The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 02, 1937, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, NoremBer; 2, 1937
. ,n
t 1
Local N
- Ya a ' Winkle Rules A county
ipannot legally purchase automo
C&eualty Insurance in a re
elprocal Insurance company. At
v torney General L H. Van .Winkle
. , held in an: opinion Monday... He
h held that such purchase would
' make the county subject to a con
tingent liability in favor of the
exchange representing all of the
reciprocal Insurers. , The opinion
!i was .requested by Bert C. Boylan.
; dis let attorney of Deschutes
' cc aty. j-
Ell iff Improving HIra Ellis, of
osalla. Wash., recently wounded
hile .hunting, is recovering fol
wing amputation of the injured
ot, his mother, living here, re
rta. A brother, R. V. Ellis of
'etchikan. Alaska, came down to
a withHira, and may Sa
, em before returning home. I
- Corns tock
Frank tomstock, 9, at the
residencefon route 7, Monday, No
vember 1SurTlved by the widow,
Ida, of Salem. Funeral announce
ments later ' from the Clough
Barrick company. i
.: ' ' - l'orvine f. .'
S. Ellis Pnrvine. 2, at the
residence. $55 Univetsity street.
Monday, November 1. Survived, by
the widow, Dr. Mary B. Purvine
of Salem; one son. Dr. Ralph E.
Purvine of Portland; two daugh
ters. Miss Margaret of Berkeley,
Calif ,, end ( Miss Helen Pfcrvtne
of Oaklandv Calif. Funeral an
nouncements later- from the
Clough-Barrick company.
In this city October 51,
Davis, aged 64 years of
No. 7, Salem, brother of Cornelius
Davis. Norden. Neb.. Fred Davis,
Woodland, Wash., W. M. Da via,
Salem, A. L. Davis of Rainier.
Ore., Mrs. Laura Lovell of North
Bend, Ore.. Mrs. Emma Brown of
Wildenrille, Ore., and Mrv Sa
relda Brown of Seattle, Wash. Fu
neral services will be held from
the W: T. Rigdon company chapel
Tuesday. November 2, at 11:30
p. m. Committal services City
View cemetery. Dr. James E,?Mtll
Igan will, officiate. i
rrh-e - S
Orville Edward Price, at the
residence, 1210 North Front
street, Monday, Wovember 1, at
the age of 77 years. Survived by
two sons, Everett and Lake W
Price of Salem; daughter, Miss
Hazel Price of Salem; sisterj Mrs.
May Witcraft of Red Oak, Iowa;
brother. Will Price of Wisconsin:
grandchildren. Delia and Everett
Price, Jr.. of Salem. Funeral ser
vices will be held from! the
-'Clough-Barrick ehapel Wednes
day November 3, at 2 p. m. In
terment Zena cemetery.
Mausoleum Entombment
(Indoor Burial) j
and Cremation I
(The Two Better Wys)
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SjifjiTmlii J7. Xjecnr a Mnms Touoco Co.
Coming Events
No, ti i feurthow cirri
: Not. II ArmMIrr day cele
bration. ; ;
; Not. i. 1 5S 'fri-cvo aty teaeh
era : Institute, arnior h I b
school. .' ..
Not. 2 Art bums dial rM
rtmvrnt Uw.
Unit Plan Favorrd Establish
ment of some sort of a regional or
district -library unit wilt be the
objective of the library advisory
committee of the Oregon state
planning board. Miss Harriett
Long, atate librarian, was advised
Monday. The report of the com
mittee is' now being prepared and
will be released within ja. few
weeks. ' . "
.StMRton ;
In Los Angeles. Calif., October
29, J. W. Stanton, aged 74 years
of Los Angeles," Calif., father of
Leon J. Stanton of Lea Angeles.
Calif., brother of Emmet t Brink
of Salem. Herbert Brink of Dal
las, Ore., . Jerome Brink of
Grants Pass, Ore., and Mrs. W.
A. Chute of Salem. Funeral serv-s
ices will be held from W. T. Rig-;
don company chapel Thursday,
November 4, at 1:30 p. m.
Mrs. Annie D. Glover, Saturday
October 30, at, the residenc'1185
North Church street at the age oC
61.-Suririved' by the husband, Ar-j
thur j Glover, son Roy, and ta
Bisters Betonia Byfne and Geor
gias Byrne, all of Salem. Two
stepsons. Dolphy and C 1 i f t o r 4
Grover, both, of Portland, also
survive. Funeral services will bd
held ; from the Clough-Barrick
chapel Tuesday, November- 2. at
1:30 p. m.. Rev. H. C. Stover of-
ficlating. Interment Belcrest Me
morial park. " i
Homjer 3
At the residence, November 1,
Conrad F. Homyen of 679j Breys
avenue, husband of C 1 a r a Ho
myer and father of La Verne
Homyer of Salem. Body in care
o the W. T. Rigdon company.
