The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 28, 1937, Page 11, Image 11

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aMce BooMM at Tlieatreis
JL i J
Th OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning November 2S, 1937
Elsinore Will .
Show 'Firefly
Jeanelte MacDbnaltl Again
Stars in Musical of
Improved Type .'
Each recent year has brought
to the screen a finer type of mu
sical picture and 1937 is no ex
ception, "The Firefly," Metro
Goldw yn-Mayer's impressive adap
tation of Rudolf Friml'a memor
able operetta, wit& Jeanette Mac
Donald in her 17th musical tri
umph, ia Hollywood's new offer
ing: at the Elsinore theatre.
Allan Jones and Warren Wil
liam as the star' leading men
delight the audience.
. "The Firefly" presents a power
ful story of dramatic romance, as
weir as a vehicle for; remarkable
m usic. M-G-M has! gone the, limit
in its settings and in the, artistry
of presentation. V
Hunt Stromberg and Robert Z.
Leonard produced and directed,
respectively. j 5
Lavish scenes in the high
Sierras and others made oq 30
massive sets present the sweep
ing; drama of old Spain in the
period when Napoleon was de
feated by Wellington at Vittoria.
Seen thrilling; musical num
bers, five of them, from the orig
inal Friml operetta, feature the
picture. Two others were written
by Friml especially for the film.
Miss MacDonald f dances beauti
fully and sings "Love Is Like a
Firefly," "He- Who' Loves and
Runs Away" and "When a Maid
Comes Knocking iat Your Heart"
in perfect voice, j? -
Allan Jones sings "A Woman's'
Kiss' and "The Donkey Serenade"
and they sing in jduet, "Giannina
Mia" and "Sympathy" with charm
ing effect,
"Penitentes" Film
At State Theatre
Lashings and Tortures of
Fanatical Cult Said
to Be Authentic
"The Lash of the Penitentes,"
opening today at the State theatre.
is a picture of startling facts. It
is an authentic and amazing story
because it actually transpired, in
fact it is being practiced today
in the United States by a fanati
cal religious cult the "Penitentes."
It is more tragic than a crime
wave. The motion picture por
trays, the tragic-romance of a
strange love, hate, passion, in.
trigue ad cruet punishment of
a beautiful girl, for the sake of
the man she loved, as she -recklessly
ran the gauntlet of shame
tor him.
The spectacle of the lashings
and crucifixions of the "Peni
tentes" are said to Be actual
scenes photographed for the first
time in the history of motion pic
tares. News stories and camera
pictures have been featured in
most of the nation's leading maga
zines and newspapers. Even
March, of Time -featured and dra
matized the murder of Carl Tay
lor, the news reporter, who joined
the cult to learn its secrets and
tell them to the world.'
Due to the heavy bookings on
this picture the length of the Sa
lem engagement is limited and
the management of the State
theatre feels fortunate to get an
early showing of the production.
Selected short" subjects are also
included on the bill.
State Thankful, Holiday
Passes Without Fatality
P O R T L A X D . Nov. 27-tyP)-u
Thankful for Thanksgiving were
motorists and traffic officials to
day. Not a traffic fatality was re
corded here or hi any other sec
tion of the state. -
Continuous Today 2 to 11 P. M.
asnIle on her ureB
aiu hit Jrvth
In for hanJtl The star I .
floriouily re -united! t
- m i
TN MoMit Youag Maaraaa CSalliTaa
FiasJt Menaaa Haaxy Stopkaaaa
: Andy Clyde Comedy
L vT-
Art Certificate
:H " No 37 -
This Certtificate entitles you to one week's Set
of Four Pictures upon payment of only 39c (46c
if by mail);
Be sure to order Set No. 1 If you fcnve that or
aeqnent aeta, order the aest aibere4 Set of Four.
In Amazing Picture
. art
A Rlamorons young Icxk-an star who villtppear In "The Lash of the
Penitentes" opening today at the State theatre, showing through
Allan Jones and Jeanette MacDonald
romance, "The Firefly" featured
Copyright. 19t1. King Temtvrva Syndicate, Ine.
By Clark Kinnaird
NEW YORK In the Kaufman
Hart - Rodgers - Hart aatire, "I'd
Rather Be RightJ George M. Co
han, as "President Roosevelt,"
My messages to congressi
Are a lot of boola-bool'a;
I'm not so fond of Bankhead.
