PAGE NINE" ; Extra Roe Used Cars Oflfere Bealers The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, - Oregon, Saturday Morninjr, December 11, 1937. Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising ' Single insertion per line ,10c. Three insertions per. Use 20 Six insertions per. line 30c One month per. line ...j...-11.00 Minimum charge i .25e t Copy for this-page accepted until :39 til -v-nlne before ipuMk-ation for claati nation. Copy receives 'after thia- time will betrtin undei tho hex d inn, Too . I-Ua . to Clas-afy.- .- . ) . 4The Statesman-aasitmea no finan cial responsibility for error whhh may appear in advertlsem-nta'pub-ttshed In its column, and in puses where title paper h at f sou It will re print that part of nn advertisement in which the typographical mistake occurs. ; The Statesman reserve the right ' to reiect qneal innable advertisings it furth-j reserves the ritclit tc , place all advert tains' under tlx proper ciasaifti-atlon. Livestock! TOPPKlCRa pawl tm Old boners and .eoas fot fox level Te) UU ' KKKE WE put up eVarl and a"rtn less bora, rows, a! we p. TeL 469. rul rc- y j " ' FREE WE Dick . opt dead and worthless burses, cows. Tel. 7979,. eol-A . tect : ' " DEAD AND worthleaa horses, cows. picked up free. Ph. collect S41 1. S lera, I -He I AU ny. atontsomery tieno. Wks. - '. .. i STOCK CARROTS, (Sjat pUce, $6 delivered up to 20 miles. : Bring sacks. S Wks. S. E. S. P. depot Jefferson, Albert Hoefer. - 9 FJNB TTVKS.-PW lot 35. H. J. Olson. RL 1, Box 410, near Brush Col lege. - - f Auctions! .-, NURSING. CARE Invalids or elaerty neoole. Capable women will work for ty": reasons Die wage. xsox v oimiw r , For Sale Miscellaneous tTASH OR trade tat oaed Wntture ranees, heaters. - radios; oiaenimry tools, etc. Woodry and Woodry. auc tioneers. ptvne (-1 l -s. MIS N euro aw In Hollywood. I YfrfViriiVHiiir - V HORSE AUCT1DN, Monday. --De. 13. 1 o'clock sharp at Woedbora Horse Barn, 1 block from Mats St, Wood- ' burn, Oregon : 1 carload selected young draft stock presented foe public, auc tion by the International Harvester Co. ot Walla Walla, Wash. 1 team young mules, on 3 yr. old spotted sad- . die horse. Balance heavy, .young gentle draft horses. These horses will be guar an teed and sold without reserve. Come Sunday A look them over. j Help Wanted- Female " EXP. GIRL, or woman for gen. housework, stay nights. fTwo children tn family, rnone is. WANTED. HOUSEKEEPER, must have references, 120 mo. ph. 7203. ' , Situations Wanted EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKING. Mrs Adsitt 1130 Marlon! PI ion 944 DAT OR HOUR wrk. TeL MEN WAN1 ISO Center. work of any kind. ; EXP, WOMAN wants incur or day work. Ethel Austin, 260 jCenter. . For Sale Miscellaneous ROU CANARIES, 260 N.ISth. 5352. APPLES, 25c BTJ. 1580 Bellevue. REPOSSESSED RADIO is-TUBE RCA Victor, cabinet mod el. BaL-due. $22.40, terras, f 1.00 week ly See air. Jans GEO. a WILL. MUSIC STOKE SA LKH AN IDEAL Christmas gift a collie pap. TDorwugiiDrea wnites, eaoies, tri color. Xl North Fifth St. SEVERAL SECTIONS, six lots each. Be !c rent Memorial Park. H25 per aec tloru Bew F. Wert, Salem. - Trade Miscellaneous FOR SAi.E or part trade, Vaughn dragsaw, . 2 new blades, 105 Fair grounds Road. Wanted Miscellaneons WANT WALNUT and filWt meats. also In shell Suite CafftnTta. DO YOU need money for Christmas? Iik up your discarded and broken iewdry ot any kind, oll or silver. We pay cash -for It. 211 N. Commercial. HOL.LT WANTED, Will pay 10c a lb. for berried holly sprays up to 20 tn. In lergtit. A good citancs to make Xtnas. money. 