PAGE FOURTEEN The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Orecom Mdey Morning October 29, 1937 Society . . Glubs Music . .News and Featores " of Interest W WdPien MAXINE BUREN Women's Editor. Homemaking Styles .. Food Tea Compliments Mrs. Towler Thursday One of the most charming af fair! of the autumn season was the formal tea for which Mrs. George A. White was hostess at her home on West'Leffelle street yesterday afternoon In compliment- to Mrs. Harry Hunt Towler who has recently moved to the capital to. make her home with Lt. Col. Towler, U. 8. A. He has been assigned amy nere wun me na tional guard and was previously stationed at Manila. CLUB CALENDAR Friday, October 29 Council of Church Women, -First Presbyterian .church be gins 10 a. m:, noon, luncheon, afternoon session at 1:30 p. m. " Carnation club, the Degree of Honor, with Mrs. L. Rockhill, 2405 Center street, 12:30 cov ered dish luncheon. Neighbors of Woodcraft, Mil ler hall 8 p.m. ' Tuesday, November 2 National farm and garden m e e 1 1 n g, with Mrs,. B. O. Schacking, Eola, 2 p.m. All in terested women welcome.- Miss Edith Jenks To Be Married Saturday Larger, bat tender pieces of Autumn flowera were arranged paCrjlty Entertains celery may be cut In two or a bout the rooms and on the lunch- c j three inch lengths, slit almost to , . JNeW students Lewis Girls Hostesses for Contract Club Honored Hallowe'en Parties At Bagley Home Florence and , Barbara Ann nlmiento oPred or Mrs. Charles Feike. Mrs. Melwood a reception and Hallowe'en party pimiento or red pepper for Scoyoc, Mrs. Sidney Hoff- at the school on Wednesday night. -.;. man, Mrs. - Ward . D a v t a, Mrs. New students were honored guests t17v 18 -V.01 M8E15 Mr PWtles this "weekend in the party members of her contract club: , lLTki Port room in the basement of the l!ewt. 5? J?'". ,f" i? BenSOUS Will Honor Club t - . i.- j ". i"w renier 1 j - '.n j n.iiA'.. Gardner Knapp, Mrs. Floyd Bow ers and Mrs. Bjarne Erickson. A large number of Salem mi- MiM TT.-U AiL jfL. ;:rniiVp .o -rMrT wd Mrs. ome on North Winter street. ui"".!!L"""r"w"."r": Q.rvwlaw N5rr.t wcu v. otuiier ui " - ' - - guest for the affair. morning. . house ana m the basement. M E E B M K vDr. Elam J Anderson . presl-: Barbara Ann will entertain with netn Murdock and r8. Bagley. dent of Linfield college, will read her party this afternoon and has jr the double ring ceremony in the bidden as her guests Eleanor Ir- presence of relatives and intimate win. Annabelle Lynch, Frances ' friends of the young couple. Eider. Clifford Hughes. David Pnnrman.Mastpn Vnwi Miss Jenks is a member of Turnbell. Peeer and Tfnhn. OOrman-lViaSten VOWS prominent Salem family and is jIm and Roy Goddard, Sharron Exchanged Wednesday well known among: the rounder ru., Di,..t. ti -ju J at the affair. Decorations carried the Hallowe'en motif, with skele tons, black cats and witches in evidence. -The faculty Included W. 1. Sta ley, C. A. Castle, Mrs. Ora F. Mc Intvre and Miss Hazel Snydtr. Students assisting the hosts were Mrs. TTamman Hostess to Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Benson . . , will entertain members of their Agenda ClUD " brldse club Saturdav nleht at their home on East Nob Hill. Members of the Agenda club Miss Gertrude Dalk, Miss Freida Supper will be served followed were entertained at luncheon by Tredup. Clayton Chrfstlanson, by several hours of contract. Mrs. Gilbert Hamman-, on Wed- Mis Verda Sjvongan. Miss Hildur Special guests will be Dr. and nesday afternoon In herJbome on Tborkildson, C. A. Newell, Fjed Mrs. Frank Prime. Cross street The table was cen- Heltzel and Francis Higenbothan. Club members are M r . and tered with an attractive arranjse Mrs. Harris Lietz, Mr. and Mrs. ment of marigolds in a pumpkin, Elmer Wooton, Mr. -and Mrs. guarded by orange tapers. R. A. Meyerr Mr. and Mrs. italpb Present at the. luncheon were drawing room. Mingling with the guests in the tnla atfernoon for a dessert living rooms were Mrs. jvennem :uncheon. Bouquets of sinnlas. & i 1 a a. m r, T,mo.'