The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 29, 1937, Page 10, Image 10

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, December 29, 1937
Bethel' Homes
Spread Clieer
Many Families Together on
Christmas; Friends
Bidden Also
BETHEL Tbe Christmas sea
son was observed with much fine
hospitality in this district. Mr,
and Mrs. A.' C. Spranger enter
tained at dinner for Mr. and Mrs,
John Spranger of Salem and Otto
Hlelemier of Stayton. Mr. and
.Mrs. George . Hain and Charlotte
attended a family dinner at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Haln
on Sunnyvlew avenue. Mr. and
Mrs. Dale Grim and family were
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Hudson in Salem.
Rev. and Mrs. S. Hamrick held
a family reunion, with all their
children present. Mr. and Mrs,
O. D. Smith and Shirley Jean
came from Longview; Mr. and
Mrs. T. C, Bentley, James, Bobby
and Larry Bentley, Mr. and Mrs
- Arthur Olsen came from Mar
auam. i Mr. and Mrs. George E, Bahn
ten entertained at dinner for Mr.
ind Mrs. O. B. Chapman of Inde
pendence, Mr. and Mrs. August
Bchuler, Elinor, Nelda and Ger-
t)i of Portland Mr. and Mrs. L.
E. Fisher and Lester Fisher of
Molalla, Edgar Morley, Kate Mor-
ley, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Morley,
til of Goodrich, N. D.
E. D. Reeds Entertain
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Wilson
and sons attended a family party
on Christmas eve at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith in Sa
lem; and on Christmas day were
dinner guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. W.Simmons at Or
chard Heights. Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Carruthers had as their dinner
guests Mr. and Mrs. F. L. War
ren, Mrs. Mary Lisle, Mrs. Lena
M. Lisle, Mrs. Margaret Fessen
den, Mr, and Mrs. E. W. Lisle, all
of Salem. Mr. ; and Mrs. E. D.
Heed entertained at dinner for
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reed and fam-
. i . . a n 1
ll J oi jiruuts.
Mr. and Mn. O. L. Bnibaker enter
tainrd on Christmas eT for 31 r. and Mrs.
Clauda D. Page, Clarence, Lloyd and
Fraaeea tf of Jeffenon, Mr. and Mm.
Koy Weatoa aad Lorothjr of Salem ; and
on Christmas day vera guests of Mia
Hattit i'afa in Salem. Mr. and Mri. A. li.
Darr hats their hoosa joeata during
tha holiday! Mr. and Mrs. Cheater Whit
ney (nee Ruta Darr) of Bloat, Calif., and
Mr. and Mra. Sara Darr and family of
Karmsnd, Waih. ,
J. K. Wolf Art Hosts
Mr. and Mra. J. K. Wolfe entertained
at dinner for Mrs. fa Enoia and Mr.
and Mra. T. K. Abbott all of Portland.
Mr. and Mra. Cass Nichols and family
were dinner guasti at tba home of Mr.
and Mra. Edwin Armstrong in Salem. Mr.
and Mrs. J. M. Nichols entertained on
Christmaa eve for Mra. Delia Cooler. U.
H. Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. Cast A.
N it hols and family, Mr. and Mra J. A.
Ham and Jean, Miss Marjorie Varey.
Chriatmaa day Mr. and Mra. J.. A Hain
entertained at dinner for tba relatiTes.
Mr. aad Mrs. A. H. Fueatman had at
their dinner guests Mr, and Mrs. Joseph
Bealer of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Baker of Marleay. Mra. Millia Brink!?
and family entertained at dinner for Mr.
and Mrs. Nichols Brinkley, Betty and
Sherne Brinkley and Miss none ireenter.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kirsrher and ehll
dren wait dinner guests of Mrs. C. Vcgl
la Salem.
VaUey roiki Art Quests
Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Bishop were en
tertained at dinner at the home of Mr.
and Mra. A. J. Bishop of Hazel Oreeq.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. King bad as their
dinner guests Mr .and Mrs. George M.
Ilagemaa and family. Mr. and Mis. Dale
Hilborn entertained at dinner for Mr. and
Mrs. Ray. Lawrence, Floyd and Raymotid
Phillips, all of Salem.
