.? .wVw? ?i: .ii xt Ji'fiW.'.: bXVi' The OREGON STATESMAN, Satem, Oregon, Sunday Morning,- October 2 V 1937 'PAGE FIFTKEN- To Biiy or; Sell 'Use the Classifiedg 'for Q to vtick Results 1 llelp Wanted- Female 1 Wanted- Miscellaneous CASH ON deltvery for filberts and walnuts, .orchard run. Ne control board redaction. AUo walnut and filbert meats, any quantity. Contract your whole crop with us. M. Klorfeln. SUU CHrta. .general housework, three in family. I tWlMiVMMWMlMM WANTED MID. axed hsekvr. an take-car of children, $15 per month. Cll Sunday t Monday, lass I. Com 1. Salesmen Wanted WRVa.1Nnty.19R TAur Inrnmj " mo- llrir - mmhm-h m-ldeat- WATCH REPAIRING at reasonable straight lite protection. National or-1 jTlces, estsn paiaror aiscarnea jewejryj rtm BALE, VACANT ROOM MODERN borne, la fine condition excett eutalda paint 5 Tamarack, fine surroundings, f 4(90. ifreo cash. BKCKEa WADSWORTR 111 N. High WSVTETJ HEAVY turkaya hettetf -wwhraiar Tha -FSfts. and DESIRABLE RESIDENTIAL lota. Near new r. high acbooL Ph. SOT or rail at 4 N. 14th. - Miscellaneous nntsatloo, under state supervisi Mm w-toiiihi. no to 75 accepted with out medical examination. 11.00 month. Attractlveoffer to hostlers. Write for supplies. Addreas Box 111, "W liming -ton, OtL v ; : '. - "WANTED- DISTRIBUTORS LARGJC OHIO manufacturer of pat- m , ZT iTlnrtita.I MALE INSTRUCTION. Reliable J?.Jl-. "J?l2Z.me to Uke HD AIR CONDITIONING "llulK letlt, -- j., Hfrt-..riYn PMlW-nun, tela, atorea. etc. la now tilling open -V""V " , Wrlte deuils about your j-- -, -, , . FILMS "DEVELOPED. Eight print and band colored, enlargement, 25c. Oregon Picture Co, box 4 22, station D, Portfam. Ore. territory. IXMK experience. Addreas Manufacturer, P. O. Box S3, Dayton. Uttio. Situations Wanted KXP tfH SM KR. Mr. AdiUtl 4S AUTO REP-AIRlNO. Work giurn teed. Ed Herrman,' III N. Liberty Phone 704". ! Inx to train spare time to become ex pcrta in installation and service work ait well a planning, estimating, etc. write -giving age, present occupation I Utilities Inst, Box US, Statesman. FILMS DEVELOPED. I prints and 2 enlargements 2&e. (quality Co., box i 3573. Portland. Ore., HAIRCUT. !5c. JOE'S Barber Shop, DAT WORK by hour by exp. wwm-1154 S. Church St. an. Phono 542. PAINTING, , KALSOMINING. decorate your homo. Tel. 44 57. Re. For RentRooms SLEEPING ROOM 714 Cuurt. EXP. GIRL wants housework or I cafa of children, by day or week. Phono 1840, ROOMS; MOD. rate. Phono 1743. tralninc wants office work. Would start With small salary. Box 487, Statesman, VERY DESIRABLE sleeping- rma. 1 3?4 N. Capitol. Call evenings. Tel. Room and Board EXP. COOK wishes work la city . or country. Phone 104F2. BARBER A-J, TESyn. experience, wants work In or near Salem. 1406 N. Summer.' EXPERIENCED YOUNG woman wants housework 2(7 S. Church. RM BD., table td. Good food, new beds, auto heat. Kates. Z 3b IN J a. BRD, HTD. rmi, 1271 Chemeketa. EXCELLENT BOARD and room business people only. Tel. 5639. VERY CLOSE in, rm. 4b bd. Ph. 5001 For Sale Miscellaneous For Rent Apartments ADDING 14 ACM INKS, eaab regis term. tZDewrlters aold. rented awappod Etrtrepali servj moderste prices CwnmerclaL tinen irpnrrnri r.irn t v.duiw 2 LGE. R. FCRN. basement apt lights, wafer, garage, f 15 nxo. 790 N CASH OH trade- tot uartf rurnltura ranges, hen term, radloa, machinery tools, etc. Woodry and Woodry aue ttoneera, phone 5-11-0. 1(1 N Sum met In Hollywood. USED WOOD heaters and circula ton. up. Terms tiuod Huusakecptng. ! Inc.; 451 Court street. - : Schreiber. shrubs, treea. 2tfo Nebr CUT FLOWERS and potled plants Jay Morrta. florist. Phone I6S7. LARGE SUPERFT2X hefttlirg stove. also 50 gallon Hotpotnt water neater ICS 8. Commercial. . 2 APTS.. 285 S. Com'l. 2 RM. FURN. apt., main floor, 2.7 wk. 12'. Oak. Tel. 5276. FURN. BASE, apt., 15. mo. P. 7113 For Sale Heal Estate WEST SALEST NICE MODERN 5 room house an Third St in very good condition, A bargain at aziea and good terms. SJt SUte St . Ph. 1(22. - BARGAIN ed. Frica only X5S0. Call for keys. CRILD9 MILLER. Realtors 344 SUte 8t , Phono (70S. SPECIAL ' NEAT 4 ROOM collars, good loca tion, i-ric amy fiseo. - SEGVn. EUis with CH1LDS MILLER. Rumors 244 State t . t Pboae (708. 4 RMS BASEMENT.' near Leslie Junior high. (2500. Will trad for lar ger home. t rm. furnished house with ease ment near school, rents for $25 a mo. $1600. Will take lot down pay ment balance Uke rent Owner leaving state. 5 rm. modern house. Hirhlsnd Addi tion, furnace, nice trees. JI500. Terms lika rent. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. 477 Court St snoi INCOME WE CHALLENGE you to show equal veal ootato incotua for "th ta- MUMst. -Apartment -bouse, gfrivO. Rtasoner (certainly) 665 N. High i- -ii-i-irii-inriri.i-irM')ii.raT.i'xjij-Lru-L'uijLrLJtj ONLY tSa DOWN buy new, strict ly modern 6 iimu brick. Why rent? Reasoaer (eartainly) 6(5 R. High . S HOUSES. ONE S rma. toilet sink. water, garage, -the other t rma., bath. rtrepktce, present rental S25 per mo.; bota for 1 1600. 12356. 4 rm. house, basement fur nace, fireplace, close to all schools Terms. $50 down, new 5 rm. F.ngllah type home, oak floors, basement, furnace. Tirepiace, paving pa., 3Zae. MELVLN JOHNSON or C. O. RICE 725 Court St Phone 2723. I EXCELLENT BUYS IN HOUSES 91750, 5 "ROOMS. 3 NICE lots. Pav. ing paid. X1375. 4 room house and garage. raving pa la. 8(50. 4 room house and garage. 25 acres mostly all in mixed fruit 7 rm. bouse, barn, and large shed. Wa ter piped into house. Priced real low at $3000 or will trade for small acre age near Salem. 20 acres all in cultivation 13 miles from Salem on paved road. $800 with S300 down. ' ROSTE1N ADOLPH, INC. 110 No. Commercial St BIG HOUSES Big income. Reason er (certainly) 6(5 North High street. For Sale Real Estate WONDERFUL BARGAINS IN HOMES lliftO NEW. MODERN home. num. not nnita finished. Worth at least $2500 run out of money, torcea to sell. ANOTHER ONE 12000 Not an old run. down place. but a modern ( R. bouse. Ideal loca tion. For best buys In homes, see BECHTEL or BRASHER, 341 State For Sale Used Cars For Sale Used Cars Firsmlk IDboliMle Personally Goodwill Guaranteed Deed Cars EXCEPTIONAL. VALUE in modern English home just completed. Sacrifice for quick sale, terms, beautiful setting m oak grove. T. O. Tanner. 2090 N. Capitol, Tip Top Cafe. Exchange Real Estate SEE THESE OUTSTANDING VALUES BEFORE YOU BUY I 183 ( FORD Tudor Touring Sedan Looks and runs like new. Tours for only , , 58 fla IIS PONTIAC Coup This beautiful Stiver Streak model has ottainal frosty green finish.' mechanically perfect This 1s truly a wonderful value at . , , . tsac aa 1185 WILLYS 7 7 Sedan This car has original -gray finish, very clean opnoistery. Runs fine. The most economical aedaa on the market for , : $35.00 PONTIAC I Doolittle Motors EXCH NGE MODERN 7 ROOM house In Salem for 4 bedroom house close to city lim its. What have you? SEE Mrs. Ellis with CH1LDS MILLER, Realtors 344 State St Phone 4708. aaaasaaasaarfaaaaaaaaiapp 1 RM. FURN. apt.. Its., auto, hot water, gar. it des. for 1 or 2 adults. (71 N. Capitol, Sunday a. m. ONE ROOM furnished basement apartment Single person preferred. Lights .water, heat, phone, 811.00 per month. 1064 Oak St. 2 RMS. FURN., neat and clean, lights, water, $18. 575 N. 15th. Tel. 7877. SALT! OK trade. 20 room apt house, close' in. Completely furn. Present in im S177 00 mo. Price 812.000.00. Easy terms. Will Uke good house In trade. . - ninr darnielle. Realtor 1888 N. Caoltol Phone 3511 EXCHANGE FOR 15 to 20 acres Imnrnved farm. Strictly modern room home in Salem, price $4000. DICK DARNIELLE 1988 N. Capitol TeL 3511 FOR TRADE 1 A OF VIEW DroDerty. several acres of bearing cherries, some fine bearing- walnut trees, C room noroe v. .iIM,ui,, .1m. 1-tirVitH water svs- 4 RMS. It NK.. firepl., hwd. fir- new tm mit-hiiiirtines. located lust outside roof & paint $1875. Take 1 or 2 lots I th. tt- nmit nf Salem. Will take good home as part payment, i-rice 500.00. W. H. GRABENHORal a w., BF.AI.TORS 134 S. Liberty Street Phone 64 9ft a PRr. ALL. cult, north, a ti. house, basement elec.. var. fruit and berries, barn, hen-house, oueo nu, in trade aa part 4 rma. A bath, firepl., base., $2100. Small dn. payt. Bal. - less than rent. Consider sub. trade. Willamette Real Estate, 381 State, Ph. 7113. GOOD INCOME PROPERTY 3 APTS. & 2 STORES, oil heat k FrUjidaire. Furnished and rented. CARLETON E. LANE, Real Estate jonly 70 per acre, terms, clear. Con aider smau acreage in iraue. J. JACKSON, 341 State at. 333 SUte St Ph. 862 BEAUTIFUL NEW ial on the hill. Tel. 494( 4 ROOMS AND dinette. Basement. Good, condition. Garage. Near school and bus. Phone (245. MEDIUM SIZE diamond, ring.' Reasonable. Phone 4244. lady"s SMALL FURN. apt. 722 N. Church. POULTRY FERTILIZER with peet MOD. FURN., heat, air-conditioned, i ll.l4.cn wiui inrei , :,.. k.ik .... , 1ict stoi. moss for lawns and flowers sacked ' .. and delivered. Tel. 133F2, Lee's Hatch ery. YOU'LL BE SURPRISED Nifty 4 rms., bath noon, line location, oil heat, L"Ji5, brand new, liberal terms. J. FLINT, Th. 3920. For Rent Houses" . REPOSSESSED RADIO 193 7 -TUBE, ALL-WAVE Atwater Kent Balance due, $44.50. Terms $5 down, $4 monthly. See Mr. Jans with ' GEO. C. WILL S1USJU SHIRK GOOD UPRIGHT mahogany piano In excellent condition, 1(90 So. Cot tage. ' . FAT HENS, 50c ea. and up. Milk goat 8 00. 