."5 . .. ,t ,(."r .-. ,..-. r .-,?.. a) 1.vj eerily. Af --' T r .' The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem Oregon, Sunday Mominr, November 28, ! PAGE NINETEEN ell-Biay-Find What. Youi Want Quickly in; 5. tie Classified 1 i ' . . StcJesmtm Classified Ads Celt 9101 . . Ctewihed Advcrtfeteg ; Single Insertion per Itn 3 9 c rhree InserUcns per Use 2 Six taaertiBsm per Una 31e .One -mtmih per fine,. S1.0S Minimum -""Tf :" Copy rnr this, rag fawepet untfl i..A9 the tvmm tailor publication 'or .rtemtrtcsultoc, Copy rrev"d fter this time vrtU bo run uniW (he tieacrWtg, Ton I .ass to dee-' -, ..... .. Tb thatman ewsumaa lie Ttnasv ctal mporaiMUtr far ervora whtcw uy vpimir Is advertisements! pub hed tn Its column and In ease where tma paper m st tantt will re print tfaw pwrt of mm sriverfhawnent i erhlcn the typnraphal teJetake eacura, . ..: Ttm Stslosiimn r rw ha -right . mlrci auaeKfcimUita dvrfhtei tucthor rssor a the Tight to place . all . dverfHriug. Wider the Livestock TOP PRICK p! Tor aid harass and Ion sand. TtaL l!3t ' . FREB "Wtt4JK dead an worth less borsaa, wr, aalfc Tat ol- lect .. 4- DEAD A VD wurUilese hmwea, eoam picked up free Ph. eoltoct -9411 Salem. 14F14 Albany. Montgomery iUnd. FREE WE pick up OnA -enfl worthies boises, cowa TeL ?!. cot- SALE: 11 (-WKS. old pia. Extra Coed, & ea.or 11 tor 950. frank WU oa 68F3. .j ' FOR SALE Or trade, 10 head of eastern Oregon horses and mules from 4 to 12 yeara old. All well broken, guaranteed aa -repreaented, Roy. Ore- gun, a miles wen ana east oi roren Orove, call at atore. Help Wanted Male . r HAN AND TVIFE To run local cof fee agency. Earnings up to 9240 tn a month. New Ford Sedan .given produ cers as bonus. I send complete outfit. Van don't risk a penny. Details free.: Write ZANOL, 198 Tenth &U Oak- latio, uu. WANTED PARTY to clear about 1 S acres of land. Must have own equip ment. Peter ZielinslU, RC 7, Box lit, Kslem, Ore. SALES OPENING -with Remington -Rand for ambitious man. Steady In come. Unusual opportunity. Experience not essential. Write M. IS. Kami, Uept. 1128, Buffalo, N. I. Help Wanted Female ADDRESS ENVELOPES HOME FOR US. GOOD PAY. Experience un necessary. Wonderful opportunity. Ev erything supplied. Nationwide Distrib utors, 401 Broadway, I, x. ADDRESS ENVELOPES We fur nish stamps and pay in advance. Write ' Manager Dept. 34, Box zi, Arlington, ' Calif. ENCLOSE stamped self-addressed envelope. . - , WILL PAY 3 wk. to . someone to ' watch child anil help with housework. ; t.if;l Cbemeketa,i call evenings. ADDRESS POSTCARDS AT HOME. ' We pay 2c per card. Everything sup ; plied. DETAILS FREE. Dorothea Cos metics, B-607, Hynes, Calif. WANTKD NEAT housekeeper, state ' age end wage expected. Box 637, Statesman. " . Salesmen Wanted i nTviricR! nv YnrfR OWN! Sell used clothing. 10u-3007e profit. Wa : start you. Satisfaction guaranteed. "Catalogue FREE. GLOBE RUMMAGE t -MART, jPri-3239 State, vnicago. Situations Wanted ' kXPERIENCEO DKESSMAK1NG. lira Adsitt, 1130 Marion. Phone 9446. HOUR OR day work. Pht 5865. FRAME BUILDINGS wrecked, re built to suit. Leo H. Wort, 1930 N. Liberty;' EXP. WOMAN wlshe day work by hour. Good ref.; TeL 6542.. i . i, " For Sale Sliscelbneous ' 'CASH 'OR 'trade tot used. furanui - radges, bearers, sadloa, snarhtMrr . teeia. ate, Woodry end Woedry. aoo- thMcera,. paooe 9-1, ! AL Bum nr m Hollywood. - TtFEWRlTBItS, A DDI NO B chines, cash registers sold. Tented, re weired. Koen. 429 CooTL Phone 1771. Schralber. shraba. trees. 20ft Nebr. APPLES. 1449 WAU-ER ' HEATING STOVES, lnqytre 124S Chemeketa. ' SALDW1MS. SPIES. BuTbenk pota to a aheap guano. Mrs. Wrignt, art. Wallace Rd. .-i i ' REPOSSESSED RADIO 9189.i 193 12-TCBE ZENITH. 4-tmna mH wtn pawwice Mae . terms Jm.9 dowa, at.M monthly. See Mr. Jans. GEO. C WILL MUSIC STORE, SALEM ewaaaaasaeaaeaBiaeaaaweaaseeaaeaataa . COCKER SPANIEL pupa. CeflunerdaL (11 & WARDROBE SUITCASE, like Used oaly for one trip. 97.50. Phone I2. - - . TUXEDO SUIT, like new. Cost 4S. : For quick sale, $15. Phone (152. AMER. LEGION Aux. baxaar, Ja auith Music Store, Dec. 3-4. UNDERWOOD PORTABLE type writer, late uvxVeL Likw nw. Only (40, , cast $ 2.S t. 1 235 S. ISth. Phone 6439. - BALLOON BICYCLE, gd. cemfl. 1:8 Marion. - ; RED FEMALE Chow dog for sale, cheap. 