Mr. and Mra. K. K. Mattea had as
their goests for Christmas eve. alo for
Christmas dinner, Mrs. Nellie Pranduw,
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Crahtree, ElUworth
and Sanies Crabtrea of McMinnville, Mi.
aad Mra. J. O. Landerbark, Jim end
Deaa Lauderback. ,
High Pupils Only
Get Vacation now
GRAND ISLAND Children in
the upper and lower grades and
their teachers, Mrs. Grace Duren
and Miss Zella Gillam, enjoyed a
Christmas tree and the exchange
of gifts in their respective rooms
Friday afternoon. Because school
was closed due to Illness for a
week recently, the grade children
have no vacation between Christ
inas and New Year's. High school
students In the district have a
week's vacation, ending next Mon
day. '
College students who are en
joying the holiday season at par
ental homes include Ernest Jen
son, Barclay Tompkins, Lorene
and Russell Tompkins, all stu
dents at Willamette university;
Mildred Will, University of Ore
gon; Orville Asher, Ellison White
conservatory of music, and Mu
riel Stoutenberg, Benhke-Walker
business college In Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.- Fergu
son and family entertained with,
a family dinner at their home
Caristmaa day for Mr. and Mra.
F. . M. Roseman, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles H. Roseman and two
daughters, Charlotte and Mildred
of near Beaverton, and Mr. and
Mrs. E. D. Roseman and family
of Salem.
iMaria Ertelt, 73,
Dies at Mt. Angel
MT. ANGEL Mrs. Maria Ert
elt. 73, died : at her home here
about 9:30 this morning follow
ing a stroke, received about two
weeks ago, Maria Winkled was
born In Oberschiesien, Germany,
November -22, 1864, and came to
America at tbe age of 18, set
tling in North Dakota. In 1885
she was married to Charles
Ertelt, who preceded her. in
The family has lived In ML. An-
rel since 1915. 4 Surviving are
seven children: Mrs. Philip Wag
ner of South Heart, N. Dak.;
Mrs. I Schneiders, Mrs. Irwin
Clouse, and Carl Ertelt of ML
Angel; Paul and Joe Ertelt and
Mrs. Ed Gnck of Valley city. .
Dak.; two brothers, Frank and
John Winkler of Valley City; 32
grandchildren, and ten great
Funeral services will probably
be held Thursday morning from
SL Mary's Catkolic church.
irangers iNews
MACLEAY Mra. Vefn McCal
lister and Mra. Lloyd Keen were
joint hostesses at the grange H.
E. club December meeting, held
at the' grange hall. Holly, flow
ers and miniature red table
lamps for each guest furnished
the table decorations,
i The club voted to purchase-sil-
verware with Mrs. W. Welch the
purchasing committee.
The club also planned an all
day and evening's entertainment
for New Year's day for grangers
and their families.
'A basket dinner will be 'serv
ed at 12:30 and again in the ev
enlng; with a general good time
in. the afternoon and dancing at
night. Each family bring well
filled basket.
In charge are: Dinner, Mrs. W
Welch, Mrs. Edith Wilson. Miss
Lettle Barker, Mrs. Lloyd Keen,
Mrs. H. E. Martin, Mrs. J. L.
Amort; tables, Sarah Ling, Fre
dora Ling, Rose Perry, Marlon
Perry. Jean Perry. Viola Tooker.
Geraldine Keen, Margaret Magee,
Hazel Magee. Lucile Dunigan and
Beverly McMillan.
Talbot Folks Are
Christmas Hosts
A. Johnsons Come From
Vancouver; Others
TALBOT Mr. and Mrs. E. J
Freeman and son, Ernest, were
Christmas dinner guests of Mr.
and Mra. Ellis Harding in Cor
vallis. The Freemahs had as their
Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
Whittington of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Blinston
and daughter, Ilene, had as their
Christmas dinner guests Mr. and
Mrs. George Potts, jr., and son
Gary, Mrs. Mary Nye, Mrs. Edna
Reeves and Vernon Miller.
Miss Thelma Turnldge of Willa
n In a is spending the vacation
visiting friends here.
Montanans on Visit
Mr. and Mrs. Oakley Parker and ch'l
dren, Joyce, David and Ooakley, jr., of
Fishtail, Mont., are visiting ner parents.
Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Potts, for a few
days. They are on their way to California
to spend the winter.
Miss Xeva Emmons of Enterprise Is the
guest of Miss Marjorie Cole for a few
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scott and son,
Clifford of Lakeview, were Christina
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jlobn Zehner. Tbe
men are brothers. '-
Guests at Siletz
Mr. and Mrs. Georre Marlott and Mrs.