1003 S. Commercial. Phene 777. WAiNTE GOOD hfrrs used bicycle. Call evenings. Tel. 7302. WANTED GJRL to share, apt Can wotk tor share of rent. . Call 39?5. Margaret. . WANTED TeL 73t. COCKER spaniel pup. HOLLY WNTD. 355 .Belle'Vue, Apt. 1, For Rent Rooms NICE SLEEPING room 1(1 S, 14, NICE HEATED rma S3 S. Com' I HfrTKL MARION . . EN JOT THE comforts oT a down town modern heteL Rooms by- the week or month at very reasonable prices. TLEASANT WARM room,. Ph. 5S9, RM, GAR. Ph. (371, 530 Jefferson. LARGE FRONT sleeping rrri, two beds, bath, heat, for two or three men, reasonable. 224 Division SL ' HTD. RM. 10SS N. lfth. TeL 4082. 1 ROOM FCRN 255 Division. CLEAN R. IN private familj-. Gar. avaiUble, C60 K. High. STEAM HEATED sleep, room, near stste bouse. 247 S. Cottage, M sJVVsrsiri ri jtrsjXfu"u" LfJ HTD. SLEEPING rm., 444 a High LARGE FRONT heated sleeping room. Suitable for 2. Garage. 910.00 mol7&s Center St. Room and Board EXCELLENT R. EL,. 745 S. Com'L EXCELLENT a B, 545 S. Com!. people. Ph. HOME K973. FOR elderly TYPEWRITERS- ADDING ma chines, cash rex istcrs sold rented, re paired. Ken 420 Couik phone C773. BALDWINS. SPIES. Hurbank pota toes. sheep guano. Mrai Wright. 4 V sat, Wallace Rd. ' KRUITIAND NURSERT sales yard, fruit, nut trees, shrubbery. A. 'J. Ma this, 269 Center Ft TeL 25. sjsssssasssssssssjsssjssssjssassjsssassassgssy WATK1NS PRODUCTS. Phone 7805, GIRL'S NEW coat,' JC Ph. S715. ' SHOP EARLY for Xrnas trees, N. Commercial, between C hern ek eta A Center, Cable Bros. .1 CORN-FED PIG, dressed or alive. Apples. Joe Nesner, box 181, route 1. FOR JSAI Baled hay, oats snd vetch."! 1 3 per ton st my home. Address route 7. box 328. Hasel Green district. Or phono 44F12, Walker. f FOR SALE 345 credit slip on local new or used furniture company. 15 discount (or cash. Room 1; 229 14. Coml. FOR TWO, near state house, well- heated, 360 ri: CapitoL Ph.: 7928. ALSO TABLE" boMdi, fils.Cente. Money to Loan Money to Loan Quick, Private Loeois When you need extra cash oaa ouraimnle borrnwinsr nlan AH rou need Is to be able to make smalt regular payments. You can arrange to repay la amousts that will not strain your pocketbook; for Instance: $50 Repayable;......;.....$5.02 Per Month 60 Repayable .......... 6.03 Per Month 70 Repayable....:.. 7.03 Per Month AUTO LOANS, PERSONAL, LOANS, $10 TO $500, ALL PLANS , PERSONAL FINANCE CO: OF SALEM - - (Formerly Beneficial Finance Co.) Second Floor New Bligh Bids., Room 119 118 State St at High Phont 3191 . Salem, Oregon License S-l 2 M-l 15 PERSONAL LOANS BORROW FROM Salem's oldest largest Independent company your problems will receive personal consid eration before and after the loan Is made. Interest -on unpaid balance. No fees Quick Courteous -Service We Solicit Your Account General Finance . Corporation IS8 S. Commercial: St.." Salem. Or Phone 9168 ' Lie. No. S-138. MONEY TO Joan on good real estate CHAS HUDKINS. 378 Stat St CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO buy new or used cars. Private money at very low rates. No red taps 1 to 20 months to repay. Rpy H.Simmons 3 ST Commercial SL. Salem. Or. Phone 9168 Lie No. M-152. FKI'KRAL HiXIsINO loans build Trirmhw tnmes. totistnesa 'prop- fcatea Arn-arrv a KIHa.Jne. Ma-onle Hid. For Rent Houses 8 H20. ROOM HOUSE In JWest Salem TeL 7551. . ' For Rent HOSriTsAL BEDS and wheel chair rent H L Sriff Furniture Ce 3 R. DUPLEX. Furnace, laundry trays, garage. Call 1313 Center. For Sale Real Estate New Plan Select your Christmas present now, Tour choice of one of three