The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 25, 1937, Page 6, Image 6

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Society . Clubs
Music , .
Thanksgiving- Celebrated
With Family Dinners
.Here land
Just like a great game of musical chairs js this Thanks
giving business of going away or coming back to a happy
holiday meal. Probably more families migrate on this occa
sion than aify other during the year, and it's a time of plea
sure for both grownups and children who like to visit cousins,
sisters, grandparents or old friends. j
, . . T T
uovernor ana Mrs. cuaries n. - -. - ;
Martin are entertaining a rroup and Bruce .a student at Univer
of friends today for Than ksgiy- sU of Oregon. will be home for
ing dinner at their home on Hr the day and wlu DaTe aa their
street. Mr. and Mrs. Ear; Snell Bud HiU of Baker otheP
are in Arlington for the day and .niier; gueBts will include Mr.
Rufus Holman Is joining his fam- and MrivLeoil' Brown and Mrs.
ily in Portland. Egan. . v -
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Smith, sr., nr, and Mrs. Douglas McKay
"Mr. and Mrs. Homer. Smith, Jr., ar. entertaining' with a family
and Mrs. Margaret LeFunsy will dinner, including a number -of i
.be the . guests of Mr. and. Mrs.-, gaests ! from Portland. Douglas
giving dinner, Motoring to Bat-
tleground, Wash to be the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Zeller, are
Dr. and Mrs. Waldo Zeller, Mrs.
E. E. Gilbert and Mr. and Mrs.
fin a Moore of Salem and Mr. and
Mrs .Ronald Hudkins of Port-
Enjoying the day at Neskowln
at the Marcus beach home will be
r k ii tmm xfiari PflAlftw trm
A. F. Marcos, Miss Helen and
... ... . x
Mrs. Rudolph Praelof Portland Waldo Hills and Francis Tate ot . Tne cnapel of st. pa., Episco
are entertaining as their dinner Portland. Mr and Mrs George pal churca w,u the 8ettlng for
guests irom saiem Mrs Keuoeu
, P. Boise. Mrs. Frank Snedecor.
Mr. and Mrs. Breyman Boise. Mr.
and Mrs. Chandler Brown, Wer
ner Brown and Mrs. Clifford
Brown. " '. . .
Spend . Day at Oregon City -Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Glorer and
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Ham
mond and tiny daughter, Con
stance Ann, are the dinner guests
VfiSitul F and Mrs WlSSni
toqay or Mr. ana Mrs. wiiiiam
.regcm CUT. Mrs.
Taylor Hawkins and daughter.
Miss Harriet, are in Portland for
the noilday as tne guests OI Mr.
anA vsi T nVApf laf nfrow
t .r, n- it cif
j,", ti
in Sutherland Oregon, as the
..u Ur. 9.m. n.n.
lipkand famli; are motoring to
Woodland. Wn.. to be dinner
air ana mrs. wuiiaia iu trun-
r . J WTlVl f T " TlVll
guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Dunham. Mr. and Mrs. John J.
Elliott and two children,- Joan
and John, Jr.. will spend the hol
iday at The Dalles as the guests
of Mrs. E. G. Merrlfield and Mrs. jand andir and Mrs James Poof,man house. The serving chosen for the decorative scheme, which was held in place by a Speer, brother of the groom, will
M. F. Bolton. Lewis and Mr and Mrs' Onrtls Ui?e WL" be let ltt - ' d"wDl be used to form an 1m- wreath of orange blossoms. She act as best man. Ushers will In
. r. . -. L,ev' 18 ana Mr. ana jwrs. l.uriis .hits chrvunthemnmi tmnreil 1 j 1 v , ... . . . , . -1 .. j ttt.h j 1-.- j . j
Mr. ana Mrs. Ronald Frizzell,
Mrs. J. P. Frizzell and Miss Mar-
garet McFadden are motoring to
Portland for the day and will.
later attend Noel Coward's plays.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Carson and
son Wally wiU be in Portland as
the guests of Mrs. E. E. Bragg.
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Ohling
and children are at Seal Rocks
with Mrs. Obling's parents Mr.
and Mrs. Mark H. Savage for
Thanksgiving. Dr. and Mrs. Dav-
id Bennett Hill and Dr. and Mrs.
William H. Lytle are the. dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Gattie of Portland.
