PAGE NINE ell-Buiy the Easy Way With, a ' Statesman Classified Ad. The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, December 29, 1937 8 Statesman Classified Ads Coil 9101 Classified AdvertUls -Slagla lnsertlaa per I1m 1 6c Ttore tMertionr per ItM 26c BU'tnsertlans per line ., 30e Dm anonth per Hm $1.09 tdf&lmem chargo lit Copy for Tlrta Vt accepted unfl 4at tho evening before .pubUcntioa tor elnaamratton. Copy nnth't after tht tlma wUI fca run nnSa 4o headlna, -To UM t CJao ' Tl StaJeamaa mumM M 41 nea dal responsibility for errors which -MT Kmr In artmill 'iasl pub : IMt4 In lt cslumn. araa to raae where ttil paper te at fault wUl i -print -that part of mn advertlaaweBt la which the typographical mistake Tha Statunui kmytm tfie rtM Mlcrt quest toiurhlo advertlrtna n -further reserves the- right tr lace ell radvertiirtflaV undsr the rapcr claMrtflcatlon. Livestock TOP PRICES paid for old horses and cow for fox fMd. TeL SUB. FREE: "WE pirk up dead and worth 1pm horses, cows, the p. TeL 4869, col lect FREE WB pick up dead sad worthies horses, cows. TeL 7979. col lect DEAD AND worthless horses, cows, picked up free. Ph. collect 6411. Salem. 1K14. Albnny. Montgomery Rend. Wks. Help Wanted Male MAN FOR coffee route. Up to $45 first week. Automobile Riven as bonus. Write ZANOL, 198 Tenth St, Oakland, Cal. - Help Wanted Female WANTED. CAPABLE girl for house work. Tel. 24 TO. Situations Wanted EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKING. Mrs Adsltt. 1139 Marion Phone 9446 GENTLEMAN, 65, DESIRES work, capable, willing. Call the Salvation Array, 9437. W.t IICITO tnr 1 nr , m,n (If 111 11 An 1 , i . ' . . . w - .. - motherless home, by middle-aed wi dow. No smoker, ia. ai . ou, McMlnnvlUe, Ore, irv Ml DOLES-AGED German wom an wishes housework. Ref. Phone 5S58. - YOUNG LADT wants position as waitress, ilea ssecona at, ei aarsyatsBasaasakaaaaaaStir EXPERIENCED ALTERA TION lady desires position. 491 Kingwood, West Salem. For Sale Miscellaneous TYPEWRITERS. ADDING ma chine, eaah registers sold, rented, ra paired Koen 429 Court Phone (778. "Ul-njrLrijirxri Ciiai T r -- - - - - - t-DrtiTl i vn MITRSk-RV nloat'iird. fruit, nut trees, ah rubbery. A. J. Ma thta 21 Center . Tea. 5i. ROL. CAS ARIES. IS K. ISth. 5J52 Mill. Ht rwnirr mriiurer sDanlel pups from registered stock. 2 males left- at each, in? ur-u , Phone 9341.' -ffjrfrtf-WXrv'm'--t--- mm m aaasasaaaaaaaaaaa W ATKINS PROD.. 689 N. 17. (iv . . . It nAfl. I KACC wmA lltr. (nr. fceya. Mra Wright, 4Vfc mU Wallace KO. tn. j. r'- ru- n ri ru r CASH OR trade for used furniture ranges, heaters, radios, machinery, tools, etc. Woodry and Woodry, suc tioneers, phone 6-1-1-0, 1810 N. Sum aoer in Hollywood. t BELCREST LOTS. 75. Ph. 3940. HAND KNIT dress, 36-38, green (35 Chemeketa Street OPEN TOP gas range, cheap Ph. 7440. jXruiruaif"" 'eia mmm mm mmm APPLES SEVERAL yartetles, 35c bas; J for $1.00; fancy Kings. 50c baa; Baac peara, Stte box; DaAnjou awara, 76c ha. Bring bona. Pure apple- Juice. at. ic Truck load lancy sweat navel oran- -all aiaea. S2. case ajra up. PURITAN CIDER WORKS West Salem Trade Slisceilaneous t9J7 CHET. TO trade tiioi small groc. store ot service station. Write Ba 6(9. Statesman. WtmtrU Ali seel laneoas WAIST WATJS'UT nitA Wtwrt meati. aUa la ahelL State Cafeteria. Mi9celLaneas SMITH'S REPAIR SHOP years Kpertenra repairing farm machinery. Blacksmith work A weld ing. Let oa help do your mechanical work. Shop located on Union St.. H Mock from Willamette river. Look for the tut tjuntvacor sign , $1260 TO $2100 TEAR TO START working tor U. S. GOV vpuurvr PKRMANENT PEN SION. Patterson, ex-C S. Examiner prepares. EXAMS COMING. WRITE NOW for FREE 4 page booklet de tails NO COST IF UNSUCCESSFUL, Bo it 66(. Statesman. 