gifts with each purchase of property up. to De cember Z4, noon, 1937. F. H. WEIR, -Ore'gon,Bldg. Ph. 9411 run SAts. vacant 8 ROOM MODERN home, ta fine condition excel t outside paint 955 Tamarack, fine surrounding $4509 $1500 cash. BKCKEA WADSWORTH 189 N. High NORTH SALEM NEW S-R, NOOK ft bath. Plastered, garage built in house. St paved and paid. Price $1800; $300 down will handle. a E. LANE 333 State St Ph. 8(22 LISTEN WHERE CAN yon invest $2,000 st better interest I Will sell yoa two hous es now bringing 930 per month, small down payment will handle. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CH1LDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State St Phone S708. ACRE ON Brooks Ave., paving ft sidewalk in and oaio. race 33Z casn. C E. LANE, 333 State Phone 8622 - " " For Rent -Apartments 2 RM. 13th. FURN. apt. in front. 1310 S: APTS. FOR rent, 355 Bellevue. 3 RM FURN., er, frigid., auto. N. 13th. private bath, show heat. Sleep rm., 253 APT. NEWLY furnished, private bath, 87 N. Commercial, $30. 3 R. FURN, 1441 N. Commercial. 2 ROOM APT., private bath, garage, 3a3 Leslie St , 2 ROOM APT, 27 S. Church. 2. AND 3 ROOMS. Nicely furn., ga rages. Automatic heat 912.50 and 925. Ph. 7113. 2 R. APT, 486 N. LIBERTY. STUDIO meketa. COUCH, piano. (35 Che- FOR SALE or trade, '31 Buick 8-50, V-8-35 Ford Truck, dual 25-35 W in chested, double bbl. ITHACA shotgun, 759-wstt Hotpoint insert rwater heater, complete with attachments, small dia mond ring. ! CLYDE BANCROFT," 518 No. High ;HIGH . GRADE piano, in perfect condition. A bargain for cash. Phone 4(wS. - - , ... i. TABLE 33.50, KITCHEN cabinet $0,00, davenport, 9L5 ; small gas beat er. 12.59. 291 McNary Ave, W. Salem. jlSaswssSfcSaasassaSjSaagSSfcaejSSiagaajga .SALE, FRENCH range, 3 ftxS it. trm 2 ovens A-l condition, also doors, windows, cabinets, sll .kinds second hand building materials and bam. T. B. Kay house, opposite -new ' capttol on Court 1 ' FV HT' AND GLENN WoodrT. AUC tloneers, get orders to close out the used furniture stock of one of Salem's leading furniture stores !in the down town district and moved! to the F. N. Woodry auction market at 1(10 N. Summer St In Hollywood. Sale start 10 a. m. Tuesday. Dec 114th. Terms cash. Dealers welcome.! nothing , re served, i MOD. APT, refrig, 355 S. 14th. n.KAS ITNFtTRN ant' nlastered. lights ft water, incl. oath- privileges, close In. 345 Bellevue, Salem. 3 RM. HEATED, furn. Tel. 7126. 3 ROOM FURN. apt, garage, heat. lights and water. 705 N. Liberty. 2 ROOM "APT, for business man or woman. 255 Center St 3 R. AND BATH, 265 a Com'L FRN. HTD. 1 rm apt, 160 Division. For Rent Houses TOR RENT Modern ( room house In excellent condition. 958 Tamarack t 40 00 r ii . Large (room fiat Ferry St. water and garbage service furnished. $27 $0. lower flat same building. $30 . BECKE ft WADSWORTH 189 N. High St S-EM. MOD, $30. .1955 1 A, S-RM. modern house. Virginia hardwood floors, fireplace, small barsw 920. .In quire 18(5 S. 12th. MOD. FURN. hse. Inq. 411 N. Sum. LOVELY FURN. 2 -room bungalow In Eogewater court,. 25. Phone 8877. R'MOD. HOUSE, nicely furn. . Ad ults. $35 mo. 1005 N. Winter. Inq." 8:5 Shipping, i .. ULTRA-MODERN hse. to lease. 7113. PRIME (7F3. DRESSED turkeys. Ph. COLLIES, GIVE a puppie for Christmas. Special prices for one week. Colea Kennels. - Rt 3,-iBox , 73, TeL 94F. v .v"-" i - - ; .:: . i YELLOW N. 14th.