! eU-Buy"-Find What Youi Want Qraickly . in the Classified 4 ; Statesman . Classified Ads ' Call 9101 Single insertion per line 10c rftrt Insertions per Hoe JOe Six Insertions per Una- SOc One mom b per Use , , : f ! AO Minimum charge , " ' j - .. . . .. "Crfpyfey this Piute mptl ttntn 'J the e renin liefore puUllratfon or .rtasa-rTb-athrin. Copy rn4vd fti tins time will be nm wnH -heilfg. I .ale to Clm "If" - ! . - .- ,' Y'- :. .-';'.?":,- - The Statesmen assumes no Dnnn Hsi' responsibility fsr errors which Whiy apiiewr to cdvtrtlnrnrnti pub lished in Its columns, and In cases where thia paper Is at fault will re print that part of an atlvertixemenr a whlrn the typographical mistake occurs. T;'- - The Statesman reserves the rbrbt 0 reject questionable sdverfbilng V It- further reserves the right to place all '"advertising under the arnper - cb self Ira tlwn. ,-. Livestock TOP THICKS paid foi old horses and cowa for fas lord. Tsl KISS FREK-rWK uirs up deed and wurth- lesa horses, rows. . sheep. TeL 4169. col lect. . : , DEAD AND worthless horses, cows picked up free PH. collect 6411 Salem. 14F14 Albany. Montgomery Rend. , Wka, . .. - free: WE worthless botai lect pick up dmd and a, cowa. TeL 7979. col- tlelp Wanted Male EXPERIENCED REAL, estate man for beet proposition In town. Write giv ing exp,. comm. expected and rets, not , statesman. , . WANTED TO contact man with portable sawmill. P. O. Box 666 or Ph. 4035. . BODY AND fender man wanted. Raymond Motor Service,. 150 N. High. Help Wanted Female GIRL FOR general housework, n cooking, go home nlsjnta. TeL 3313. HOUSEKEEPER. MUST have refer ences $20 month. Phone 7203. Situations Wanted EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKING. Mrs. Adsltt. 1130 Marlon. Phoo 0448. WANTED, DAIRY work. Box 633, Statesman. BOOKKEEPER, ACCOUNTING and auditing. Good' references. Route 6, Box Zbs, Salem. WANTED SHINGLING, lathing. Work guaranteed. Very ; reasonable. Phone 3707. For- Sale; Miscellaneous CASH OR trade for used furniture ranges, heaters, radios, machinery toola, eta Woodry and Woodry. auc tioneers, phone 6-1-1-0. Ml N Bum me In Hollywood, ' i W ATKINS PRODUCTS. Ph. 704, TYPEWRITERS. A O DJ N Q ma- Chines, cash registers aold rented, re paired. Roen. 420 Court. Pnone 7 3. ' .. Schrelber shrubs.; trees,. 3060 Nebr. APPLES,-1440 WALLER. HEATING STOVES. Inquire 1I4S Cnemeketa. BALDWINS. SPIES. Burbank-pota- toea, sheep guano. Mra. Wright, 4 'li aoi. Wallace Rd. 1 BE! A PER. 2 llg .saws. I mortlser, all practlcaUy new. Antique Shop, mi. past city limits, N. Portland Rd. SEWING MACHINES BUY A new Slneer electric now. Spe cial prices. 36 months to pay. Machines rented and- repairea. emger oewim Mach. Co, 175 a High, TeL 3512. - sVe,p"'BwsJAAAAA CARROTS. 85 TON at farm. Bring sacks. H. B. Aker. Brooks, Ore. LEA V. TOWN, fum. for sale. 7317. CACTL 10c EACH and up. JayMot ria. Florist Phone 8627. CUT FLOWERS and potted plants. Jay Morris, Florist ABOUT 85 LEGHORN bens 59c ea. 45c if all taken. Geo. Ditto, Boute , Box 158, Salem. . ' . CANNING CARROTS, $6.90 ton de livered. TeL 84F14, Salem. ' GOOD PIANO, ' 14998. Cottage. FOR SALE Westlnghoose electric welder. 309 amp. Complete with, en gine, mounted on trailer. A bargain, 9600. Also ZS Chevrolet eoope, good shape, 95. 1935 Maple avenue. . WCPOSSESSED RADIO $119 5 1936 12.TCBE ZENITH, 4-band all wave, balance due $88.45 terms 95.0V down, moiKiuy. dct air. Jans. GEO. C WIU. rUSIC STORE, . - . - - SALEM , TURKEYS. GOOD quality, freshly dressed, cooled but not frosen, a limit ed - number ready for immediate de livery In Salem. Price 28c per lb. Phone 3333 if you want one.