PAGE NINE! and Sell the ay With a Classified Ad Call 9101 Tbt OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning. September 25, 1937 Buy Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 ' ' Classified Advertising Single Insertion per line 10c Three insertions per line 20c Six Insertions per line 30e One month per line -Tl. .. i on Minimum charge , ', Copy tor thta page accepted until 6:86- the evening before publication for classification. Copy received after this time will be ran under the -heading. "Too Late to Classify- - The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors whrch may appear in advertisements pub lished In Its columns, and In cases where this paper la at fault will re print that part of an advertisement In which the typographical mistake occura, The Statesman reserves the right ts. reject . questionable advertising. It further reserves ths right to place all advertising under the proper classification. - Farmers Exchange Livestock and Poultry " WANTED UAttKET poultry, all kinds. Highest market prices. Phone mt Z. Lees Hatchery. HEIFERS FOR sale. TeL 51F1S. FOR SALE Good farm team 9 and 10 yra, Weight 2800 lbs. Salem Fuel Co. Help Wanted MAN OR woman distribute famous Watktns products spare or full time. See E. E. Grimm, 1250 N. Winter, Sa lem after 2 :30 p, m. Help Wantej Female 2 SALESLADIES, 30-35, TO travel, good earnings, transportation furnish ed, call in person. Room 274-5, Bligh Hotel, 7:30 p. m. to 9:30 p. m. EXP. GIRL for housework. 8 -In family. References. $25.00. Phone 7509. 1398 State. WILL PAY $3.50 weekly for some one ; to watch child and do part of housework. 1677 Chemeketa. WOMAN BETWEEN 30 and 50, care semi-invalid, some housework. References. Box 453, Statesman. WANTED, STENOGRAPHER Middle aged lady with general office experience preferred. La bis h Brokerage Coj Brooks, Oregon. i Situations Wanted ' EXP. DRSM-KR. Mrs. AdsItL 5441 WANTED, LIGHT housework or care of children. -Afternoons or eve nings. Reba, Brockway, Rt. 1, Turner, Ore. JANITOR, PART time work for 2 rmsfor family of 3. Ph. 118F4. For Sale Miscellaneous ADDING MACHINES, cash regis ters, typewriters sold, rented, swapped. Expert repair service, moderate prices Roen Typewriter Excftt 38 Court CASH OR trade tor used furniture ranges, beaters, radios, machinery tools, etc. Woodxy and Woodry. auc tioneers, phone 5-1-1-0. 1110 N. Sum mer In Hollywood, . KING APPLES, 3 grades. Bring boxes. 1440 Waller. 8JaeWaaaaaa . 1-YEAR OLD police dog. Call eve nings. Ph. 6253. -l'SED WOOD heaters and circula tors, $5 up. Terms. Good Housekeeping, Inc.. 453 Court street. -aj-Ln-rsaSsSssSsssSgSaSssaS, CIRCULATING HEATER. 332 Wa ter street HUMPHREY RADIANT gas heater with andirons, ermine fur coat quilt tops. J. J. Jttroea, n. a, wj ae. Darem. -c-rkD car V 7 .n t mndfl davennort and chair, tor oetaus pnone WHITE KINGS, 2199 Broadway. HENS, 60c AND up milk goat, I 1100 S.22nd. -wuTPiftKfl rr.Tl Minnprv bids, at miuini dr-tx Aii fin used lumber for sale cheap, IncL siding, shiplap Jxlz and bldg. trusses, ace aon. on Job. Trade; Miscellaneous GOOD BICYCLE for wood. Ph. 4516. WantedMiscellaneous KKIClt WE pick up dead and wortb leaa horses, cows, sheep Tel 4169. "'", WALNUT MEATS or walnuta to hell, any quality, siaie weieria. FILBERTS AND meats Btate ULnn.nii Mnnrw-ioi"ri-iM-i-i- WANTED HEAVY turkeys and I1KUCU . - -. . ..winv.