- PERSIAN kittens, 1195 e (9rejri0u$tatesiaatt ADVERTISING ' Westero Ad lertieiBS - Repre8enUtlTes renger-HaU Co, Ltd. Saa Francisco, is Angeles. Seattl Eastern AdTertialnt; RepreaenUtiveg Bryant Griffith ft Brunson.' Inc -Chicago, New York. Detroit, Boston. Atlanta. . jrterf el fs 'osio'ice af solesi Oreeoa. as Ssom4 Class Afartwr. fa ftAd every mommg ccyt Afsaday Buainet efici tit South Costincrcia ireet, . i SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Rates in Advance vfnnui uregoni wi'r oj. Mo (9 cents; 1 Mo. $1.80; Mo. 93.59; 1 year $5.00. Elsewhere) (0 cents per Mo, er $(.90 Cor 1 year In advance. Per codv 8 cents. - New Stands i cent, f I By City Carriers (0 cents a month.! $7.29 a year la advance. FURN. COTTAGE. I winter rates. Inq. Texaco service sta, cor. S. 12th ft Pac highway. NEW UN FURN. bungalow Coven try Court. Call 3283 or Inquire 1363 & ComroerciaL i 7 ROOMS 265 N. 21st $25. 5 6 rooms 1231 Edgewater 822.50. S rooms 1725 S. Com'L $22.50. All strictly modern, - CM. IRWIN -' 463 Ferry Street Phone 46(3 located. Wilt rent for less than its value to riarbt oartr. 81 S ttee mn Good room house mnA.m com pleteiw furnished, goad furnishings, full b iiuivm c range, szs Adults only. - ( room modem Iwim fnmUhi 1 bedrooms, on bus line, In N. Salem J. H, WEIR, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. $1. BRAND NEW borne. 5 rooms with hardwood floors, fireplace and fur nace, 9500 dowa; 94100. , phone 5580 MODERN 4-ROOM. Basement and furnace. North 23rd, $2650; $500 down. Phono &mo. - MODERN HOME. North 17th street, Fireplace and furnace, nice laws, 83150. Phone 5580. . 4 ROOMS AND dinette. Block from Englewood school, $2800. Phone 5530. MODERN 5 RM. Tile drain bath, hwd. floors. Desirable location north. Immediate - possession. Only $3(a0, small down pay. WILLAMETE REAL ESTATE New Location 157 & Liberty St Phone 7113 . $300 DOWN, NEW 5 mV English type bouse In Kay Add. Oak floors. basement, furnace, fireplace. S36o0. 8250 down. 5 rm. house ft- 2 lots. bath, garage, paving In, close to school. 81350. $800, nice living rm., bedrm, kitchen, batn, garage, plastered, H cash. MELV1N JOHNSON, 725 Court St' Phone 3723 Exchange- -Real Estate FOR SALE Houses and farini small down payment trades for city and country property one and two acre tracts, $25 down and $25 per mo. 331 State St, TeL 499S For Sale Farms INSPECT THIS ACRES IT MUST be sold tbls week,' 11 miles north txood s rm. house, barn, fruit. 'Near schooL Paved road. Now vacant Small payment bal. about $10 mo. Owner asked 81850. Make offer today. -EEC HTEL-BRASHER. 341 STATE BEST BUY Howell Prairie One of the best 81 A, for 13.500 $6000 cash, take 92500 home part payment .-Fine soli snd location, elec. water system. 7 R. plast. mod. home, except furnace. full' basement Large barn and other bldgs. A real farm. Never -before of fered at this price. H. P. GRANT-C H. SANDERS 52-9 Court Ph. (744 or 8330 - - - -. , - 1 ,-1,-,, I,-,,-, , , FEDERAL LAND bank farms. Priced right Terms See W. S. Bart lett Secy. .Treas, 21( Oregon. Bidg. pnone 7IZZ. --- - - - - - -i-ni-i- -ry-ii-irinr-Lrm WE SHhX'IALIZE In country prop erty. See us snd save time. Free list W. V. HOMESKEKKRS AGENCY East "D" St Phone 8289 MSsSVA1 Auto Loans For Sale Used Can For Sale Used Can Today's Gkjodwill Special '37 Chevrolet iMastei: DeLuxe Coupe Original gray finish like new, mohair upholstering spotless. Mechanically perfect Has 90 tires, dual equipment -deluxe radio, heater, defroster. Bee this' one today. ' , - v ' Only S64S SALES PONTIAC SERVICE DOOLTTTLE MOTORS Acreage 339 N. High St. Phone 9109 E ACRES EAST of Salem, house. barn, chicken house, $2(25 $300 down, $15 a month. . New 4 room nouse, acre rnne. from Salem, $M00 $700 down, terms bal. S acres, house, $1300 $100 down. ( acres. $1200 $100 down, fruit ber ries, timber. - A. C. JENSEN 333 State Phone 8(22. (HA. ON PAVED road north, S rm. plastered house, electric lights, barm, $1650, $400 down. -4 A. of auod land. 6 rm. house. 