The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 24, 1937, Page 13, Image 13

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    Tbb OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, October 24, 1337
Women's Bible Class Is .
Mrs. Cora El' Llppold was
hostess to members of the worn- -en'
Bible class of the FirsT Meth
odist .church on Friday afternoon .
at her 15th street home. Hallow
e'en colors predominated in deco
rations - and v refreshments. -Tha -.hostess
had arranged autumn
leaves and bright, fall flowers
around the rooms. -
Assisting the hostess were Mrs. -A
A, Lee. Mrs. N. S. Savara and :
Mrs, H. M. Durkheimer. Mrs. A.
A. Lee, and Mrs. E. C. Miller gar -reports
of the convention held re
cently In Seattle. Little Edna Hal
entertained the groap during the
; afternoon. ; '
. Others present , were: Mrs. G.
H. Quigfey, Mrs. I D. Waterman.
Mrs.' F. C. -De Long, Mrs. E. M.
Dahl. Mrs, O. W.- Emmons, Mrs.
H. F; Shanks. Mrs. - 3.' F. Cook.
Mrs. Frank Sherwood. Mrs. R . K.
Ohllng. Miss Margaret Schreiber.
Norma B. Shaw.. Mrs. C. F. Brelt
haupt, Mrs. Nettle Schram, Mrs,
E. E. Roberts, Mrs. Hamrlck,
Mrs. John Robins, Mrs. J. S.
Green. Mrs. J. R. Carrnthers, Mrs.
E. T. B. Hill and Etta Haskell.
Art Week Sponsored
By Salem League
The first week In November
has been set aside as American
Art week and will be celebrated
in Salem under the sponsorship
of the Salem Arts league. Several
Interesting exhibits have been
nlannsd" fnr the
r -
During .the week, the arts
league will sponsor an exhibit at
the Salem public library. Mrs. O.
P. Andrews will have charge of
displays in the public schools and
uiaa PAintinM Vnwior wiii ttT
i .. -mil
lamette university during
The league will sponsor a two-
mm rM..n.. n
The water colors of local men. A.
A. Selander and L. J. Boulier,
will be shown. "
-Member of the Salem Com- Shower Honors tWO
! mua!ty.froncert association will c l r j
be Interested to know that En- balem orides
gene List, who Is appearing in " A,
Salem Dn February 22, win be Friday night, members of the
heard on, a coast to coast Look- Rebekah lodge metnln the cluh
up of the Red network of the rooms of the IOOF hall for a
National Broadcasting company shower for two recent brides,
today. He will play the last &:.s. Luther Melton, nee Lula
movement of the Beethoven "B McClay and Mrs. Ross "Gladden,
Flat Sonata" on the Seaitest Rls- nee Charlotte LaDue. The enter
ing. Musical tar program which tainment during the evening was
is broadcast from 10-10:30 a.m. a mock weeding, Jimmy Brem-
eastern standard time.
The Duo-Therm gives dean,
silent. "Regulated oil Beat.
; Turn the dial get a flood of
heat for cokl weather or a little
for mOd days.
' With the patented dual-chamber
burner aad special "waste-
topper' it's the most econom
ical oil beater made Three beau-
'feful finishes eight models.
" Inc.
453 Court Phone 9611
of Assorted
Hager Fur Shop
1247 S. Commercial
- ;s. v
v"" W " . J iff
i -1 ,
. i t , i fj
:J Jr'r'v
' -. - - - -
Tin taking Don to the poorest
he'll appreciate
A Dractical application of the relativity theory. We hope its success
la aa aanaatlnnat as h "cTllnder
ed the Paris openings. Here it is
to match. Fits like a sweater, descends to finger tip reach and locks
you in with a slide fastener. The much favored idea of using fur as
a fcrf ia xrain dfmonstrateri on th rlrht with nutria 'Effar
laih thoiieh fiir vardaee low. And.
winter suit, you can indulge In the delight of a fur hat to match
and run no riskof a Polar expedition effect.
r (Copyright 1937, Esquire Features, Inc.)
mer acting as the minister; tiny
Do othy Pierce as the bride;
Morse Hunsaker as the miniature
groom; Norma Jean Dierking as
the bridesmaid and Donald Scnee-
lar as the best man; Sharon Lav-
erty as flower girl and Junior
Scheeler as ring bearer; Verda
Olmsted played the wedding
The club room and dining
rooms were decorated witn a
profusion of fall flowers and
greenery. There rouowea guitar
cojos by Miss Verda Olmsted ac
companied, by. Miss "Edna McEl
hinney. Gifts from the officers
and drill team of the lodge were
presented to the brides.
