The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 11, 1937, Page 10, Image 10

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning,;, ' 1937 -
Open House ?
To Be Friday
Lebanon Schools Invite all
Parents to Vievrj
Class Work ! :
T.T?-ftANON Onen house will
Via Aftsorvftil all da Friday it the
Lebanon schools ana parents are
urged to Yislt the schools and in.
" spec! the work being done there.
Friday afternoon a program will
he presented by Tarious : echool
departments. ' j i
The not plant operated by E.
B. Edes of Lebanon Is noM em
ploying around 40 people but is
no. yet running at full capacity.
Tt eaty ; fire people are used in
the ut cracking department and
are (working on nuts from! pre
vious years. Fifteen workers are
busy! on the belt, sorting! and
grading this year's ctop prepara
toryjto cracking them. -J
Flan Concert 16th
The Tarious musical groups of
' the Lebanon high school are busy
preparing for the Joint concert
to- he held Tuesday, November
16 Miss Irene Moore, vocal in
Ktrnator. and Wayne Gilfrey,; in-
Btrumental instructor, will J have
cnargd 01 me prisiui. ; ?
Shirley Reeves, 11, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. virgu jteevea,
suffered a fractured rightj leg.
near the ankle, when she i fell
from; a roll of wire while playing
r Saturday. , - . i j -
' j Three Bable Arrive I !
Mr. and Mrs. William Smith
are jthe parents of a daughter
born November 6. this Mime
fifthi child. : .
Bora Monday to Mr. and
Edgir Boyd. Waterloo, i a
This! is the seventh child.
Born Tuesday to Mr. and
! Vilas, Kinzer, Lebanon, route 3,
: son, the second child.
I f Hosnltal Notes
Mfsa Dart of Lebanon
was' admitted to ' the Lebanon
General hospital Saturday! for
medical treatment ' j. :
Warren Tariher of Holleyjis an
-appendectomy patient at the hos-,
pital. ,1s
Clair McClain, a high obool
toy who was injured in anj auto
Hrient Fridav while on his way
to school, is improving as rapidly
as could be expected.
Chamber, Rotary
Relations Talked
- SjLVERTON Members of the
Silvertoon chamber of commerce
who! are also members of i the
Rotary club were speakers at the
Monday noon luncheon of tht' Ro
tarians. ' j i
Dr. R. E. Kleinsorge, president
of the Rotarians, introduced Tom
Anderson, president of the jcham
herf of commerce, who in turn
introduced Robert Goetx, IS. P.
Rose and T. T. Leonard. ; All
spojke briefly on the relationship,
in (its various phases, of the
chamber of commerce to the Ro-
tarians. . ;' '."'.II
. Brown Slsson of Salem, former
president, of both the Rotarlan
and chamber of commerce, was a
special guest. - j
Speeding Brings
Woman $5 Fine
J E F F E RSON Helen Marie
O'Brien, Los Angeles, was; arres
ter here for speeding, while
driving 65 miles in a 2 -5-mile
sone. She was fined $5 and costs
In .Justice, court, Saturday.!
. ? f Members of the Mt.. Jefferson
Reibekafc lodge and Santiam
lodge LO.O.F., their families and
friends are invited to attend the
h o m e.e omlng Saturday night,
starting with a covered dish sup
ped at 7 o'clock. A program,
cards and dancing will follow.
Harry ; Marcum - is suffering
from bruises and shock, j caused
by! a fall ' Saturday afternoon
from the porch of the Methodist
parsonage. " He was finishing a
Ehlngling Job on the roof, when
het slipped and fell. ' . -
Iva Crusan Wins
Prize on Floivers
jT E B A N ON The November
meeting of the Civic club was
held In the club room in . the
Presbyterian church Monday af
ternoon. The flower committee
had a beautiful . display j of fall
flowers and a prize was awarded
the most beautiful basket of
flowers. This prise was (won . by
Iva Crusan for a basket of mixed
. flowers. -'.:;" .
I Rev. Crossley of the! Baptist
church talked on the advantages
of a library to a community.
Mrs. W. G. Amos introduced the
cay librarian, Mrs. W. Binshad
ler, who talked on children's
books. Musical numbers were fur
nished by Charlotte Bohle and
Lorelei Stewart. Tea was served
bjr the library committee.