2 barns, hiehway ft chicken house, fen ced. (5 cult, some tiraoer, ciose xo school, on cream, route, $5250, $1500 Gown. MELVTN JOHNSON. 725 Court St Phone 3723 , Suburban U ACRE ONE-HALF ml of Sa lem. Trailer house, elec lights, wood shed.. 5 cords wood. $760. Will accept light car to 8250. Tei.-7iz. Well, Here We Are Again! and iuclh Foces ' TERMS? "YOU BETCHA," AND EASY ONES AT THAT AS LOW AS S5.00 DOWN WE TRADE Here They Are Fords Plymouths er Wanted Real Estate WANTED SMALL farm, equipped, with aood house, rood solL near Salem or Portland. Give price and full details in first letter. Must be a bargain zor cash. Box 135, Forest Grove, Ore. CASH BUYER SMALL FARM WE HAVE cash buyer for acreage, 10 to 25 acres. Must have good 5 or ( room house, barn, electricity, near schooL Around $1000. Call or write to day. BECHTEL-BRASHER, 341 5IATE Business Opportunities FULLY EQUIPPED super service station and -work shop. 17 yrs. same op erator. Lg. dwelling. 1 A. land. Good country location. Ill health forces price down to (40Q0.OO. 31 A, bU 2nd growth and old fir about 5000 cds. 9 mi. out on pave ment. Sacrifice whole property for $2, 700.00. , L J. CRITTENDEN-O. D. BLISS 172 a Liberty "AAtfssAvSkAAAAesjSassssswasamBaAtfsaassassassstssass GOING RESTAURANT trade of businesa people. Weil located and will sacrifice for $600 cash. SEE US AT ONCE. H. P. GRANT-CHAS. SANDERS 629 Court , TeL (74i Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on rami and elty property B fore borrowing. Inquire at Hawkins A Roberta. PUT YOUR $ 9 9 IN A SOUND INVESTMENT FIRST MORTGAGE on real estate We now have a number of mortgages for sale. Amounts from 8309 to 35.000 Net you tH semi-annually SEE US CH LUS A MILLER. Mtee. Loans 344 State St Phone (70$ Financial WE HAVE never paid It than this rate on savings d Investments Insured te 85900. Mutual Federal Savings ft Loan Ass's Phone 4944 148 S Llbetry St For Sale Wood OAK WOOD. TeL 137FS. LA RtSK UKCOND growth. Ph I87K3 r D9T 2ND gTOwth, iosyessasaltssssssasesssssafejtsvssaasi Fen wick, 4527, DRY 2nd GROWTH fir. Reas. 3354 FOR WOOD. Ph. 8230. Wyn Dyer. miARANTKEll DRY WIMM Tel (000. Salem Fuel Co. Trade and "ottaga DRY SLAB. 4 ft, $4.25; 1( in, $5 old fir. 16 in.. $5.25; block and planer wood, 85.25; big load 3 ft furnace. $5.90 cd. TeL 1353 Dallas, collect 16 IN. OLD fir, $5.50. Ph. 9456. OLD FIR. 2nd grth. fir. ash. 1370. stsssaswsassssssassss1saasasstsi DRY WOOD, all kinds, ph. (663. WOOD. 85.50, OLD-fir, ph. 9560. OLD GROWTH red fir. 12 and 19 Inch. Knots, limb, oak. Phone (542, DRY FIR and oak. TeL 3380, Ashcraff. . NO. 1 16" OLD ftr. dry second growth, ash and oak. TeL 3673. Lost and Found WILL THE party who called about black dog named "Smoky" please call Agues lrwra at 810L , FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 30 ACRE ORCHARD. 23 acres prunes, .3 acres strawberries, fine plants. 44 acre cherries. . ft acre ap ples. The orchard is in excellent con dition, cover crop arrowing. The straw berry bed has been well fertilised and limed, a room house, barn and garage. 7 mites from Salem Mortgage ox (2. 