Mrs. Slater Hostess to
Club Members
Mrs. D. P. Slater was hostess
to members of the PLENS club at
her home on North Capitol on
Thursday night. Following the
business meeting and election of
officers, cards were in play. High
score went to Mrs. Wayne Green
wood. Mrs. John Sbipp and Mrs.
Charles Kinzer.
Mrs. Slater was chosen presi
dent for the coming year, Mrs.
Eunice Burke vice president, Mrs.
John Shipp secretary and Mrs.
Arthur Hixson treasurer.
Present were Mrs. - Albert Bll
brey, Mrs. Alice Davies, Mrs.
Wayne Greenwood, Mrs. Arthur
Hixson, Mrs. Chester Hlrson, Mrs.
Charles Kinzer, Mrs. Pete Andre
sen, Mrs. Anna Tallman. Mrs. Lu
cille Compton. Mrs .Eunice Burke,
Mrs. Ruth Norris, Mrs. Dorothy
Wilson, Mrs. Shipp and special
guests Mrs. Faye Brown. Mrs.
Grace Griffin and Mrs. Bill Col
lins. Mrs. Max Carmen will give a
white elephant bridge party at
her home in Dallas tomorrow for
members et the Alpha Gamma
Feita alumnae association.
Mr. and Mr. George R. K.
Moorhead will he the guest of
Mrs. G. R. Moorhead of Bend
over the weekend.
Mrs. Neta Henderson Is enter-
?'?n' Gh0r8e
fine selection of Better
Made Fur Coats,
Phone 6607
restaurant - in town then, maybe,
my cooking." .
allhonette" fur rorft which electri-
In gray Persian lamb with muff
used thuslv on a black woolen
Monday, October 23
AB of PEO with Mrs. Mary
E. Smith on Center street. Iva
Howard Kirk In charge of pro
Royal Neighbors of America
district rally at Fraternal tem
ple, 8 p.m.
The DAY and auxiliary, hard,
times party and social, armory.
Women of Rotary, 1 o'clock
luncheon at Godfrey's.
International relations class,
AAUW, fireplace- room, Salem
public library, 7:30.
Juniorettes of the American
Legion, with Mrs. Lelf Berg-s-Tik,
1090 North Cottage street,
3:30. Will work on scrap books.
Oregpn State Nurses associa
tion. Deaconess hospital, 8 p.m.
Private duty section at 7:30
Tuesday, October 20
Alpha Mu of Delphian, Fire-
place room of the Salem public
library, 5:30 a.m.
East division. Ladies Aid.
First Presbyterian church. 2:30
p.m., witn Mrs. V. A. Hodge,
1270 Chemeketa street. Mrs. F.
W. assisting.
Salem Women's Press club,
with Mrs. Stephen Mergler, 215
South 23d street, 1:30 dessert
Berean WWG class, with
Florence Wallace, 7:30 p.m.
Sons ot Union Veterans of
the Civil war and auxiliary wih
Mr. and Mrs. John Robins, S42
North Liberty street, 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, October 27
Royal Neighbors card party
at Fraternal temple, 2 p.m.
Women's Union, First Con
gregational church, covered
dish lunch at 12:30, followed
by business and missionary
Women's auxiliary of Ne
braska club meet with Mrs.
John Shipp, 1630 Saginaw
street, no-host luncheon at
11:30 a.m., program to follow.
Thursday; October 28
Capitol auxiliary No. 11 meet
IOOF halL 8 p.m.
Ladles auxiliary to carpen
ters union, business meeting
and Hallowe'en party. Labor
Polk County Health associa
tion at Dallas commercial club
room, S p.m.
Town and
at Lausanne
Gown club meets State cega, u the lecture given tertained In honor of her daugh
Han. 2:30 p.m. by Dr vlctor Heiser whose book ter Laneta's fifth birthday at the
Easter. Star social afternoon
. . ...
ards d ancywork wttl occnpV
th0 .fternoon with Mrr Marie
1 11 ran Knit 1 r m m 11 1 m nrn mrrm m
.Flint McCall telllnsr of her travels
a a a faatnra
as a xeaiure.
un tne committee are- Mrs.
