The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 28, 1937, Page 17, Image 17

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Tha OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, .November ZS,1 1937
Hard Times Party for Wedding Date Set by ' '
Bonne Chance Club "Miss Wilson
. Completewlti a" "bread-line" ;? Miss Ruth Mary Wilson, daagh
and handout" a party given by ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wilson
Hisi'Inabelle Creech and Mlsa haa chosen December tt ai the
Irma Walker followed the 'hard date for her marriage to Mr.
tlmea idea, with hostesses enter- Wayne ' A. Itobare, son of Mr.
taming the Bonne Cbance cUbat .nil n. L. C. Robare of Sum-
the home of Miss Creech
Miss June Weeks was awarded
the prize for most nnlqoe costume,
and a. clever skit was presented.
Games were in play during the
evening. '
- Guests present included the
mit. The ceremony will be read -
at S o'clock" in the First Evan
gelical church and a reception
at the home of the bride's parents
Will follow, - . wt
Miss Wilson has asked 'Miss
Jewell SUckfedea to be her only
Misses Sylvia Tehle, PhyUis Mil- .t,Bnf,-nt nd Mr. Edwin Slick
ler. Mildred Tehle. Lucille Bush- wm aCt a8 best man for Mr. Ro
nell. Jon Weeks, Lois Savage, bare - -
Helen Miller. Barbara Taylor, "
Irene Welch, Clarice Kolhe. Mur
iel MarUn. Dorothy Rullfson. Ar- Bites Alice Unrah, daughter of
lene MoKitt, Mrs. Ernest - Eld- Mr. and Mrs. uee u unnw, nas
been spending tne Tnanasgmng;
holidays with her parents. She is
a student at Oregon State College
and a pledge of Alpha Chi Ome
ga. Miss Unrub. has had as her
house guest this week. Miss Mar
garet Taw of Corrallis and a sor
ority sister of Miss TJnruh.
ridge. Miss Inabelle Creech
Miss Irma Walker.
The PLEX clnb will meet for
a Christmas party December 7 at
the- home of Mrs. Charles Kinier,
I860 North Summer street.
r.a n il g u n r.a
For Your Xmas Gifts
irr J-Jg
Dress Sale
; Ellen KayeV
Style Studio
Town, and Country
J An Exquisite
is Selection of
; 'Better Dresses .
: Styled
Mugrun being a
new store, yon
can be sure that
these Dresses are
not old and shop-
I -.-.;. 1 1
I-: ' ''.
y . - q
i X - I
V ' . i -
I ism
i "a il 1 il fir
7.' I 7 - V
' - ' - 1 '
- - - - - - J
Benson-Mavs Weddin?:
f Ceremony Today
- A group of. Salemv women mo- Mr." and Mrs. Ray Clark wcro copal parish house. A special pro
tored to McMinnrtlle on Friday to hosU for a .Thanksgiving dinner gram is helng arranged by Carl
attend. the meeting and inspection.. their home Thursday. Guests Rlleyj Guests are asked ta bring
were Mr. and Mrs. E. Clark, their own table service and all
Slembm of the Dakota club
asd Halrdressea
Mrs. Garner's
S82 State - Ph. 7044
of the Woman's Relief Corps.
room of the First Presbyterian Engstrom Mrs. Eva Martin and Miss Mildred CTark, Miss NelUe former Dakotans are Invited.
church, - Miss Frances -Mays, Mrs. Florence Shipp. Department ICnoz, Ronald Clark, Miss Maxine
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. a D. officers are Mrs. Dolly Brown, cinx. and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Mays of Foster will become the president, f Mrs. Emma Kennedy, c ... ... ... e
brido of Gilbert Allen Benson, treasurer. Mrs. Mabel Zed wick. Smith and Keitli SmitQ of Dallas,
son of C. D. Benson. Rev. Grover secretary, i all of Corvallis; Mrs. ,' '- "
C. Birtchet will officiate. Cart Engstrom -chaplain. Mrs.
The .bride will be riven away Cora Robinson of McMinnville in-
by her father, and will wear , a spector, MrsJ Jessie Boise of New- wUl meet for supper Wednesday
gown of. white velvet made with berg, senior aid. Past department night at :80 o'clock" at the Epis-
a snort train, and purf sleeves, officers present were Mrs. Flor
Sho will carry a prayer book with ence Shipp, Mra. Orpha Carlile of
streamers of bouvardia. Hillsboro and Mrs. Eva Martin.
