The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 07, 1937, Page 6, Image 6

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Society . .Clubs
Music :
Miss Lois Riggs
Tells Betrothal
At Sunday Tea
" At the tea tor which Miss Lois
Riggs was hostes. Sunday after- ,
noon at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph P. Riggs. her
betrothal to Joseph Allen Carlon
of Portland, son of Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Carlon, was revealed to
abont -50 of her friends who
called from 4 to 6 o'clock. No
date has-been set for the wed
ding. Miss Kathryn Sibley greeted
the guests at the door. Receiving
with Miss Rings were her mother,
Mrs. Ralph Riggs. and Mrs. W. E.
Carlon of Portland. Carnation
corsages with a scroll bearing the
names of the couple were given
the guests by Miss Helen Board-man..-
. .
The tea table carried out the
yellow - and white color scheme
with a : bouquet of ehrysanthe-
mums - guarded by matching taper.-Presiding
at the urns the,
first hour were Mrs. Ivan G. Mar-tin-and
Mrs. L. L. Riggs and
pouring the, last hour" were Mrs. ,
Margaret Rosecrana and Mrs. Ray ,
Beldin. Mrs. George Bagnall and
Mrs. Ray McKey of Dallas as-
alotojf In tha Unlnr mom
Miss Riggs. a popular member
C7 Jl-Jr.:. -if h Mnni
attended Willamette university
and the University of Oregon
where she was a member of
Kappa Delta sorority. She has
been active -. in club work now
serving as president of the Salem
Junior Woman's club. She 18 now
connected with the state highway
department. Mr. Carlon attended
Portland schools and Oregon
State college where-he was af
filiated with Delta Upsilon. He
is now associated in business in
Portland with his brothers" with
the Carlon Motor Car company.
Miss White Is Bride of
Everett Spencer
Miss Frances Carolyn White,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
E. White, became the bride of
Everett Paul Spencer, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Spencer of Tilla
mook Thanksgiving day at the
" home of the bride's parents Jn
Carleton. Rev. E. a. tongnreu
read the service. Preceding the
reremonv Miss Harriett Fullen-
w. - .t. ...nnniinicii
. -v. - t.h
hV MISS Miner r ueuiuai
uj iuiM usu". ,
The bride, given in marriage
bv her father, wore a white satin
,Jn mhlllhed with lace fash-
fl with lonr circular train and
I if iiiu .mnttd in a point-
Id lice hllo Shi Srried a bou-
ed lace naione c. bouv&r-
quet 01 yeuo w re .
di ana wniieorcmuB.
7 , fc .. j irlPmids
maid 01 nOnor ana UI 1UCB .
oi nouur 'r:rV7,::
were Miss fcan
" . -
- inn K&inryn
jirls and Rob-
.rt" bearerT Ken-
ert White ; was ring
neth Hanson acted as best man
- v .
and ushers were Edward Jones
and Allen Phelps. - .
At the reception which roiiowea
: i " . i Scotrtrins cut the
bVld'. cake and Miss Opal Hew-
Tlf K6S
W t Mn
iu tu.l -- "
trip to British Columbia end . are
now at home at 149Z state sireeu
- . . . .
Mr. Spencer is manager of a bare-
way store here.
Mrs; Goldia Kyle to
Head WRC
The Woman's Relief
elected Mrs. Goldia Kyle as its
....Munf fn tVia nnminp Tear at
president for the coming year at
a meeting held on Saturday. Mr..
Ior vice-president, Mrs. Lura Tan
dy is junior vice-president, and
Mrs. Battle Cameron is treasurer,
The new conductor is Mrs. Dora
Prat, the chaplain is Mrs. Hattle
Kennon ana guara is mn. ueriua
conieniiua m ruiuuu .
Alice Adams, Maud Chittenden,
Mary WirU. Ida C. Tragllo, Lulu
Borinr:" Jennie Martin. Mettle
Kchram. , Hattle Kennen. Pauline
Clark, May Gohrke, Olive Pence,
June Wallace and Lure Tandy.
iit.t.. Mihoi a. Tok-
. wood, Dora Pratt, Carrie Bunn,
" Rianche Stuart. Louisa Koon. Mae
Blanche Stuart, Louisa Koon, Mae
McCrea, Clara McDerby, Ina D.