But I'd like to meet Tallulah.
Unfortunately for the produc
er of Miss Bankhead's version of
Shakespeare's "Antony and Cleo
patra," few show-shoppers share
this curiosity. The production
closed after five performances on
Broadway with its backers 112,0
000 and more in the red.
No money was spared upon cos
tumes, settings or cast, and 1t had
the benefit of adaptattih of Prof.
William Strunk, jr., of Cornell,
who master-minded the Shearer
Howard celluloid "Romeo ' and
Juliet," but it remained the same
confused tragedy of politics and
sex that defeated the efforts of
Jane Cowl to revive it a few years
ago. Bernard Shaw, who has unan
imously agreed that he greater
than Shakespeare, can bolster his
case with the evidence that his
drama of the Egyptian queen has
fared rather better on Broadway
than Shakespeare's.
Wants South to Win
With La Bankhead at liberty,
she is again under consideration
for "Gone With the Wind." but
appears more interested in doing
a play in England with her new
husband, John Emery. She is quot
ed as saying, "I don't give a
d who plays the part of Scar
lett just as long as they let the
south win the Civil war."
The Bankhead fiasco washes up
the Shakespearean cycle that has
run through three Broadway sea
sons, except for a novel presenta
tion of "Julius Caesar" concocted
by Orson Welles nd John House
man, two young hopefuls whose
imaginations ran riot at govern
ment expense while the WPA was
saving the country. They now
TTiriTT? rTT!TlTn
1 M'M
i i
co-starred in a stirring dramatic
at the Elsinore theatre today.
ifave another bankroll., provided
by Mrs. Clare Boothe Luce and
others, to play with and "Caesar,"
in modern dress, is their new
medium for leftist propaganda.
Brutus, Cassius, et al., become
heroes disposing of a fascist dic
tator. ,
Dressing the characters in con
temporary costumes and eliminat
ing scenery is not, of course, a
radical departure, but simply a
reversion to original Shakespear
ean staging, and on its merits as
entertainment the Welles-Houseman
production captures and
holds the interest far' more suc
cessfully than the elaborate Bank
headr revival. As propaganda it is
more, effective, it appears to an
innocent bystander In today's so
cial conflict, than "Too Many He
roes," in which one Dore Schary
tries to arouse wrath against
southern lynchlngs. By comparison
with "Rope," the T. S. Stribling
tragedy of several seasons ago,
and the memorable "Fury."
screened by M-G-M with Spencer
Tracy in the lead, "Too Many
Heroes" seems third rate drama
and empty preachment. James
Bell, one of the erstwhile Jeeters
in "Tobacco Road," is the heroic
Mrs. JL Finley Is
Called; Shelburn
SHELBURN Mrs. Jasper Fin
ley, 90, a pioneer mother, died
Thursday evening at her Shel
burn home.
Mrs. Finley is survived by one
son, Gilbert Finley of Stay ton,
and two daughters Mrs. Iva Spear
and Mrs. Ora Trollinger. Mrs.
Finley lived near Cottage Grove
for a number of years but has
resided in this community, since
the death of her husband in
1930. :
Burial will be in Miller ceme
tery beside her husband.
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' v 1 T . Iff
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JyryFs?: r-
feajM aaaai MaHr a
at Mini It.
"Awful Trutli"
Now at Grand
Divorce That Went Wrong
Is Story; Irene Dunne
and C. Grant Stars
Irene Dunne, the Theodorable
screen comedienne, scores might
ily in the "year's choicest comedy
role as Lucy Warriner in Colum
bia' "The Awful Troth," which
opened last week at the Grand
theatre. Irene merely -scratched
the surface of her comedy capa
bilities in "Theodora Goes Wild."
It remained for her hilarious
clowning in "The Awful Truth"
to reveal the treasure-trove of tal
ent in her inimitable personality.
This gay, madcap story of the
Warriners, played by Miss Dunne
as Lucy and Cary Grant as Jerry,
is so uproariously funny it should
make the annual ten best list in
a walk. The fun starts when Jerry
and Lucy decide to separate with
the only bone of contention the
custodw of Mr. Smith, their wjre
hair terrier.
The court allows Mr. Smith to
Lucy but permits Jerry to Visit
the dog. Thus many of the. film's
outstanding comedy scenes arise
out of Jerry's visits to 'Lucy's
apartment while she is entertain
ing impatient suitors.