Ida May Sommers, Whose
Marriage ' Will Be j Event
Of Weekend, IV Honored
GERVAIS Mrs. Frank Nosack
was hostess at her home Monday
afternoon at a shower ! given in
honor of Ida-May Sommers, who
is to be married to Albert Nosack
Saturday morning, November IS,
at Sacred Heart church. Rev. Wil
liam S. Walsh officiating.
I Miss Sommers is a daughter of
Mrs. B. L. Sommers and is a stu
dent at Gervais high school.' Mr.
Nosack, son of . Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Nosack, has recently, com
pleted an enlistment In the navy.
! Double School Holiday
! SALEM HEIGHTS -There will
be no school Thursday and Friday
of this week: on account of teach
er, institute. t. ,
Alaskan Codfish Catch Destroyed if Fire
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An entire season's Alaska codfish catch and oil extracted from it are seen "golnjap in smoke" as flames
recently destroyed the Union Fish company packing plant at Belvedere, CaI.The San Francisco fire
boat, David Scannell, at left center, drenched the raging fire with powerful -Streams of water but
with no saving eirect. rnoto was
lire apparatus conld approach.
W I " "
rangers incws
LIBERTY Election of officers
was the main order of business
at the meeting of the Red Hills
grange here Tuesday evening.
Officers for the coming year will
be: ; .
Master, Ralph Dent; overseer,
G us Cole, reelected; lecturer,
Mrs. Grant Teter, reelected;
steward, Grant Teter; assistant
steward, Wayne Williams, re
elected; chaplain, P. G.' Judd, 're
elected; treasurer, Oscar Dencer;
secretary, Mrs. Guy - Williams;
court, Mrs. O. L. Dencer, Mrs. R.
L. Forster, Mrs. J. R. Rains; lady
assistant steward; Helen Beck
ley: executive committee. W.
Moses, W. R. Dallas, E. G. Clark;
pianist, Joy Turner Moses; gate
keeper, Noel Williams.
New members given the obli
gation were Mr. and Mrs. E. Reay
and Noel Williams.
A large number of grangers
and friends were present for the
covered dish dinner. Honored at
the birthday table were P. G.
Judt C. A. Ratcliff, W. R. Dal
las, Mrs. Reed Chambers, Mr.
and Mrs. E. Reay and W. Olden.
' LIBERTY The grange home
economics club will have an all
day meeting Thursday, Nov 11
at the grange hall. A covered
dish meal will be served at noon
and sewing and quilting will be
the 5 work for the day.
FAIRFIELD Election of of
ficers will be in order at the reg
ular meeting of Fairfield grange
Friday night. Members are urg
ed to attend.
College grange held an outstand
ing, meeting at the school house,
Friday night when these officers
were elected:
Worthy master, F. E. Wilson;
overseer, Lyle Thomas; lecturer.
Mrs. Glen Adams; chaplain, Mrs.
W. M. Stoddard; steward, Charles
Glaze ; treasurer, Fred Gibson ;
secretary, Mrs. Wayne D. Henhy;
assistant 'steward, Vivian Burton;
lady assistant steward, Margaret
Ewing; Ceres, Irene Cutler; Po
mona, Ruth Whitney; Flora;
Mrs. George Meier;"' gatekeeper,
Loyal .Whitney. ; ; . :
' Tha' officers - will be installed
at Monmouth December 11 at
county installation, f .
: Dr. and Mrs. C. - L. Blodgett
and Mr. and 'Mrs. Fred Ewing
members of long standing who
celebrated ' their silver " wedding
anniversaries recently were com
plimented at supper. , The honor
guests were presented with dain
ty silver corsages and the group
sang "Let Me Call You Sweet
heart." -'-A ' -" ' ' -..
The t program - included tap
dancing and duet number by, Gerr
trude and Myrtle Meier accom
panied by Irene Cutler; vocal so-i
los by Mrs. A. E. Utley, accom
panied by Mrs. C. L. Blodgett ;!
an address tar Professor Bantee
of Monmouth, "Attempting to
Conquer Nature ; piano solo
Ralph Ewing; "short talk by Wj
C.' Leth, Polk county, agent. j
verton Hills Home " Economics
club has set December 2 for; the
annual ; Pollyanna Christmas par
ty. The affair will he an all day
one and members will work in
the forenoon and enjoy a Christ
mas program during the after
noon. Election of officers wll
also he held.
Silver ton Relatives at
Mrs. Cal van's Funeral
SILVERTON Mrs. John Cala
van, 54, a ; sister of V. C. and
W. W. Neal of -SHverton. died
at Jefferson Thursday afternoon.
