r ! i 4 Will Salem Audieiices Hear Two Concerts ':Durinff .Fortnieht- By MAXINE BUREN ' - " . . ....J eon will be served at noon. The business meeting of the aid -will , Mrs. A..B. Evans and her group follow at 1 o'clock. The ladles will be In charge of the program will sew for the Christmas bazaar of the Women's Home Missionary which will be held at the church Society of the .First Methodist early In December, church on Wednesday afternoon. " Mrs. M. C. Findley will lead devo tions, Mrs. Bruce Baxter will re- Mr. and Sirs. Frank Perkett en Tiew the study book, "Rebuilding tertained a group at dinner on Rural America." Special music Thursday night. Guests were Mr. and singing of Christmas carols and Mrs. A. G. Baker of In de will be features of the afternoon, pendence, Mr. and Mrs. Merle During the tea hour Mrs, B. H. Ebbe and Coleen of Sandpoint. White will be in charge, Mrs. Idaho, Mrs. Millie Ebbe of Dallas. Bin. J. J. Tallman will enter- Miss Edith Berry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Iipps hare tain -members of -the Missionary -Mr. and Mrs.-Wilbur- Berry, who as their houseguests over the boll- and Ladies -Aid societies of the is a - Junior at the Traphagen day weekend,-Miss Harriet Scott Knight; Memorial church at her School of Fashion in New York from OSC and Robert Coe, a sen home on State street Wednesday, city has been spending the lor at University of Oregon. Both .The missionary meeting will be at Thanksgiving holidays with. he? students are, from Sacramento, 11 a. m. and a covered dish lunch- parents here In Salem ... ; Calif. , j . . ,- . . . , - ...... . Mrs, Hattle - Given and Harry , Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hndklns Given entertained as their, guests of Portland are the weekend at Thanksgiving dinner Mr, and guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Moore Mrs. Fred F. Prince. this weekend. Musically speaking, Salem is off to a flying start for w- E- Krk and Mrs. L. D. Water. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Perkett, Helen the winter season and audiences thus far have not only been ; large, put nave been generous m tneir praise 01 events l already offered. : ' " ' ! This week marks the first of the series of concerts ' being given by the Salem Philharmonic" orchestra, the group of young musicians who have played in Salem for five seasons. ' ,The concert is of special interest because the group is under the baton of a new director, Edouard Hurlimann, con-, cert master and assistant director of the Portland Symphony orchestra. Mr Hurlimann, who is Swiss, is a graduate of the Prague state conservatory, has studied in Berlin and Cologne ' and has taught violin in Berne, Switzerland, Ellison-White conservatory, Reed college. He will play a violin solo, "Ciaconne" by Vitali, as an added feature on the program. i i Concert goers who attend , the program given by the Salem Philharmonic orchestra do so because they believe iit ' supporting civic enterprises of true worth, and because they i enjoy seeing and hearing the performance of bright young i musicians wifli talent, enthusiasm and sincerity. f - ' Choosing-Program v it is the conductor s most duiicuit task to arrange a program thai will please the taste of all; entertaining yet elevating a group of widely different persons. The musicians must be fired by the selections so their technique and emo tions ar$ at the highest possible point. '"" , ",.. The average audience likes novelties, or at least familiar I numbers, yet the conductor must avoid music too popular, f choosing instead pieces of decidedly worthwhile character. . The Philharmonic orchestra is a civic enterprise, musi-.' cians are talented and enthusiastic, Mr. Hurlhnahn should certainly know how to train his players and .how to select, music that will inspire the musicians and please the audience. The concert will prove one of