" Koon, Julia Gregory, Ruth Sayre,
. Julia Shepherd, Nellie Pierce and
: Vera Glover. 1
Pythiant Of ficers Are
Guests at Hixsoh's ' ' '
The.; officers, of Centralia ,tem- -
pie- Nollf Pythian Sisters, were-1
- entertained at. the . home of Mrs. .
Asile. Hlxson Saturday evening. '
v- -The regular business meeting was
V - fbllowed by ' an ; evening of card..
The high score was held by Mrs.
' Carrie Slater. 'Christmas gift.
.were exchanged. The hostess was
eesisted by, Mr.. Mary Pugh, Mrs.'
Frances Greenwood and Mrs. Eu
- nice ;'Burk."; Those present were
Mrs. cDorothy Wilson, Mrs. Ruth
Non-U,.,. Mr.. Carrie Slater, Mrs.
: Lucille Compton,-" Mr.. Mary Bil
brey. Mrs. Peter Andresen, Mrs.
' Lillian Hixson, ; and the hostess
Mrs. Azzle Hixson and assistant
hostesses Mrs.: Mary Pugh, Mrs.
Eunice Burk;and Mrs. Frances,
Creenwood. ' -i-
Bete Sigma Delphian, held Its
regular business meeting Thurs
. day .in the fireplace - room of
-'ithe ' Salem - public library ; with
. Miss Julia Query,'' president,"- pre--siding..
; The ' next meeting - will
be a Christmas party and dinner
December 17. i Mrs. Winnie Pet-
ijjuuu cu M, uu
the roiiowwf gave topics : , Mrs. ana ma.e e purse to maica. grapn or e aecuon oi me naw home., of Mrs.-George -Rhoten Mr. and Mrs. Max Warring Satnr
Cordie Wiper, Miss Julia Query, The single crochetj and puff stitch Send 10 cents in .tamps or coin tor the remainder-of. tha afr. dv tt .M.fn
Miss Nell Morgan .and Miss Es-
. v. n m c.t.v.n. trio. ITetTiav tl!7ll
mci ii(now. iMioo ovu..
. cox,, art Instructor at the high
school, gave a talk on art, ap-
jrecj3iion. . . . v,.'!.i-u wiusira-
Tuesday, December 7
Highland Mothers' club, t.t
- w a a
IDC BCBUOI i.iV p. m. ,
? Laurel Social Hour club with
Mrs. -Jennie - Ferguson Willis,
on'pienn Creek road, 2 p.m.
Election of officers.
Yomarco class, 1st Methodist
church, with Mrs. E. B. Mil
lard; 1810 D street. 2:30 p.m.
Salem General hospital aux--iliary
meet at 10 a.m. at cham
ber of commerce. . "
Music Teachers association,,
7:45 p.m. with Miss Frances '
Vlrginie Melton. Capitol and
Cbemeketa streets.
Caadwick chapter, Eastern
Star, meet at Masonic 'emple,
S p.m., election of Officers.
Junior Woodmen meet at
-Fraternal temple for guest par
ty, 4 p.m.
American -War Mother.
American Lutheran church. 2
p. m. Degree of Honor Juv
eniles, with - Mrs. John Fry,
2271 Lee street. 4 p. m.
. Eteri class. First Baptist
church, 8 p. m. - "
PLEF club with Mrs. Karl
Hinges, North Summer street,
2 p. m. . . ,
Wednesday, December 8
Missionary society, Congre
gational Orh u r c h , with Mrs.
Daniel J. Fry, sr., 2:30 p.m.
Christmas party.
Women's Home and Eoreign
.Missionary societies of Jason
Lee, 2 p.m. at the church.
Ladies Guild American Luth
eran church. 2 p.m. in social
Woman's Home Missionary
society, Leslie Methodist
church, with Mrs. John Ulrich
c Saginaw street, 2 p.m.
