The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 28, 1937, Page 4, Image 4

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The OREGON -STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Sunday Morning, November 28, 1937
Dallas Sale of
Seals Started
Committees Named; new
Letter Setup Obviates
Children's ' Selling .
:, DALLAS The annual Christ
mas teal sale got under way here
- Friday, with a committee from tb
Eallas Woman't club In charge.
The sale will continue until
Christmas."; :, " i ,
The committee from. the Wom
an's club is headed by the club
president, Mrs. H. 0, Peterson,
and also includes Mrs. R. C. Me
Kntght, Mrs. Erie Fulghara. MM.
Hubert Ashby, Mrs. Ray Boydston,
. Mrs. Art Colli nsworth, Mrs.
George Cooper, and one represent
ative from the Junior Woman's
club, Mrs. Elmer Schulson.
New Sale Setup tied
T A new plan for selling the
stamps is being used this year.
This is the plan of sending letters
containing itinpi to various
homes in the community. This was
used to some extent last year, but
not to the extent planned for thi.
Last year school children also as
stated in the sale, especially in the
residential districts, bat this year
there will be no solicitation by the
, ' school children. The only solicits
" tioa that will be- made is in the
business district and this will Je
handled by the committee from
the Woman's club.
Arrangements for the sale hare
been carefully considered by the
committee in 'charge and it is an
ticipated that this year's sale will
be considerably larger than in pa3t
Vaccinate Many on
iCOTTS MILLS Smallpox Im
munization clinics were held at
the achoolhouso Tuesday and
.Wednesday of this week follow
ing a flare-up of smallpox in a
light form at school.": Nearly ev
eryone in the town and surround
ing territory was vaccinated.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dale arrived
hero Tuesday from ; Minnesota
where Roy has been living the
past two years. He was married
iaki summer. Mr. Abrahamson
and Mr. Sjoleneer, brothers of
Mrs. Dale, accompanied them. At
present they aVe all staying at
the home of Mr. Dale's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dale, wbere a
fmi!r reunion was held -vlth all
of the Dale children and their
families present.
They were Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Siipley of Oswego, Mr. and. Mrs.
Elbte Dale and Mr. and Mrs. Hen
ry Dale and children of Port' and.
Mr. nd Mrs. C. A. Robbina of
Vancouver. Wash-.. Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Chapman and family and
George Dale of Oswego and Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Dale recently of
Minnesota,' , i ;
. Mr. and' Mrs. Rex. Hampton
(Rathanna McKracken) of Ante-
.: lope, Oregon, are spending the
Thanksgiving vacation at the
borne of her parents Mr. and
Mrs. J. W.- McKracken. Other
guests at the McKracken home on
Thanksgiving; day were Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Haworth of Salem and
: the Misses Mary and Elizabeth
Satten of Newberg sisters of Mrs.
: McKracken. and Miss Sutten
. from Montana, a niece, who Li at-
! tending Pacific college at New-
Berg, j
Mrs. Amanda Moberg is visit
lag in Medfprd with her daughter
Mrs. Paul Lewis.
Miss Phyllis Macy of Willam
ette College-and Miss Mignon
Macy who attends a Portland art
school and Keith Macy of North
Pacific Bible institute are alt
spending the Thanksgiving vaca
tion at their parents home, Mr
trd Mrs. Herman Macy.
! Elmer Klutke Is
Honored at Gates
r GATES Mrs. Ferdinand
' Klntke was hostess : Wednesday
, night to a group of L young men
In honor of the birthday of her
son. Elmer.. Those entertained
were Howard and Junior Farmen,
Carl and Clarence Ball, Orville
" Hayward. Elton Br,own, Harold
Shepherd, Wilbur Meinert and
Elmer Klutke. i -ji
Albert Decker had the misfor
tune to meet with an accident to
his foot, caused by some falling
timbers. The injury is finite se
rious, compelling him to wear . a
cast on his foot for some time.
Mrs. Whitlock of Scotts MUls
i spending the week at. Gates
with her daughter, Maxine Helvey.
Mr. and Mrs. .Bill Fearheller
have- moved into their home at
Gates after spending! the summer
; at Detroit where Mr. Fearheller
bad employment with the Herron
Logging company.
. Grand Island Follr Back
From Trips to far Points
i - GRAND ISLAND -Mr aid
, r Mm. C. A. RockhUl returned this
t week from a' three weeks'., vaca
tion trip to Kethlkan, Alaska,
i where they risited .with their son.
. Mr. and Mrs. James RockhUl and
family and the former's brother,
: Mr and Mrs. Fred , RockhOl and
? family. " -
;., Howard Rockhill son of, Mr.
and Mrs, ,C, A. Kockhlll. has re
'. turned from a two weeks' trip to
! j Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Which
given him by the ttate Farm
' err Union organization. I He was
, - accompanied to the national con
tention by the state delegate. L.