Family Dinners ,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Mills are
entertaining with a family din-
ner today at their home on Court
street. GuesU will be Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford Spauldlng and fam-
lly of Newberg. Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Spauldlng, Miss Leone
Spauldlng, Mrs. Nora Miller, Mr.
and ' Mrs. Charles K. Spauldlng,
Miss Ila Mills, Charles Mills and
.Mr. and. Mrs. Roy Mills. - .
judge and Mrs. John L. Rand
will be hosts for a Thanksgiving -
dinner today at their Court street
home. Their guests include Mr.
;,,IrTinJnd otFoJn
land, William Lightner and chil-
dren. Miss Helen and Miss Mary
Lightner, all of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton L. Meyers
and Mrs. Walter Denton will hon-
.or-members of their family with
a dinner today at tneir pcourt
street residence. Out-of-town
guests will Include Dr. and Mrs
children of
Milton Stelner and
Emmons Hosts .
Dr. and Mrs. Carl W. Emmons,
ni th.i. .nA.t. .f At3A
ner today Miss Ann Lindle of
VnrilnnA anrf-lfr anf 1Wr Mar.
tin Llndle and children Bruce and
Blair Of Oregon City. Mr. . and
Mrs. John Carkin are also entr-
taining at dinner at their Stew-
aii mrcci nuiuc. lueir iu suus,
Vernon a student at Oregon State
... .. . 1 mk.1. . .
Crocheted Toys
, V?-4 W vtlX) hrWii -
Christmas tovs that von can
make yourself for much less than
you can buy them . . , a soft.
loop-stitch Teddy B e a r and
smooth, single-crochet Pussy Cat.
Children adore these cuddlesome
pets and they, are especially suit-
able for very tiny tots, because
you can slip off the- crocheted to The Statesman, Needlecraftof Mr. and JJn. Ivan Gubser. The
covers and wash them as often as Dept., Salem. Ore. Write plainly next meeting will be held at the
yon like. All made flat, except pattern number, your name and home of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Max
Teddy's legs which are Bade address, v weU.
state has arrived home for the ,
holidays. Mr, nd Mrs. H. . G.
Maison. will have as their dinner ,
guests today Mr. and Mrs. Pay-
son Thompson and children of
Portland vr. and Mrs. Clifford.
Maison and Mrs. Molly Maison.
Dinner at Page Home
; Mr. and Mrs.' Max Page will be
hosts for - a Thanksgiving din-
nor irA a v hnnnrhiv Mr. and Mm!
John H. Ramkin and son Robert
. tA.t1..,l William Tot. ,
BS x
Mrs. Fred Thompson of The
, 'atiArrm r w Parker win
Mr, ana Mrs. l.. w. rarar wui
haye as their dinner .guests . Mr.
and Mrs. George Waters, Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin Hoffnell, Mrs. W. S.
Parker, Mrs. M. A. Baldwin, Miss
Mary Letty Parker and Bill Par
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lachmund
"ed a group of friends
. . Thankseivins- dinner today
g JSSSiSL Cov-
-m. ...- a . . yt
" 186 .t"ori l"
placed , for twelve
er8 ' w f
. ua
are entertaining Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Youne and. son Donny.
Mrs- M7 Jn and MIs8 Ada
Young of Portland.
?JSLJ ?e.J 0S2J"
Yta 'wili ii?"Ii7 stiTtt
n- n ii. t. vr ww
Bacon Was Marearet Vmette
m niiiMAl n J tiaJr tfl!'
-w. --"-
Grace Wendt of Newberg, Mr
and Mrs. Leland Gillette of Port
French . of Cottage Grove who
will be weekend guests at the -
Bishon horn.
... . . . .
- Out-of-town Guests
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dnrbin,
Jr., of Pittsburgh, California are
the holiday guests of Mr. ' and
Mrs. Curtis B. Cross. Dr. and
Mrs. John Griffith of Eugene will
be in the capital today with Mrs.
J. C. Griffith. Coming from Port-
land to spend the day with their
parenU are Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Drager and Mr. andTtfrs. Donald
Mr. and Mrs. George Elmer
Emlgh and daughter, Diane, of
Astoria are the enesta of Mrs.