02000 TEAR CP . EDUCATIONAL SALESMAN CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL or intangible experience preferred. Larg est organisation of its kind operating nationaly. practically no competition. Salea throturh LEADS on basis MON EY REFUNDED IF NO POSITION OBTAINED. Bond, auto, able finance self during training period. Give de tails. P. O. Box (397. Metro. Sta., Los Anselea, Caitf. - For Rent Rooms ROOMS. 280 CENTER ST. CLN WARM sleep, rm., (33 Ferry. .: ADVERTISLNO Western Advertising: Representatives Fenger-Hail Co, Ltd. Ban Francisco, l-os Angeles, Seattl Eastern Advertising ," Representatives i Bryant Griffith A Brunson. Inc, Chicago. New York. Detroit. Boston. Atlanta. Enteral at I hi Poatofice at Salem Orrpmi. as Second Clau Hatter. Ph Jtaherf evert momma except U outlay Butineee effice tli South Commercia Street, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Rates Vn Advance Mo 60 cents; X Ma $1.50: ( Ma $2.60; 1 year $3.00. Elsewhere 6$ cents per MiK. or $(.oi ior l year in advance, Per copy S cents. News Stands I cents. ; .. . .By City Carrier: (0 cents a month. $7.20 a year in advance. Money lo Loan Quick, Private Loans When jrou -ored extra cash use our tmpl bari-wlng plan. All you need It be asMe-to mke small rearular payments. You can arraogo to repary In nines tw vui not airnia our pocaeiDoas, lor instance : $50 Repayable $5.02 Per Month 60 BeiwtUe, t.03 Perllonth 70 Reparahle 7.03 Per Month AUTO LOANg. PERSONAL. LOAN, 19 TO $200, ALL PLAKS PERSONAL FINANCE CO. OF SALEM t Kermerly Itxneflctal Finance Co.) Seeatia Floor New Blsii Bide Boom lit Sit SUnt St at High Pbona-alll Salem,- Orexoa UcenM S-m M-liS PERSONAL LOANS BORROW FROM Kak-Tn'a oldest atvaat tBdepennt ewiBiiy yuut mMaw wtll aaretv personal cooald erartmi feature souf after- tba loan la ma da Ifltereat n unpaid fea larva. Na feea- Quick Courteous Servtca We ttolldt Tour Account General Finance Corporation tSI S. Commercial St., Salem, Or Phone 91 IS Lie. No. 8-1 J8 i irVgiJVniiaii"'ainjninjXrir . FKUKKAt. fKitSJINO I anna fetilUi reflnaaca hnmea nuatBem rrop- Rarea nrama a Kill Inc. Ma twite Ride MOV ITT TCI tnit m imwl rMl aatata CHAR HIIDKINS 175 State St Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO buy new or used cara Private money at very low rates. No red tape 1 to 20 months to repay. Roy H. Simmons 196 S. Commercial St.. Salem. Or. Phone 9 1 SI Lie. No M 152. For Rent Rooms TWO LARGE, well furnished rooms for men. All men in house. Close In. 4 Ten dollars a month. Phone 5162 or 6231. HOTEL MARION ENJOY THE comfort of a down town modern hotel. Rooms by the week or month at very reasonable prices. NICE SLEEPING rooms. 161 S 14 LARGE WARM room, man. Ph. 7772. WARM BACHELOR room furnished, one sleeping room, reasonable. 303 S. Winter St. SLEEPING ROOMS, 635 Chemeketa. Room and Board EXCELLENT R. B 54 5 S. ConO. HOME FOR elderly people. Ph. 8973. RM BD emp. lady. $5.50 wk. 7313. BD.. RM. ldy.. 825. Ph. 4303. 360 N. CAPITOL, TEL. 7928. For Rent Apartments STRATTON APTS.. 570 N. Winter. One 3-room furn. apt. available Dec. 2ath. Tel. 3842. ATTRACTIVE 3-ROOM apartment. 735 North Capitol. FURN. 4 R. FLAT, 1090 N. Fifth. FRN. HTD.. 1 rm. apt., 160 Division. 2 RMS. PARTLY furn.. adults, $8, Hollywood district. 1005 N. 22nd St 3 R. FURN. APT., water, lights, heat, garage, 705 X. Liberty. APARTMENT, 265 S. COM L. 2 FURNISHED ROOMS, clean, warm, close in, (74 X. Church. 2 A 3 P.M. APTS., Court Apts. Ph. ro. FURN. AND unfurn. See Fisher Apta, 336 Oak. A pleasant place to live. FURN. 2 RM. apt., steam heat Mon terey Apts., 633 Ferry St. 1 OR 2 RM. turn, apt., gar. 1010 Oak. APTS. FOR rent 355 Bellevue. 3 RMS., FIRST floor. 210 X. 14th. 3 R. FURX. Priv. bath. 248 Marion. 2 RMS. FURX., $12 : 3 rms. furn., $22.50. Lts water, garages. Ph. ills. For Rent Houses FURN. & UNFURN. bouses, Melvln Johnson. FOR RENT Modern i reora house In exceiient condition. 95S Tamarack St, $40. Large i room flat (& Ferry St water and garbage service furnished $27 60. tower flat same boUrnng. 