rr PAGE TWO The UlUSliun oi'A'iJissAlAPr. baiem, Oregon, Sunday Morning:, November 7, 1937 Fublit Schools 'at Silmrtok to- MoW'Open: Monday Might 3 It Event Starts At 7 O'Clock A1L Friends and Patrons T:t,w A tttl f unction , . trvir.TTnv nwn house will hD.ra in ih local schools 1 MoHday night starting at T jb. in iht... .. mtrnn arA in- I v . . . I All ill ICUUV UIU K-" I vited to attend. The visitor may come - - at any time during me evening.. Children unaccowpan- led jby parents will not be admit- ted.l Directories giving the leca- tioaj ot indiTldnal teachers' f com? ) wil be posted Inside each oniw- The library, under the nireo- 'tM fMlM Gd"d,b,,rM,iJl Fletcher is also directing aaotn er display in the Eugene Field building; which will consist of new booas loaned by a Portland book company. I . To Show AcUvlt lea Dtapiaya or "" ried on la tne T"" " id be featured in the Eugene J r puiwing. . I - t, Karlnf atiidpnta On duty visliora to see the things they siosit desire. Church Classes Honored, Parties I - MILL CITY The junior girls and! primary grades ot the Chris- tlani Sunday bool wete enter- talned with a Haaowe'fen party recently. Those present were Don na Lee, Plymale, Virginia)! Jackson, Violet .'Dora ; and Sarah" Gallia, Lawrence. Lester and Kathleen l '!-M!?J2fc"Sy ffiSi su nth. Lena. and Wanda Guy, .uniu. tru. "", " Z " rrI "A' I Siaxiae rropsi, jmxuw I McDonald, Juanlta Lawson, Billy andl Florene Shepherd, Eunamae and Jane Chance, Esther Carter, Marv Ann Bruder and the host esses, Nellie Charpilos, Lucy Shep herd and Pauline Chance. Mrs.-' Frank Bass also enter tained with a party at her home In-' honor of her Sunday school elass. Those attending were Alice Marie and Donola Swan, Nellie, Natalie and Da Hathaway, Alta Jackson. Lois Caraway. Mary Tenrl. Belle Faust. Bessie Mc- Ailey. Virginia Mason. Bob Swift, Bob Mnndt, Harold Knut son Stanley Ogden. Millard Baas, Oral Tiers. Mrs. Joffries and Miss Mf Kinniin ..assisted, wvj 11 "If 9 Woodburn Golfers. Dinner Is Today ( , j . .J J WOODBURNf The regular meeting of the Woodburn. Wom an's club was held In the club rooms' of the public library, Wed nesday, afternoon with! Mrs. J. Melvin Ringo presiding. Mrs. Rod ney Alden was elected vice-presi dent Jto fill the office left vacant 1 .by Mrs. Wayne Tennatf who re cently moved to Marshileid. Convention reports were given by Mrs. J. J. Hall, Mrs. E. N. HalL and! Mrs. Rlngo. Announcements were made that the book review class which is being sponsored by theiWPA will meet November 16. jThe- club voted to sponsor again the) annual Christmas seal sale. -'During the program hour mu-j aicaJ numbers were given by Jthe . Herigstad triplets, a vocal solo by Hubert Seely and group songs by grade school pupils. Miss Viola Mills gave a reading, "The Lady and! the Cop." Sylvia Stewart Is H nmnlnn o I AOflAr I lldlllDlCll & liCaUCl -LEBANON Tbe Hamblen club ?rlFlore bonnet for lie n" ember meeting. A eoyered-dlsh dinner Was served at 1 o'clock by Florence Connet and Mrs. Flora ChUds. No .program -was planned as this was the yearly election date. - Sylvia . Stewart was elected president; Louisa Neely, ; vice presldc-nt; Ethel Christensen, se& retary; Flora Childs. treasurer. n4 Rom Blackburn, press cor respondent. i A Christmas party has been planned for the December nceet- ingi Members for preparing next year' year . book are: Louisa Neely, chairman, Cora Howe and Flora Childs. i .. ,f. Farmer Resident Visits v -at TliUiiiiil a Aauguier at noscuaic - I ROSED ALE Mrs. F. S. Hoi- lepeter from Montana and former