- Her only attendant will be . '
Miss Jennie Roper, who will wear ,
a blue satin floor length 'gown . Mrs. BV M, Dirkhclmer will en
and carry a bouquet of yellow , tertain members of the- Woman's
chrysanthemums. Richard Allen Bible class of the First Methodist
church Friday at 2:30 p. m. As
sisting hostesses will be Mrs. O
W. Emmons. Mrs. J. S. Green
Mrs. Emma Brasher. Mrs. E. E.
Gilbert will lead the devotions.
will attend the
of Chemawa
The room will be decorated
with large bouquets of crysanthe
mumi and tall tapers.
For going away the bride will
wear a black wool tailored suit
with matching accessories and a
white blouse. After a trip to the
beaches the couple . will be at
home In Salem.
Both Miss Mays and Mr. Ben
ion attended Sale-1 high Bcnool.
Mrs. William J. linfoot, super
visor of Marion county relief, will
be the guest speaker at the meet
ing of the Ladies Aid society of
the Leslie Memorial church Wed-
' nesday at 2 p.m. in the church
parlors. Mrs. Linfoot has chosen
for her subject "Highlights of
the Marion County Relief Pro
gram." Mrs. H. C. Leavenworth
will lead the devotional. A ba
zaar will he held during the at
, ternoon.
Made to fit your windows in
our shade factory,' will last
longer and look better.
See our famous Tontine Wash
able and Crackproof Shade be
fore buying.
Rdnhoidt & Lewis
Salem .Venetian Blinds
407 Court St. Phone 4181
Try the
Complete- ' t-
The 6nelle Is not "unfair to la-
c ' , r bor." It coafvnns to standard
Oerred from wages and working conditions or
11 A. M. to 9 P. M. Salem Restaurant association. Our
employes are satisfied they prove
that by fine service to the public.
For Good Food at Right Prices Patronize i
; FRANK CHAT AS, Proprietor
440 State St. 1 Phone 5016
I had to run np an enormous bill In the beauty shop before the wom
an in the next booth finished gossiping.
Well, of course, that's one time when economy would be a distinct
disadvantage. . . Another time Is when buying a "mainstay " day
time dress the kind that vlll see you smartly through sunset
hours. As a case In point, we recommend the wine wool on the left
with its petite pink collar. The toppling hat with Its fringe tail
matches the dress. Nor Is the sable scarf amiss. The black wool-
en suit-dress on the right fills the same function with its black sou
tache embroidery border and the gay simplicity of string ties for
closing. Copyright 1937, Esquire Features, Inc.
In the Valley Social Realm
2 1
s .
mmy m lgr m
ft tt
H -r !
ft -V:
C V ? i i . - iocr mnia eolac
.pair U
jf Calofse fV
r .
t 409-115 Court St.
jnLsf si-si wit,w w5ar w-"e Sf sr 'Js'r
WOODBURN SU Mary's court
No. 593, Women's Order of For
esters, met at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. C. Miller for a short
business meeting after which the
members and husbands enjoyed
cards. Prizes for high score were
won by Mrs. Math Hermle and
Steve Bauman and for low score
by Mrs. La Verne Otjen and
George N. Becker.
Plans were made for a Christ
mas party with the exchange of
gifts which will be held December
28 at the I OOF hall. Mrs. La Verne
Otjen and Mrs. V. W. Tremaine
will be hostesses.
Present were Mr. and Mrs. V.
W. Tremaine, .Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Bauman, Mr. and Mrs. George X.
Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Math
Hermle, Eddie Hermle, Mrs. E. F.
WOODBURN Members of the
Homemakers exchange club
pleasantly surprised Mrs. Jean-
ette Zimmerle, when they gath
ered at her new home on East
Lincoln street for a houseware-
Those present included Mrs.
Maude Hicks, Mrs. Addie Doud,
Mrs. Emma Bid well, Mrs. W. H.
Broyles, Mrs. P. G. Vickers, Mrs.
Alice Guyer, Mrs. Herman Otjen, j
Mrs. Fred S. Hall, Mrs. Ida Parr.
Mrs. Thomas Sims, Mrs. Frank
Wolfe, Mrs. Ines Hendricks, Mrs.
George Beach, Mrs. J. H. Llvesay,
Mrs. Mary Whitman. Mrs. Flor
ence Goulet and the honored
hostess Mrs. Zimmerle. Refresh-
nerm, r-uu ments were served by the sisters
Wholheter Mr. and Mrs. La Verne ,nd Q Mrs. Zim-
From flimsy1 little
panties to glamor
ous house coats
you'll find our holi
day lingerie collec
tion a gorgeous ar
ray of Jhe season's
loveliest styles.