Emigh's parents. Major General
and Mts. : George A. WThite, for
the holiday weekend. Mrs. Myrta
Hill of San Francisco will be the
guest for several days of Mrs. -
Frank A. Elliott.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holmes
Robs of Eugene will arrive in the
capital today to be the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Dalk and
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Franti of
St Helens will be the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Chapman.
. . .
Homecoming Meeting
: D 0
At Lodge Hall
, -
Salem Rebekah lodge No. '
held its homecoming meeting
Monday night in the Odd Fel-
lows nail witn a good attendance
of members and many guests.
accd J"11 1
regular meeting Wednesday.
Art iA ti,. m-no-ram
the direction of Carl Coiding
rntioUtBfl nt -rnrnl aelectlnna h .
Miss Ailene Moored accompanied
by Mrs. Ruth Lear: acrobat ic
stunts by Dorothy, Ruth and
Elain Townsend; vocal selections.
,iucii, iuu inu uuiuucii uy iu
Mitchell entertainers.
J-- j 1 i .v..
'round sad ''round. Pattern 1587
contains charts, directions , and
pattern pieces for making these
toys; material requirements; U-
lustrations of the toys and of all
the stitches used.
Send 10 cent. In stamp, or coin
(coin preferred) for this. pattern
"and' -Features -of- Interest to; -. - wbineri
NO SECOND TABLE when the Carson "elan gathers for Thanksgjring dinner,
Grandchildren of Mrs. John A. Carson seated at the festlTe table are: Janey at the
left and Anne, facing the camera, daughters of Mr. and, Mrs. John H. Carson; Jack,
Miss Poor man
To Marry This
an lmpre88,Te weddlng this after-
h . m o..
noon when Miss Margaret Susan
Poorman, daughter of Mr. and.
,tmm m r
Mrs. Tracy Chandler Poorman of
Wood burn, will become the bride tows will besald at the home pf
of Stewart Stedman Bothwell of the groom's parents on North Cot
Portland, son of Mrs. Florence tage street. i
Bothwell of Los Angeles. Reverend ReT.;C. C. Haworth will perform
George H. Swift Will perform the the don hie rinr reremnnv before
ceremony In the presence of im-
mediate relaUre. of the family,
Th bride will be given away in
marriage by her father and wtU
marmn) nir ratncr inn win
"f .w. ki-
wear gm nbjaJ
v , " . , v ,
hr Mis, Trma Wle-rin- of Ahr.
deen. WaVh . and raaliel
PoV.r will .r a Kit
wav A'atisa'A vas wa v s9 vvsn uau
for Mr. Bothwell. ' . . .
An informal reception at the
home Of the bride'S Uncle and
annt. M,r: and M"- p- W!4 Poor;
C T ,vV.
"ked to call between the hours of
fou.r an,d 8i5. cock- -
ii aii wmie decorative scneme
Will be Used abOUt the rooms in
jTj - - - - -
;"; - ,r7flTtr" Cold era Mrs
m mo ceuici Kuaiueu UJ wuiie
vucaicr v,u fr ia
f,t 8 , ' , ,
7 ,
tn dining room.
5f COUB,le w"j leaT.e to 8ort
! J ? make their
nome ,at Lake Oswego. Miss Poor-
ma.? veil known in Salem and
the granddaughter of airs. J. M.
Poorman of Salem- B 0 1 n Miss
Poorman and her fiance attended
ihe University of Oregon and she
Ia affiliated with Delta Gamma,
He 18 now- connected with the Mc-
cormick steamship company in
Rainttnw Cirle Pnn1nrt
nauu)OW iri Onauct
Regular Meeting
. 0
vr m
The members of Chadwlck chap-
ter. Order of Rainbow for Girls,
gathered at Masonic temple oa
Tuesday night for their regular
business meeting and social hour.
jeanete Brown, worthy adviser.
presided at the business meeting;
and Jan Simmons was in charge
of the social hour. '
A week ieo. officers of the Or-
der of Rainbow for Girls put on a
degree at the meeting of Chadwick
chapter, Order of Eastern Star,
" ftl,7t ' Luv Z'.U
i"rtnsr atnA a rift
.,.,,.,. , 4fc.
Rainbow Girls are initiation of &
class of 1 candidates on the 14th
of December;, a Christmas. party
to be given by the mother adviser.
regular meeting; and theannual
ff,1," vda,nc be F1" at
CaSUllian nail On December 23.