1895 S. 13th. 4 itjsodtatesmaa : ADVERTISING Wederu Advertising V" RepresentaliTcs ; Fenger-Hall Co, Ltd. Saa Franciaco. Loa Angeles. Seattl --. Enstern Advertising; Representatives , 1 ' Bryant Griffith-A Bninsoa. lnc, Chicago, New York. Detroit, Boston. Atlanta. " ' Knttrtd at the fomtoffie mt SaUm ' Ortfon, m Bcon4 Class Af otter. jk 'lisaeet evrry wwrntrng inttt Mtrndat .BuMmet tfic tit South Cowmerrie (reef, . .... - - - - ' ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES : :' Mall Subscription Rates tn Advance -Wjthin Oregon s Dally and Sunday, Me 59 cents; 9 Ma (LAO ; 9 Uix llit; .1 year $5.00. Elsewhere (9 cents per lto, or $9.09 for 1 year la advance. Per copy 8 eDta- j Newa. Stand cents. , - y City Carrier t 99 cents a tnonth, 17.39 a year la advance. Few Sale- fliscrlianen WITDN'S PRODfiCT- Pb. .7W. KI31TILT PREMIER Duplex JKas- ter Hadel Vac, cash 49ft S. 21st St. - . t '' r XPPLES, REASONABLE Letand Wenflt, lb vaL on WaJlaoe Road. Trade Ulisceilanetras WILL TRADE er Zpnlrh radio for adding machine. Good 'Houaahweping lnc, 443 Court . -; , . Wrtrl- Alisc-eUasieetxs "WANT WALNUT and filbert meats. eJae ht ehelL Stat Cafeteria. : ' MiscellanemLs nLKS DE VE LOPED. Eight prints and hand colored, enlargement, 2ac. Oreaoo iFlrture Co.. box 42SZ. station il. Portland Orej FILMS .TJEVELOPED. 2 iwtrrts each Wood negative. 25c. Portland Film Co., bo .TOEUanOt Ore. n.LJS UETELOPED. 8 prints and 2 entin-jrnmsnts 25c Quality- Co., box 2&3, Portland. Ore. For Sent Cooma HriTEL MARION ' ' ENJOY THE eomfortai of m down town modern hotel. Rnmna by thei week ttr tnonth mt very reasonable J.1CE SLEEPING Twoms, l&l D, 14. HICK HEATED- tnL, 693 S. Cotn'L SLEEP. R, close In. Phone 4498. TCRN. HSKPG. rra, 892 N. Winter, 2 SLEEPING RMS. with kitchen privileges, for young girls. YWCA, 128 N. Ltterty. WARM SLEEPING rooms close In, private family (OS Union Ph. 38K6. LARGE, NEWLY furn. sleeping; rm, Board if desired. 384 N. 13th. Phone 81S2. HEATED ROOK for man in mod rn home. Ref. optlonaL TeL 9539. Room and Board NICE RMS. goad bd. S33 S. Coml EXCEL R. B.. 74i & Commercial famU. HTD. rms, 1771 Chemeketa ROOM. TWIN bedA 325 S. 14th. R B., 428. 845 S. CoramerciaL SLEEP. RiL, bd., 241 S. High. COMFORTABLE ROOM with board close m. Home comforts. Phone 3797. Ril., BOARD, 4 men. Phone S40. ROOM AND board, TeL 8171 or 193 E. Miller. ROOM AND country board for 2 la dies or 2 gentlemen, 940. Tel. 108F4. R B., EM P. LADY. $5.50. Ph. 7313. ALEXANDRIA, RESIDENTIAL ho teL 1130 Chemeketa, Tel. 6767. For Rent Apartments 2 R. FURN, bath, 1440 Waller. 2 RM. FURN. apt-. liRhta, water, 92.75 week, 1290 Oak. TeL 276. 4 RM. FURN. apt., at heat Frigid- alre, garage. 2380 F. G. Road. P. 7532. MOD. APT; and room. Inquire Tip Top Cafe, corner N. Capitol and Tile Road. 3 RM. HEATED apt, 444 S. High. FURN. APT. Phone 7664. 2 RMS. FURNISHED, 2164 Maple. STRICTLY MOD, fiTst floor. 8-ne,, automatic beat re frig., gar. 643 Union. 2 R FURN. APT., 639 N, Liberty. FURN. APT, 1910 Oak St NICE FURN. apt, 570 Union. 1 RM. KITNTTE,' funu 312 Water. . APARTMENT N EWLY furnished, private bath. 930. 897 North Commer- ciaL FURN. S AND 1 R. apt., 6288. AVAILABLE DEC. 1, 3 R. furn. apt: heat lights, water, elec. washer. 940. EmpL ladies pref. 47a N.' CapitoL VERY CHOICELY .located modern home, 5 rooms furnished, nice east front entrance, $18, adults. See care taker, 14 E. Miller. 2 R. FURN. APT, withvnook and antry. 1349 Waller. NEW 2 R. : FURN. apt, private bath. Laundry with washing machine, rar., $20. 1905 Lee. i RM. FURN. apt., lights, water, 12.90 -week, 1299 Oak, Tel. S29. R. FURN. UPSTAIRS apt Wa ter, garace.- 1475 N. Commercial. Phone 67F3. LOVELY 1 R APT, well turn. Em ployed lady. 8 & Summer. R. FURN. 71 N. High. APT, . adults, garage. 99 AND UP. 1319 8. 13th. . I AND 2 RM. turn, apt, clem and warm, adults eadr, 4X8 Ferry St 4 R. TURN. OR unf, stm. beat Also 2 R. turn, (33 Ferry. For Rent Honses ' POR RENT Muesie 9 room heiaie la exceTletit coDOttion. 9&t Tamarack SL, 4e.9ft. t- Larce 8 room flat (59 Ferry St. water and cartage service furnished. rtl-Sft, lower ftat same aulMmg. 