- E. A. Rhoten, 1595 a High St - PUPPY TO responsfble ' party for price or ad. 996 S. commerciak Trade Miscellaneous WILL TRADE new Zenith radio for adding machine . Good Housekeeping loc, 4bs court jsu , Wanted Miscellaneons WANT WALNUT Ind Clbest meats, also In shelL State Cafeteria. WANT PARTY to -drive car to Ne- braaka for transportation.. Rt 5, Box 81. . :- - -.-1-1- - '---" - - MASQUERADE DANCE, . grange hall, November 27. Macleay ADVERTISING Western Advertising . -. Representatives . Fenger-HaU Co, Ltd. San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattl Eastern Advertising - " RepresentatiTes - , . Bryant Griffith -A Branson," Ine Chicago, New . fork, Detroit Boston. Atlanta. , . ,.- Slntertd at Ike Poitoffio at Saleet Oregon, ss ecoed Class Af otter. Puk Hiked every morsiNe exceyt MtmOap Buaine eftce tli South Coststercte SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Rates in Advance Mo 50 cents ; 8 Ma 3LS0 : 6 Ma, $34 ; 1 year 35.00. Elsewhere 50 cents per Mo, or 96.09 for 1 year In advances Per copy 9 cents. News Sunds 5 eenta By City Carrier: 60 cents a month.and paid. 7.20 a year In advance. For Rent Rooms HOTEL MARION - ENJOY THE eomforta of a, flown town modern -hotel. Rooms by. tne week er maoth at very reasonable prices. NICE SF.EKF1 NO rooms. 1SJ D. 14. WARM SLEEP, room, M0 N. ComO. NICE HEATED rma.. (91 A. ComT SLEEP. R- close In. Phone 44SS. sajCEPiNG RMS. with kitchen privileges, for young girls, YWCA,-12S N. ! Liberty. - ' FURS. H&KPO.. rm,.MJ N. Whiter sjaxrTJ'Xrar'Wwf"irl,i fl " i i 1 T ' - - CLEAN. WARM sleepmg room for business lady. Hi Ferry Room and Board NICK RMS.'eood bd (93 S. Cornt EXCEL. R. B. 745 S.- Commercial IBRD, HTD rma.. 1271 Cliemeketn ROOM. TWIN beds. 325 S. M 4 th. ROOM AND board. Tel. 6557, R., b!, $28 545 s! Commerciai BOARD, ROOM, close in. garage available. S0 N. High. SLEEP. KM., bd., 241 S. High. COMFORTABLE ROOM with board close in. Home comforts. Phone 3797 KM, BOARD, 4 men. Phone 5 4 CO. For Rent -Apartments AVAILABLE DEC 1st: 3-R. funi. apt., heat, light, water, elec. washer. 930. Employed ladies preferred, iti K Capitol St. FCRN. APT. private bath, Maytag, garage, 118.50 mo. 624 H IS, Capitol. APTS. A 1 sleeping R. 3183 State. 2 R. FURN.. bath. 1440 Waller. 2 RM. FURN. apt., lights, water 91.75 week. 1Z90 Oak. TeL 5279. 3 RM. FURN. apt, Frigldalre, pri vate bath, adults, 925, 590 A. Summer Pn. 4494. "i 1 i ri n jiri lTst! rjui-ruirijiflr APART. FOR 2, 266 S. Cottage, 4 RM. FURN. apt, st heat. Frigid aire, garage. 23S0 F. G. Road. P. 7532, FXTRN. 4 ROOM apt. Will admit children, large yard, garage, available now. Iza per mo. 540 Leslie St. J. F. ULRICH CO. MOD. APT. and room. Inquire Tip Toa Cafe, corner N. Capitol and Tile Koad. t RM. HEATED apt., 444 S. High, lat FLOOR APT, 1335 State. FURN. APT. Phone 7664. 'aaf --B-M--Jyu-u-M-nj-Lr 3 -ROOM FURN. apt, very . nice, ZT.&o mo. water rum. WM. E. MOSES, 331 U State 2 RMS. FURNISHED, 2194 Maple. STRICTLY MOD, first floor. 8-rm. automatic heat, refrig, gar. 643 Union, 2-ROOM FURN. apt Private bath. 3Z JN. atreet. - FURN. APTS., 3.50 a week and up, Parking space. 621 N. CapitoL For Rent- Houses FOR RENT Modern 6 room house In excellent condition. 956 Tamarack St- $40 00. - . ; , . Large I room flat 658 Ferry St. water and garbage service furnished. 837.50. lower fUt snme building. 830 BFXKE A WADS WORTH 189 N. High SC -- - ,,,,,,,M,rrfVtJuf-cr NEW, MOD. 3 R. furn. house, gar. $30.00 mo. 818 N. CommerciaL ROOMS PARTLY furnished, close In, $27.W. Ph. 5680. CABIN, INQ. Texsco Station, inter section 12th St. cutoff, south 99. mf i-s rafarnTj"uLfi-r 4 RJHSE, basement $22.50. P. 6237. -- ! g ,- iar)rrLiiiutjuLr v5 R. INQ. 1590 S. CommerciaL 5 ROOM MODERN bouse, adults. 1480 Marlon. TeL 4Z16 i" isniniipnjuTjuruxrii" ROOMS, NEAR state building. $45. 8 rooms. North Summer St, $45. 