the best of the season for parents to attend with children. Seeing youngsters of their, own age performing as seasoned musicians will prove a valu able stimulant to lagging interest in daily practiced man will pour. and Frances of Canby. i Another Concert The next musical event to come before Salem audiences will be the appearance of the Kyrl orchestra on December 10 at Leslie auditorium. Certainly wide diversity of musical fare will be offered when concert goers hear not only the featured ,50-piece orchestra, but the soprano voice of Mary McCormic, "who is soloist with the orchestra. Other soloists are being featured during the program; Director Bohumir Kyrl is known as one of the world's great est cornetists and has among his musicians a harp soloist and a violin soloist.' ' ' .. .-" " . Adding even more interest to . the planned .program will be. the number "Inflammatus" from Rossini's "Stabat Mater" in which Miss McCormic will sing the soprano obligate and .the 'Willamette Philharmonic choir of a hundred voices will sing the chorus. '"v "C":':- " . " v. ' ' . ' - The concert is under the sponsorship of the Willamette Salem. (Courtesy News-Telegram) school of,music and. proceeds are to go toward a fund to .. . . send the Willamette Songmen to the San Francisco exposition. ' V l mi f ?, A V A ii ? , ' . 01 It 1 i. ' I ri . . ' .1 I . , y . f I1 I I ' - ' ' . ..' ' A I tt i ' v. if. .ry. v fcdk-Wan. nA-.it,i..:-iM.M ,.. Jig . T "'iMIliii It. t ,, 1 4 ' ill lv I V- M 5 ,-' ' J t ?fi ...MJL5L . Mrs. James Hurd.who was Miss Ada Mae Smith before her mar riage at the First Evangelical church on November 12. Mrs. Hurd is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Smith of Salem. (Photo by Jes-; ten-Miller). Mrs. Edward Roth, the former Miss Ellen Hemenway of Portland who was married at a home ceremony in Portland on November 14. Mr. and Mrs. Roth will make their home in Salem. (Photo by Bruno, Portland!. . . - . . I Miss Florence Power Is F arried at Impressive Home Ceremony ieen and Heard By JERYME UPSTON PILGRIM FIGURES very clev erly painted were arranged about . Mm. William Thalia flnaslfn fha fnrma T?ntti Caldwell fT Vftri. land, whose marriage was an event of November 14 at Westminster the hall for the Junior Woman s . oreeon - Washfneton t v -i. w i ti j u. clnh semi-formal dance Thanks- lena ln uregon vvasuiagioa -rcBujricriau vuurcu iu ruruana. lar, tuu iari, VjUBbiiu win iniue " 7 r T i This was the first big dance of send the Willamette Songmen to the San Francisco exposition. TT 1Y 1 ;r Tpv Cameron Marshall directs both the Philharmonic, choir sand 'J UlllOr lllD -jrlV.CS JLJfllllCG the Songmen. t a i Davidsons1 Enjoy Family Veterans Auxiliary Reunion Dinner Officer Coming Thanksgiving day: was a Joyous .The national president of the reunion In theW.' T. Davidson Veterans of Foreign Wars aux home when friends and relatives iliary, Mrs. Flora Shertle, will be a from a distance dropped in unex- visitor in Corvallis on Tuesday, pectedlv to visit, Besides the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Davidson, there were has been planned Thanksgiving Night At Hazel Green game .... In the group were Mr. and Mrs. Loring Schmidt. Dr. the year for younger crowd .... and Mrs Harold oiinger, Mr. and a lime vi inucu iciuiuibciuk ... . some home from college, others Mrs Chandler Brown, Carl Ga here for the holiday .... Lois Werner ?rown' Aral; Riggs, the club prexy, was look ing very attractive in green vel vet with matching Juliet cap A beautiful early winter wedding was solemnized yester day afternoon at 4 o'clock when Miss Florence Power, daugh ter of Mrs. Frank W. Power, became the bride of George Scales, son of Mrs. George E. Scales of Portland. The vows A gala time last weekend were exchanged at the home of the bride's brother and sister- for a group of Salem sports fanis iniaw, Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Power