30 . BECKE A WADSWORTH .199 K. High St 3-ROOat FURN. house, basement laundry trays, garage. Call lilt Cen ter street ON SHURMAN Road, cozy subur ban cottage, suitable for two. Garage, basement, turnac. fireplace. Modern plumbing, good water. Electric pres sure system. $29. TeL 5067. , - R. HOUBE. FURNISHED, base ment Berger furnace garage, 930.00 per mo. ; - r. H. .WEIR, ' Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411. --T rii-11 . 8 R. HOUSE. TRIPLE nnt, Sio 1049 a Liberty. Phene 6514. .7 "sSaasjsa RENT OR sale. 8 R. mod. turn. house, -935 mo, 1903 N. Fifth, Phone 6092. ..... . ,- . ; JiODERN HOUSE for sale or rent on North 23rd. Inquire 2579 -Maple. . - - - -, lf- 1 ruinnn ir. MOD. FURN. hse. Excellent cond. Close tn. Owner 435 No. Winter." MODERN HOUSE, 889 S, 12th St S R. HOUSE, 269 N. ISth. FURN. HSE, 1 N; CapitoL $55.00. l-rro. apt, close in, 930.00. ; RICH L. REIMANN. 167 & High St - S ROOM FURNISHED house, 920.00. . 7 room unfurnished. 927-50.; . M. B. STEGNER. 180 N. Commercial -FOR RENT nifor (Ale, rm. house close In. $:0. Ph. S965 or 8118. I ROOM HOUSE, 1599 8. Comt Fjt Renl IXansrs TOM. KENT, on 3Eiwr -roaaV north. mod. hoase; W. J. TVtckert, XX. X Box a, 4-et. ... . , . RENT SMALL modern S room house South Salem. Reference. Phone 314.. 6 RMv HOUSE. & 32th. haaement. furnace, garage, OTaammtale rent te rigtat aaajr. rference. Call 388 N. Liberty;. - ; . - . . SMALL HOUSE, -electrically:, -equip ped kitclHTO, amfumiahed, 1350- Sugire aw."Ph. 32A sr taQ.at 133 S. Coml MOO. HOME, ' lust finished, turn Market St. to Sunnyview Ave, A dales preferred. F. E. Fuller, K. 7, B. 51. 2 R. FURN. HOUSE, adults. 8840. A R. FURN. HOUSE, neat, close in. Inquire 694 N. High. For Rent OFFICE SPACE. 529 Court. HOal rlAL BKl'9 and wlieel chair 10 rent, H L Sllfl KurnHure C. 16 A 7 MI. 5 . R HOUSEL hot "and cold .water. Elec. Ph. 7480. 16 A. 7 MI.. 5 R. HOUSE.' hot and cold water. Elec. Ph. 7480. 3 RM. FURN. apt. This Is nice. Furnished & unfurnished bouses. H. P. GRANT-C. H. SANDERS 929 Court St. , 6744-8330. For Sale Real Estate NEW 5-ROOM house, Just finished. Full basement, new furnace, wired for electric equipment, piped for gas, beau- uiui DUiit-ins and breaxrast noolc fMU price 92750; $150 down, 925 per mo. - F. H. WEIR, Oi-egon .Bldg. Ph. 9411. LARGE 8-ROOM house, full base ment, Berger furnace, close in. Full price $2500; $2 00 -down, $25 per mo. F. H. WEIR, Oregon Bldg; Ph. 9411. LATE BUILT hse. Nicely furnished. Z barms., $2 1 08. Part cash. Immediate possession. New, ultra modern. 5 rms. ft nk unfln. upstaira East front Splendid location. Near schools. Small dn. DivmL 84700. Fine duplex, mostly furn. with new furniture. Wired for range. 2 full baths. dbL gar. Only 993400 cash. Furnished apt hse. Cook and- heat with gas. 4 apts., 2 full baths. Excel lent Income. 93150 If taken at once. Half cash. Consider cheap clear hse. for part WILLAMETTE REAL ES TATE, 381 State, Ph. 7113. 9 800. 3 RMS.. LARGE living rm. A bedrm., hath, lights, garage. Terms. $ 400. Down, home In good condition, 2 large bedrm a, sleeping porch, basement furnace, garage, on bus line. Clow to schools, 92500. $ 500. Down, good home. 6 rms. on - one floor, basement, furnace, lot 66x120, $3100. 94500. 6 rtn. home In excellent condi tiott. Modern in every way, nice lawn & shrubbery. Terms. MELVIN JOHNSON or C. O. RICE 725 Court St Phone 3723. 2 SMALL HOUSES,' corner lot close In. SI900s Very reasonable payment 820 per mo.; now rented for $20, liv ing quarters reserved. Good house, about 2 A. of land, loc In small town, trade for Salem prop. A assume. I n?ed real estate for sale. IL C. Shields, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902. Pattern Toall be asked what you're been doing to make yourself look so Toonf, llm and pretty when you don this dainty Anne Adams afternoon frock! Toall find that never before hare yon looked as charming in any model as yon do in Pattern 4 503, for there's special chic to Its panelled front, engag lngly tacked . waistline, softly draped bodice and flattering V- neckline. . while long or short sleeves are yours for the choosing. Select a soft fabric for this easy- to-make frock lustrous satin, Sheer wool, or color fnl synthetic is ideal and fashion right for every occasion. Pattern 4603 Is available tn women's sizes 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 48 and 48. Size 36 takes I