AAUW literature section. 8
p.m. with Mrs. Herman Pfister,
2395 South High street.
Presbyterian Missionary so
ciety, 2 p.m. at the church.
Parent Teachers' association
benefit card party and pro
gram. Cherry City auditorium.
Maccabees No. 122, election,
of. officers, 8 p. m.
Thursday, December 0
Lions club auxiliary, lunch
eon at Porthole 1:15 p.m.
Carnation club with Mrs. M.
B. Peetz, 1315 Center street, 1
o'clock luncheon.
Thursday club, 1 o'clock
luncheon with Mrs. Charjes K.
Centralia temple No. 11 Py
thian Sisters, KP hall, election
of officers.
. -n- . i 1 n.
, . ' ,ri .,!!
rtuiem-e van Aiiasiuuij
. . . . .
society 01 calvary- joapust
church, dessert luncheon 1:30
: -
Alpha Psi Delta Pledges
Entertain at Dinner
xcaujun imcuecs vl Aiyu
. t-, t
Psi nlta fratemitr were hosts
Th a seven harnists are . Mrs.
infm.t cnn.i.
wr u-u iniuriuai uiuucr ouuuai
a5r ' oxT clTL
at the chapter house on Che-
meketa street bidding as their
Of"s J1 8r0P co9-
- - A
O.,,om' W1,
"- jr:: v. Ji;; "
"am Mosher were ichaperones.
Guests were iss Winifred
S S 'tS Si' S.
Brasted, Miss Betty Demarest,
Miss Dorothy Blake, Miss Bar-
'hnrn Tjimh Xf ar-o- In rial,
bara M Us Mary Jo Gal
fit. ai ism p.iiiu t n inn ihk ii m. hi .
- - . . " ,OB ro.v'
McK&7t Mlssf Doris Hayes.
fiss Juanita Troas Mlaa Mar-
rneHte ?mlth Mt Bett T on
Hansef, MTsfHazefM Mis.
sniriey rauon ann miss cam-
ryn Taylor
Hosts were Ceolae Schreiber.'
eharle, Watt. Pal Ritchie.. Rob!
ert Whlte jerry icottew John
01 ti i ti,i r t , -
Christopher, Rlcha Jones. Rob-
ert French, RobeFt McKeown.
Eberly. Fred Bernau,
Art Olson, Quay Hassam, Gene
Stewart. John Limbeck Doug-
las Ross. Melvln Cleveland and
Bruce Williams, i -
t.v dinner will le served.
. f -
i; L '
. Mr. William - ponnell Dyer
was in Portland ithis weekend
and attended a reunion of Chi
Omega sorority slss. Miss Es-
ther Marly entertained at lunch-
eon on Friday fori the group at
Campbell Court hotel.
" uu ui.
T '
are so very easy to do that you'll
want mill aovitrsl uti In
. " " "-
ferent shade, of Saxonjr yarn. Pat-
tern. 1(43 contains directions for
: and JPealto
Margaret Speaks
To Sing With
f y ,
- Music -lovers, who turn .their
radio dials eagerly, each :.week to ;
hear the golden notes of - Mar
garet Speaks, are t counting . the
hours until Monday evening when
they will be able to hear their
favorite In person- when; she
makes her first Pacific northwest
concert appearance as soloist with
the Portland symphony orchestra
at the auditorium. 1
Few artists are as richly en
dowed as is Margaret. Speaks.
The velvet smoothness of her
voice and . the perfection of her
diction are all well known to her
public, but to add one hundred
per cent to the enjoyment of. her
concert appearance Is her- rare
beauty and charm of manner
which instantly endear her to her
eu'dience. .
