5 "There are some pictures so great every : 3 few great operasa few great ;t-Pr paintings. To fenow them, to understand them, to love them, makes ,;yo'uIdrivith &e immortals. fThc8 Famous Paintings offered to you here are recognized as among fjthe masterpieces of the ages. They have been selected by outstanding art 'critics. vThey are pictures you will hear discussed again and again in groups of "art-minded people. .They are paintings you will be proud to hang on your walls, or to keep In a portfolio collection, for their possession shows you are a person of $saiminating taste who appreciates the very finest in art. ' 'Make this distinguished collection yours, to enjoy for yourself, to share and discuss with others. Start now by clipping Art Certificate No. i below! W. . ' . ' ' . ' BJ' - Now every home in s have them through Tine Oiregoe collaboration with the National Committee for Art Appreciation 12 LESSONS FREE! III ART APPRECIATION The person who "doesn't know a thing about art, but knows what he likes" is out of the jrannirig in cultured circles today. Every per son who pretends to be really .educated must know My ha likes what he likes. You'll have Jio trouble keeping up if you spend a half-hour each? week with these fascinating illustrated lessons by Bernard Myers, FhJX One lesson "Is included FREE with each weekly envelope of Famous Paintings , Portrait of the Author : , Dr. Myers knows,,from several years of lec turing to college students and conducting art tours through Europe and Asia Minor, what the layman (you) wants lo know about art, and how to tell it in simple; eyery-day terms. He lectures on art at New York University, advises Prentice-Hall, Inc., on their art publi cations, edits the popular "American Painters Series" in Scribners . Magazine, and collab orated with Harry Elmer Barnes on "An In tellectual and Cultural History of the Western World," which has just been published. Copr. 1937 this community may the courtesy of fcatesEiiaini "MIRACLE" PRliilS These reproductions are printed by a revo lutionary multi-color printing process by which it is possible to recapture all the rich ness, the subtlety, the' depth of feeling which makes these paintings masterpieces. Here is all of the original it is humanly possible to reproduce everything but the artist's own paint on the canvas. , ' . Here are: copies the artists themselves would be glad to acknowledge. Here are prints an educated, sophisticated taste will appreciate. And for this glory of the ages, what do you pay? Two dollars? Five Dollars? Nol The NCAA process makes; it possible for you to get the whole series of 48 for less than ten cents each, . . . TEACHERS! Even if you could take the students in your class on a tour of world-famous art galleries, you would want each of them to have a set of these wonderfully faithful reproductions as mementoes of the beauty they had seen. These are paintings every school child should learn to know and talk about. Get a get for your classroom, and another for yourself. VALUABLE COLLECTORS -PORTFOLIO D . Prints as handsome as these deserve to be kept in a handsome portfolio, so you can have them within reaching distance on your living room . table or library shelves. This one, handsomely 1 bound in neutral browns, is yours FREE it you secure the complete set of 43 Paintings. -Save the Portfolio Coupon on each weekly envelope, - ... educated t Among them are these i i mi i ii 111 . j .i.'jj 1 1 1 mm. i m . pjmu 1 1 j 1 1 . 1 1 n . J. . i.i. mrms 9 J!-MWMWJ .5 .-. -. -.-WW - ' .. . M'.'.UM.i.' .ww 1 ' '.' yWW f i 1 1 u u j j j r n , n , , - -r - - r , mmm.. i l . . i ni " v sw v ; s v v , , v i o ' , v 11 ,j ri -- , - " Ji - ,' f A -w , - ' - . I The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo (1465T1564) ehows Jehovah about to touch the yet unawakened figure of Adam and call him to life. It is only one heroic scene of 300 full figures which decorate the-famous Sistine Chapel ceiling, a vast area of 10,000 square feet or almost an acre, "the greatest single achievement in the history of painting." For four years, Michelangelo lay on his back upon the scaffolding and labored here. For years afterward he complained of severe head aches and backaches. But his supremacy as a painter, as "a superman and creator of supermen", was established. ... When," later, the Pope wished to exact the prom ise from r Michelangelo that he never marry, he replied, "I'm already wedded to my art and she has given me trouble enough." THIRD CLASS CARRIAGE by HONORS DAUM1ER (1808-1879) portrays few of the tired and burdened of the world, traveling to their destinations that are probably third class too, caught for all time by Daumier's stirring talent. ... At 40 Daumier gave up his work as a newspaper cartoonist to devote himself entirely to painting:. Bat no one would buy his pictures though this was his finest creative period. ... Corot saved him from utter destitution. Appre ciating the great talent of Daumier, he gave him a small house in the country. "You are the only man from whom I could take such a present and not be humiliated," Daumier wrote him. v. . This nan, whom some call the greatest of French painters, served a period in fail and