Junior : WomanV Club
Dance Toniffht I- r
...... y
Outstanding on tonight's so
cial calendar is the Salem Junior
Woman's club .dance at Hazel,
Green. The semi-formal affair is
from ten to one o'clock. Johnny -Stalnaker's
' orchestra from Port
land has been engaged to play
for dancing.
Patrons and patronesses will
be Mr. and Mrs. Ivan, G. Martin,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cooley and :
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Mudd. Miss
Colene Mennis heads the commit
tee in charge of the affair. - ., r
Among the" parties to precede
the dance . is the one for which
. Mr. and Mrs. John Ficklln; will
be hosts at their home. Mr. and
Mrs.-H. H. Prlncehouse, Jr., will
entertain i at dinner, before the
dance, v
In the Valley
Social Realm
. HAZEL GREENMrs. Alexan
der Bishop and Mrs. Carl Jensen
were hostesses to the Nemo Sew
ing club. A Thanksgiving program
was given by Mrs. Bishop, Mrs.
Adolph Kittelson and Mrs. W. G.
" The club will devote 30 min
utes of each meeting to discussion
of current topics. Mrs. Louis
W ampler will be hostess Decem-
ber 1. Z ;
TJNIONVALE Seven member.
of the Arrawannah Needle club
attended the regular meeting held
Wednesday afternoon at the home
" " "
Vows Said
At a beautiful reremony at 10
o'clock this morntng, Min Mary
Ellen Murphy, daughter of Mr.and
tlt tv- vf .i. ., v .
Mrs. John Murphy, will become
the bride of Frank South, son of
ir. tr. nv i- a j v in..
Mr., and Mrs. Charles South. The
members of the Immediate fam
ilies. Mrs. Louise Robertson will'
sing. - - -..
ne onoe win wear a gown or
dark green transparent velvet.
Tbe bride will wear, a gown of
W l.n "B "ouse .na
Wl n ne Will be
cuuaau M7. uu ru
metallic collar. Her sister, Miss
Rettv Mumhv. will be her nnlv at-
tendant, and-will wear a wine
velvet : rnan Xf ? Unrah will
wear black crepe trimmed with
M.r8' Sth.
wear DiacK georgette witn oiaca
jace. . .
The groom will be attended by
ii. KMtw nrnu cih
Silver and ereen Ivv hava bn
3 -
" u . .nrf a w . uumuci u&
vFilla rhnimthAmnmi will Ik
7 Vv r.T,
placed behind the altar.
A reception Tor the members of
tne famtIy wIU follow the cere-
mony. me laoie wm do coverea
with a lace cloth, centered by a
large bride's cake which will be.
guarded by green candles in sU-
TeT holders. The bride's mother
and the groom's sister, Mrs. Victor
Butler, wiU eut the cakes. !
The couple will go to the coast
tot a trip and will be atihome the
firBt of the week at 693 Center
street, For going away the bride
will wear a black wool suit with a
black fur coat; and accessories.
Miss Murphy is a graduate of
Springfield Normal school in
BOum uaaoia ana nas oeen teacn-
ing at Sidney, south of town. Mr.
South is a graduate of Salem high
school and is now associated with
Casper and Cutler.
' '
State Snnprvknr Ts
. " V .
Honor truest
Royal Neighbors ; of America
met at Fraternal temple on Mon-
day night and after their regular
business meeting, a reception, was
eia 10 nonor tne state super-
visor, Mrs. Lenora BroilL
Ont of town visitors at the
meetinr Included Mrs. JDnlia
Brockman. Mrs. Anna Lickte and
Mrs. Jean Brockman of Wood-
hum. The diningroom was ar-
ranged with Thanksgiving flow-
er. and decorations.
Put that turkey np here, dear
r ' iriiMiiiiil " S
' I mammf&r.m - . ..m....y. ............... , .y.v.y.v;. !.: :-,yj
1 ' ' " i " ' ' - ' 4
' 1 i "t. '
I "i - v "
, . -s; :-! : '"" '-
K :v '-v; .-:.- :: ..... . v. . :.- .
. . .. .- .-.-. . -v. - -v. ..;.v.--.-.-.- V' -vv.-.
