The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 04, 1937, Page 2, Image 2

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    " Z '
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem; Oregon, Saturday Morning, December 4, 1937
". ..,....; .'i 1"! . T ' '4 ! M ? Witt i- 1iHM-; '"I J t-
:i t
r !
Mob Action by
CIO Reported
Two AFL Men Forced to
Leave . Aberdeen in
I Hurry, Complain -.
(Continued from page 1 ) -ment
of last May barring strikes
and "job action" and saM that
pending ' "adequate ; assurance to
the contrary" H could. .no longer
consider the organization a "re
sponsible" bargaining agency.
A. F. Jlartung,. president of ths
CIO district council, retorted tha:
instance cited by the association
resulted from "deliberate riolation
of contract" by operators, includ
ing wage cuts.
Pritchett's unity proposal, vrbth
he said sought only agreement by
the AFL and CIO on the renewal
on contracts with employers, was
-opposed by Portland delegates who
demanded assurance the proposed
CIO envoys would be received by
the AFL group.
. " ' Describing a "serious but not
alarming" f 1 n an cial situation
Pritc'hett disclosed the IWA haOJ
not paid its 6 cent per capita tax
to the CIO nor repaid a loan of
He 1 recommended a special as
aessment of $2 per member and
raising the per capita levy from
23 to SO eenta.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. -()-Senator
McNary (R-Ore) said to
night the National Labor Relations
board appeared to be making no
serious effort to settle the inter
union jurisdictional dispute of
Portland, Ore., lumber workers.
. "It looks like the board is
marking time until it learns
whether national leaders of the
American Federation of Labor and
'the Committee for Industrial Or
ganisation Intend to make peace,"
he .said. Conferences between the
two factions are underway.
If tan armistice were reached,
McNary said, the Portland situa
tion would be cleared np Immed
iately;4 -
Canine Exposition
Opens Here Today
- (Continued from page 1)
Bernards, fox terriers, Irish set
ters, Kerry blue terriers, Scottish
terriers, Sealyham terriers, Pek
inese, pomeranlans, chow chows,
Dalmatians, schipperkes, Afghan
hoands, poodles and many others.
Dog Judging Set
For 10 m.m. Today
Judging will begin this morn
ing at 10:30 when toy dogs will
be judged. At 1:30 until S p.m.
all non-sporting dogs will come
before the Judge. At 7:30 all ter
riers will be Judged.
On Sunday morning at 10:30
hounds and working dogs will en
ter the . competition. At 1:30
o'clock, sporting dogs except set
ters - and pointers who will be
judged beginning at 7:30.
Fallowing this group, there
will be rariety classes and the
parade of champions. The last
thing on the program is the
choosing of best dog in show by
J. G. Murphy who Judges the
whole show. Earl Snell will pre
. sent the Hartman trophy to the
.winning dog. Other special feat
ures hare been planned for the
' show, )
Bring 10-7-Up Bottle
Tops Get in Free
gram cuck
II i mm m ntif m
inn DEATH"
mil fl-fr
Tonight's Your Last
Chance to See It
Mat. 15c Ere. 23c
") Evolution ,of '
Swing .
Six Feet of Rhythm
Two Cracked Nuts '
A-Nut on Wheels
V , 1
carole Lombard
. . in . . . .
"Twentieth Century"
- Hake Way for Tomorrow
1 Mickey Moose Cartoon
k n
Pleas Heard for
Van Vlack's Life
BOISE, Idaho,' Dec. 3-ffy-li&-ho
State Prison Warden William
H. Gess urged the state pardon
board today to spare triple-slayer
Douglas Van Vlack from the gal
lows he is scheduled to face a
week from today.
. After hearing numerous pleas
for commutation' of sentence, in
cluding that of the Tacoma,
Wash., man's mother, Mrs. Karl
Van Vlack, the board recessed un
til tomorrow will hear
the final appeal of Van Vlack's
Audience Pleased
By Snikpoh Play
Humor of 'Growing up' Is
Appreciated Most by
Parents Present
"Growing Pains' the Snikpoh
club's three act comedy was pre
sented at the high school audi
torium last night to a large and
appreciative audience.
Although a great part of the
audience was composed of stu
dents, the parents present were
much more understanding of the
humorous incidents in the life of
adolescent Bob and Terry Mcln
tyre, principals in the play.
The opening scene was prob
ably the best, with young Bill
Snell playing the part of George,
shirt tails out. begging for the
family ear and his sister Terry
(Virginia Steed), adding a great
deal to his discomfort.
