The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, December 7,-1937 Bus line Adds New Tc mtory Route . Changes Outlined - as Ordinance Passed) s Franchise Granted (Continued from pace J) opinion o( Alderman Good . enough, and upheld by several other members of the council, the. city has no legal right to compel such a . carrier to.carrr liability insurance, or Its coun terpart. The new bus ordinance, as passed by the council last night provides: 1. Establishing of hours of la bor for tbe drivers of bosses. . 2. ProTiding ; for establish ment of bus routes. 3. Requiring of owners and op erators to carry liability insur- " ance, or file a bond In lien there- of. -. . .." 4. Requiring safety Inspection of equipment by the. chief of po Hce. : - 5. Providing for the surrender and cancellation of bus franchises granted by ordinance. 6. Repealing' all ordinances in conflict, except hu franchise or dinances. 7. Proriding penalties' for vio lation, of the ordinance." " A new attempt was, made by. the council last night to pull its finan ces Jont of the dilemma into which - they Were thrown when the state audit for 1936 reprimanded the council for overdrawing of accounts- in excess of budgeted amounts.. - - The council last night moved to have 'the city recorder compile a list of bills '.that cannot now be paid and submit them to the city attorney -with a request for his opinion as to whether the city is ... authorised to make transfers from the 'city treasure, based on the to:ooa anticipated from Marion counfy' due the city from interest a ad Tittes on delinquent taxes. As amended by Alderman Fred A Williams; and passed by the ceuheJI. the money when reeeived f roar the county, will be added to the general fund and the different funds will be reimbursed to such an extent as will bring them with in the balance of the budget. i- . Absolution, introduced by Al- ' denean David O'Hara, and passed by the council, combining funds that are now. and that may here' after be credited to the Taxes and " Lien Foreclosures fund and Prop erty Sales fund, into a fund to be known as the Lien Foreclosure fend. Impending Legion Events Announced Important county and district American Legion meetings coming In the next two weeks were an nounced at last night's session of Canital post No. 9. Friday night of this week the Marion county council will be en tertained by the Stayton post and . new officers will be elected. Sam Yoder of Silverton Is the retiring president and Harry Wilson of the same city is secretary. A - district Legion conference will be, conducted at McMinnville Friday, December 17, with C. E. "Mose" Palmateer, department commander, of, Salem, in charge. Work of the Sons of the Ameri can Legion was stressed last night t the post meeting and at a fa ther and son banquet attended y ISO men .and boys earlier in the evening. Al Green wait, nation al Sons committeeman, of Port land, outlined the 'organization's program. ' Robert Neal Recovering From Collision Injuries SILVERTON Robert Neal la reported as i recovering satisfac torily from slight bruises and cuts received last week, when his bi cycle collided with an automobile driven by Miss Marie Bolme on East Oak street The boy waa knocked unconscious by the im pact. Robert is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L, R. Neal. PS Tonight - Viri. Thar.' W J f ft 9 fc ''ii,'i'.MBWasaa6Bli''irtllteii9P III i -III 11 -TS-f" "- j 1 M" '!' isi 1 Quentin fl 71 with Ml M Uy Bacon f l ji - - And 2nd Hit- IP ijl Bob Steele . W A . "The J ! 1. ftecIRppe" h Art , Certificate No This Certtificate entitles you to one week's Set of Four Pictures upon payment of only 39c (46c if by mail). ' ' -". :.. . . : -IMPORTANT- Be sure to order Set No. 1 if yon have that or sub acqnent acts, order the next numbered Set of Four. 1 Scan Unemployment Census . --Pi ' "' f;'f -'. - . i pw ' If -. X ; ( i ;:,',':""" . '"t f Malcolm Keriin -V - v,.4 John D. birtersl'. i f uu jjtM5wSil!!!ll'iMrr' i'i v . V,xi Imi f & 1 aniii iii mi Offices of the staff charged with conducting the unemployment census bustled with activity as returns poured into Washington from all parts of United Slates Here is one of the tabulating machines in action being watched by officials, left to right. William L. Austin. -director of the bureau of census; John D. Biggers. director of the unemployment census, and Malcolm Keriin. administrative assistant to the secretary of commerce. " No Objection to Vote Expressed (Continued from page 1) win acclaim for his 'heroic deed,' does not unduly prolong the na tural conclusion of the whole af fair. - "The Mvrhoiocical moment is near and we believe when the fev-. er breaks a settlement will come and with M a financial collapse