8 rooms. North 16th Street $3. - CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 844 State Street Phone 6708, NEW MOD. turn, suburban. 8 bed- rms. Rt 3. Box 77, Salem Hta. Ave, 3-ROOM FURN. bouse, basement latmtfry trays, garage. Call 1313 Cen ter street. For Rent OFF1CK SPACE. 829 Court HOSPITAL BEDS ssd ertaeel enewe e. rant H. U Stiff Furnitsrs Cs. For Sale-i-Real Estate SALE BY owner, mod. house, dou ble garage. 1 os 9 s. High, rnont 7zj SALE 8 45100 A. LOTS fruit. R. bouse, barn, chicken bouse, third house north of Poor Farm, $2500.00. Lee Barber, Turner, Ore. LARGE S-ROOM bouse, full base ment Be rarer furnace, close In. Full price $2590; $200 down, $25 per mo. FT H, WEIR, Oregon Bid Ph. $411. NEW (-ROOM- house, just finished. Full basement new furnace, wired for electric equipment piped for gas,- beau tiful built-in and breakfast nook. Full price $3750; $150 down,. $25 per mo. F. H. WEIR, Oregon' Bldg. Ph. f 41L Sksasekaskea9jetaeeeaat t ROOMS. BATH, plastered, garage. fruit 1300. 5 i rooms, bath,' furnished, $1600. 8 1 rooms, bath, plastered, garage. $1850. :, . r 8 rooms, plastered, basement, bath. close. In. 82100. Terms on all. For bargains see ' ' F. GRIEPENTROG 194ft McCoy Street - Tel. 4954 - CI fZX TW ekAvss small Viv.tskAs. - w m-i 1 ss cnaiavti uiu w corner lot -now rented $20 per. month, with living quarters reserved. May be purcnasea ror S19O0. Very reasonable payment and $20 per month. Yon can't so . wrong on thla. L C. SHIELDS. Ore. Bldg. Ph. 8902. .... -I,-, n-,1 1( i.nrui.iuLi-LMRjui $3150 4-ROOM MOD. house with nook, fh-eplace. hardwood floors, base rnent furnace, garage, laundry trays. Owner leaving town and must sell at once. Excellent termsv .- v . . , $4000 New 5-roora ' bouse. flrepTarev - hardwoo4 floors, basement fur nace, trays, garage. Terms. Ira mediate possession. - - ,; $3000 5-room house basement fur- - nace, , laundry tray a, garage. We hare vacant lots for sale, and money to loan. - P. H. BELL 429 Oregon Bids. Phone 8121 LEAVING CITY 81350 BUYS 8 ROOM bouse, sold with all furniture, bus, elec, water. Lot 105x144, large barn, garage, wood shed. 9 large walnuts and other fruit H. P. GRANT-C, H. SANDERS 528 Court- - v " : Ph, $744. aj- r ""sT'sr'srvno ii-arunj 8. list STREET 8 ROOM . A BATH, -garage, lot 50x199, price 81359. $550 down f 10 per month. Includes 8 In t St in C E. LANE, 333 State St Ph. 8622. Interesting Satoii sw.n. 1nI.A twm 3500 flock of WLlte Holland tnr- keys at the Domes White Holland turkey farm north of. Rlckreall I last Friday. It would bo a ihamej u some oi na woHia ret one of i them in bUck nf s rnrVev- fm TnanksgiTing. . x rvlk 'c-t.t... i rwi I tone national parkf throwg boil-1 ing water 120 to 1&0 feet high on the average of erery 60 mlnntes.1 The season admission to Yel lowstone park Is ?3. Deyils Tower, In. northeastern Wyoming, was created a national . .1. v Tk.4A.A -n i rj ! "J. "ro""1,5k,cltu 1906. The granite like formation stands 565 feet high and can be seen for many miles away. The Terba Buena island tnnnel, in San Kranrlsfn hav li th larr. I est Yehicnlar tnnnel in existence. It is the connecting link of the I VMts.ta.aa-oaa rancisco oay onage. I For Sale Ral Estate FOR SALE. VACANT ROOM MODERN borne. - hi fin condition expert outsMe paint 955 Tamarack, fine surroundings, $4500 ioo cash. KKCUB A WADS WORTH. 189 N-High 1 FOR AS LITTLE AS 825 DOWN YOU can buy a beauti ful view lot in either Cascade Ter races or Kingwood Heights. Gas, elec-1 tricity, A water. Ask a boat our build ing credit plan. It will save you mon ey on your home. McKILLOP-SMITH 118 South High Phone 5131. 4-ACRES. HOTjSE. harna. chicken I house, fruit house, in Woodburn, 82509 I TOO down. 120 a month or trade lor I house In Salem. I Apart house. 