The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Orcgo Sunday Morning, .November 28, 1937 PAGE FIVE - Mrs. Elmer Boyer Is Rebekah Head Elected to Slaytoh Lodge Noble Grandship; IOOF Names Ross Head Dallas Girl With Corn Show Prize STAYTONT Era Rebekah lodge No. 92 held election of officers Tuesday night, with the following officers chosen: Noble grand. Mrs. Elmer Boyer: rice-grand.! Mrs. Joe Harris; secretary, Mrs. Clara Lau; and treasurer, Mrs. Edgar Ham lin. During the social hour, de gree practice was held. Stayton lodge No.! 64, IOOF elected. the following: officers at tne regular meeting on Thursday Noble grand? Robert Ross, , re elected; vice-grand, Elmer Boyer; secretary, R. G. Wood, re-elected; and Ben Schaefer, ' treasurer,, re elected. . .K ,: . .A . . : v 26 at IOOF Dinner ; j Twenty-six were present at the Thanksgiving dinner sponsored by the Odd Fellows lodge for Odd Fellows and Rebekahs, their fam ilies and friends. The afternoon was spent with games and music and a potluck supper.1 j lv . A Three Link club j was organ ized Thursday-evening by mem bers of the Rebekah; lodge. The following officers were elected: Mrs. Teresa Van Nuys, president; Mrs. Bee Johnson, vice-president; and Mrs. Etta Brewer, secretary treasurer. They will &eet at raem- , bers'; homes every two weeks on fl 1 f m . juursuay mgnts. wen meeting at the home of; Mrs. Teresa Van Nuys. Charter-members are Mrs." Agnes Stupka, Mrs. Etta Brewer, Mrs. Teresa! Van Nuys, Mrs. H. J. Rowe, Mrs; Carol Har ris, Mrs. Bee Johnsoni, Mrs. Ellen Reynolds, Mrs. Alta Murphy, Mrs. Cecil Wright; Mrs. Marie Cole, Mrs. Minta Boyer and Mrs. R. G. Wood., ! I Amity Commercial Club Sets Election AMITY The Commercial club of Amity will meet -Wednesday noon, Dec. 1, in the parlors of the Baptist churcfi. Rev. O. Ray Vincent , of McMinnvflle will be 'the guest speaker at this time. This Is the last meeting of the year and directors will be elect ed to choose officers for next year. -Howard Strout will give the attendance prize. ! f 1 IF f I i r if Irene Guy whose home is In Dallas holds the cup which will go to the sweepstakes winner In the first Oregon corn show at the Portland public market November 29 to December 4, sponsored by the First National bank of that city. Exhibits must be In Portland today. Miss Guy attended Willamette university and graduated from Ore gon State college. Stayton PTA Sets i ; Dinner oh Dec. 6 STAYTON The Parent-Teacher association will have its annual jitney dinner Monday, December 6. Mrs. Earl Miller, president of the organization, is general chair man with Mrs. Lena Fair and Mrs. Elisabeth Beers. Other com mittees include soliciting chair man, Mrs. H. A. Beauchamp; serv ing chairman, Mrs. Fred Berger; dining room, Mrs. W. A. Inglis; cleanup, Mrs. Ben Schaefer; en tertainment, Don Huckabee; and publicity. Miss Ida Thompson. The Women's club is having a finish put on the floor of their clubhouse. 257 Jobless at Scio SCIO Approximately 267 un employment report cards were handled at the local postoffice. FILLED TO THE AMERICA'S BRIM WITH FINEST Pre-Holiday Specials uM LilL mMw $L IMl: m Use pur Convenient Lay - Away Plan Have You Given It a Thought That Christmas Is Almost Here Our lay-away plan makes it easy for' every member of the family and dear friends to receive a lovely piece of jewelry at prices you can afford to pay. Why not buy now while stocks are complete. Come to the Jewel Box and let us help you solve your problems. Buy jewelry an everlasting gift. Pick out what you want. A small deposit will hold it for you until Christmas. Select a fine watch for her or him. Our stock is complete in all styles of Hamilton, Elgin, Waltham, Bulova and other standard makes. It Pays to Buy a Life-Time Watch " ' - i Gift Watches Are Sure to Please LADIES' WATCHES ' From $10 to $125.00 MEN'S WATCHES From $7.95 to $57.50 VERY SPECIAL Diamond Engagement Solid Gold Now r Rings SPECIAL LADIES' Solid Cold Rigs DIAMOND Bridal Sets .to 33v From Silverware Service for Six -In Stainless Blades Engagement Rings Perfect Center Diamond 5 . with Diamonds on Side ; A Very Special Use Your Credit . Convenient : - Terms - Pay as Low m 5CC ; ' r Week t "The Store That Sells Quality Merchandise for Less 443 Stale - Phone 5510 . Open , - Saturday -Evenings Until 9 P.M. Home Dinners Are Feature of Holiday .. .. . - j Victor Point Folks Observe ; Thanksgiving Relatives Come and Co for Day i VICTOR POINT Thanksgiv ing: day was observed with family dinners in most homes in the community, and several families went away to spend the day with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Fischer, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Fischer spent the day with the Dell Alex ander family at Albany. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Fisher and family had as their gnests Mrs. Fischer's steter, Mrs. E. R. Palmer ' and family of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. George Lovett of Silverton spent the day at the Arthur Mulkey's here. Mr. and .Mrs. C. C. Jones had as dinner guests Mrs. Sharp, Miss Bernita Jones and ; Paul Sharp of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jones. ... Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fisher entertained a group of relatives from Stayton. At the J. C. Krenz home guests were the O; W. Humphreys and J. L. Lang fam ilies. , - Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Gilmour spent Thanksgiving day at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Arthur Qualey and family at Willamina. going that night to the home of another daughter, Mrs. Argus Pearson at Willami na, and returning home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Krenz were dinner guests at the W. Mt Tate home. Miss Sara Lesley spent the hol iday and weekend at her sister's home in Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lorence spent the holiday in Silverton. Mr. and Mrs. John Brewer and family were dinner guests at the Silverton home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Verbeck. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fox and family and Mrs. C. Carrie Town send were Thanksgiving hosts to a number of relatives from Port land, Sandy and Troutdale. Charles Lorence of Yakima, Washington, who has been visit ing Oregon relatives and friend at his former home here left , Tuesday for Klamath Falls ac companied by his . grandmother Mrs. Martin Lorence to spend Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Noel Turner and Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Terry. Mrs. Lor- ence will accompany Charles on his return to Yakima for a visit with her son Andrew and family. Sale of Tuberculosis Seals Gets Under Way ; Mrs. Ottoway Chairman AURORA Mrs. Oren Ottaway of Aurora is in charge of the 1937 tuberculosis Christmas seal sale in the Aurora district, which opened Thursday and will con tinue until Christmas. This year the sale of seals will be carried on by mail. James Colvin and bride, the former Mildred Mohing, have re turned from a wedding trip to California and will make their home' in Aurora, where he Is In business. Mrs. H. Satern Is Hostess For Quilting Party Friday BETHANY Mrs. Harold Sat ern was hostess at a quilting party Friday afternoon. Present were Mrs. Andrew Aarhus, Mrs. Reider Povcerud, Mrs. Anton Dahl, Mrs. Harold Bodeen and Mrs. Edwin Overlund. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Satern will be hosts at a post-Thanksgiving day dinner to Mr. and Mrs. Ole Satern, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Satern, John and Darrel Satern, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Madsen, Col len, Roger and Loretta Bell Mad-sen. 33 Stealers Ring Table at Dinner On Thanksgiving HAYESVILLE - Thirty-three members of the Stettler family spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Fred Stettler, sr., at the home place. They were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stettler and four children, Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Morierity and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stet tler and three children, Mr. and Mrs. W. Schaffer and son, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stettler, jr., and son, Mr. and Mrs. Arch Claggett and three sons, Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Stettler and son, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Olson and son and John Stettler. Grange Opposition Voted on Measure Brooks to Have Girls' Hoop Team BROOKS Plans are under way for a girls' basketball team, Mar tha Hutto has been elected cap tain. Miss Rose Marie Kronberg, In termediate teacher here, is spend ing the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hougham at Mt. Angel and Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hammell, prin cipal and primary teachers, are spending the brief vacation in Kelso with her brothers and fam ilies, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rasmussen and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rasmussen. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Rasmussen and daughter, Artene, another brother of Mrs. Hammell. The sewing club was enter tained at the home of Miss Rose ann Henny Friday afternoon. Mrs. Tom Hanson is instructor of the club. Program Reception At Labish School LABISH CENTER Twenty mothers and friends were guests at the Thanksgiving program and open house held by the four lower grades of the local school under the direction of their teacher, Mrs. J.'W. Burr, Wednesday afternoon. The program included two songs by the students; recitation by the second grade; playlet, "Spirit of the Pilgrims" by Donna Lovre, Doris Rentz, Patricia Loekhart, Mary Zenger, Laurence Zinser, Donald Klampe, Verle Klampe, Tessie Ropsa, Roy Pearsall, Ray Blanton and Deah Lowry; "Baffin Island." fourth grade: piano solo. Doris Rentz; and two reels of mo tion pictures, "Work Dogs of the Far North and "Science Makes a Dentifrice." j ' Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Starker and granddaughter, Juanita Burr, who have been visiflng eastern rela tives since early ' October, are on their