-vTJtakTrnB vt-Til hnlifl SOB Ihs. P: Alfred A. Leb, North Kenton imuon, w.v. hnm. 399 N. 18th St For Rent Rooms HOTEL MAK1U.1 " ATTRACTIVE ROOMS by week or ., . hi. rates. wpitlt FURNISHED room for " r- ,i r -9 r: business man. v . NICE SLEEF1NU rma.,- Church, .... V ' ' , ' ,' - - cuwiw'3 -: if room. "ru ., deslrea. WY . - -1" pnnu. MOD. rate. Phone 8743. ew"' ATTRACT. RMS. Men. 660 N. Com'l. "VlEPINO ROOMS, 636 Chemeketa "TWIN BEDS, ladies. 9 N. Cottage Room and Board on a RU. RM very cloae tn. 5412 w . - - ! r n nraTafv ' . JIV'tY x R rami NICE y (g)refiOtt0tatesmau ADVERTISING Western AdserUslns Represeniauvcs sngsr-Hall Oew. Ud. Eastern Aderttelnf RepresenUtle - , Griffith Branson, lae, Ch& New lork. Detroit. -CbUM Boston. Atlanta . gwfer ml'Z,.r,I1M. uatter. fa Ore. sa imm tscmpi Honda t . . larl! aJ t A tTQ dhacrlotloa Ratss la Advance. M.U fons Daily aad Sunday. 1 ?5 -V lasswhers cents pet - 1 year r. 7i VI. t ,mi Ib advance Wo- r nVws Stands Per copy J nt. carrier t cents a month Room and Board BOARD AND room, 1271 Chemeketa. RM-. BD.. table bd. 5 blka. to school. Student rates. 235 N. a5th. For Rent Apartments t R. BUSINESS MAN. 255 Center. VACANCY. UNF. apt Roberts Apts. APTS., 625-a30. 8S7 N. Commercial. MOD. FURN.. heat, air-cond., wa ter, lights, bath, gar., adults. 2456 SUte. , "REDECORATED FURN. apt, pri vate bath adults. $23.50 per month. 624 N. CapitoL For Rent Honses FOR RENT 2 rm. house, ill. 1310 South 13th St. MODERN 7 ROOM fum. house on D Street, $35. Tel. 6810. FOR RP.VTVrv a IrrQMiva lit,l home at 680 Oxford Street, gas fur nace, fireplace, new gas range. Drive by, then call 7807 for appointment. SOCOLOFSKY & SON, Firrt Natl. Bunk Bldg. R. MOD. HOUSE 265 N !nt 927.50 mo. C M. Irwin, 463 Ferry. Phone 4S63. For Rent HOSPITAL BEDS and wheel chair to rent H. L Stiff Furniture Co. GARAGE FOR rent." ""m ''c'enteirl''"1 FARM FOR rent or sale. Eauio- ment for sale. J. D. Dunn, Rt. 1, Box z, waiiace Koad. For Sale Real Estate FOR SALE. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION MDDF.RV HflME lth S hutmnmi very nice living room. Corner lot nice lawn, abundant shrubbery. 94250. 92000 cash required. Located 1120 Hood St. BECKE WADSWORTH. 189 N. High FOR SALE Neat 4 -room, plastered cottaee. close to city limits. acre good land. Price 92300, caah 8300, balance monthly. Immediate possession. CH1LDS & MILLER. Realtors 344 State St. Phone 6708 AnAmFOR SALE,'' VaCANTJ'WL ROOM MODERN home. In fine condition except outside paint 956 tamarack, una surroundings, J4a00, $1500 cash. BECKE A WADSWORTH. 189 N. High SRmTmiOD. home, SlleU bay small paymt down. baL like rent J. H. Boomer, Cutler City,, Oregon. fojCfe w da yV onlt wj We offer acre tract with nartly finished house 16x18 ft., good road and close to city limits for $800 with $200 down, balance $15 per month. SKE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS k MILLER. Realtors 344 State St Phone 6708 NIFTY NEW bungalow near new high school. Telephone A. J. Flint own er TeL 3920. ,?LLl7TETWN 5-room bungalow. Also 3 rooms In garage which rents for 912.50. Price $2500. Terms. BROOK STREET 3-room house, lot 50x250. Shower, city water and sewer, garage. Price 91050; $280 down, $17 per month. S. 18th STREET Nice 4-room and bath, garage. Price $1400; $12.50 per month. CARLETON E. LANE 333 State Street Phone 8622 SPECIAL Good 6 -room house, basement, fur nace, garage, beautiful shade and fruit trees. Close to high and Junior and grade schools. Quick sale $2600 with small payment. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 6708 CHOICE LOT, Winter and D. 5715. S2650. 