resident here, la visiting her daughter, Mrs. Robert f Ladd. The Clarke family of Sunnyside is j moving onto the former ! Pasieskt property In the west end of the district. i Aril Certificate -No This Certificate and . five others, all differently ; 'numbered, entitle you to one week's Set of Four , Pictures upon i payment of only S9c (46c if by ' - mail). . i ' . . i , 4 J ,! ! -DfPORTAXT- Be sore to order Set No. 1 4f yoa have that or sub sequent sets, order the next umbered Set of Four. Silverton Becoming "No Town, Leaders There Declare After Recent Ballot Experiences SILVERTON That the -Noes bare it at SIlTerton is the gen era! opinion among local business The recent large "No" on the Marlon count? court house was expected at Silverton. For a con- siderable time, all negatives ap- pfimi oa wcai i""" School Of municipal, COUntJ OX .v M ' . . . . state, have been favored with the TT f I til ATI Hi II . T l 1 1 1 r 1 1 m QQeQ 1 UA Increase of Pupils tb 41 Makes Furthen Funds Necessary now UNION HILL At the special school meeting held at the Union HIH achoolhouse on Mondar night P1 tax was voted for school purposes for this year. T ThA o1iaa1'' attnfanM haa' In- ,reed he enrollment Is now 0 pnplls. The achoolhouse Is having to be worked ; over to make room for the increase In attendance. At t the beginning of the achool year the attendance was 27. : Mrs. Mary.L. Fulkerson visited the school on Thursday. lj ' Collier-Smith Vows Taken Miss Daisy Collier, daughter of . n.la,nm, ;f manlkA lut week TheT are mak. iQg. thft,r homt ,n the Unlo Hffl neighborhood. ( Mrs. Verny Scott entertained the members of the - Union Hill Woman's club-: at her home on . m Kt of: Victor Point aang a solo and Mrs. Dolph Heater played two selecUons. T.-nrh v rrA h tho ,nt- ess assisted by Mrs. W. M. Tate. The next club meeting will be at the home of Mrs. W. II. Rabens on November 18. Woodburn Women To Sponsor Seals - -!; WOODBURN The annual golf dinner of the Woodburn Golf club "will be held at the clubhouse-Sunday night at-8 o'clock;' at !i which time the championship cups and various awards will be presented. Mrs. ' Wayne B. Gill win receive tne cnampionsnip cup. in the wo men's division and her daughter, p:?sassr T w"" Play in the men's dirision will ship division, j The boys' cap will! be finished.' Sunday. Cdntenders for the championship are A. De-I Jardin, Tony ; Painter and Frank I Proctor. ; ;- ! 'Si Prizes wil! be awarded, to each! woman player who held a. score I lower toan any other woman play- A wonderful display of chrys intg on an hole and a prize Willi anthemuma was shown by, George be given for law gross in the eclee- tic for the rear. Reports will be I siveu of the season 4 activities. I Those attending the dinner i SuihU are asked to bring table service. ! : j t ' 3 ,:- ' r Hospital Patients Able to Co Home bli,yiKruJN Mrs. u I at y t o n I Tnomas. wno has oeen m the sil verton hospital, a few days for medical observation, was taken " her home Fridays : i K Mrs. Oscar Satrum.' who under went a major operation at the Sil verton hospital a week ago, was ble to leave the hospital Friday. mUl remain a few days'witli days 'with relatives at Silverton -before going on to her HiDsboro home. Jake Ernestine, who was brdagM to Silverton. hospital early in "e week when he was injured wnue siepping on irom n irsc - 1 tor, was Uken to his home near Monitor Friday. Ernestine sus tained, a ; leg injury but was re but ya covering satisfactorily, Reorganize Club Work at Turner TURNER Mrs. Mary Ball was! chosen club ! leader