of the IWA (CIO woodworkers' or ganization). Ben T. Osborne, executive sec retary of the Oregon State Feder ation of Labor and AFL leader. said "No oolice protection will be rea ulred" at the Inmah-Poulsen plant if it should reopen under the CIO. He said peaceful picketing would continue, however. H. B. Duxer. Inman-Poulsen president, said the governor was making "a sincere effort to solve a problem which sooner or later must be met. - - r'A majority of the men at the Inman - Ponlsen plant petitioned the national labor relations board for an election." he said. "The board refused the same. I believe the governor has shown the way out for Portland operations." Truce Is Refused By Lumber Union (Continued from page 1) lating that picketing would be continued at the Plylock corpora tion plant at St. Johns. The agreement, accepted by the CIO group with the reservation, provided that neither AFL nor XJIO should picket operating mills and that status quo be maintained. '! The committee reiterated that the AFL boycott, on CIO lumber would be maintained. I An AFL proposal that CIO woodworkers return to the feder- ation was before- the IWA execu tive committee today. ' The convention voted to submit to the membership a proposal to transfer headquarters from Seat tle to Portland. ' . An attempt to bar a representa tive of a eommunist paper was de feated after an hour and a half of debate. Three Sentenced In Forgery Cases Continued from page 1 ) sheriff has not disclosed. $10 in making good on the checks which the . victim either endorsed .or touched for after Christy had promised him the managership of a real estate agency. , Lewis Lester after pleading guilty to non-support was released on his own recognizance with sen tence held in suspension on , the condition he work and support his family. . ,: v- NOW PLAYING 1 Taylor I 44 8 Republicans Swat Mileage Measure (Continued from page 1) the regular session beginning in January. Upon the' assumption similar ac tion would be taken to provide "mileage again for the regular session. Representative Taber (R, xs. x.) assailed the measure as throwing the' doors wide onen without legislative authority" to permit members of congress to collect double mileage from the government, even though they re main in Washington over the Christmas recess. Together with Fish (R. N. YA and Bacon - (R, N. Y.), Taber seized the occasion to comment bitingly upon the special session's lack of accomplishments to date. Fish said te "new deal team is back upon its own one-yard line. evidently, with no plans, ' or plays." Bacon asserted It did not become the house to "adjourn just before Christmas, having in mind the thousands tor whom it will be a sad Christmas. The Gil Board CAPITOL Today Double bill, Fat O Brlen and Humphrey Bogart in "San Quentin" and Bob Steele in "The Friday State, S acts coast- rVJ ft ft t voiiilttvnia Anil 0 w v wa m eMv v aaawi , KUU . IimM Tinnn in "T.lrlnar vn Love." . STATE Today Rochelle Hudson and Robert Kent in "That I May Live" and Will Rog- ers in "Handy Andy." Thursday E a s t era circuit: vaudeville. "The Crockett ; Family" and; the Jones. family in "Big Business." Saturday noon, kiddy clubi and preview at night with Paul Kelly and Judith Al- len in "It Happened Out West," muvn Today Double bill, Dolores V Vial I? In T . and Smith Ballew in Zaae Grey'a "Roll Along Cow- boy." Wednesday D o u b 1 e ViU. Mickey Rooney tn "Hoosier Schoolboy" t and CharleaB Quidley inThe Game" That KUls." Saturday Double bill, spec- lal o f r. . - " o w iu , m uuo Priest" and the Jones fam- Ily in "Hot Water." - ' ' " HOLLYWOOD Today B 1 n g Crosby," Bob. Burns and Martha Raye In Wednesday D o u b 1 e bill. Mftlt CI I AW nA 1T.n T1. ft - lor, and Otto Kruger and Leonora Corbett in t'Liv- Friday Double ' bill. Buck wwaM AaAV. aiCB UUU "Sophie Lang Goes West" . with Gertrude Michael and ' T .ft rr C-t U. ft 1 ELSIXORE ' 1 Today Double bill, Joel Mc- Crea and Sylvia Sidney in "Dead End" and "Expen- alve Husbands" with Bev- erly Roberts. . Wednesday D o u b I e MIL Kay Francis' in "First Lady" and "Adventurous End" with John Wayne. . Saturday Double bill. Sub- marine D-l with .Tat O'Brien and "Glamorous Kis-Tlt " With TTWn Innr ft Bing Crosby Bob Burns Martha Raye "Waikiki Wedding" "Love tn a Otto Kruger ; Bungalow la Nan Grey and " ' "Living Kent Taylor Dancerously Compulsion in FarmBiUHit House Votes 85 to 76 in Opposition; Quota Provisions Hit (Continued from page 1) cooperating with those allot ments. Meanwhile. Senator Schweilen- i bach . (D-Wash) told the senate I if it wished to heed Senator Bo rah (R-Ida) and feed and clothe the. poor with farm sur pluses It must prepare for a public outlay of 18475,224.000 between now and June,. 