5 RM. HOUSE in fine condi tion, basement furnace, corner lot close to school on bus line. $509 down, good 5 rm. home, bath. basement garage, $2100. MELVIN JOHNSON or C. O. KICK 725 Court St Phone 3723. 1 A.. UNFURPT. HOUSE, owner will sacrifice on reasonable payments. Also house in town, immediate pos session, a real buy on terms like rent. See me before buying, I might save you money. H. C. Shields, Oregon Bldg. Ph. 8902. OUT OF town owner In city to sell newly decorated modern four room bungalow, furnace, lirepiace, garage CaU 912 S. 12th St MOD. 4 R. HOUSE, furnace. Lot 50x100. 930 Electric Ave. AND ONLY 82600 THE LOT across street brought $1, 500. This corner has good six room house, garage, basement 905 N. Church. Don't disturb tenants. Make aDoointment. Reasoner tcertainry) & in. itign at ONE ACRE near city limits, South Summer St All in orchard, apples, etc $850.00 full price, half cash. Write P. O. box in, baaem. FURNITURE INCLUDED WITH THIS attractive little home In fine district Immense tree, very close in. $2100 with terms. TAKE IT EASY In this well appointed new 5 rm home. NO BASEMENT, best of con struction. - automatic neat pretty fire place. Good district. Slow wun terms. Good home .at 1520 S. Commercial. See us about this. OWNER SAYS "Get an offer" On this 8 rm. home with hardwood floors throughout 2 complete baths, fireplace, basement and furnace. On bus line. Close to iu acnoois. - Dial 7807 day, 8835 or 4839 evenings. ' SOCOLOFSKY & SON First NafL Bank Bldg. PACIFIC HIGHWAY CLOSE IN 3 RM. HOUSE with acre of ground, some fruit chicken house, garage. Only 91760 with 9250 down payment. WILLAMETTE SILT LOAM II acres north of Salem, variety of bearing- family fruit 1 acre of ber ries, good 8 rm. house with electricity and water system, fair outouuaings. NUTS Sc FRUIT S acres with 2 rm. house, on pave ment 4tt miles from Ladd Bush. YEAR AROUND STREAM TREES Pretty country place of acres only S miles from Ladd 4k Bush on fine highway. 5 rm. home with basement, furnace, small barn, chicken house. Well with water system. Nice place to retire on, or close enough In to work In city. Price is only 84250. Dial 7807 day, 4839 evenings. SOCOLOFSKY SON First National Bank Bldg. war UiVE unl tmnA hnmea in No, Salem arouna iziuv zsw aown. it,. m hnum with basement. Elec. pump, on A., good soil $200 9250 down, bat like rent ROBERT F. BUDROW Real Estate 12 Ladd A Bush Bldg. Ph. 6ea esaa9SsaS49iSsaarfaala 15 ACRES, HOUSE, bam. woodshed, fruit house, chicken house. Best land in tha Keiser bottom. muea irom &a Itm 13SS0S 91500. down. So. 17th, 5 rm. house, garage, lots of fruit 92000 9500 down, 920 a mo. . New R. house, garage, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, $3000 In West Salem. A. C. JENSEN R. 212. Oregon Bldg. Phons 9411 C-Vfi-CT T -CWr- PITPf H 4 SW FOUR ROOM, heat attractive home, furnished like new, beautiful setting, 97aS1Ke Mauri forma. IL P. GRANT-CHARLES SANDERS . 1 zs uourx oireei PiTiNn apt. bouses larre. amalL Reasoner (certainly) 5(3. N. High SC For Sale; Used Cars Oh! Oh! Oh! HERE WE GO Offering the FINEST Selection of Used Cars in Salem at Less than lime IBook Prices 1936 1936 1935 1934 1923 1933 1932 1931 1931 1930 1936 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN Radio and heater $793 OLDSMOBILE COUPE that Is absolutely new with 11.000 miles . ... $645 OLDSMOBILE COUPE Excellent condition. Radio, heater and alti meter. Painted cream and It's a beauty $565 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN Perfect condition. Trunk and heater $195 STUDEBAKER SEDAN This car has