The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 18, 1937, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salens! Oregon, Saturday Morning,! September 18, 1&37
Local N
K Return From Trip Gene Pon
Un and Floyd H. Emmons re
cently retained from a sight "see
ing trip as visitors to the nation
al convention of Twenty-Thirty
flubs held at Reno, Nevada. Tney
report Reno as a hustling, bus
tling place. They returned Tla
San Francisco and took in- the
Sights of that busy western bus
iness metropolis and report the
Ban FranciscorOakland bridge, as
well as the bridge dver the Gold
en Gate -as being wonderful and
Impressive In their magnitude,
M'well as important commercial
links In the chain of commerce. -
Exp. waitress wanted. The Sta
! a-.
Beacon Bulb Farm Dahlia Garden
M mi. south. Open to the public
every day including Sundays.
I Emiilmi Potanii Mr miA
Mrs. Clarence S. Emmons have
(returned from Reno, Netata,
-where Mr. Emmons was a dele
gate to the national convention
lot the Twenty-Thlrtians. He has
recovered from the injuries sus
Itained by him while there, bar-
Ting a few stitches In the scalp
IMr. and Mrs. Walter D. Pugh. of
(Monroe, Oregon, parents of Mrs
Emmons, cared for David and
O nvgvuic VI All
and Mrs. Ematons.
Re-Roof Sow Klfstrom. 65&0.
Few Arrests One more arrest
was made by the jk1 ice yester
day for violation of the new traf
fic signals when Bert Hoyt, 265
North Commercial street, was ar
rested for falling to, stop. Lloyd
Sundln and Joe Curran were
placed in custody for alleged
Luti florist. 1276 N Lib Ph P59?
5 Rm. Modern Home, furnace,
garage, central location near high
and grade schools, also state
buildings. $350 down, $30 month.
215 Masonic Bldg.
Grease Causes Blaze Grease,
boiling over on a gas stove in
the Yankee Cafe at 319 North
Commercial street, caused a blaze
that was readily extinguished by
me lire department at 10-55 a
,m. yesterday. No damage was re-
I ponea.
E1 Re roof a 349 N. Com'L
a .
ammann Recovers Otto Am
mann, superintendent of the Ore
gon building, will be able to re-
xurn none Sunday from Port
land where he has been a pa
irem at tmmanuel hospital for
several weeks.
Coming Events
Sept. 17 Constitution 'day,
legal holiday.
Sept. 20 Chamber of com
merce first fall luncheon.
Oct. 21-23 Oregon State
Medical society convention.
Nov. 2 Cob rt house election.
Nov. 11 Armistice day cele
bration. Nov. 20 Artisans' district
Sept. 390-22 Freshman days,
Willamette university.
Sept. 24 Salem Missouri
clnb meets, clnb supper, 248 H
North Commercial street, 6: SO
p. m.
Constitution Day
Observance Held
Realtors Hear of
Constitution Aim
Guard Against Oppressor
and Selfish Interest,
Cordon Declares
The American colonies had ex
perlenced 150 years of oppression
prior- to achieving independence,
and bo the trainers of the United
States constitution were well pre
pared to draft a charter which
would prevent such oppression ia4"sonr). This mi-tic auy be aeare over
&SL.JC, the local broadcasting station l
t.m. xounr peopla's service, L.otner
earue condaetrna; devotional. Mat
chorus smi We4aeday 8 a.ia-. for r
aearaal sad tha choir Thursday at S JJL
The 150th anniversary of the
signing of the United States con
stitution was observed in Salem
yesterday with a program of
music and speaking in the Salem
high school auditorium under
auspices of the Marion county
bar association. How the docu
ment has survived the disputes
of changing times was discussed
by C. A. Sprague.
Fred A. Williams as president
of the bar association introduced
Justice John L. Rand, who In
turn presented the sneaker of
the day. Rev. George H. Swift
gave the invocation.
Patriotic selections were play
ed by the high school hand un
der the direction of Gordon Fin-lay.
the future, Herbert Gordon, Port
land realtor, told members of the
Salem realty board In an address
Friday noon at the organization's
first fall meeting following sum
mer recess.
The constitution was devised
also as a bulwark against the
forces of special privilege which
were threatening disintegration
of the nation under the confed
eracy, Gordon said; and later at
tacks npon the constitution have
been the work of these same In
terests. The constitution-makers
took special pains to protect the
people against their elected of
ficers, he mentioned.