3 BECKS WADRWOBTH 189 N. High St MOD. FURX. suburban home. 8 bed rooms. Elec range, ref rig. R. 3 Bi 77 Salem. Salem Heights Ave. SALEM HTS. 5 rm., bath, 3 8. 7479 MOD. 5 R. HOUSE at 843 N. 20th. inq. j otace oc S R HOUSE, $18. 70 S. Cora. 6406. FURX. LARGE hse., north, 855.00. 3-rms., bath tc nook, south. (25.00. 5- rms., fireplace. 3 lots. (20.00. 6- rms., 2-bedrma. north, $30.00. Call for list of furn. apts. 6-rms., 3-bedrms.. fireplace, $20.00. RICH L. REIMAXX, 167 S. High St UNFURNISHED HOUSE. Lts. A wtr $20.00. Phone 7113. For Rent IIOSrtTAL HKIS9 mna wheal chain te rent H L Si Iff furniture OFFICE ROOMS. 281 Stat street Inquire room 200. Tel. 8713. m "-iv"---iij-r"siiiiir ruijiii i n.iijLriruiruui-T GARAGE FOR rant 480 S. 14th. For Sale Real Estate S R. HOUSE, NEEDING repair, close m. can be easily made into apts. Small down payment baL like rent F. H. WEIR, Oreg. Btdg. Ph. 9411. Ktft SAUtS. VACANT I ROOM MODERN heme, to fine condition exrert outside paint 955 Tamarack, fine surroundings, $4500 $1500 cash. BKCKE A WADS WORTH. 189 N Htaih BEAUTIFUL MODERN h'ome in Walnut Park Add. This house has just been completed and can be bought very reasonable, Carleton E. Lane. 333 State st rn. 6zz. - S RAia, BATH. 5 acres, lots fruit Ealem Hts $3250. TeL 747S. 6 R- HOUSE ON S. 14th. priced to seii. iza caso, per mo. F. H. WEIR, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. I41L 5 R.. GAR., lot 75x138 walks, pav. pd., $1200 $300 cash, $15 mo. 5 R bath, gus, furnished, $1(00. 4 R bath, gar., walks, pav. pd big lot aortlj. $1700. Many more bargains. Stt F. G RLEPEXTROG 1940 Mcloy St - TeL 4954. Money to Loan Tor Sale Real Estate $169. DOWN, LARGE living mx. bed rm., toilet, lights, water, paved at. oa boa Uae. $760. 4)890. X-atrs Mvinc rnx. feedrnx nice kitchen, bath, garage. cash. $260. Dawn, 6 rm. house. 2 lots, earth, lights, garage,, paring pd, $1350. $400. Down, stucco home, large living rm, -nice kitchen, dinette. 2 bed rma. aV unfinished upstairs, basement, furnace, fireplace, 83,- MELVTW JOHNSON. 725 Court St Phone 3723 FOR SALE WELL BUILT 5 room bungalow, close in south, fine district. House has extra large living room, built-in kitch en, nook, 2 bedrooms and bath. Full cement basement. Priced for quick sale at 85000 with reasonable terms to responsible party. v SEEf Mrs. Ellis with CH1LDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State St Phone 6.08. SPECIAX. IV, STORY, 6 ROOM house on 88x3 7 S ft lot close to new high school. Price reduced to $1600. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS MILLER, Realtors 344 State St Phone (708. NEW 6 RM. modern home in N. Sa lem finished inside in gumwood. A REAL buy for $4450. See MR. W1DE NER with WM. BLIVEX, REALTOR, 215 Masonic. OWN A HOME ON TERMS LIKE RENT: Brand-new bungalow. Garage 4 woodshed. Elec. water system. Re stricted dist. $100.00 down, $22.00 per n. n v. U1UII til. RICH L. REIMANN. 167 S. High St. NICE 8 ROOM house, well in on Center St Small down payment, bal ance like rent CARLETON E. LANE, 333 State Phone 8622 HOUSE. 6 RMS., 3 bedrms., bsmt Fine location, near 'schools. $2100. $150 down. Furnished $2300, $250 down. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE, 157 So. Liberty. Pb, 7113. For Sale Farms FEDERAL LAND bank farms. Prired right Terma See W. a Bart let t Secy. Treas. IK Oregon Bide, phone 7127. Get free country property list from W. V. HOMESEEKERS AGENCY East D" St Rt 7, Box 14. Ph. 8280. HOWELL PRAIRIE- 35 A., 24 A. cult. ; baL timber ft pasture. 4-rms. & bath. Electricity. Bars, garage, chick en hav. Family arc hard. Close to school. 