... Program Held for Constitution Day . ! i r '..-I v Senator Byron G. Carney, . Speaking at Dallas, j Lauds Document '.' DALLAS A program, com .memorating the 450th annlver "j. aary of the signing of the canatl 4 tationwas' given Friday night at ;" tb Dallas high school auditorium S' with Senator Byron C Carney of MUwaukle laa the speaker. ' R. R. Turner,' superintendent ot . schools here, introduced Circa It 'judge Arlle G. Walker who pre aided at the ; meeting;. The pro gram included: Patriotic selec I tions by the Dallas city band led ! by H. Stondenmeyer; invoc i'tiofa byRer. James A.. Linn; pa triotic songs led by Mrs. Homer Dashlell, with band accoropaui--! ment and Daniel. Abel at the pi i ano: song by male chorus accom- panied by Miss Catherine Leitch : benediction by Rev F. A. Lens. ; - Senator Carey gaye ta interest t Ins talk In; which he outlined the ' need for the formation, of the cor ;. 8titution, pointing out the chaotic J conditions in the colonies .under the articles of confederation, and 1 the need for a strong central go? i eminent which was established under the constitution. ,4 - - Contains Compromise T ;, Senator Carey stated: that " the constitution was a series of com l promises between groups having t opposing views. As an example of this he gaye the struggle between ; representatives 'from -the large ; and the smalt states and their fin ical compromise on a congress com ' y. posed of two ' houses one house 'whose membership wjjs based on population and one having eqnal . representation from each$tate- ; He lauded the. founders of the constitution for creating "living ' i document" i which is capable of meeting the changing needs of the i country. ' .. Three Complaints For Divorce Filed !. DALLAS Three suits for di vorce were filed in the circuit ' court of Polk county recently. Mary J. Lepley has filed suit against Carl Roy Lepley. They ' were married at Lang. Saskatch ewan, Canada. The plaintiff asks the custody of their child. On - August 4 the plaintiff claims the defendant deserted and . abandoned her. ' Kathern Thelma "SjuBbieson is sqing for a divorce from James Monroe Tumbleson, charging i cruel and inhuman treatment. : She asks that her maiden name of Kathern Thelma Hartman be : restored. There are no children involved in the suit nor are J there any property rights in- volved. . The couple was married - at, Salem November 26, 1?36. . Ethel F. Shepherd has filed ! snit for divorce from Forest Lr i fcnepnera. charging cruel, and in i .human treatment. They wert ! married at Baker, December 29, 1935. Shepherd now lives at i Pine, nearj Halfway. Onion Mart Drops 25 Cents Cental CAEISH CENTER -The steady ! drone of fruck motors in evi i dence all j last week - as onion i growers were busily engaged in ; hauling their crops into the j storage houses was silenced late ' Saturday afternoon by rain. How ever, many growers were, able to t get a large share of their crop in. - . A : ... . Hauling; 'cannot be resumed ; now until the onions are dry i again, and it will probahly he ' necessary to turn the onions -In - crder that they may dry- thor i oughly. , A-few carloads of Labish on ions are being topped and sold, : with the market price now said ; to be 75c a cental. . Previously contracts jfor one and three-quar-' ter inch jminimum size bulbs were being made at one dollar. Tangled in Fatal Triangle Case . . j v. V.:. S '- if :-- . "I U - , ' ' J v ' : . i i . , v -s j . I Paul Beeves, i"v, and his sister, Emma, t, are shown with their pet poodle in the pretty Iselin, N. J, homo where police say Margaret Dren nan, 20. shot and killed their father who, she said, attempted to force bis - -- ' ' ". attentions on her." 7 ' " Slapstick Revived in Hollywood f ? V ; : . 1 I - ' V ' ' ' ' - - ! 