L"' ' ' T r. NICEST ROOMING! bonae In town. 1 hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace. I " -f-'S?. 1 .Ti-itV eiooo also the best table board. Close in, 3151 etc.. North Salem, new add. S4200. Pit 2? j Bellevue, corner S. CommerciaL I . - -:' i NORTH SALEM NEW J R.. NOOK bath. Plastered. garage tint in house, at. pavea " 1t mn f, Salem. Caah tl400. paid. Price sivov; jo oowa wui sr",5V " - For Rent Apartments FURN. AND tmfurn.' See Flshe Apt., 336 Oak. A pleasant place to handle. Trad for rite. H. P. GRANT - C. H. SANDERS 52 Court Street Tel. 6744 27 ACRES TIMBER. 3000 cords or For Sale Used Cars For Sale Used Cars live. C. E. LANE 23S State St Ph. 8822 ATTR. TURN. 3 R, fcpt. 735 N. Cap. S A., ( R. HOUSE near Kelser New Low Prices at OTTO X WELS0N 1933 Franklin Sedan, a real buy i ...$335 1936 Buick Coupe ... --j- - 685 1937 Ford DeLuxe 4-Door Sedan, low mileage.. 675 1927 Chevrolet Sedan in fine condition.. , 60 MA NT OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM j OTTO J. WILSbN For Sale Used Cars QK?d Used Cars AT McKay Livestock TOP PRICES paid Tor eld horses and cows tor for feed., TeL sis. LnjMiTTirir-irir-inrir-M-i-i-.-rii - - , 2 R. APT- 444 S. High. S RM. 1 RM. furrfe 250 S. Cottage. MOD. HEAT, alr-eqnd hot water. Ights. priv. bath, gar.; za btate. X It ".TURN. APT. lights, water, 2 R. APT.. 445 S. Winter. ' APTS., $8 St $12 mo. 355 Bellevue. 1 al. r.. 21 S3 State. aHMajSMaaiaaa I-HAVE SEVERAL new homes for I 9no0!r-n,f A I600". I1"" SR8 NORTH COMMERCIAL i i .. . . T . -hw l,m I sion. in IS K otner acreage". rew.. Call 558U. u r bkum. rtr-m Mr Ph. 8902. LIST TOUR property for nale rent I vlUr- c 'Tnopo' Wli'i"""" mV. or trade now with- LOUIS BECH- , "' -r. . it"7 for TEU 341 State St, If you want quick k : results. - I . ml tmm Solm 12 or IS 77vorrrZx I swr s cultivated. 300 or 400 cords wood, VTHT RENT? When you can buy or I w,.. . rnA creek on viva uvii m w uivv PHONE 5431. ' . 1 i t 1. t us, I one acre oi uie ueai. r hmiw creek, new house, not finished lnslde.4 7 --r Waiming To Used Car i Haa elec. lurhta. located Just outside of VriS? JOOO. terma. . iw.t. f.. l n Mown hall acrra , likel-rent frtce ii4o. set BiiDaiti 1 SINGLE APT., fftfrv. WK nti-k tin deed and worth less horses, cows, slep. Tel. 488. col-1 sUira. 448 Hood St lect - 2 R. APT. HEAT. liht. water. Clean Also sleeping- rm. Adults only C45 ierry. t FR-er we nick w deed and werthlesa horaea, eowe. TeL 7S7J. col- lect. ;--;.--JLRJirt' DEAD AND worthless -torses, cows,! 2-ROOM FURN. apt. Adulta onlj'. plccea up tree, ra coueci . h rmne bviw. i IteMt, Albany. Montgomery Rend j ----- Wkm. I 2-ROOM APT. 143 Court 6279. or BRASHKR, 341 State, Excfaanpe Real Estate NICE LITTLE 5 A. home on Roose-I velt. btehwaT. Small 5 R. house, ga- rase, sorinc some timber. For trade 2 Tf FURN. Prlr. hath. 24 Marion. aaae J,os- 5 RM. HSiC will take vacant le t as I down payment in a good location. 2 R. APT, 838 N. Liberty. FURNISHED 3 ROOM apt down- house, electricity. 8 ml. from Salem. i Can be bought for 1250 down, ia.wu per month. VOSBUKUH-UKABl Masonic Bldg. Wanted Real Estate" Help Wanted FURN. APTS. 232 Water. F.JH. WEIR, Oreg BWg. Ph. 9411. I EXCHANGE DANDY 5 ACRE tract hlriily im proved, new house., beautiful lawn and shrubs, abundance of walnut filbert. PRICES QUOTED IN THIS AD REP RESENT ACTUAL SAVINGS OF 0 TO $75. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTAN- TES. HOWEVER. CAN THESE SPE REST RESIDENCE 16500 cash will tjc purchase. East or north. Tel. 744. than $ p M SATURDAY. JAN. 8th. R.,.h.a..nnnnnnn.'i:pa I PLEASE ACT QUICKLY TO SAVE "u'""'' ' ' THESE AND MANX OTHER APARTMENT BUSINESS rhrht m BARGAINS. town. Apts. all rented. 