in the 4H I class I and: II when it was reor ganized and officers . elected: President. Rosalie White; vice president, Hasel Larson; ! secre tary-treasurer, Marjorie Shower;, 1 clb reporter. Frances McCnlly. attendance is: reported f or the recent minstrel show and ple sale sponsored by the Craw- ford echooL I : ! : - Lawrence Girardla who has J pasture land' along the' railroad I had one of his best mules get out. and killed by a train,; . Ray Farreas is home from the Hood Rlyer apple, orchards. ;19 Valley's, Chief tuna uii, b wvuau .uw i general belief that Silverton rot- era run their eye down the bal lot, find a "No" and mark it re gardness of the printing opposite. - Some local citisens have ex pressed almost a willingness to wager that should such an issue as "Do yon want your taxes low- I ered"? appear on an official- bal lot, the answer at SUrcrton j would atUl be "No." - 4H Clubs Formed : At Keizer School Better . Health Is Motto for1 Organizations of Children KEUKK-mwe promotion oi better i health Keiier .school re ports the organization of the f ol- lowing 4H health clubs, Third and fourth grades i -name Kelzer'g Better Health Clnb;" president, Varian Harrow; rice president, jlmmie Shauver; secre tary, J alius Numata; leader. Miss Bernlce Faley. Sixth ' grade name . "Junior I Health Club;" president, Ted Mankertx; vice president, Ray Su gai; secretary, Joyce Murphy; leader, Mrs. Myers. Seventh and eighth grades 'Herald of Health;" president, David Melsoa; vice president, Nel lie Pearmine; secretary, DorcQy Murphy; leader, Mildred Kirk. - Sewing club, division: I, presi-1 dent, Corcoelle Weeks; vice presi dent, Alda PicKell; secretary, Joan Frigaard; leader. Mra. Fri- Murphy, Agnes Kleman, Luella Eby and Opal Seid. Sewing club, division II, presi dent, Betty Pierce; vice president. Dorothy Smalley; secretary. Verle Saucy; leader, Mrs. Dave Saucy; yell leader. Dene Mitchell; song leader, Joyce Murphy; treasurer, I Nellie Pearmine. 1 Cooking I name "Fun in the Kitchen;" president, Arlene Frog- ley; v ice' president, .Betty Fay Gottenberg; secretary, Ava Dee Thomas; leader, Mrs. Paul Pierce. Other members, Barbara Baldwin, Ram on a Evans, Audrey Peterson, Donna Mae Gottenberg and Nettie Weathers. Handicraft, president. Wayne Loveall;: vice president, Don Sun; secretary, Julius Numata; leader, I Joe Bartruff. Other 'members, Ted Mankertx. Jimmy Shauver, Ivan Sugal mK ' w i w Ium Display Is Staged for Qub viiaa WOODBURN The Woodbnrn Garden club held its regular meeting at the library club rooms Wednesday night with Mrs. J. J. Hall presiding. Timin and R. L. Cochran, local florists. Several visitors from the Salem Heights club extended an invita- tion to visit a , chrysanthemum Show Of that club on Saturday. Theora Thamer of Aurora was also a guest Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cook were received Into member ship. A talk on chrysanthemums was given by George Timm ; vo cal solos were given by Mrs. Ralph Kleen; vocal duet by Rev. and Mrs. Kleen, and piano solos by Miss Joyce Woodfin. Refresh- menta were served Education Week's flUnAM..MAA DlA UJJdCrVcUitC 1 lilll MT. ANGEL Next Wednesday, November 10, the high school stn-1 denU. of Mt. Angel academy will F,! 5?Bi BMm wwr ini th pntlintlon Sesqulcentennial. - 7; " 7av ' - Parents of the studeats nd friends of the Institution are in vited. Various patriotic and edu cational numbers will be given, among them a skit on the consti tution, a piano-accordion solo., a constitution appreciation., choral reading, and. a constitution ; day song composed by one of the sis-1 ters of the school. .