1 - I J , ' j A j I Mabel Normand Constance Bennett - $y S 'i 1 . i ju, r " I ' Jjj CaroJe Lombard I 1 It . L: vS, Jjrf'yill I liUA Aj-vJi XA'.I.I llllllMfr limJ Hollywood is reviving- the art of slapstick. Success of such comedies aa "It Happened One Night" and "Theodora Goes Wild" has prompted the film colony to go in for broad comedy. Carole Lom bard and Constance Bennett have won new prestige for their clown ing. Many of the first-rank stars, who formerly disdained such horseplay as made Mabel Normand and others famous in the days of Mack Sennett, are now seeking comedy roles and prospects for he coming season indicate that Hollywood will be wooing the comic muse with real ardor. Gain of Nearly 100 In Silverton SILVERTON Silverton senior high school showed a gain cf 89 pupils and the junior high school a gain of 21 pupils today as the first day of the 1937-38 school term was opened. Registration in the grade school "appears to equal and pos sibly ran slightly ahead of the opening tay last year, and the grade roles, like those of the high school, show a number of new families.1 Turnidge Enters School in Seattle TALBOT Eldon .Turnidge left Monday for Seattle where he will attend - the Seattle Pacific col lege.' ThfS will be his second year. Talbot school opened Monday morning with Mrs. Nellie Wied erkehr as teacher. . Virgil and Clair Calavan left Monday morning for TJorvallis where they will attend Oregon State college. "Mrs., Edna Reeves has as her guests Mrg. Hazel Sloan, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Doty, Francis Mc Cormick and Eva Long all of Portland. Amity Woman Improves After Serious Illness AMITY Mrs. E. T. Lee who has been seriously ill in the hos pital at Hillsboro; for several weeks was now brought to her home here last week. She is slowly regaining her strength. Her husband is Amity's rural mail carrier. Pupils Found Senior High School In the senior high, enrollment today was 322 boys and girls, contrasted to 233 the first day. last year. In the junior high school, 321 pupils registered, against 300 last year. The senior high is expected to chow a gain of 100 pupils when all youths report. Of the 322 already on hand, 31 are from families new to Silverton. Half Polk School Doors Are Opened DALLAS Many schools . in Polk county opened their1 doors for the new school year Monday. With these openings half of the schools in the county are under way. County Superintendent Josiah Wills States these schools started Monday: Arlie, Bethel, Grand Ronde, Independence, Monmouth, Rlckreall, Pedee, Pedee union high school, Gooseneck, Gold Creek, Brush College, Montgom ery, Suver, Oakhurst, Valley Junction, Mountain View, Bjoad- mead, Cochran, Kola, zena, uax Grove, and Greenwood. Three j schools opened last Monday. Perrydale, Valseti and West Salem. Masons Observe Diamond Jubilee JEFFERSON A delightful af fair of last week was the Diamond Jubilee celebration of the local Masonic lodge, at the special meeting September 16 at the Ma sonic hall. The lodge, room was beautifully decorated with baskets of fall flowers. Guy Aupperle, master, presided at the meeting.' .v D. E. Beatty, of Corvallis, dis tiict deputy' grand master, gave an interesting history of the local lodge. Rex Hartley sang, accom panied by. Mrs. Guy Aupperle. An interesting feature was the burning of the mortgage against the building. Representatives from the Stay- ton, Albany, Corvallis aEd Salem lodges were present. t - Rasmussens Return From North Dakota Trip With . Word of Fine Rains There OAK POINT Mr. and Mrs. Jor- gen Rasranssen arrived home Sun day - night from Werner, N. : D where they went . to dispose of rtheir farm machinery and house hold goods by auction sale Sept 11. They still own their 7,-acre tract in werner. Mr. ana Mrs. Rasmussen came to Oregon three years ago.' and have lived on the Mr. JEL Black farm for, theaBt year ana a nan. - - . They. found things fair in North Dakota, where considerable rain fell during the summer. Tfiere is feed for stock, although grasshep pers and " storms caused loss of crops. , . r " Livestock. Brings Fair Price, at Amity Auction ; " Wyatt Sells Farm Home ... AMITY-The joint auction sale held by Dwight Wyatt and H. W, Freuing Thursday on the A. H. Wyatt place south of Ami ty was well attended. All live stock; sold, at' a, fair price. The Frewing farm of 200 acres has been'eold to the government for reaettlement work. A.k H. sWiatt sold his place recently to Ira White of -McCoy who ' will take - possession : this falL SiteBoughtifor Proposed Bnildin g JEFFERSON At the meeting of the city council,- a communi cation from J. :H. Hasleti state corporation commissioner, . re garding . the Pendergraft prop erty, known as the old hotel property, was read and placed on file. , Later a motion was made that the city purchase the property at, f 1,177.91 asked by the state. , This property will be the site for the new city hall if one should be built. It extends west from -Main street to the river, and will make an ideal place for a city park and picnic ground. The following were named as the budget committee to meet with the city council Monday night, September 27, to prepare the city budget for 1938:. L. L. Shields, -W. Fv Gatchell, J. H. Roland, Dr. 3. O. Van Winkle, K. S. Thurston, and W. L. Jones. So MUCH Newspaper for so THE POLLY AND HER PALS- I Win 1 t 9 in . ii m -w a f W , . .. 1 lT-rni3Vtiu-TUEM 1 II X PAPPV SAV5 TMAT II f I MUSiA I H0 Jlt'io. I 1 jassrfca tSMIl KvlaH cf',rl 1 lg BIICKEY MOUSE " O By WAI T DISNEY UTTLEAmV BY BRANDOS WALSH TOOTS ANT) CASPER Y R5URPHY 1 VAS FOOLISH TO MARRY OULIE S? . r0" V 0gT WORRY! HASTILY A COUPLE HAVE PLENTYT V ELP YOU TO r OFTIMETOrETTlREDOP v aQ VV -k. vv V " m MER BACK , MARRIAGE VrTHOUTefeJ-T VSW . Vv Vr . -otv NJ WON'T THIMBLE THEATRJ2 -SlarTing' Popeye ; ht , ' v By SEGAR fNSU)ERHO QUESTIONS 'rM.L BLOfSTEO UP BS60STv v ' 1 " (T . ia 1 Nf vi . Elkins Farm . Leaves Hands Ot Tetlierbw8 MONMODTH -A. K. Teth erow ot the Elkins section, 4 miles southwest of Monmonth, ' has sold Ms 2 farm, of 171 v acres to a Mr. - Stone . of " Mc-. Coy. " - ; ; This land includes the orig inal old Tetherow homestead ' taken by Tetherow 's grand father in the '40s, and farmed by some of ; the - family ever' 'since. " ' ' A. F. Hieber handled the deal. Immediate possession will be given. Mr. and Mrs. Tetherow wHl make their home In Monmouth where they own a house. Groye Folk at Aurora AURORA Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Manock are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Van Nortwlck of Cottage Grove OREGON STATESMAN'S Your Opportunity Northwest's Great Mail for 1 Year at a 20 Saving! Reg. 5.00 a Year .... Now Only i " Special Levy for School Is Voted ? LABISH CENTER The school budget meeting Tuesday' night evinced ' little interest -from, tax payers of the. district, v The bud get, totalling $4,115.07 was ftp-proved.- Of this ; . amount, 1, 5J7.91 is to b raised by spe cial tax above the six per cent limitation. f - Thirty-nine pupils were , en rolled In the local school at the close of the first week's work. The upper grades, taught by Mrs. John BIsanz, had 17 pupils, while the lower four grades, taught by' Mrs. J. W. Burr, had 22. More are expected to enroll later; as this attendance is much lower than last year. ' Mrs. W. A. Starker, president of the Ladies' Aid organization, announces that the group's meet ing has been postponed one week, and will be held Wednes day, September 29, at the home of Mrs. Nicholas Kurth. oj ii 1 to Have Morning A Gift Horse's Mouth Housebote! Goods ; Scattered as Car Smashes Trailer JEFFERSON Mllo " D e b.o r a and family of Hubbard werese vprelr ahaken1 Snndayjwhen their r car and trailer were . hit by a car driven by Arthur mac oi Portland. Theaccident happened near the Goin farmy. north of Jeffereon and demolished the trailer ejid scattered household goods all over the highway. Debora bad stopped for a tow car which was pulling another car from the ditch when Black hit the rear of the trailer. No one was Injured according to State Policeman Benninghoff. Sherwood Camp Cook JEFFERSON Frank Sherwood left Sundav for the CCC camp near Drain, where he Is employed as cook. He has been visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs.. Frank Sher wood. LITTLE m 11 One of Da Hies 1 1 1 K Program Honors Constitution Day HUBBARD A unique service observing the,. l&Oth anniversary of the constitution "was b 1 d Sunday mornlng'at the Federated church.- .Walter Shrock, .the Sun day school superintendent, gave the -address. A 'series of similar cervices are being arranged by the, pastor. ptnv and Larendar . club la resuming activities and will meet with Mrs. Catharine Schllt tenhart Thursday afternoon, Sep tember 23. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Hoc li stener of Kokomo, Indiana are spending several months with hia brother Daniel Hocbstetler who lives east of Hubbard. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Farmauld or Nappanee. Indiana, are visit ing friends and relatives in and near Hubbard. MONEY!' OWN the by By CLIFF STERRETT