Another speaker at the realty
board luncheon was T. W. Zlm
merman, secretary of the Oregon
Association of Real Estate
Boards, who urged all members
of the Salem board to attend the
state convention in Eugene next
week. The board -yoted to hold
no luncheon next Friday so as to
encourage attendance at Eugene
Arminta N. Tufts
Funeral Is Today
Funeral services for Arminta
Nove'U Tufts, who died Septem
ber 1" after an extended illness,
will be held this afternoon at 1:30
o clock at the Clough-Barrick
She was born March 6. 1850
in Pennsylvania and came to Dal
las in 1904 with her daughter and
husband, who died there In 1917
She has lived in Salem since 1927
Among the survivors are her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. S. R. Kennedy.
interment will be held in the
IOOF cemetery at Dallas. Dr. Lynn
wood is the officiating minister
REGARDING COXSTRrrnnv cw vn.- , .
Notice is hereby riven to the lea-ai . e r . r,
'itm mid?""? CrVf MW counton the tenth day of Aug
. 1937, made and entered an order cnnrt.inv it.. o.. " t.
lows" " ianHi copy of which said order is as fol
"NOW THEREVfinB m .... . . . .
w, . Vv : ",a iwm uay oi August the same
v OreLn ,rAmeet DffS f Co Court of Marion
county. Oregon, for the August term thereof. It is ordered bv the
S".?, V V6 ,,ndlnS and termination of the CoSy Court
Baia Jaanon County. Oregon, that tri
OUH Hou8e nd that the Cour ntd and pro
irt. 2.. ni"d?,n8tr,Ct,Ch Conrt House fter legal require
'u,,y cmPel with: that the proposed site for the
"IT?. "JL P7 ?ow owned by Marion County on which
.ZS I j j v "tanas. Located in the Qity of Salem, Orer
Ann fa hnnnHa1 K C o..a .. T.. &
' " "X J on me cvoucn, unurcti Street on the
!l !hrrA . North and High Street on the West and ine
r:::z ?-, that plans to
- .uvu xouse snau oe suDstanttally in form and de-
I"6" " ifiminary pians prepared by Whitehouse and Church
architect- BTiA Vn rhtnn .n TIM ... ... vumvu
now on file in the office of the County Clerk of Marlon County: that
the approximate cost of said Court House is the sum of Five Hundred
Fifty Thousand Dollars (J550.000.00): that the finances for con
struction of said Court House shall be provided by securing from the
,U. S Government a P. W. A, grant of Two Hundred Twenty Thousand
Dollars (J220.000.00) if possible, and by setting up a budget item
Auto Camp Group
To Meet at Bend
k fi:priyDi rr & &
Church atract bctwaan Chemefceta and
Canter atreata. Rst. P. W. Erikaea. paa
tor. S:30 a.BL. Saadar school period. Ir.
A. S. aleuiciL. topt. 11 a.m- saeraiac wor
ship, sermon topic. "Why Da tbo Kstioai
Ka(e. Call to worship hymn. Uod is
My Shepherd," by Xiaa JTosephlao Brosa.
8peciai masie tranced by Prof. E. W.
Uobtoa, director e( Baaie. Aathsa by
tha choir, "Hoar My Cry." Behiailcr.
aula ehoraa. I m a wan direr, uim
i dedicated, te Abrahaa Liacara, a alaTe
Ierry aad Booth Hifk street. Her.
Arne Q. Waai(er. pastor. Saily Soaday
serrieaa. Bible school 9:45 La. Mornin
worship 11 o'clock with tha pastor speak
ing. Tha ordinance of baptism will, bt
administered. Senior yonac people's meet
ing Dr. F. W. gtarrras; of Portland as
speaker. ETeainc worship 7:45 p.m. 10!h
anniversary of pastor's ordination to
totpel ministry. Sermon by Dr. T. W.
Starring ol Portland. This service broad
cast eeei KSLM commencing at 8 p.m
Midweek meeting Thnrsdsy night with
Dr. E. D. King- at New York as leader.
18th and State streets. Her. Amos I.
Vinnemaan. A.M.. nsstor. German 8:3'J
s.rn-- sabject. "Jeans Erings Us the
Most Preeraos Liberty of AU." English
a.ra., snbject, "Liberty front Sstan'a
Uamrnsnce and Derations. Bunas j
school 9:30 sjb, Mrs. Jacob Fox, supt
The Motor Court Trade associa
tion of Oregon, formerly Oregc
Auto Camp association, will hold
its annual convention at Bend Oc
tober 1, 2 and 3. The California
Camp Owners association will
hold its annual convention at Sac
ramento October 20 and 21.
This is the first time in the his
tory of the Oregon association
that a convention has been held
in the eastern part of the state.
C. R. Ash ton of Albany is the
president and Clinton A. Ambrose
of Portland is the secretary of the
state association. Ben II. Sinks
and C. A. Gies of Salem are directors.