Dana Jennings, chairman. Mrs. A.
j. Shoemaker, Mrs. H. W. Craw- ruary ; Trudi Schoop, February STATTON Santiam EncamP
ford. Mrs. Glenn Paxson, Mrs. 25. Marian Anderson March 4; ment No. 64 ot Stayton entertain-
m. u. flusius, mn. j. u xiDoeiis,
? 'abn MrMarie
T T ir... , r 1
Flint McCall, Mrs. Donald Toombs
and Mrs. Catherine Hewlett,
a a
Dr. and Sirs. Martin Howard
of Portland have been the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bailey
during the medical convention.
uuiiur me iucuiui vuutcuuuu-,
leaving for Eugene yesterday afl
V Venetian
Made to your or
der In Oar Own
Salem Factory.
STRIPPING that lasts the fife
of your building.
order and repaired or cleaned.
Reinlioldt & Lewis
Salem Venetian Blinds
467 Heart St. fhone 41SI
Ksa f J
SlLVERTON- Miss Ruth Mar-: Tr7a TVc Ta Tlntt' " " AURORA Wednesday ! after-
garet Hubbs, popular young Sil- wuma AW5S 18 cnae -- noo the Aurora. Woman's club
Terton maid whose wedding to Xt Church WeddinS mrtat the h o m e of Mrs. V.
Earl Chalfan wlU he an erent of , - . Eiler . with Mrs; F. A, Renfrew
November 2 bV was complimented w; WOODBURN At a beautiful assisting -hostess. Mrs. O. Otta
at two" parties this" weekend. L wedding ceremony performed at- wa7 w111 bave charge of the sale
Friday night Mr,, Rolph BenN tt tober"losl
ah nil Minn Muriel Bentson en-.
l;r. -7 -o
.pn South Second .treet.Zia.
ana- autumn louage iormea me
decorations with a huge pump
kin holding the gifts.
Inrited were Miss Hubbs, Mrs.
Elmo Llndholm, Mrs. Wesley Wil
li H ' . M . TT--J Um
' o, w
Kelsey Slocum. Mrs. Norman-
Maiman, flir. w. A. Jirysuu,
Otto Aim, Mrs. Robert Webb Mrs.
uiniora aentson or saiem,
Harriet smltn, Mrs. Iranic jonn-
aon, Laura Hnbbs-Lentsch. Olive;
Banks, Beverly Bentson of Port-
land, Margie Chalfan of Portland,
Mrs. James w. .jenaa pi aioanj
and Mrs. Eileen Westphal of
oaiem. '
Mrs. L. C. Eastman entertained
Saturday night for Miss Hubbs
at the Eastman home on West
Main street. Mrs. Kelsey Slocum
of Portland Mrs.
Norman East-
man assisted.
. Weisner of Silverton. Little Jan
FAIRFIELD Miss Florence ice Jackson, daughter of Mr. and
DuRette, bride-elect of Francis Mrs. Clark Jackson was flower
Saalfeld of this place, was recip- Kiri Wayne Llvesay. brother cf
lent oi numerous Deauuiui giivs
at a miscellaneous shower Wed- -
nesday afternoon at the Ivan
Stewart home in Salem Heignta
with Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Cecil
DuRette entertaining.
A piano sblo "To the Rising
Sun by Miss Buena Stewart pre-
ceded presentation of gifts ny
Bonnie Bell Stewart and Hush
DuRette, dressed as bride and..
Kefrehent were terred to Krt
ir ot prtun. Mr, A STthj. UrC
i w . v! v:
HagM. .Mr. An. Jones, Mr. Loa Mil-
jg- YV.Iwd .lri St.w.rt sH of
fl,' S r.. M!:r nl", "
IHrtte, Aurora, Mrt P. Piekem. North
S i n n;n-,. .h. V. M.-A
RneriteT'joVB and Martha M,r DuBette,
Mr,. v. caries.., Mr,. M. J Mhony.
AimNi"UMU.M?ecini m":
L. Bn, .nd th. ho.tewe m. suw.rt
and Mn. c. DoRette.
The marriage of the young
couple will be solemnized late this
opened her home on Wednesday
to members of the Prlngle Wom
en's club for an all-day meeting.
A no-host luncheon was served
at noon and the day was spent
Those attending were Mrs.