Miss Speaks' father is a mem
ber of congress from the state oE
Ohio; and her uncle, Oley Speaks,
Ms one of America's best known
composers, having given the
world such favorite songs as
"On the Road to Mandalay'" and
"Sylvia." I
She will sing, among her num
bers, the beautiful Torelli, "Tu
lo Sai"; "One Fine Day", from
"Madam Butterfly"; "DepuiB le
Jour" from "Louise": and "The
Jewel Song from "Faust. All
will be given with orchestral ac
companiment. . ;
In addition to the numbers
with the solo artist'. Dr. van
Hoogstraten has arranged aja ex
ceptionally fine program for thia
concert. He will open with
B r a h m s "Academic Festival"
overture. . Then "will follow the
Gretry-Franko "Ballet Suite,",, a
number which will be heard here
for the first timer Wagner's
"Siegfried's Rhine Journey"; and
the beloved symphony "Pathetl
; que" of Tchaikovsky.
! The concert will commence at
8:30. At 7:40 Frederick . W.
Goodrich will give a compliment
ry talk on the evening's program,
in the south wing of the audi
torium. Mrs. Barsch to Appear
In Concert Tonight
A number of Salem folk are
toriA tiw fnrnvrt n ha rt pn hr
n homiiti wh niohsrit Knth-.
i. 4 i .
uainuue, m oi.
of the harpists is Mrs. Walter
Barsch of Salem. This to- a
.complimentary concert with the
public invited to attend.. It wiU
be held in the music building
on the University of Oregon
campus at 8 p. m. A reception
will follow at the home f Mr.
ana Mrs. winasor uaiKius. MrB,
rlHn.' Ii tintrnrtor
Calkins Is the instructor.
Tne seven na
. - . .... . .
Brandon Young, Mis. Mildred
Mrs. Windsor Calkins of Eugene,
airs, r.siuer rainier nay 01 aaeu-
ford. Miss Lorena Hornshuh of
Tacoma and Mrs. Barsch.
Book and Thimble Club
Chyle AdwMtttff.
lainea memDers Ol IDB ruo& iiu
Tnimble club Thur8day afternoon
at her home on Kingwood Drive,
The hostess was assisted: at the
m. i . . a TT ; ITaIIIa
lea nour " : nuw
and Mr8 Conrad Fox. Plans were
the Christmas program
" ,n . . , X " z
Kubln will entertain the group
i?:; - "1
cV7 a "
Cna Sca 1.
cnaries oiowaru, i. r.
Brown Mrs Fred Kubln Mrs
Rr namrell FMrs D wmiamS
Sn PaSn?MT
rad Fox Mr9 a H Hottle Mrs
B Halstead ' and Mrs.' Charles
Adam, .
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Fuller
... .. . u, ..
wr. ana JIB. waiter li.; l-nuer
jiiiiioii sa. savase. jura, osvage
was present at the celebration
this year. :
- ..
Members of the Ladies' clnb
of the Maccabees, No. 1?2. are
entertaining their husbands with
a social even in at the home of
Mrs. Robinetts Tuesday night at
6:30 o'clock.
uuo oi ll ana oi mil tuican bkul
.v-h""-" . -
(coin preferred) for this pattern"
TV, rt.nn ct.l.... vt..
w u v6iw jjwimuwu,
craft Dept. Write plainly. PAT-
Auunaaa. . .
"I'd like to economize, but in our
v :;.r NC" rs
' .-, '! - !N "
'I V ;
Such a grand excuse as long as one can live up to it. The little lady
on the left seems to be doing very well so far. Her short but Impor
tant little silver fox wrap allows Itself the distinction of doing en
tirely away with a collar, the fur being flattened at the neck to
: further enhance this affectation. The new purple-lined wine red
wrap on the right might have graced a royal court Decorated by
cording applied in diamond pattern and slim columns. Copyright
1937, Esquire Features, Inc.
In the Valley
Keizer Home Scene
Of Lovely Tea
KEIZER One of the loveliest
'oci&l . eTenU of the season here
was the -tea riven Sundav after-
-. - -
nnstn at iha tinma nt f r and Mm.