WCTU hall South Commercial and
Ferry streets. Lloyd L. Biie, pastor. BiLU
trhool 9:45 a.m Samnel B 1 c h, su;-l
Morning worship 11 a.m. Evening service
7:45 p.m. Wednesday 7:45 p.m.. cottage
prayer meeting.
19th and Breyman itreets, one blorV
oath of Center street. Stmtay school at
9:45. Morning service at 11 with Ben
Larsen, president of the OCI young peo
pie's organisation, speaking. Young pea
pie's service at 6:15. 7:45 Sunday eve
ning evangelistic service. Ben
Services next week on Wednesday nieht
7 :45 ' prayer meeting. Friday 7 :45 bible
atudyi Rev. Lloyd and Esther Miller, co-pastors.
State and Church streets. James X.
Milligaa, minister. Mildred Bartholomew,
director of young people's activniea; Ro
bert M. (raUe, supt. of the church school.
Morning worship 11. Sermoa "H? Belter
ad la iiod." Evening worship 7:30. Ser-
Of Mora Valae than Many Jiir-
rows. lovng people meetings &t :su.
High iciool leagne, Prof. Matthews,
peaking. University serpen, Forrest
hi ills ' reviewing' lt Bappeaed ia fale-
Discussioa oa "Life's Friend-
Corner North Winter u Market
atreata. D. A. Cohagaa, pastor. Sanday
school 9:45 a.m. TP service 4:30 p.m.
Kvaageliatic aervice 7;30. ia charge of
young people going away to coHege. Mid
week prayer meeting Tharaday 7 :30.
Highland avenue and Church street.
T. Clio Brown, pastor. Sunday school at
10. Clifton Kane, supt. Pre acting st 11.
CJS'a meet at 6:30. Xvaagelistie service
at 7:30. Prsyer meeting every Thursday.
North Winter, Jefferson, Fairgrounds
Road. Lynn A. Wood, miaiater. Charcu
school 9:45 a.m. H. B. Carpenter, supt.
A cisss lor all, ages Morning worship 11
a.m., theme, "Behold the Church." Ep
worth Leagues 6:30 p.m. Evening! ser
vice 7:30 p.m., theme, "Carry On,
19th and Ferry. H. C. Stover, minister.
Observing Bally .day. Sunday school at
10 a.m., Roy Hsrland. anpt. Morning
worship at 11 Sermon "life at Its Best."
Anthem "Give My Spirit Wings" 4 Wil
son). Trio "I Walked Today Where
Jesus Walked" (O'Hara). Evening 'ser
vice st 7:30. Sermon "Why Not I Try
God!" Pilgrim fellowship and juniou CE
at 6:45 p.m.
Corner of Cottage and CuemeVeta.
Sunday -school 10 s.rn.' Evening serviie
6:30 p.m. Relief society Tuesday 3 p.m.
MIA Tuesday 7 :30 p.m. A. C. Hawkins,
branch president.
Court and 17th streets. D. W. Daniels,
pastor. Bible school st 9:45, Mrs. B. S.
Shoemaker, sopt. Morning worship and
observance o the Lord'a Supper at 10:45
Vocal duet by A. A. Fnesen and Mrs.
Francis Dennison. Message "The Con
secrated Hand." Evening seTvice and
Christian Endeavor at 7:30. Instrumental
musie under the3 direction of W. T. Van
Slyke. Message "How Can I Know that
I Have Found Him!" All day marling
of the church women on Wednesday. Mid
week bible study Thnrsdsy st 7:30.
South Commercisl sod Myers streets.
Dean C. Poindexter. minister. Church
school 9.45 a.m. Morning worship 11
m., sermon ."In Line of Duty." i Lp-
worth Leagues 6:30 p.m. Evening ser
ice 7:30. Messaee "What Shall ; the
Harvest Be!" Prayer meeting Tburtday
cvening at 7:30. , ;
Schools Will Use
Planning Reports
PORTLAND, Sept. 17-i5VV. B.
Stanbery, executive secretary of
the state planning board, today
said reports collected In the last
two years will go Into a number
of schools and colleges this year
for text book purposes.
A eity planning survey for The
Dalles has become necessary un
der prospects of growth and ex
pansion with completion of Bon
neville dam, the planning board
said. WPA funds will be sought
to aid the program.
433 V Ferry street. Hev. Thomas
Green, pastor. Bible study Tuesday and
Thursday 7:45 p.m. Young people's meet
ing Saturday 7:45 p.m. Sunday school lu.
Morning worship 11 a.m.; evangelistic
service 7 :45 p.m.