. prt I j air. oiuuer is a graauaie ui unuucc, i''o, . iiu.u. buiuiuu leaves ana tiauuwe en rt iu . v 4-..-n .w.v.... uvm ui uci -. . . f nrt ruttnn Trwin Mn wil- ! .., l"."l JLl... Linfield, now teaches Journalism fit became the bride of John Roor. j i r j - . . . : ----- Carlton Herald. May, Mrs, Clifton Irwin. Mrs. wii- decorations will be used. Tables 11am LI Phillips,, and, Mrs. Jerrold for contract will be in play dur Owen. - inR the afternoon. m presiding at me tea urns me - Bidden as additional gaests first hour were Mrs. Charles Rob- are Mrs. C. W. Parker, Mrs. John Nebraska Auxiliary IS . l i . if tamKam r . . Boise Pouring the last hour were Mrs. Joe Masterson of South lintertainea trons and maids were bidden to "'aHT lwnJLJlul Bridge Hostess and 5:30 o clock. Miss Henriette o White greeted the guests at the . Mr8. Kennth Murdock has In ri n tm wnitA nnn - rvi r I 11 w- . . j . . . , , . a v -uouikc. iwuerm neuuKHHev. uaeu ler received miormauy m tne and several additional ruesta to 7 V ------ rrw, jewei uueiiroy, norma oi. raui a episcopal cnapei was v, r"t -w. wm wiu ;oir, v. her homp on Richmond avenuo "gw ia Biauuawu ium ui . Bedee, Marian Sparks, Barbara the setting for a simple service "caeii ana nr. ana Mrs. Ben- Morgan. Mrs. Glenn Saeaeck, Mrs. -er uome ou nicumona avenue IDn i, nt waohlncton- Thia fall , . , . . . j . . . . . . inn it i. t r-. .. . . - tsaies, uoroiny Kicnarason ana weuneuay uigni wnen miss l.ois , rmUB nmueu, j i aim. uuu rti- sbe has been working jn Portland. Barbara. RichardRnn Mas ten. daughter of Mr. and ton. Mrs Galen Sidall. Mrs. Nor mal Hirons. Mrs. Harry Luramis and Mm Cllhprt Hflmman . , , .... "J - MMu. MO. w U1A U b CbUU V . at jne college ana is eauor oi me .uesta are Sally Ann Barr Ber- man ot Salem, son of Mr. and .Limclieon ihursdav On Saturday night the mem"- nice uowersox, Hazel Wilson, Dennle Verhagen, Annabelle Con ley, Betty Hughes, Helen Paulson, Evelyn Johnson, Teresa Stewart, Insn Rnilriv To vol la f'Tirfaw Vfo. Mrs.- Daniel,: J.. Fry, , Jr and -Bend. Wash., and Mrs. N. E. The Nebraska, women's auxil- earet Jane Emmons. Adella Haven. e'en3 400 " u hoods. The street in honor, of Mrs. Jobn hostesses. Mrs. Homer uouiei, sr. Assisting Murdock of Raymond, Wash. Iary were entertained "Wednesday ? ines Geer,. Jean Fowler. Bonnie - fc -""r " . In the- servin were Mrs. mcnara ciab members are Mrs. John at the home of Mrs. Florence E. Benson, Mary Helen Duffy and Kriesei. Mrs. uiarence nsmiuon. uagiey, jr., Mrs. John Carkin, Shipp on saginaw street for tneir Grace and Virginia Hoyt of Port Mrs. can u. uouins, Mrs. nomer Mrs. unanes uoie. Goulet, jr.. Miss uoromea orey uraig. Mrs. oscar cutler, Mrs. J. ered dish luncheon. with the Lewis girls ana miss Margaret imni. . uevers, Mre, james McFar- Tne Hallowe en mom ana ian The tea table arranged by Mrs. land, Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding, flowers were arranged about the Victor R. Griggs was exquisite Mrs. Earl Strausbaugh, Mrs. H. guest rooms. The serving table piaT,:et TTnri mnA with a low centerpiece of grapes S. Swart. Mrs. L. C. McLeod and was centered with a bowl of var- A axciiii rtdiiu encircled with button chrysan- Mrs. Kenneth Murdock. led colored marigolds and alnnias Will Play Mondav themuma in white pottery. Two guarded by yellow tapers. J colonial ladies holding douquis lf:fi; raAWPl n AFarrv Tne maIn address of the day The second in the series of con- of chrysanthemums were arran- A,"fa WWffC11 lu trry was lven , Dr- Ru8Seii v. De- rert hoimr .nm, h th- Long of Nampa, Idaho. " Crescendo club of Salem high Plans were formulated for a school will be given on Monday Mrs. Kenneth. Poorman of Port- bers of the Agenda club will en- land. Rev. George Swift read Mrs. Floyd Bowers and Mrs. tertain their husbands at a Hal- the