had excellent care and Is truly In wonderful condition $395 V-8 SEDAN New paint New wheels and new tires $325 FORD (Model B) $25 BUICK SEDAN (DeLuxe) Good paint Excellent condition and new tires 934 0 CHEV. ROADSTER New paint new top, new tires $225 CHEVROLET SEDAN $165 S PECIAL FOR 2 DAYS WILLYS SEDAN Perfect cond'tion 395 V3 Off on All Cars Under $100 OLDSMOBILE USED CAR STORE 35C N. LIBERTY STREET Always Better Used For Sale- Real Estate FOR GOOD BUYS CALL 5580 4 ACRE. 3 ROOM new house in North Salem. $800 $300 down. 3 A., new. modern 5 room home. close in, east on Garden road. $4200 E Z terms'. Modern 6 room bungalow. 3 bed rooms, 4 blks. off State St $3650, $1000 down. 27 A. in Roval Ann cherries, apples and prunes. Some timber. $2500 $250 down. $8000 ASKED FOR vacant lot ad joining. This lot with good 8-room house only $6000. Some buy! Reasoner (certainly) 565 N. Hign tot. $15 MONTHLY WITH 5 t?hys ATTRACTIVE 4 rm. home. bath, 2 nice porches, garage. First Nat l. Bank Bldg. HOME & GARDEN LARGE GROUNDS with lovely trees and flowers. Six rooms, all on one floor. Exceptionally large living room. One of Salem's very finest districts. Price $-3500. Dial 7S07 day, 8S35 or 4839 evenings. TAKE TOUR WIFE To see this unusually well-built Eng lish type home. Well arranged and at tractively decorated. Large living room, attractively decorated. In finest of condition throughout Automatic heat. Exclusive as well as quiet neign- borhood. SOCLOFSKY & SON First Nat l. Bank Bldg. Exchange Real Estate WANT GOOD farm In exchange for income DroDerty bringing $250 per month. E. A. Jensen, 1321 Edgewater St, Salem. 80 A., 20 A. IN CULT. Bal pasture, which Is tillable. Gentle slope to land. N?n rock or thistles. Timber for fuel. Some fruit and nuts. Fine for diversi fied farmine. Good team horses, con siderable farm equipment 5 R. house, 2 yrs. old, full basement furnace, etc Bin barn full of hay. Other outbldgs. y, ml. to school. $3750.00. Would con sider house up to 92dUO.oo. L J. CRITTENDEN, 172 S. Liberty For Sale Farms 37 A. FARM, 31 IN cult 6 acres timber pasture, 3 A. cherries, 3 A. ap ples, prunes & peaches. Good 6 room house, furnace, bath, toilet electricity. Good barn, 2 cows, 3 heifers, tractor and some other machinery. Price $jsoo with 81000 cash. DICK DARNIELLE Real Estate 1988 N. Capitol St. Phone 3511 Acreage 10 A U MI. FROM Chemawa, 4 A. cult, bal. brush, good soil, $150 per A.. down. 4 A. IN SALEM on paved st. 7 rm. plastered house, bath, lights, basement, furnace, fireplace, some fruit $3650, $(50 down. 5 A. 2 mL from Salem, 15 fruit A nut trees, 3 rm, plastered bungalow, good soil, 81680. 90 A., 7 ml. from Salem, 10 A. cher ri 10 A. Drunes. 4 A. filberts, fam ily orchard, 25 A. timber & pasture, 25 farm land. 7 rm. plastered house, bath, income this year $o500. $9000. MELVIN JOHNSON or C. O. RICE 725 Court St Phone 3723 Wanted Real Estate PP1T. FSTATE WANTED Have cash buyer for new 6 or 8 room modern" house. Also buyer for 4-room modern. Chas. Hudkins, 275 State street. Phone 9494. Business Opportunities PENNY VENDING machines, very high grade machines. Will sell or trade, Good money at snare time. Must sell. Call forenoons, 1132 Ruga St., West Salem. SUBURBAN GROCERY market in good location. $1500 will handle, price $2500. SOCOLOFSKY & SON, First Nat l. Bank Bldg. Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED en farm and city property Before borrowing Inquire ai Hawkins A Roberta Financial jm frf WE HAVE never patd less l ly than this rate on savings Irs and Investments, Insured te V $5000. Mutual Federal Savings A Loan Assn Phone 4944 142 & Ltbetry St Money to Loan CONSOLIDATE TOUB DEBTS BORRROW FROM an Independently owned and operated Salem company there your will receive per sonal consideration both before and tfter the loan Is made. Interest on unpaid balances No teas Quick, courteous service, WE SOIJCtT TOUR ACCOUNT General Finance , Corporation IS a Commercial St. Salem, Or. Phone 91(8 Lie, No S-138 FEDERAL HOOS1NU loan a build refinance liomea. business prop. Rates Abrama 4 Kills Cne Uiwilt Hid ItnVET Tfl ttmn on mnoA real estate. 'CHAS. HUDKLNS. J75 State St, For Sale Used Cars Cars for Less at Always Good, Clean Used Cars W. L. Anderson, Inc. 1935 PLYMOUTH DeLuxe Tour. Sedan. Radio, two to choose from $675 1938 PLYMOUTH DeLuxe Tour. Tudor $650 1936 DeSOTO Alrstream DeLuxe Sedan. Verv low mileage $745 1936 DOLH3E DeLuxe Coupe. Has radio $645 1936 PLYMOUTH DeLuxe Coupe, ffas radio 9635 1935 CHRYSLER Alrstream Sed. $665 1934 DODGE DeLuxe Sedan $525 1933 DeSOTO Custom Sedan. Has heater $475 1935 DeSOTO Business Coupe $575 1933 DODGE Touring Brougham. Has radio $415 1933 PLYMOUTH Sedan. Over hauled $375 1935 TERRAPLANE Pick-up. Low mileage $45,0 1928 CHEVROLET Roadster, run onlv 24 000 ml $150 1929 FORD Tudor 8140 1929 GRAHAM 6 Sedan. Over hauled $185 W. L. ANDERSON, INC. DeSOTO and PLYMOUTH Cars SEE Jim St. Clair for Terms & Trades. 360 Marion TeL 7703 ORVAL'S Used Cars Remember ORVAL SELLS THEM FOR LESS 1936 1932 1931 1931 1931 1931 1930 1930 1929 1929 1928 1927 1928 PLYMOUTH COUPE DODGE SEDAN ... PONTIAC SEDAN CHEVROLET COUPE CHEVROLET RDST. FORD SPT. COUPE WILLYS SEDAN CHEVROLET COUPE $595 $375 8295 $255 $225 8255 $165 9195 $145 $145 FORD COACH CHEVROLET COUPE CHEVROLET COACH $ 75 DODGE SEDAN .. ESSEX COACH Open Evenings 'ttt 9:00 Center & Church Sts. Salem. Ore. '31 Chev. Spt. Rdst. $210 MUST BE SOLD TODAY. New paint, good tires, excellent condition ; worth 850 more ; sacrifice for imme diate sale. OrvaVs Used Cars Center A Church Sts, Salem Money to Loan COLD CASH FOR HOT WEATHER NEEDS A VACATION IS not a luxury it Is sn Investment tn health and happiness. We can lend you up to $300 for yours Repay in small amounts on any plan you select Come In. Second Floor New Bltgh Bldg. Rm. 119 618 State SL at High Phone 3191 Salem. Oregon Beneficial Finance Co. of Salem License 8-122 U-186 Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONET TO boy new or used earn Private money at very ttm rate, No red tape 1 to 29 man the to repay. Roy H. Simmons 128 & Commercial St, Salem, Or Phone 91(9 Lie. No M l 51 For Sale Wood : GUARANTEED DRT WOOD coal ret, 5000. Salem Fuel Co Trade and Cortag. LARUE SECOND growth. Ph I87F8 GOOD DRT 4 ft 2nd growth nr. 8 cord lota. $13.80. TeL 78(0. OLD FIR, 2nd grth. fir. ash. 5378. Wood Sawing JACK BOENING. Phone 9883. WOODSAWING. Ed. Sproed. 5883 WOODSAWING, PHONE 6. Lost and Found LOST OR stolen, at state fair, electric clock In myrtle wood mount ins. Liberal reward.. Phone 9187, Personal ; A SIMPLE, SAKE, safe dearth Ser vice for relief of humanity. John F. Class. YapcPathv 521 N. Cottar St, Salem, Ore, For Sale Used Cars These Sensational Used Car Values Are Now on Display at Otto J Wilsons 19:5 1937 1936 1938 1938 1936 1936 1935 1938 1935 1930 1931 1930 1929 Packard DeLuxe Sedan formerly Studebaker 6 Sed. (Overdrive) " Buick Small Series Sedan " Hudson DeLuxe 6 Sedan Oldsmoblle DeLuxe 8 Sedan " Pontiac DeLuxe Sedan " Terra plane DeLuxe Coupe " Buick Small Series Sedan ' Ford DeLuxe