Si yards 39 inch fahrlc. Illustrated step-by-step sewing instructions included. , . ' Sfiid riFTEES CEXT8 (15c) la emas ee aiaatps (caias preferred) for this A an Adams patters. -Write plaialv SIZE. HAMS. ADDBEB8 and BTYLS SCMBER. . . Leo sawrf this winter t 8en4 for tbs latest ASKS ADAMS PATTERS, BOOK, sad plaa a Aaaaiag wardrebe from its simple-te-sew patterns. Ma tronslook slim la flatteries styles I Misses stitch ap seme ef the ehie par ty1 frocks, afternoon ehsrmers, cheery r "st hone" models, sad jaanty sport strrsl Kiddies sad Jsaiera will be de lighted with perky school frocks, tool Fabric - sad accessory tips included. PSICI OF BOOK nFTEKS CESTa. PRICK OP PATTEBK fTFTKMI CENTS. 1BOOK AKD PATTERS Tit TJETHEB TWKfTtf-FiVE CTST&U Send year order to The Oreg ea Suteamaa, Pattern Do parts eat . L oteff Tor Sale Heal Estate T .rriR .sale;: TArcaanf ! r JWKUB MODERN, keanev .f tin Tonditiaw eseeft , alsUi pals. 955 TamararJt nne aairrosaBatrtca. . 8150 aah. - . f - BECKS WADS WORTH. 3 N- High ' FOR AS LITTLE AS . 928 TJOWN YOI ean fcuy a beauti ful ciear ot ta cither Cascade Ter races arlwMigwuuii Hedghts. Gaa. eleeH tricity. water. Ask about our buua- ing credit plan. It, will aava JuU JBMJO-j jr en your nwm. - '..4, - IOiaXJfVSMTTIt -1, ; 118 South High . . Phaee 51 8L BE INDEPENDENT BUY A SOME GQI li. aaUSS: with feasant for 176fl, IH dowv, bat 51-7.& peH montn. S R. modern home for 93150.00 81000 down, near new high echooL 92500 with 300 down lor win traoe for smaller house, large 8 ' R house, basement at furnace on S. Liberty. See Mr. Woods with J AS. D. SEARS. REALTOR " 476 Court St Phone 8466 MOD. HOME, corner location, dou ble gar. Big reduction if sold this week. See it soon. 1190 S. Liberty. 3 RM. 'USE., electricity, welL 1 A. ground, close in. 11400.00, 975.00 down, (13.50 per mo. ' ; RICH L. RE1MANN, 167 S. High St. SMALL HOUSE NOT QUITE COMPLETED ELECTRIC LIGHTS, driven welL V. acre land, close In. Price only 9625, cash 9100. bal. 910 month and e. - CHJUJa A All LLER. , Realtors X44 State St. .Phone 6708 BRAND NEW 6 room home, double garage. Fine location price Just re duced to 9 a0 for quick sale. N. J. LINDURETi 175 S.' High TeL 8890 - NORTH SALEM NEW.S-R. NOOK bath. Plastered. garage built in house. St. paved and paid. Price 91800; $300 down will handle. O. E. LANE 333 State St Ph. 862Z RICHMOND STREET NEW 3-R. ft NOOK & bath. Large garage, price 1400, $200 down will aanoie. raone sszz. C. E. LANE 333 State Street S. 21st STREET 6-ROOM A BATH. Garage, lot 60x100. Price 91350: S550 down. 910 per mo. Includes 6 int St In and paid. .. C. E. LANE 333 State St. Ph. -3 62 2. PAYMENTS LESS THAN RENT 3200 CASH, BALANCE 980 per month, completely furnished 5 room house, has basement, garage, large lot, might take a trailer bouse as part pay ment Price $2000. See ALFRED DUMBECK 147 N. Com'L St FOR RENT OR SALE 1520 S. COMMERCIAL AND 1820 S. High. Each home has a fireplace, hook as well as dining rm.. basement and furnace. Call 7807 day or 8835 eve nings. WALTER 50C01.0 SK X First Nat'L Bank Bldg. ACREAGE 1 A., STREAM, SPRING, some timber, HIGHWAY HOT SPOT - 8750. terms. S A. unimproved, EAST - OF HAYESVILLE, good soil, 9L- - 000. 4 cash, terms. 8 A, 3 rm. dwelling. 1200 ft. i pavement, suitable for GAS STA., $2100, will subdivide. 10 A. unimproved, sowed to clo ver, should net good clover seed crop, $1000, ' terms. HOUSES 9 800. 3 rm. house, bath, shrubbery, built-lns, elec, cash. BEST BUY IN CITY $2000. 4 R. house living A dining rm. comb. EXTRA NICE KIT CHEN, fireplace, fine location. good condition, fruit garage. TAKE A LOOK at this COZY HOME. $2959. 9750 down, MODERN HOME East Salem: Good location. H. P. GRANT-CHA& SANDERS 529 Court St 6744-8330 PRICED TO SELL THIS MODERN 5 room plastered home all nice rooms, all on one floor, cor. lot. paved st. near school, base ment furnace, fireplace, garage. Good location, one block from school, trice 93150 cash if sold right now. Or will rent for 930 per month. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St : Phone (468 LOT BARGAIN THIS FINE lot on paved street, all nice homes nearby. Price $350 cash, clear title. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 . Liberty St. CLOSE IN BARGAIN $3500 BUYS THIS 5 rm. home located on attractive cor. lot on Marion ' St, 4 blks. from etty center. Basement, furnace, garage, etc. Call R. A. Johnson with, W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 & Liberty St Ph. 6468. MODERN S BDRM. home of attract Ive design In excellent location, owner is ill and non-resident says cut price to $3000, on very good terms; here Is a chance to make 9509 to $1000. Shown by appointment Call 3511, DICK DAft NIELLE. 1988 No. CapitoL A REAL BUY at 810 Electric. bdrm. house, bwd. floors, basement ft furnace: dol. garage, terms at vzyw. ROBERT F. BUDROW, Real Estate 13 Ladd Bush Bldg. rn. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION . $3150. 4 ROOM MOD. house, fireplace, hardwood -floors, basement far nace, garage, laundry trays, ex - cellflnt ttmu. 4090. New 8 room mod. house, fire place, hardwood floors, base naent furnace, garage. 4509 down will handle, balance monthly. Phone for appoint- P. H. BELL. 429 Oreg. Bldg. Phone 9131 Exchange Real Estate CITY HOMES FOR ACREAGE 9 RM. MODERN bouse tn business one, apt could be,-added at small ex pense. 93500. Will trade for small farm. - 6 rm, strictly modern borne In one of our choice locations, 94000. Will ex change for suburban: home. View property, 7- rra. house and Urge lot furnace.' $4350. Will trade for suburban home east of Salem. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 477 Court Street For Sal2 Farms WE SPECIALIZE In country prop erty. See ua and save time. Free list r W. V. HOMBSEEKKRS AGENUr East "D St ; Phone S2e FEDERAL " LAND bank farm a Priced right Terms. See W. S Bart lett. Secy. Treaa. 211 Oregon Bldg- pbone 7127. 916 ACRES: 150 A. CULT. BaL tim ber ft pasture. River.- 8 rm., hse., bRrn, chicken hse. Price $30.99 per A. $9000 down. RICH I RETMaNN,-1(7"& High St - LET US SHOW YOU THIS CHOICE 9 ACRES, part finest type beaver dam, splendid for onions, beans, etc Some small timber, excellent springs. Cheap 3 room bouse, poor con dition; Located near Aurora.- - Price 9360 with $209 .down. Trade for bouse In Salem. r SEE Mr. Bartlett with - CHILDS A MILLER, ResRors , 344 State St . Pbone (79. Acreage 29 ACRES LAND bargain, on pave ment new good schools at Brooks worth A2600 to $3000. Owner -weeds money; will now sell for $20994uUf cash. - , DICK DARNTELLE ' 1981 N. Capital SC TeL J51L . Acreage SAFEST INVESTMENT JCND A HOME 2-ACRES. 4cioaa an), 4-R. house, garage, poultry home, electricity. 9500 down. . 4 -acres. 6 S. house, (i R anfiBlsh- ed), poultry bouse, garage, eteexrtdty, 7-miles max. price $1000 9590 down. Most afl in berries, nuts aruit. a sjoea place. - .-.- 10-aenes, S R. iwose. goad barn, P. H, family orchard, electricity, arte 91259 . 4)750 down. 140-aeres, (14 " miles qj). owB roads. 5 R. house, barn, BO A. cult, very good for only A33&0 81&00 down. It pays te see ns befee -yew any. ; J AS. TX SEARS. REALTOR "7 Coart St Plume 9St 15 A. FINE HOWELL Prairie land, . fair bldgs., electric lights, $3100. IS A. on paved road north, 6 rm. plastered house, lights, barn, good soil, close to schooL 81650. MELVIN JOHNSON or C. O. RICE 725 Court St Phone 372 . 1 ACRE, CHICKEN house, garage nouse, S900 30 down. 915 a mo. 5 A. 3 miles east of Salem, 6 room house, barn, chicken house, garage, 9600 down. 115 a mo.. 9200. In Woodburn 4 acres, . house, barn, chicken house. ' $2500 or trade for house in Salem. . A. C, JENSEN 333 State Ph. 8622. LABISH GARDENS : 8-acree. . Will furnish lumber for small hse. Fir tim ber. Electricity. $100.00 down. BaL easy terms. NEW BUNGALOW: 2-bedrms. Ga rage, woodjhed, welt elec. water sys tem, uaraen ground, close in. aioo.uv down; $22.00 per mo. RICH L. REIMANN, 167 S. High St Wanted Real Estate FARM WANTED : CHRYSLER CUSTOM ' Imperial Se dan. only been driven 1709 miles. Lin- coln-Judson Custom 6-pasa. sedan driv en 33,00 miles. 1935 Packard Model 120 5-pass. sedan, driven 31.009 miles. win trsde all or any one on a farm near Salem. JAMES H. MADEN CO. 217 State St Phone" SS90 Business Opportnnitiea ROOMING HOUSE, furniture ft lease. 