800. low interest rate. Will exchange equity for residence in Salem. -' ALSO: 5 acre tract best oY sandy loam soiL highly developed with wal nuts, filberts, peaches, berries, etc Good new house, 5 rooms and large at tic Beautifully landscaped lawn. Price 95.900. Will accept small home Id Sa lem as part payment CHILDS ft MILLER, Realtors 344 State St Phone (70S. Personal LONELY? "WORTHWHILE" sweet heart, husband, wife for you. Bos 375, Los Angeles. I WILL not be responsible for any bins contracted-by Jess Samuel lira nam. Signed,. Ruth Stella Graham. J KM. FURN. house, adults. Ph. 540. - . . ---'------'--- - 11 ir i-nnn.n.ruunjiruviJ MRS. J. A. MILLS home, 481 N. Winter, hardwood . floors, fireplace, new. furnace with electric tan, gas range. Ph. 9372. - 39. PARTLY FURNISHED house. ( rooms. :. - -- $23.59, furnished house. 4 rooms. . $20., furn. house, 5 rooms. ' LOUIS BECHTEL. 311 State, Room 4 BUNGALOW, 6 $25 MODERN rooms. - $25 Modern bungalow, 4 R, mod. - 818 House. ( R, aewly" renovated. 817 House. S R.- arood condition. - cents. New Stands 9 LOUIS BECUTEL, 141 State, Room 4 5 ROOM MODERN 20th. Inq, 883 State St house, $43 N. (0 A. FARM ON HIGHWAY 1 mi from Mon mouth. Good soil, (8 A. cultivated. Lee. barn, no dwelling. Owner lives In Sa lem. Cannot operate personally. Price (4200. Acreage near' Salem eonaldered In exeb. - - - DICK TMRNIELLE, Realtor 198$ N. Capitol - Phone 3511 .mnmm mm. mm ....... - - -r n ,rir a -u-mu 89 A.. 39 CULT, GOOD bottom land, S R. house, bath, water piped to barn, outbids., 10 rows, team, equip. A real buv. $3500 $1009 down. H. P. GRANT C H. SANDERS 529 Court V . Ph. (744 or 8329. Acreage NORTH OF Salem H mile. 3H acres. 4 R. bouse, barn, chicken house, 25 walnut trees ft some fruit Pared rd, small down payment. baL easy terms. C. E. LANE. 333 State Street Phone 8629 For Sale Used Can Used "Special 99 19 10 CHEVE COACH, GOOD TIRES, PEW rAINT N. Com'L at Center Phone 5646 192.5-Model T Sed. . 1931-Ford Sot Rdst 1931-Ford Coupe 1931-Ford Cabriolet 1931-Ford Sedan 193(-Ford 4-dr. Tr. Sed. Chevrolets ..$ T.50 159.00 . 175.90 185.00 195.00 515.90 49.00 1928-Chev. Coach 1939-Chev. Sedan, wire whls. 149.00 1932-Chev. Coach 225.90 1932-Chev. Sedan 165.00 1934-Chev. Master 4-dr. Sedan 899.90 Pickups $ Panels f 1928-Chev. Sed. Del. 1933-Ply. Spt. Cpe. . 193 4-Ply. DeLuxe Coach 134-Ply. Spec Sedan 1936-DeLuxe Ply. Coupe . Dodges 1935-Dodge Sed. 193(-Dodge Coupe, age low mile- 1936-Dodge 4-dr. Tr. Sed. Miscellaneous $324.00 . 365.00 , 435.00 . 545.00 $35.00 565.00 665.00 1929- Fargo H-T. Panel ,. 1930- Chev. Pickup 1984-Ford Pickup 1936-Ford -T. panel 1936-Chev. -T. Panel 1931-Dodge 3-ton Truck, new motor 1934-Ford It. -Ton U W. base, : excellent 1934-CI-jv. m-Ton L. W. base Model T Ford, 82x6-10-ply on rear (9.00 99.00 119.00 325.00 475.00 499.00 349.00 369.00 375.00 1923-Stude Sed. 1926- Buick Sed. 1927- Essex Sed. 1928- Whippet Sed. . 1929- W. K. Sed. 1928- Pont Sed. 1929- Hud. Sed. 1930- LaSalle Sed. . 1930-Hup Sed. 1930- Olds Coach 1931- Durant Coupe 1 35-Willys 77 Sed. 50.00 1936-LaFayette Coupe 17.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 60.00 55.00 75.00 125.00 169.00 159.00 169.00 295.00 495.00 HferraB-Owens Co. "DEPENDABILITY" The Home of Dependable Used Cars and Trucks DODGE ft PLYMOUTH and DODGE TRUCK DIST. - 235 South Commercial Phone 8169 NEW USED CAR PARK CHURCH ST. ACROSS 1EROM STATE THEATRE ' PHONE 5335 ru-cru-Lnnj-iru-i.ninru-ij-u-x - - - - - - , iW--V! t Yep You Can Still Buy One of Salem Auto Cos Fine Reconditioned Used Cars for $600 Down Due to, popular demand we are continuing our special year-end sale until Christmas. Hurry while we have a gooa assortment 01 iaie moaei cars 10 enw-e from. OPEN EVENINGS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE ' StMeinti Aoto Co. Used Car Park Court at Church Phone 4915 TWO LOCATIONS Sales and' Service 435 North Commercial Phone 4(78 Business -Directory 43arde te this directory rna on monthly basis only. Rate: 91 per line per month. Anto Brakes Mike Panes. 