on Center street. Dr. who went north to Seattle to at- Grover C. Birtchet -read the Jm- ? ; presslve service in the presence of the members of the two families. Reception Follows Just before the bridal party eu- , v, t . tered. Mrs. Bruce Spaulding sang ed the wedding with members of "I Love You Truly" and "All For tne bridal Iarty receiving infor You." Mrs. Richard Kriesel play-pally; T serving table was set ed the accomDanimenta and the ln a11 white; and crystal with a dine Ferguson and the Robert wedding march. The service was centerpiece of bouvardia In a ery Bishops of Portland joined them read in front of the fireplace tal. bowl flanked with white Upers Following the game ttiey which was banked with tall has 1U crysiai noiaers. Several Dallas neople were over 'went to tbe Olympic hotel for kets of chrysanthemums and pom- Mrs. D. A. Hodge and Mrs. E. T. 6 .... poms in tne autumn colors liana- raiiic piesiueu ai ino urua mm Schmidt looked very smart ln a ed wjtn white cathedral tapers in Mrs. Clarence S. Emmons cut tbe three piece navy blue wool suit candelabra. bride's cake.; Mrs. Kenneth Potts with cape and navy hat with du- . . . . t was in charg of the dining room. bonnet bow and one of the new V. AsRistine- in th Kprvine wpr Mrs. long veils . . . . Geraldine who at- a"n o row Bve Gemmell. Mrs. Glen Led- away iu zuarriase, wa a yictuiv . AA - , - for the dance . . ; Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Adams, Ruth in black with white top and Mr. and Mrs. Ray McKey, the latter is presi dent of the Dallas Junior club It was nice to see Eli?a- iu teen planned it the Hotel hostess Thanksgiving night at Hazel Green. This was the tinotiTe m n Mici crepe em- F?"" ??" J? t. '? lj,ci id Eia wmtei uk. Rovena e,-. ir. ana wrs. uariusuu, iucio wcio uhs ueea piauuea i me nuiei o a o , . , r... . 7. . llucl"B 411 Bil ticyc cm- .nnd innvin. nm .r.nt .u square neck, tignt Doaice ana " . - present: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lem- Benson in Corvallis on Tuesday at first dance of the season for the group which Will be followed bellished with a silver metallic. 1 T,K1Dg .c??r5, r i v!. " tuoted Plhow leneth sleeves" The greeted the guests at the door - - - ... - - . . - - . . - w . I W 1LI1 III (1 W 11 MI'I mMOnHH M II II IICIlfH - . on, Mr. ana Mrs. uerDeri uateB, iz:30 ana tnose wismng reserva-hv the Valentine and snnnor dances. Hours for danemtr were asn .... Home rrom tne uni- . . Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dyer, Ross tions should call Mrs. Olson at in f 1 nVlnrk and Jnhnnv RtAlnaker'q nrrriejtr frnm Tersity of Washington was Mar- and Velma,' Mr. a n d Mrs. Abel 5676 or Mrs. E. L. McElvain at from 10 tO 1 OCiOCK and Jonimy fatamaKer 3 orcnestra irom gar?t Savag6 wearIng biacl net FEST1 Doughty, David Bartlett, Mr. and 8452 Mrs. Ernast Smith and Darlene; t closed meetlne has been nlan FESTIVE OCCASION for mem- corded skirt was very full border- For her daughters wedding ed with old rose velvet and velvet Mrs. Power wore a model of black bows trimmed the bodice! She car- lace and corsage of gardenias. Patrons and patronesses were j wllam Jl f Ralph NobJgrenf Ro cod8 Looking very chic weretwo bers of the Subscrtlon club who ried a colonU1 boujt of violetg Mrg. Scales wore a gown ot blue ic t n vr.-Mr, XT, ,"-. "v- "bm, x vK6 wu. . .. . . -----f -- - -z - - roge nd bouvardia Mr. and Mrs. Rov Bates. Harold. i. .i.- 1X11 - " , . . bert Needham. Edward Stadter. Pierce In green and Ann Van me season aaiuraay mgm in me r.inn. r.ra nd i.anette from " a Mrs. isari uooiey ana r. ana lr.. Wheeler Entrlish. Thome Ham- Scov in dubonnet. the latter es- Mirror room of the Marion hotel ' - "U ctwi aim wuuieu n flllfton Hldd. MISS UOiene . . ' . - .. . . . , Tne uanes; r. ana Mrs. w. . planning to attend. Patterson and Monte, who came . from Milton-Free water on a sur- " uriaA visit to th hostess, rrand- Mr. and Mrs. Xr "Pitt Tiav mother and great-grandmother of their house guests, Miss Lucy 1BS piene if'". v. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Adams of Mrs. Patterson and daughter. Staples of Clatskanie and Mr. BigS", Miss Ruth Thomas, Miss Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. Ray H. Laf- Tnere were rour generations rang- ana Mrs. waiao rerry, jr., or T " it, 7: ' ky, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Helse. Mr, and gardenias. Mrs. Kenneth Power was the The couple lert for a wedding Turlrevn rA 1nre and thsTn honor attendant and wore Pale trip and lor traveling the bride Mennis was general chairman of! Tt0mpon, Wayne Dugh- and Mrs. Lynn Heise (Consiance about the room and a grand or- green frock of org. made wth chose . .tailored j pom-pom sUko, the affair. , . , T.lovd pihi r.iMn i Krebs were with the Mr. and chestra from Corvallis played for low neck extending into a stand- kiltie green f w I t h black acces- junong mose auenamg we . Jack Price - - r J - " . . " . .. , .... w j io Colo, ill Mrs. Fred Wolfes and Mr. and aancmg .... some very swanay up conar, mon'i.w m iuu ' 7";" ffc ',; Mrs. Lawrence Andersons. . . . gowns were noticed among the skirt. The dress was embroidered return to Salem to make their Connie was smart In black net dancers .... Mrs. Donald Mc- in a darker green. She carried an home and will reside at the Fisher with white daisies at the neck- Cargar who Is enjoying her first old fashioned bouquet. apartments. . .n-f, i Pnrtiar, anA iao .o Miss Bernice Evertv. Miss Betty line. . . Jessie wearing a fetch- winter in the capital was dis- Mls Marilvn Power, niece of Both Mr. and Mrs. Scales are lt j A A iV JUI .1 . iatfiAl 4nfAWM.11- a V TTvOTlV. Mlflft RfAPA Kllzahetll HOI- - t 1T1 r i -tainea miormaiiy ior tne visitors. 7,ur. vi.. &nd Mrs. Fred Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Don- man, Miss Ruth Oveross, Miss , n. rwt Mr m' w tt The afternoon and evening were ld Downing, Dr. and Mrs. How- Dorothy Butte, Miss Dorothy Klb- prtneehouse Jr Mr and Mrs Jo- music, ard Barlow. Mr. and Mrs. Heber M, miss sninee Maam, wis- Q Younir. Mr. and Mrs. Ken sitting down to the traditional tained Informally for the visitors, Thanksgiving dinner. Mrs. James Young who has recently return- slnelnr and ames. ' Princehouse sr.. Mr. and Mrs. He- Charlotte MeClary, Miss Evelyn rlnl TJa JV.,!, Sally wearing a lovely orchid taf- very plain ber Princehouse ir.. Miss Eliza- Akers. Miss Ida Jo Eaton. Miss feta betn Beer. Ml Jnll On.. Dorothr McDonald. Miss Betty "u V.eor.KeJfCJIBP.n' Mrs. M. E. Ransdell entertain. Henry Query. Mrs. Harrv Fred- Abrams. Miss Nadine Linn, Miss J :nT ..XT .... Students home for the hoi- marking what a perfectly grand ed on Friday night for a group ricks of McMinnville, Edward Marjorie Swafford, Doris How- tY; "ug M-ZZ irnAi. lday and weekend. witn many of Mme Ta lntJlre? a.r of the younger set The affair was Hawkins and Mr. and Mrs. Le ard. Miss Echo Teater, Miss Helen ' 21 "?Mb1?p"?W tbem bringing guests No says there Is nothing like-the In the form of a Big- Apple party. Roy Robinson. : . Moffitt, Miss Stella Mitchell, Miss JK p?in? SI' TnA t BOoner home tBan out to a Jance- 80uthern hospitality .... She Present were Margaret Kasberg, Edna McCrow, Miss Margaret T I 1 Mrs H- Garnjobst down town was-wearing a becoming blue Violet Nelson.. MarruerUe Leh- Put mMon. f th. trAm.n. irano.. ui T.ot Tmr,ln. M! "c&y " DaUM Mr- and Mrs-. shonDine with Ruth Jean who Is model etriped with gold .... A man. Patsv Ransdell. Don Wallnr p'nf sn th. ..., i c t'...... ut.. tu nn.r. Joseph Felton, Mr. and Mrs. John home from Mills . . . also shoo- number of former Salej lng gown of gold brocaded satin tinctive ln a gown of dubonnet tb ' bride was flower girl and well known jjn Salem. She is a .. -i r nnn.i j t '. . j. j