17th and Nebraska streets. R. C. Mann,
minister. Sunday school 9:45 a.m.. Mrs
Anna E. Wolcott, supt. Morning worship
10:50 o'clock. Theme, "Why Doesn't
Some Prophet Call Ua Out of Present
Day Trials I" Christian Endeavor 6:45
p.m. Evening service 7:45 p.m. Mr. Maaa
will speak on "Conditions of Spiritual
Victory." Midweek bible stady and
prayer service, Wednesday 7:45 p.m.
North Capitol and Marion streets. Ed
win Horstmsn. pastor. Sunday school 10
a.m. Worship 11 a.m. "The Eagle-Like
Exchange Student WUl
Return, Parent $ Advised
10 no aesiguaiea "court uouse Construction Fund" and transferring
ito-a fund to be budgeted and designated under said title the sum of
One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) in cash from any sur
plus of unappropriated and unallocated balance or balances in the
several subdivisions of the General Fund of Marion County also by
ppropriatins. transferrin, and allocating to said fund the sum of
One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00) from the uncol
lected General Fund Taxes for the years 1929 to 1935 inclusive and
Iby levying two mill tax for each of the years 1938, 19J9, 1940
aHl, 1942. 1943, and 1944. said levy to be made on or about the
15th day of November 1957 for the year 1938 and annually on or
bout the 30th day of November each year thereafter during said
jears; that the Budget Item herein provided for shall continue from
year to year nntrt such time as sufficient funds are available In said
fund to replace In any ether fund any sum which the County Court
may have transferred from such other fund to the "Court House Con
artructlon Fund": that It Is the opinion of the Court that it will be
Beeessary to increase the tax levy for the year 1938 to be made No
vember 15th, 1937 beyond the limitation provided by the Oregon
Constitution and that an election will If petttlone for be called for
the purpose of submitting to the legal voters the question as to whe
ther or not a new Court House shall be built and the Tight and author
jity to levy said tax and otherwise provide funds as herein designated
hall be granted to the Court; that the County Court proposes to ap
ply for funds from the P. A. of the TJ. S. Government to assist In
the construction of the said Court House and in ease such funds are
made available, construction of the new Court House will be com
aenced about April 1st 1938 and in the event such funds are not se
cured and made available, construction will start about April 1st.
140; that a Public Hearing will be held in the County Court Rooms
t the Court House in the City of Salem. Oregon on the 20th day of
September 1937 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. for the ouroose of ner
Baltting a full-and complete discussion of this order, of the method of
financing therein provided and of the question of the advisability of
constructing a new Court House, and of receiving petitiona if anv are
presented: and that a Public Hearing win also be held on October
USth. 1937 at 10 A. M. at the County Court Rooms of the County of
Marion jor consideration of this order, of the several propositions
therein containea ana lor general discussion of the matter of con
structing a new Court? House, and of receiving any petitions which
be voters may desire to present.
further ordered that notice of the entry of this order and
Public Hearings to be held thereon shall be given by publishing
ce thereof in the Oregon Statesman, a newspaper of general
circulation published In the Ctty of Salem. Marion County. Oregon, for
five consecutive weekly publications beginning with the issue of Saiur
day, August 21, 1937. and continuing for each Saturday thereafter to
and Including September 18. 1937. and the County Clerk of Marlon
County Is hereby instructed and directed to prepare and publish the
notice herein provided for which .said notice shall contain a substan
tial copy of this order. ;
Done this 10th day of August. 1937
. . " J. C. Siegmund, County Judge
Leroy Hewleti
Roy Melson. County Commissioners.
Notice is further given that in compliance with the terms of said
order a public hearing will be held at the County Court Rooms in Sa
lem. Marion County, Oregon, on September JOth, 1937. at the hour
of 10 o'clock; A. M. and a second public bearing will be held at the
g&td County Court Rooms in Salem. Marion County, Oregon, on the
eighteenth day of October, 1937. at ten o clock A. M. In each of which
said meetings a complete discussion of said order above set out will
take place and the question of the advisability of constructing a new
Court House and of the method of financing the same- will be dis
cussed and the County Court at each of said meetings will, if anthor-
tzed by the legal voters, propose to build and construct a new Court
House at the time designated in the foregoing order, the same to be
financed in tbe method set out in said order and will also propose to
evy a tax in excess of the limits provided in Article i l Section 2 of
the Oregon Constitution. "
- AU the legal voters of Marion County, Oregon, are invited to be
present at both meetings designated in this notice, and to present such
petition or petitions as they may desire to submit for: the considera
tion of the Court. ' .