- , '
H. R. Irvine by their daughter.
Miss Eleanor Neil Irvine, whose
marriage to Royal Keefer will be
an event of December 24 at the
First Presbyterian church in Sa-
Large white and yellow chrys-
anthemums carried out a pleasing
aecorauve iaea. ine ioe wi -
with lc Klnth iiut fh
wnteraUra Inclmlixl white flow-
er. In royal blue bowl end royal
Miss Lois Kee fer and Mrs.
liovh Hockett nourea. servror
werl Naida Carroll. Helen Dent.
Eileen Holder and Usona Clawrett.
Mra. Irvine received with her
miiriitii. vie, Dofttr TnHra rf.
ed the gn'ests at the door.
Invitations were issued to 28
young women.
AMiix ine tasi &iae aewing
ciud met inursaay aiiernoon av
. . . .
the home of Mrs. John Switxer.
le a a Tvta A wall wa m vn am-
at tms time.
The next meeting will he held
r , , " , v "
Decemebr 16. A Christmas tree
chaBe ot wlU
fWrart Clnh Tndav nt
ntract luD A?day at .
:RobertSOn Home -
Mrs. Charles Robertson, jr.,
is entertaining at luncheon to-
day at her home on West Le-
felle street in compliment to
dav at her horn on "West. T.-
ieue sireei in cumpiimeni io
di rwu, . x-. u. vauwu-
berry, Mrs. Dolph Craig, Mrs.
"Frederick Deckebach, Mrs. . Asel
Eoff, Mrs. Kenneth Bailey, Mrs.
Richard .Slater and Mrs. Rob-
Mrs. Hanson Hostess
Un 31onday ;
Mrs. William E. Hanson was
hostess for an informal luncheon
yesterday afternoon at. her. North
Church street. home in, honor of
memoere or ner.-.ciuo. winter.
flowers decorated -.the guest
roov TMeB conyustere
Innlav durlnc the. afternoon..
( ; iuuic uiuucu . were iurn. ,r raua
. G.,Myers. MrsPercv Kelly. Mrs.
v. . . . . - .. . .,
Mrs." T. - Hr Galloway, Mrs.: Rex
Davis. Mrs.- W. J.-Llljequlst; Mrs.
W.-S.v:-UttMVandMrt.'.iW4 -B:
Hanson.- ;
" "
- - -
:lIrs. Grimes Honored '
At Party
.Mrs. R. L. Wright opened her
home to the Golden Rule class of
' the nrst Evangelical church' Fri
day when the group honored Mrs.
Ruth Grimes whose .marriage to- and afternoon of bridge. Luncheon
A. Poole of Monmouth will be an ; was served at small Uble. decorat
event of .Sunday. - . r ed miniature Santa Clans end
. , A ahower was ; given ; to the Christmas decoration were used
honor , guest. A; miniature bride about the . rooms. ' . Three 1 prizes!
end- groom centered the table, were won by Mrs. Jack. Ralston;
white candles, and e lace cloth Mr.. N. C. Lowe and Mrs. Hugh
completed the arrangement. . Mrs. Kirkpatrick. The club la planning
- Howara leacn assisted the host-
ess. , ,yt ; ; - - . .
' -,;...
The Lions club eoxlliary will
ri.. t.ic 'ti. i i
ana memoers wm tnen go to the
noon. Assisting as hostesses are
, ... .
Mn, Ai itamseyer. Airs, iiowara
jenks, Mrs. George Rossman,
man, Mrs. LesUe Sparks - and
jars, -waiter -iry.i.
Oregon, Tuesday Morning:, December 7, 1937
lBterest:;:to : Women-
Women's Editor.
position we simply can't afford to!
Social Realm
WACONDA Mrs. Karl M.
Brown entertained 19 members of
the Waconda community club and
two special guests at her home
Wednesday. Club lunch was en
Joyed at noon
Four tables of
'500" were In
, . .. .
BlaV. With DllZeS received bV Mrs
' xr T . j T
Allyn Nusom and Mrs. Ben Lar-
Guests were Mrs. Spurlock of
Salem, aunt of the hostess, and
Misa Cora McGilchrist.