Funeral services were held Satur
day with relatives attending from
Silverton including Mr. and Mrs.
V. C. Neal, Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Neal, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Neal,
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Neal, Mr.
and Mrs. F. H. Hadley, Mr. and
Mrs. Larry Carpenter.
Rosvold of Mt. Angel spoke on
the educational department Of
the Farmers, union and what !it
should mean to the members, at
the regular ' meeting Monday
night. Rostvold is chairman 0f
the FU county educational com
mittee. Lunch waa served by
Mrs. Alee Matthis, Mrs. John
Steelhammer and Mrs. Clyde De
Sart, :: '
, The annual election of officers
will be held at the December
meeting. . , . t , a j
Farmers' Union
i News. I
taken front the highway which was
Damage was estimated at $345,000.
Red Gross Call
Workers on Mark
Silverton Is Districted for
Opening of Canvass
Late This Week
SILVERTON Mrs. William
Swift, local Red Cross chairman,
has appointed her workers and
prepared them to start their an
nual ron call immediately after
the Armistice day holiday. .
I Workers' include Bethany road,
Mrs. Lee Morrison; Pine street,
Mrs. Dewey Serve and Mrs. C. E.
Helmke; North -Water street,
Mrs. Matt: Lentsch; Geiser Addi
tion, Mrs. San Lorenzen; business
district,, Mrs. . Edward Eckman
and .Mrs. C R. Wilson; First,
Second and Third streets to Vest
Main, Mrs. Fred Baker, Mrs. J.
J. Lewis; Second and Third from
West Main to the cannery, Mrs.
A. J. Titus, Mrs. Lee Haskins;
South Water street, Mrs. J. L.
Stantonj Mrs. Elgin McCleary,
Mrs. Lester Geer.
! Cowing Addition, Mrs. T. L.
Bruce; Adams and Coon streets,
Mrs. ' Mahion Hoblitt; ' Coolldge,
Fiske and West Mam, Mrs. H. E.
Johnson; West Hill, Mrs. Arthur
Dahl and Mrs. Roy Davenport;
Mill street, Mrs. O. E. Lane;
East Hill, Mrs. Henry Aim, Mrs.
Clifford! Rue, Mrs. Lillian Sen
ter, Mrs. Jim Johnson.
Mill, j camp," broomhandle fac
tory, C. L. Bonney; school, Rob
ert Goets; Hobsrt road, Mrs.
Theodore Hobart and Mrs. Bert
Swanson; Silver Creek Falls dis
trict, Mrs.! L. 0. Hadley; Bethany
district j Mrs. Albert Grinde; Wal
do Hills, ! Mrs. R. M. Morton;
Marquam, Mrs. Melvin Rlveness.
All Red- Cross workers are
asked to meet at the city hall at
the Recorders' office Friday at
7:30 p.m. for a abort meeting to
talk over. the plans and get their
supplies, j Floyd Miller, general
chairman for Marion county, will
be present.
High School Roll
Of Honor Lists 13
' HUBBARD At the end of the
first six: weeks period, 13 stu
dents made th9 honor . roll at
the Hubbard ' high school. :
' . They are: Shirley Bontrageri
Doirls Boyd, Naomi Friend, sen
iors; Fred Scheller, Donald Yates
and Florence Campbell, Juniors;
Dorothy j Graves, June Crclsant,
Luclle Graves and Virginia Clark,
s o phmo res; Frieda P"oppinga,
Vera Kocher and Dorine Morgan.
Honorable mention, - John Mu
heim, Lois Yoder Carl Poppinga
and Harold Wolfer.
- The class having the . highest
grade for the first two six-week
periods will receive a trophy.
Albany Observes
i Aririistice Period
ALBANY Merchants of Albany
have signified their intention of
closing their places of , business
Thursday in observance of Arm
istice day. A parade w 1 1 1 take
place at 10:15 In the morning and
will he followed by an address by
Dr. Thomas Bibb, president of Al
bany college, at the - Veterans'
Memorial hall." ;
In ' the afternoon the' annual
football; classic between the Al
bany high school ' Bulldogs and
the Corvallis high school Spartans
will take place on Central field.
. Following the football game In
the afternoon the World war .vet
erans will hold open house at the
Veterans' Memorial hall.
Auction Sale to Assist
Stricken Family Plan
For Townsend Meeting
1 JEFFERSON The president.
Jack Tyson,1 announces the reg
ular, : meeting of the Townsend
cluh, Thursday night at the Ma
sonic hall. At the close of the
meeting an auction will be held,
the proceeds to be given the . W.
