The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 25, 1937, Page 10, Image 10

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Tie OREGON STATESMAN, SalenV Oregon, Thursday Moniinsr, November 25, 1937
Dako tans Locate
At Scotts Mills
Walter Thurman Seriously
111 in Portland ;
Hospital - '
Chris Estenson of Sarles, N. IX,
who arrived hero a, few weeks
ago, bare moved into the Ras
kins bouse for the winter. They
have one boy enrolled in high.
echool here. v-";
Word has been received of the
erku illness ' of Walter Thnr
man in a Portland hospital. Mr,
and Mrs. T. Thurman, parents,
went to Portland to visit him the
middle of the week. ".
- ( Return to Farm -
Mr. and Mrs."wW. A. Sanresslgg
nave moved back: to their farm
here after a two years absence.
They have been operating a stare
, depot and lunch , room at ,Wood-
: bum.. :
Mrs. Llda Brougher, 2 e 1 1 a
Smith and Dorothy Moten hon-
ored ' Mrs. Irvin Pownal (Ruth
Kellis) .with a miscellaneous
shower . Tuesday - night at the
IOOF hall. ; Twenty-two women
were : present. -. ..';; ; -
-; Classes Choose Plays
The high school Will present
four one-act plays . in December.
Each class will present one play.
The ' freshmen .are presenting
f'Who Says CanV and the soph
omores". "Hot Dogs," both to be
directed by Mrs. Bethel. Taylor.
, The juniors will present "Not
Quite Such a Goose" to be di
rected by Richard Boyd. The sen
ior play will be "Three Potatoes
for Mary," directed by Mrs. Ma
thilda Jones. , . ,
in Session
LEBANON Three members of
the Church of Christ attended the
all-day session of Willamette
Union Christian Endeavor at Oak
Tille," near Corvallis, Saturday.
Those representing Lebanon were
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Scott and
Claude Stephens, pastor of the
Church, of Christ. This union in
cludes , all of : Linn , county ' and
. part of Benton. ' : ; . : ;; : i
The new officers are Roy Stein,
Corvallis, .president; Curtis Gar
ner, Philomath, vice-president;
Paul Loron, Corvallis, secretary;
Martha Dinwiddle, Philomath,
treasurer; Lois Ginther, Lebanon,
missionary chairman ; Gilbert
Faxon, Corvallis. quiet hour chair
man; Betty Scott, publicity chair
man, and Rev. E. J. Clark- of,
Oakville Willamette United Presr
byterian church, pastor advisor.
The next meeting will be held
at Lebanon in December.
Surprise. Shower
Honors Minister
TURNER Rev. and Mrs.
Bruce Groseclose were honored
Friday night at the Methodist
parsonage with a surprise
Thanksgiving gift shower with
30 friends present.
H. s. Bond gave interesting
highlights of his recent visit in
Chicago; he also made the pre
sentation speech.
Present were Mrs. E. S. Pra
ther, Mrs. Fred Dierks, Mrs. Wm.
Spiers and Mrs. L. M. , Small;
guests present, Mr. and Mrs. F.
C. Gunning, Mr. and Mrs.1 George
Pemberton, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Kunke, Mf. and Mrs.: Carl Wil
liams. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bear,
Mr. and Mrs. John Mickey, Mr.
and Mrs.' WhitUker,: Mrs. A: E.
Robertson,. Mrs. Bernice ' Barker;
Mrs. Olive Ransom, E..; S. Pra
ther, C. J. Rosen an, Leroy Down
ing, Clyde. Barker, Mild Arm us,
Sanford ahd Margaret Ann Pra
ther, and Joyce Kunke. f-K
Plans Are" Completed v-v
For -Veterans'- Dance, c.
-At Silverton -Thursday
. ; SILVERTON The local Vet
erans, of Fpreign Wars have cpm
pleted plans for their Thanksgiv
inr "dance to be given Thursday
night at the arnioryr Bill Darby's
dance band pf Portland will fur
nish the music. A large-crowd a"
tended the locals VFW benefit
dance' Saturday nightv j; v, 'A:,
(A " --SSsSSS,S
i ca's- aVW i 1 fit ZttF' V5 'Xrrf
Carnival Night Is gay and Gala
Affair With 350 Folks Attending
Liberty Event in Spite of Weather
LIBERTY Carnival night here Friday was a gay and
gala affair with interest keen for the entire evening's pro
ceedings. Even though the weather was stormy, 350 people
attended, and all had a good time.
About $169 was grossed by the carnival, of which
$143.43 was clear. The money will be used for school and
Ill ' .
irangers tNews
LIBERTY The grange borne
economics club held a short meet
ing for election of officers fol
lowing grange Tuesday sight
Mrs. Dallas was reelected pres
ident;" Mrs,' O. LI Dencer. reelect
ed Vice president;" Mrsi gV. Wea
ver elected secretary-treasurer.