Plana were completed for the
annual Christmas party to be held
Wednesday, December 22, at the
jwme 01 Mrs. Atiyn rnusom. -
Tk. tv.
On hecn iuinnl Wnu
. -
of holiday, until Wednesday. Jan-
nary 6, when Mrs. Ben Larkln. of
Salem, route four, will entertain.
HAZEL GREEN Mrs. Charles
Ziellnski, Jr., and Mrs. Virgil Per-
rpiin Were hORteRRPH tn tho Run.
shine Sewing club at Mrs. Zielin-
ski', home. Plans are being made
Mt ...
ior a unnstmas party December
Other members present were
Mrg. Marvin Van Cleave, Mrs.
. -
Ralph Worden, Mrs. Theodore
Wacken, Mrs. C. A. Kobow, Mrs.
h. . . - . - .
Knaoipn vvacaen, Mrs. Anarew
Zahara, Mrs. Perry Saunders. Mrs.
Archie McCorcklef Mrs. Ralph Gill
ue,l we am.
Bert Wolf Mrs La Roy Van
Cleave. Mrs. Herman Wacken,
Mrs. Josephine Ziellnski, Mrs. Al-
vln Van Cleave, Mrs. Ross Miles,
Mrs. B. C. Ziellnski.
Mrs. Beamish,, who recently
moved - to Mrs. Robert Asbury's
farm,: was a guest.
. .. .... ...
ciud visitea at tne nome or Mrs.
mt RrnoVman at Aumsville on
Those present were Mr.. Al-
Lert Bodigheimer, Mr.. Joe a member of the high school fac
Peiser, Mrs. Silvers, Mrs. Clara uity here, has announced her en
O'Grady, Mr.. Otto Burson. Mrs.
Ambrose Dozler, Mrs, Hopkins,
Mrs. Henry Minten, Mrs. Tony
Minteu and the nostess, Mrs.
Otto Brookman. T
A Christmas party will be
neid at tne nome oi wrs. op-
kins on the 16th of this month.
nTTic nt 1 tv v
Methodist church meet at v the
home of Mrs. A: M. Larson Tburs-
iftirnoori" A short business
" Li'-XA
: dent j. Frank KulwWng
.,f ii. .v.
- . .t- 'i-t.u . - " -
n t TBI nnnr iniinwinr
kiil Lra uu ... .v..ww..mi
. r t- vt tr'nWvii
. v Guestsere Mrs. H.JL .Dunked
. rer-of ;PrHand't M";
.DeGraft oryalley ,Junctlon,j and
Mrs. Guy Shreeve. Member, pres-
ent were Mrs J. N.i Mills, Mr..'
Hull, Mrs. J. A. Linn, Mr.. Green
well, Mrs. Ed Dunn, Mr.. W.- H.'
Weaver. Mrs. A. L. Windover
and the hostess, Mrs.' Larson.,
LEBANON The Junior Mat
ron's club , met witn Mrs. frame
" v.. Thi.n fnr B i,,nphonn
a Christmas party in about two
weeks end the husbanda will be
the guests.:,;.:,,.
twr n n n n ti n .
irlends gathered at the . home of
birthday anniversary of Mr. 'Wer-
. "
ring, ine evening was spent -in
playing "5 00", prizes for high
' score going to Mrs. Frank Covey
and Raymond Koesller.
Cheese Gives
Flavor to
Biscuits j
Cheese In biscuits make dressy
aaamons xo any menu, oaeese in
pie-erust make, accompaniment
additions to any menu. Cheese in
to salads or cocktails. Here are
recipes for:
I cup grated cheese
1 cup flour
1 tablespoon I utter.
Water to mix
Roll out, sprinkle with salt, cut
In strips Inch by 4 Inches and ter, 1 - tablespoon lemon , juice )
bake in hot-oven about 8 mid- for half ' hour. " In , another -ntes;
being careful -not to brown gaucenan melt "3 tablespodns but-,
aa tney scorcn easily.