n'in.sti. tnA..u. . . . . uiimpsed . . . tne ueorge t .... mn. wore a pale green organza maae siuuw m uui.cnn Jacksons (Sally Dorner) who "wife of Representative Jones, peasant style with short waist and and a member of Beta Chi soror- were married m September .... ' i"iy paiaiey jnui uiaue tr, Kathered skirt with aara uy, ineia Aipna rai uu n iaA trim at thft neckline. Sigma Phi. Mr. Scales also attena- She also carried an old fashioned ed Willamette and was popular in NOTES FROM A BUST WEEK e from an eastern trip was re- nftS.ftV - athletics. He is a member of Alpha Eugene Scales or Portland serv- -si iiii iiruuj uu ed as his brother's best man. connected with Paulus Bros. I Salem people man. Patsv Ransdell. Don Waller. Pnf m th. ot.i m.. wio- th nnr. Josepa reuon, ir. ana jars, jonn home from Mills Bob Cutler. Vernon Wadsworth. nhriatniAH nnrtv nn n.in) u m.; t. mi.. M.Ft FlcUl11' Mr- and Mr8- Maurice nine was Bobbie Shinn. nopular were glimpsed ... Mrs. Palmer ' " , --j w Aiwvusksx, . iuiso Jjuvj uhawivoi O TTamAa. If. j W r vtai - - .. mm Ti-mi. a w . . ... - i im nri r. n nil mi rx mi n i-U'rinn mi Tommy . Williams and Litwiller of Portland. Merwin at . the home of Mrs. Florence Savage, M 1 s s Dorothy Blaisdell, OTV ra. iu. wion Theta at Oregon State looking Macdonaid was stunning In white Shipp at 630 Saginaw street. Miss Shirley Evenson, Miss Ber- xt .7i fe" nIC m a11 Iaclt MrB- Arcn ?aun v. .TllB e wa" nio fiaa M i Marlorie Blades wa- jermaa Dusuy uiaing wuaa to " wunc, tuui wuu sum . . . . Miss BaVbara Kurti Miss Edlth Ten-Mr-and Mrs. Doyle Rigg and see her friends this week, home both are now living in Portland Mr" and Mrs. IraJ. Fitts. from st. Hen's Hall . . .'. Here but come to Salem now and then sen. Miss ; Jewell Minier, Miss :; . a - ..i .. rf . . ... e" ;s l her, Miss Doris DuVall, Miss Jane ' L.ausanne llall Maids to -ivy v v . A : .... ' i -v. . I . V ' ! V i "". ' v ' . '. ' ' '' ' I. . -1 ; " . i ' I """ ' , , : 3 . n - n ii .....n,,. , , , , I -.i,.,,,..,,,,. ,n n ..,, Cattrali; Miss Ruth Geer, Miss tv. TIn(.tetlctia n,nM Marcelle DeMytt, Miss Josephine De "OSteSSeS lor Uance Barr, Miss Ruth Skinner, Miss Clever Invitations have been 811(3 ,n Jnne on Thanksgiving, day were Mr. for bridge parties- and luncheons and Mrs. Edward Franta (Ruth ... . Mrs. Howard Gattie of Port Chapman) of St. Helens to at- land, the weekend guest of the tend the wedding of Rachel Pern- William Lytles wore black crepe berton and Chauncey Gettman . . . with gardenias in her hair .. . . Rachel was one of Ruth's attend- Mrs. Lytle wore j a very smart Mrs., Brpce model of American Beauty satin 1... V.. !i.n MIh Ruth Tmll vierer lUTUauonj naV 1 P...1.V,. MiaV Pdith Ninnedon "tended to a number of the Wil- Baxter smartly clad in all black .... Mrs.. Breyman Boise was M0prhar PiArrA Mia- Marine temette oniTersity set by the sauntering up State street with attractive in black lace and was Sarfi Ml-THeSn rSaSnan ma!ds ot Lausanne Halllor an her "Scottie" ..... Mrs. F, W.-a hostess with Mrs. Charles Rob- mim . JerraV-UMton: Mrs Ruth InforiaI T"ty to be given in the Poorman accompanied by her ertson for a buffet supper be- fipM Mimn.iirt M! Mel Rp11 old high schoor gymnasium Sat- young son Billy, shopping for a .fore the dance . . . Mrs. Taylor ritrtflwl.drir urday December 4. gift for Bill's cousin, Margaret Hawkins in a cerise chiffon with mi . t.S-u''" Tne Indian motif wni be car- Poorman. who was married sequin Jacket was chatting with miii u .. viiif.v-w.f-'ried;on"!,l'tlie decorations and Thursday . . . Billy very much the Dan.Frys . . ; . Noticed Mrs." Miller, Miss .vlrstala PfnMi" the idea for the party. An Indian interested in selectinj; the gift Paul Hendricks in brown net' Caroline Hpnumtr Mis jrene orchegtra rom Chemawa will . Mrs. George White and Ler with Mrs., P. D. Qulsenberry in a ; Windsor, ""s M on a .Fuscning, py