500 casn tor quick turnover. Rent 820 a month. In- r.,tl(fBt, u a nwnet la leXLVintt town. Box 577. Statesman. lOt; Pnnti'ar d-Tir. Sldan Winter keady Used Cars 1S3C DeSota Airstream Custom Sedan, overdrive and heater 735 t93? Plymouth DeLujte Tudor 725 1936 Plymouth. Touring bedan 6& 1934 Plymouth Sedan, overhauled 450 1934 Oldsmobile Sedan, overhauled 48" 1933 DeSoto Cuftom Sedan 435 1933 Chevrolet Master Sedan 365 1933 Dodee 6 DeLuxe Coupe 385 1931 DeSoto 6 Sedan, overnauiea zsa 1931 Chevrolet Coach overhauled 215 1931 Chevrolet Sedan, -very good.. 250 1928 Chevrolet 4 Sedan 1928 Chevrolet 4 Sedan, a dandy 1928 Ford Coupe ... . xxr , VTrn irnVTi man A entnr neaeh trees. Krapes. etc Best of soil. I , mmmr Mn in- I fhl ear haa beautiful runmetal fin- - rrv-.r imn rr Priv.i. Hath I Fri?0i wlu cceP.1 k000 .5ulvest 12500 In cash. Particulars 529 !ah butlt-in lnmn comDartment all E3CPERIENCED MACHINE book- h, i.ter. nre. 30. Phona 71131 m ?a,em- jaon" oaca Court street I ' , . Ar.u bra . . i. .n v. i ' i i ence. i . aeeffer, nai" ur music. "r. . . perience and salary desired In first let ter. Bex 681, statesman. -Situations Wanted KPEB1ENCKD DRESSMAKING. Mret Adsilt 113 Marloa Phone 8446 siaea4-t)saMs-M enc4. CL'D Vllfe warl PARTLY FURNISHED 2 rooms and I "SS, j! uiiiiJd e,itn,i kitch. Heat Unts, water. ss Baginaw. ... it Phone 4708. 1-3 RM. APT, available Jan. 15. 3Jl4jJ5l Money to Loan brake. This is the original Silver streak model. Compare this price, ONLY 1 495 Ph. 3842. Stratum Apts. 870 N. Winter. cVrfoia on Small farm here. Phone Nelson, 8280 or write route 7, tfox 14. S Mf erSn PERSONAL LOANS 1936 Ford Tudor Sedan FURN. APT., close 'in. lights, water free. 345 Bellevue St., Salem. 3 R. APT.. LIGHTS, heat water. .Igarage, 3.3 Leslie.' itol St WANTED, HR. work. Refs. 6542. - WORK WANTED, anything, any time or anywhere, call Mr. Rupp. 9495, PLASTERING, lOe per sq. yd. Patch work c per hour. TeL zs. YOUNG MAN, 22, college edition, employed In Portland, bwt wishes to miLk SlMn name. Advertisins. Jour nalistic nelllng exp. Can type and dot fj T . g-7 l U Writ. Rnv f.n I rar Lc- o. Statesman. ' BORROW FROM Salem's eldest V" . 1 T...T " l.l.u.ihn( Mtmnanv vrair I Clean UBIIOlslcrr, uuui-iu uuub., w 62 ACRES MOST all in cultivation! AMkhiame will MavlixJi rwrcnnll 48innBl4- 1 mlloas'e mntrtF akTOrr f(.n.1 W tPOOil. Set except 3 acres In timber, all rood black htnrm nA after th loan lLw. 4 tus 11 neul C , kAite. rlrVl wate- 61881 I . " " I I HI UKlKillU IWJ 6fc . T- B4J11 8W nu. vr a v ma. 4. I anr nkinlrAW hAliaa ihAIlt IH ttSS&& -JsfiWASttaS. JSSS&S 193S DeSoto 4-Dr. Sedan Price fsueo, or will exchange for home in Salem. . I ATTRACT. HTD. apt. 210 N. 14th. SbLiidrnVrabout 90 - 7; r . I acres cultivated,- Daiance open pan turn MODERN 3 RM. furn. cottage. I tlrnber watered bv several SDrlnirs. Edgewater Court, electric refrigr., ga-1 Will exchanee for smaller farm. 3 acres close in with new buuoingsi 131 For Sale Miscellaneous TYPEWRITERS, ADDING ma chines, cash register sold, rented, re paired. Icoen 420 Uouru mone CASH OR trade for used furniture ranges." heaters, radios, machinery. For Rent 'Houses 2 R. FURN. HOUSE. edUkts. 8840. i RM. DUPLEX, Ph. 3227. In axrhnnee for larcer farm. 4ROSTE1N A1XJL.X rl. liSU. HOVi No. Commercial St ! For Sal4i Farms FEDERAL LAND bank General Finance Corporation & Commercial St., Salem, Or. This car has new golden beige finish. all steel body, hydraulic brakes. This Is the finer DeSoto model. Yours for ONLY M5 Phone 9168 HiiJii3. 