, Nutmeg Add , 2 tablespoon,
finely minced pecans.
t , Twigs Make a circle of dough
for vr tnnr or ftr strawa end
after baking - thrust the straws
through ring and s r v e : with
Daisy Roll .lightly thicker
than for straws, cut with daisy-
shaped cutter, center, with a
cherry or nut and bake.
Turnover 8 Cut in small
squares or rounds, turn over a
large nut meat and bake.
Or if you prefer your cheese
in biscuit form try some
2 cups flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
cup grated sharp American
cream cheese
2 tablespoons
n r moito
teaspoon each salt
- paprika
Vf cup milk end 1 egg
O m or nnvt a aa If
.v--4 o n.tTi... kwi
leaving hollow in center. Stir
HrhtlT with rrated cheese. Pour
in milk which ha. been beaten
stir from center out nntfl soft
enough to knead. Roll or pat out
on ixourea poara, cui in squares
Ztr lirf Svp.iarr.!!6.
tr. P
VariatlSn-Omit cheese from
dough, knead lightly end roll out
rather thin. Cut in long strips
-width of the finger and roll
Around finger lengths of sharp
cheese which have been wrapped
in thin slices of boiled ham. Bake
well apart and serve at once with
creamed eggs, parsley creamed
sauce, creamed fish or other well
seasoned sauce.
Cheese turnovers are made by
Hurmuinr IlK 1 1 ni m. rBin.r 1 II 1 II
V!! JR?LS?2
. a
cueese, pincning wen togeiner,
aippmg ouisiae m ouuer or otner
shortening, baking quickly and
serving very hot.
Breakfast Apples on
Popular Menu
At this time of year when
breakfasU are important try using,
WOODBURN The Woodburn
Artisans mnu tne nome oi airs.
cards and a social hour.
Six tables of "600" were in play
th priies for high score going to
Ir- Rosanna Aicher and William
HrflfiBAll STirfl T fv to1 fT n nlvn irAri
" vtl T-Z r
to Mrs. David Dubois and Ray Ko
esller. The hostess was assisted by Mrs.
A. F. Hanauska, Mrs. Max War
ring and 'Mrs. J. Vandehey.
The next business meeting of
i, VnL i i vi
anThursd ay nght Decern
the assembly will be held in the
annual Christmas tree and pro
gram. '
Caspel was hostess for a charming
birthday dinner Sunday honoring
the birthdays of her husband and
great niece, Lenore Hammers of
North Santiam.
Guests present were Mr. and
xars. it. l. nsmmer vi norm oa-
mm r- ani rr r a Wammr
T', j , .,
AUMSVILLE Mis. Neil Irvine.
gagement to Royal Keefer, son of
d. s. Keefer of Salem. Miss Irvine
Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
H. w. Irvine of Salem. She is a
graduate of Willamette university
ag Ja al80 her fIancef Mr. Keefer,
Wn0 l8 engaged in landscape gar
The marriage will be an event
of December 24
WALDO HILLS-r-Mr. end Mrs.
, -. wmcu.. i
E. A. , Finlay entertained a group
Jr- . Mp. - '
- ?- Bridge , prizes went to Mrs. Or-
- i - . -
Miss Minnie Mascher for low.
- . -
Guest, were Mr. ana Mrs. urrey
,.B ATVUN ft, W ASv4 1 N Cr
Today's Menu
- . uv
Roasted shortrlba with raisin
sauce is the meat for today,
Peach-cottage cheese salad ..
. Roasted sparerlbs-ralain sauce . -
i Buttered cauliflower -
. AnmnUnnnle'eA cream
iwiisii Mim
spoon ceiery; . w
r f , ; "r-nv
b smalt piece oi ujtci.. vww.i
until done ln( a - moderate oven.
The auce .is made by cooking:
cup raisins witn z cups wa-s
ter, blend in 2 tablespoons tiour,
add a nlnch of salt and stir un-J
til perfectly- smooth"; then - add
raisins and water and stir for
io minutes" whller- SImmering.4
Pour arnnnil - th roast when !
Pnact To AA -
o , . .