John Fabry, sr.. Miss Anita Bon- Barna, Mrs. A. B. Hinz. Mrs. C. toring over from Salem to attend
ney, Mrs, H. E. Melchert, Mrs. H. s. Emery, Mrs. Ezra Hart. Mrs. the meetings here.
C. Ramey, Mrs. Paul Gurgurich, Charles McKee. Mrs. D. H. Loon- .
Mrs. Sarah Keys, Mrs. George ey, Mrs. Blanche Libby, Mrs Paul ZENA One of the pleasant af
Adams, Mrs. Margaret Adams, Fryrear, and Miss Doris Belght. fairs of the week was the birth
Mrs. C. W. "Grabenhorst, Mrs. J. day dinner given in honor of
C. Henry and the hostess. Mrs. F. , STAYTON The first of the Clarence F. Merrick and his lit
W. Wiltsey. series of contract bridge parties tie daughter Audrey at their
The next meeting will be at the sponsored by the Women's Com- home here. Other guests inciud
home of Mrs. O. T. Sealer with munity club was held Wednesday ed Mr. and Mrs. Dale Rldgeway,
Mrs. Leon Laigle as assisting host-
ess on November 3.
. .. ;
WOODBURN Mrs. Etta Hall
assisted by Mrs. Ivan C Beers,
Mrs. Alice Guyer and Mrs. Edith
Haller entertained the Federated
Women of the Methodist church
at the hall home on Hardcastle
street Tuesday afternoon. Guest
speaker was Mrs. Black, a social
worker of Salem, who spoke of
her experiences as a social work-
er in the hopyards where many
people from different walks of life
are employed.
Mrs. Oscar Allen, president of
the Home Missionary society led
the devotional service. Mrs. J. M.
Livesay presided. A vocal solo was
given by Mrs. Ralph G. Kleen who
also led the group singing. Mrs.
W. S. Ankeny of Salem was a
GERVAIS Miss Marie Man
gold was hostess at her home
Monday night to members of
Court Victory Catholic Daughters
of America. A social hour with
as the diversion followed
tne Business meeting, uuesrs were
present also from woodburn ana
St Paul.
OSC Series to Offer
Several Artists
The next event in the series be
ing presented in Corvallls under
tha inniKAnihln nf tha flrsrnn
An American Doctor's Odyssey"
baa been widely read. Dr. Heiser.
as director nf hMith far tha
nn!S ha. r aided in
. the prevention of lenroav and is
1 w-
-aid to he an Intensely Interesting
- ...
0"" ine 5"
ar Richard BOneill, Who Will an-
pear on November 1: the English
.slngerg scheduled for November
23. Portland symphony on Feb-
T.arin-r n xiaroh aihort
' -1
Spaulding on April 6.
Dr. and Mrs. Baum Are
Dinner Hosts
Tlr. and Un W W. Panm n.
tirtaind informaiiv at iiinnor at
their home in Ben Lomand park
weuuetua; nigut m cuupuiucui
to a group of the state official -
vho were in the capital this past WOODBURN Mr. and Mrs. Ed
week for the state medical con- ward Augusta Lytle" have Issued
ventlon. Invitations to the marriage of their
Covers were placed for Dr. daughter. Miss Elfa Lytle, to Jess
William Waldo Bauer of Chica-- Fred Flkan. The wedding will
go, director of bureau of health take place Saturday night, No
and public Instruction of Amer- vember fi, at 3 o'clock in the Meth
lcan Medical association. Dr. and odlst Episcopal church."
Mrs. Charles T. Sweeney of Med- '
ford, newly elected president of
Oregon State Medical society; Dr.
and Mrs. Charles E. Hunt cf Eu
gene, Dr. Richard B. Adams and
Dr. and Mrs. Baum.
Mrs,. Barton . Lemnwrn (Isobrl .
Morehouse) and tiny son, Michael
Wray of Eatonvllle. Wash., are the
guests this week-end of Mrs.
Lemmon's mother, Mrs. . W. U.
Morehouse " : !
Mrs. Charles K. Spanldinc will
! Will
entertain members of the Round
wnma Kathryn Doss, uaugnter
of Mrs. Agnes Doss of Woodburn
- TbeVf -Kc
TjvaT. snn of Mr. and Mrs. J.