- This' notice is given under the terms of the order hereinbefore
at out. at the direction of the Connty Court of Marion County,
SIGNED: U. G. Boyer, County Clerk.
Aug. 21-28-Sept. 4-11-18
THE DALLES, Ore., Sept. 17-(P)-Donald
Bailey, one of 20 ex
change students from the United
States to Lingnan university at
Canton, China, will be returned
home because of war conditions,
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R
Bailey of the Mill Creek district,
said today.
Thomas Walter Birt, late resi
dent of Paxton, 111., aged 53
years,, at the home oi nis nrotn
er, William T. Birt, September
16. Survived by sisters, Goldie
Trickle of Paxton, Mrs. Mable
Ratllff of Council Bluffs, . Ia .
brothers, William T. Birt of Sa
lem, John Birt of Kearney, Neb.
Funeral announcements later
from Clough-Barrick company.
Arminta Novella Tufts, late
resident of 1545 North Capitol
street, September 15. Survived by
daughter, Mrs. Cora Kennedy, and
several nieces and nephews. Ser
vices will be held from the Clough
Barrick chapel Saturday, Septem
ber 18. at 1:30 p.m., with Rev.
Lynn Wood officiating. Interment
Dallas IOOF cemetery.
North Liberty and Marion streets. Irv
ine A. Fox, D.D pastorj Bible school
9:45 a.m. Organised classes for all ag-s
with ronseerated teachers. Morning wor
ahip 11 a.m.. sabject "How Christians
Should Behave." BYPU services :15
p.m. Junior dept. meets st 6:30 p.m
.Evening gospel service 7:30 p.m., snb
ject "The Call of Matthew." Wednesday
prayer and testimony meeting.
rrasT chsistiah chuech
Corner of Center snd High streets. Ga
L. Drill, minister. ChnTch school at 9:30
nnder the direction of C. K. Lee. Mom
ine worship and rommunion at 10:45.
Sermon "The Christian for the Crisis,'
third in a series of sermons on Christ
ianity and the world crisis. Christia
Kndesvor at 6:45. Evening service at 8.
Sermon Scrapping the Constitution.
Constitution day message. Music at bot
aervicea under the direction ot Joh
Schmidt. Midweek service has been dia
missed in favor of the one day confer
ence at Dallas, Wednesday, 8eyt. 2"
nasT church or chsist
Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Sua
day school at 11 a.m. Services at 11 a.m
aad 8 p.m. Subject. "Matter. Test
many meeting at 8 P.m. Wednesday. Read
ing roam ia the Masonic temple epen 11
a.m. to 9 p.m., on week days, escept oa
Wednesday the closing tiasf is 7:B0.
mar chuxch or ood
Hood aad Cottage. Sunday acibwl 9:45
Preaching 11 a.m. Evangelistic meeting
8 p.m. Midweek prayer aervice Wednes
day 8 p.m. "Sunriae sermonettea" each
moraing at 7:30 (except Suadsy) on
KSLM. Bev. M. 3. Hooker, pastor.
Sunday Rally Day
At Calvary, Plan
Special Services to Open
Fall Work of Church,
Programs Listed
Sunday has been designated as
Rally day in the Calvary Baptist
church. Many special features
hare been planned to make the
day Interesting and inspiring as
the fall work ot the church opens.
The first service of the day is
the church school at 9:45 a. m.
A goal ot 300 in attendance has
been set with the school offering-
a prize to the class having
the highest percentage in attend
ance. A special speaker and music
will form a part ot the closing
Morning worship follows at 11
o'clock. Rev. Arno Q. Weniger.
pastor, bringing the message. An
intensive effort is being made to
have every seat occupied next
Sunday. A rapid tabulation of the
calls made during "visitation
week" will be made to reveal the
effort that has been put forth.
Important plans and statesments
regarding the building of the new
house of worship will be present
ed and made to the church.
Dr. F. W. Starring of Portland,
executive secretary of the Oregon
Baptist state convention, is to be
the speaker at the two evening
services. There will be a com
bined meeting of the two young
people's organizations at 6:30 at
which Dr. Starring will speak.
Regular evening -worship com-
of the pastor's 10th anniversary
mrtices at 7:45 with a recognition
of his ordination to the gospel
ministry. The speaker of the eve
ning was present at the event
which took place 10 years ago in
Bisbee, Ariz., when Blr. Weniger
was but 19 years of age.
Chase Ends With
Arrests After 2
Cars Go in Ditch
ROSEBURG, Sept 17-;rVC.Il-
bert Van Curen, 23, and. William
Delbert Von Steinburg. transients,
were held here today after an
automobile chase which ended
with' two cars ditched and dis
abled. State Police Sergeant Paul
Parsons said both will be charged
with auto theft.