8 arts.. 3 blks. from I state bouse, $8s00, and $180 a month. $5000 down. A. c Jt-NSK-N 3S3 State Ph. 8622. EXTRA GOOD BARGAIN IN 6 ROOM house close to new sen ior high school, 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, all on one Ooor. full cement basement furaaee, Uiv. anil nram Fn, Aiiu1r tal, I $3500 or will trade for smaller place. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State St Phone 8708. RICHMOND STREET NEW 3 R NOOK A bath. Large garage, price 81400 $200 . down will nanaie. rtv bszz. a E. LANE, 333 State Street Exchange Real Estate 130 A, FARM, 8 miles of Salem. Will trade for Salem .residence property. F. H. WEIR, Oregon Bldg. Ph. 9411. Pattern By ANNE ADAMS If you've a home to tend, .and a CAKO 10 Dage, you ll welcome DOt a these "household helpers" Into I sk at. 9 A a H a" la wa4tai ,v. .vUU u.u, a..-..-... in addition to being a cheery sight, they're Indispensable when it - . comes to proiecungyour preny frrwVa! : Anil horn's S o nodal from Anne Adams this practical twosome would make an Ideal gift. for Pattern 4223 Is so easy to stitch up that you'U hare several versions "finished in no time. Apron "A" is as feminine as yon wish with dainty Uttle:,juffles. Make it of chambray. 'B'is trimly tailored and grand in gingham! ' : Pattern 4223 is available, ln sizes small, medium, and. large. Small size takes 2 V4, yards 3 8 Inch fabric for each apron; apron A, 1 yards ruffling. Illustrated step-by-stepL jewing instructions included. , - Seni riFTEEH CEXT8 (15) la eoiss or stampa (coins preferred) for this Anne Adams patters. Write plainly SIZE, NAUE, ADDRESS Ma fiXYLK Leek smsrt this whiter 1 Send for tbe latest AXXS ADAMS PATTERS. BOOK, sad plan a dssluag wardrobe front Its simple-to-sew sstteras. Ma troas look alina is flattering stjisst Misaes atitek an aeaie st Ua.ckie par- , ty frocks, afternoon charmers, cheery "at kone" svodelt, sad jauty aportr ltera! Kiddies and 3 anion will be de lighted witk perky sekeel frocks, tee I Fabric sad accessory tips included. PRICB OP BOOK riFTEEK CEXTS. PR1CB OF PATTERN FIFTEEN CENTS. (BOOK AND PATTERN TO GETHER TWENTY-f ITS CENTS. Bend year order to The Oretoa Statesman, Pattern Departatest ! ' I 1 For Sale- Farms . WE SPECIALIZB an country prep-1 erty. See as amd aave time.' Free list. I W. V. HOMES EEKER3 AGENCY East -DT BL , Phone tJM mm m m mm ---innfiiirinn rmnrinnr FEDERAL LAND hank farms. Priced rich. Terma. See W. 8. Bart-1 Tea lit uregon bwi 2 A, : BOOMS, eiectridtr, barn, S?' vbn tZ.?h bargain see . f. griepentrog McCoy Street , TeL 495 Acreage south of RaJem. price 11.200.09. Must I be caH; this week only. A. H. Brows-1 to. - R,H'u 52. Saiam, Ore. A PLACE TO SPEND YOUR SUMMER EVENINGS ACRES PRUNES and cherries. 100 apple trees, 80 pear trees. 27 black walnuts. 10 acres in all. 3 "miles south citT limits. Good. 1 room cabin, ce- mem iounaainn. veasoiuLoie oown payment.! $15 monthly - on balance. Mieht take Salem residence to ex- change. SEE Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State St Phone (70S. i rBFr.E l 80007 ml out. dandy fl'iL ""r.pv,,. Cwo,! we are asking. H. P.' GRANT-C H. SANDERS 529 Court . .Ph. 6744. Suburban 2 ACRE SUBURBAN 5 ROOMS, SIGHTLY location, many large fir. trees, landscaped yard, rock work, - running water, good garden. Close to: acnool and bus. fries onty $1800 with 8500 down, baL like rent SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER Realtors 344 State Street Phone Siusi Wanted Real Estate 1 FARM WANTED CHRYSLER CUSTOM Imperial Se dan, only been driven 1700 miles. Lin- coln - Judson Custom 5-Dass. sedan drIV' en 13,000 miles. 1935 Packard Mode 1 lze s-paaa. seaan, driven si.uuu muea. i will trade all or any one on a xarm 1 near Salem. 