. .The club will. sponsor a" build
ing fund contribution box at each
meeting. 'i - ":
ROBERTS The grange, at its
Saturday night meeting, " elected
officers. Mrs. Marie. Flint McCall
gave a travelogue of her trip to
the South' Sea islands - Z
- Officers elected were: Master,
Albert Blankenship; ? -overseer.
Forest.; Edwards;'- lecturer, Mrs.
Albert Blankenship; s t e w a r. d,
George Nelson ; assistant steward,
R, W. - Busey; chaplain, Mrs.
George Higglns; treasurer, Mrs.
E. A. Rhoten; ' secretary, Louis
Johnston; G.K.,-J. W. Strawn;'
Ceres, Mrs. William Peterson;
Pomona, Mrs. George Bressler;
Flora, -Mre.-R,'W. Busey and L.
A.S., Miss Mazine Pettyjohn.
LIBERTY The tRed Hills
granga, at its meeting here Tues
day night, voted to hold Its an
nual turkey dinner .again this
fall with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Den
cer to be in charge of the affair,
date for which will be set later.
The Red Hills officers will
compete in the seating drill eon
test at the state conference in
Fairfield December 3.
Pomona grange officers and
other uest grangers' will be herei
for an all day meeting December
11 for- installation of officers.
Mrs. D. B.- Kleihege, Pomona
lecturer, will put on the pro
gram.; '
New candidates voted on Tues
day were Hulda Beckley, James
Crockett, " Frances Harlan,
Charles Hinz, Mrs. G. Weaver.
These and previous candidates
will receive the first and second
degrees December 6 at North
Howell grange, the Roberts ini
tiation team doing the work. The
third and fourth degree work will
be done at Liberty at the next
grange meeting. Other grange
candidate classes will be exemnli-
Pfied at the ame time.
Guests Tuesday were Pomona
Master J. O. Farr and Mrs. Fair
and Walter Wolf of Ankeny. Lec
turer Mrs. Grant Teter presented
this program: Song by grange;
reading, Mrs. O. L. Deneer;
"Things we should be thankful
for as a grange, P. G. Judd;
sen g, Noel Williams ; reading.
Helen Beckley; pencil game.
talk, What Thanksgiving should
mean to us, V. A. Ballantyne.
Family Reunion
Held, Mt. Angel
MEHAMA Mr. and Mrs. Ar
thur Harris of Tacoma, returned
home ; Monday. Miss . Genevieve
Wagner, a sister of Mrs. Harris,
is going home with them for an
extended visit. Mr. and Mrs. Har
ris have been visiting relatives in
Mehama , and . Mill City for the
past several weeks. , ;v j v '.." -
Menama community-club held
a family night meeting Saturday.
A short program included: Reci
tation." Violet Titze; . musical
number, Eldon Titze f . recitation,
Phylls : Harness; music, E 1 d o n
TitzeT and W.Ubur . Blum ; : short
playf song, ; Mrs. McDonald; rec
itation Gladys Reidt ' song," Mrs.
Alma''lKirsch;;; recitations," Joyce
JUCjjvuBiu, nvueru zvciu uu Au
brey Reid. A contest' followed.
4 t ,
y'i Sidney S. Day, Inc. ;
r - Phone "4823 ; " " .
839 N.'Coml. Salem, Ore.
community projects by the spon-
sors, the Community club and the
school. ; -
The Girl Scout troop conducted
a small restaurant, gros sing
123.21 which wUl net the troop
about 17. Many useful and lovely
awards were made during the
: Much credit for the success of
the affair goes to Charles Krauger
who was in general charge. H. A.
Judd was cashier: Local folks and
a large list of Salem firms do
nated prixesr"- t :
Mrs. Lamar Named
Seal Sale's ; Head
SILVERTON Mrs. Dale Lamar
has ' been appointed chairman of
the Christmas seal sale at Silver
ton.' The sale will begin shortly
after Thanksgiving day. Members
of the Junior Woman's club will
assist." "'. ' -v.:
Mrs. J. B. Ballantyne has been
made publicity chairman of the
local seal sale. " -. v '
. . . . .. . ,
' " a.. V '..."'. i. , . -". - '
"a.a'cw inure oeis riYauaDie.
No Coupons Reqiured o
Regular Subscribers tiol tHe
JLTS never too late to start, This unusual offer made to our
over a ten-week period one volume a week ten volumes
We will
volumes they
YLr (IW.
Caseys to Hold
Initiation Rites
MT. ANGEL r- The CathoUc
Daughters of America held a
short business meeting and their
regular social meeting Monday
night in the new fraternity meet
ing room in St. Mary's school.
' The Daughters will prepare the
banquet for the Knights of Co
lumbus next Sunday when they
hold Initiation ' of new members.