Hi McBee. They made the trip
' by train coins the southern route
t aad- returning by wal of "Denver.
Mr. and Mrs-. E. B. Chandler
and family of near. McMlnn villa
!havo moved into tha boss for
... merly occupied by Mr. and Mrs.
J Thomas. With the addition
- - of -Wanda and Harold Chandler
. the enrollment In the -school haa
. reached 39 students.
Late November Gardens at Rickey
Show Blaze of Early Season Bloom
RICKEY -The Rickey community lias had pride in its
beautiful flower gardens and newcomers seem to catch this
pride and while still living in make-shift homes while houses
are being built begin to plant flowers as if to help the com
munity retain the self -appropriated title of flower garden
of Marion county.
This fall mother nature seems "
spring with fall in her effort for I
besides chrysanthemums, fire
thorn, her regular fall decoration,
these flowers were seen in one
Rickey yard a few days ago: Ger
aniums, roses, marigolds, African
marigolds, annual larkspur, del
phinium, nasturtium, horn poppy,
orange perennial poppy, erennial
white bush poppy, gladioli, Jap
anese rose, violets, myrtle, baby
breath, tennios, cosmos, chimney
b e 11 s , snapdragons, skyrocket,
queens lace, hollyhocks and
15 Grossed With
Roberts Program
ROBERTS The Thanksgiving
program and pie social sponsored
by the school for Christmas
brought in IIS.
The program included songs,
first and second grades; recita
tion, Carol Koster; song, Evelyn
and Albert Hanson; play, four
lower grades; recitation, Clifford
Sharp; skit, Lyle Kleen, Irene
Selmer, Marion: Tingley, M a b 1 e
Hartman, Patricia Noble, Alien
Klopp. Opal Howland, Lena Han
son, Yvonne Grey, Phyllis How
land, Marjorle Hanna and Dora
Hanson; skit, lower grades; har
monica solo, Verle Tingley; reci
tation, Mary Sharpe; play, Pa
tricia Noble. Eddie Goodrich, Phyl
lis Howland and George Risteen;
recitation. Alien Klopp; play,
Velma Hoar, M a b 1 e Hartman,
Phyllis Howland and Opal How
land; recitation, Yvonne : Grey;
historical play, "John Smith," pel
bert Kleen, Clifford Sharpe. Verle
Tingley, Ralph Klopp. Charles
Tingley, Robert Pederson, George
Risteen, Eddie Goodrich, Cbarles
Drease and Marjorie Hanna; "Mu
sic in the Air" by upper grade
ft. ms m-
'illiW 'With
Detroit Hi School
Carnival Planned
DETROIT The students of De
troit high school are . planning a
carnival for December 10. There
will be side shows, skits and a
short play. The carnival will be
held in the grade school building.
A small admission will be charged.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brink
meyer were business callers to
Salem Tuesday as MrrBrinkmeyer,
who is depot agent here, went
through the Southern Pacific ex
amination cars.
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Haseman of
Idanha were hosts at a bridge
dinner Tuesday evening. Guests
invited were Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Schroeder, Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Mason, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Hill,
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Scott, all of
Mill City; Mr. and Mrs. R. C.
Haseman, Mr. and Mrs. W. T.
Chestnut of Idanha and Mrs.
Nellie Rldell of Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. James Rand sr., of
Idanha spent Monday in Salem
where Mrs. Rand is taking treat
ments from Dr. Thompson for a
sinus infection.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Towey of
Idanha are the parents of an
eight-pound son, born November
4 at the Stayton hospital. The
baby has been named Jadie Ray.
Thimble Club Will Meet
At Mrs. Robert Scott's
SILVERTON The Neighbors
of Woodcraft Thimble club will
meet Wednesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Robert Scott
On December 13, the lodge will
honor all members having birth
day anniversaries in December.
The lodge Christmas program
and tree have been set for De
cember 27 with a potluck supper
at 6:30.
O Lamps
o Appliances
o Sewing Machines
o Mirrors :
o Chinaware ' '
Reunions Held
On Turkey Day
VanLoans Are Hosts at big
Family Fete at Home
in Monmouth
MONMOUTH Mr. and Mrs. S.
Deitrick were Thanksgiving hosts
to Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Chambers
and three daughters.
' Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Emerson
went to Forest Gtovb to spend the
day with her brother, Fred Arant,
and his family.
. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Elliott en
tertained their son. Warren, who
is teaching at Odell in Hood River
county, and Mr. and Mrs. W. j W.
Elliott of Monmouth.