5.000.00. M cash, terma RICH L. REIMANN, 167 S. High St Pattern By ANNE ADAMB Little girls like variety In their school or play rocks, and here's a sprightly Anne Adams jumper style that is the most versatile model ever! The secret? Simply make the jumper ot a monotone wool er wool-like cotton, and stitch ay several versions of the becomiatg bloxiae Sa colorful cot- tea, pica, linen, or synthetic Twill fee like different frock every time little Mary-Jane changes her blouse, and prove to be a wardrobe-saver, too; Dangh ter will be 'sped ally fond of the flared skirt, and blouse with Pet er Pan collar. Pattern 4675 is available In children's sizes 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12. Size 6 jumper takes yard 54 inch fabric; Dlouse 14 yards 36 inch fabric and 3 yards lace edging. Illustrated step-by-step sewing instructions included. Send FIFTEEN CENTS 15) In coins or stamps (coins preferred for this Anne Adams pattern. Write plainly SIZE. NAME, ADDBESS end STYLE NUMBER. NEWS FLASH I Joit off the press ... the NEW A.VXK ADAMS liOOK. OF SPRING PATTERXS1 Over a hundred lovely stiles! Spring fash ions (or every hoar of the day, whether you're slim ar not s slim, very yoonr or nor martaret . . . . Fashion interest for jost yea type whatever it stay be. All easyta-sew patterns . . quick, economics! ways to spring smartness. WRITE FOR IT TODAY! PRICE OF BOOK FIF TEEN CENTS. PRICE OF PAT TERN FIFTEEN CENTS. PRICE OT BOOK AND PATTERN TOGETHER TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Sead your order to The Oregea Statesman. Pattern Department. J I 4675 -For SaleUsed Cars More Car Per Dollar 1935 Chev. Town Sedan ORIGINAL BLACK FINISH IS LIKE 'EW. SMOOTH atfX CYU MOTOR IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. ALL GOOD TIRES. SPOTLESS INTER IOR. WE INVITE YOUR MOST CAREFUL INSPECTION . 4-95 last Pont lac Sedan Chevrolet Sedan Chevrolet Roadster $ 25.eH 1929 95.00 75.00 85.00 125.00 1(5.00 1(5.00 246.00 245.00 315.00 366.00 495.00 69S.00 192 1928 Ford Coupe 1920 Ford Roadster 1931 1930 132 1931 1932 Stude baker Sedan Xash Coach Cherrotet Cmipe fontlac coupe Plymouth Sedan : 1933 1933 Chevrolet Town Sedan Dodge Sedan 1925 1936 1937 1937 Chevrolet 9pt. Coupe Chevrolet Town Sedan Chevrolet Mst. Town Se- Chevrolet DeLuxe Spt Se dan $95.00 725.00 McKay Chevrolet Co. J33 Center Ph. 3189 430 N. Com'l. OPEN EVENINGS TIL 8 P. M. New Year pecials at Valley Motor Co. 1931 Model A Coach. This car is in. perfect condition $225 radio - 65 1937 Ford Coach 585 37 Ford full DeLuxe 4-dr. Sedan, radio $' 36 Ford Touring 2-dr . 465 36 Ford Coupe 46a 35 Ford Coach 385 30 Chev. Coupe 159 32 Ford 4-dr. Sedan za 30 Ford Model A Coupe 145 29 Ford Model A Coupe Pickup 125 32 Chev. Truck, LWB 195 29 Model A Coupe 95 ATTENTION MECHANICS! Tour choice of 2 '29 Model A Coupe bodies A '32 Sedan body. Look these over. Valley Motor Co. Under Cover Center A Liberty Lot Marlon A Liberty 1934 OLDSMOBILE DeLUXE Se dan, 6 wheels, trunk, new tires, radio, good shape, must sell Immediately make your own offer. See Mr. Valentine. 518 State, Rm. 119, New Bligh Bldg. MUST SELL by Jan. 2, 1936 Pon tiac 4-dr. Touring Sedan. This car must be seen to be appreciated Will take late car In trade. Write C. D. French. Rt 3, Box 129, Salem. For Sale Farms STOCKED AND EQUIPPED 41 ACRES EAST of Salem, fine lo cation, good house, family fruit About 1000 cords wood, team, cows, machine ry, all goes for $5500, part terms. SEE Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State St Phone (708. 80 ACRES. 40 A. CULT. Good bldgs. 25 miles from Portland 2000 cds. wood. This is a good buy. Will take Salem property in trade. WM. E. MOSES, 33 1 State Street 10 ACRES 1 MILES on pavement east of Salem. New house, barn ft ga rage, elec. water system, best of soil. CARLETON E. LANE, 833 State St Phone 8(22 Acreage ACRE, 4 ROOM house, nook. bath. 3 mues east $2300 $700 down terms. 4 acres. Woodburn. house, barn. chicken house, garage, trade for house hi Salem. 