- Best of Trip Is Said Return Home! HOLLYWOOD Mrs. O. A. j Forgkrd Just returned- from a nine weeks tour of the middle west, including stops at St. Lou- is.Mo.; Chicago, III ; Neena, wis.. I and other places. She saw thein !r .tv, C.m j Llanetarlnm in Chicago, the first I such : building , in America; the equipment for which cost I0,- 0' "' exclusive of the building. Nov there are four Planetariums in the United States. . In spite of her wonderful trip and the many , interesting sights she says there is no place Quite , like Oregon foe a wonderful cli-i mate. Cloudy gray skies and cold weather - were encountered every place- she went. SuVerton Folk Get Word . Of Mrs. F. Davis' Death SILVERTON ; i-i Mrs. Forrest Davis, f 7, a former Sllrerton re sident; recently died at Albany. Mrs. Davis was before her mar- riage, Zella Cavender.,a member of a pioneer family. Her husband is a brother of Grant Davis and Mrs. Sam . Ames. The Devises liv ed, at Silverton for many years. November 31 Plans! Ready ; O Tft 1 Woodblirn to Mage 1'aratle, Program, Came and " flight Dance - -. t ' ' ' WOOUBURN Plans, hare been completed tor the annnml Armis- tice day celebration to te held In Woodbnrn under auspices of the Woodhurs post No. 41, American Legloa- and auxiliary, Thursday, A parade in the morning will consist ot the Woodburn howitier company fraternal and patriptie groups, jthe Woodburn fire de partmenCj,a chfldren'a section and music tf the Hubbard band un der direction of Dr. A. F. de Les pinasse. The parade will form at the city thali at 10:45 e. m. i Following the . parade tbe re will be a patriotic program, which wfll ho ItsM ant of rinnri near th1 u the weather permits and In case of rain will be held in the Lincoln grade school audi torium across the street from the eity halliJ -' : j ., -- ; . : . L ; Fleming Is Speaker : Speaker will be Rer. Michael Fleming of Canby and Hubbard. Immedialely after the program the Amtrlcan Legion auxiliary will serve a dinner in the Legion room at the city hall. In the afternoon a " football game . between Woodburn high school and the Chemawa Indian school teama will be played. In the evening a dance will be given at the armory, beginning at I o'clock BUI Fisher's Aces, pop ular nine-piece dance band; will furnish the music. f. i( tot i m 1 Parte Well I akPIl In School Comedy WOODBURN The three act comedy f Who WouK Wouldn't Be Cra- I; aonSy T Katnenne 17 " br! Katherine Kavanaugn, presenie ny ine aiuaent ooay oi Voodbum high achool Thursday ana Friday nights, proves a great success. Parts! were well presented by the members of the east which included lj Anita Hoefer as Pen die, the colored maid; Vernon Watt as Pluriins the negro gate keep er: Bob Dean as hard boned aic- Caf ferty : Marguerite Gagner and J? ! sanitarium: Cleo Carothers . as Nurse Lavelle; Harold Liresay as Hlggjns; Marvin Morisky as Mr. Marshall, -Gilbert Ramage as "Speedy"! Marshall ;. Joan Beck me Lois Meredith ; Ben Johnson, as Reggie. Mortimer. Marlon Crolj as Beatrice; Doris Jones as Mar- rie; .Gfiorgianna Smith as Jan et; - Dorethy Darling as Evelyn Winslow and Donald Olson as Edward '(Gordon. The production staff Included Miss Esther Hettinger, director; Pearl Porter. Mra.. Helen Guiss and Margaret Garnero,- Max Mur phy, . Bab Ganon, Lynn Simon, Miss Jane Goodale, Girls' Booster club and Letterman's club. The lettermen won the ticket sales contest. Last! Rites Held For Salem Man LINCOLN Orville Edward Price, 77. died at his home Mon day, after