Sedan " Hudson DeLuxe Coupe " Buick Small Series Sedan " Oakland Sedan . " Hudson Sedan ' - " Plymouth Coupe " OTTO J. BUICK SALES 166 N. Commercial Triple Checked Dependable "Blue Seal" Cars and Trucks DAILY SPECIAL: 1930 AUBURN SED. $180.00 Fords Model T Sed $ 18.00 1929-Ford Coupe "85.00 1929-Ford Coach 135.00 1931- Ford Town Sed. 295.00 1933-Ford Sed 395.00 Chevrolets 1929-Chev. Coach $155.00 1929- Chev. Sed. 175.00 1932- Chev. Sed. 345.00 1933- Chev. Coupe 345.00 1933-Chev. Sed 425.00 1931-Chev. Master Sed 495.00 Plymouths 1933- Ply. Coupe $355.00 1934- DeLuxe 2-dr. Sed 433.00 1935- DeLuxe Ply. Coupe, radio, heater 543.00 1936- DeLuxe Plymouth 4-dr. Tr. Sed. i 675.00 1936- DeLuxe Ply. Coupe 645.00 1937- DeLuxe 4-dr. Tr. Sed. Dem., new car guarantee 823.00 Pickups & Panels 1928-Chev. Sed. Del $125.00 1928-Dodge Victory ( Pick up 125.00 1930- Chev. Pickup 165.00 1934-Chev. 14 -ton Pickup, com pletely overhauled 433.00 1934-Kord V-8 Pickup 425.00 1936-Chev. -ton Panel 5S5.O0 Heirrall-Oweinis Co, "DEPENDABILITST" It The Home'of Dependable Used Cars and Trucks' DODGE & PLYMOUTH and DODGE TRUCK DIST. 235 S. Commercial - - - Phone 3169 NEW USED CAR PARK Church St. across from State Theatre AGAIN WE SAY Something for Nothing Often Proves to Be Nothing for Something A Fair Price on Every Car, Every Day at Shrocks'. Cars . Trucks . Trailer-houses . and Motorcycles Bought Sold snd Traded ave at Fhrock's 555 Chemeketa WE HAVE "R CARTER MOTOR CO. NASH AND LaFAYETTE DEALER 3$ Nash "400" Sedan DeLuxe, radio t heater. 3$ LaFayette Touring Sedan, radio A etc. 38 Chev. 4 -door Sedan, trunk, 17,000 miles. 38 Ford Tudor. J 6 Ford Coupe. 35 Nash Sedan, fully deluxe, a beauti ful car and very low mileage. 35 Graham Sedan "Supercharger". 34 Ford Fordor DeLuxe Sedan, radio, and seversl more lower priced cars. Our cars are all reconditioned and ready to go. Liberal trade in allowance, terms. USED CAR CENTER 240 Center St Phone 3421 Capp's Used Cars PRICES ARE STILL LOWER 1936 Chev. Sedan with trunk.. $525.00 1936 Ford Deluxe Sedan 615.00 1939 Chev. Coupe, new paint - 175.00 1929 Cher. Sedan 145.00 1928 Chev. Coupe J 75.00 1928 Chev. Road. 65.00 1927 Pontiac Sedan 20.00 1925 Ford Coupe 15.00 SEE THESE CARS AT 1100 Edgewater, West Salem 1938 CHEV. TOWN sedan. Trunk. 12.609 miles, like new, $585. Private. Phone 3739. 9100 CASH FOR $250 equity In '37 Ford V-S Coach, 7000 mL Call 8510. Wanted Used Cars PRIVATE PARTY will pay cash for car, '20 or later. Phone 5814. Transportation ELDERLY MAN and wife wish ride to Mo. Share expenses. H. W. White, Jefferson, Ore, Delay School Terms BRUSH CREEK Harlan Hoe, senior at "Willamette, and Rob ert Moe, Bopbomore at Parkland college, did not return to school this semester, but both plan to enter their schools later in the season. For Sale-r-Used Cars priced at , " " " " " " .$1200.00 Now . 925.00 Now . 915.00 Now . 745.00 Now . 735.00 Now 748.00 Now . 896.00 Now (85.00 Now .. (35.00 Now .. 6(5.90 Now $985.00 885.09 875.09 700.09 700.00 700.00 650.90 650.V9 585.00 650.00 235 00 190.00 175 00 110.00 275.00. 235.00 " " 195.00 Now Now Now 135.00 Now WILSON AND SERVICE Phone 5451. Dod ges 1.) 2 7 -Dodge Rdst., exceptional $ 63.00 ly5-Dodge 4-dr. Sed. 585.00 1936-Dodge Coupe 645.00 1936- Dodge 4-dr. Tr. Sed. 725.00 1937- Dodge 4-dr. Touring Se dan, radio, hot water heater, defroster, du3l horns, sun visors, tail lights, windshield wipers, sport light. New car for $1183 Now 943.00 Buicks 192S-Buick Sed ..