14 rooms, fine location, always full, for 91230 see my agent J. O. SEARS, 476 Court St FOR SALE SERVICE STATION, lease and stock. SEE Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS ft MILLER Realtors 344 State St Phone 970S. APARTMENT HOUSE SACRIFICE THIS CLOSE in apartment building only 6 blocks out cor. lot has 4 five reotn apartments, basement, good con struction.. Price reduced to 95000 to settle an estate, ft casn, ohl yrs. at 6 int. present mcome (66 per montn, If you want a REAL INVESTMENT here it Is. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 6468 INCOME PROPERTY THIS APARTMENT bldg. has anartments. located on attractive cor. lot all In first class shape, recently roofed and painted, new double gar, on bus line. Income 858 a mo. Price 83700. SOUND INVESTMENT. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Call R. A. Johnson with, W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 1S4 S. Liberty St. Ph. 6468 Money to Loan PERSONAL LOANS BORROW FROM Salem's oldest largest independent company your problems will receive personal consid eratlon before and arter tne loan made. Interest on unpaid balance. No fees ft Quick Courteous Service We Solicit Your Account General Finance Corporation 139 S. Commercial Phone 9168 St. Salem. Or. Lie. No. S-138 What Do YOU Require When You Borrow? Speed? Privacy? Friendliness? Sim plicity? No special security? Complete servicer ALi, fuaks. Then see us TODAY LOANS up to $500 PERSONAL FINANCE CO. OF SALEM (Formerly Beneficial Finance Co.) econd Floor New BDgh' Bldg. Rm. 119 519 State St at High Ptibne .2191 Salem, Oregon License S-123 M-168 FEDERAL HOvTelNQ teams. btrtH refinance homea business prop. Rates A bram a Knx inc. Ms ionic Bldg. MONET TO loan on good real estate CHAS. HUPKlNSi 176 State St Auto Loans u CONTRACTS REFINANCED .MONEY TO buy new or used cars. Private money at very low rates. No red tape; 1 to 20 months to repay, Roy H. Simmons 126 S. Commercial St, Salem.. Or. -Pbone 91(9 , Lie No. M-162. Loans Wanted LOANS WANTJCO en rarsw and city property. R fr borrowing inquire at Hawkins Roberts PUT TOUR 9 9 9 IN A SOUND INVESTMENT . FIRST MORTGAGE on real estate Wo now have a number of mortgages for wale. Amounts from gsse to (5 000 Net you ( -omt ennuailr. SEE US TJHILDa ft MILI.ER. "Mtgn. Loans S44 Slate St . . i Phone (70$ PRIVATE 8 94000 LOAN wanted on dowa town Income property, inter? est paid monthly. Box 536, Statesman. Financial- 4 WE HAVE never paid tea than this rate en savings and Investments; Insured te 95S49. Mutual Federal Savings ft Lean Assa Phone 4944 142 & Llbetry Et For Sale Wood . OLD FIR. 2nd grin. fir. ash. 6379 LARGE SKCOND growth. Ph. I$?F DRY 2ND growth, Fenwlck, 4627, ir OLD FIR, 2nd growth. Ph. (700. GUARANTEED DRY fir. TeL 7160. 4-FT. ASH. $9.28 delivered. Ph. 9701. OAK WOOD. TeL 197F2. DRY 2nd GROWTH fir. Reaa. 3354. GRADED OLD growth red fir, 12 and 16 lrwOak ( ft.. TeL 6(42. GUARANTKICD DrtT VTtmli - COS I ret 9499. Salem ruej Ce Trade and Jottag, v -' - i ' 2ND GWTH., $5.60, oak 97.00, 19 In. Phone 7747. - . -! ALL KINDS of wood, reasonable. Phone . Weatherav 4959, 1121 Cbetne- ketav r:- , .: t.. . - -, DRY SLABV-9 t4 $2548 dv41 eld fir, 19 In,' $5.24; block and planer wood, 96.25; big load 2 ft furnace, $5.99 cd. TeL 1$ Dallas, collect. For Sale Used Cars Four Ball . Values - i 1931 Stadcbaker Sedan KOTOR TN VERT GOOD CONDI TION. CLEAN INSIDE ft OUT, TIRES TX GOOD CON DITTOS. MILKS ft MILES OT TRANSPORTA TION. AT LOW COST 1936 Ford Sedan GUNMETAL FINISH, CAN'T BE TOLD FROM NEW. HAS BUILT-IN RADIO, MOHAIR UPHOLSTERY IN PERFECT. CONDITION. VERY SMOOTH RUNNING MOTOR, SAFE TY GLASS THROUGHOUT SPE CIAL FOR TODAY 5545; 1936 Chevrolet Sedan NEW METALLIC BLUE FINISH. ALL STEEL TURRET TOP. KNEE ACTION. EXCELLENT RUBBER, THIS CAR HAS VERT LOW MILE AGE. BACKED WITH AN O. K. GUARANTEE THAT COUNTS 1927 Pontilac Coach . 1928 Chevrolet Coach $ 25.00 45.00 50.00 95.09 192S Pontlac Sedan 1928 Chevrolet Coupe 1929 Chevrolet Coach 125.00 125.00 135.00 1921 Chevrolet Roadster 1929 Chevrolet Sedan 1939 Ford Sedan 183.00 1931 Ford Conv. Sedan 1933 DeSoto Sedan 225.09 295.00 1933 Plymouth Sedan 865.00 1935 Chevrolet Coupe : 495.00 1939 Ford Tudor Sedan 495.00 1936 Chevrolet Town Sedan De- Luxe ; 695.00 1927 Ford Sedan ; . (45.00 McKay' Chevrolet Co. 323 Center Ph. 2189 439 N. ComT. Open Evenings Closed Sundays $7S to $300 On These Ne 1937 Chrysler and Plymouth Automobiles 2 CHRYSLER IMPERIAL TOUR. SE DANS 1 CHRYSLER ROYAL TOUR. SE DAN 2 PLYMOUTH PICKUPS ALL CHRYSLERS ARE OVER DRIVE EQUIPPED going at tremen dous savings. Hurry! Buy your new car at a used car price while a. they last. ALSO SEE OUR BIG STOCK OF LATE ft VERY LATE USED CARS. OPEN TILL 8:30 P. M. EVENINGS Salem Aoto Co. TWO LOCATIONS SALES and ..SERVICE 435. N. Com'8 Phone 46,73 USED CAR PARK Court ; at . Church Phone 4915 Forced to Sell '36 Terraplane DeLuxe ' Brougham LOTS OF extras: run 8500 miles, lust like new : your old car taken in trade, bal. 823.09 per month. See this tor a real bargain. 