95 acres. Polk county, good build ings. $2400 $750 down. Lease garage, tools, 3-gas pump on highway, 1624 rent (25 a month. A. C. JENSEN 333 State St. Phone 8(22, Suburban BUT SAME as rent good fruit tract 2 acres, large cherry trees, small house, 4 miles out, $125 down and no monthly pymts WM. E. MOSES, 331 H State Business Opportunities TWO AND ONE-HALF YEARS OP HONEST ENDEAVOR with purchase, going RESTAURANT hamburger possibilities. For quick sale, $1000 cash. H. P. GRAXT-C, H. SAXDERS 529 Court St Tel. 6744 GOOD PAYING restaurant. Rood lo cation. Pays better than $100 per month; net price less than $1000. Im mediate possession. Terms. Clifford Harold With X. J. Llndgren 175 S. High Street Financial 4 WE HAVE never paid less than this rate on savings ig ana investments, insurea to v tr, ooo. Mutual Federal Savings ft Loan Ass'n. Phone 4944 142 S. Liberty Ht. Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing inquire at Hawkins Roberts. PUT TOUR $ $ S IN A SOUND INVESTMENT FIRST MORTGAGE on real estate. We now have a number of mortgages for sale. Amounts from 9300 to $5,000. Net you ( semi-annuallv. SEE US. CHILDS A MILLER, Mtge. Loans 344 State St Phone (70$. For Sale Wood OAK WOOD. Tel 137 Ft, LARWK KCt IN n growth. Ph I37K3 GUARANTEED DRY WtHiD ) coal ret 6000. balem Fuel Co. Trade and "nttaja. a- 1( IN. OLD nr. $5.50. Ph. 945$. OI.D FIR. 2nd grth fir. ash 6370 OLD FIR limb, dry wood Ph. (700. FOR WOOD. Ph. $230. Wyn Dyer. ALL KINDS of wood, reasonable. in. weathers, 4659, 1721 Cbaroeketa, asmaa mm m m m m m m - g--fv-t-riTW rrilrXJ- OLD FIR. $5 and $5.50. TeL 7095. saaasasaaaaaaaaaafesaa, 1-IN. OLD fir. $5 (5.50. Slab $4.75. it-in, oak. f (.. none 94(. For Sale Used Cars OTTO J. WILSON TUESDAY SPECIALS 1937 DeLuxe Ford Four-Door Touring Sedan-$665 1936 DeLuxe tord Coupe 485 1935 DeLuxe Ford Tudor Touring Sedan........ 425 These Cars Are Way Above Average and Have Special Equipment OTTO J. WILSON 38S North Commercial lOSE UP to 1 pounds weekly. Write Br. . Wendt Cantam, -& Dak. 193$ CHEV.. COACH, good condi tlon. (81 N. 15th St. MUST SELL today equity Packard 7-paaav '30 Sedan. Terma A-l condi tion. Low mileage. 280 S. Liberty. Ph. $282. waSasaapasasaVaBs3asaSa 1927 WHJPPET COACH, good cond., good tires. Triced low for quick sale $35 cash. 2705 Portland Road vrrrrivvmriYinfnnnfinmi trwsn 1934 PONTIAC COUPE Condition like new in every respect Low mileage. Will sell on terms with reasonable down payment Ph. 322. For Sale Wood DRY 2ND growth. Fenwlck, 4527. DRY FIR, oak. Ph. 3380, Ashcraft. ASH WOOD, $6.25 cd Ph. 9702. DRY SLAB wd, $5. 16 in. 6663. SPECIAL DRY wood, $6. Ph. 3354. Personal LONELY? "WORTHWHILE" sweet. heart husband wife for you. Box 375. Los Angeles. NOTICE OF BOND SALE Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned until the hour of 7:30 o'clock P."M. on Monday, January 17, 1938, and immediate ly thereafter opened by the Com mon Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, at the City Hall in said City for the sale of improvement bonds of the City of Salem in tile amount of FORTY-EIGHT THOU SAND ONE HUNDRED SEVEN AND 30100 ($48,107.30) DOL LARS issued pursuant to Section 56-2012. Chapter XX, Title. LVI Oregon Code 1930 (Laws of Ore gon, 1933, Chapter 186), (the Bancroft R e b o n ding "Act) &s amended by Laws of Oregon, 1935, Chapter 137, as amended by Laws of Oregon, 1937, Chapter 464. and Section 56-2308. Oregon Code 1935 Supplement as amended jy Laws of Oregon, 1937, Chapter 31, and described as follows: Salem Improvement Bonds (is sued on rebonding of public im provements, in denomination of $500.00 each, except one bond which will be in the amount of $107.30. Said bonds to be dated February 1, 1938 and to mature February 1, 1948; and providing that the City of Salem shall hare the cfption to redeem said bonds. in numerical order, upon the pay- ment' of face value thereol with accrued interest on any interest paying date at or after three years from the date of issue of said bonds. Both principal and interest payable at the office of the City Treasurer in the City of, Salem. The bonds will be sold to the bidder offering to take the bonds at the lowest rate of interest on their par value of FORTY-EIGHT THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED SEVEN and 30100 ($48,107.30) DOLLARS. None of the bonds will be sold for less than par and ac crued interest Each bidder should name the rate of interest at which the bidder Is willing to accept the bonds at par. The bonds will bear the rate of interest designated in the bid accepted. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for two per cent of the par value of the bonds, made payable to the city as a guarantee ot good faith. The right is reserved by the Common Council to accept any bid or to reject all bids in, the interest of the city. The prior legal approving opin Ion of Messrs. Teal, Wlnfree, Mc- Culloch, Shuler Jb Kelley will be furnished the successful bidder. A. WARREN JONES, City Recorder, Salem, Ore. D 22-29 J 5. Business Cards la this directory ran on a monthly basis only. Rate; ft per line per month, Auto Brakes Mike Panek. 275 South Cpmmerctal Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned Harry W. Scott. 147 S. Com'l Ph. 451$ Body & Fender Repair FOB BODY FENDER Repairs, Auto Trim. Seat Covers, ;tasa replacement Auto Painting S EH the Herrall Ow ens CO, 236 & Corn'L St. Phone 8 1 (9 Carpenter GRONN BROS.. 181J S. 12th. Chimney Sweep ITCI.EPHONB 4450. R. E. Nor t tineas Furn's cleaned steel brsha used $227 Chiropractors DR. O. L SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor 25$ N. High. Tel Res 8752. Excavatin EXCAVATING. OF all kinds. Base ments dug. Dirt hauled or moved Din for sale. Salem Sand and Gravel Co. Phone 940a. , Florists Bralthaupt's. 4T'C Court' Ph. (904. Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY v THE W EIDER LAUNDRY !(S & High TeL 9121 For Sale Used Cars Phone 6451. Egan Guests Get In Wreck Tangle WALDO HILLS A four-way mlxup of cars on the Sllverton Stayton highway a short distance from the Grant Davis home came near marring the holiday dinner at the Frank Egan heme. It began when an unidentified car- went into the ditch. Just as the wrecker began work the Vera Hawthorne car, on its way from Portland to the Egan home here. came along and in passing went into a tail spin, turning com pletely around three times. A few minutes later Elmer Peterson, also on his way to Egan's, drove around the wrecker only to find a woman driving on the wrong side of the road. The bumper on her car cut the tire on the Peterson ,car Int,o ribbons, dented a fender and bent the radius rod. Eventually all guests, number ing 26, arrived and enjoyed the day. Kingwood Folks Guests in North KINGWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Baker and Miss Bar bara Whipple spent Christmas eve in Portland at the parental home of Mrs. Baker and Miss Whipple. Thi Bakers went on the next day to The Dalles where they visited Baker's family. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Guderian and children are spending the holidays with relatives at Klam ath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Beckman, Gene and Betty Lou spent the Yule season at the home of her father near Hillsboro. Miss Margaret Smart, depart mental instructor in the grade school at Milwaukie, and her brother, Jimmy, first year stu dent at OSC, are spending the Christmas vacation at home. Browns at Alsea TALBOT Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Brown and children. Mrs. Wilma Wintermantel and daughter and Jake Brown spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown and children at Alsea. NOTICE OF APPOIXTMEXT OF EXECUTRIX Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed, by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, as Executrix of the last will and testament and estate of John J. Karst de ceased, and that she has duly qualified as such