an Illness of several months. Interment was at Zena. Mr. Price was born September, J cember $1, 1885 he was married j I860 in Vernon county. Wise. De- to Emelih Ann Lake and two years later , mioved to Oregon. Three children. Hazel, D. Price, Lake W. Price and Everett Price, survive. In 1896 the wife- and mother passed away and Mr. Price there I after filled t the place . of mother as well as J father. For almost 20 hn n nn tn o-iJU. .h.M v. .nM,.A i. bnslneM ul wher ne paMed w' -ll brother. WiU PrleTo? I Wisconsin, and a sister, Mrs. May 1 wlwr"r01 ow survive, Dozler Home Is Scene Club Meet STAYTON Mrs. Ambrose Dos- ler entertalned members - and guests of the Happy. Hour club at her home Thursday afternoon. At the. tea . hour: refreshments were served to Mrs. Will Wana cott, Mrs.' Roy Porter, Mrs. J. Morrow.: Mrs. John Dozler, Mrs. David Silvers, Mrs. Nick Fehlen. Mrs. Arta Fery, Mrs. Harry Por ter, .Mrs. r Albert Boedighelmer I end daughter, May Boedlgheinrer, I Mrs. Andrew Fery will enter enter- I tain the club at her home No- 1 vember -LS. riratir r; Sbower at Silverton , :, For Jlrs. S. A, Pitney - . t ,. 'i - . . ..... SILVERTON Mrs. A. J. Titus assisted by Mrs. Pearl Davenport, j Mrs. Miaa Cooper and Mrs. Myrtle Loreniea entertained at a ahower ' party for Mrs.' S. A. Pitney Wed nesdsy sight at the Titus home. Present were Mrs. Pitney. Mrs. Ersest Starr. Mrs.. Otto Aim. Mrs.' C. E. Jaqua, Mrs. A. Brandt, Mrs. Dewey Allen, Mrs. W. L Boulester, Towe. Mrs. Lucy 'wray and the Mrs. Del Barber, - Mrs. George hostess.'; Former Track Men Meet HUBBARD Mr. and Mrs. Ros- coe Moore of Moro were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Beal during j.he week; Moore and Beal were members of the U of O track team at the same time. SWEGLE The Swegle com munity club met Friday night, the " entertainment b e I n g in charge of Miss Coral Snider. -A fine program of. Hawaiian gnltar music was presented by a class from the Pacific Studio of Musie. Following this group ot numbers the blind school pre sented a program , of vocal solos, piano solo., and a vocal duet. Committees for next month In clude Mrs, Harel WeUs. Clarence Snfder and Marlon. West.- enter talnnlcBt, and Mrs. Meno Dalke. Mrs. F: L. Porter ana Mrs. ti. Conklin, refreshments. Dallas Veterans At Joint Meeting Foreign Wars Auxiliary and Post' jTake Group . ' of new Members DALLAS A large delegation ot .members of the Dallas poBt oi Yeterans ot Foreign Wars and the auxiliary ; went to Sllrerton Wednesday night to a lolnt meet ing of the Salem, Dallas ana sil verton posts. A district installa tion of officers ot the three posts of the veterans and auxiliary was held. , Officers of the Dallas veterans post Installed were: V. Ray Boyd- at on. commander; Elmer Ray, senior, vice-commander; Frank Willson, Junior vice-commander; William Mott, chaplain; Al Koch, officer of the day; trustee, Laird Woods. ' . Anxiliarjr Officers r; Officers of the auxiliary Mrs. William Mott, president; Mrs. Forrest Martin, senior vice-presi dent; Mrs. Del Hayes, Junior vice- president: Mra. v. Ray Boyflston, treasurer; Mrs. Frank Willson. secretary: Mrs. Charles Plessin rer. chaplain: Mrs. Mabel Barrs- f ord. conductress : Mrs. Melvin Cutler, patriotic Instructor; Mrs. Georse EKgert, anard; Mrs. H. D. Peterson. ' historian: v Mrs. Jack Haves. Mrs Lester Martin. Mrs William McKlnnon and Urs. L. A. Fliflet. color hearers; 'Mrs. Tressa Schriver. trustee. ' ! rrthers ' from Dallas who at tended were Mrs. Laird Woods, Mm. Elmer Ray. Miss Ella Hughes and Charles