$ 45.00 1928-Buick Sed 125.00 1929-Buick Coach, new paint excellent condition 185.00 LaFayette & Nash 1927-Nash Sed 1936-LaFayette Coupe ... 1936-LaFayette Coupe, mileage, ovei drive $ 45.00 585.00 613.00 low Miscellaneous 1928- Pont. Sed. $ 1929- Pont Seda 85.00 90.00 1929-Oak. Coupe, overhauled, new paint 1929-Hudson Sed. 1929- Reo Sed 1930- LaSalle Sed 1929-Stude. Pres. 8 Sed., mo tor rebored, completely overhauled, new paint, good rubber 1931 - Graham Coupe 1933-Graham Sed 145.00 125.00 195.00 175.00 213.00 295.00 495.00 Trucks 1931 -Chev. lH-ton L. W. B., duals. excellent condi tion $295.00 1930-F:igeol 2-ton 325.00 1 934-Chev. lH-ton. stock rack 450.00 Logging Trailer, good rubber excellent 225.00 Street Phone 7922 O." (Bargains Only) Big Year Plan of Bethel 4-H Club BETHEL Bethel 4-H club, which has had the distinction of being the outstanding club of Marion county. Is preparing for a big year. Clubs are being or ganized for the various branches of work. The cooking club, with four divisions, has elected as presi dent, Lorraine Kirscher; vice president, Coralee Nichols; sec retary, Lillian Hamrick, who al so will serve as news reporter; custodian of cupboards, Char lotte Hain. Mrs. Carmelite Wed dle, club leader and Instructor, served as chairman of the or ganization meeting. Cooking club division three planned and cooked a complete meal a few days ago and served i: to the members of the group in the basement diningroom. -NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLE MENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Mar ion, his duly verified final ac count, as the Administrator of the estate of Sarah C. Downing, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 26th day of October, 1937, at the hour of ten o'clock A.M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House at Salem, in Marion County, Ore gon, as the place for hearing said final account, and all objections thereto.' ' Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 25th day of .September, 137. ALBERT 3. MADER, Administrator of the Estate of Sarah C. Downing, Deceased. WALTER S. LAM KIN. Attorney for Administrator. Salem, Oregon. S 25 O 2-9-16-23 For Sale Used Cars McKays 1931 Ford Model Very good finish, V-8 wheels, tires like side curt.i ins, very clean car throughout. $245.00 1934 Plymouth Sedan Floating rower, knee action.' safety Klass. verv good mechanically, new d;nk blue finish, a ride will convince you $450.00 1936 Chevrolet Standard Town Sedan Beautiful dark bide finish, spotless mohair upholstery In perfect condition, built-in trunk, good tires, very low mileage, guaranteed $595.00 1936 Chevrolet Standard Business Coupe This car has been driven less than 1000 miles cannot be told from new and csrrie a new car guarantee. Gunmet.i! finish see this one If you are Interest ed In a real buy now only $625.00 1936 Chevrolet DeLuxe Sport Sedan Knee action, turret top. Bo draft ventilation, motor first class condition, tlrei like new, mohair upholstery and finish perfect priced to sell only $665.00 MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM $40.00 AND UP. McKay Chevrolet Co. OPEN EVENINGS Toons 3189 333 Center FORD DEALERS Nation-wide Used, Car Clearance SaJeX Every Used Car Reduced in Price! 1936 Dodge DeLuxe 4-Dr. Touring Sedan with radio. Almost new rubber, good paint and in perfect con dition .$695 1935 Ford 2-dr. Sedan, special to- day $395 1936 Chevrolet Coupe, original paint, good rubber, perfect motor. Now $525 1930 Packard Spt. Rdstr., custom built body. $375 1931 Chevrolet Spt Cabriolet, good rubber, an excellent car. This Is a square. deal value. Now $265 1933 FORD UTILITY FARM TRUCK, flat bed $345 1935 FORD COUPE 1931 FORD MODEL A TUDOR 1929 FORD A COUPE 1934 FORD COUPE Valley Motor Co, OPEN EVENINGS and WEEK DAYS --CLQSED SUNDAYS - - Two Lots - - Marion A Liberty Woodburn Records Number of Births WOODBURN Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Eder of Gervals, at the Woodburn hospital September 16, a daughter. Born at the Woodburn hos pital to Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Mul len of Newberg September 13 a daughter. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tindall of Hubbard at the Wood burn hospital, September 15, a daughter, Mona Lee. Business 43a rds la this directory ran on monthly basis only. Ratet f 1 par line per month. Auto Brakes Iflke Panes. 276 South Commercial. Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW A reconditioned. Harry W. Scott, 147 a Com'l Ph. 4516 Body & Fender Repair FOR BOOT FENDER Repairs. Auto Trim. Seat Co vara, Glass replacement. Auto Painting SEE) the Herrall Ow ens Co. 235 & Com'l St. Phone 8169 Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4458 R E. North nesa FURN"S. CLEANED. Steel brsha, need. 640 & Capitol. F. Roach, Ph. 4618 Chiropractors DR. a L. SCOTT, PSC, Chiropractor. 966 N. High. Tel Re 9762. Excavating EXCAVATING OF an kinds Base ments dug ' Dirt hauled or moved. Dim for sala Salem Sand and Gravel Ce Phone 9408. Florists Brafthaapfa. 4t Court PV 8904. Laundries THE NEW 8AI.K84. LAUNDRY THE WE1DER LAUNDRY 268 0. High TeL $126 For Salt Used Cars A Sport Roadster new. rumble seat, light evlor ton and See it today what a really exceptional ali:e this Is CLOSED SUNDAYS 430 North Commercial 1936 Ford Coupe, special wheels A special p:iint, now being recon ditioned. $525 1925 Dodge Truck. L. W. B. flat bed, A-l condition. $525 19".C Ford Touring Coach, mohair up holstery, last series of '36. This Is a renewed & guaranteed car. Now $525 1928 Chevrolet 4-dr. Sedan, exception al condition. Now $125 ..$4 20 245 145 - 376 Center k Liberty Born to JUrXand Mrs. Cyril Krupicka 61 West Woodburn, a nine pounAl daughter, September 10 at Woodburn hospital. Mar cella Antoinette. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Seely (formerly Henrleta Chap pelle of Woodburn) and eight pound daughter, Glenda Colette, at Sitverton hospital Monday, September 20. Attends Bible School MILL CITY Max Chance of Mill City is attending the Bible Institute of Los Angeles this term. Directory Lawn Sprinklers J CALL C a Whltcomb. Ph. 4398. Mattresses SALEM FI.UKF-RUQ and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade; carpet cleaning, sis Ingj fluff rug weaving 8 13th Wil bur. Tel 844 L OTTO F. ZW1CKKR. Est. 191L CAPITOL BEDDING CO Phone 4969. Painting-Paperhangin HERKKRT E WOOD. T. 6928. Photo Engraving j SALEM PHOTO engraving. 14t H. Commercial TeL 6881. Printing FOR STATION ICR I, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, rail The Statesman Printing Department, 216 a Commercial. Tele phone 9101. Stove Repairing HEATERS. CIRCULATORS. Fleming Stove Works, 262 Chemeketa. Taxidermist E. K. WIGGINS, 1 ml N. Pac. hwy. Transfer CAPITAL CITT Transfer Co. 2-6 warding and storage our specialty ;-t State SL Tel 7718. Distrlbuttng. f.,r. ear rates, ' nt . FOR LOCAL or distant transfei str age. vurner oil. call 8181. Larmer Transfer Co Trucks te Portland dull r. REUINA Bales A Service. Ph. $508. Well DrUUng a A WEST. RU 1 BC 448. T. 110FI 4 1 4 .1 4 1 M 7.21 a ye"