Executrix; all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are notified to present the same, duly verified, to me, at the office of Walter S. Lamkln. my attorney, 205 Oregon Bulliding, Salem. Marion County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 8th day of December, 1937. BARBARA KARST, Executrix of the last will and testament and Estate of John J. Karst, Deceased. WALTER S. LAM KIN, Attorney for Executrix, Salem, Oregon. D 8-15-22-29 J I Directory Mattresses SALEM FLUFF-KUQ and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade; carpet cleaning, us ing; fluff rug weaving, g. lith a Wil bur. Tel. 844L OTTO F. ZW1CKER Eat. t9ll CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 40(9 Painting'Paperhanging Herbert E. Wood TeL 592( or ((87 Photo Engraving SALEM PHOTO erav1ng. 14T N Commercial. Tet 68(7. Printing FOR STATION KKY rarda, pamphlets progtams. books or any kind of -printing, rail The, Statesman Printing De partment. $11 S Commercial. Tele phone 9101. S loves REPAIRS FOR ranges, hire, elreula tors. P.. i. Heppnar 2(2 Chemeketa Transfer CAPITAL CITT Tanafer Co. 221 State St. TeL 777$ Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rstea Upholstering FURN. REPAIR. McDowell. TeL 9(5$' Vacuum Cleaners REPAIRED. ALL makes. Free est. In home. Cleaners for rant. Salem Hdw Well Drilling R A. WEST. Rt t, Bs, 8 T. U(F Wei Basements 9 . GUARANTEED BONE-DRY by the new Seal Seep Servleo. Applied oa In ner surface. Phone 6(70, Cooperative Creamery at Mt. Angel Will Open Celebration of 25 Years Growth This Morning; Lasts 2 Days MT. ANGEL, The program for the 25th anniversary celebration of the Mt. Angel Coor4rative creamery is slated to begin at 10 o'clock, Wednesday morning; December 29. Var ious speakers will take the floor, outlining the progress ; of the creamery during; the past 25 years, tell of its present aspira tions, and future possibilities. In the last 2 S years the cream-O ery lias grown from a small eav-t takLshment that hail aa output f pounds of batter In 1912 to the modern creamery tf today that In the past year has manufactured over 2,000,000 pounds, besides producing a large quantity or milk powder and ice cream. Prominent Sneakers Governor Charles H. Martin. ' honor speaker scheduled for the first day of the celebration, has sent word that he would most likely be prevented from attend ing , by pressing engagements. Among other speakers named will be Dean Schoenfeld, J. D. Mickle, Leslie M. Scott. Thursday's celebration will be similar in outline, with the op ening number set for 10 a.m. Dinner will be served to pa trons at noon on both days. Some idea of the magnitude of the din ner to be prepared is given by the fact that 3000 lbs of dressed meat has been made ready for the occasion. Patrons may arrange to at tend the dinner on whichever day is best suited to their plans. Tickets will be provided. Moores Remodel Store at Lyons - r LYONS Work of remodeling the confectionery and beer parlor in Lyons is well under way. Mr. and Mrs. Moore, the new pro prietors, are adding a second story to the building they recently purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Don Bretburton. When the building is complete it will be quite an improvement. Mrs. Leon Smith and daughter, Shirley, are spending some time with relatives at Pendleton. The Sunday school Christmas program given at the church Fri day night, was well attended con sidering there were so many Christmas entertainments during the week. The J. H. Johnstons have as holiday guests her sister, Mrs. Nelle Thomas and daughter, Phyl lis, of Medford, Miss Helen Thay er of Lyons and Mr. and Mrs. Clair Humphreys and two chil dren, Betty Lou and Leland Ross. Relatives Gather for Yule Festivity Planned By Mrs. Small, Turner TURNER Mrs. L. M. Small entertained or her son, C. I. Small and family of Eugene, B. C. Small and family of Salem over the weekend; with the Christmas dinner prepared at the home of her daughter. Mrs. L. D. Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Riches and two children are spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stover, at Weiser, Idaho. vross wora ruzzie I 2 3 H g& S 1 a. io II 21 22 p 23 2H 23 f "IfLlII"--- 33 ZH 35 "36 " - 37 3 3? ZZZW1ZW 51 1 11 HH Tll"T HORIZONTAL 1 fiber from the century plant 6 bitter vetch 8 narrow woven band 12 pertaining to a grand parent 1 rent 141 layer of the - ixia 15 turtle's upper shell 17 stop tem porarily 18 prefix: three 19 street . urchins 21 earth used in pottery. 23 agent 26 hastened 27 silkworm '28 4rrowinjr out 29 indefinite - article .. SO idiots : j 32 symbol for J ' tantAlum ' S3 spiral canal in the ear S5 pulpy fruit ' 36 spread for dorms; - 87 in a staid manner 39 careful 40 stringed -instrument 41 duct 42 shingle with uneven sides 44 infidels 48 color 49 beverage 60 lime tree . 51 grew old 62 ej ui in 53 weaver's reed ' Herewith is' the day's puzzle. (aaiiistit, int. st Children Unite in HoMayTrogram DAYTON The auditorium of the Day tan union high school vat filled with patrona of the district for the Christmas play. "Way -the Chimes Ring," presented, by the Sunday school classes ot tho five Dayton churches. Ramon a Oaks, dressed In Holland ro stoma, -sang in Dutch dialect "Silent Night" White gifts were placed on the altar for the aged and needy families of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. George Hessler and family of Seattle were Christ mas guests of relatives here. They were among the 16 members of the Coburn family who were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs, H. G. Coburn. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Crum and their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Arlington B. Crum of Portland, were Christmas eve guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam M. Bates. Water Recedes After Reaching High Mark Of Season at Ricke) RICKEY The water' here Is almost down to winter normal again but Monday water reached the high mark of the season Basements, fields and roads were flooded and Pudding Creek was more like a river than a tiny creek when the water broke throuch the bank in placed and rushed through fields. No accidents were reported but one driver missed the road near the school house and the- car was left stranded on the road edge in the water for a number of hours. Funeral Services Held For Mrs. Rosie Morgan, Resident of Linn County ALBANY Mrs. Rosie Morgan. 81, and a resident of Albany and Linn county for many years, until April of this . year, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Millie Githens in Oregon City, Sunday morning. Death followed a linger ing illness. Funeral services wers held Tuesday afternoon from the Pine Grove church. Surviving In addition to Mrs. Githens, are two sons, H. O. Fer guson of Hood River and Millet Morgan of Livermore, Calif. Attend Family Reunion ORCHARD HEIGHTS Mr. and Mrs. H. R. McDowell, Ora and Ross with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fisher of Portland, spent Satur day and Sunday at Junction City with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Porter, parents of Mrs. McDowell ,nd Mrs. Fisher. VERTICAL 1 moccasin 2 yellow bugle 3 woolen cloth 4 pertaining to wings 5 tone in Goido'i scale ouromariies cubic meter 8 headdress in the Levant 9 sacred books of the Zoro- astrian re ligion' . 10 footlike part 11 dins 16 Greek letter 20 sphere of actios 7 21 crude 22 weapon . with a shaft ZS -native com pound 24 Ash-eating ; mammal ..' ar - jr ' ' t muse ol amatory . poetrr solution to Tester, SO asserted right to 31 climbing' " plant, 34 counsel 36 pendent 1 ornament ; 38 exalt the - spirits ef 39 stays in ex pectation 41 brother of Odin 42 mineral ' ' spring - 43 embrace , 45 possesses 46 bind 47 cunning Use r jaslasts, Jna