178 South Commercial Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned. Harry W. Scott 141 a Com'L Ph. 4511 Body & Fender Repair FOR BODY ft FENDER. Repairs, Aute Trim. Seat Covers, Glass replscement Anto Patating SEE the Herrell Ow ens Co, 234 & Com'L St Phone 31(9 Brushes CULLER'S, PH. $724, 1108 Norway Carpenter GRONN BROS, 1215 & 1-th. Chimney Sweep TELEPHOSB 4410. R. E Northne Fura'e, cleaned, steel brsha used. 6X27. Chiropractors ' DR. a'-, SCOTT. PSC, Chiropractor. 2S( N. High. TeL Res. 8753. Excavating EXCAVATING Or all kinds. msot das. Dirt hauled er moved. Dtrt for sale, Saletn Sand end Gravel Co, Pboee 9t9. 37 Ford Tudor, trunk 4 heater, only 4.000 miles 36 Nash 499" Sedan, trunk ft heater 36 Dodge Sedan, trunk ft beater t( Plymouth Sedan, trunk heater 35 Nash Sedan, trunk ft heater 35 Graham Sedan, trunk 39 DeSoto Sedan, heater 32 Nash Sedan 39 Cheve Panel 89 Model A Tudor Seveial other cheap cars. New lower prices, usual tradt-la 1- - allowance, . r . Carter Motor Co. . Nash end LaFayette Dealer Used Car Lot at 249 Center Street Pbone 3421 Florists Brelthaupra, 44t Conrt Ph. K904. Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 2(1 8. High - TeL 113$ Mattresses SALEM FLUrF-RXTO and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, sta ins r tuff rug weaving. & 13th ft Wil bur. TeL 844 L OTTO W. ZWICKEa Est 1$ 1L ' ' . - ' CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4049. Nurses Registry UNDERGRAD. ft PRAC nurses, $3 and up per day good ref. TeL 4799. Painting-Paperhanging Herbert E. Wood. TeL 892$ or (687 B. C. VARLET, PHONE 4J78. For Sale Used Can For Sale Used Can DECEMBER $9.00 CLEARANCE SALE AT . fv ott6j.whjson 1927 Essex Coach'.. 1928 Buick Conpe . 1929 Chevrolet Coupe 1928 Buick Sedan 1929 Hudson Sedan..- 1930 . Hudson Sedan......... 1930 Buick Sedan .......... .....$ 9.00 39.00 59.00 69.00 ...... 99. 00 , 129.00 Ifj9.00 SATURDAY SPECIAL 1935 Pontiac Sedan $585, Cut to $465 MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM OTTO J. WIJLSON 338 NORTH COMMERCIAL PHONE 845L sseessjtsisesssiass "C" SHROCK To Buy or Sell Your Car 55$ CHEMEKETA STREET We have "B.O." (bargains only). PHONE 7111 Used Car Prices Are Here 1936 Ford V-8 4-Door Sedan With Trunk $S2S 1937 Ford V-8 2-dr. Sedan 193( Ford V-3 2-dr. Sedan 1938 Ford V-8 Coupe 1935 Ford V-8 2-dr. Sedan 1930 Ford Model A Coupe 1929 Ford Model A 2-dr. Sedan 1930 Chev. 2-dr.' Sedan 1929 Plymouth Rdstr. -3585 . 450 . 445 . 375 . 145 - 120 . 145 - (5 VALLEY MOTOR CO. Open Evenings snd Week Closed Sundays , Days-- Tivo Lots Center ft Liberty - Marion A Liberty SALE, L.W.B. 1931 Chevrolet truck. $100 cash 445 Ford street . 1931 OLDS ( WHEEL Coupe. Re conditioned motor, 2 new tires. Needs little work. Carr arrange $5 down and $10.42 per mo. Private party, Mr. Mil ler, Phone 3191 or call at 660 N. High. Personal NOT RESPONSIBLE for any bill contracted by anyone except myself, Jess Graham. - Next Year's Prices Today AT McKays 1928 Pontlao Sedan 129 Duraat Coach 1927 Nash Sedan 1929 Studebaker Sedan 129 Nash Coupe 1929 Ford coach 1929 Ford Road, V-8 wheels 1929 Chevrolet Road. 129 Pontiae Sedan ..