way home. Because of road conditons they have gone south from Iowa, and will visit in Okla homa and California en route. Raymond Bibby, who attends school in Portland, was home for the holidays, as was Clyde Boehm from Oregon State college. SILVERTON The Silxerton grange went on record as oppos ing the wage and hour bill which has passed the upper house. The grange gave as its reason that the bill, if passed would "iring disaster to the farmer by tre mendous increase of prices not only in things to be purchased but in producing and marketing as well, and that it would give too much power to five inexper ienced men. Copies of the resolution passed urging that the bill be defeated will be sent to the Oregon dele gation in congress and to the State Grange Bulletin. Officers elected Friday night include master. Karl Haberly: cverseer, Guy Sanders; lecturer. Alta ' Haberly; secretary, Mrs. Charles Meyers; steward, Otto O. Dahl; assistant steward, Charlie Meyers; chaplain, Agnes Beugli; treasurer, H. H. Page, gate keep er, B. H. Behrends; Ceres, Rose Sanders; Pomona, Julia Carpen ter; Flora, Cassie Mott; lady as sistant steward, Marie Dahl; ex ecutive member, Conrad Johnson. Thalia Rebekalis Choose Officers HUBBARD. The annual elec tion of officers of Thalia Rebek ah lodge of Hubbard was held Tuesday evening, Nov. 23. The following were elected: Mrs. S. P.-Kimmes, noble grandr Mrs. Edith Painter, vice grand; recording secretary, Mrs. John Friend; treasurer, Mrs. Frank Grumps; financial secretary, Ms. George Leffler. The next meeting Dec. 14 will be the Christmas meeting with a tree and Santa Claus. An ex change of gifts will be held. At this meeting three new members will be admitted by transfer. Mrs. Edith Painter, Mrs. S. P. Klmmes and Mrs. George Leffler, the committee on arrangements and refreshments. Stauffers Are Hosts for Family Dinner Thursday HUB'BARD On Thanksgiving day a family dinner was held at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stauffer. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Kimmes; Mr. and Mrs. Julius- Stauffer; Mr. and Mrs. John B. Stauffer and son Eddie, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stauffer and children Doris, Robert, Betty and Norman; the grandmother Mrs. Christena Stauffer and Miss Rose Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Weaver of Salem spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. Weavw's mother, Mrs. Alice Weaver, and his sister, Frances Weaver. Miss Marjorie Fowler of North Santlam was a guest at Thanks giving day at the home of Rev. and Mrs. N. Sherman Hawk. BSIERf i i n n ID u KAYSER'S TUTONE IRIDESCENTS Fashion's newest! The most magical hose you've ever seen! Hosiery colors that actually change with, the light! Each one lovely shade in daylight magic- Step under electric light and, presto itY a subtle evening color It's a new method of prismatic dyeing; which gives it the interesting two toned iridescent .cast...,."" $1.00 3 Pairs $2.75 Bazaar, Program Slated at Turner TURNER The high school will put on a bazaar, supper and pro gram at the school building Fri day, December 10, which will be a benefit for the student body. There will be booths of useful articles, including one by the manual training class. A few of the clubs of the com munity have accepted the invita tion to place booths on a per centage basis. All booths will be open in the afternoon, with the program given at night, preceded by the supper. The public Is invited to all the events. AIR -FLUE CAS FURNACES Sidney S. Day, Inc. Phone 4822 830 N. Com'L Salem, Ore, Wilson Gets Three Years DALLAS Fred Wilson was sentenced by Judge Arll'e.G. Walker here recently to serve three years in the state peniten tiary for forgery. His younger brother was sentenced to two years la the penitentiary but was paroled to Sheriff Hooker for a three-year period. Shop Early for Belter Selections ! kill 1 & W ! H 1 fM i Select 1 Suggestions Stationery Fountain Pens Books for the Kiddies and Grown-Ups Globes Atlases Book Ends Desk Sets Bill Folds Keytainers Commercial Book Store A. A. GUEFFROY 163 N. Commercial Phone 4534 II' Ski Idropelitafli! Complete Gift Stocks Now On Display! y'" W s i',' i ifx-t u i. t: i.- 1 1 v v s fi u ?! If-' n i ! I liLUU; UiU IiillUU 4 r ' ! I M 'l 5 f.r 5c 3c 25c OJ ' A huge assortment of colorful Christmas cards In many designs. lYrflDDlJlS Each with matching envelope. . S n P t 1 . rjCt BOXED CARDS For Your Gifts ? LjgfttWl 10 lovely cards with fkm 15 sheets whit g-J matching folders for 1UC tissue paper . j RVvMLb- 5 ft. cellophane Jfff I S'J 25 different c a r d twine .. . , I- SSAV'K' and folders with en- Beautiful papers, cords, tag. lJ r Velopes In a box for and cards. Your gift will be ffmX Only doubly welcomed when it's jr t 'iCffifOHBO ' targe Selection Olll I BOOKS & WF!xZ$m Boys 3ES : . i Drams .. . 10c Hi , -?i - :. - I "''Xvss!!! xd Wagon .. 69c I . I .CW ajfl . Popgun .25c J TEDDY Sn- 1,7--- ) BEARS ' - 1 Toy Soldiers 5c , Vfe JSOfJ teresUng Toys I - . . MUgAL 148 N. Liberty St. 5c - 10c - 25c to $1.00 Store -4