739 No. Liberty St, Apt 203. EQUITY IN 1937 Ford V-8 60 coach Inq. all day Sunday, after 5 p. m. week days 490 Fifth St, Independence. 1927-CHEV.- COUPE, good condi tion. Sacrifice at $55.00. Phone 6112 or 6196. FOR SALE CHEAP 193( STUDE COUPE DeLuxe, low mileage, phone 30(6. 1929 FORD 4-DOOR Touring Sedan. motor excellent condition, rubber good. heater. A real snap, 9495.ee. (zee.se dewn, balance terms. .765 Academy St after 6 p. m. '26 PONTIAC SEDAN, good condl Uoa, 660. Sam Benner, West. Stayton. 1937 WILLYS SEDAN, 9 months old looks and Is like new 9496. Must sell at'Ajnce and will take- old car tn trade. Terms. - v STANFORD SPARKS, Rt 3, Box 211, k , Salem TeL S7JI - 19 37 BU1CK SMALL Series 4 -dr. Sedan, dual equipment, electric clock, driven a little over 11,600 miles. Take cheaper car tat -trade. Ph. 9339. SPECIAL 1935 CHEV. SEDAN, very tow mileage, ear good as new. Thm car must be sold, this week. See as about price at onre. . .- BORREGO'S CAR MARKET 525 Marion TeL 4633 34 CHEV. MASTER Sedan, f 350..00, 780 N. Winter. s . For Sale Wood DRY FIR and TeL 2299. FOR WOOD. Ph. 9239, Wyn Dyer, Lost and Found LOST, GREEN suede shoes P. 4321. LOST WED. evening,- near Evan gelical church, lady's brown pun Please notify Mrs. T. R. Warner, Dun dee. Ota. i . -" Practical Demonstration ' Of Long Motor Is .Given . l'eb AN ON The Red Cross first aid lessons under Mrs.. Wi nonft Agee of Albany are drawing to . a close and Tuesday night Clarence Shimanek, a, member of the Lebanon fire department, gave a practleaL demonstration lrt the one of -the lung motor. This rung motor is the property; of the fire department and has been nsed c a number of occasions since Its purehase. . Hollywood Family Album 4J - "c - v . - " J " y - 4 X " : i SW V f T - . . . j V4 ' , - i'XS1 , . t 'vX,JW- r "a I' - "V-'-v:. .s ' I ri.-jv ........... -.v..-:-. s . j. j .-sisjBJmfawMammem--- Lr " (Spencer Tracy) . , : vAs a baby - - - jsV x " v Spencer Tracy has the reputation of being one of the most versatile . and Accomplished actors on the Hollywood scene and is one of the most sought after. He was born in Milwaukee. April 5. 1900, and attended Marquette university. He left college to study dramatics, -went on the atagg. and. won a movie contract for bis work tn "The Last Mile". -His most outstanding pictures have been "San Fran cisco" and "Captains Courageous". Tracy married the former Lout . Tread well and has one child. Mehama's Thanksgiving Is Occasion For Visits of Kinfolk and Friends MEHAMA Than k s g I v ing guests at the Frank Whites were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reid and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Chris McDonald and family, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel McCarley and son Donald Rae and Bob Reid. . Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Monroe, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Monroe, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Phillips and Mrs. Minta Phillips and Mr. and Mrs. Giles Wagner and 'family, all of Me hama. spent Thanksgiving in Dal las with Mr. and Mrs. Abe Mason. Mrs. Moe and daughter Iva en tertained Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kornmann -etrid Ruth Moe of Van couver, Thanksgiving. The Korn manns and Miss Moe are staying here until Sunday, when they will return to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Phllippi and son Bruce spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Philippi's -folks, the Roy King of Union Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Williams of California, moved into the old Boje home below Mehama. They" bought the place and will Improve it and make their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dake and family entertained Mr. and Mrs. Rex Kimsey with- Thanksgiving dinner. Thanksgiving dinner guests at the Boone Poyner home here were Mr. and Mrs. George , Bachhpls and Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Labbe and son Bobby, all of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Burright ftnd family of Salem visited with "Mr. and ' Mrs. . Otis Marks Thursday afternoon. ... i . " Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Business Cards la this directory ma na a moatbly basis only. Rate; f I per line per tnonth. Auto Brakes Mike Panek. 