You'll want to buy
for yowrself and for
the particular peo
ple on yonr Christ
mas gift list.
$1.95 to $12.95
$1.95 to
$1.2 5 t o
Pan tie Sets.
$1.00 to
W Bay and High
- 'V"''ir''',',im,,,4" ;
osieiv Kolois H
...see them change color
be i 'ore your very eyes I S
dayHght " and
Look t
thor'rs amort ilmliw kairy colon; -2
ml Am r mxir tmiif a4aftrie. 3
light and they're a waxm. rich, glow- iff
an .- aiwly
Dl llOr akadal . . . Cmm in and i
a thaso new dowbla -dhrty W Amm oant ft
calao. in show dufloa Gouaaa
JLef MUgrhn He U
Your Hosier U
w mm
Salem Owned vCi
Otjen. Clyde Bauman and Mr. and
Mrs. Miller. Refreshments were
served by the hostess.
V VICTOR POINT Thanksgiving
' ' day guests at the - M. E. Moser
tLX,L.xH. aara. u. a. lunmen Km, innAii Mr nA n V. f
entertained at a Thanksgiving r..rianrtii .nir uru. ie.m tita
dinner, ner parents Mr. ana mrs. ger
j. fumam, ner awrer rara. Mp M viovil Vnr
Demma Bunnell, her brother, O. at a po8t hoiiday dllTOer Frl-
B. Putpam and family. Miss H. ,h. Tha t,hla
Threst Varney of San Joaquin w,th coIlectIon of ornameBtal
vauey. uaiu., wno is enuiaK dg Burroanded by cone tur.
Oregon State college and Stanley . ,,artlr nrm'
.CaiCOtUO, Ul AUIl, Ul., n rnnN warn rylanai fnr Mr an1 !
7 "r::r "k"mV Mrs. J. C. Krenz. Laurel and Rich-
" :.Vur:-1 '7xrZ::'"Zn ard Kreni. Floyd Fox, Jr., and the
.u. f hosts.
"l luc Patricia Ann and Phillip Alex
ander of Albany, were holiday
SHELBURN Mrs. Ivan Leffler weekend guests at the Phillip Fis-
will entertain her bridge club in cher home,
her newly acquired home on Fri
day, December 2.
Monday, November 29
Ladies club of Maccabee No.
122 meet with Mrs.M. J. Stew
ard, 572 N. 17th for all day
Y sewing meeting, no-host lunch
eon served at noon. .
Oregon State- Nurses, associa
tion, at Salem General hospital
nurses' home, 8 p.m. ,
Auxiliary of Townsend club
No. 12 meet with Mrs. Mary
Wlrtz. 485 South 22nd street,
2 p.m. '
Royal Neighbors card party
and dance. Fraternal temple 9
p.m.', public Invited.
- - ... ,.v
Tuesday, November SO
East division. Ladies Aid of
First Presbyterian church, with
Mrs. John S. Harper, 2:30 p. m.
tnin 'qffli s,-umoA utssfw
Mrs. Eva Strausbaugh, Ever
green avenue, no-host luncheon.
- Sewing club of the Woman's
auxiliary of the Disabled Am
erican Veterans of World War
ali day meeting with Mrs.
George Lewis, 1180 North Win
ter street, no-host luncheon at
1 p.m. - .
Sons of Union Veterans, of
Civil; War and auxiliary meet
with Mr. and Mrs. F. L. War
ren. 920 North 19th street, no
host dinner at 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, December 1 :
Dakota club meet for supper,
6:30 p.nw . Episcopal, Parish
' house. ' ' . :
South Division of First Pres
byterian church, with Mrs. Wal
ter B. Robinson,' 1259 South
Liberty, 2 p.m. Bazaar, i
Ladies Aid of Leslie Mem
orial church meet in church par- ,
lors, 2 p.m., bazaar. " :
, Missionary and Lrdies Aid
societies of Knight Memorial
i church meet with Mrs. J. J.
: Tallman, 2320 State street. H- ;
Women's Home Missionary
society of the First Methodist
church, carrier room, 2:15 P-m.
'Tnnrsday, December' 2 4
; XT. S. Grant Circle,: Noi t,4
Ladies of Grand Army of Re
public b n s 1 n a a. a meeting at
. nrmory, I p.m. . .. - .
KCKT club with Mrs. Roy '
Wassam, '1945 Nortn' CapiUl,
1 p.m. . (
mday, December S
Woman's bible class ar First
Methodist church with Mrs. H.