S. McClain -famUy who are . re
covering from a siege of illness.
The Better Business elub la
co-operating with the local Town
send club in this auction. The
committee U Roy WIckersham,
Roy Chester and Harvey Thurs
ton." Everyone in the community
is urged to bring one or more
articlea for the sala, '
the nearest point to which land
I1X phi
ROBERTS the Roberts com
munity Sub will meet Friday
night at ihe church starting
promptly at S O'clock.
A debate, Resolved, Japan Is
Justified pn Invading China, will
be given I by J.i W. Isely and S.
E. Davenport, i There is also a
short program. Women please
bring plea
PortlandJElectric Light and Pow
er company will furnish music
and entertainment at the regu
lar meeting of the community
cluh Friday night. Mrs. Clarence
Johnson fand Mrs. A. E. Kuenzi
will havf charge of refreshments.
ANKE.NY the Ankeny com
munity club will hold its regular
meeting Friday night, with ev
eryone avited. A good program
is planned and refreshments will
be served.
LIBERTY the Liberty com
munity dub will meet Friday at
8 p. m !i Harold Pruitt of Salem
will be ithe speaker on the pro
gram commemorating Armistice
day. ijmiliesi are to bring pie.
Everyone welcome.
m -i
SAhm HEIGHTS F r 1 d a y
night 4J8 o'clock the community
club wl hold! the monthly meet
ing at -the hall. A special pro
gram., follows the business hour.
An item; of interest to all band
musiclovers will be the organ
izing os ia band.
All leys and girls interested
are specially requested to attend.
erl Club Is
i - -
Oifeanized, Dallas
D A3L. L AS Mildred Eastman,
seniorof Dallas high school, wag
recently ! elected president of the
Girl's 1 league for the ensuing
year. )Cher officers are: Maxlne
Helmft, vice-president; Constance
Rutle0ge, secretary; Mary Ellen
Dalto, treasurer; Ruth Pleasant,
- A lew club, the Leader's, hat
recently i been organised in high
school to arouse school spirit
and fo promote a better coordi
nation among all the activities In
the 0chooK Miss Anna Mae Un
rathmnd Preston Doughton wilt
act r faculty advisors. . ' '
Officers for the first semester
were elected ! as follows: Preston
Dickey, ' president; Mary Helen
Doughton, vice-president; Gilbert
Schneider, secretary-treasurer.
Luncheon Honors
Ecuador Visitor
IEIZER -4- Mrs. Harry Pearcy
entertamed Wednesday with a
luncheon complimenting Mrs. Lu-thet-
Yantis of Ecuador, - South
America, a former sororjty sister
at Oregon State college. .
&r. yantis, a mining engineer,
and; Mrs. Yantis have been enjoy
ing5a six months' vacation, expect
ing! to return soon to the south
ern continent. - - '
Quests from Portland at the
luncheon were Mrs. Clarence
Steele, Mrs. Joseph Skelton, Mrs.
Ernest j McCain and Mrs. K. M.
JoPinsoa; from Rlckreall, Mrs. J.
S. ftoland. I '
-.-,- I ' '
Sojspended Sentence Is
Given on Cheek Charge
I In Silverton's Court
ILVERTDN Charles Dolezal
ofSdo was given a 30-day sus
pended Jail sentence npon pay
ment iof costs amounting to
$14.90 in justice court here Mon
day. The charge was stealing a
h(und dog with Al Casy claiming
tc he - the owner. -
Lee Cottew of West Salem was
hiled'!lnto court on a bad check
charge. Bald to have been. passed
W, George Manolls.-, Cottew pled
guilty ;! and promised to make
good the check Issued.
' I" f" i" ' i '-- -
: ' 3 .- 'M i -
J? A a- -:-;v
Wednesday Bridge dub
1 Will Gather Next Week
1 I ..4
neth S. Williams will entertain,
the Wednesday bridge club at
her home November 17 at 1
o'clock. ' - ;
A A luncheon will ha . aurved
followed by an afternoon of
Dtp .
S; i
Reelect Officers
For Scot ts Mills
Boys Wear Girls Clothing
in Frosh Initiation
at High School -
SCOTTS MILLS All town of
ficers, were reelected, for 1938
at the recent, election: Mayor,
E. W. Conlson; recorder, A. J.
Etlin;, treasurer, A.Lb Brougher.
Arthur Rich and i Fred Haskins
were elected councilmen for two
years.". " 3 '..''.