1932 Ford Tudor Sedan See Jim St. Clair for Terms and ! Trades ! W. L. ANDERSON, Inc 360 Marion Ph. 7703. B-A-R-G-A-l-N-S 1938 License Free: With All Cart Listed Below 1935 Ford Coupe 1932 Dodge Sedan . 1931 Pontiac Sedan 1931 Chevrolet Coupe 1930 DeSoto Sedan 1929 Plymouth Sedan 1929 Chevrolet Coach 1929 Chevrolet Sedan 1929 Ferd Coupe 1926 Ford Roadster , 1929 Dodge Sedan U. 1928 Dodge Sedan 1928 Pontiac Coupe 1928 Buick Sedan 1936 PlTnoutli Coupe Contract Documents will be on file for examination at the office of the Architect. Whitehouse & Church, 619 Railway Exchange Building, the office of the State sion. and The Builders Exchange, Portland, Oregon. Copies of these documents may be obtained upon application to and the deposit of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars per set with said Whitehouse & Church. The full amount of deposit for ONE set of documents will be re turned to each actual bidder with in a reasonable time after receipt of bids. Deposits for additional sets will be refunded upon the re- turn in good condition of all such' . Plans, Specifications, and other FINISHED IX BEAUTIFUL BLACK. Contract Documents within 30 " TlTTLWAHYWtuLlC dW fter dte f th l VERT UHLB WKAR HiraAlUt ... 4V TUTPVTV.l?rtITD BR KKS SHATTER PWKir ulass. -" " MOTOR JUST BEEN COMPLETELY AND 60100 ($24.00) Dollars of gone over, this car at a bar-j cacu deposit per set will be re tained to cover the cost of pro The amount of money estimated to be available for the construc- 8 25.00 tion contract herein advertised la 4H tflT2JUM.nO. Soot K proposal will be consider.! 135.00 unless it follows the form of pros'- o PBal furnished by said State Cap 365 00 Uo1 Reconstruction Commission. Bidder s proposal must De ac-si-'oo cotQPanIed Dy bidder's bond In 725ioo an amount equal to 5 of total 850.001 amount of the base bid as a guar-. antee for the execution of the con- McKaY Chevrolet Co. tract and the furnishing of the re- . I h I nn! rwmrfa In iaas thm irtntrif 233 Center "Ph. 3189 4JN. com i Tx.2 OPEN ErENl?liS aaAjL. s- i is awarueu iu iuc umuri. xne state uapuoi tieconsimc- GAIN PRICE OF 1928 Pontiac Sedan . 1927 Essex Sedan 1928 Ford Coupe , 192 Chevrolet Sed 1930 Willys-Knight Sedan 1931 Studebnker Sedan 1923 Chevrolet Sedan 1933 Dodge Sedan 1985 Ford Sedan 1935 Chevrolet Sed. .- 1934 Chevrolet Town Sed. 1937 Chevrolet Spt Sed. 1936 Lincoln Ze'phyr - proposals, to waive informalities, 29 9360. .8395.00 245.00 225.00 195.00 110.00 95.00 95.00 75.00 55.00 125.00 75.00 45.00 45.00 r.rrr.. I is to be able to make small regular . ... i . a r4Lc.ivnw - i . LOVELT NEW nOrae, xurnisnea I p-j-. rbrht. Terma Bee W & Bart-1 payments, iou can arrange 10 repajr 1185 Columbia, new addition. I tett Ngecy. Treaa. 216 Oregon Bldg. j In amounts that will not strain your nhan 7 117. I UUlCk, JrriVate LOanS This car has good finish, very good When you need extra cash use our I motor, special wheels and tires. Try simple borrowing plan. All you need thl onfc ONLY tools, etc. Woodry and Woodry, c- dl" ' tioneers, phone 6-1-1-0, 1610 N. Sum-dut " 5 RM. HSE., en N. 23rd St., lmme- I .s mer In Hollywood. S 244 ACRES WITHIN 20 MILES of Salem, about 850 Repayable.. 860 Repayable.. 70 Repayable- LUMBER AND 20 COTTAGES all Dreamland rink. Jacfc Henningaen. IT ATKINS LINIMENT, phone "7805. F. H. WEIR. Oregon? Bids. Ph. 9411 20 I acre underflow, baUoce timber AUTO LOANS 85.02 Per Month 96.03 Per Month ....$7.03 Per Month PERSONAL LOANS i and pasture. On Willamette river. Full I set: old buikUnga. For a abort time this I FS. 5 R. hse.. 85S( Center. P. 6194. ranch ,B offered tor $25.00 per acre. SEE Mr. Bartlett with 5 -ROOM' STRICT L,t modern, except w?vynrrrT ' Ii'ren" 1174 Edge- tlrtplit. Double gaiage. .hot water 3 stale st HEAVY DUTY siren, 1174 .dge-1 ha' back yard fenctid Rent tZ0 and olat' water. ' ! ....... . . I owner pay for wate. 2327 S. Com- . CHLDS A MILLER. Realtors Phone 62U8. FAT HENS 60c ea . up. Dressed and wrapped lor locker, reus. 1400 S. 22nd. PIANO, " BUNGALOW . type, practi cally new $200.- Discount for easlfc 155 Gerth Ave. Apt 7, West Salem. ' xru'uTjiJ'injursrv'VVvr M REPOSSESSED.- RADIO $168 8- tulie Majestic Ooneole radio bat due, I Si I SO. Terms 31.00 weekly. See air. GEO." C WILL MUSIC STORE. R. J. R. COCKERELS, phorie 67F3, tM I ii i ' merclal street. J. F. ULRICH CO. 365 State Street j Phone 8672 6 ROOMS, fireplace, modern, base ment, 820. Inquire 1290 r lr street. e-ROOM HOUSE, $J8. 1110 N. ComL " 4ROOM' HOUSE. ! Inquire ee N. Cottage street i u M. . u,ifnniiiiiinniiiiri'i-'-'-' - . 5-ROOM furnished i house. 1095 N. Cottage street Inquiry 1263 N. Church. Pattern " ' ' ... . . i . i .a . . 695 1 ana water, xsewiy up.-uricu. 21st. ! DISHES. FRUIT Jars. 9x1 Various articles.- No phone calL Court, Apt 16. "Vssi.Vfi ssV" 5215 sT cottasV? 6-ROOM FURN. house, $30. 4-roorp " TT ' : " I furnlKhed modern house. 3S.- f. M. VENDING MACHINES just like Bell. 429 Oregon Bldg. Phone i 8121. JS:ff?iT"vThe7i.n; MODERN 6 RM. WlU sacrifice tyr- t'rVdTn3S Ruge street West Saim. glire f, LavIn clty' Vaar gcTock."" 6-RMS... 3 BED RMS., fireplace, $20. " l ' c.mi 1 Iwlrml Pvn . asu.uu. 3-rme., bath ft: noos, ., ssa.uu. HTrVMkfWk''' a 1 S 1 SaSBiSk SPRINGER SPANIEL pups, mal thoroughbred. Call 1710 N. 17th. 4 71 Trade! Miscellaneons EXCHANGE A S S O R TMENT of elotbee tor evening wrap, slxe 36. Box 679. Statesman. C-rma.. strictly mod.. 825.00. Store 4k living quarters, 845.00. T.uttnn wanted. - i RICH X- RElMANNj 167 S. High St FURN. TRAILER hou. 1320 Lewis. tyir rent Houses A aDarttnents. e BECHT EL thei rent man 341 SALE. OR trade for fresh cow, 1930 i State. j Panel delivery. Good condition, new tlrea Dale Htlborn. R. 6, Bx. 13 J, fca lem. 4 ml east of pen. Wanted Miscellaneous WANT WALNUT and filbert meats, also in shell State Cafeteria, WANTED SATURDAY Eve Poet for March 7. 1936 Box 578. States-j man. uu"jLiijiri- r - - -i- - -- -- -- -- ... CHRONIC AND convalescent pa tients caTed for in my home. Mrs. GU aert. 46 N. 18th. . For Rent uoshtaL KfEtialand wheel chair I to rent- H L sulfl rT""" OFFICE ROOMS. 1381 State street Inquire room 100. Tel. DOWN TOWN bu! location. P. 6196. For gale Real Estate" K RMS.. BATH. 5; acres, lots fruit Salem Hts, $3250. TeL hii. aaaaaaaaaaMy--'-t--1 Miscellaneous URGENT ! nwvPB rays seU"' her 5 room i k,mnii iwMitei close in. north. Near i , . i . ii $1260 TO $2100 YEAR I store, churcti ana "cnoois. o.ku.u .. ctiRT WORKING for V. & GOV- j for $3500. Will acceflt $2650 for quick ERNMENT. PERMANENT. PEN-1 sale, halt casn. . k if in "Patterson ex-U. a Examiner SEE Mrs. EMs with 8ION. "'" " . u-pitpI nmi na a. MIU.ER. REALTORS Z.-ovv . hnnklet. de-l 244 State St Phone 6768. . . .... T.irViE,ClL'I;r. I - - - - - - Buj 572. Statesman. - For Rent Rooms ltrcw cpnnM RAlish tvDe , home. automatic beat and air-condiUoned, lawn and shrubs In. Ideal location and neighborhood. 1700 North lstn. mvrvi MARIitN I t.Pfnlt MODERN HOME ruinr THE comforts of a down I attractive desUrni Fine location. . . . . . r. . k.. Ih. I . .... Iiaaa f- A mrrrtm tnan aodern notet nwiiw vj "-iimce cui u vv. uu We ITT A ;r.T-r - 1CrtH Oot. $10 to $500 All Plans Personal Finance Co. of Salem (Formerly Beneficial Finance Co.) Second Floor New Bllg-h. Bid)?. Rm. 119 518 State Street at High- Phone 3191 Salem, Ore. License S-122M-163 fEUBKAL HOUSING loana build refinance homes, businesa prop. Raue Abrsms Kills Inc. Ma wile flag MONET TO loan on good real estate CHA& HUDKIKS. 876 State St. WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF LOW PRICED CARS AT GIVE AWAY PRICES AND ON VERY EASY TERMS. DOOLITTLE PONTIAC N. Com'l k Center Sts. Thone 6266 Ten! Shon! Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONET TO bur new or used cars. Private money at very low rates. No red tape 1 to 30 months to repay. Roy H. Simmons 136 S Commercial Phone 9168 St. Salem, Or. Lie. No. M l 62. Financial Ml WE HAVE never paid less than this rate on savings nd Investments, insurea to 000. For Three Days Only We are offering these repossessed automobiles for the balance due. Take advantage of this special offer as It lasts three days only. No trade-Ins will be accepted terms to suit 1-1937 Chrysler Royal Sedan 1-1933 Studebaker Regal Sedan 1-1936 Plymouth DeLuxe beaan Mutual Federal Saving. Loan Asht 1-1934 M.Mct Coach Phiui JDK if z S. L,iueriy dc. " Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing inquire at Hawkins A Roberta PUT YOUR $ $ IN A swu.w INVESlMi'.n x SEE THEM TODAY SALEM AUTO CO. FIRST MORTGAGE on real 435 N. Commerctal St Court at Church we now nave a r."'."7.v for sale. Amounts from fJOt te $5,000. Net you 6 semi-annually. SEE us. CHtLDS MILLER. Mtge. Loans $44 State St Phone 6708. TWO LOCATIONS Sales and Service Used Car Park Phbne 4673 Phone 491 OPEN EVENINGS Many Others to Choose From TERMS and TRADE . OrvaVs Used Cars Center A Church Streets and to accept such proposals aa are to the best Interests of the State of Oregon. BY ORDER OF STATE CAPITOL RECON STRUCTION COMMISSION J. A. McLEAN, Chairman ALTON JOHN BASSETT. Secretary rrpoTTinT 11th 19SR for the i runiicauoa January 1. . erection and compleUon of the Second Publication January 14, Oregon State Library Building and . T.... ' A.Hnn anil Addition to the I tui..uuu wuu , r1 A Cmrtn fcsatln? nlan t. I 1938. yieacuv w o w" ' City of Salem, Marlon County, Oregon State library Improvement ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed nroDosals will be receiv ed in Room "A" of the Central Library, 801 S.W. 10 th Ave., Port land. Oregon, between the hours of 1:00 P.M. and 2:00 P.M. o ciock in the City of Salem, Marlon Coun ty. State of Oregon These proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud at z:ve o'clock P.M. on said date and nlace. These improvements will con- j IX sist of The furnishing of all labor and material required for the erection and completion of the Library Building and contiguous work and including General Construction Work, Library Stacks, Heating Last Publication 1938. J 7-14-21-28. January 28, NOTICE OF FINAL r- SETTLEMENT These Are Not Cut Prices Just Our Regular Values 1937 FORD V-8 "83" Coupe 3590 1937 FORD 0 Model Tudor Sed. 575 1937 FORD 85 Model Coach $685 1936 FORD DeLuxe Tour. Sed., radio, heater $a45 1936 FORD Touring. Tudor Sed. $496 1936 FORD Tudor Tour. Sedan $465 1936 FORD Coupe j $5 1934 FORD Coupe J 116 1934 FORD DeLuxS Fordor Ra dio and heater , $385 1933 FORD Fordor Sedan . $32$ 1932 CHEVROLET Sedan $285 1932 FORD Rdstr. . , $225 Valley Motor Co. UNDER COVER CENTER LIB ERT! LOT MARION & LIBERTY THE COUNTY CXURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION No. 0552 In the Matter of the Estate of CHARLOTTE ORR. Deceased The undersigned, John W. Orr, nil Ventilating Systems. Electric as executor, and Fannie Stenson, Wiring and LiKht Fixtures, Plumb- as executrix, have filed with too ing Work, including fixtures ana ciera -oi tne aoove-entiueo curi accessories, fire lines, sprinkler tneir nnai account as executor aaa systemelevators, etc.. and all In- executrix or tne last win ana ie- N cidental work in connection there- ament of the above-uanoed Char- with, and the f urnishln of all lotie orr, deceased, ana mat court labor and material required for I haa appointed Monday. January the erection and compleUon of n. i3, at ii o ciock in me iore- Alterations and Additions to the noon, in the court room oi said present Old Capitol heating plant court In this county, as the day, including new boiler, new stack, hour and place for the hearing of heating trench, etc.. and an mci- oDjecuons, ii any, mj ducia imi dental work in connection there- account and the settlement Ihere tn of, a distribution of the proceeds'. In case a bidder desires to bid ana tne aiscnarge or. tne executor on the work, he will be famished and executrix. plans and specifications only after Dated and first published De- he has filed with said State cap- cemoer x, ii. . Itol Reconstruction Commission, a Last publication January 14, satisfactory pre-quaiification 1938. , statement, as required by Chapter JOHN W. ORR. Executor ss Oreeon Laws. 1931. Ques- FANNIE STENSUN, Executrix tionnaires for this statement may GLENN E. HUSTED be obtained from the Office of Attorney for Estate the Architect. 1124 Board of Trade Building, ; Plans, Specifications, and other ' Portland, Ore. D 17-24-31 J 7-if. Lost and Found WILL THE lady who picked up the three $5 bills in front of stamp window th nnatoffice. Jan. 4th. about 6:45 p. m. please return to the stamp win dow and no questions wm oe asaeo. Personal t.nitci.Y? -wOttTHWHU.E sweet heart, husband, wife for you. Box $76. Los Angelea I By ANNE ADAMS : 1. a w n H . A A . . 1 say an me oeauty ; anicies uu i 7307, what could help to brighten up For Sale Wood LARGK SECONO growth. Ph 187F$ XTLViJTJXnJXr,VV,yisri-- i m mm mmmm GUARANTEED DRY WtXHieoal Tel 6000. Salem Fuel Co Trade n I Cottage. "OLD yiR, 2nd grth. fir, Graen, 6370. OLD FIR limb, dry wood. Ph-OOj 16-IN. OLD fir, $5-$5.50. Slab $4.75. 16-ln. oak. $6.75. Phone 9456. vuxrxrui juL,r U-Lxfxrxjixruras DRY 2ND gtowlh. Fenwlck, 4527. ASH WOOD. $6.25 cd. Ph. 9703. SPECIAL DRT wood. $6. Ph. 254- OIJ) FIR, $5 and $5.50. TeL 7005. innnninnnnm IJUUL , -ijuxnj-.wjiJU I'sfn DRT FIR. oak. Ph. 3380, Ashcraft. Business Directory Cards la this directory ran on a monthly basis only. Rate: fl per line per month. Anto Brakes Mlko Panek. 27S South Commercial Bicycle BICTCLES. NKW and reconditioned Harry W. Scott. 147 8. Com'l Ph. 4616 dry wood." " TeL j Body & Fender Repair FOR BODT ft FENDER Repairs. Auto prw. - I V;'7" ..""Srm",.' ror in your Dlrita more than this strtk- preved aereage. f I ing nousecoai in wmcii. jyu u DARNIxvLLb titivjs. .... Innnra vith rrtmfnrt and rlam- PLES. R. nr state office Wdgs. t. 1 1986 w. captto .( I ottr! TU easy to make, too, a real SLEEPING ROOMS. 444 a High. DRY WOOD, all kinds. Phone 9560. Trim. Seat Covers, Glass replacement ALL KINDS of wood reasonable. Tel. ens Co, ill & Com l 6L Phone 8119 Weathers. 4869, 511 S. lftn hu BUSINESS GIRLS. 696 N. .Cottage. 