1 JAMES H. MADEN Ca 1 217 State St Phone 8590 1 Business Opportunities DAIRY WITH a good A-l route, fully equipped, showing a large month ly profit tor trade or sale, 99000. p a ejr Oregon Bldg. Ph. 941L Money to Loan PERSONAL LOANS BORROW FROM Salem's oldest ftl largest i Independent company your prooiema wiu receive personal conaia- 1 eratlon before and after the loan Isl i made. Interest on unpaid balance. No fees A Quick Courteous Service We Solicit Your Account General Finance Corporation 136 S. Commercial Phone 9168 St, Salem. Or. Lie. No, S-133. What Do YOU Require When Yon Borrow ? . . -...J 8 c. pliclty? No special security T Completely M. Clark, S miles east or Central service? ALL PLANS. Then sea us TODAY LOANS up to 300 PERSONAL FINANCE CO. OF SALEM (Formerly Beneficial Finance Co.) eeond Floor New Bltgb Bldg. Em. 119 . - 6is state Bt. at mgn SalelnV Oregon Phone 3191 License 8-123 M-166 FEDERAL HOUsTNQ loans, build. rsfmanee homes, bnslnese prop. Rates. , Abrams Kills ine. Ms obn bkoc YPUSJ 715 f' tt' CHAS HTJDKINS, 271 State St I s99esas9kAs ! Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO bur new or used cara Private money at very lew rates, no red tape 1 to it montna to repay., Roy H, Simmons 128 S.; Commercial St, Salem, Or. Phone 3168 Lie No. M-163. Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED ea farm and eity reeartv. B-.fore borrewmg. tnqulre at Hawkins Kobsrta PUT YOUR 9 8 $ IN A SOUND INVESTMENT FIRST MORTGAGE en real estate We now nave a number of mortgages I for sale. Amounts from $399 to Slo. i Net you tt aetnl-annaally. SEE Ua CHILDS A MILLER. Mtga. Loans 844 Bute St Phone $708. r Financial WE HAVB never paid leas than this rate ea savings if esa m vest men is. jnsurea m r s seek Mutual rederai SavTftgs A Loan Assa. Phone 4944 143 S. Ubetry St For Sale Wood OLD FIR.. 2nd srth. fir. ash. 8370. 1 wwMwswwwwwi I -"" growtn. ra. I ess esiiw m mm mmtmmimtmm'mmkmkmifmmi ; dri Inu growth, renwlck, 4537. 1 I ww.wvw.w,.iW.WWMWWMtww i in. old fir, 85.50, Pb, 1488. I akksekaeksakeknests - lt- OLI ft SnA Ph. 6700. ' -- . . 7Z-... Z MjAixjk.ii.ie.u tini nr.. ;ei. ib.i 4-FT. ASH. $6.25 delivered. Ph. 9703.1 I iwwmwmmmavww DRY SLAB, 4-ft, $4.25; 18-bx, 95.00 ; old fir, 16-in, $5.25. Don Burr. TeL 4087. OAg WOOD, TeL 137F3. DRY: 2nd GROWTH fir. Reas. 3354. ALL KINDS of dry wood. Ph. 6663. For Sale Wood . . T GRADED OLD, growth red fir, 12 and 16 in. Oak 4 ft TeL 8543. ALL KINDS of wood, reasonable. Phone Weathers. -4159. 1731 Cneme keta. 4jsejwsJsakani4Ms ALL KINDS of dry wood. Ph. 9560, 1 WIWMWMW-WWW--MWWM flUARANTKED DRI WOOD ...coat ret soee. Salsa Fuel. Co, Trade and tug. 'infxnnririni-.-11-i- ------- 2ND GWTIt. S5J0. oak 7.. 14 In. Phone 7747. t vw .. -. J3RY FIR and.oak. TaL.3380. ' ' Wood Sawing WTJtSAW reasonabla. . Pb. 9458 Lost and Found STRAYED ALL black water span leL Answers to name of Smoky, Phone 818L Reward. For Sale Used Cars Lets Talk Turfeesr Compare These Values 1937 FORD TUDOR, radld -. " .1939 FORD l-DOOR SEDAN 1939 FORD DeLUXE TOURING 4 3935 PONTIAC COUPE ' 1934 FORD V-8 DeLUXE, COUPE 1934 CHEVROLET COACH 1. 1933 FORD 4-DOOR SEDAN 1929 FORD MODEL A COUPE 1921' OLDSMOBILE 4-DOOR SEDAN, 1928 PONTIAC 4-DOOR SEDAN ! 1929 FORD MODEL A PICKUP . 1929 PLYMOUTH ROADSTER . alley Motor Open evenings and week days closed Sundays Ttt?o center ana ioeny aaai - i-,-tlfrVtinfriJJIXfAAJs ON THEY COME ! Four Bell SPECIALS YOU HAVE SHOWN US THAT YOU APPRECIATE REAL VALUES THE McKAY CHEVROLET CO. OFFERS ADDITIONAL, FOUR BELL OK'D AND GUARANTEED SPECIALS.; Compare These With "Any Others . . . 1927 Pontiac Coach ..$ 25.00 - 95.00 195.00 . 