276 South - Commercial Bicycle BICYCLRS. NEW and reenndliloneA Harry W. Scott 147 S. Com'L Ph. it6 Body & Fender Repair FOR BODY ft FENDER Repah-a Auto TrJra. Seat Covera, (uaa replacement Auto Stating BE the Hrrsll Ow ens Co, xU & Com'L St Phone 9199 Brushes FULLER'S, PH. 6724, 1195 Norway. (Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4419. R. E. Northnesa Furn' a cleaned, steel braha used. 8217 Chiropractors DR. O U' SCOTT.' PSC Clilropractor. 259 N- Hlgh. TeL Rea 9782. Excavating EXCAVATlNO . OF all klnda . Base ments dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. Salem Sand and Gravel Co, Phone 9496. , Florists Brelthaupfv 447. .Court FK 9994. Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRT 7 - THE W EIDER LAUNDRY . 2(8 a High - - - i ? TeL f lit v Mattresses SALEM :fLUFF-HUQ , and Mat I rev Faetery- -NEW MATTRKSS made to order, old remade; carpet cleaning, six tog ; fluff rug wearing. & 18th ft Wll bur. TeL 84 4 L OTTO F. ZW1CKKR ESL.I9IL ',-. s:, .......v.. CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Pbooe 49(9 Nnrsea JRegistry UNDERGRAD. .ft PRAC nureea S3 land up per day good ref. TeL 4799. m Mrs.! Jack Fleetwood here were Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Barnes and family, .Miss Barbara Jane Fields. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Metcalfe, all of, Beavertoh, and Harold Peterson of OSC. I " Mr. and Mrs.- Vern Goodell and . family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crook and two sons and Arthur Olson of i Mehama, all : spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs, Adolf Titze of West Stayton. Mr. Titze is a brother of Mrs. Good ell; :- IVIinnesotans to Engage . ' In Tourist Business f t In Silverton District SILVERTOX Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Rhyne, recently f Wheaton, Minn., hare purchased a tract of land near the Silverton airport and will build a series of tourist cabins. !',-' Mrs. Rhyne is a sister of Alex Knctson. - Rev. Carlson to Preside . At Church Meeting Dec. 1 ''- ' easssmmBBaesnoBB HUBBARD A Community church meeting will be held Wed nesday evening, Dec. 1. to receive the report - of the committee ap pointed to rewrite the church constitution. Rev. Frank E. Carl son, superintendent of the Con gretrationel churches of -Oregon will preside at the meeting. Directory Paintmg.Papertiangijig Herbert K. Wood. TeL 8926 or 9997. AIJ30 FURN, reflnlsh. Ret 479. R.CT VARLEY, PHONE 4372, ir-i Photo Engraving At SALEM PHOTO engrarlng, , 147 N. CommerctaL Tel 6397. ' ; Piano Lessons JAZZ CLA8SICAL. $1 fessoa. JP. n7 Printing FOR STATION EH T. cans -psimpMetS. PTUgTama, bortks or any kind of print ing. eaU The Stnteswian .Printing, De triment 318 a CemmereteL - Tele- hone SI9L ' .- . " Radios RADIOS SERVKIE TeL' tilt. 167 a Liberty, Crostey Radio .A Appll ahce Co.. ; ' . , .--.-,.-. FT Stoves REPAIRS FOR ranges, htrs, elrcula tora P. J. Heppner. 292 ChemeAda. Transfer CAPITAL CITT Tansfer co-226 State St TeL 7779. Distributing. . for warding and storage our specialty. Get our,, rates; FOR LOCAL er distant transfer eter sge, burner oIL eaU 6 161. Lcrreer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland daily. REUJNA Sales ft Service, Ph LOCAL, LONG. TeL 2189. Aahcraft. Upholstering FURNt REPAIR. McDowell. TeL 96(3., Vaconm Cleaners REPAIRED, ALL makes. Free est ni borne. Clesners for rent. Balm Hdw. ; AUTHORIZED HOOVER SALES AND service. 'Pbone 27(1 Hogg Bros. 6022. . Rea, Well Drillinj a A. WEST. Rt. . Bx. 445 T.-II9FS Wet Basements GUARANTEED BONE-DRY by the new Seal Seep Service. Applied on in ner surface. Dial 119 126F1S.