. ML TJirkheimer, If 5 South 15th
street, '2:10 p.m. -
STAYTON Mrs. Edgar Ham
lin entertained the Methodist
Ladies Aid at her home recently.
An all day sewing with pot luck
luncheon at noon was enjoyed.
Work was done on articles for the
bazaar, to be held in December.
Those present were Mrs. H. J.
Rowe, Mrs. Susan Gunsaules, !
Mrs. A. Bell. Mrs. C. Stayton, Mrs.
H. W. George, MrsI Charles Sto-
well, Mrs. A. Palmateer, Mrs.
Baker of West Stayton. Mrs. Lloyd
Hamlin, Mrs. F. F. Foster, Mrs.
Don Huckabee, Mrs. Ross Hughes, j
Mrs. E. L. Church and Mrs. Ed
gar Hamlin.
WOODBURN Mr. and Mrs.
William Ellis were given a sur
prise party at their home on
North First street Sunday even
ing by a group of relatives and
Present- were Mr. and Mrs. O-
L. Bartholomew. Mr. and Mrs.
George Hutte and family. Mr.
and Mrs.-H. W. Hein and daugh- j
ter, Evelyn Holgren, Audrey
Stone and James Primmer, all of
Portland. Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Parker and family of Salem. M.
C. Conklin of Salt Lake City and
Woodrow Conklin of 'Blackfoot,
Idaho. '
WOODBURN Thanksgiving
dinner guests at the Frank Covey
home were Mr. and Mrs. R. H.
Scott, sons Drexel and Hollis,
daughter Carol of Hillsboro; Mr.
and Mrs. Walter C. Clans and
son Richard Lee,! of Silvertod. J.
W. Covey. Mrs. Jennie Psrker
and son Ivan of Woodburn.
Members of the Town and Gown
club met informally at Lausanne
hall Tuesday afternoon and had
the pleasure of hearing Dr. Win
ifred Harley of Oregon State eol-J
lege who spoke on "Coronation
Commentary." Dr. Harley has re
cently returned from a atay in
England. Miss Helen Dean gave
several Vocal solos accompanied
by .Miss Mary Jeannette Sargent.
Hostesses for the affair were Mrs.
' J. A Mills, Mrs. Morton E. Peck,
Mrs. Charles V. Galloway. Mrs.,
L. O. Clement and Mrs. F. C De- j
Long. . .
Mrs. Walter B. Robinson wlH
entertain . members of the South,
Division of Ike First Presyterian :
Church Wednesday afternoon at
her home at 2 'dock. Mrs. L. I.
Laws till be an assisting nonteaa.
Members are- asked" to brtsg
aomatblac Jot the; basket. , ;
Easy Payments Can Be Arranged,
Ask About Credit
Silverware - Toilet Sets J
Vanity Cases
Santa Says
M snnfT
si-.- . m
She'll Love a Birtlislone
Riag from $350 and up
, in Natural Solid Gold
Carved Cameo Man's Ring
$7.50 and up
ds thi
"From time immemorial, jewelry has been the ; preferred gift! But today, ; unlike
centuries ago, EVERYONE can afford to give the finest gift of all! For gifts that
combine quality, smartness and intrinsic worth, be sure to see the display at
1 7 V
What's New ??
" Curve-fit .Ensembles
A perfect fit Wedding
Rinp; curved atound
Mountinsr assuring Com
fort, Grace, Style and
Beauty! Price i r a n g e
from . $25.00-$37.50 and
up. In natural, -white gold
and platinum, v - -
gold f!
'- . STAR
Outstanding in styliA,
smart design are these two
new Gruen Watches. The
STAR, named in honor of ,
Sheila Barrett, radio's frcd
'mimic, is an excitingly beau
tifut,; dainty and .lovely
watch that will win your
instant approval.
i .The MASTER, named
in honor of radio's ace
.- announcer,, Graham Mc
Namee, is a rugged, hand-j
some wrist-curved mo&eV
distinctively styled and
dependably accurate. ; r
' Stt tk s STAR, tk
MASTER md com pit
. new lint of Gruen Watches
t CUT ttOT SOW .,
Complete ; '
j Line of
Sheaf fer's ;
and .
, .. Desk Sets ;
These GoId Band
Pens Sold !
Exclusively by y-
v. . " Jewelers . u.
Malces an
Ideal Gift
We Also Carry a Complete Line of Hamilton, Elgin and Waltham Watches
s - our -
for- '
Par a smsll'deposit &
Clve a really worthwhile
gift this year, "
-. ' A'
fiartman . Jbros.
'te and Liberty
On the Corner.