365.00 nzs ronuac seaan 193s t ora tedan 1935 Ford Coupe 1926 Ford Tudor, radio 495.00 193 Chevrolet Town Sedan 545.00 136 Chevrolet Sedan S2a.0w 1937 Chevrolet Sot. DeLuxe Se dan : 749.00 LIBERAL GMAC TERMS I TRADE NOW FOR AN OK'D GUAR ANTEED CAR DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 33$ Center . Ph. Sl9 430 N. ComT Attention Woodmen wP! WAVE some rood cars that we ln wood jor down pmt Don't lt cjf se us now. Borrego's Car Market Marlon A High A Union A High Phone 4533 Smart Buyers T.Iirtit 1934 DeLuxe Sedan cheap. Can Tiny, phone 4702, 680 Center. EQUITY IN 1927 Ford V-8' 60 coach. Inquire all day Sunday, after i p. m. week 'days. e r uin at. Independence. eaafktsssaeMsassesas I 14 MASTER CHEV. 4 -door sedan. MUST SELL 1932 Ford for cash. terms or cheap car considered. 865 S. 13 th. . '34 -TON CHEV, pickup, mecban lcally perfect New heavy duty tires. BarnisL Call or nhone after 6 p. m. I Wm. Hanklns, Capitol Hotel. 1917 PLYMOUTH COUPE, lust Pfi: .u ".r" on account of Illness. Call 614 First NatX Bank Bldg. Lost and Found vrtaT tiPfiWW mats ' Tkns-esa I dog. Answers name "Ting Ping." Re ward. Can 6942 or 149$ Center. LOST BROWN Pekingese dog. one bad eye. 845 Marlon. Phone 4533. 1 lost GLASSES in Stevens I Brown case. Phone 6972. Reward. eaBwBsaawaseeaVaaeWee FOUND, DARK male bulldog. Phone 4227. - LOST BLACK billfold tn Holly wood district Reward. 460 Ford St Business Cards la this cHrectory ru oat monthly basis only. Ratet t per tine per mos tb. Auto Brakes Mike Panes, 378 South Commercial. Bicycles BICYCLES, . NEW and reconditioned. Harry W. Scott 141 8. Com'l. Ph. 4518. Body & Fender Repair I FOR BODY A FENDER Repairs. Auto 1 iTim. an -vovera, oiass replacement. Vi wjuse eat ww As eaaj a uvue ey e e. Brushes 1 ntv..c m .... i , , un v.w. . - . , -.i. g - I TttLgPHQNB tut n ni Karthness J rurn'a. cleased.'St'wl brsha. used. 8237. Chiropractors DR. a U SCOTT. PSC, Chiropractor. 258 N. High. TeL Res. 8753. Excavatin: I EXCAVATING Or aB kinds. I ments dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt tor aaie. oajem tsana ana uravei iow Pbone 9408. .'. ... . . i Florists Breltbaupfs, 447 Court Ph. 8994. Alachine Shops BILL'S MACSINJB shop. Wm.1L "BUT Johnson, automotive T mach tne workv. Piston finhthing. pin fitting, rod lining, . reborbu.' valve refacmg, 447 Fetyy. Pbone 8423. .. -- Alattresses SALEM FLTTFF-RUa and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, sts Ing; fkrff rug weaving. S. 13th A Wil bur. TeL 844L OTTO F. ZW1CKER. Est 191L ;v-. .- - J'- . CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Pbone 4969. For Sali; Used Can - ' -DOOR SEDAN V,' I , , 'V . ' T new tires, good paint .. , -,, ,; Lots Marion and Liberty J New gains D;aily . THE TREMENDOUS POPULAR ITY OF THE NEW 1938 CHRYSLER AND PLYMOUTH CAR BRINGS US THE CREAM OF USED CAR TRADE INS: WE'RE NOW ON OUR THIRD DAY OF THIS FAMOUS USED CAR SALE. THESE TRADE-INS ARE EX PERTLY RECONDITIONED FOR I WINTER DRIVING AND SELLING I a t uicTnov uiiivn tTiru,a 1 1937 CHRYSLER ROYAL TOUR SE- drivei heater, etc See, i drive it it s like new ,u....$S9.oo l 1937 CHEV. COUPE master De- l.L A t ungmal oiege color, low ! mileage, 17,000. Equipped witn 1 radio, dual equipment. Runs like I . new i-U . $63.0 1937 DeLUXE PLYMOUTH TOUR. SEDAN. Extremely low mileage, gun metal color, heater, etc. A steal at . $745.00 19 is Plymouth standard CPE.1 -lius car nas naa uie Desi 01 care, 18.000 miles, loads of extras. runs perfectly .. 1, $545.00 1936 CHRYSLER ROYAL TOUR. SE DAN. Original black color, over drive equipped, loadsi ot extra equipment A a special at $795.00 1933 STUDEBAKER ROYAL SEDAN. Motor' renewed, upholstering spotless. Has heater, radio, spec ial lights, etc. A real family car . $425.00 1935 GRAHAM SPECIAL, SEDAN. This is truly afbeautlful car. 1 granT too. or price $545 C1.U.. 11. 