1400 S. 12nd. FOR' RENT Modern ( room house in excellent condition. 955 Tamarack St., $40 00. Large 6 room flat 58 Ferry St.. water and garbttKe service furnished. $27.50, lower flat same building, $30 BECKE A WADSWOHTH 189 N. High St. C ROOM HOUSE, qall 1 to 6 p. in. U61 Union i, RfMIM APARTMENT. 820. Cor. FRESH. SWUSl, pure ciaet I Leslie and S. Com . Tel. 737(. Rural Avenue, or phono 8854, 25 cents! gAllon. I 6-ROOM MODERN house, $30. (90 wwwwwmwwmmwwmiww i Lafelle. Tel. 5(58. LAD S FUK coat, sue 1. Bargain. Phone 8039, 330 S. 14th. I 2 NEW ONE bedroom court cot- I tages one block from bus line, 2 APPLES, PICKED orchard run, 60c blks. from new high school, automatic box. uina arop. picsea up, i heat and hot water, gas range, Elec- boxes $1.00. Ernest Anderson orch-1 trolux refrigerator, laundry and ga um, orchard tieigms noaa. i rau irwiu i rag.e 132.50 and $35. Tel. 4(22. Foik-uarion orioge. unng uuitn. DUPLEX. ADULTS. 795 S. -21st. 2 ROOM FURN. house, adults wa ter furnished, $18. 1341 Waller. OWNER WILL lease 6-rm. mod. hse., gar for winter. 15 min. on pave ment from Salem. Ph. Sunday 88F13. 5 RM. HSE. Inq. 411 N. Summer. 30 SACKS NO. 1 poUtoes, $1.00 per sack at farm, 1 mile north Roberts Station. W. B. Gilbert SALE HEAVY weight Vaughn drag-saw, 4 blades. 2 SO Mission, St. FOR SALE Enameled wood or coal rangecoil and pipe perfect condi tion $40. 1395 North Cottage. w"w,, I g ROOM MOD. house, close in, $24, ALb ,aiflus 01 ranges ana neaiem 1 371 nth. Phone 7771 lor saie at reasonaoie prices, i plumbing of all kinds, w e are sttu 1 CHOICELT LOCATED mod. 6 R. buying all kinds of rnetnl hides, tap-1 fu gecond floor, priv. front en Ital Junk Co., 14 Center St. trance, rear sUirs basement Adulta TT77Z7y'T' I Se caretaker. 14a E. Miller. sillAUbcn, XilVj n xraoe, www prices. 714 S. 21st St Ph. 3600. SEWING MACHINES Nw and 4 RM. FURN. house, neat very dose in. Inquire 694 N. High. used Singers. Machines rented and re-1 roR REKT Homes $35 up. SOC paired, ainger jsewuiB iucuujc . vw, 1 QLOFSK I & SON. li . uign leu aii. HEATER, 2 ROCKING chairs, fire place screen, other household articles. Tie Cross St.. - ( ROOM HOUSE. 2240 N. Fourth St Inquire 455 Grove St evenings. For Rent Farms ( R. COTTAGE, GARAGE, poultry ArrLts. b. uoxes. na o. v-yii. 1 county, close In. $20.00. 415 Ferry. ,j-gJ-lj-J-frj-)jli lT"i ri ---r 1 k- - BROWN MODEL Electrolux cleaner, gottd condition, $23. Mr. Dovid, Hogg 'Virua. - ....-w.........-. I FOR RENT, 28 acres with build for : SALE 1 . davenport $20,00 ; I injrs. 483 N. 18th, kitchen cabinet $1'2.00 ; . mattress, $3 i j wamw ktnee rug. $15.00 : kitchen taoie,' 3.o ; 1 TRAILER space, lights, water, dresser, SS.VU. Z9C aioary, n. Bsiem. 1 fa, 3 ml on uauas roaa. "FOR RENT 25 A. 3 miles west of Salem, . Elias Kilen, McMinnville, Ore. Trade Miscellaneous a 1 v-iico iru jvr CLOSE IN suburban farm, ( rm what have your zii . comi. I house, plione, electric lights. 2 .mL from 77;7. " - - - - I Ladd m Bush bank, see or phone t. 11. HAVE. BlUVia l)Bllliirr. uc,i v MOSilCr: trade lor smau iiai top oiiice uesa B (0, Statesman; - RENT OR exchange 8H acres. Polk ... wwew.w county. Bldgs., creek, fruit, $150.00 ! MAN S CLOTHING. 3 suits, 2 coats, rviTlym ,17 8J State or 41; Ferry, Salem. sale or traae on sewing umtuws v 1 .......w,wyi used radio. 32a S. Capitol. LEASE WITH OPTION to buy good 3fl nnrt farm ARt rtf Wnnrihurn. nil WANTED ROOM and board for I lt 1 A in h-rrion varintr frnlt. young business man and son, age 10, I gmn ( room house, 8-cow barn, tile in private iwme, vicinity oi norm -aP-I milk house, garage, poultry house, el m iiiu su 1. j. i-u 1 ectricitv. milic cream, egg- man nntu Ci AA bn Villi linA nf 1ivr. QUILTS, COMFORTS, made. 1172 ktock. feed, machinery A equipment on place for sale. POSSESSION RIGHT NOW. .'OREGON LAND CO., Wood- burn, Oregon. room Colon- 1985 Saginaw For Sale Farms 4 ROOM COTTAGE : 2 bedrms., base ment & furnace. Paved street Close to school. $1750.00: $500.00 cash. N. COML. STREET: Large house. newly decorated. 1 apt. upstairs. Large HERE IT IS t!L IMPROVED ACRES for $4700. C room house. Darn, garage, jwunw house. 2 silos. One mile from vauey town. Nine miles from Salem. This 1 worth the money. 2000 casn neeaea, SEE Mr. Bartlett with r-mi.ns a- uilleh. Keaitors 344 SUte St Phone 6ob Sales and Service 339 North High Street Phone 10 AND Used Car Lot North Com'l at Center Phone 6(4 For Sale Farms BEFORE TOO buy roar farm see Oregon Land Co. Highway, Woodburo Oregon. Wanted Real Estate WE HAVE cash renters and buyers tor Willamette Valley Fa rma Oregon Land Co. t Highway), woodburn. Ore. SMALL HOME acreage, 480 States man. SMALL HOUSE. W. Salem cash. Box 559, SUtesman. REAL ESTATE APPRAISED, sold, exchanged and rented. List now. DICK DARNIELLE. Realtor 1988 N. Capitol Phone 2511. WANTED TO hear from owner of farm or unimproved land for sale. VM. HAW LEY, Baldwin, Wis. Business Opportunities GROCERY $900.00 BUYS WELL located, fully equipped Salem grocery, living quar ters. See A. B. LAKE With R, A, FORKNER, Realtor FOR RENT Gro. A gas location community center, cheap. If interested be sure and see me. 7 ml. S. W. Lyons, at Jordan. N. Endres, R. 1, Sclo, Ore For Sale Used Cars For Sale Used Cars Where Price, "Quality and Responsibility Mean Satisfaction 1930 Durant Sedan Six-cylinder motor, in very good condition, good finish ft tires 41 car with many more miles of cheap transportation io.vu 1931 Studebaker Sedan This car le In nice condition throughout, very good mechanically, dean Inside and out This car offers good transportation at real low cost $15.00 1930 Ford Tudor Sedan If you want a car with low operating cost, you can not afford to pass this one. a snap at only flss.eo 1934 Graham Sedan Very good finish, motor completely overhauled, good tires, very clean uphol stery ; seeing this excellent buy will convince you tnis price la rignt. bom wiin tho "Famous OK." Now only $45.0$ $ 45.00 (5.00 125.00 1927 Pontlac Coach 128 Pontiac Sedan 1929 Pontiac Sedan 1929 Chevrolet Sot Coupe 165.00 1$S Chevrolet Coupe 845.0 135 Chevrolet Spt. Sedan 585.00 193 Chev. Ptd. Town Sed. $595.0 13( Chev. Mat. 4-Dr. Sedan 25.0 193S Chev. Deluxe Spt Sed. 66S.00 1935 Packard "12" Sedan 750.00 193 Hudson DeLx. Tour. Sed. 786.0 193 La Salle Sedan 945.0 25 ACRES CLOVER land, $2750. only $500 down, room house, etc. Hurry. ... Fine land. 7 miles Salem, $100 acre. concrete basement. Lot 75x150. This $360 down, $280 yearly. is a snap ior zzttau.vu; tiauu.uo aown. 8 acres close in, fliiuu PAYING GROCERY, small over head, living quarters, $1800. Country grocery & service sUtion. Living quar ters. $1700. After this wk. It will be off tlie market We have several apt. houses paying well. Willamette Real Estate, 381 SUte, Ph. 7113. CREEK HOME: Handy to town. 4 beautiful newly decorated rooms. Fire place, basement furnace and lndy. trays. Ixt 45x170. $3250.00, $1000.00 down. bal. $30.00 per mo. Reasoner (certainly) 565 N. High FAMILY HOTEL, remodeled, mod ern rooms, steam heat ; dining room, kitchen, living quarters; city 9,000. Bargain, owner must go east Box 384, Baker, Oregon. $750 20-ACRE SNAP $750 IT SOUNDS like a dream, but it s true. We can sell you this 20 A. farm $100.00 down, $22. or per mo. New 4 I for $760 only 12 miles north of Sa- rm. house, garage, elec, water sys- lem, owned by a widow. A non-resl- tem ; gas, 10c bus fare. Garden ground, dent that needs the money, not the Close in. land. Hurry and see RICH L RE1MANN, 167 S. High St BECHTEL ot BRASHER, 341 SUte THE VERY best buy 2 A., no I SNAP SNAP SNAP bldars. 1 A. Roval Ann cherries. 1 A. I OWNER MUST sell on acct of old garden ft filberts, $10 down, $10 perage and ill health, 95 A. farm with mo., mt, can use some laoor. 1 stock and machinery, rnce cui ior ( rm. house on Center St. easy I quick deal to $3000, good terms, gww terms. 3 clear lots, trade for house A I soiL bldjcs. are old but livable. For par- assume see me for farms & houses. ticulars. See H. C. Shields, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902. BECHTEL or BRASHER, 3.1 sute FOR SALE NEWSPAPER A JOB SHOP WEEKLY NEWSPAPER and Job shop. In college town of 2700. Only publication In town. Excellently equip ped. Located northern California on 101 highway. Owner has other inter ests and must sell. Investigation will prove its merits. Address, Box 488, Statesman, Salem,. Oregon. Call in person. wk SPECIALIZE in country prop erty. See us and save time. Free list. W. V. HOMESE-lSlvliKo Aur.ii East "D" St Phone szaw. WORTH MORE MONEY ift A WITH GOOD 7 room, plast km. ninmhlnar. elec. liehU available, ir-atpd EU. miles from Salem on good $900 down or trade for small house in I road, family fruit and outbuildings, Halem I m. .jmhAr owner lKHVinr for Call- 5 room house 8. 1 17 th St $2000 I torn la. Will sell for $2800.00 casn 11 down payment $20 a month. J sold within the next few days. Here 40 acres ( miles from Salem, S0 an I s your chance to make an exceptional acre. I buv If you liave the cash. Let us snow a. c j c?i sti 1 vou this orooertv. 333 State St Ph. 8622. I See W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., EARN $25.00 TO $50.00 a week in your snare time serviclns an esub lished vending machine route In and around Salem. $950.00 required. For Information, write Box 490, SUtes man. 4 ACRES ALL in fruit house, barn. garage, in Woodburn. Trade for house in Salem. 105 acres east of Salem, 7 miles, $9000 $2000 down. 10 acres Lebanon, house, barn. ga rage. $2200. $250 down, $15 a month. 4 room new house, about acre $9008250 down, $15 a month. 8 room house on Market St $1800 BROADWAY GROCERY with 6 liv ing rooms, also 193 Ford pickup, in aula ted body. Reason have bought larger store. 100a Broadway. $900 BUYS GOOD grocery stock and fixtures. Living quarters avail able. In Salem. Grocery business Including 2-pump service station, 5 rm. house. Good lo cation all for $4600. $3000 cash. K. A. r ORKNKR, Real Estate 1853 N. Capitol St NEW MODERN HOME Tins HTRICTLX modern 5 room home, hardwood floors throughout two rooms finished In mahogany, un IS 4 S. Liberty Street Phone 458, e irRES NEAR Salem. 5 rm. nlaatered house, barn and out Diaga. finished attic Karaite, caved street. I p, rmil S5250. reauy to move into, trice ftzoo.oo. 111 ji acres, river bottom son. goou it is a new home that you want at anlhtrii? 7 acres alfalfa. $5000. One nan extremely low price, see I cash. w. a. GRABENHORST CO,. I r. A. FORKNER. Real t-state REALTORS I 1853 N. CaDitOl 134 S. Liberty Street Phone 8468. 1 tn intKS RIVER bottom. 6 miles OPPORTUNITY GOES BEGGING I nnrth. C room house, mostly In cher 1 A. WITH NEW 2 rm. plast house, I .i.. nn(f walnuta, 33500. some terms. etec. ana paving near, 3ou, siuuiph 55SO down, bal. mo. Other places to offer I vwwivmmwwww,' same, terms. I ttarm RARRAIN H. B. GRANT-C. H, SANDERS I 34.00 PER ACRE. 118 acres heart a. uun ot. Aei. i. i.i of the valley. SO cultivated, some inn See ALFRED DUMBECK 147 North Commercial Street SJNawNasNfcNsM, 1 room house, old barn, good wa- LUVbiii HUMt on airmount mn, I tr, fine for dairy, $2000, down pay uiiv ui liutai v iflWB 1U oit?m. xijiua niCDL large living room with fireplace, large d. room, fine kitchen with nook & back porch; toilet and lav. on first floor; 2 fine bedrooms and bath on second floor, lots of closet and drawer room. PiimnlAt. hnmm.nt iratt hast hiwt tf nlnmhinir I 27 A TIMBER. MOSTLT old fir, Owner lea vine eitv has lust reduced I no bulldincs. summer haul, 16 miles the price on this fine property $1000; I from Salem. $1700, some terms tore Acreage can be bought on reasonable terms. For appointment, see . N. J. LIN DG REN 175 So. High . ' Phone 8890. sponsible party. Ph. 5580, i005 N. Win ter St , Union. Miscellaneous FILMS. DEVELOPED. S prints each giKM) negative, 25c. Portland Film Co., box 4213, Portland, Ore.. - - esawJeas . , ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives Fenger-Hall Co Ltd. San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattl Eastern Advertlsiug , RepresenUttlyeg Bryant Griffith Brunson. Inc, Chicago, New York, Detroit, v Boston. Atlanta. KuttrmA mt tka PaMtottU at gales OreptMt, a Second Cioss Matter. Pub FARMS FOR rent cash rental Lonly. $700. SOCOLOESKY A SON. For Rent HOSPITAL BEDS and wheel chain to rent.. H. L Stiff KurnKure- Ce . i ....i ...... Lr .-irj-Lr APTs SLEEP. R., 2133 SUte St. OFF1C1S SPACE, 629 Court For Sale Real Estate WHEN TOU can buy a rood east I front lot with street paved and paid 1 ana coacrete walk in for , only S376. terms, near State Street on 24th, it's i a gooa tune to make a uttle Invest ment. Phone 8S4, owner. " - - ivviwvirMMwwmuju TO CLOSE AN ESTATE RM. PLASTERED' house, plenty lnhtt every morntng except Monday lot frott centraUy located, for quick Saeiaesa offloe til goal L'ommtma I Street SUBSCRIPTION RATES: . Van Subscription Rates la Advance - Within Oregon: Daily -and Sunday, 1 Mo 5 cents; I Mo. $U; Mo. $2.50; 1 year $5.00. FJsewhero 50 cents per Ma, ar $(.00 for 1 year In advance. Per copy 8 cenU, - News EUnds $ . centA PRICE REDUCED rm. house with fireplace, near grade- high school. Will sacrifice. $2000,'.terma - -i - - FINE LOCAUTT S bedroom house with basement fruit paving. -$1180, $500 down. .$20 month. . H P, GRANT-CHAS. SANDERS 52$ "Court St TeL $744, -'SELL OR TRADE - rm. plastered house, $2500 with terms; will sell or trade for acreage. By CUT Carrier: 10 centa A month. I RCrBERT F. BUDROW, Real Estate 7.3 a year la advance. . .-113 Laaa it Busa uiag. . ru. eia 5 RMS. PLAST, bath, base., fur Aished, gar. Walks A pav. pd. $1600, terms. 8 rma, hath, plast, gar, close to I variety of fruit best of land school, $1975, $2a0 cash, bal. mo. For place A a good buy. 1U A. KEIZER DIST.. nice home, 3 years old, lots of fruit priced to anil 2 A. close to 4 corners. Nice set oi buildings, complete in every detail A nice bargains, see F. Griepentrog. 1940 McCoy St Tel. 4954. ONLY $15 MO. WITH INTEREST AT 5 INCLUDED. 4 rm. home, bath. 2 nice porches, I house. $2500 buys this property on garage. Price $1200 with $300 down..- I reasonable terms. & A. srarden road, large, strictly modern home, fine trees grounas has Just been acquired on mortgage foreclosure and is priced to sen. 2 'A A. close te city limits, 6 room modern house, small barn A chicken SOCOLOFSKT A SON First National Bank Bldg. READY TO OCCUPY GOOD HOME at 1520 S. Commer cial. OWNER 'SATS "GET AN OFFER' On this 8 rm. home with hardwood floors throughout. 2 complete baths. fireplace, basement furnace. On bus line and close- to ail schools, REDUCED TO $5000 Home and garden at 94 E. Large grounds with lovely trees and flow. era. l rioso in with lovely trees and I fine modern home, with all year creek through place. Must be seen to be ap predated. For full particulars, se 175 So. High Phone 8890, ORCHARD BARGAIN 9ft A. LOCATED t MILES from Sa lem on aood road. 14 A. in fine bear ing prune orchard, family fruit excep tional buy at $2500.00. W. H. CKABESHOKST UU, REALTORS One of 'Salem's very finest dis- 1 134 8. Liberty Street Phone 4 (8 trtcte. rooms ait on one floor. EX CEPTIONAL! LARGE LIVING ROOM, 25 A. 1V4 ML FROM Champoeg. rm. houmi- barn, chicken house, all yr, Dial 787 day. 8835 or 483$ eve-1 creek. 10 A. cult, bat timber A brush. nlngs. I excellent aoiL $2800. , SOCOLOFSKT A SON I 1.42 A. tnt east OI City limits, First National Bank Bldg. Inice bldg. site, $700. 2 A. i hi mt from city limns, nice SIX, ROOM modern home. $ bed-1 rm. home, lights, electric pump, barn, rooms, fireplace, basement room built I garage, chicken house, $2400. $50 In basement and rented for 815.00 a i rinwn month. North Winter St $3700, $(00 1 MELVIN JOHNSON or C O. RICE down. Ph, B580. . 1725 Court St . Phone 3723. BRAND NEW six room home la I 22 A. FINE SOIL, creek, room new addition. North Salem. All hard-1 house, bath, water system, basement wood floors, fireplace, basement, bile I fireplace, elee, 2 chicken houses, ga- trom ouarafzae. laoo down. Eh. 6680. 1 rare. barn, f mt out. Zau casn. wiimiiwwwiwmwwi i 895 -1 acre, new 2 room homo rKAU' litn. Strictly mod. 4 Rltl50 down. extra bed built tn, north, good dist. I $750 H A. with nice trailer house, $3150, $500 down, bat $10.0 per mo, 1 woodshed, elec, city water. $10 down. au Tumisnea, $jo. . -. . i we have other places lor saie w.m 4 K, 3 iota, west Salem, good loe, 1 small down payments. Bonesteele's Sales & Service, Inc. 1 Court Street Lowest Priced Used Cars Pick-ups 37 Studebaker Coupe Express practically new car the coupe with a pickup. Save over $200 on the price of a new one 725. 36 International Pickup clean as & pin. This sturdy pickup will do your work at lowest possible cost 565. '3( Dodge DeLuxe Touring Se dan, trunk, radio, excellent golden biege finish, clean mo hair upholstering. Recondi tioned motor try it out 7(5. 3( Hudson 2 -door Sedan, try this powerful smooth eight enjoy the thrill of Hudson's finest 695. '36 Studebaker DeLuxe Custom Coupe automotix-e overdrive. Guaranteed condition. Shiny original rich black finish. This baby is a beauty. Good rubber and a buy 725. '35 Studebaker Cust. Diet Sedan, trunk model, light green fin ish this sturdy economical six will give thousands oi carefree miles. Lockheed hy draulic brakes, advanced all- steel body, patented Stude baker planar axle. Compare this with any value (25. '31 Chev. Coach 30 Ford Sedan '31 Ford Rdst. '30 Chev. Sedan '29 Chev. Sedan '28 Ford Coaeh- Bonesteele's Sales & Service, Inc. 619 Court Street McKay Ghewolet Co. OPEN EVENINGS CLOSED SUNDAYS 333 Center Street Phone 3189 430 N. Commercial The "Frost is on the pumpkin the fodder's in the shock," and, the Price of Used Cars is Down Down Down Better Cars Loiver Prices Easier Terms Today's Special: 1936 Dodge Coupe $595.00 Fords Model T Sed. $ 9.00 1931-Kord Coupe 225.00 1931-Ford Redan 235.00 1933-Ford Sed 295.00 1936-Ford 4-Dr. Tr. Sedan 54j.OO Reduced aim 928-Chev. Sed 930-Chev. Coupe, good trans portation o 1932-Chev. Spt. Sedan 2S5.00 1834-Chev. Master 2-Dr. Tour. Sed. 4a.00 Plymouths 1933- Ply. Spt. Coupe Sla.OO 1934- Ply. DeLuxe 2-Dr. Sed. .. 39.1.00 1935-DeLuxe Ply. Coupe 595.00 Pickups & Panels 928-Chev. Sed. Delivery 95.00 1930-Chev. -ton Pickup 115.00 932-Ford V4-ton Panel . 26a.00 93(-Dodge Pickup 525.00 S6-Ford U-ton Panel 545.00 1936-Chev. -ton Panel 585.00 1934-Ford H-ton Pickup 355.00 Ag Money to Loan CONSOLIDATE TOUR DEBTS BORRROW FROM an Independently owned and operated Salem company here your problem will receive per sonal consideration bota before ano t ter the loao Is made. Interest on unpaid balances No fee Quick, courteous service. WE SOLICIT TOUR ACCOUNT General Finance Corporation 13 & Commercial EL. Salem. Or Phono 11(9 Lie, No 8-186 1926 Pontiac Sedan, was $725 Now $695 1938 Dodee Sedan with trunk ft radio : $665 1936 Ford DeLuxe Coupe, rumble seat, radio, heater, special trunk $565 1936 Ford 4 -dr. Sedan with trunk $585 1935 Ford 4-dr. Sedan $460 If 22 Pontiac 4-dr. Sedan was $365 Now $330 193 Ford Coupe, new paint $185 131 Chevrolet Spt Roadster $19& 1929 Ford Coupe 815 1929 Ford Rdstr. $ 95 1935 V-8 L W B Truck, complete ly new rear end ft ( new 32x ten-oly tires. Was $485 Now --$450 We also have 1928 Fords ft Chevro- ets ft other makes priced as low as $35 to $85. These are real buys for good transportation. Valey Motor Co. OPEN EVENINGS and WEEK DATS CLOSED SUNDAYS TWO LOTS Center ft Liberty Marion and Liberty MONET TO I nan on good real esute. CHAR HIIDKINS. 276 State St, STRICTLY "PERSONAL" SINCR OUR loan and finance service Is so closely Identified with the PER SONAL financial problems of our cli- enta, we have adopted the name. Per sonal Finance Company, as a more ac curate description of .the character of our business. LOANS $10 to $300 ALL PLANS Arranged Privately on a BUSINESS LIKE basis. Budget repayments. Pay off all your bills at one time and en Joy the summer. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. OF SALEM (Formerly Beneficial Finance Co. ) Second Floor New Bligl. Bldg. Rm. 119 61$ SUte St at High Phone 3191 Salem, Oregon License 8-122 M-Hi MORTGAGE. LOANS on well im proved country or city property. Low, st rates. No brokerage or commission Ladd A Bush Trust Co. liaAwailHWWWWWW. FEDERAL HOUSING loans, bulla refinance homes business prop Rates A brum A Kills Ine. Ma xnlr Ktdg. Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONET TO buy new or need ears Private money at very how rates. No red tape l te 2 montt to repair. - Roy H. Simmons . IS 8 Commercial St Salem. Or Phone ! Uo. No M 162 Loans Wanted LOAN'S WANTED en rrm and city property Refers borrowing Inquire at newaist m Rooerta PUT TOUR $ $ $ IN A SOUND INVESTMENT FIRST MORTGAGE on real estate We now have a number of mortgage ror sale. AtnounU from $30 to $5,009 Net you semi-annually. SEE US CHILD8 ft MILLER, Mte. Loans 844. SUte 8t ' Phone 4708 Financial $909. $25 down. 815 per ma 4X J. JACKSON, 341 SUte St WK HA VK ww paid lee than tbis rate saving nd Invest menu Insured te xiaee --,- H. P. GRANT C H. SANDERS Matiial Federai Sayings a Loaa Aafa S3 Court Ph. $744. Pnooe 4144. 141 S. Libetry St Ml THE BEST Used Cars 193 DeSolo Airstream Sedan 1935 DeSoto Airflow Sedan 1935 DeSoto DeLuxe Coupe DODGES 192E Dodre DeLuxe Coupe, radio $(45 1934 Dodee IeLuxe Sedan 625 1933 Dodee -DeLuxe Couoe. overhauled : ia CHEVROLETS 1936 Chevrolet Coach, 11,000 miles - J 192S Chevrolet Master Coach 535 1S4 nievrolet Master Sed, trunk s 1931 Chevrolet Sedan . XJ PLYMOUTH I93S Tlirm,Mith rteluxe Coach. 18,000 miles $64 FORDS 1934 Ford V-8 DeLuxe Coupe $295 1931 Ford Standard Coupe 23 1930 Ford Cabrolet Coupe 325 1928 Ford Roadster 1SSS Ford Roadster, new tftn and and curtains 30 1927 Buk-k Sedan : 75 1928 Dodge Standard Sedan 40 SEE Jim St. Clair for ..Terms & Trades! .Open Evenings Closed Sundays W. L. Anderson, Inc. DeSOTO-PLYMOUTH MOTOR CARS 3(0 Marion Phone 7703 saiem For Sale Wood GUARANTEED DRY WOOI coal Tel (00A balna Fuel Co. Trade aad I'ottitse. ' 1$" OLD FIR, 2nd growth. Ph. 176 - OLD FIR. tod grth. fly. ash. 1371 4 FT. OAS, $4 5. Phone Dow Burr. Dallas. 