Announcement of services later. ;
Mrs. Agnes Marsland, Thurs
day, October 28, at a local hos
pital at the age of 67. Survivors
are the husband, Thomas Mars
land, and a daughter, Mrs. Mar
vin Stuhr, both of Salem, two
sons, Thomas of Tacoma, Wash.,
and Bernard of Montreal, Can.:;
Ltwo aisters, Mrs. Joseph Violette
of Minnesota; and Mrs. Jack Con
nell of England; granddaughter,
Sharon Marie Stuhr' of Salem
Requiem' mass will be said t St.
Joseph's1 church Tuesday, Novem
ber 2, at 10 a.m.; Interment St.
Barbara cemetery under direction
Clough-Barrick Co. ! s
1 Greem ! -i -.; ' -I
In this city, October 29, Fred
ericka Green of 190 South 17th
street, mother of Dr. H. H. Green
of Salem. D. D. Green of Wash
ington, D. C, and C. C. Green of
Chicago:! sister of E. D. Daniel
and B. e. Schweigert of Newfane,
N.Y.; Mrs. H. Rose of Parkdale,
Ore., and Mrs. M. J. Spitzer of
Newfane, N. Y.; also survived by
three grandchildren, i Member of
Chad wick chapter: No. 37, OES,
of Salem. Body in care of W. T.
Rigdon company. Announce
ments later.-' i ;
Police Not Exempt- Hallow
e'en pranksters bore little awe of
the. police in at least one instance
over the weekend : although for
the most part they confined their
activities "tricljt or treat" forays
and uprooting" street signs. Detec
tive Patrolman E, C. Charlton's
home did not escape the tricks,
he discovered on arising yester
day. The front windows of his
house, he found, were thoroughly
soaped. Deputy Sheriff Bert Smith
reported having found a piece of
school district grading machinery,
which pranksters had removed
from the old Lincoln school
grounds, standing dn the Liberty
and "Myers- street intersection.
Remnants Tues., Wed., Penoeys.
Building 'Permits Six build
ing permits' Were issaed yester
day by the city dwelling inspec
tor's office. . They s were: To
Marion Smith, to move and relo
cate a one-story dwelling at 350
Hickory, $100; Jong Sing, to re
pair a oneetory restaurant' at
940 North Commercial $20; C.
O'Brien, to repair a one-story
dwelling at 1825 North Cottage,
$20; Ercel Kay, to reroof a
story dwelling at 1 5 2 5 Fair
moant, $175; C. Sonthwick, to
reroof a one-story dwelling 'at
1165 Marion, .$15; A. B.' Seely,
to reroof a two-slory apartment
house at 146 Center. $40-
Jason Lee church. Rummage sale
Wed.. Thurs., W.C.T.U. hall.
Promote Middieton Maurice
L. Middleton. son of Katherlne
J. Middleton and formerly of
8 65 Hood street. Salem, has been
promoted, to the , grade of cor
poral t in the 7th infantry regi
ment at V'ancouver barracks, ac
cording to word received from
Major H. D. Bagnall. army re
cruiting officer at Portland. Mid
dleton enlisted in the army In
Salem in February, 1936. He has
qualified as an expert with the
machine gun and marksman with
the Colt 45 automatic. He is at
f prt-sent company clerk in Com
pany M of the 7th infantry.-
1 . i
Savings are insured to $5,000
with the SALEM. FEDERAL.
I - f
Banquet Planned Announce
ment was made . at the Salem
chamber of commerce luncheon
Monday noon by Mel Vlken,
Willamette university student,
that .the campus Blue Key organ
ization would hold its annual
father-and-son banquet - Friday
night, with Dr. i.Cari G. Doney,
former president of. the univer
sity, as the principal speaker.
Members of the chamber were In
vited to act as temporary "dads"
of students whose fathers are not
in Salem.
Remnants Tues., Wed., Pennefs."
Leaves for Italy Dr. A. T.
King, (member of the medical
staff of the Oregon State Tuber
culosis hospital here, left Monday
for New York where he wilt sail
for Rome, Italy, November 10. Dr.