H. Llvesay of woodburn.
The candlelight services were
held in the Epworth League room
of the church which had been
attractlTely decdrated with chrys
ahthemums and Upers. .An Ivy
rr,orA . tattlra was - rran-if
agalmrt th, mdow which
WM Uluminated from the outside
w! a spotlight. Rev. Ralph G.
Kleen officiated.
The brld Vas lovely in a gown
ot taffeU made with full
awing s k i r t , leg of mutton
Oneen KlizabetV collar
with tiny buttons down the back,
she carried a shower bouauet of
pint rosebuds and white chrys-
Mrs. Harold Mulkey of Dallas.
sister of the bride, was matron
ot honor. Candle bearers :. were
Miss Freda Hall and Mrs. George
the groom acted as best man.
Ushers were Robert Jackson and
Robert Hall.
Music was by Miss Joyce Wood-
fin, Mrs. Ralph Kleen and 1234
ftn, who also accompanied Mrs.
Ralph Kleen and Mrs. Paul Pern-
berton who sang "Calm As The
Night' as a duet, and Peter Lar-
son who sang "Because."
After the ceremony a recep-
tion was held at the home of the
'hritta'a mother after which tha
ouPle Ie" ror wedding trip to
aa Anseiw ana omer wuioeru
lWU1" - wm r
'burn. Both are graduates of
Woodburn high school. Mr. Live
y. UU3"J"
aaiem iwo years ana is oooaaeep-
er at the Livesay lumber yard.
toxt v
lips was the inspiration for asur-
prise shower Thursday afternoon
vAt the home of Mrg. 4rl Phelp8.
Hallowe'en decorations were
used. At the tea hour the hostess
was assisted by Mrs. Earl Lynes.
xM cM.n T?,rmrf
Colgan andMrs.'j. G; Frataine.
Others present were Miss Lou
Miller, Mrs. Mary Powell, Mrs,
E. B. Redmond, Mrs. Baltimore,
Mrs. C. J. Thurston, Mrs. E.
Clark. Mrs. S. M. Green. Mrs.
Leta Thomas, Mrs. M. D. 'Looney,
Miss Eleanor Looney. Mrs. Fred
evening at the club house. The
Hallowe'en aecorauons were car-
ried out. The ladles high score
"went to Mrs. Hal Cuffel and the
men's hiarh score was won by Hal
Cuffel. Refreshments were served
by the committee, Mrs. W. N.
Plntler, Mrs. Virgil Tuel, Mrs. Eu-
gene Spanlol and Mrs. Wendel
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Dave John, Mr. and Mrs. V.
R. Tuel. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Cuffel
and their house guest. Mrs. Will
Shure or Fargo, North Dakota,
Miss Clare Stewart, Miss Mary
McMahon, Mrs. wenaei weaaie,
Mr8- Luke Hurd, Dr. and Mrs. W.
Ptntler. Mr. ana Mrs. fcugene
Spaniol and Mrs. w. D. Roberts.
John Cage were hosts at a Hal
lowe'en party to the Quest class
and their families of the First
Evangelical church of Salem on
Present were Mr. and Mrs. Max
Kleman, Mr. and Mrs. Stevens, Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Basset and son, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Remington, Mr.
anil Urn Taj RranAt Mr anil Mra
Walter Lamkin, Mt. and Mrs.- John
Mlschke Mr and Mt8 Carl
Wackerbarth and children. Mr
and Mrs. Ivan Osterman, Mr. and
Mrs. R. L. Wright, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Lenn and' children. Mrs.
Viola Ermel, Mrs. Martha Lottts.
Mrs. Grayce Behrens, Mrs. Katie
Hllfiker, Mr. and Mrs. John Case
and Marvin.
STATTON Mrs. Hilda May en
nome ox ner moiner, mrs. susan
' he pink jind blue color
scneme was carried out on tne
table centered with the birthday
m . . . .
4 "J"
e,ni!i JJLLB JiIl
C Tr
ocien, cunu ana Juoweu
Nightingale, Darlene Dos let,
Lloyd Hamllng, Jr.
ed tne odd Fellows. Kebekans and
.. .. . .... .
friends at a Hallowe'en party at
the lodge hall on Thursday night,
Many of the guests masked and
games and contests were enjoyed.
Mrs. L. II. Wright won the cos
tume prize.
The committee Uv charge of the
affair was D. George Cole. R. G
xxnnA r xt Txrtv . t
Wood. L. . H. Wright and Bea
Of Interest to Ladies
One rug cleaned Free right in jour own home No cost ,
or obligation. ; . - .