1939. Administration leaders an. parently had nominated the west erner to match the oratorical fury Borah unleashed last Fri day. At that time the "Lion of Idaho" denounced crop control i as "national suicide'' and railed on the 'government to "spend a billion dollars in buying excess produce for the needy. "The slum dweller In Mew York doesn't want a bale of cot i ton, he wants a shirt and the poor southerner doesn t want a sack of corn, he wants nork I chops," Schwellen bach said. Eckerlen Charged With Liquor Sale (Continued from page 1) mixers and soft drinks and 35 packages of cigarettes. The complaint charges Eckerlen with unlawfully and wilfully oc cupying and maintaining the Ma rlon club "where alcoholic liquor, a more particular description of which is to the complainant un known, was and is sold, manufac tured, bartered and given away in violation of the' law, in that the said alcoholic liquor was end is not sold, manufactured, bartered or given away by a person licensed so to do under Chapter 17, gen eral law of Oregon, 1933, and the said defendant did then and there unlawfully and wilfully permit and procure divers persons, whose names at this time are unknown to the complainant, to resort thereat for the purpose of drink ing alcoholic beverages in viola tion of the law, whereby said . . . place known as Marion club . . . kept and used became a common nuisance to the annoyance and disturbance of the public peace and decency." The charge. against Eckerlen's fonr employes is one of assisting in the maintenance of the alleged nuisance, described. Both com plaints were issued Saturday. . Five in 2 Planes Lost in Typhoon MANILA, Dec. 7-(Tuesday)-(VP Five aviators and passengers, including the Philippine army chief of staff and a United States army flier, were reported missing over 24 hours today in ! ruggea territory butieted by the islands third typhoon of the season. .It. was feared two army planes, one in which MaJ. Gen. Paulino Santos, chief of staff, was rid ing from Cebu to Manila, had crashed either in mountainous Tayabas province, on the Pa cific aide of Luzon island, or had been driven seaward by the tremendous gale. MaJ. Gen. Basllo Valdes, as sistant chief of staff, said that in addition to the transport plane in which Santos was rid ing, a bombing plane carrying two officers was missing, j Bilbo Asks Mike To Hear McNary WASHINGTON, Dec. 6 - (Jf) - senator Bilbo, who sits In the rear row, asked the senate today to go modern by installing an am plifying system with a microphone. on every desk. The Mississippi democrat said he "had never been able to hear what the republican leader what's his name McNary is trying to say." Starts Tomorrow Her finest, happiest hit!"! A new deal in fun and frolic ... Kay Francis in "First Lady" with Preston Foster Anita Louise Walter Connolly Directed by . Stanley Logan ' Music by Max Stelner A Warner Bros. Picture And 2nd Hit "ADVENTURES END" With John Wayne Last Times today j -AND . "ExpensiTC : - Hnsbands" . with Patric Knowles Beverly Roberta ' I Directed by ' i Bobby Connolly 4 Warner Bros. Picture Ordinance to Ban ; Turks' Slaughter, Facing Aldermen (Continued from pace 1 mercialand Front streets. to the city's . ground . on : ,Water street, was defeated. . ; Ohling'a motion, he said," grew out of the -insistence of - people resid ing in the Marion Square, neigh borhood that something be done in regard to the eyesore made by the l string " of wood trucks that stand in that region almost continuously. rj v,,-.- , ." ( . AH- matter pertaining o the rental of the Salem municipal airport was referred to the air tort committee. Included in it was an endorsement of the pres ent airport lessee; Lee TJ. Eyer- ly, by the Cherrians; a petition expressing faith in. Eyerly by 12 prominent business men; an en dorsement of Eyerly signed by the directors of the chamber" of commerce, 'Business Men's league and the Salem Cherrians; and a statement, from . the Oregon state -board of aeronautics, impersonally telling what Eyerly has done -for aviation tn Salem, and the board a recommenda tions. ". .."'. Bellingham News Strike Is at End BELLINGHAM. Dec. 6.