The men. Parsons said, were
alleged to have stolen an automo
bile belonging to George Cinder.
Portland, while the latter was t
breakfast at a hotel coffee shop
The car was noticed at Myrtle
Creek by Deputy Sheriff G. M.
Dyer, who gave chase. The fug
itives wrecked the stolen car south
of Canyonville when they attempt
ed to negotiate a curve at high
speed. Dyer captured them, but
put his car into the ditch with a
broken axle when he attempted to
turn around.
Schacht Reported
Out of Influence
3154 North Commercial atreet. Sun
day services : Bible school 2 p.m. ; de
votional serw-o 3 p.m.; evangelistic st-
vice 7:45. Weekday services: Tuesday
night 7:45; Thursdsy night 7:45: Sat
urday night 7:45. Watch, pray. Work.
C. and Daisy V ilson, pastors.
Winter and Chemeketa streets. Gro7er
C. Birtchet. D.D., pastor. Prof. Wu. H.
Wright, director ot young people's act
ivities and music. 0:30 a.m., church
school directed by J. J. Fitssimona, supt.
11 a.m.. morning worship. Sermon, ' Tbe
Upward Look." Anthem "The King of
Love My Shepherd Ia" (Soelly). 6:30
p.m.. Christian Endeavor societies. 7 :3u
p.m. evening worship. Messsge Tomor
row's Possibilities." Anthem, "All; Hail
the Power ot Jesus' Name" (Ellar).
Jardine to Make
Home in America
( Services Saturdsy )
North Sth at Gainea street. Sabbath
school 9:45 a.m. Morning worship 11
a.ra. Communion and ordinances. Xonng
people's meeting 3:30 p.m. Prayer meet
ing Wednesday 8 p.m. L. K. Miermeyer,
NEW YORK, Sept. 17-;P)-The
Rev. R. Anderson Jardine, who
married the duke and duchess
of Windsor, said today he planned
to live in the United States per
manently and might become lead
er ot the Chinatown Bowery mission.
Sailing for England after a two
months lecture tour, he said he
would come back in January to
establish his residence, and would
decide then on an offer of the
mission post made famous by the
late Tom Keonan.
Asked if he would become an
American cltlsen, Mr. Jardine
said the subject was secret.
Sonth Commercisl at Washington
streets. Miller H. and Hasel K. Porter.
pastors. Bible school 10 a.m. Morning
worship 11 am. "Blessed are they which
do hunger and thirst after righteousness.
Evening meeting 7:30 p.m. Prsyer and
praise Thursday 7 : 30 p.m.
( Missouri Synod
ISth and A streets. H. W. Gross, pat-
tor. Services 10 a.m. Sunday school 9 a.m.
Eased ais mends Church Francis
Ohse. minister. Orpha Csmmaek, Sunday
school snpt. Morning worship 11 a.ra.
subject "Tbe Mark of the Beast." Chris
tian Endeavor 7 p.m. Kvening evangel
istic service 8 p.m., subject Keep to
the Right."
Retail Clerks to
Gather at Eugene
EUGENE, Sept. 17 - UP) The
newly-formed state association of
retail clerks' unions will meet in
convention here Sunday, local of
fleers announced today.
Nearly 100 delegates, from
Pendleton to Marshfield, were ex
pected to attend with election ot
officers and completion of organ'
isatlonal program scheduled.
BERLIN. Sept. ll-(JP)-The oft
repeated reports that Dr. Hjal
mar Schachfs reign as financial
genius of the nasi regime was
ended tonight appeared to have
been fulfilled.
The minister of economics was
in Italy on "a private trip" and
it Vas disclosed he had not set
foot in his offices at the miis
trv for weeks. Businessmen in
quiring at government offices
were told frankly that Dr. Schacht
"no longer has any influence."
There were strong indications
the financier who had steered
Germany's financial and general
economic affairs for so many dif
ficult years would return neither
to his ministry nor the reichs
bank, of which he is president.
A week ago teports circulated
he had resigned after prolonged
disagreement with "hazl official
dom over continued expenditure
of such huge sums for armaments
and public buildings.
Sam Hartford Funeral
Set Monday Afternoon
3000 Participate.
Roundup's Parade
Amateur Horses Are More
Vicious Than Regular
Rodeo Stock, Seen
PENDLETON. Ore., Sept. 17-
(A-y-Bucking broncs. singing
reatas and the wild frontier page
antry of the Westward Ho! pa
rade gripped 20,000 spectators at
tbe second day of the 28th an
nual Pendleton roundup today.