Mrs, Ann'Conner Hutehason, well known Salem woman,
now showing, the; 30th Anniversary Hoover Sweeper.
. .We Service All Slakes of Sweepers
Delegates . were appointed Xa
attend the county federation at
juiu city, octooer is. Mrs.jw. i.
Wurster and Mrs. L. B.
gave an Interesting descrition
of their summer trip to Alaska. -.
The- cluh la . studying poetry
with Mrs. A. W. Kraus as chair
man of the committee. Mrs. B.
-ww, . an. . iiire'
E- Maurek gave the program
The - next meeting will be at
the home of Mrs. L. G. Giesy
November 3.
WOODBURN X wedding of
mtoreat t man Wnndhnm twiw
pie was performed at St Agnes
Pathniie ehnrrh at T-fnbbard Mon.
day morning when Miss Marion
Adamson, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Adamson of Woodburn
became the bride of William Fo
bert, son of Fobert of Hub
. Rev. Father Fleming officiated
and the wedding music was play
ed by Mrs. George Grimps. The
bride was attended by the
groom's sister. Miss Imogene
Fobert and Harold Adamson,
brdther of the bride, acted as
best man.
The bride wore a becoming
wedding dress of white lace with
a full length veil and carried an
arm bouquet of pink carnations
Mr. and Mrs. Fohert will make
their home on j Fobert farm
east of Hubbard.
LEBANON Mrs. Earl Michel-
son w4s hostess to the Mystic club
Friday afternoon. The new year
books were distributed during
the business meeting. Mrs. Ruth
TTa1r nrwtpntMl a nrAffrtm lhAnt
the "Origin and Customs of Hal
lowe'en." RefreehmenU were
- .eryed by hostess assisted by
h sister. Mrs. Arthur Wilsor.
Tfi- M meetmg w, bft NJT B
th fl f M u d G,lgon
u1 M thi.,
Tom DIUard as program
Ieaaer- ...
' vrnxnv hit t o
all-day meeting of the Silverton
u Sewing club will be held
October 28 at the home of Mrs.
Bessie Porter at. 2 340 West Nob
Hill, Salem. The entire local sew
lng club is making every effort
to attend the Salem meet. Mrs.
Porter is a former member of
.the local group and has been mo-
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Merrick and
son vernon, air. ana Mrs. war
Ion Holdredge and Mrs. Clarence
Fl Merrick and son Chester.
The Lebanon
Dancing club will hold Its first
dance of the fall Saturday, Octo-
ber 30, at the Lebanon hotel. The
Hallowe'en motif will be used in
decoratnlg for the dance and a
Cbrvallis orchestra will furnish
the music. The club has nlanned
to give a series of seven dances
during the winter,
KINGWOOD Mrs. C. H. Brown
was hostess Tuesday afternoon to
13 members of the Laurel Social
We have a little fellow In oar
pharmacy called Saoope. He
roams all ever, asking the .moat
pertinent and childish Questions.
We can't do a thing- in oar phar
macy without him pottma; his
nose into it. Ha jnst gets into
everything including - our hair.
Of coarse, he is an imaginary
character which we have created
as a aoat mqniaitive pear peraon.
Bat like all progressive people,
he learns by asking questions.
From time to time, we will ans
wer some of bis questions about
"the mystery of the apothecary
which is "too my stay at aO. It is
a-profession and just a matter
of kmmvMng AW10. And when it
comes to compounding; prescrip
tiomvwa know how
. Oar Prescription Service Is the
Best Service We Reader
405 State, Corner Liberty
Phone 3118
IVA t ft jaktLtmaeif is
pXACtlCtd AS fa tt
a Res. Phone .
Tri-Coiinty School
Session. Is Slated
Half Day Institute to Be
Held Also at Dallas on
October 30 k
DALLAS Polk' County School
Superintendent Josiah Wills an
nounces a tri-county teachers in
stitute will be held -at the new
Salem senior high -school on No
vember 12, with Marion, Polk,
and Clackamas counties cooper
ating. Also a half -day institute will
be held in Dallas en Saturday
morning, October 30, at the Pal
las senior high school. TMs Is
necessary in order to take up cer
tain, matters : which, pertain to
teachers of this county alone. It
will also give Superintendent
Wills a chance to supply library
books and Oregon Blue books to
the teachers.