1-.0i.3a n n Ml. A FEW older cars on hand 1929 Chev. Sedan, trunk, very clean. 1929 Chev. Coupe (new motor) 1929 Graham Sedan ( looks and runs fine).- r 1929 Durant Sedan, real cheap but very good. 1928 DodKir Sedan, a bantam. 1929 Dodge Standard ft Sedan (very clean, original paint).; 8 Model A Ford Coupes and Road tea t ts ' e w t . 1 See These at Our Two Locations Ssdem Auto Company 435 No. Com'l Phone 4673 Court at Church Phone 491a 1933 AUSTIN. $295.00 CASH. "Norm" at Kelley-Farquhar Co. See 29 PONTIAC COUPE. Reasonable. 525 S. 19th. In Bend for Holiday VICTOR ' POINT Miss Sara Lesley teacher of Victor Point school is spending the Thanksgiv ing holidays at her sister's home at Bend. Directory Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 363JS. High TeL 9128 Painting-Paperhanging Herbert E. Wood. Tel. 1929 or 66SL ALSO FURN, 'reflnUh. Ret $479. R. C. VARLEY, PHONE 4373, - Photo Engraving SALEM PHOTO engraving, ,141 N. CommercJaL Tel. 8887. . i ' . Piano Lessons JAZZ CLASSICAL. $1 lesson. P. 8707. Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards,! pamphlets programs, books or any kind ef print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment 2 li S. Commercial. Tele phone 810L j Stores REPAIRS FOR ranges, htrs., circula tors, p. J. - Heppner, 363 Chemeketa. Transfer CAPITAL CITT ? Tansfet Co. 226 State St TeL, T771 Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. . r --- ... -'-.- - -.-r. FOR LOCAL or distant transfer stor age, burner oil. call 3131, Larmer Transfer Ca Trucks to Portland daily REGINA Sales A Service. : Ph. 8505. LOCAL, LONG, TeL 3380, Aabcraft Vacuum Cleaners REPAIRED, ALL makes. Free est to home. Cleaners for rent Salem Hdw. ' AUTHORIZED HOOVER : ' SALES AND service. Phone , Res. 3781 Hogg Bros, 6023, " ' 1; Well Drilling & A. WEST, Rt 8, Bs. 441. T, llflFS Wet - Basements GUARANTEED BONE-DRT by the new Seal 8eep Service. Applied on In ner surface. Dial 118 126F13, I59S . 545 S5 K . 340, ; 345 . 345 95 , 45 45 . 125 L 75 IRiie Brothers Are Home From ! Goodknechts now Reside in Colonial House in Waldo Hills v WALDO HILLS Mr. and Mrs, ! Victor Rne and Waldo Rue are atl the " home ' of- their parents', Mr. 1 and; Mrs. ;K. O.- Rne. The twol young men have just reached the 1 States from Fairbanks, Alaska. Mrs. Rne has been In Washing ton for a few months; - Mr. and Mrs. Rue, sr., are vis iting in Minnesota,' the Dakotas and Canada and are not expected home until late in December. More to Geer Farm Mr. and Mrs. George Morris have moved to the A. A. Geer ; farm and their son will attend Centerview school. . The Morrises : are formerly of Minot. N. D. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Goodknecht have moved into their new colon ial homo s 1nr comnleted st the junction e)f the Sllverton-Stayton ana Garden roaas. The regular' November card party Friday night drew a good crowd, with 10 tables filled for 500. High, score for women" won by Mrs. Ferd-Rue of Woodburn; high score for men by Max Scri- ber. 1 .1 Faiiiily Night Is Held by Clubbers MT. AXGEL Mrs. Marr Flcfc pr a. hr.r. st s f.mllv rs- w " ' day noon with coTers placed for fsw. 11, atArln w.. KsM 1 Tne family gathering was held 1 7'" Lzi , air. uu so. is. x.u uooley et Haxrington, Wasb., who are visiting at the Ticker home Mrs. Ed Van Dyke and two children. Charlotte Ann and Ken neth, of Olympia. Wash., are visiting at the home of the 1 rtPmAr. mni,,r Mr. TThPrln Kruse Barn Project Is Started by Club In West Salem WEST SALEM The 4H Bulld- club will meet Monday night at 7 o'clock in the old city halt 1 with Tom Dalke, leader, in 1 charge The club Is engaged. In a pro ject designed for exhibition at the state fair next fall. Members are building a barn 6 feet wide. 6 feet tall and 8 feet long, and are now getting ready to shingle it.' -- , Verlin Comjbs is club president. NOTICE OF APFOINTJIEST OF EXECUTOR Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion, as Executor Cross Word Puzkle 111 Ifl.II 26 "27 '. " 23 T" 32 . 