The annual tussle with the turkey can grow pretty dramatic on
luuitigtTiug. Alia u can. a new nouasy irw& buck u ius uui
which ha. a beguiling youthfulnes. superimposed on it. dramatic
black chiffon. The yoke assumes an extra transparency being the
only space on the dress that isn't finely pleated. Three time, around
the waist and in a square way about the neck run ribbon, of narrow
black velvet Copyright 1337. Esquire Features, Inc. '
M 1 r J ... .
Women's Editor
if ' - ' ; '
Macleay Community club, at
schoolhouse. Basket social
and program. .
South Salem WCTTJ annual
roll call meeting with Mrs. Bail
Stripling, 943 South Liberty
Ladies' Aid of the First
Methodist church meet In Car
: , ...
rler room, 2: IS p. m.
Daughters of Union Veterans,
Barbara Fritchie Tent, No. 2,
eet at. WCTU hall, 8 p. m., nom
ination of officers and initia
tion. Ceremony Read
y-v -mm
DurWg MaSS '
m, -
AJm miTCIl
At a lovely ceremony on Wed-
neariav mnrninr at St TnaonVa
Catholic church Miss Bonnie
ro n o. - XT.. U U
Crane of West Stayton. became
the bride of BernardWodzewoda,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wodze-
woda. The Rev. Nicholas Deis of-
ficiated at the nuptial mass.
rrv. v i i w
aat?n o-nwn A flnva-tln ysII
tu iuiiu a m va aaafa i V14
carnea an arm Douquec ot wane
n m o -j i.j.
Mrs. Francis Wodzewoda was
matron of honor, and wore a floor
length gown of blue satin. Fran-
cis woazewoaa was best man tor
his brother.
A reception following the cere-
mony was given at the home of
the bride's mother in West Stay-
" "
Berpan Cnild Meets
At Broer S
n5rZmSi S.2
Broer, Jr., with Mrs. Lowell Mor-
an as uubicsb oa. x uesuay uigni.
Devotions were led by Benlah ,
Moran and Bernadette Broer had .
charge of the program.
MrB,-,IrTinf F.0X fa.Teai!ad?C
and Elma Hoyt read s Thanks-
giving poem. Sylvia Matt son
gave the Mission magazine report
and others gave reports on the
Ai uuuy i&iij.
Attending were: Misses . Irma
Bennett, Elma Hoyt, Florence
Wallace, Sylvia Mattson, Joy
Grieg, Vera Brock, Margaret
Stewart, Almeda Working, Caro-
uue au n uu ne-
en Smith. Mrs. Floyd White, Dr.
and Mrs. Irving Fox. Mrs. Fred
Broer. Jr.. Mrs. Rains Tinton and
Mrs. Lowell Moran.
-i- n. '
Miss Jean Cattrall of Eugene
will be the house guest this week
of Mis. Ruth Geer.
tH show you how to carve it!
. . i . . l ,v. . V ...
in the center, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barsch; Allan. Jr., who carves the turkey,
his sister, Marian, children of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Carson; and Wally, in front,. son
of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Carson. (Kennell-EUis photo. Turkey courtesy of the Spa.)
Jfss Heen Jess
10 W 0. 1 I11S .
AUsa .Helen Jess,' niece of Mia.
H. C. Rhoades, will become the
bride of Mark D. Speer, son of Mr.
and Mrs. A. P. Speer, this eve-
nlng at a lovely wedding in the
fireplace room of the First Presby
terian church. Dr. Grover C.
Birtchet will perform the cere
mony at 8:30 o'clock. The lm-
wfclt Ar.i.tV.n. .t4 .hit.
. cathedral tapers.
WUliam Wright will sing "I
Love You Truly" and "At Dawn
ing" before the wedding and Pro-
ieaor rrwi tnurenui wui piay
the accompaniments and the wed-
ding marches.
The bride will wear a wedding
gown or ivory satin embellished
with lace fashioned' on nrlnrexn
lines. Her full tulle veil edged with
1aa will fall frnm m- o m nf oronra
blossoms. She wil carry a shower
bouquet of white rose buds. -
miss urace itnoaaes, cousin of
the bride will be her only at-
tendant. She will wear a gown of
m. t.ff.t. win
hminiipt of taHamnn rna .rtnna.l'i1
-a - - r v wums
" reuwwu aa u-
ivan Nash.
A reception at the home of Mrs.
Rhoades for relatives and close
friends of the couple1 will follow
tne ceremony, mrs. itnoaaes win
cut the wedding cake and Mrs.