4$aaaaaasas sj i s 1 R. FURN 251 DIVISION. . Room and Board aewlng treat" for pufted-at-the- Lost and Found Brushes cth jbalem-nctt FAR u. shoulder sleeres, Jaunty rerers MCE WHWtn m wun wu. "-"1 JMC, Ha. tnH flared hem are 1 L05ST MAKKlAUti Ceniin paved. 7 nice rooms and nook, good j princess lilies, ana liarea nem rejCenter st Com-t 4 w. deep dry beaetnent double (erase, ln-1 a.n simple as can be to Stitch up! I ReW. 641 MAIL FCLLER'S R. M. PROUDFIT. Phone LOST MARRIAGE certificate on nlz saiem. HOME FOR elderly ladies. Ph. 7J. 978. .- : ' " . vestlgate thi for a bargatn.1 An(1 Bere.g tlp . . i. why not ran inHRol?HOOD m say little house frock from M""' . - . . . 1 - . .,1 5 rooms with juarowooa . i rauern ua mo: aaa you ne i LOST BILLFOLD. Reward. Ph. 9437. REWARD FOR return of Blue Royal Chimney Sweep fKLKPHONB 4456V R B. Northneaa .i mtrityr modern. nook. I . jiM.tinn fn, a ahnrt.l ku.i. vmtt hMi hnk. Taken from I Furn'a cleaned, at eel braha. usad. 8227 uiiwaiiwu. . - , i u, u " -. . m-i.j . . . .... I f bemrinar -wamtna. ! I vsmiin. tn. . rimaa? A rhpprv 1 tna x. oty I 1 . . a . A a S J SWEEPlNOj VIEW ST reouTbeds" tjwo P' . .tan nmmii room with I. Pattern 4405 la .i tn - .haument Oil burner, I aanrAfufdewfln KINGWOOD HEIGHTS - . j cretonne or laiieta is meat ior tne iSit On(10uVl3UlU5UlaU 1 wirhlr- structural qtwlitiea, general Uanaecoat. while the frock Is ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives Feasor-Hall Co. Ltd. Sas rranclaco. Los . Angeles. Seattl Eastern AdTertislns , RepresentaUves arrant Griffith Branson. Inc, "ic-go. New Tork, Detroit, i UOStOO. Jtumu, Church or Phone 397. Chiropractorav i k- c xv rsli m tndavi First NaUonali Bank Bldg. iwji,rrwi"ir - n" f-- available ini t.nrr nisak Liberty and Ferry inraa' an4 wnmen's slzea 12. 14.1 Wa .v.nlnr eoln nurse containing 16. 18. 20. 30,S2. 14. M. 38 nd I currency and lady' -ring. Finder call 401 Sise IS Ukes s yaras e t raf . tt A rtr Wtll9TAli MtntafnftiaT driver s 11c Ph. 6303. W. T. Schramm. DR. O U SCfrrT. PSC . Chiropractor. Excavating mh fabric iunstxated step-by- For Sale Used Cars tSsed from sa- step sewin Instructions Inelnded. VllUA . 1 ft lem is offering his lovely room Cered f JZ!PmJL ptJ Orepe. Aec Ctat'Z'J2aL (rest SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Rate to Advance Witwa Oregon: w - " 'IZia u,KaMila: t Ma $1.50; 6 Ma, $3.50, t rear J5.00. Elsewhere SO cents per Maw er $6.04) for I year in advance. Pe7 cop , $ cent New Standa 6 . i.i kn.-.i mmlMt orice for Ouick mi. Pmwrtr , entirely modern. On I tarn mnwr lOOxlSS with many beau tiful ahnda and fruit trees. ThiSv la si real buy at $6$00!wlthr $1800 down,! tL ftz.ll per montn mciuaui jmn-i clpai. interest ana taxea. SEE Mrs. Ellis With - fHII.DS A MILLER. Realtors 844 State St -! ... Phone 6708. APARTMENT BUY Good Income, I rood terma Cn oe nougnt rtgm. pnRKRT F. RUDROW. Real Estate is Ladd A Euh Bldg. Ph. 6965. aaaasaaaaSsaksaaesSfcaSSaekiSi TRTvrsATOW LIKE new. 4-rma. I nook. Fireplace, basement furnace, ga- Bead riFTEES CKST8 -lSe la ' eoias or stamp (colas pretaiTeej for this Aene Adami Pttrrn Wrrt. alaiolT 8I2K. NAME. ADDRESS sad Ityi.'b number. -; .--4 KETS FIJI SHI Jast off the press '. . tke NEW ANNS ADAMS BOOK OF SPRING PATTERS 8 1 Over eae kaadred kery stylest Spniir faih iraa lor every hear ef tha day. Whether yoa're sliat er aot se shs, very- yesng or mora malar I . All eaiy-te patteras . . n', eonomieal way te spriBg WRITE FOR THE PATTERN BOOK TODAYl PRICE OP BOOK P1P tmv rrvrn PRICE Of PAT- TERX riFTEEJ? CENTS. PRICE Of TOD ATS BEST B UYS S7 FORD TUDOR. Mileage 5,200, con dition perfect Price only --.