Mr. and Mn. J. E. Winerar. accom
panied by -Mr. sad Mr. Kuaieil Janet
of Amity, are (pending the holiday with
aon-jn-law and daughter of the Wine
rar' a. Mr. and Mra. Stuart Hardia of
Mr. and Mr. A. H. Craven and Tir
ginia entertained Mr. and Mra. Robert
Beeck (Jane Craven) of Caatle Beck,
Tan Loans Hold Beunioa
Mr. and Mrr J. L. Van Loan enter
tained at dinner for their three aona and
familiea: Mr. and Mr. Wendell Van Loan
and two aona of Eugene, Dr. and Mra.
Richard Tan Loan sad two yonnr daurh
ter of Portland and Mr. and Mr. Hue
Van Loan and aon of MonmonUu
Mr. aad Mra. i. T. Santee and Donald,
accompanied by Mr. and Mra. Harold San
tee of Spring-field, apent the day at Van
couver, Wash., with J. F. Santee'
Mr. and Mr. Charlea Bowman enter
tamed at dinner for Mr. and Mra. W. B
Ea-elatoa and Wade of Independence, Mra
Ella Bowman of Salem and Mr. and Mra
Clay Egelaton, Monmouth.
Mr. and Mr. 0. R. Haller and call
dren and Mr. and Mra. J. L. Norri and
daughter apent Thankirivinr day at Jen-
ninra Lodge with Mr. and Mra. Joe
Xiddelli Are Hosts -
The Riddell family gathered at the
home of Mr. and Mra. William Riddell
for Tnankignin day. The group included
JUta Mabel Hidden, Ed ttiddell, Mr. and
Mra. Jame Riddell and ion Jimmy, Mr.
Cora Riddell and two daughter. -
Rev. and Mra. E. C. Hieka entertained
Dr. and Mr. . W. Hill and three chil
dren of San And raj, Cal., whs are spead-
ing the week with them. Dr. Hill i
nephew of Mr. Hicks.
Inebriates Are Fined
DALLAS Charles Allister and
Thomas E. Jones were arrested by
.the state police Thursday charged
with drunkenness in a p n b 1 1 e
place. They appeared before Jus
tice of the Peace Charles Gregory
here Friday morning and each was
fined $7.50.
MILLER'S Weeks Ahead
Farmers Union
TALBOT Sldney-Talbot Farm
ers union met In regular session
in the Talbot school house - Fri
day night, with the local pres
ident, J. W. Gilmour, in charge.
O. A. Coomes acted as conductor.
Refreshment committee ap
pointed for, next meeting Mr.
and Mrs. Keith Allen, Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Barker, Mr. and Mrs.
G. M. Belknap, Mr. and Mrs. D.
E. BUnston and Mr. and Mrs.
John Bostray.
Delmer Davidson gave a dairy
report. Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Ter
hune was given the obligation.
D. E. Tnrnidge reported on the
flood ' control program.: Ben
Starr's name was presented for
A vote was taken on changing
the ballot system of national of
ficers. The count was opposed to
changing the present system, A
discussion was held in regards
to a Christmas program.
union held its regular monthly
meeting Wednesday, night. In
spite of the storm and failure of
electricity a good attendance was
A vote In favor of the amend
ment of the constitution was
Election of officers will be held
at the December meeting.
Refreshment committee for the
December meeting is Mrs. Ger
trude Hennies. Mrs. Otto Pfennig
and Merle Hedges.
Firemen to Stage
Amateur Contests
AUMSVILLE The Aumsvllle
volunteer fire department held a
benefit card party Monday night
at the city ball. Winning high
score were Mrs. Lawrence Roberts
and Ray Stephens.
Those wishing to assist with
the parties to be held once each
month are asked to register with
the seeretary, Ed Highberger.
In December the department
will sponsor an amateur program.
Prizes will be given to the persons
giving the most popular numbers
Those interested in participating
may register with S. G. Weis or
Ed Highberger.
A Great Galaxy
o Hosiery
O Gloves
O Handbags
o Umbrellas
o Kerchiefs
Football Players
Get Turkey
Hopmen of Independence
End Season With Perfect
Playing Record
Mrs. Loren Mort entertained the
Hopster football team with a tur
key dinner Monday night at the
high school.
The dinner was a celebration
of a perfect season of play, the
team making 18C points to their
opponents' none. The squad won
two cups, the Willamette valley
Interscholastic league trophy and
the Polk county cup.
Coach Mort acted as toastmaster
and called upon each guest to
respond with a short talk.