service. . Bjarne Erickson p r e s 1 d e d at lowe'en party In the home of Mr. Attending the - couple r" Were luncheon yesterday afternoon at and Mrs. Hirons. Mrs. Butler and Miss Nelle McCormick of St. the Bowers home on North 15th Mrs. Morean will be assistine o EXPERT REPAIR' NG WATCHESw: JEWELRY corsage of gardenias. Tha cou- is visiting in the capital this week Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Doyle of pie will reside In Salem where as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Bath, South Dakota, are house Mrs. John regular monthly meeting and cov- land,' who will spend the weekend TV: ZiwTa AT, onneciea wun "aroia LAaa. beverai nours or guests of Mrs. Lena scnart ana tier. Mrs. J. ered dish luncheon. rih ti,. i-J.rtn. Standard Oil company. contract followed the luncheon. Miss Anna Wemz. iMtMakl P.icts STEVENS BROWN Credit Jewelers 1H4 N. Liberty ged behind the centerpiece. ThS November 14 buffet, was set au in erysiai wun a dish of grapes and tapers burn- Sundav. November 14 iia hon public gathering of all former ing in crystal; candelabra. Large chosen as the date for the forth- Nebraskans to be held the evening Henri Arcand appears In a piano Bumiuew w gwuiuii, iuuw i-ouiiuK marriage of Miss Huth OL Aovemoer x in ryinian nan. recital The concert has been chrysanthemums were arranged Carolyn Caldwell, daughter - of Mrs. Mildred Flathers, president, planned for evening so junor high In the living room. Mrs. Craine Caldwell of Port- appointed sub-committees to pro- ,nni an .f,..t. ""' . land and William Leslie GJsslin. Tide program and dinner at 6:30. attend The concert Deglns at I ninn Vetpranv Hnld ,reiu' BUU Ul "irs. vv u. ucuiucia yitseut were airs. j.a o'clock union veterans noia GosslIn of Portland The TOW8 Gilbert Hoevet Mra Clara Mc. 7-A0"c-dml88ion cnare wi Masquerade Party , 2Jr XahvtedHaat 'S est" rby,TMhrs- Ro na' M8- S. 2S? tiffm mfhster Presbyterian church at Leona Johanson, Mrs. Charles An- v. tVlQ j rnt-i. Sons of Union Veterans of the four c'clock. dresen. Mrs. Aura Williams, Mrs. SeJS me tJat a Saiem Ligh Civil War and their auxiliary met Miss Virginia Cold well, sister Ray Burkey. Mrs. John Behrens, ",,fc Ta. " "I - V at the home of Mr.-andMw. John of the bride-elect, will be maid Mrs. Zina Sharpnack. Mrs. W. S. h" '"f Robbins on North Liberty street of honor and bridesmaids will be Matthies, Mrs. Otto Erthrum, JSTnt vfrLtnS on Tuesday night for a social Miss Marian Pattullo and Miss Mrs. Earl Axelson, Mrs. E. N. Lena Belle Tartar, director, meeting. Hallowe'en .decorations Earbara Crowell of Portland. DeHut. Mrs. Blanche Stewart, of crepe paper were-arrangea m .- oi oan ran- Mrs. wiinam uerour, Mrs. Rosa Younzsters find appeal to the tne rooms, reiresuBeuis were w - "imci n uesi uuw, norence roeiz, air6. eppetite in this fruit sandwich the holiday motif. " Sfw-" Jpc,de C Llrd Maude Rathbun, Mrs. A. L. Stray- combination. Spread bread with Guests-arrived in costume and Menna, jr Edward B. Hanley. er, Mrs. G. E. Tandy, Mrs. James butter, then with peanut butter did not unmask for an hour or r SeatUe, Allan D. Green- D. White, Mrs. Sarah Broadwell, Arrange thin slices of unpeeled more. . Some were so success- noaD01 Oswego, V. Carlile Carl- Mrs. Mildred Flathers, Mrs. Helen Eppie on the peanut butter and fully disguised that they were not "'K- .v?yn Stevens and Monk, Mrs. John Mlsehke and the ton with another niece of bread. recognized until masks were re- ""t" JUeog or baiem. hostess, Mrs. Florence E. Shi pp. The flavor seems very popular. moved. Tne. nest costume was voted on and Mrs. Margaret Fess enden won. Second place was a tie between Mr. and Mrs. D. . E. Perrine; " L. P. Bennett was the most active. E. T. Prescott made a very successful witch. Present were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Remington,-Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Prescott, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Mc . Whorter. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ad ams, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Perrine, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reilly, Mr. and Mrs. John Robbins, Mr. and Mra. Walter Biggerstaff, Mrs. Hattie Cameron. L. P. Bennett, L. D. Waterman, Mrs. Mary Little, Mrs. Ida Traglio, Mrs. Margaret Fess enden,' Mrs.; Mae It e y, Arthur McManara and Mrs. Mettle Schram. J ...; w To Sorting Crew A no-host dinner was enjoyed by the sorting crew of Reid Mur doch and Company on Tuesday .night at the cannery. Mrs. Neva Leighty, the floor lady,. presented a large decorated cake to the as sembled guests and received a set of pottery. E. W. South wick, fore man, was presented with a billfold.'- , : ' ' Present at the dinner were: Mrs. Neva Leighty, Mrs. Mabel Beard, Mrs. Marjorie White, Mrs. Mary Messing, Mrs. Freda Tallon, Mrs. Lily Col vin,. Mrs. Carrie B. Ross, Mrs. - Sally Rlvett, Mrs. Agnes . Donaldson, Mrs. Mary Campbell, Mrs. Sarah Humphrey, Mrs. Emma Bombeck, Mrs. Geral dine Hawk, Mrs. Nellie Hair, E. W. South wick, J." P. Smart, Orvill Dodson, Harley Krake, Tom . Eaton, Arthur, Cordier, Kenneth Ames and N. W. Thomas. . Beta Chi Alumnae Feted At Shrode Home Miss Minnie Shrode entertain ed members of the Salem alumnae of Beta Chi sorority .Wednesday night at her home on Mission street: Miss Ruth Fick presided at the business meeting which was followed by an informal evening. Refreshments were served at a late . hour and the hostess was assisted by Mrs. Russell Mefford. ' Those present were Mrs.- Ken neth . Potts, . Mnu- Clarence Em mons, Mrs. George R. K. Moor- head, Mrs. Russell Mefford, Mrs. Merrill Ohling. Mrs. Dan Schrei- ber. Miss Ruth Fick, Miss Flor ence. Power, Miss Helen Board- man, Miss Virginia Wassam, Miss Victoria Schneider, Miss Leila Johnson, M i s s Jeryme Upston, Miss Marjorie Chrlstenson, Mirs Hattie Ramp and Miss Minnie Shrode. Younger Set Will Enjoy Gay Party Today ; Gardner, Stuart and Mary Beth Van Scoyoc,' children of Mr. and Mrs. Melwood W. Van Scoyoc, are entertaining with a Hallowe'en party . this afternoon at " their . home on Statesman street. Games will be in play and luncheon will be served in the game room in the basement where the Hallow e'en motif will ber' carried out. Their guests' include Mary Feike, . Danny Feike, : Suzanne Murdock, Betty . Cooley, Nancy Lou Dalton, Jean "Bowers, John Erickson, Eddie Knapp, Lynn Lockenour, Anna May Lockenour Bobble Lad d and Shirley and Donald Johnston of Klamath 1 S-V'd SkLjEj! BERXy ICPftf' ; ' FINE- r Hosiery f v I 3 200 i y 1 720 pairs only I rmoocc. 1 l 0v-; II .olofS Here'a a special I - buy on those clear, QUAII WOODSMOKE, BAY- sheer crepe, you BERRY, IRRIDESCENT MA. J love .o well! Three . PLE LEAF, CHIPMUNK, AN- m i ... ixi xxvuiii, - - I : well as the more III - " fVv 1 ; subtle shades tor,' I III ,'-I5?sN! v -1 ; if these now! Sale I II I 111 Yllll Ca( V V begin thia morn- .IN r- U r-1-"" .A, -, ', d.fT detection NOW! A 5 DAY SALE! MAS We Have Made a Wonderful Buy and Pass the Savings on to You! SELECT NOW LOUNGING ROBES WOOL BATH ROBES AN AMAZING ASSORTMENT SMART COLORS and STYLES $5.00 and $5.95 lingerie Sections 2nd Floor Ill I A 5 DAY DT JY SALE! O U I All Charge Purchases Go ol Nov. Bill AND FOR Payable ' 11 L W 1 X Dec. 1st CHRIST SALE! MIRRORS Triplicate Dresser Mirrors . . . Also 14x24 Frameless Wall Mirrors $1.59 SALAD BOWL SETS New! Ribbed, square salad bowl with fork and spoon to match. Very smart in Ivory china. Gift Shop. $ 1 . 1 9 FRAMED MIRRORS Antique.and old ivory framed mir rors are very effective in the home these days. This special offers the opportunity to purchase them at a big saving! $1.19 SPECIAL! We oil, ad just, tune up . your sewing -machine for only $1.00 "WHITB " AGENCY SPECIAL! New shipment of . the . sea son's smartest handbags ar rived for to day's selling! Choice $1.00 Falls. W. ' Mtl