-- 3 " $7 CHRTSLER "ROYAL" SEDAN driven only 11,800 rnues. a rrai ooeciai ii .. . . i ii . - . B-ifA VATrvn ctK all klnda, Rase nwnti du Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale Salem Sand and Gravel tiour rate. rnone iua, . , Florists Brelthaupfa 44t Court. Ph. 1914. Laundries 36 DODGE SEDAN DeLCXE, 6-wheel :w M1iiA a. iiMtf 11 1 a 36 FORD PICKUP, vacuum brakee 1 16$ ft High a real buy at - -e We have a number of cheaper cars that are priced to eU. . - THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRT TUB DEinER LAUNDRT Mattresses NEW KWa eKrwL ..w - VVents fwu water st stem. Ga rage A woodshed. On bus line. Terms' like rent $100.00 down, pt . TwrXTVJIVR CKSTS. Sand your order te THE Oregoa SkAtesasss, PaUera DspartsMat SALEM FLUFF-ROQ and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRrZSa mo w order, old remade: carpet cieanma. log; fluff rug wearing. 8. 18th Wil bur. Tet 844 L. OI AO W. .AiTtPiV"-" Est 191L ' 365 N. ComT. St ?hoe l..-.t nrnntm m. Phone 466$. For Prompt Woodsnwlag Phone 8238. We buy, sell and trade. Carter Motor Co. NASH A LaFAYETTE DEALER Painting-Paperhanging HERBERT E. WOOD, TeL 5926. Photo Engraving SALEM PHOTO engraving. 141 N CommerclaL TeL 1187. Printing FOR STATIONERY enrda pamphlets programs, books or any kind ef print ing rail The Statesman Printing De- nartment 211 S CommerclaL Tele pheoe 910L Repairing . SMITH'S REPAIR Shop. 40 yrs. exp. repairing farm machinery. Blacksmith work weldmg. Let us help do your mechanical work. Shop located on Un ion. bDt. from S Willamette river. Look for the Hoe cultivator sign. Stoves REPAIRS FOR rarixea litre, etreula tore P. X. Beppner. $6$ Cbesnekela Transfer CAPITAL CITT iTanafer C. 826 stata St. TeL 777X Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get svir tJVAT. ar dlstAet transfer stor age, burner oiL caU StlL Lanner Tranefer Co. Trucks to Portland daily, Well Drilling R A, WEST. Rt, t. Bs. 44$ T. T Wet Basements GUARANTEED BONb DRT by the new Seal Seep Service- Applied on In ner surface. Phone 5670. Wood Sawing Cross Word Puzzle i'. r i r . r r ajgn hi 1 1 M I rl ITtl 20 "H""- 28 2H 31 " 32 33" 31 5 37 w 1 1 WhXwr 1 uj cijUaVista ail. toft HORIZONTAL 4-4ramtie 1 shout5 6 body of water 8 agitate 12 medley IS perform 1 4r openwork fabric 15 liability IS frothed IS air hero IS weight of --India 20 epic 21 rodent 25 trial 25 genus of Uiatds . 27 silkworm 28 unit of energy SI observe . 23 eTuiptnred likeness 33 American humorist 86-enanit to - . memory' S3 authorized .. S9 frog- 40 jagged .. cliff , 41 fuel ,4 definiU . article 4 abort sleep text set to music 50 prima donna 51 lay level ; with the ground 62 nail 1 S3 solar disk &4 watched narrowly 55 married 66 stringed instrument VERTICAL 1 addition to a musi cal com position 2 shsane 3 free 4 parcel ef land 5 andiow a game at tarda 7 Siamese coin 8 slumbered 9 tropical r plant 10 freezes 11 olor 17 falter IS discon nected 23 friend (Fr.) 24 bitter vetch .25 literary anecdotes 26 deity ' 23 immoiw - ulity Herewith is the solution to ycater- 29 hasten day's pozsle. , AlVVlA Wl N1E sn r.'j WAR GlA 1 m t VA DlA T PS I,' alw ID A R L JN ARE AM m ApiAPE T p OR A N RjeuP ,'f. -m RLAAINN! lfT?nfelAN 1988. kr SO obtain , 32 indefinite period of -time 34 past 37 indige nous 39 appraised 41 supplicate, 42 comfort 44 dug with h a garden ;. imple- ment ' 46 declara 47 section of a win--dow , 48 native compound 49 uncooked aw SO p!it pals aty Carrlcj aeaath. Mat. 7 a. Ulan St. Uaad 42ar Lot ax a center -bits - w . - a s ,.- . - " - . .. " ' i ' ' - .