'The "prohibition measure car
ried, 38 to 16. ;
, :''"" Royal . Neighbors Meet
, The Royal Neighbors club held
its second meeting this fall at
the home of Mrs. Gertrude Olson
Friday . with a no-host dinner
served at noon. Each of the wo
men in the club, 35 in all, have
donated one or- : more articles
to the "Hope Chest" to be, pre
sented at the next meeting at
the home of Mrs. S. P. Moberg.
; Two new members were added
to the club, Mrs. Bertha Esten
son and Mrs. Lillian Magee.
- . Initiate Freshmen
Friday was freshmen initiation
at the high school with the fresh
men boys all decked out in girls
clothing and the girls in rain
coats, rain hats and rubber
boots. In the evening a masquer
ade party was held at the gym
where the real initiation cere
monies took place. Freshmen
present were Ruth Geren, Mori
belle Heinz, Gale Smith, Twyla
Erosig, .Vernon Lippert, Clarence
Wellman, Charles Miles, Melville
Duff and Wallace Estenson.
Others present . were the high
school students and faculty.
The Willing Workers class of
the Friends Sunday school were
entertained at the home of Ruth
Geren this . afternoon for their
regular monthly party.
The P.T.A. 'supper and auction
Saturday night was poorly at
tended due to the inclement
weather. The proceeds were
Mothers to Visit
Classes at School
ing school supervisors will be
hostesses for the third meeting
of the Parent Teachers associa
tion. .
K Christmas story will be told
by Mrs. Dewey, kinder-garden
teacher. Coral singing will be
held by the Mothers chorus.
A special feature of the after
noon of December 6 will be each
mother will visit her child's room
and sit in her own child's seat
with the room supervisor in
charge for 30 minutes.
Fairfield Folks Attend
Service for DuRette Lad
FAIRFIELD A number from
this community attended funeral
services for Francis Richard, 2
y ear-old son , of Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph DuRette, at Canby Thurs
day afternoon. Interment was at
Belcrest Memorial park in Salem.
a , t 41 : -, r,
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th. ft
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Today- marks the 20tK anniversary of
peace from war and strife.'
-I: :''! ' ' I. I-'. . " i
Let us pause in memory of those called
to the battlefields and the devotion to their
cause which inspired them to make the
WOrld I '! i ..'',:,..-'.: ! :
j: ,-. p. - ; ,; v,..r i;,;.:'r"i -f :?.'; a )':
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Annual College Play Will Be First
To Be Presented on new Gym Stage,
'..Now Being Constructed, Sit. Aiigel
MT.' ANGEL-r-The stage in. the new Mt. Angel college
gymnasium, erected last year, is expected; to be in readiness
for use by Christmas. Work on the stage waa begun last
week. The gym has been used for athletic purposes since last
December. j . ,.- : ; :.::.."' V .
Plans call for an extended curvature of six! feet more
than present lines. This extension,
in tour, sections, win be portable
and contain the footlights.
Height of the stage will be 15
feet, with an arch forming ; the
top of, the opening.- Wood panel
ing is to be used as trim. Two
dressing rooms, one on each side
of the stage, will be provided.
Six spotlights with i dimmers and
colors, a blue curtain backdrop,
and a motion picture screen for
the newly purchased RCA projec
tor is among the equipment to be
added. . . ,
The ' timely completion of the
stage will enable the boys to give
their annual college play in their
own hall for the first time since
the fire of '26. The name of this
year's dramatic offering has not
been selected as yet.
Sunnyside Cluh '
' Meet Advanced
SUNNYSIDE The first meet
ing of the Sunnyside community
club will be held at the school
house Wednesday night. The
regular meeting night is Friday
night but this would interfere
with the meeting of the Red
Hills Birthday club, .
There will be no school Thurs
day and Friday of this week as
Thursday is a holiday and the
teachers attend institute in Sa
lem on Friday.
Mrs. D. B. Taylor entertained
Saturday evening with a Hallow
e'en party. Those present were
Mr. and Mts. Rockhill, Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Alexander and Nor
man, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Whe
lon, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Feller
and children and the host, Mr.
and Mrs. D. B. Taylor, Bruce and
Sraolinskys Move
To Portland Home
HUBBARD Mr. and Mrs.
John Smolinsky, who recently
sold their business at Hubbard,
purchased the apartment house
at 8301 East Burnside avenue,
Portland, moved their household
effects to their new home. Mr.
and Mrs. Robert O'Leary, daugh
ter and son-in-law, and their two
sons accompanied the Smolniskya
to Portland. t
The student ibody play "The
Road to Niagra" is to be put
on Friday evening, December 3.