The play was an excellent one
for high school cast, as little
makeup- had to be used, the par
ents were the only adults. The
story is of the high school boy
and girl, their first 'crushes
and their firsts party. A good
deal of humor, a dash of slap
stick and lots of complications
made it interesting throughout.
" Leads Excellent
The two leads were excellent
in their parts; the parents, play
ed by Orah Elliott and Willard
Grant, gained confidence as the
play progressed and the support
ing cast was all very good.
' Between acts a quartet of
"girls" of surprisingly heroic
proportions offered a song and
dance, and the audience felt cer
tain that some of the faces had
appeared frequently under foot
ball helmets.
Don Upjohn gave a short talk
on Christmas seals and Mis Le
ila Johnson was presented with a
gift from the Snikpoh club in ap
preciatlon of her work In direct
ing the play.
Fifth Burglary at
Oil Plant Failure
(Continued from page 1)
that are of no value to anyone
but th oil company.
Entrance was gained by jimmy
ing the front door. Smith said,
The burglar or burglars evidently
used powder or nitroglycerine.
setting off the charge with wires
connected to a battery outside
Wires were found strung through
the place when plant employes ar
rived Friday morning.
Both the state police and the
sheriff's office are Investigating
the attempted robbery.
Chemical Plants
Declared Needed
To Utilize Power
j." PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. Z-P?
Kiet-tro-chemical or electro-met
allurgical industrials are needed
to use northwest power, forest
mineral and crop resources, Dr
E. T. Hodge, consulting geologist
for the United States army en
gineers, told a civic club today.
He said half the nation's tim
ber, two-fifths of the water power
and 13 per cent of the land area
but only 2.8 per cent of the pop
ulation was In the northwest.
"We should have 10,090.000
people, he added.
Klamath Motorist Dies
As Car Strikes Horse
Allan Chllcote, 18, died today of
skull fracture and a punctured
lung, suffered when an-automobile
In which he was riding struck a
horse. One of six others In the
ear, driven by Thomas Hatfield,
was injured.
j "Guns In
! the Dark'
'Find the
. Charles
! Also 'Popeye Cartoon,
i News and Episode No. 12
"Jungle Jim"
; On the Stage -1:30 P. M.
Seth Jayne and the
"Hollywood Backaroos
2 to 11 P. M.
A Ml"' -
Outside Water
Rate Is Higher
Compromise Reached on
Percentage; Applies to
Minimums Also
(Continued from page 1)
nnrt Hnmrntaiilnnpr V.. TL firft-
benhorst, who had , consistently
maintained the potential out .of
city customers should be charged
little more than , the city rate,
recommended a flat 30-ceni ra
rrpasA in the rpenlar mlnimumS
regardless of their increasing
amounts, and a Hat 10 per ceni
boost in the rate per cuoic 1001.
Minority Report
Gets Three Votes
Th9 10 per cent rate was de
feated 3 to 2 with Grabenhorst
and Olson voting aye and Com
missioners L. M. Doughton, Rick
man and Gabriel voting no.
The three - majority commis
sioners then overrode the oppo
sition nf thA minnrltv tair In
substituting the minority for the
majority report and again pre
vailed as tbe minority report
with the Rickman modification
was finally adopted.
The more than 300 consumers
to be affected by the rate order
Jsnnarv 1 live in the two subur
ban areas north and south of the
city, one Immediately south or
Hoyt street and the other, known
as the Highway tracts, northeast
of the city.
Other actions of the commls
ton Included recommendation of
a $3009 payment to Stevens &
Koon, consulting engineers, wun
a finai payment of $500 to bere
tainMt for 30 months, and C as-
sage of a resolution providing
that In the future wnen employes
m in Va HlirhorrPll. those With-
. VV - Q
out dependents shall be dropped
from the payroll first.
Farm Bill Fought
By Senator Borah
(Continued from page 1)
the longest senate address of his
"By what authority, under what
provision of the constitution, un
der what constitutional principle
of law may the secretary of agri
culture ... say how much wheat
or corn the people of a state may
Droduce? Where is the authority
for such things?" he demanded.
"This is the real crux of the
measure," he said, adding he
knew of "no such authority" al
though sponsors contended it was
contained In the constitutional
power of congress to regulate In
terstate and foreign commerce.
Honor Birthday
Of Farrel Rust
SUVER Mrs. Blanche Rust
entertained at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Har
mon, for the pleasure of her son,
Farrel, on his 10th birthday.
Guests- were Mrs. Emma Ander
son, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ander
son and Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Go-
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith, for
mer residents, are parents of a
baby daughter born November 22
at a Salem hospital. This Is the
second daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Covey at
tended funeral services for Thom
as Zimmerman in Albany Wed
nesday afternoon.