King recently received a scholar
ship at the Forlinl Tuberculosis
institute at Rome. Only one res
ident of the United States receives
this honor annually. Dr. King will
remain at. Rome until next July.
Re-Hoof Now Elfstrom. 6550.
- ''" ' ' iJ
Plan Open Meeting The newly
organized cannery workers'- anion
has announced aa open meeting
tonight at 8 o'clock In the labor
temple, at which the advantages
of organisation will be discussed.
Sherman TV Mr. and Mrs. Wil -
liam A. Sherman, Chemawa, a
daughter, AnnlElizabeth, born Oc
tober 19 at the Salem General
Xames - Chan zed -Four busi
ness name certificates disclosing
c hi n g e s in ownership of the
Sunshine Dairy and the ' Washed
Sand and Gravel company of
Saljem were filed witi the county
clef yesterday. Roy S. Far
racid has retired from business
under the' name of Sunshine
Dairy and the name has been
aesjumed by John J. Roberta and
company. Howard A. Jones and
Clarence E. Wooeley filed notice
of their : withdrawal from the
a v e 1 firm, located on route
thitee, and Lowell M. Lambert
gave notice he was operating
the- business as sole proprietor.
Bight Committee Meets The
Salem Lions' club sight conser
vation committee headed by
Barkley A. Newman will meet
today noon at the state school
toi the blind. Other members
are Walter Rf Dry, superintend
ent of the school; Dr. W. w
Bajum, Dr. Harry Brown, Earl
SntH and Led Reimann. The
cldbs' directorate has postponed
its regular meeting to Novem
ber 9 because of the special elec
tion being held today. President
Brtuc R. Baxter of Willamette
uMl ersity will address the lub
at its noon luncheon Thursday.
i florist. 1276 H Lib Fh 5Si
governor Goes South Cover
ncjr Charles H. Martin ' l board
a train here earlr today for Tulsa,-
Otla., where he will attend the
annual reunion of the old 90th di
vision. United States army. , The
governor later will go to Southern
California and will be absent from
his desk for two weeks. Senator
Frank Franciscovich. Astoria, by
virtue of being president of the
state senate, will serve as chief
executive during the governor's
absence from the stale.
Refund Una nthorlzed An al
leked Overpayment of inheritance
tajx by Gwilyn G. Jones, executor
OS the estate of Matilda M. Gearin
cannot be refunded either by the
state treasurer or the. secretary of
stjate until such claim has been re
determined by the probate court.
Attorney General Van Winkle
rnled Monday. The opinion, was
riqiiested by Earl Shell,, secretary
of state. The executor alleged
tnat $893.16 was paid and there
skould be a refund of 87.42 and
Teachers to Meet Senior high
school's new cafeteria will be the
meeting place for the Salem
Tjeachers' association next Thurs
day evening. Dinner will be
served, following which mem.
bjers will be ' grouped according
ti the line of activity for which
they express a preference and
will take nart In armnastic exer
cise In the gym
Aid Given Two The city first
and car answered a call -Vt mile
njorth on the Pacific highway
ytesterday at 12:45, but .Frank
Gomstock, the man needing aid
dtied of heart failure before the
car arrived. Another patient was
Charles Widick. who was treated
alt the station Sunday for a badly
cut forefinger. He had injured
hpmself while sawing wood.
Deputy on Vacation B. G.
Honeycutt. chief criminal deputy
it the Marion county sheriff's
office, expects to leave today for
the Alsea country on a vacation
llsblng trip of several days' du
ration. Press of business -kept
Honeycutt on-the Job through
ciat most of the past vacation
Club No. 12 to Meet Town
spnd Chib No. 12 will, hear Avery
1 Thompson as speaker when It
f meets tonight at Wesley hall on
Jefferson street at 7:30 i o'clock
Tjhere will be a business! session
and a program.
-fields give everybody
more pleasure
Take out a pack and it
like a magnet . . . right
smokers crowd around for that
. .. . . . - :
Counting Starts Early An ear
ly report on results of today's
special county election should be
available tonight " because elec
tion officiala in the 59 larger
precincts in which there will be
two counting boards have been
instructed to begin the tally of
ballots at 6 p. m:. County Clerk
Boyer said yesterday. He stated
that ,in these TirecincU the first
counting board should be well
along with their task by the time
the polls close at 8 o'clock and the
other board takes up the Job.
P r a a ks at ParkWsvllle The
only serious case of Hallowe'en
vandalism reported to the sher
iff's office was the pulling up of
a pump, ripping oat of ; porch
posts and overturnings of an outr
building at the old school build
ing at Parkersville. Sheriff A. C.