33 W, - ' ) Hotl "2 . . Hi HI W 111 vM Bf EUGENE aonizoxTAX. 1 Weep esavelaively ; 4 What kgeadary Crama auficiaa asU kbssalf to kUpklataiaaliT '. 9 Sspport '. . IS - Dtmati . !-? JX - 18 Metri aaessare of capacity 14 Meadow . . 18 Whs fersasr kaurasai el gaela was sited wna Aratsa ts 17 IT Is what essatry U the Csrkoaarl a, assist la the 19th Coataryt 19 Male caildrea - X--Crrsesaiie plsat m 21 Whs Is tse casatal ef the Brevasce ef East Flasaefsl tt Consider 84 EcTptiaa sea sed ' . t Tbe Eternal City -t7 Plot a tows 30 CoaseaJod 82 Whs la tie stlastsf pert ef the nam ef the sssaHaal Froscar aysaboiiaa seott PasJ 1 , 84 Member of aa Alraaqelaa trfte . 3t Hebrew sane for God 86 i Ooppboa wnk waapaaa ., ; 9T Crias sot is saslmipS ... 98 Free froaa iispsikf 89 Early part of ear . 49 Newly aaarriai snsas 42 AeSssaltaoa 4i Not at assae L 44 Boxas seirstiaeany . . , . 48 Bom sasde sy sow . ' 49 Aewaaative -60 Bird - . - 81 Paeulist "-'-'" VEIT1CAL - 1 Vaaater eg ss Alawaaalaa tribe , S Paha hamf ,. Ws wssss sase Is' . ynioaa foe aaarme stool kr fcsrBisa- oat tarhsa t - 4 Kind ef snarls . 8 h aCoetsi witk pais -. 4V-Mas .hor of ss InAas trikf ' V BTaasol for oetsBissa . west was the eM sassert af Asntria froaa IMS as 11U1 , 19 Ekmsatol lib U da Custody Dispute North y J , t x I . "" a . I i r Onter of a custody fight between her. foster parents. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Richter. and her unwed mother. Delia Staszkie. 21 Is beautiful three-year-old Florence Ann Richter. j ! ' i of the Estate ot Clara M. Swat ford, deceased, and I that he ' has dnly qualified as such Executor; all persons having claims against the estate ot said decedent ' are notified to present the same, duly Teritied' to me- mt the 0ftic l Walter Si Lamkin, my attorney, 205 Oregon Building. Salem, Marion County. Oregon, within cix months from the date ot. this notice. . Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 18th day ot November, 1937. HARRY W. SWAFFORD, Executor of the Estate of Clara M. Swafford, Deceased. WALTER S. LAMKIN, ' Attorney for Executor, S ' 1 - Salem, Oregon, N 18-25 D 2-9-16 NOTICE OF FINAL SET TLEMENT i i " ' Notice is hereby given that the undersigned ' has tiled In the County Court ot ' the State ot Oregon, for the County of Mar ion, his duly verified final ac count, as the Administrator of the estate ot , Lena' Gobley, -deceased, and that said Court, has fixed Tuesday, fhe 2lBt day of. December, 1937, at the hoer. of ten o'clock a.m. of said day,, as;., the time, and the County Court Room m the County Court House at Salem, in Marion County Ore gon, as the place for hearing said final account and; all objections thereto. I i -1. Dated at Salem, Oregon,' this 18th day of November, 1937. G. C: GO BELT, Administrator! of the Estate of Lena Gobely. Deceased. WALTER S. LAMKIN, . j Attorney for Administrator, Salem, Oregon. N 18-25 D 2-9-18 SHErrElt 18 What sopslar nun star Is tko baat sad ef Jobs Crawford J 18 Woody plant , 20 Svergresa sarnk 'r 21 Srrioss St Boose fee travelers ' U Gum about abotrsetcafly 24 Put ia type acsie 36 Besots ef snrdos ZT a baser aa ksrrrtag Arasosa ssd .Nra , saestes, isse-ST 39 What pvascaiy foaaKy f Italy, wa fmM k Pose Post mt v t, 94 Graia 87 tnadrnpoi . SS Ssita 3 CraaaUy depoall 40 Lad i 41 Berret 48-Joker 43 Iseliae tbe asU 44 -Peitf Herewith is the solution to y ester, day's puzzle. ; """'' ' USt6 EE AfTIEpN: '-SiRA BIS BE H I S .-r '- ia. lAJCTTRi i'c ElPEb')f 82sssSS9BsssWaJSSBs A