Plessinger. ' Take New Members ' At a special meeting of the auxiliary held recently at th home of Mrs. Del Hayes, two new TTio-mKpnt Mrs. Laird Woods and Miss Iva Stanleywere obligated. At a special meeting of the. vet erans post, held Tuesday or tnis week, five new memoers were aa mitted. The 7" are S. E. Bell, George Mlnty, Antone ' Franck,. M R-Wells and H. E". Stevenor. SchQol Pupils to Get Hot Lunches JEFFERSON At the meeting of the Home-School organization Thursday night, a dslcusslon was held urging cooperation in plan ning for the hot lunch project held at the schoolhouse for the benefit of out-of-town children during the cold weather. Prospec tive candidates for cook were men tioned, but no .definite action taken. . . At this meeting parents were given, the opportunity of getting acquainted with the teachers in the grade and high schools , in their 'respective rooms. Juanlta Holt, Shirley and Sheila Roland and Irene Miller were ushers. . r Mrs. E. B. Redmond gave an interesting talk on, -When the Parent Should Visit the School and How.' Mrs. . Clarence Thur stoa. president, j presided at the meeting. Lebanon Man Pays Fine. In Jefferson Court for ; Lack of Utility Permit JEFFERSON? Marion Spring, Lebanon, paid a . fine In Justice court Thursday, having; no PUC permit, and overloaded track. . - Harvey Munce paid a fine' of $1.60 and ' costs or having- - no license on trailer. Monday Frank Wookey paid a fine of LS9 and costs for operating a motor with a void foreign license. PLATES OF ALL MAKES OVER 15 YEARS PRACTICE FILLINGS, CROWNS, EXTRACTIONS, BRIDGES DR. HIGGINS DENTIST . Over J. C. Penney Store TeL 68J4 Looney Butte Has 4H Health Croup School Organizes Club: Other Activities 1 at . Full Throttle- - LOONET BUTTE A iHiHealth club has been organized Jn the Looney Butte -school in eosnee tlon with the health i education work., r- v.- i- -fc'r.x The name which has been cho sen is The Sunshine Health club. The' , leader : is . Mrs. . - Ruby Schants who is also the teacher. Officers are: Presidenti Lad die Eulrlch; .vice presidenti Ethel Farmen; secretary, Xarline Woods; reporter, Hasel -linren; yell leader, Delmour Woods. . The club meets erery Moaday morning.' '" -"f .. ': The subject for discussion this week was Food and Weight. The meeting was called to order by the president. Laddie Eulrlch, af ter which the -club pledge was given by ail the members! Del mour Woods led the club In the "Ploughing . Song." The meeting was then turned over to the. lead er for discussion. The meeting closed with a song, "Dreaming. Friday afternoon a s p e c 1 a 1 meeting was held for thi pur- rose ot makingi .out ! individual health records. During thl year an attempt will jbe made to im prove the health habits of the members. ' . School Enrollment Up . Three new pupils havef been added to the enrollment of the Looney - Butte school ; since the beginning or the term. They are Marjorie Aeschilmann in the eighth grade from North Dakota. Roy Scott In the second grade. ana viou scott in the rifth grade, both' from South Dakota. v There are now z t f P b i I s. There has never 'been - a larger number in this school since' 1923 24 when Golds' jstarr wa the teacher. At that time there! were 35.