Marie Robing of Portland will
Pour. AssisUng about the rooms
will be Mrs. Donald Speer, Miss
Evelyn Lindley and Miss June
The couple will leave for a short
wedding trip after which they will
be at home at 417 North Cottage
Women of Rotary Honor
Mrs. Fred Smith
jirB jga gmitn, wife of the
district governor of Rotary, was
honored at a luncheon for which
Women of Rotary were hosts
y8terday afternoon at Godfrey's,
She Bpo9 informally about the
different trips she has taken with
Mr. Smlta Siting the Tariona
Rotary clubs.- Miss Marian Av
erill of Willamette university
gave several readings.
Special guests for the lunch
eon were Mrs. C. A. Downs, Mrs
yernon Douglas. Mrs. E. J. Scel-
and Mrg Elpstrom. 1
Members present were Mrs.
, .v..u. .....
a V Pfahon Mra T Brrtr
Byrd, Mrs. O. F.' Franklin, Mrs.
George G
Grabenhorst, Mrs. T. F.
Mrs. William M. Ham-t
ilton, Mrs. W. T. Jenks, Mrs. H,
H. Olinger, Mrs. T. R. Paulas,
Mrs. . H. K. Pickens," Mrs. B. E.
Sisson, Mrs. Ervin Smith, Mrs.
Charles A. Sprague, Mrs. J. Ly
man. Steed, Mrs. R. E. Lee Steln
er and Mrs. Ivan Stewart. .
, Three Links Club Has I ;
Entertainment !
. The Three Link, club will meet
Friday for a 1 o'clock covered dish
luncheon in the dining room in
the Odd Fellow, hall. All Re
bekah. are cordially Invited to at
tend.. , ' . . v4
, The business meeting will be
at 2:30; Elsie Townsend, Mary
Gosser and Bessie Edward vrUl
have charge of the entertainment:
Christina Cladek, : Sally Curtis,
Eva Keen and. Pearl Swanaon
will take care of the needlework.
which any one can bring to have
on display."-"
' Lottie "Mc Adams . and v Laura
NoyeS will arrange . the flowers.
Leila phlsen and Eva Martin will
have charge of the country store.
Each member is requested to bring
some article to place in the coun
try .tore.'
v; . ;j . . ,- . ,
Puppet Show Hlanned . ;i;
For Friday : ; " 1
An entertainment worth seeing
1. the puppet show to be given at
the parish house of the Cpiscopal
church on Friday nnder the aus
pice, of the St. Paul', gnild. There
-will be twjt performances, one at
3:30 and the .econd at" 7:30
o'clock. Th4 pnblic is invited." i '
, The show, given by the Mad
cap Marionettes, a group of Salem
women, will include a Punch and
Judy .how. a Santa Clans slavtet
and several short acta. The ner-
formance will be about an hoar
iu lengm. - . .
Behind the scenes at the show
are Mrs. Frank Deckebach, Mrs.
Kenneth Perry, Mrs. Raymond
Bonesteele and Mra. John
CaughelL :
l .
; :v -::'"v . ." i
Joan Beakey Honored
On Birthday
Joan Beakey, daughter, of Mr.
and Mrs. John Beakey, celebrat
ed her 11th birthday Tuesday
night when she entertained a
group of her friends at. dinner
" tn Beaaey. nome on-isorin
Summer street. A pink and . white
coior scneme was usea in me ta
ble appointments.
Covers were " placed for Joan
Beakey, Miriam Becke, Jeanne
Busick, Margaret Jane Emmons,
riureuce iewis. wean uai ubiu.
Beverly Beakey. ,
Mrs. Burton Myers entertained
members of chapter BC. PEO
sisterhood, Tuesday night at her
home. A dessert supper was.
served with places laid for 14
menta. Intereatinc tonics were
discussed during the evening
Dallas WCTU Has
Regular Meeting
DALLAS The regular meeting
of the local WCTU was held Mon
day afternoon at the home of
Mrs. M. A. Conlee Jn North Dal
las, with Mrs. P. W. Ediger as as
sistant hostess. In the absence of
the president, Mrs. Joy Bobbins,
the vice president, Mrs. C h o e
Butz, presided. j
Mrs. Valeria Cleveland. had
charge of the devotions and Mrs.