Burk announced ; yesterdav. The
sheriff went to Parkersville to
Investigate the matter but ire
ported no arrest.
Klwanis Officers H e rie Cy
Gengelbach. Pacific northwest
district governor of Klwanis. and
Dr. Cecil K. Chapman, lieutenant-
governor, will be the speakers at
the Salem Klwanis club luncheon
at noon today. The Klwanis
board of directors will meet at
the Quelle Wednesday noon, with
retiring and new board members
expected to be present.
Three On Blotter Arrests
made by the city police yester
day and Sunday were: E. H. An
derson, jr., Portland, charged
with violation of the basic speed
rule; F. M. Messinger, held for
Southern Pacific officials: Leo
nard Champan, charged with be
ing drunk in a public place.
Y Clubs to Dine Silas Gaiser,
ity school superintendent, and
Willamette Coach Roy S. Keene,
will speak at a joint dinner of
the three Hi-Y clubs at the
YMCA Wednesday night at 6:30.
JThe topic they will discuss will
oe acaow spirit, '
Club Xo. 3 Meets Townsend
Club No. 3 will meet Tuesday at
8 p.m. in the Court street Chris
tian church for the regular ses
sion. The Brown brothers are to
furnish a musical program to
which the general public is Invit
Flue Fires Sunday Two chim
ney fires were extinguished by
the city fire department Sunday.
One, at 5:45 a. m., was at 919
Mill street, and the other was to
1350 South Commercial at 6:40
p. m. ,
To Los Angeles Mr. and Mrs.
J. M. Rose, who have lived at 787
North Winter street for the. last
30 years, have gone to Los An
geles to Spend the winter. Mr.
Rose is state commander of the
Indian war' veterans.
Hollywood jMeetlna; R e g nlar
meeting of the Hollywood com
munity club will take place at 7
o'clock tonight at the Black and
White confectionery, 1964 North
Capitol street.
Tr outs Contiaue Final t r y
outs for the Elks charity show
will be held tonight at the Salem
Civic theatre studio, 240 South
Commercial street, at 8 o'clock
Report Expected
From Grand Jury
The Marion county' grand Jury
is expected to- make an incom
plete report on its latest sitting
Wednesday, it was reported at
the district attorney's office yes
terday. The Jurors will return to
their task at 10 a. m. today and
probably will remain in session
through next week.
turniri? to em
Over-load of Logs
On? Tnick Target
Log haulers who persist in-
overloading their trucks, will be
disciplined more severely than in
the past; under j a neif regulation
adopted j by the 'state highway
commission. j H i
Notic of the new regulation
yesterday was sent to Charles P.!
Pray, superintendent jof state po
" - ;4.--: j 'V..--: :-r-J
For the first : offense the per
mit of the haulers trill be sus
tended for 30 jdays. The second
oiiense will result in a suspen
sion of 60 - days r and the .third
offense i 90 days.! 4 For , four of
more violations the permits may
be revoked permanently.
r Wednesday, November 3, to and Including Saturday, November 13 . .
StJdDtgllt njtgj: Kf Sflncfl Save
ciurtiaLberty STAMPS
Extra Pair
Straps . . Fumps
Colonial Pumps . . . Ties
Medium and High Heels
Take Advantage of SEARS Money. s jj
I 'JS- Saying Event . Remember. That tJY J
A . Extra Pair Only (U $1.00 1 l
j ! Regular Wjji j
I $3j)0 Pair I izjfl; ,
Twoj Pairs for $1.00 Etra '
I 'sjizcs 3 to 9--Black
Regular $1.98 Per Pair
-, I
- . - l
Utility Reduction
On Rates Listed
Utility rate reductions aggre
gating $1,093,215.67 during the
period April lr 1935, to Novem
ber 1, 1937, included $855,670.82
involving the - tariffs of electric
company operations N. G. Wal
lace, state, utility commissioner,
reported Monday " to Governor
Charles H. Martin.
Reductions of telephone and
telegraph companies aggregated
$154,202.85 and gas. utilities
$36,400. Reductions- of steun
heating utilities totaled $16,942
Wallace said' these reductions
were effected through informal
proceedings, with the exception of
$2511.25 involving the rates of
- r.- i .
! Two Pairs for $1.00 Extra!
3J to 8 Browns and
484 State
Open Saturday Evening Until
the .Central Oregon
company at Burns. .
Phone 3161
f (Shaft i A
I tRBtfllATf '
.if MMI ; -