Conference Will
Drop Round Robin
(Continued from page 1)
of Idaho off its schedule every
third year.
Withdrawal of Albany was
hinted but Coach Don Faber ob
jected on the ground that ' his
teams could compete In basket
ball even if not in football. .Ho
action was taken because of. the
absence of Dr. Holmes, Albany
faeulty representative.
Mother and Four :
Children Burned
LAMOTTE, Que., Dec, 3M Can
adian Press) -A young mother.
Mrs. Henri Miron, and her four
children, ranging in age from flv3
to one year, burned to death today
in a fire which destroyed their
two-story farm home near this
Tillage. The five were asleep when
the fire started by an overheated
stove pipe In the kitchen.
The Call Board
Tndav P r e I w Anne
Shirley and Phillip Holmes
in "Chatter Box."
Today Double bill, "Lan-
cer Spy" with'Dolores Del
Rio, and George Sanders
and Smith Ballew in "Roll
Along Cowboy." " "
Today Double bill, ''Find
the Witness" with Charles
Quigley and Rosalind Keith
and Johnny Mack Brown In
"Guns In the Dark."
Today D o n b 1 e bill. "AI
- catraz Island" with John
Lltel and Stewart Erwln In
"Mr. Boggs Steps Out"
Today Stage, flye acts,
. Coast-to - Coast vandevUle
and Bill Boyd In "The
Texas Trail."
Tension Grows
Over Shanghai
Right to Enter Foreign
Settlement Without
Notice,' Demanded
(Continued from page 1)
of bayonets around the 30-block
area after a Chinese student
tossed a hand grenade at the
"Victory March" of 6,000 Japan
ese warriors as it passed down
Nanking road.
Grenade Thrower Is .
Slain by hlnese
iu xpiusion wounuea mree
Japanese soldiers, a Japanese po
liceman and a British police in
spector. Tbe grenade thrower
was shot dead by a Chinese con
stable of the settlement police as
he turned to flee.
Another Chinese died. As the
Japanese, after Beveral moments
of near panic, reformer to resume
the parade, this man hurled him
self from a tall building on Nan
king road. His body crashed into
a barbed wire entanglement.
During the near panic an
American, Vaughan Read. 75,
had a fist fight with several Jap
anese who he said molested him.
Read said eight Japanese took
part -in the scuffle, that he
knocked one officer cold and that
he was beaten although not ser
iously hurt. A British account
ant, E. T. MaKland. had to be
protected by settlement police
from angry Japanese after he
broke the staff of a small Jap
anese flag.
Wedding Ringers
Hold Club Session
JEFFERSON Mrs. Frank Bla
zek was assisting hostess at the
meeting of the Wedding Ring club
Wednesday afternoon at the coun
try home of Mrs. Kenneth Peter
son'. A covered dish luncheon was
enjoyed at 1:30-o'clock. Christ
mas decorations were used. A
beautiful Christmas tree and dis
tribution of gifts was featured.
Each member told of the first
Christmas she could remember.
A Christmas letter was written to
Mrs. J. Merlin Hill, former mem
ber, now living In Canada. Thir
teen members were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis are
the parents of a son born Novem
ber 30. The baby weighed 8
pounds and has been named
Franklin Dwain. The Lewis fam
ily live on the John Henderson
farm northwest of town.
Jefferson Woman
Leaves Hospital
Claln returned from & Salem hos
pital Wednesday and is being car
ed for at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. L. Cobb.
Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart re
turned Thursday night from Van
couver after a two days' visit at
the home of her brother-in-law
and sister, Dr. and Mrs. F. I. Sand
Ifer. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Finlay le
turned Thursday from Gustiue,
Calif., from a week's visit at the
home of Mrs. Flnlay's mother.
Mrs. E. H. Morkin.
Mrs. Maude Blackwell entertain
ed with a dinner Wednesday at
her home on the Marion road.
Covers were placed for Pauline
Llbby and a friend, Dr. H. C. Epley
and Miss Barbara Taylor of Sa
lem, Mr. and Mrs. James Black
well and children, Jimmie and
Barbara, and the hostess.
Gonzaga, Loyola
Dispute Arbiter
Dlssension over officials threw ri
val fOOtball Cam-DS Of Tin1tln r.nn.
aaga and Loyola Into a row today
A A .
as ine iwo teams tapered off
training for their game in Gil
more stadium Sunday.
Coach Tom Lieb of Loyola
wants Jim Blewett. ex-California
Dlaver. who has afffefirtt in vir
tually all of the Lion games this
year, while Mike PecaroTlch, the
Bulldog mentor. demandAif nnkh
Morris of Seattle. .