Program at Dallas
9:SO to 9 :45 KaroUioent of tesebers
in ht OSTA.
0:45 ts 10 :00 AananacrnMBti.
10:00 to 10:30 aatcmblj firocrani.
addrru by . i. Kirr oa pmmaaitnp
10:30 to 11.20 lepartBent merlinc.
High s.-hool course ol tuy, ir. V U.
Baia at the state department of fiart
tioa. Sjdner K.. Whirwortb. chairuaa
Elementary coarse ol studjr, Florence
Beardi-y, arsembly room.
11:20 to 1L.-30 Relaxation.
11:30 to 11:43 Bnainets a 1 1 1 i o a,
county division- of the OSTA.
11:45 to 11:50 Recess.
11:50 to 12.00 Meeting ot the gTonps.
Says Responsible
In Fatal Smashup
PORTLAND. Oct23-ffV-Hen-
ry Hauge, 40, harried by remorse
and worry -for six years, today
told police he was responsible for
a fatal automobile accident near
Neillsville, Wis., on August 28,
. Hauge gave Detective O. A.
Powell a signed statement saying
he drove a car striking Jim Lynch,
(7, a pedestrian. Because the traf
flc was heavy and another car
was involved in the mishap, the
coroner's Jury did not fix the
A copy of Hauge's statement
was forwarded to Wisconsin au
thorities. Hauge was not detained.
200 Grasshoppers
Asked by School
The state purchasing depart
ment received a requisition .Sat
urday for 200 grasshoppers from
the Oregon medical school. The
order was awarded to a New York
City concern at three cents each.
- The requisition specified 100
male and 100 female hoppers.
They are used for experimental
The purchasing department re
ceived an order Friday for sev
eral hundred live frogs.
Hour club. The afternoon was
spent In sewing on two quilts for
welfare work.
Mrs. Eugene Krebs will enter
tain the night of November 2
when members and their hus
bands will be served a Hallow-
e en supper.
m: - - v A .
II Utmost in
O Mutkrat J V;
j O Caracule I
' O Pony J I
O Chinese r; if v )
I Kidskin gf t
j O Northern f C j ,
Seal .. I
6 Blocked J j .
Lapan, etc. J r
4450 to J
Vi3it this new exdu- j
sive shop i
amazed at the Beau- I 1
tif ul Furs at such re- 4
markable values. r C"
Sport Coats J )
ao.50 to 39.50 fZii I
Girls at Rickreall ,
Take Friday Hike
RICKREALL The girls of the
high school enjoyed a hike Fri
day afternoon to the Burch grove
where they played games, finish
ing up tbe fun with refreshments
before going back to school in
time for the departure of the
school bus. Miss Carola May and
Miss aleorgia Shumway accom
panied the girls.
All farmers in this vicinity are
taking advantage of the good
weather and working day and
night to get in their crops.
A breakfast nook and new ce
ment walka are being built at the
W. C; Hill residence.
Darby Is Nominee
For-Grange Chief
h SILVERTON J. O. Darby of
j Union Hill grange reported at the
SUyerton grange Friday night
thathe had received the rote of
sufficient number of subordinate
granges to have his name placed
on the ballot for state grange
master. Mr. Darby explains that
candidates for state offices are
not nominated by a committee
but are nominated by votes tak
en at. tbe regular meetings of
local ; granges. A definite num
ber places -the candidate's name
on the ballot.
1 Mr. Darby is being supported
by the Silverton grange and was
present to thank the members
for their support.
No program was held Friday
night but cards were played dur
ing the social hour.
Three Grcles of Church
Hold Joint Gathering to
Plan Winter Activities
DALLAS A general meeting
of the three circles of the Presby
terian church was held at the
church on Wednesday. A covered
difh luncheon was served with
circle C acting as host.
Following the luncheon a busi
ness meeting was held with Mrs.
Alta Cerny, president, presiding.
Excellent reports- were given by
Mrs. W. L. Pemberton for circle
A, by Mrs. Harvey Carpenter for
circle B, and by Mrs.. Cerny for
fircle C. Plans for activities of
the circles for the next three
months were discussed. The next
general meeting will be held in
BROWN Credit Jewelers
184 N. Liberty.
r 1
Up club at luncheon Tuesday a.
Hill' om ,A va - oauuivnnu It