- 1929 Hudson Sedan 1929 Chevrolet Coach 1929 Dodge Sedan 1928 Chevrolet Sedan 1930 Chevrolet Coach 1930 Ford Sedan 1930 Buick 4 -pass. Coupe 131 stuoeoa-er &eaan 1931 Chevrolet edan 1931 Pontiac Sport Coupe 1932 Plymouth Sedan 4094 40.99 40.94 40.09 40.09 95.99 95.09 95.99 95.99 95.99 125.09 125.09 125.09 1(0.09 185.09 185.09 185.00 250.09 265.09 285.99 335.09 425.09 1933 Chevrolet Town Sedan; 1934 Chevrolet Sport Coupe 135 Chevrolet Snort Couoe 525.99 1935 Chevrolet Town Sedan 495.99 1936 Chevrolet Sedan .-. , 695.99 1936 Chevrolet Std. Spt Sedan 495.09 McKAY ! CHEVROLET CO. 333 Center Ph. 3189 430 N. Com'L Open Evenings Closed Sundsys Firemen Make Run SILVERTON" The Silverton fire department answered a call Tuesday night to the Levi Gople rud home. The fire was a chimney affair and little damage was done. Transportation MAN AND wife want to go to Eureka, Calif. Reference!. Will pay gas and olL Phone 5470. WANTED. PASSENGERS ' to Ne braska. Share exp Anderson, 6807 or 4445. BIDS WAXTED Wood Wanted: Bids covering approximately 3500 cords 4' Fir wood Yill be opened at 2 p.m. Dec. 21st. 1937, in the State Board of Control Office. State Office Building. Sa lem, Oregon. For bid forms con tact this Department. D 1 1-1S Cross Word Puzzle . Photo Engraving SALEM PHOTO' engraving. 141 N CommerciaL TeL 8887. . Printing FOR STATIONERY, tarda, pamphlets programs, books or any kind of -printing, call The Statesmaa Printing De partment 218 & CommerciaL- Tele phone 910L Radios RADIOS ft SERVICE TeL Till. II? S Liberty, Crosley Radio A Appli ance CO. j : Stoves REPAIRS FOR ranges, hire, circula tors. P. J. Heppner. 2(2 Chemeketa. Transfer CAPITAL CITY Tansfer Co. 128 State St TeL 7773. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Gat our rates. . ; . FOR LOCAL er distant transfer stor age, burner olL call 3I3L - Lartnei Transfer Co. Trucks te Portland daily Upholstering FURN, REPAIR. McDowell. TeL 9668. Vacuum Cleaners REPAIRED. ALL makes. Free est in home. Cleaners for rent Salem Hdw. Well Drilling BL A. WEST, Rt C Bs, 4S '.T. U9FI Wet Basements . - GUARAlfTEED BONE-DRY by the new Seal Seep Service. Applied oa in ner surface. Dial 116 126F13. ... . . : i 2 3 5 6 7 a to a l"flI .I., : I22' II llII"II 31 32 33 222 34 7T7 77?VX77Z 35 36 llll -.-- . S2 , 54 56 'TT S7 HORIZONTAL 4f breathe " 1 body of ; water 4 decay in S raised 12 fish erst : IS fror . 14 sea of : Jacob ' . 18 constella tion 1 etreet hTckfa 17 tword IS wander off 20 cuttinz edge 22 loose trannlar material 23 bloomed 24 -Literary anecdotes 27 S-shsped ; ' molding za narrow way ' 81 fit for . plowing ; Zi eradicatei 85 helmeU " ehaped' part 33 allowance for waste 37 cockoe 83 heavenly body 40 tribe of Indians 44 pertaininjc . te the nee noisily 47 group of two 49 high point 51 old horse 52 -Anglo-Saxon J domestic slave 53 species of pier . 54 coTerine for apex of a roof 55 jokers 56 let it stand 57 weight of India . VERTICAL 1 metal 2 great artery. 3 long for 4 cry of the donkey 5 Roman household, deity 6 make possible 7 piece of fnrnitare 8 emitted Mood V. revokes ltv night before ft holiday . Herewith is the solution to Tester day's puzzle. . i-ft - II&1eH- !ElELtWE IllBlElEllSs V A Mg NglSgN P 11 expire 19 brick dried in the sun 21 cognizant 28 stinging insects 25 bora - 26 exctaxat tions j 28 gobleti 30 Roman . Jangnage 81 Tnrkixa " oSker ; 32 hastened S3 ranging ta rows 84 make a , mistake -8ft special aptitude 89 bark f the paper ! .. , mulberry tpL I 41 ninth day -- before the - ides i . 42 crimped , . fabric i 43 Tentonie giant - - 45 Greek cod of war; -45 three. L r. banded . ' ' card rama 47 seat in . . ' ehnxch' 4J Idnjf of - Jndah f v 50 consumed , .is