Mrs. Ottilia Zollner will be in
charge with Mrs. Henrietta Kai
ser taking care of the dining
room. .The banquet will be serv
ed at 8:30 p.m. for all Knights
and their women. The new mem
bers will also receive breakfast
at the school. " , . ;
Seven tables of "600" were In
play,:' during, the social, meeting,
with high score" honors going to
Mrs, Mary Schwab. K: v i
Mitchell Entertainers : r
Of Salem Give logram ,
- Before Island's Club
ell entertainers of Salem gave an
excellent program before a large
and appreciative, audience at the
regular meeting 'of the Improve
ment club Saturday night.
Mrs. Grace Duren will direct
the ' Improvement club play ..this
season. Refreshments were serv
ed by the social committee. :' :i
. . . v
be lenient .with the
may have missed-provided of course,1 they do not
Juniors Winners v.
In Debate Series
Of Upper Classes
- DALLAS An lnterclass debate
between the Junior, and senior
teams was held, In "high- school
auditorium Monday night to de
cide the upper-class champion
ship.' The Junior team won by a
2-1 decision of the Judges. .
Members of the senior team
were Jorn Stinnette, Donald Sen
ter and Mildred Voth. ' . .
. Members ' of the Junior team
were;. Evelyn Ickes, Ernest Rel
mer, and Elrin Van S a n t e n .
Judges were. Mrs. William Young,
Burton Bell and Glenn Gething.
Body President Gilbert Schneider
presided. Zz: : . ' "Z
Maurice Dunnigans Are
' Hosts at Dinner. Given .
For California Visitor
HAZEL GREEN Mr. and Mrs.
Maurice Dunnigan were hosts for
a ' dinner honoring ' Mrs.' Dnnnl
gan's - parents and brother, - Mr.
and, Mrs. Fred Chapman and .Ver
non ; Chapman, who have left to
make their home in Los Angeles.
Other guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Faist, Mr. and Mrs. ,Will
Chapman and children Bobbie and
Virginia, all of Salem, Mr, and
Mrs, Burns Chrlstoffson of Hayes
vllle. , -- - V' -
late arrivals, permitting
Transaction Tax
Is Urged by Ware
AUMSVILLE The Townsend
club held an enthusiastic meeting
ar the Christian church Monday
night with Arthur Moore, district
manager, and Dr. Gordon War,
from national headquarters,' Chi
cago, as guest speakers.
. Ware gave a masterful address,
emphasizing the. extreme need of
a national transactions tax. He
stated that 52 per cent of land
of the United States has reverted
to the' government through in
ability of the owner to pay the
tax on it, leaving 48 per cent of
the land to bear the burden of
property tax. ,
He predicted that unless the
transactions .tax, the only thing
yet j offered .to , remedy , the ' tax
situation,- is adopted, the country
is facing a depression which will
make the present depression re
semble a picnic. .'His address met
with frequent "applause. A no
host supper was served.
Westfall Moves Grocery V
To new Store Building
George Westfall are moving their
stock of groceries from their old
building to the new modern con
crete one.. Just completed. The
old building was originally used
for a grange hall built by dona
tion work under the direction of
Carl.Launer in 1910. It will be
The thousands of people who have seen these beauti
ful, impressive encyclopedias could hardly believe their
eyes. They never expected such a luxurious set of books
for the mere clipping of six coupons from various issues
of this newspaper and the small sum of 39c a volume.
And that is only" the half of it! The real don't delay! Start at once to collect your com
benefits are yet to come in the days and years plete set. Just turn to the page on which the
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fym$g k$m? asm 1 'wmmi mimf hiiiii tmmk m ' --.
!?..! . V i
" v. .... V ' f i s ; .-- ...
readers extends
to the complete
them to secure
delay too less.
wrecked by Victor Launer on a
50-50. basis. ' .
Leroy Myers Goes
Back to Gold Hill
GATES Leroy. Myejs has re
turned to bis home at Gold Hilt
after a few days stay with his
mother, Mrs. Anna Myers.
Mr. and Mrs. Churchill of Se
attle spent the weekend with the
Young and Carey families,
i Mrs. Irene . Torres -and son of
San Francisco are visiting ' with
her sister, Rosalie Smith. . ' .
With Your
- ' :
Many Pleating Designs for Your Selection
A. A.
1S3 N, Commercial
So your volume
Silverton Youths
Join Salem Band
SILVERTON Sixteen mem-
t R?,;th,e former Bo-ys band
at S.lverton motored to Salem
Bread band under the direction
tor of the Silverton band.
Several other members of the
former Silverton band have des
ignated their intention of joining
the Salem group and reports
from local parents Tuesday morn
ing were that likely 25 of the
former bandboys uld soon be
witn the Salem band.
Book Store
Phone 4S34
i .'
i ,