The two coaches wrangled over
the Issue for some tim a it -wm un
derstood. A compromise may be
reacnea permitting the officials
to split the referee dntlA Mch
working half of the game.
) ... ,
rs TSP
Mickey Sezi
Meet your friends
at Mickey . Mouse
each Saturday
fun galor.
Today's Last for
Dancing Contest
Weekly Winners to Have
Final on December 11$.
Scholarship Prize
Today is your last chance to
enter the Barbara-Mickey Mouse
original dancing contest. If you
are interested, Bill, your Mickey
Mouse chief, urges you to come
down to rehearsal today at 10:30
in tbe Elslnore theatre.
Rules are as follows: You
should not hare had any dancing
lessons in the past, all routines
should be original. Age limit la
16, and the winners will appear
on our stage Bhow December 11.
Last week's winners included
Yvonne Cannon and Shirley Ann
Reggie. Don't forget, this is your
last: Saturday to enter the six
months dance scholarship award
by Barbara Barnes.
About Stamps
Hello, Fellow Collectors:
I just received my first day cov
er last Tuesday from Puerto Rico.
It was cancelled November 25, so
it arrived here by air mail In three
The Puerto Rican stamp Is very
attractive. It pictures La Fortale
za and Is a bright lavender. On
the stamp are the main buildings
of the walled fort and a good
Federal Reports
Deemed Harmful
By Hort Society
MEDFORD, Dec. 3-P)-The
Oregon state horticultural soci
ety urged today the department
of agriculture cease Issuing crop
production end price forecasts,
which tend to "react unfavorably
to producers."
At its convention here, the so
city also favored passage of the
Pet tin gill long and short haul
railroad bill; opposed limitation
of freight trains to 70 cars, and
favored extension of the Associat
ed Farmers of California, Inc.,"
into Oregon and Washington as
a means of correcting labor strife
and farm conditions. .
Eugene was selected as tbe
19 3 S convention city.
Truman Chase, Eugene, was
elected president; Dan Plerson,
Hood River, first vice-president;
Chester Fitch, Medford, second
vice-president; E. A. MeCornack,
Eugene, third vice-president; O.
T. McWhorter, Corvallis, secretary-treasurer,
and R. R. Reter,
Medford, trustee.
Karl Horton Chairman
For Lions, Firemen's
Drive for Used Toys
ALBANY At a meeting of the
Lions club, Karl Horton was
named chairman of the commit
tee for the annual drive for used
toys and dolls to be repaired and
given to needy children as Christ
mas gifts. The Albany firemen are
cooperating with the Lions club in
the work.
The club members look after
the collecting of the toys, as well
as the distribution, and pay the
expenses incurred in the mending.
and the fire boys do the repairing.
Butler to Discuss VFW
Campaign Against War
PORTLAND, Dec. 3 -(JP) A
speech on the Veterans of For
eign Wars campaign against war
will be made here Monday by
Smedley Butler, retired United
States marines major general who
organised the state police In the
late Governor Julias L. Meier s
Low Cost Terms
Salem Flying Service
Phone 6501
Radio Patrol" Has Thtills
0 v
Grant Withers, star of the Mickey Moose serial "Radio Patrol," makes
a raid on the gangsters hideout to emerge victorious. Also accom
panying another chapter of the serial will be Stewart Erwln, that
comical fellow. In "Mr. Boggs Steps Out," plus a great stage show.
The time, 1 o'clock.
many palm trees. Surrounding: the
walls is the ocean. Although they
cannot be used on letters in the
United States, they can be purch
ased at the local postoff Ice , soon
for the benefit of collectors.
Ton have, no doubt, seen the
new Tuberculosis Christmas seals.
You should be sure to add some of
these to your collection.
Canada, France, and other
countries also issue annual Christ
mas seals. The first U. S. seal was
issued in 1907. Many of the seals
have several types both in perfor
ation and small differences.
Hospital Patients
Help in Seal Sale
The Oregon state tuberculosis
hospital here is doing its full
share in promoting the annual
Christmas seal sale, funds from
which are used to fight tubercu
losis, Marlon county public health
association leaders assert.
Every piece of mail going out
from the tuberculosis hospital,
and that means 500 pieces dally,
carries a Christmas seal.
What's more, patients in the
hospital are heavy purchasers of
the seal, which makes the Insti
tution the highest per capita pur
chaser of seals in the county. .