1363. order calls paid tor.. LARGE SECOND growth. Ph I37F3 DRT 1" SLAB. $4.78. Ph. Aiit. WOOD SAWIxa Dry slab for gale. mono ttos. DRT 2XD growth. Feawick. 4527. Chevrolets Dodges 1929-Dodge Standard Sed. ..$129.00 1931 -Dodge Spt. Coupe 245.00 l33-Dodge Sed. .., 395.00 1933-Dodge Sed. 665.00 1935- Dodge Coupe 595.00 1936- Dodge 4-Dr. Tr. Sed, ra dio, heater 745.00 Miscellaneous 25.00 30.00 $5.00 75.00 125.00 1930-LaSalle Sed. 145.00 1929- Buick Sed. 165.00 1930- Olds. Coach 175.00 1926- Buirk Sed. 1927- Nash Sed. IT:-Pont. Sed 1928- Hud. Sed. : 1929-Oak. Coupe 1929-Sfude Pres. Sed. 1931-Durant Coupe 1935-Willys 77 Sed. . ... 185.00 ... 195.00 . 345.00 Trucks 1929-Dodge 3-ton Truck, L. W. base 163.00 1931 -Dodge 3 -ton Tractor, ex cellent condition 365.00 1931-Ohev. 1 14-ton L W. base duals . 1 4(5.00 HerraM-Owens Co. "DEPENDABILITY" (4i The Home of Dependable Used Cars and Trucks" DODGE A PLYMOUTH and DODGE TRI CK DIST. 235 South Commercial Phone 3169 New Used Car Park Church St. Across From State Theatre Phone 5335 SALE EQUITY In 1937 V-8 ex cellent condition cheap phone 4864 In mornings. For Sale Wood GRADED OLD growth 12 and 1- Inch oak, 4 ft Phone 542. Mm Wood Sawing FOR WOOD Sawing, call 714. WOOD ft WOODSAWING Ph. 3725 WD. SAWING. Ed Sproed. P. 6883 WOOD SAWING, Ph. 6700. Personal WANTED ORIGINAL poems, songs. for immediate consideration. Send poems to Columbian Music Publishers Ltd., Dept E28, Toronto, can. LONELY? MEET worth while peo ple throHgh our club. Either sex,' na tion wide. Confidential una rename. box 927, Hollywood, caiir. ARE YOU seeking marriage? Join ACTIVE CLUB, West Second, Web ster City, Iowa. SUNDAY SPECIAL 1936 Ford DeLuxe Coupe, radio ft heater. A real buy $465.00 19J6 Chevrolet Coach with trunk and heater .. $525.00 1929 Ford Roadster (110.00 1930 Chevrolet Coupe $1(5.40 1828 Chevrolet Coupe $ 75.00 1928 Chevrolet Truck, any one looking for a good cheap truck with stake bodv for only . $ (5.00 TERMS OR CASH 1 CAPPS USED CARS 110 Edgewater Street. West Salem 1928 CHEV. COACH, fair shape, $S5 cash. 1075 Erixon Street 30 FORD COUPE. Good mechani cal condition. Good rubber. $140.00. Phone 71F22. 1929 ESSEX CHALLENGER, good condition. Johnson ft Johnson, Auto Ser, 242 So. Commercial. Phone 704 (. GOOD USED ear, 735 N. CoroT" Transportation DRIVING TO E. Kansas. Can take one passenger; share expenses. 325 S. 14 th. Business Directory Cards ia this directory run on a monthly basis only. Rate: ft per line per month. Agricultural Lime GOLD HILL lime. 98 test. Joe Gard ner, 429 Oregon Bldg. 8121. Auto Brakes Mike Panelt. 273 South Commercial. Bicycles BICYCLES. NEW and reconditioned. Harry W. Scott 147 a Com ! Ph. 4516. Body & Fender Repair FOR BODY ft FENDER Repairs, Auto Trim, Seat Covers. Glass replacement, Auto Painting SEE the HerraU Ow ens Co, 235 S. Com'L St Phone 3163 Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4450. R. E. Nortbness. Chiropractors DR. O, L. SCOTT. PSC, Chiropractor. 25 N. High. TeL Res. 8752. Excavating EXCAVATING OF all kinds. Base ments dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. Salem Sand and Gravel Co., Phone $408. , ; Florists Brelthaupf, 4T Court Ph. 5994. Laundries THE, NEW SALEM LAUNDRT i - THE WELDER LAUNDRY 263 S. High .,. TeL 112$ Mattresses SALEM FLUFF-RUG and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade : carpet cleaning, six Ing; fluff rug weaving. S. 13th ft Wil bur. Tel. 811L OTTO F. ZW1CKER. Est 191L CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4069. Painting'Paperhanging HERBERT E WOOD, T. $926. Photo Engraving SALEM PHOTO engraving, 147. N. Commercial. TeL 6887. jFrinting FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets, programs, books or any kind of print ing, call The SUtesman Printing De partment 3 IS 8, Commercial. Tele phone 911. -J. Taxidermist E. E WIGGINS, 1 mL N. Pac. hwy. Transfer CAPITAL ' CITY Tansfer Co. 22 SUte St. TeL 7773. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. v,-:. :.:-: ; . FOR LOCAJor distant transfer storage- burner oil. tall 3131.- Lurmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland diily. REGINA Sales ft Service. Ph. 3505. : Well Drilling R. A. WEST, Rt S, Rx. 445. 110FS. Wet Basements GUARANTEED BONE-DRT by : t' e new Seal Seep Service. Applied on -in- -ner sen ice. Dial 11 12(F13.