during the evening. Patron-daughter, Mrs. George ..Elmer food looking dinner dress of du-': Miss Gertrnde Mishllo, Miss Jennie and patronesses will be Dr.' and Emigh here for the holidays from bonnet velvet . . . Mrs. Lowell .Lindrosr Miss Betty -Hammondr Mrs;-Bruce R Baiter,c Dr. and Astoria out walking with Dor o- Kern In a bright blue crepe gown Miss Mary Ellen Hammond, Miss Mrs. Ivan Lovell, Dr. and Mrs thy baby, Diane. ' . set off with brilliant clips. , """ VVV -w r rariEiin T&ompson. Miss Lorena ' ' - 1 1 1 1 Woman's Club Hears ISfayor Kuhn Ident of the club presided at the business ; meeting fihlch preceed ed the program. Mrs. Clifton Mudd and Mrs.5 Mark McCallister 1 Mayor V, EJ Kuhn was the directed :the community' singing, -guest speaker at the meeting of i?5?fe leA 1 the Salem Woman's club held to f,,V 'w.,.;r..";5.v n',f !" -t, Mnf.hon. .TMteMiT after. PTid rInt rftad the Collect. Mayor Kuhn was Introduced by Mrs. P. M. LobdeU. : T . Daring the tea hour which . Fisher. Jack. Miss Helen ArtHni- ni.. Doyle Carter, Jack Carlon of Olive M. Dahl. -Portland, Delbert Loure, Oliver T Miss Helene Trulsen Is general Glenn, Floyd Reeds, Bill Marr, chairman of the affair and is be BU1 Folk, Ken . Dahl,. Pat Shea, : tog assisted . by Miss Virginia Don. Snyder, Jim" Earle, Ed Mc- Moore, Miss Beverly Brown, Miss .Wain, Marlon . Ritchie, Glenn C. Janet Hinkley, Miss Mabel , Witt Savage. Bill Moriarty, Lawrence rock and Miss Jean Mitchell Brown, Richard Rentfro. Gordon Special features for the affair the clubhouse .yesterday, after- Skinner, Harvey Hamby, ' Bud will be a prize dance to be Judged noon. His talk on municipal gov Warner, -Robert Wilson, Arthur by the dance committee, the Intro- mment, was one whlcn he , gave -. Dii..1iin CiliiS Va.tA. n..nn 4n.llnn th. nnnl. J at a meeting at the AmArirjn wovuu, ..w.uu . , vi.J v v. vwuuu.r U1I11CO w . m - . . . - - Allen, Fred Reidy, Roger Putnam, craxe,, 'The Big Apple," and a Municipal association in Chicago r'"uaea , , ?lln. M , ' DickiBuschman, John Varley,; program during intermission. recently., 1 fntreS m tSJ,A .f,1 Charles Green; Henry Query, Wil- , " He told of some of the prob- tn rhie Bennett Hill son Siegmund, ' Sam -Harbison,! Ladies' auxiliary. Fraternal Or- lems of municipal officers, stres- . . 0 Don Doerfler, Bob Smith, Kenney der of Eagles, will entertain with sing the difficulties of conflict- . " , . , Beely, William Patterson, Earle V. a card party .Wednesday afternoon lng authority of state and county Mrs. Ernest C Richards re Potter. Burtla Preston. John Diets, at the Fraternal temple. Everyone governments. ; He said one of the turned A FAMILY AFFAIR The principals in the cast of the Snlkpoh Irwin Eahlburg, Otto BaMburg, is cordially invited, to attend. Re cmef aims ox mose planning un- weeks' trip to Iowa where she play "Growing Pains," which will be presented on Saturday, gather John Cattrali, Carlton Roth, Gor- freshmen ts will be served late in proved m u n I e 1 pal government -visited with relatives and friends.' .V. V ..Jll.J.n t.llr wn. 4V .V IIIU B..1I J.. PV1.1J. U n eV.A. T f 4Va TA .nmmlllsa 11 tfl lltYA . lefflftlAtUreS finaCt Cha .1. . (left) as "George" Ulks to VirginU Steed who plays the part or his Hollis, Gilbert Mather, Robert charge - Includes Irene Kleinke. laws by which cities may spend routo stoppings to Los Angeles under the baton of Edouard HurUmann, scheauiea 7'; sister "Terry." Ora Elliott is the mother and Willard Grant the fa- KeudelL Don Coons, Bob Yeager, Anna Wan, and MargnerlU Mae-their own funds. , and Berkeley ylsltlng with night at the high schooL Mr. Hurlimann will play a vioua soio as ther Photo by KennellrEllis), - - -' -------: XUchard Pierce,.. Wia-Jenks,-Otto-Pherson, - ; Miss Eula McCnlly. vke pfts frtends. feature of th concert. - - - I t A 4 y - ' V V : FIRST CONCERT of the Philharmonic orchestra lor the season ! II s 1