died penni less and blind. Pans, which is so fall of statues to the great of France, has yet to recognize his genius. SPONSORS " i CanxMAX. J-. Dirtctor, Hmma of Fin Arts of Houston ohh La Clajuu. Jb IHrtcUrr, Springfield Komoib of Fin Arte. - MuttehaMtt. Thomas C. Colt, 3m., Director, Virrini Iftueom of Fin Art Sallas Museum or Fimb Am, Dallas. Texa Paul GAaoNBK. Dirtrtor, William RockhiU Ndaoa Gallery of Art Da. Waltbk Halt, Director, California Palaea of tiw Lesion of Honor P0 H. F. Jatkb, Director. Tba American Federation of Arte Fudswck P. KtmuPrttident, Carcerif Corporation Audut MCMAHON, EzMtivt StcrtlAr. CoUeca Art Aaaoeiatiom Srtery. CeUcara Art Aaaoetatfea 4? ". Lnracurr, TM uoreoraa Gallery of Art LBAifoa Omdkxsomk. Cmtor Art. Witt janoriaf Minfiiw 8a Antonio . CoIu8t?jrrPo!ni J Tha Georga Walter Viaerat Smith Art Gallery, Springfield, Maaa. ioriatio' SatQUX1"maMM' iewdW, Tho WleniU Art WALtaa H. Siplb. Dtreeior. Cincinnati Art liaMoni S?IC1A-?w""i Director, Portland. Ore., Art MoMtna wan R. Wino, Dvrtetor, The Dayton Art Inatitnta Hnjy N. Yotm. Director, Brooklyn Ifnecnm O. C CAaMicHAL, Chancellor. VnnderbOt UaHmlty Koaaar C. Clothikb, Preeident, Satccre Uaiertitr Gaoaca B. Cuttih, President. Colaato UnWenity ISbwabb C. Eujott, PresidmU. Parda Unieniity yaAWK P. Gkaham, Preeident, VniTcraity of North Carolina Arraua A. Hauck. Preeident. TJnhrersity of Maine jAMBa H. Huwhlstom, Department of Art. University of Maine Sums Baaif haad yok KlkkSkid. President, Unirenity of Soatb. - era California Paul D. Moody, Preeident. HUSlehnrr Collega W. A. KaasoN, Preeident. Smith College ALraao Nauarraa, Director of tke Art GaOere. MOW Collcca , Johh Scroltb Notxai, Preeident. GrinneO Collevo . . Gaoaca Koauif, Preeident. Unireriity of Colorado 3. W. STUMCBAnaa, V. 8. Commieeioner of education Paoraaaoa Wnx 8. Taylob. Department of AH. Brown TJaivaralte Rat Lyman Wiana. PreeUmU Stanford University Ctmrntrt C. WnjjAaa, Preeident, Lehick TJaiveraHy Mat E. Woouar J. T. Zimmbbxam, Preeident, Unlreraity af Kew Mexieo mabbl Amucxxb, Supervisor Art Education, Detroit PobBa Schools - . raa T. DohbTT. Director of Art, Public School, Woreoater H. Eirmxa HAYDaN, Director, Departmca of Art, Dea Moines i Pablla Schools - -,, - - .. -v 4. ALrnn Howbll, Director 0 Art, Clerdand PuWIe Schools Matesi I Jakeott. OUanoma City Publio Schools Maa. ANMAaat. J. Nathans, Director Art education, Kew Orleans . ' lbUs Schools f- ,-,,..- O. C. Peatt. SnvorlnUndont of SckoeU. Spokane PaUla Schools - . Mabmn Baas. Director of Art, Omaha Poblio Schools Mabtha E. SRaawaoB, Art Supervisor. Spokane Publia Schools -CHAKuma G. Sxhb, Art Supervisor. Board of EdacatJoB, Atlanta -iu. - ' -Jlaa. Mabbow 8tuat Sums. AH Director, Norfolk PnUle Schools A. H. WawiwoarH, Director of AH education. Mew Havca -Piaaaa A. BaDAan, Director, French Inatitnta la the United States': Rmtrabb Sroaaa CBlLoa, Preeident. Modern Are Books, Inc. . . 8. Wmaron Cin, Ja.. Vice-President, KwsWak. Inc. . - Eblbm JmmoH, Broadoaetino Director, f- 1 Scaool of tha - Air. Colombia Braadeastin 8ystas H. V. Kaltsmbosx, Radio Commentator 3amm U Wkx, Director, National Committee for Art AppredaUo u. xi 06 KINS, rrendent. Univenitr of Tm erson " - - - Michelangelo's "Creation of 'Adam" Daumier's "Third HOW TO OBTAIN These 48 Masterpieces: Here is Art Certificate No. 1. Hereafter you will find these Art Certificates on Page 2 each day. Each Cer tificate has a different number. Clip and gave these Art Certificates. When you have six differently numbered Certificates, bring them to the office of this newspaper with only 39 cents (48 cents if by mail), which will entitle you to the first week's Set of Four Paintings and the first Lesson in Art Appreciation. Do the tame for It week to pet the entire eoUeetion of ihete 48 superb reproductions. The Art Portfolio will be given free to those who get the complete collection and who save the Portfolio Certificate which will be sent to you with each week's set of pictures. .? The pictures shevm on thti page are not the actual eize of those you will receive. . Each reproduction is targe, tneasurtng about 11 m 11 inches, the right sue for ike modern home, . . Be quent l . 1 ""T - , f v h - t f J m s "- aw " - yf A - should have them " Class Carriage'' LIST OF ARTISTS (Subject to Change) Homer Eakins Cassatt Bentoa Da Vinci Titian Michelangelo Raphael Breughel Holbein Duref Massys t El Greco Caravaggio Lorrain Velasquez Venncer Courbet Hals Daumier Rembrandt Monet Rubens Degas Turner Renoir Bonington Cezanne Gainsborough Van Gogh Reynolds ' Gauguin Boucher Matisse Greuft f Picasso Fragonard -"Dentin Watteau Mare David Curry Delacroix Wood Corot Burchfield Millet Hopper lm J1RT CERTIFICATE No.. r7 HIS certificate and five others, all dif VC ferently . numbered, entitle you to one week's Set of Four Picture upon payment of only 39c (46c if by mail). .' . IMPORTANT 1 . s a . - ure to order Set No, 1 if yoa have that of ubse-- sets, order the next numbered a oi rwur. IMPORTANT: This ! only an introductory certificate and can be clipped only once. Clip further certificate from page 2 of this newspaper regularly. Your .tlx coupons must be diieremtly numbered but not necessarily consecutive.