Frank Kieper spent Christmas with Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Marlott and family at
Mr. and Mra. Albert Johnston of Van
couver, Wash., were guests of their son-
in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. mai
mer Davidson.
Mrs. Charlea Meier. Mrs. Mary Scott,
Mrs. C. C. Marlott. C. F. Meier and Frank
Trembly spent Christmas at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. A. 1. Pettyjonn at Konem.
Mr. and Mrs. William Lambert and
'daughter, Elisabeth of Willamina, were
guests over Cbristmaa of their son, Ed
Lambert and family.
Four Generations
At Grice Reunion
Fred Wilsons Entertain 40
Relatives, Friends on
and Mrs. Fred Wilson entertained
40 Yuletide guests. Coming from
a distance were Mr. and Mrs. N.
S. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Fish, all of Centralia, Wash.; Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Busch and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bethel, all
of Stayton. Other guests were Mr.
and Mrs. James Davis and fam-
ily-of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton
Kennedy and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Isaack, Mr. and Mrs.
George Wilson and family.
Four generations of the Grice
family to the number of 40 gath
ered at tV home of Larkin
Grice, father of the clan, for their
annual two-day Christmas observ
ance. Crowd Enjoys Program
A capacity house applauded the
Christmas program presented
Thursday night by pupils Of the
Popcorn school, under the tute
lage of their teacher, Mrs. Nellie
Carter. Highlights of the excellent
program were two plays, express
ing the Christmas spirit and a
musical number by three boys in
costume. Other music and recita
tions and a treat completed the
A recent guest at the W. G.
McDowell home was Mrs. McDow
ell's cousin, Mrs. Cora Hall of
Paw Paw, III.
Holiday Dance
Slated Tonight
Tear'a dance will be held at the
clubhouse here Wednesday night
for members and friends. The
Albert Lichty orchestra will play.
Early this week 19 -members of
the club worked la tiling and re
cementing, the basement floor.
Considerable trouble has been ex
perienced in water coming into
the basement of the clubhouse.
The- club is also planning a
pie social for the near future.
Making ; the y arrangements are
John Goodknecht, Mrs. Frank
Bowers, Theodore Grace and Mrs.
Helen -Paget. " - v
A special meeting of Waldo
Hills club stockholders will be
held the night of January 4 at
the clubhouse at 8 o'clock to vote
on new by-laws.
Women's Relief Corp
Elects Airs. Hartman
President, Silverton
SILVERTON At the annual
election of the Woman's Relief
corps those elected were:
President, Mrs. Josephine
Hartman; vice-president, Mrs.k El
sie Slmeral; Junior vice-president,
Mrs. Lida Usher; chaplain, Mrs.
Sophia Norgaard; secretary, Mrs.
Robert Gour lie; guard, Mrs. H.
E. Hubbard; conductor, Mrs.
Bertha DeSart. -
Lodge Serves
Masons at Lebanon Honor
St. John's Day at
Special Meet
LEBANON The local Masonic
lodge entertained about 130 peo
ple at the annual St. John's day
turkey dinner Monday night.
Members of the OES prepared
and helped serve the dinner
The program Included short
talks by Victor Carlson of Leb
anon and Frank Svatos of South'
Dakota; piano solos by little El
merjane Carlson and Beverly
Jean Carlson; vocal numbers by
the Wesleyan trio composed of
Violet Gilson, Velma Horton and
Jessie Skinner; trombone solos
by Vincent Snyder; clarinet solo
by Jeaa White; piano and clari
net number by Lorilie and La-,
verne Stewart; solos by. Joan
Partons Entertain
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Parton en
tertained at a family dinner
Christmas day and those present
from out of town were Mr. and
Mrs. Alan Parton and four chil
dren from Toledo; Mr. and Mrs.
Vern Parton of Toledo, Mr. and
Mrs. Fay Parton and daughter
and Mrs. Irene Parton's mother,
Mrs. Vianna Nussbaum. All of
the guests remained until Sun
day except Mr. and Mrs. Vern
Parton. On Sunday Nell Nichols.
Cab Calloway and Marjorie Cal
loway of Eugene spent the day at
tLi Parton home.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rice and
baby daughter of Seattle spent
Christmas day at the home of
Mrs. Rice's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Will Ellis.