-. v: -; - 1-- I , -- County School Supervisor Wayne Harding visited the school Tuesday afternoon. He brought Hasel Iungen the award which she earned in her 4-H canning project last summer. f He also brought record J books for the pupils who are members of the children's Book league. Fourteen pupils have enrolled for the project. They have finder taken to read one book a inonta for eight months from . lists pre pared for their grades. This is in addition to their. regular school work. ' ' . . . -; . ;-. j . At the present time. Ethel Far- men in the setenth grade and Jackie Andreson in the p third grade are leading with r seven books each to .Iheir credit. Theme Oub Meet STATTON The Women's club met at the clubhouse Thursday afternoon, with Mrs. V. R.jTuel, president, in charge of th4 bus iness meeting. 6 This program was given: a talk on "History and Function of Libraries"; selection If the Christian church quartet, I Mrs. W. H.. Lyman, Mrs. W. WilCrab tree, Mrs. Ben Shaefer, and Mrs. Ward Inglis with. Mrs. Everett Downing, as accompanist! and two book reviews-, "The Return to Religion," aad "Mansions in the Cascades," by Mrs. Earl Mil ler. - :-? The next meeting will tbe on Thursday afternoon, November 18, at the clubhouse. Tha sub ject will be "Menu . Discission and Favorite Recipe Exchange." Elsie Wilson and Son i Purchase Restaurant MONMOUTH Mrs. Elslel wn- son and her , son, Leroy J have purchased the Chill Bowl restau rant of Fred Lofting' and i took immediate possession. MrsJ WO aoa has-had a. ltfng experience in resUur ant work. The Leray "WU sons have recently been living in Centralla. ; ' . r r VOtrU. FOKGST CCSiNAXY CAXS AFTI YCU SCCTRli ' Bt& DESOTO I T HIS GREAT NSW DE SOTO is smart to look at and it's smart to own You Ztt fine-car lozary and per formance at amal-car cost; . . and this BIG DcSoto actually costs np more to ma than most S50 Marion SU j Iabrary jiuU ui J w Mission Society 1 To Be Joint Host Federation 3Ieet KEN A The Spring VaUey Home Missionary society held the November meeting at the home of Mrs, Jesse Walling, Thursday af ternoon with Mra. W.'W. Henry as tassistaat hostess. ! " The group decided to join four other clubs, Brush College Help ers, Sweet Briar, West Salem and Orchard Heights, as ; hosts to tbe Polk county Federation of Rural lem - municipal- hall. November l$i Mrs. "W D. Henry, president, appointed a committee on ar rangements, Mrs. Ri C. Shepard, Mrs. w. Frank Crawford and Mrs. Chsrles McCarter." Mrs. Maynard Simmerman waa introduced as a new member. L Of special interest was the food demonstration given by Miss Matxine Bur en, women's editor of novel and attractive salads, ac companied by a vivid description of her methods and requirements Silver Teal Held 4 v.- ' ' - By Methodist Aid TURNER The Methodist lad ies! aid society held its monthly Silver tea Friday with 25 mem bers and. friends present at the home of Mrs. C. A. Bear, -who was assisted by Mrs. E. C Bear. Mrs. F. C. Gunning, president, led devotions. Other numbers were: piano duet, j Mrs. : Bruce Groseclose and MrsJ E. C. Bear; piano solo Fernal Gilatrap; talk on straff Is regulations; and games enjoyed. ; Refreshments were served to Mrs . Nellie Riches, f Mrs. Porter Downing. Mrs. Whiteaker. Mrs. Geo. Pemberton. Mrs. R. O. Wit-j sei; Mrs. T. Little, Mrs. J .Ver steeg, Mrs. J. S. McKlnney, Mrs. G.W. Farris, Mrs. Fred Dierks, Mrs. H. C. Holcomb, Mrs. aiaun, Mrs. Edna : Allen, Mrs. Brace Groseclose. Mrs. E.! A. and Mrs. F.C. Gunning, Mrs. Harry Sor enson, Mrs. Wm. Spiers, Mrs. M. A. I HU1. Mrs. O. p. Given. Mrs. L.M. Small, Mrs. Jolin Mickey, Mrs e; J. Harrisoh, Mrs. Stella M flier, Rachel Riches and Fernal Gilstrap. ' Ca Hurt by Machine jWQODBURN Frank CoveX employe or tne Kay-Maiing can? nery company, was taken ' to ' St, Vincents hospital in Portland for treatment for a serious Injury to hue 'richt forearm and: wrist suf