The annual parade 3000 per
sons, inaians in war trappings
and their scarcely less colorful
white brethren, hundreds of
horses, oxen and cattle -sketched"
opening of the west by early set
tlers and their fight for suprem
acy over the red man.
Shortly Kelso of Prescott.
Wash., fell six seconds short or
the best roundup time when he
bulldogged his steer in 17 sec
onds, for the fastest time of the
day. Thirteen of 18 punchers toss
ing loops for the calf-roping title
made catches, with Kenneth De
pew of Galena, Ore., taking top
honors in 29 2-5 seconds.
Murphy Wins Relay
Floyd Murphy of Ryen, Colo.,,
spurred his mount to a winning
place in the cowboy relay with a
time of two minutes, 59 seconds.
Bobby Burke, Adams, Ore., hung
up the best steer roping time in
30 1-5 seconds.
World-famous bucking horses
fared badly beneath their "ama
teur" riders when 15 puncher
spurred their mounts to success
ful rides. Only three professional
buckers dislodged clinging hu
mans. "Amateur" horses bucked
more successfully, 10 out of 20
depositing chap-clad figures in
the arena dust. Cody Dodson,
Long Creek, Ore., made a spec
tacular ride on Como, a bronc
known wherever riders gather.
Bank Dividend Paid
HOOD RIVER. Sept. 17-W)-Checks
aggregating $42,430 were
mailed to depositors of the Butler
Banking Co., by the state bank
ing department today. The checks
represent 10 per cent on savings
accounts and seven per cent on
commercial accounts in the bank
when it closed February 4, 1932.
SILVERTON Funeral services
for Sam Hartford, father of C.
E. Hartford. Sllverton's chief of
police, has been set for Monday
at 2 o'clock from Larson Son
Funeral , home with interment st
Miller cemetery. Rev. D. Lester
Fields will be in charge.
Why Pay More?
Wbea Tea Cava Get the Best
For Leas!
E. D. Lindburg
Dlst. Mgr.
225 Ore. Bldg. Salem
Ph. 7712
B. B. FoC
VVhrn Others Fail
Chiexae Herbs
Healing virtue
hae brew, teetrrl
hundred years
for rhronic ail
mea tt, loic,
throat, injusttla.
catarrh, ear.
lungs, asthma, chronic cough,
atomarlt, gall stones colitis,
ronstfpatlon. d la be tla, kidneys,
bladder, heart, blood, nerve,
neuralgia, rheumatism, blah
blood pressure, gland, skia
sores, male, female and chil
dren disorders.
8. B, Kong, II years practice
In China, Herb Specialist.
122 N. Commercial SU Salem,
Ore. Office hours O to t. n.
Sunday and Wed. 9 to 10 a. m.
Salam Heights Commnaltr Canreh
Francis Ohse, minister. Chester Skelton.
Sunday school anpt. Unified Sunday
school and church: servus 10 a.m.
mon topic, "Signa ot the Times."
Wast Salem Tora Memorial Church
K. K. Clark, minister. 8nnday school 10
a.m., Kenneth Abbott, sopt. Morning
worship 11 s.m "Remember New Thy
Creator' is tha sabject. Epworth League
7 p.m.. Clarice Henderson, leader. Kve
ning worship 8 p.m., sabject, "Ia Anger
a Virtus!"
Zena Suadsy school at 10 a.m. VictT
TTUerback, supt. Christian Endeavor at
7: JO Sermon 8:30 p.m.. "A Help
ia Time ( Trouble," by Rev. Eaoch Zim
tbe voters
It is
of the Put
a notice 1
Albert C. Zamsow, at a local
hospital September IS. at the age
of 49 years. Survived by the wi
dow, Lydia V. Zamsow; two sons.
Leonard Zamtow, Oakland, Calif.,
and Elmer Zamtow, Salem; one
daughter, Irene of Salem; seven
brothers, Carl, Fred, Herman..
Hugo, Elmer and Emil, all resi
dents ot California, and August
of Boisie, Idaho; a sister, Elma,
also of Boise; father, Julius Zam
tow. Funeral services will be held
Saturday, Sept 18, at 10:30 a.m..
from the Christ Lutheran church
under the direction of Clough
Barrick company Interment Bel-
crest Memorial park.
Ceater and 13ih streets. Lea W. Collar,
pastor. 6 a.m., Chrlatiaa workers prayer
meeting. 0:45, Sunday bible, frank Lit
wilier, anpt. 11, worship Voesl at.
Mrs. Laaa Casaroa aad Mrs. Laella
Hardy; ftartary, Kaal Caaaiaa aad arch;
choir special directed by Fraak LitwiUer;
sermon. Rev Willas Haaseo of Portland,
guest speaker. 6:45 p.m., yoang people's
services Senior graap. Heavy Mattsen,
preside t; junior groap, Mr. and. Mr. M.