Miss Dan Oldham, a Lebanon
teacher, underwent a tonsillec
tomy operation Friday at the
Lebanon hospital..
Veteran Jeweler
Of Albany Passes
F. M. French, 85, Opened
Store There in '79;
Rites Held
ALBANY F. M. French, 85, of
Albany, died suddenly at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. R. W.
Williams of Portland, Sunday
afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. French
had gone to Portland to spend the
Christmas holidays. Funeral ser
vices were held here Tuesday
afternoon, with Rev. J. Boyd Pat
terson in charge.
Mr. French had been In ap
parently good health up to Just
a few minutes before his death.
Francis Marion French was
born October 23, 1852, in Bloom-
ington. 111., the son of Columbia
and Mary Ann French. His father
pioneered in early western rail
road construction. At the age of
16, Datus Stevens, persuaded
young French to go to Fairbault,
Minn., and enter his employ in a
Jewelry store. Here be became
p r o ficient as a watchmaker.
Working at the same. bench with
him was D. H. Church, who later
became famous as master watch
maker for the Waltham Watch
Brings Stock by Boat
In 1876 Mr. French came wet,
first to California. In 1879 he
came to Albany where two of his
sisters were living. He brought
a small stock of jewelry to Ore
gon by boat. March 17, 1879, he
opened the first Jewelry store in
this city at the present location
of the Murphy Seed store.
Since 1890, Mr. French served
as local weather reporter . and
during the 47 years has kept a
record of the river readings. For
4 . years he served as watch in
spector for the "Southern Pacific
Railway company and its pre
decessors, and was one of the old
est watch Inspectors in point of
service in the United States.
Wedded 56 Years
On January 12, 1881, Mr.
French married Lillian McCoy,
daughter of John and Sarah Anne
McCoy, pioneers of 1845, who
had settled in the Oakvllle neigh
borhood. They would have cele
brated the 57 th anniversary of
their wedding next month in the
house in . which they have lived
for nearly 56 years.
Mr. French served as a mem
ber of the city council. He was
a member of the Artisans and
IOOF lodges. ;
Surviving are the widow and
two sons and two daughters, Mrs.
Francis Williams of Portland and
Mrs. Eva Hall of Albany, John
French of Portland and S e t h
French of Albany; also by 'four
Boydston Reunion
Staged at Dallas
DALLAS A Boydston family
reunion was held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Senter Sun
day. Holiday decorations were
used In the table appointments
and also around the rooms of the
Senter. home. :. ' .... ,. . ..
Those present' for .the dinner
were: Mrs. James Boydston, Wil
liam haw, Mr. and Mrs. V. Ray
Boydston and son flmmle, Mr.
and Mrs. William Boydston and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boyd
ston and daughter,' Beverly of
Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper
Boydston and daughter Florine
of Grand Ronde, Mr. and Mra.
Charles Boydston of Falls City,
Miss Dorothy Holman, Hiss Ei
leen Holman, Donald, Barbara
and Mary Senter, and the hosts.
Browns Move to Hills
Mrs. H. F. Brown, who have been
living on the Loe place for the
past several years, have moved
to the Waldo Hills, where they
will make their home with their
son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Heavy Snowfall Reported
In Vicinity of Camp 18
SILVERTON Heavy snow Tall
Is reported at camp No. 18, which
has been closed for the winter.
Two caretakers, Jake -Meyers and
William Bailey, report that they
had a busy weekend shoveling
snow off the roofs of camp
Schierbaum Heads
Merchants' Qub
MT. ANGEL Dr. A. F. E.
Schierbaum was named president
of the Mt. Angel Business Men's
club for the coming year at the
election held Monday noon. Leon
ard Fisher was elected vice-pres-Jdent
and W. Douglas Harris will
continue as secretary-treasurer.
Attending the luncheon-meeting
as visitors were Leon Le
Febvra, Frank Aman. Stanley
Duda, and R. J. Berning, who
outlined the program for the
The Smart Shop's
-creamery's two day anniversary
celebration. Jos. Bigler was wel
comed Into the club as a new
member. ; -
The next meeting of the club
will be held on January 10, at
6 p.m. when the members will be
dinner guests of the Mt. Angel
cooperative creamery.