fered when he sllnped on the wet floor and felt; causing his arm to get in contact with! the knife of tha bean machluery, Ssreral ten dons, a nerve and! blood vessel were severed. At a meeting of the Wood turn Legion auxiliary held Wednesday night plans were made' for the jit- ney dinner which will be serve?! on Armistice day at the Legion rooms mthe city hay. , The date. for the next sewing meeting, has been set for Novem ber 17 with Mrs. Rodney Aldec, Mrs. H. F. Butterfleld and Mrs. Willard Branigar as hostesses, and the next regular mating will be held December 8. Juniors Defeat Seniors 2 to 1 in First Qass Debate Held at Dallas : DALLAS The first in a series of jlnter-elass debates was held at the high school Wednesday after noon, when the senior affirma tive team met the Junior nega tive. The latter team, won a two tojone decision. The seniors are Joan Stlnnette, Donald Senter and Amy Hoots and the Juniors. Doris May, Evelyn , Ickes and .Ernest Relmer. " : . " . The question wasi the unicam eral system of legislature. Judges were-Eugene Hayter, Rev. O. D. Harris and Fred Caef. SMALL cars. So you save xaoney eyery mile yott drive. ' This new DeSoto is miles ahead of the field in beauty, ' performance, comfort and safety. Youlllike its effortless handling and the double assur- . anoe c bigger hydraulic brakes ; and !a safety steel body, r Tpday.DeSotohpricedjust above the lowest. Ask for the Official Commercial Credit Company Finance Plan. 1 , Employ 7wlILinDEnOOrJf-Iac. Paper Mill Goes On 5-Day Basis Lebanon High Student Gets Broken Collar Bone in Queer Mishap LEBANON-Beginnlng ' Satur day morning the Crown-Willam-ette Paper mill at Lebanon went on a five-day week schedule. There will be no operations go ing on at the1 plant from gam Saturday until g a.m. MondayJ TWi slackening up ot work is ' due to conditions in the orient as both Japan and China have been heavy buyers of the paper mills. : Student . Is Injured . Lois McKinnis, a student of the Lebanon high school, suffer ed a broken collar bone in some unaccountable manner Thursday. As R. D. Waddell was driving near the achool he noticed the girl and took her to a doctor.! She- had been on her bicycle but could give no explanation of how her collar bone was broken. She said the last thing she could re member was coming out of the school building. Mrs. Lloyd Gilson entertained the members of the MyBtic club Friday afternoon with 10 mem bers and one guest, Mrs.- R. A. Spencs, present. During the af ternoon plans were made for a Thanksgiving dinner party Nofl Garnet Crisman Voted Most Popular Girl as i School Stages Frolic JEFFERSON The Jefferson high school carnival was held Tuesday in the high school gym nasium, with all classes having several booths. More than $128 was taken in, and about S59 profit made, to go for the stu dent body. . f Votes for the most popular junior girl went to Garnet Chris man; popular boy. Billy Knight; beautiful girl, Irene Miller. SNOOPS v Snoops: "Why do yon have to ' pour a liquid over that chemical, then dram it off so many tunes? j "Only a short rime ago. Snoops, when reading one of the latest technical journals, we learned that by "washing" this particular , chemical, the patient hi afforded the maximum therapeutic resulta. Some fellows are always finding new and better ways to do things. So yon see, we have to keep tip with oar reading; and studying to do a conscientious job. Willett'a j CAPS TAIL 405 State, Corner Liberty Phone 3118 IVktt pk4.mctf is jatcticc 4CJ r utt art ACMBfiS SMKT iMPniCSJCAB Phone 770: