I 1 If i t i it i - I Si i. Christmas Stoppers dumber ' unit 951 4f POUNDED 1651 Gfjrtstmas Mjbpperg timber " Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, November 28, 1937 -a A - Vs.- . jar 4. v - ' -y y-- - o o f It ' - 4 (in.- ill H I When Thanksgiving is past there's always Christmas just beyond. The holiday season begins . . . a season of gaiety and light-hearted spirit ... a season of giving. And it isn't a season of wearisome, hurried and worried shopping for those who get the holiday spirit early.; As far as Salem stores are concerned, the holiday season is already here. Their holiday merchandise is on display, awaiting your leisurely inspection and purchase. The choicest gift items, this year as always, will go to those clever shoppers who make their selections when the displays are best . '. when the holiday' season begins. . , Si t tr 4 n ' vva it-" tf J t ' ---A V 1' vv,. : , :1 w s. i T j" -wh ' - $ f s. --v ''U, I , - v i .v-.-.w.::::- , V - f .r5 X ' f - 1 4 IK '( 1.1 Hsc . t" . '.'.','. ;.-..'. w". ...' '.'X v..:--- - ''Vt-- r sHs 1 I Y - -1 .-..'. .V.'. -i . .-..,'..'.. -.'v.-,v. ... -Mfc-i S "5." fj ML "K - '.,.! : ,'. T. '"'- X - v v w- 4 V '19 - . i 4. -' a. - V