Alma Olson Takes Job -,
As Cashier for PGE
Office at Silverton
son, former manager of the Sil
verton credit bureau office, has
accepted the position as cashier
at the Portland General Electric,
company branch at Silverton. For
some time Miss Olson has been
with the. credit bureau at McMinn
.ville. Miss Helen Hall, who resigned
at the PGE company recently,
will leave December 30 for Spo
kane where on January 1 she
will marry Bradford Sypher, son
of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Sypher of
of Merit
115 N. Liberty
Point Folks
Hosts at Yule
Guests From Near and Far
Enjoy Festivities in
Rural Area
guests at the M. M. Gilmour home
were Mr. ind -Mrs. Argus Pear
son, Donna Mavis and Carol, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Qoaley and Nor
man of Willamina, Mr. and Mrs.
George Lovett of Silverton, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Mulkey of Victor
Mrs. Sharp and son, Paul
Sharp, and Miss Bernita Jones
of Salem were weekend visitors
at the C. C. Jones home. Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Jones spent the holidays
at the home of her. parents, Mr.
and Mrs. S. Jepson at Mill City.
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Fischer
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Dell
Alexander, Patricia and Phillip
Here are truly great values in fine quality women's
apparel . . . presented in accordance with The Smart
Shop's traditional practice of holding only two sales
but great sales during the year. We've paid no at
tention to cost in this sale, and honestly believe these
prices to represent truly remarkable values!
Formerly were as high as $16.75.
There's a Dress for any occasion in this
group including Evening Dresses. These
values are simply tremendous!
Late arrivals many so advanced in
style you can use them for early Spring
wear - Afternoon, Evening, Office
Dresses. Tbe Dress you select from this
group will represent a great saving!
a .ii ini-i - i ....,., , .... a .....
Here are Coats to carry you warmly
through coming cold Winter days soft
fleeces in beautiful colors and tweeds
Swagger Suits, too They were up to
1. . ! ..iu.ui.i. i i, j,, I,. ,,,1111 I. ....MIL, i.i.i mMM. nil. ......n u HI,, WHIP ,
Fitted and loose swinging Coats in
Dressy and Sports types. Our reputation
for . selected furs, fine fabrics and per
fection of tailoring is your guarantee of
the values offered in these Coats! Were
up to $39.75.
of Albany.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fisher,
Mr. and Mrs. Erie Fisher and
children. Alice Jean and Law
rence spent Christmas day with
Stayton relatives.
Mr. sad Mrs. Marion Fischer vara
guest e( her parents, Mr. and 'Mra. C
G. Neal ia Si Wert on.
Mist Mary Becker, who attends school
in Mt Angel, it at her bom here for
tbe holidays.
Christmas dsy dinner guests at the 3.
C. Krens home were Mr. and Mrs. U. W.
Horaphrejs, Tbelraa and Robert Hum
phreys, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lang and
daughters,. JoAnne and Dorothy, and Miss
Millie Krens.
, Floyd Fox Family Away
Mr. aad- Mrs. Floyd Fox and children
Frances aad Floyd jr., were guests en
Christmas day at the home of her sister,
Mrs. E. M. Stone and family at Trout
dale. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Miller, jr., and
children. Annis Jo and Dale, spent Christ
mat' day at tha home of her parents, the
A. H. Miies in SiWerten Hills.
Miss Alice Jaquet, woo teaches in tha
high school at Harper, is home tor tbe
holidays. '
The Henry Jaquet family en
Joyed a reunion Christmas day.
Included were Mr. and Mrs. Ja
quet, Miss Alice Jaquet, Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Cooley and family,
Mr. and 'Mrs. Emory Goode and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Jaquet and family.
.... 5'4'
White Giristmas
Reality. MUl Gly
MILL CITY This lumber town
enjoyed a genuine white Christ
mas, for nearly three inches of
snow covered the ground here
Saturday. Snow started falling
Among the family gatherings
here was that at the home f
i. ..) u,. t? t. Robertson.
,111. auu .hi
Relatives arriving ' from many
Oregon cities were her mother,
Mrs. Kate Shimmin, and Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Shimmin and chil
dren Jack and Jean of Medford;
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dixon, Cor
vallis; Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Shim
min, Portland; Mr. and MrsNor
mal Shimmin and daughters Nor
ma, Bonnie and Pauletta f Sa
lem. Recess Ends Monday
RICKEY School will reopen
here Monday, January 3.
Were Formerly
r Up to $7.50
J0D J 05 gas
.r . A Joy
r , f r -. ' r-v i
at.', ar - L ..," "J
1 " 't
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