German Dish
- . ,
Germans knew their meats and
this old world favorite is a;
very good, example of the excel- -
lence of the meat to be eaten
in that country,
Soak a 4-pound pot roast m
a solution of half vinegar and
half water in which spices, salt.,
onions and carrots have been
put: leave it four aays. turning
over each day. Remove from
brine, dry well with -a- cloth,, pre
serve tne vegetanies ana nquiu.
Brown roast with carrots and
onions in butter. Add enough of
the liquid to make-about 1
inches deep add 1 piece of rye
bread to absorb the extra sour-
Cover tightly and simmer
flour, dUuting with water if too
sour. Add 2 tablespoons sour;
tn iRt tiofora
Gder Makes Sauce
v rr;
ror mm
K. ' .K- .
r.v ,m ?. 1 7 ll
(for ham)
Add 1 cup ham liquor to pan
in which meat was baked. Thick-
en with butter and flour mixed"
. i ... . a. - - .
iiiFBinBr nnnr I fi m nnu H ri f l
"l-3'cnp cider, ; Season with
a f ew
grains, of paprika and :
slices of crisp apples dipped in
a mound of brown sugar as the
frnl f mArntflff
Follow the apples with slxiling moriar jor grino ena imasn :
little pork sausages with corn- well- Ad sprinkling of cin
Ua nn j D "v. Damon and mil to a smooth
. ter . will taste good on the hot
- - -
Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Stan-
dardf Mr and Mrg. Theodore Ho-
unci, nr, suu jars., aubci ovik,
Misa Mascher, M. E. Welch and
the hosts.
Vaccinate for Smallpox
SILVERTON At Thursday's
special clinic at Silverton 238
smallpox vaccinations were given.
Most of these were given to chil
dren of school age.
Raise $449 for Red Cross
$449.25 was raised In Silverton
during the Red Cross . roll Call,
according to report of Mrs. Wil
liam Swift, chairman.
-Hosiery 33IX
. 3 pairs $325 v
Styles., Food
Soups Provide
in Winter
v - r, jVk ;see wnat the Kuro,ieans
n'.wlth'anltt nean. tinw t,t Tov
1 7. . , r, , ' aetite'
FRirrRvsnEP met unnsr
' (Split pea, soup, te you)
cups spilt peas
2 pig's feet "
3 leeks, chopped"
1 stalk celery, chopped
Vt pound beef sausage
Wash and soak peaa in cold wa-
1 " cor
Irf fZS K . a
bo. Add pigs feet, seasoning.
celery and leeks. Simmer for 3 or
4 hours and add sausage half an
L hour before serving. Put toast in
; bottom .of bowl before serving
- This . Is a whole course In its
self, and now's a good time to
serve It as leeka are in some mar-
aeis. i
And from Sweden comes anoth
er version of
Soak 1 cup peas overnight. Put
in 4 quarts cold water, add a pinch
of soda and when beginning to
" x ywuuu m picaiea porit
and simmer for 3 hours until quite
thick. Slice the meat and serve
with Boup.
v buup uses muit
; for extra nourishment. Here is
2 cups split peas
2 quarts cold water
1 chopped onion
Vt bay leaf .
2 cups milk
4 tablespoons butter -
1 teaspoon salt
Finely chopped
mint (op-
Wash and soak peas in water
rai.u .uk .. v..
' Next morning cook gently for . i
or 3 hours or untH peas are soft.
lihrh Ae!' ad"'
uuttcr, bkh aua pvppvr. rveueai,
sprinkle each portion-with finely
chopped mint.
tvt... m i.. v-
uls iiaKC sseri
Extra Good
Here's a handy dish for those
who are fortunate enough to
haTe a Qaily Euppiy 0f fresh
eggs ata a Back of home grown
wamuta stored away in the base-
Vi pound walnuts shelled
1 cup sugar
5 eggs
Pound shelled walnuts in
L Beat eggs and add .utar
to them, combine mixtures beat i
again.- Pour into well buttered
i baking dish, put in pan of wa-
ter and cook In a moderate oven
atil pudding I. set.