Large Group -Attends
Football place cards marked
places for Harold Engblom, Earl
Purvis, ?Bill Stryker, Charles
Brown, Keith Peterson, ' Jim
Brown, Ole Syrerson, Bud Linn,
Jimmy Slyth, Glen Burch, Junior
Hartman. Delbert Taylor. Mel
Jones, Johnny Werllne, Bill Berry,
Ellis Lougheed, Melvin Purvis,
Kenneth Houseley, Clifton Miller,
Eugene Weddle, Orville Winn.
John Gross. Howard Bennett and
Principal Paul E. Robinson;
Seniors on the squad, who
played 'their last game for Inde
pendence high are Taylor, Jones,
HouBley, E. Purvis, Engblom,
Stryker, C. Brown, Peterson, J.
Brown, Linn and Burch.
Annual Tree and Program
Promised for Silverton
by new Workers' Union
SILVERTON At a special
meeting of the Industrial Lm
ployes onion held Friday night
the group voted to hold its an
nual Christmas tree program and
candy party for children just as
its predecessor, the 4-L organi
sation, used to do in f o r m e r
years. The entire mill force,
whether or not they are members
of the IETJ will assist in the par
ty as will also M. C. Woodard,
mill manager.
Ernest Boesch has been made
general chairman.
O Jewelry
o Neckwear
O Slippers
o Lingerie
O Linens
o Sewing Kits
O Blankets
Watch. For Big Toyland Opening!
Hayesville Pupils
Slake Credit List
HATESVILLE The credit list
for the advanced room has been
completed as follows:
. Sixth grade, Margaret Howard,
Seventh grade, 'Henry Hender
son, reading; Jimmy Stettler,
Eighth grade, Robert Peterson,
reading; Harland Pervis, spelling
and English ; Vivian Rich ter,
spelling; Ella Mae Stottler, Eng
lish, spelling, history and read
ing; Darrell Wooldridge, arith
metic; and Ruth Znrlinder, spell-
IDS. ' J
Husband's Funeral
Soon After Wife's
SCIO At the Baptist church
in Scio, Just three weeks to the
day and hour and at the same
church from which his wife was
buried, funeral Tites for Nathan
iel M. Rothrock, 77. were con
ducted at 2 o'clock Saturday af
ternoon. Burial was beside the
grave of his wife in Franklin
Butte cemetery at SEcio.
Prior to coming to the Green's
bridge area near Scio several
years ago the Rothrocks had re
sided near Buffalo. Mo., where
a daughter, Mrs. Lillie Pinkerton.
still makes her home.
Rothrock was born in Pennsyl
vania Sept 4, 18C0.
Survivors Include Mrs. Pinker
ton and her two brothers. Henry
Rothrock of Green's bridge and'
M. J. Rothrock of Portland. De
ceased was survived also by 17
grandchildren and eight great
.grandchildren. - .
Scio Czechoslovakians
To Attend Kryl Concert
SCIO Scio countrymen of Bo
humir Kryl, Czech cornetist and
conductor, plan to attend the sym
phony concert in Albany Decem
ber 8, when Kryl will appear as
conductor and soloist. Proceeds
of the concert, above expenses,
will be used to. provide a new
piano for Albany high school.
Of Santa
Of Gifts!
o Giftwares
O Coats
o Dresses
o Men's Wear
o Leather Goods
o Stationery
o Tovs i
Homecoming Held
Eastern Star
Original Poem on Chapter
Given by Mrs. Hoag
at Affair
ter, Order of the Eastern Star,
celebrated homecoming at its
meeting - Tuesday night in the
Masonic ; hall.
The degrees of the order were
exemplified and Mrs. Frank Scho
field became a member.
Nearly 80 members enjoyed the
evening.! Mrs. D. A. Hoag read an
original poem about Adah chap
ter and many old songs were sung.
IPian Yule Tarty
Hostesses were Mrs. Mildred
Kester, Mrs. Hazel Hughes. Mrs.
Verna Deitrick Mrs. Eva Van De
Bush and Mrs. Hugh Van Loan.
A Christmas party will be given
in December for the children of
Adah chapter members. Commit
tee in charge is Mrs. Paul E. Rob
inson. Mrs. Verna Deitrick and
Mrs. Eva Van De Bush.
Another Service
Station Going up
LEBANON John Macedoniaa,
owner of the Fir Grove dance hall,
has completed refinlshing the in
terior of the local dance hall, and
will in j the near future erect; a
filling station and other business
rooms n property adjoining the
hall located south of Lebanon. '
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hammet and
daughter, Dolores, have returned
hornet from 6000-mile trip
through the eastern part of the
United States, during which he
Interviewed grocers and other
business men, most of whom be
lieve business will be good within
a short! time, and that the busi
ness recession is to be of short
They rencountered much snow
and rough weather, and were glad
to get back to the milder climate
in Oregon. Hammett is one of the
owners: of the Irlsh-Hammett
store here.