-JF) The . American . Newspaper guild strike at the Bellingham Evening News was settled today and pickets, who had been on duty for three days since resumption of publication after the plant had been closed for six months, with drawn. Both S. N. Harrison, publisher, and George HIpkoe, president of the guild's Bellingham chapter, said terms of the settlement called for a 10 per cent blanket wage Increase for employes of the editorial, business and cir culation departments. The- guild was not recognized as a sole bargaining agency un der the terms of the settlement. Honolulu Team . Is Hot BREMERTON, Wash., Dec. C -JP)A lightning - fast McKinley high school team from Honolulu ran away from Bremerton high school before 4,000 fans tonight, winning handily, 44 to 7. A Gatoliae Advertisemeat Reading Time to Seconds STANDARD MASiLINE IS AVAILABLE EVERYWHERE May orality Going To Dogs, Oaimed Kuhn Irked Orer Problems of Canine Populace; Shakeup Hinted Dogged by Salem , citizenry who persist in coming to him with grievance over the stray dog epidemic within the city, and the inactivity of the city dog-catcher, . Mayor: V. ' E. Kuhn in an address to the city coun cil Monday night said, "in fact. I tn getting .dog-minded." Mayor Kuhn asked the conn cil for either a new dog ordi nance, or for it to direct the police chief to put the dog- catcher to work or get a new one. " He told the councn that he. spent from, an hour to two hoars dally answering queries concerning dogs. The council voted to give the mayor power io hire and fire the dog-catrher Authority was also riven May or Kuhn to communicate with, and to obtain from the Oregon Electric Railway Co., an exact statement of the improvements the company ; intends to make on and abutting Front street, before the council considers the company's application for fran- chisement. Mayor Kuhn presented a let ter written to him by Charles A. Hart, an attorney for the railway company. In which it agreed to make improvements tn the tracks and pavement In and adjacent to Front street. Both Mayor Kuhn and the council ex pressed themselves "aa desirous of a more complete statement hence the authorization given the mayor to negotiate with .the company. Nurses' Home at Hospital Ablaze Reports from the nurse's home of the , Oregon State hospital last night indicated that tire which broke out in there about 6:45 last night, and did between $500 and $600 damages, was extinguished with apparatus within the build ing. ' The fire, which was thought to have been caused by defective wir ing, smarted while the nurses with patients were attending a show in the chapel of the main building. Standard Gasoline is unsurpassed More motorists of the Pacific West use Standard Gasoline than any other gasoline Standard Service is nationally Need more be said STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA 1879.. ." :"" ' " ; :; 1927 Policeman Leaves Daughter in Jail SEATTLE. Dec. t-UPl-Rath Simpson, 28; former University of Oregon co-ed. went to the King county jail for SO days today be cause her policeman lamer re fused to make good a cnecK sue forged. ' : v Detective Lieut. ' Frank H. Borneman testified hit fatherr a veteran Portland police oinvr, had previously made good her bad checks, but this time decided the law should take its "course. , Oakdale Women To Meet Dec. 9 OAKDALE Mrs. Eu banks and son Harold of Idaho- hare been guests at the J. H. WiJght home several days. Mr. and Mrs. John Larson and sens Henry and Victor joined in a family reunion Sunday at 'the honw.. of their .daughters. Mrs. Laura Christenson of Amity. The ladies of the Oakdale elub will hold their Vegular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs Eddie Cochran. December .9 Mr. Farrar is able, to take a tew steps after being confined to his bed for four months as the result of a fall. Building Addition For High School MILL CITY The high school addition is progressing rapidly and will be finished soon after January 1. The junior prom has been post poned until nex semester so that it can oe neia m ue new recrea tional hall. Football letters have been awarded to Joseph Wachter, John B. Herron, Ralph Allen, Bill Rich arda, Martin Jepsen ' and Leslie Brown. LEARN TO FLY! Low Cost Terms Salem Flying Service SALEM AIRPORT Phone 6561 famous Hunton Purehases A. T. Dale Farm LeRoy Estemon Leaves for North Dakota to Visit Parental Home SCOTTS MILLS LeRoy Esten- son left Wednesday for North Da kota to visit with his parents, Le Roy has been living in and near Scetts Mills for the past two years. A. T. Dale has sold his farm to Mr. and Mrs. George Hunton. Dale plans to move into the rooms ad- oinJng the paint shop downtown. Recovering From Pneumonia The small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton is recovering from a severe attack of pneumonia. The. four one-act plays which were to have been presented Fri day, have been postponed till a later date, due to the smallpox epidemic. Mrs. Ethel Herigstad enter tained the Walnut Hill club Fri day. The afternoon was spent do ing; hand work, after which the hostess served a delicious lunch. Low Temperature General in State PORTLAND, Dec. 6-(i!P)-Jack Frost depressed the mercury in many points of Oregon and fog blanketed -wide areas west of the Cascades today. S FEATURES f Last 1 f 't "