Le Affaire Warriner takes its
most ludicrous turn, however,
when Jerry announces his engage
ment to a flighty young thing
with a social register background.
Lucy, determined to win Jerry
back at all costs, attends the
sumptuous engagement party,
posing as Jerry's sister, and by ac
tions totally unbecoming a lady,
manages to have herself and her
"brother" thrown out on their col
lective ear. "Colossal" was coined
for just such a scene.
Irene and Cary, teamed for the
first time, are, of course, superb.
Ralph Bellamy gives a deliciously
hill-billy flavor to his Oklahoma
oil tycoon.
The Call Board
"The Lash of the Penitentes"
with actual cult scenes:
Walt Disney in "Woodland
Cafe" and Estelle Taylor
In "Rhythm Round-TJp."
Thursday Edward Everett
Horton in "Wild Money"
and on the stage, acts of
Eastern Greater Vaudeville
Saturday Preview, Anne
Shirley and Phillip Holmes
in "Chatter Box."
Today Irene Dunn-e and
Cary Grant in "The Awful
Wednesday Double bill, the
Martin Johnsons' "Borneo"
and Richard Arlen and Fay
Wray in "Murder in Green
wich Village."
Saturday Double bill, "Lan
cer Spy" with Dolores Del
Rio. and George Sanders
and Smith Ballew in "Roll
Along Cowboy."
Today William Powell and
Louise Rainer in "The Em
peror's Candlesticks."
Wednesday Double bill, "As
Good as Married" with
Doris Nolan and John
Boles and "Meet the Boy
Friend" with David Carlyle
and Carol Hughes. .
Friday Double bill, "Find
the Witness" with Charles
Quigley and Rosalind Keith
. and Johnny Mack Brown In
"Guns in the Dark."
Today Jeannette MacDon
ald and Allan Jones in
"The Firefly."
Thursday Double bill, "Al
catraz Island" with John
Litel and Stewart Erwin in
"Mr. Boggs Steps Out."
Today Double bill. Glenda
Farrell in "The Adventur
ous Blonde" and "Renfrew
of the Mounted."
Wednesday D o u b 1 e bill,
Nino Martini in "Music for
Madame" and Bob Steele in
"Arizona Gunfighter."
Friday Stage, five acts
Coast-to - Coast vaudeville
and Bill Boyd in "The
Texas Trail."
Low Cost Terms
Salem Flying Service
Phone 6501
. -
Academy Award, Winner
v i Vr w
" 'I "it '
y .
:tyy J$
A : r r "I i
s- , " n 4
I f
William Powell and Luisc Rainer
now showing at the Hollywood
Cary Grant acts the perfect gentleman even if the young lady with
him Is his ex-wife, played by Irene Dunn in "The Awful Xrntu
now showing at the Grand theatre.
Luise Rainer and
Powell Featured
At Hollywood in Comedy
Film, "The Emperor's
Proving again the versatility
of William Powell and Luise
Rainer, the new film at the Holly
wood theatre, "The Emperor's
Candlesticks," presents these stars
in roles of arresting interest.
Powell, the hero of ' many a
suave comedy, best known for his
creation of "The Thin Man" series
in the Dashiell Hammett stories,
now becomes a gay continental
spy and gemtlemajuabout-Europe.
Luise Rainer, the Academy award
winner of 1936 for her role as
Anna Held in "The Great Zieg
feld" and more recently hailed for
her characterization of the Chi
nese slave-wife in "The Good
Earth," is a vivacious and exotic
woman of title and intrigue.
Hail 19378 Loveliest
Musical Romance
It took two years to com
plete! a s t of thousands
. .'. mighty scenes of spec
tacular splendor ... clorl-
your heart beat faster! . . .S
Never s show like this on J
age or screen:
Hear their
bar at oat ia
song! "S y m p a.
thy," "Glanniaa
Mta," "Lore Is
Like Firefly,"
"The Donkey's
"When a Iald
Come Knocking
at Tow Heart'
ton i ' jutj r
in "The Emperor's Candlesticks'
The Metro-Goldwyn-Mayor stu
dio has done what could have
been predicted in advance in pro
viding magnificent background fo
a story ot moving action and lav
ish beauty. The scenes move from
Vienna to Warsaw, into Paris,
London and Russia, with the speed
of a transcontinental express.