Molt, leaders; Pioneer graap, Mrs. Leas
Caaaiaa, director. 7:45 evangelistte aer
vice. Sols, Miss Basal Kdwards. Sermon,
Rev. Willus Hansen.
Liberty aad Center streets. Worship
at 11 a.m.. Rev. Charles C. Haworth
preaches aa aabjact "Tha Coaatitattaaa
of the Kiagdom.'' Primary Sunday aeaoxl
Corner of Marten asd Summer street'.
Rev. J. E. Campbell, miaiater. Wilmer X.
Brown, director af youth activities and
miaiater of me air. Sunday school at 9:45
a.m., John Behreaa, snpt. Moraing war
ship st 11 o'clock. Sermon "Commoniot
Meditation." Tooth groups will meet at
6:30 p.m. Evangelistie service at 7:30
p.m. Gospel saeesage ia aoocs aad ser
mon. Bible study and prayer aervice
Thursday evening at 7:30,
At the i esidence, September 1 6,
Tryphosa Wltten Abrams, of 1547
Chemeketa street, aged 81 years.
beloved mother of Letltla Abrams
and Col. Carle Abrams, Salem,
and Lois A. Greene, New York
city. Funeral aervicea will be held
from the W. T. Rlgdon company
chapel Saturday, September 18,
at 11:00 a. m. Committal services
IOOF cemetery. Dr. James E. Mll-
ligan will officiate.
North Cottage aad D atreeta. J. T.
thoff. Dastor. Bibla school at 9:45 i
Samnel 8chtrmaa, supt. Morning warship
in German st 11. Sermoa topic "Jessias
Vision and Mission," ("Isaiah's Vision
and Commission.") t renin r service
English at 7:30. Gospel meaaags by tbe
pastor. Prsrer meeting Wednesday it s
In this city, September 14,
Gladys Lou Pearl Luper, aged 9
years, of Hoquiam, Wash., be
loved daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. Gray,- sister of James and
Cora Luper, Hoquiam,' Wash.,
granddaughter of Cora Gwln, Los
Angeles, CaL, and IV J. Luper,
Woodburn, Ore., niece o Gladys
Gwin, Los Angeles, Cat. Funeral
services will be held from the
W. T. Rigdon company chapel
Saturday, September 18, at 3:00
p. m. Committal services City
View - cemetery. Reverends J. C.
and Daisy Wilson will officiate
We wish to thank all for the
beautiful floral offerings and
kindness and sympathy you have
accorded us in the bereavement
and loss of our dear mother.
-W. F. West,
A. C. Hawkins and family
C, L. Hawkins and family
Choice Improved Elbertas, J.
H. Halea, Late Crawford aad
Main 91.00 and ap per bushcL
Bring containers. Wholesale
and retail. Wheatland Ferry,
10 miles north of Salem.
R.F.D. 1, Salem
Union vale Xvaaaaiicml Church V. A.
Ballantyae, jr., minister. Unified worship
and Sunday school service at 10 is,
tea raring promotion day exercises, is
which those vrometed will be givea re
OKBinea. Tha pastor will present a enair-
talk at Otis service. Christian Xadeavor
at 7:45, followed immediately by tha
eveainr service, subject. Portions Pit
Elaaridca Sander school at 10 a.m.
Ambrose Jones. Sant. Praselriag aewire
11 a.m.. sermoa ''A Very Ptcaeat Help
in Time at Need." by Rev. Kaoeh Tum-
anrnraa from Salem.
Body of Mattoon
Found in Umpqua
ROSEBURG, Ore., Sept. 1
The body of Jack Mattoon. 58.
was recovered from the Umpqua
river near Scottsburg late yester
day. Coroner H. C. Stearns said
Mattoon, a bachelor, apparently
had drowned while attempting to
recover a boat that drifted away
while he was setting a fish net.
He had been missing since
Wednesday. Surviving are seven
brothers and sisters.
Cooper Leaves Dam Job
PORTLAND, Sept. 17HyP)-How-
ara l uooper, cmei mechanical
U. S. engineer at the Bonneville
powerhouse for nearly three years.
was en route to New York today
to "lake a position with a private
Natural remedies
for disorders of liv
er, atonuM-h. gUada,
skla. aad urinary
system of mea and
women, Remedlea
for constipation,
asthma. . art h litis,
sngar dlabetis aad
20 years la bust
aesa, .ataropathlo
pnysfc-taaa. iSMH
1 tj I Twica that strange twaad coat wandered froca Csaanamjaen ' I
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