if II 1 5 I! ! J- OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning. fry : wxxx-xx :-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXVVVVVVV m sum r- BreuaWs PEASANT WEOOINQ A merry painting: that will make a merry Christmas in any home that gets it. Famous work by the lust Flemish, master whose pit, for satire and practical joking won hint the nickname of. Peter the Droll. This is one of the most popular pictures in the series of 48 Famous: Paintiaga. it tf 1 I 1 J r tiff ry-"-i' w. t.vVX 2 M 5 SF" 1 1 v ao v ' -ef$ V-r A-. l-t 9. ... J "i - V .. w 111 P DO I s it i X2 1 Wrrr . rtW LASSOINS HORSES A cay western : watercolor by one of America'! foremost living artists famous for historical morals -whose autobiof - repay has just .been published under the title "An Artist in America". ram you can get -V- j IP a e .vt.a X Vj V 4 -jamoiis ,'' i is fc-V'..? :v'-iv'' i St ft ' , 'V in the much-talked of 'series? of exquisite reproductions prepared for you and your Christmas giving by THE OREGON STATESMAN to collaboration with tbe NATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR RKY APPRECIATION "We want to give Famous Paintings for Christmas", said dozens of our readers. So WeVc pushed ahead the schedule for the final sets of the series, and now you can get all 48 of the Paintings at one time. What a simple and beautiful solution to all your Christmas giving! Frame the pictures for individual gifts. There's one for every age and type and taste. Give the entire set in the handsome portfolio as a de luxe history of art. Give this perfect unusual gift that compliments giver and getter, one that you know has never been given before. Reanbrandf NOBUt SLAV ' One of the most famous por traits by the world' createst portraitist, who originated this style of contrasting-light and shadow. A. striking pic tar that -lends distinction to any room. ' i. Degas TWO DANCERS A claiming pastel in delicate tones of rose and bine by a master ef this medium - who is famous for hi many lovely pictures ' ox oauei giris, . AtlC . Derails BLUE OAK A bold and decorative land scape ia rich blues and reds, by leadinf French experimental painter ef today.. The kind of modern painting yon like to live) with, a smart keynote of color for the decor at a metiers room. 'f f I S' I I I I vrHeWt 1K7 af 1 WHAT YOU GET The NCAA plan offers vou 48 Famous Paintings, beautifully reproduced in' full oriffinal colors, with a color surface of approximately 11 by 14 inches. The pictures were chosen by a committee of distinguished art authorities. The series is divided into twelve groups of four, in a sequence which illustrates the development of art through the five centuries since the Italian Renaissance in the 1500's. See the list to the left. Your favorite pictures are surely there. Not Ordinary Prints Bo not judge the quality of these prints by their low price. These compare in color and paper quality with others which in limited editions sell for many times as much. Only a revolutionary multicolor printing proc ess and a nation-wide program of distribution make this remarkable offer possible. 12 Lessons in Art Appreciation FREE With each week's set of four pictures, you receive free an eight-page lesson ia Art Appreciation, by Dr. Bernard Ifyera of the Fine Arts Department of Un!,V!r?,lt- The?e lessons r onerously Illustrated, and tefl m a simple informal style why these pictures and artists are great. The series in cludes more than 200 black-and-white illustrations. Complete List of the 48 Famous .Paintings 1-Freck Rococo Faint me -13th Century GaoLf 1-hlodnrn American PtSntimg Homer Bahama Tornado afcma , Woman with jSetter Caxaott Mother and Child Benton ... Lassoing- Horse ' Going back to the 16th Century to trace the development of art through five centuries back to American art today. 1-Itolimn Rnuimau- 16th Centttry I Vtaei Mona Lisa Titian . Duke of Ferrara Michelangelo i Creation of Adam ap4aW Madonna Tenii S Renmiuane in S'orthcrn t"roj . , 16th Century Brought! j ; Peasant Wedin" Holbein , Anne of Ctevea Dnrer .. . . View-of Trent M-m i.. Banker and His Wife 4-Bar. Punting Kta Century El Greco . -. View of Toledo Carovaggio h.. ...The Lute Player Lorram .. l The Kord Yelnquei Infanta Margarita Teresa 6-lTth Century FUmisk and Dutch Pointing Vrmeer Your Woman with Water Joe Hale. T... :The Bohemian Girl Kembnndt Z..l rhe Noble Slav ifoe... Fox and Wolf Hnnt 6-13th Century English Painting Turner Grand Canal. Venk r.ainoborongh - Mrs. Elliott RrynolAt . Col. Geonre Conwmaker BomingUu Seacoast Boucher Hme. de Pomnadoue Greuze Broken Kjars Fngonard i. Girl with a Marmot Wattean Le Mexzctti & Classicism and Romanticism Late lfth and Eari.v lath Centuries Dartf Mile. Chariotto du Val D'O.nes Ddarroix Hamlet and Horatio forot A. Wheelwnghfs Yard Millet ....... Autuma 9-ReoJiom and Impressionism Late mh Century CouTbet Itnmmier Monmt , Degas :.l After the Hant ... Third CUua Carriaca ..The Seine aear Arrentenil 1h ... Two Daaeen 10-roaiJinaresstonur-i-lJth Century Oiaii.a .... Vrnn (rogh ... .By the Seashore Tha Blue Varna ..The Draw Bride Gnugnin . 4 Tahitiaa Women . Il-t0th Centurg European Matismm Derain front Mart.. Odaltsque Motherhood The Blue Oak . Blue Horses U-tOlk Century American Currg Wood Cortn no Kent Line Storm Arbor Day --. Flood Detail Winter FREE This beaatifnl COLLECTORS PORTFOLIO was designed as a sift for you Here Is the perfect "package" for your gift of Famous Paintings-one that was designed especially for them. It is hand somely bound in contrasting shades of brown and when you put the Paintings and the Lessons inside yon have a wonder fully impressive volume a really remarkable history of art in pictures. Size 11. by 14ft inches, convenient for a table or bookshelf in any home. Presented free to those who secure the entire set of 48 Famous Paintings. (A charge of 15 cents is made if ordered by mail.) , 1 - ill ft SPECIAL CHRISTMAS GIFT OFFER Please order for me the final two sets of four art reproductions bo that I may obtain the complete series of 48 before Christmas. Name.. Address....-...:-. (This coupon or verbal brder must be received by The Statesman by December 1 in nrrW rwoiro iha 1at two' cota nf r?fti;ir rV iirisimas. I I? r-: .( . -a w da . A Love of Art is a Wonderful Gift ahv time! of the vear' r" -w mmmmmwmn 1 1 ' saaaaassaaaaaaajaasslsaaaaa !