The story, from the novel by
Baroness Orciy, describes the mad
adventures of two exceedingly at
tractive secret agents, each ot
whom is suspicious of the other.
Danger lies always in their paths
and death Is.never far away, but
love sweeps aside these obstacles
as love has a way of doing, and
they make life very amusing.
Powell and Miss Rainer are.
masters of restraint. The Vien
nese star who has been in America
only two years. Is thoroughly at
home in the continental atmos
phere of the picture, and Powell,
the cosmopolitan always, is de
lightfully nonchalant wherever
destiny takes him. j
The distinguished supporting
cast features Robert Young, Mau
reen O'Sullivan. Frank Morgan
and Henry Stephenson, all of
whom contribute excellent per
formances. Starts
ft t
! with
Billy Gilbert
Domglaa Dvmbrilla
(" PS f
4 : 1
, vTl
Mack's Revue
Is Held Over
Musical Hit ' Program at
State Is Changed --for
Sunday's Showing
Due to numerous requests
and the fact that many local pa
trons were unable to obtain seats,
the management of the State
theatre arranged with Ted Matk
to hold his shage show over.
Mr. Mack assures the iubli
that , he will present an entirely
new revue, new band numbers,
new songs, new costumes: in fart
those who saw his popular per
formance . will hardly recognise
the same company, except that
-Jais new show will have the same
entertaining tempo tbat was ap
plauded so much during the last
three days.
This popular entertainment
will be presented in conjunction
with the feature picture "The
Lash of the Penitentes" a story
based on actual scenes on "the
rult that was responsible for the
death of Carl Taylor, the news
j reporter who was murdered be
cause he dared to tell the world
what he knew of The Penitentes.
i ItSonly happens once in a blue
moon tbat the people of Salem
and surrounding country will
have an opportunity to get such
a big program on any one bill at
no increase In prices.
Torchy Blanc' Is
Capitol's Feature
Clenda Farrell Again
Laugh-Provoking Role;
MacLane Featured
That clever young girl reporter
Torchy Blane now depicted for
the third time by the gay aud
4 laugh-provoking Glenda Farrell
will be seen again today on the
screen of the Capitol theatre in
"Torchy Blane, the Adventurous
Blonde," a Warner Bros, comedy-
drama. '
Likewise will be seen her like
able but not r so - brilliant boy
friend, Detective-Lieutenant Steve
McBride, portrayed by that big
he-man ot the films, Barton Mac
Lane. "Torchy Blane,' the Adventur
ous Blonde", Is described as even
funnier and more exciting than
its two predecessors in the series,
"Smart . Blonde" and "Flyaway
G .
L Mn suo V
Hi E v
u ,,c w .sr""
Baby,'! in which the same pair
of players were the principals,
It is, a tale about how a quar
tet ot 1 male reporters, Irked by
Torebys scoring of so many
"scoops' over them, try to get
, Thej hire an out-of-work actor
to play the part of a corpse and
give Tlorchy .a lot of misinforma
tion about a supposed murder.
She hustles to her paper and
writes' a big story about the
crime, and the framers chuckle
wheii jTorchy's sheet appears on
the street.
But the gag boomerangs on
the boys, because the fake mur
der turns out to be an actual
murdejr. which Torchy and Steve
solver) and the conspirators are
the ones that prove out of luck.
Report of Grand
Jury Is Awaited
Grajnd Jury observers w i I r
watchf with interest for any re-'
ports fthat may be issued by that
body When it reconvenes this week
after ja six-day adjournment. The
jurors; will reassemble at the
courthouse Monday morning.
One or the chief subjects which
the investigating committee Is un
derstood to have been delving
into kallegedly indecent "enter-
tainraiets" is a probable source
of at Mast oile report. Whether or
not indictments will be returned
in ths connection is uncertain.
Th present grand jury. has
been jin service siuce September,
1935, after its membership was
formed from citizens whose names
were Idrawi for Jury duty in July
of that year. It is believed to be
the longest-lived graud Jury in
the c0uni.y's histpry.
Highland School
Tues., Nov. 30
i:00 p. nu
Townsend Club No. 12
Beautiful Young
Girls Sacrificed
To Weird Gods!
Actual Crucifixions -
Wild Rituals hy
Frenzied People ' --
Untold (Suffering -the .
Price Sie Paid for a Few ;
Hours of Tender Love