A baby boy, ;their12th child,
was horn to Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Prinslow of Woodburn, October
28 at the Ann hospital, Hubbard.
A 7-pound baby boy was born
to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Berg, Wood
burn, November 1 at the Ann
hospital. ; j,
"'"v vs h.--, .r. j
r - 1? - " s'fv. "
Two Men Injured
In Car Accident
Crash of State ; Auto and
Pick-np Demolishes
the. Latter
AUMSVILLE A car accident
occurred here Saturday evtnlng
about .one half . mile . north of
townj at the intersection of a
cross road with the highway. A
pick-op was struck ; by a car be
longing to the Oregon state
board J of control.
Two j men were injured but
tneiri names' were hot learned
and the pick-up was! demolished,
j Brown's Cabin Burns
.A Icabin used by Slmer; Brown
in his work in the woods above
Stayton caught fire land burned,
destroying his camping' equip
ment,' ; bedding, clothing and
groceries. j
Mfs. I Elmer Asche " and son.
MeMn Asche of Gates werd here
Sunday! visiting. They are form
er residents here ahd were re
turning) from Portland , where
they attended the wedding of
her son, Everett Hearing to Miss
Juanita SummervilleJ Both oun
people are employed in Podtland.
To Sell Shares
AIUMSVILLE At a meeting of
the stockholders of the local tele
phone company Tuesday night a
discussion was made to sell new
shares and to assess all present
stockholders $5.00i to pay for re
pairing the telephone lines, which
have J been in need of the work
for some time. j ,
A (vote also carried to increase
thel salary of the operator.
The Woman's j club members
were! recent guests! at the home
of Mrs. Creighton Castle of Sa
lem at her home there, for a de
lightful afternoon. Guests from
this place were Mrsj William For
gey;Mrs. C. F,"Hein, Mrs. Bland
Spear,J Mrs. May Lamb, Mrs. Er
nest Towle, Mrs. T.i Y. McClellan.
Mrs. I Hanson, Mrs.. William Howd
and Mrs. Gladys IClaxton.
Libby in Army now
MARION Milton Libby. son of
Mr. and Mrs. Harley Libby, has
Joined; the army and will be in
the; division of the radio service.
He; will sail this week for San
Francisco, then to Honolulu.
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Cliina Missionary
To Speak, Dayton
' " '
Telephone Firm 3Iaking
. Repairs to Central
DAYTON Mr. and Mr John
Trachel who are in the UMited
States on a short furlough from
China missions will addr8 a
union meet in sr at th
Dayton t
Methodist church at 8
Sunday, November 14.
P. m.
Next Saturday, the Evar.geli
cal Ladle's Aid of Dayton will
hold a rummage sale at the Civic
club rooms at 5 p. m. A chicken
supper will be served.
Itrpalr Phone Office
. The Dayton Telephone com
pany is putting on new weather
boarding, building a new porch
and will repaint the i central
building. . ; ;
Complimenting Mrs. H. G.
Osden of Portland, a former rcn.
dent of Dayton, Mrs. W. O. Bar
nerd entertained at her home Sat
urday afternoon.
Party Held for 1
Barbara Ann Lee
DETROIT Mrs. Richard L
gave a party Saturday after
noon in honor of her daughter,
Barbara Anns' 9th birthday. The
following little girls were pres
ent: Dorothy and Lorraine 1 Booker,
Bonnie and Doris Bixel, Evelyn
and Eileen Losey, Catherine and
Alice Fryer, Loraine Evan, Geor
gia Rand, Mary Lou Nilson and
Barbara Ann.
Jim Rand, jr., who has been
employed at the Idanha Lumber
company until the recent shut
down there, has secured employ
ment with A. Milne Construction
company who have the contract
to gravel and oil an 8 mile
stretch of road in Linn county
about 20: miles above j Detroit.
Rand worked for this construc
tion co., a few years! ago at
Junction City.
Open Saturday Night Until 0
J Throw Your
Watch Away
We Can Fix Them When
Others Can't
Guaranteed Watch Repairing
Also Fine Jewelry Repairing
Watches, Diamonds, Silverware
The Jewel Box j
443 Between High
State and liberty
Open Saturday Evening Uatil V
S other differently num-l
pins 39c entities you to
, NAWV mmmm
- a A':
from tha
made available until the set