Frank Johnson had, charge of the
lesson study on "Alcoholic Bev
erage Laws in "the State of Ore
gon." Mrs. P. J. Voth and Mra.
Harvey Larson each read articles
on the temperance question. .
Refreshments were served to
17 guests and members.
Honor Newlyweds
At Dinner Party
Mrs. Russell Lichty (Margaret
Bell) were honor guests at din
ner Sunday at the home of Mrs.
H. A. Lichty.
Other guests were: Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Bell, Miss Gladys
Bell, Miss Emma Bell. Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin Campbell. Mrs. Koon,
Mis. Norma Koon, Ernie Doer
fler, Donald and James Lichty,
Miss Nora Lichty, Mrs. H. A.
Thirty additional guests called
during the afternoon and pre
sented the newly married couple
with many gifts.
409-415 Court St.
Styles.. Food
Final Notes for
Thanksgiving ,
Festivities J (
questions on cooking, the festive
meal, and proportions, time of
roasting and what to use for gar
nishes will always provide some
one with that, much, wanted in
formation. " : j
In the first place, and again we
say to roast the turkey: no water,
shallow pan, 350 degrees and no
basting. Time is 3 hours 20 min
utes for a ten pound bird: 3 hours
and 40 minutes for; a 12 pound
bird; 4 hours for a ! 15 pounder;
4 hours and 40 minutes for ai
1 8 pound turkey and anything
over 20 pounds, 5 hours.
Next, here is the cranberry pro
portion again: Mix 1; pound cran
berries with 2 cups; water, coot
for 10 mrnutes, maBhing e a c M
berry. Add 3 cups j sugar, cook
hard for another 10 minutes, stir
ring all the while. Now remove
from stove, beat with flat wir
whip for 5 minutes. This Jells and
is very good," . -.
Garnishes are important on. the
Thanksgiving platter, W 1 1 h 0 u t
parsley we can nse celery tops,
tiny wisps of spinach or even a
sprig, or two of Oregon grape
leaves. Beet curls (made by cut
ting raw beets 'round and 'round
and putting them on ice for a
while) make garnishes, too.
For decorations let's look around
the yard. Most of us have planned
the centerpiece but perhaps a
prickly spray of those Oregon
grape leaves that have,
or the bright green holly .leaves
will give color and interest to the
fruit centerpiece. Put the greets
down first and the fruit on top.
Combine fruit and vegetables
for an interesting arrangement.
using tomatoes, carrots. ,red
ipples, an artichoke, a ' spray, of
Spinach and banana, for a colorful
For containers, there's the little
red wagon ' that caine from t,h
dime store that will look attrac
tive when filled with fruit
There's the large- wooden salad
plate, that shiny, .new round cake
pan that's never . been used that
will brighten up the table, and
there is a Hubbard squash stored
away outside that can be cut. in
half to make a container for
Gelatine molds, i salad bowls,
cookie Jars and other odd shaped
utensils- make excellent holders
for flowers. ,
New Colors : Appear in
Modish Silks j
One of the Tiew colors appear-"
ing in silks is the light grayisk
v v. u uiui lit u-k uvn.
is a pastel ground color for prints.
Silk prints are having a tendency
toward smaller allover j patterns
that simulate-embroidery.
Another feature of the: advance
hews of early spring prints is the
appearance of many j tones of yel
low, with warn golden tones pre
dominating. They a?e said to b
very effective when linked up
with black (which they usually
Garnishes Make Relishes
At Dinner
Red raihlses. sliced thin, al
most through and allowed . to
Btand in ice water for! several
hours, make garnishes to serve as
relishes along with celery - aad
carrot curia. .
Pickles, cut fan-shaped, make
garnishes for the meat platter too.
Hot canned apricot, and dried
peaches stewed , and served hot
will serve a . refreshing vege
table at av larga.meal.
Shrimp or crab-may be served
as a cocktail in lemon halves, to
mato halves or even small greea
pepper cases. j j
Ellen Kaye's
f Style Studio
Toicn and Country , :
iW-": aii -
- - - , ?
Every , dress featttres some
newest style ; trend ; that
marks it as the smartest se
lection for your i wardrobe,
chirrings . . . Jeweled orna
ments ... new corseleted
effects ... every smart de
tail that you 11 find in
dresses selling at twice the
price. Sizes 12 to 52 and 11
to 17. Half sizes a specialty.'
AIL Coats
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