Bad Roads and Business
To Close Baker Logging
BAKER, Dec 3 -(-Impassable
roads and business conditions will
force suspension of lumbering op
erations by the end of the week.
the Stoddard and Oregon lum
ber companies s a 1 d today. The
Sumpter Valley railroad, depend
ent upon log shipments, will sus
pend Saturday.
Last Times Today;
What a Shoiv!
5 BIG i
, blackwell'
"Two Knockabouts"
"Musical Oddity"
"Table Tennis
Champions" ;
"Shoe Shine Boy!
"Shadograpa Skaters"
1 Hit No. 1
V - Hit Wo. S -
All Color
"Man Without i
a Conntry"
- Hit No. 4 - ;
Popeye Cartoon I
SUN. - MON. - TUE.
Two Smash Hits u "
"A Girl With Ideas"
With Wendy Barrle 1
Eric Llndon - Cecelia Parker
nipy rWgs&Sr
j Hit No, 2 :
I . 7 i!ltl?:rWil'.T,VTl
. -: In
1 I
m m
Club Notes
Three more weeks and we'll
have our big Christmas party.
Send your letter in. to me today
and you may be a winner. De
tails are to be found elsewhere
on this page. ,
Here's how to be the winner
in the dancing contest. Be down
at rehearsal today at 10:30 for
details. Also If you san sing or
do anything lsei come at the
sa e time. i
"Met" Draper arrived back In
Salem again after spending a few
weeks in California.
Indigestion la often caused by
a person trying to get a square
meal into a round stomach.
Dorothy Edwards, popular Sa
lem high singer, will entertain
you Mice today with a novelty
tune that is sure to go over big.
Shirley Ann Haggle from Chi
cago made a big hit with the
Mice when she eang "Plenty or
Money and You,'' a song from
Dick Powell's picture.
On todav's ' billi manager Carl
t nil. Tsitr
One to Town." etarrin Stewart
From Broadways Greatest Stage Hit
Comes A j Mighty Motion Picture Drama!
And 2nd Hit
with ,1
Patric Knowles
. Beverly Roberta
AHyn Joslyn
Gordon Oliver
Directed by
Bobby Connolly
A Warner Bros
Plctnr '., -
A H Certificate
This Certificate entitles you to one week's Set
of Four Pictures upon payment of only 39c (46c
if by mail). - v i
Be sore to order Set No. 1 ir yon have that or snb
aeqnent aeta, order the next numbered: Set of Four.
Minnie Scz
Any type of tal
ent wanted for
our program '
see Bill.
Films of Boulder
Dam of Interest
High School Clubs Quite
Active; Cards Being
Printed, Parrish
During general study period at
senior high Monday, all students
Interested attended the movie In
tbe assembly. This movie was on
the building of Boulder Dam on
the Colorado river. A large crowd
turned out. - ' f
' Tuesday noon was the scene of
much activity. In the boiy's gym
nasium a wrestling match was In
progress. In the girls' gym a noon
dance was held. Students interest
ed were taught the Intricacies of
the Big Apple. The same after
noon the Girls League met in the
Wednesday the boys glee club
met. The German club took over
the candy tables.
Friday was the night of "Grow
in Pains' by Snikpoh. This was
a big success and well attended.
Junior Statesman Reporter
Students of Parrish are still
complaining about the Thanksgiv
ing dinner, that is, that they ate
too much. Nevertheless everyone
Is looking forward to Christmas,
which is Just around the corner.
Art classes are, at present,
leisurely engaged in block print
ing Christmas greeting card.
These are printed by the use of a
hand press; and many an arm bss
grown weary turning the wheel.
Date of Yuletide
Party, Issue now
; :
Boys and girls, get out your
pencil and paper, for here Is your
chance to give orders to Bill,
your Mickey Mouse chief and his
assistants. Write In more than
twenty-five words what day you
would rather have, the Mickey
Mouse Christmas party, Friday
the 24th or Saturday, Christmas
Some prizes have been obtain
ed already, but more will be an
nounced from the stage today st
our regular club meeting. Ad
dress all letters to Bill. Mickey
Mouse chief, in care of the ElsP
nore theatre. Contest closes Wed
nesday, December 15.
Erwin, plus the main feature
"Alcatraz Island." Short subject,
and another chapter of the ser
ial, complete the show.
See you today at 12:30. Don't
fall me
BILL. Mickey Mousa chief.
Prevue of
"Dead End"
Tonight, 11:30
Torn From the Seeth
ing, Turbulent Life of
the World's Most Ex
citing City!!!
-? - -
: "Alcatraz Island" "Boggg
A Cosmopolitan Trol. Steps Out
A First Nat'l. Ticturc.