The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 02, 1937, Page 9, Image 9

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    I! . ' !
Tnt UKEGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday Blorning, September Z, 1557,
iv r r it jr m
'Orphan' Fears
Now Overcome
Modern Furniture Proves
Its Permanency; Also
Being Standardized .
- - i - i
to overcome tielr trepidation that
they might be gnytag someHiinS
that would soon be an orphan and
Invested in modern furniture Jn
the last few years, can now proud
ly display the "I told yon so" but
ton la their lapel. In the recent
summer market modern marie
such gains that proponents of the
traditional styles have nothing to
fall baek on now but the argu
ment, "Modern may be rood to
daybat will It last, and where
will It be 100 years from now?"
X don't think that any of us much
care what's golag to happen a cen
tury hence; it's enough for most
of us to know that modern is
the leading furniture style today
d,ay and is constantly being Im
proved. ! Because modern Is -the star
style today and is constantly being
( Because modern Is the star
style of the farnitare world, any
, furniture style review must begin
with an analysis of the changes
that are taking place in its evolu
tion as a period design that char
acterizes the chancing: world of
our generation. A great deal of
history rhas been written in our
time, and it's only natural that
a generation which" created the
antomobHe, the airplane, and ra-
-j t a a a. . m
uiu (wh invent a new xina pi
furniture for the home. Such Is
modern the functional style that
expresses the feelings and
thoughts ot tor time.
" "Modern" Settles Down .
Beginning with the grotesque
and bizarre that reminded one of
cubism and jigsaw pontes, mod
ern, like the rolling stone, has
had its rough corners smoothed
down until we hare the smooth
day. The designers of modern
hare stack to their knitting and
kept the functional idea supreme.
urn wing ueep ox we wen 01 uu
. man comfort to achieve outward
smartness, pleasing effects and
furnitnre that is very livable and
useful. With, the .showing of to-
' day's modern yon can see well de
fined lines being set down "that
will characterize the modem style
in the future. Having started
with, the parely functional idea
furniture usefulness and comfort
the designers have borrowed
some, of the best points of the old
French and English styles to win
charm and grace for modern.
In the exhibits ot manufactur
ers we saw many examples of this
borrowing ' from the traditional
f urnitura designs. Notably, such
things ae the smooth flowing ser
pentine frost for bedroom cases
and dining room servers. It is also
apparent in modern living- room
pieces, where yon can see the hard
angles being gradually smoothed
out and being supplanted by the
-graceful flowing lines of the Louis
- mantes jaauiiikwuici m i
achieving this smoothness , with
"bentwood. which la being hailed
as an entirely new departure In
" modern : designing and manufac
Camels Hair
Shower Proofed
Offering what Colle
gians and Hi Students
want at prices they
can afford. Collegians
: are the first to intro
duce t new styles .
BrooJcs the first to
show them.
Wilson Bros. Shirts
. Varsity Underwear
; Parkas, Hirshweis
Sweaters by
Campus ,
. Cords, can't bust
j Moleskins. 1 can't
bust 'em. '
Tin Pants f
' The Mystery Hat
State MMvUMC) UL.P 11 MmlAO State
ture. It is a considerable improve
ment and should win for .modern
many new followers.
Improve -Traditional'
Alter all this horn blowing for
modern. I dont want the; follow
ers j of tea traditional furniture
styles to become discouraged.
Competition from the modem-design
has sharpened the wits of the
manufacturers of the older styles
of furnitnre to the point where
they, too, have improved it bje 1 r
furniture. Queen Anne, Victorian,
Sheraton, Chippendale, and Hep
pel white designs are being done
better today than they ever ere.
Renned carvings and mellow fin
ishes that have become standard
ised eo that the collector1 wCI be
able to add their ensembles pieces
that will have the same Color
tone t the wood wH jhelp
the traditional styles immensely
in the years to come. In the up
holstered lines new royal colors
reds, golds, blues, and fuchsia
shades combined with mahogany
and walnut in rkh, dark colorings
are meeting the challenge!, ot jmod
ern for the- fancies of those; who
wajrt a more colorful home. j
And if yoi are a follower of
the French styles of furntur you
have much to warm the cockles
of your heart. To French furn
iture or royal Inspiration has; been
added the hearty styles; of the
provinces for stamina, and many
ef the new French groupings will
include pieces of the provincial in
fluence. For furniture pf Sheer
grace and artistry, there's nothing
yet that can match the furniture
styles that blossomed under the
patronage of the Louis;' those
bon vivant kings of France; who
demanded of their furniture
craftsmen furniture that would
be different from the lieaty, feud
al pieces that had come i forward
from the dark ages. Furniture
manufacturers are ehowing a
marvelous selection of good
French faraiture at the different
furniture m a r k e ts marquis
chairs of irresistible charm, love
seats and divans with graceful.
sweeping designs and champagne
colors and the tiny pewel chairs
ef the French court. This furni
ture la beautiful fruit-wood and
aim-wood, with exquisite : mar
quetries, inlays, and carvings is
an outstanding example of every
thing that is good in the French
"Early American" pood
Coming back to our own federal
and early American design we
find that the furniture 'manufac
turers are" not forgetting those
people that lean toward the furni
ture of our early days. Jtecosniz
ing the 1 n t e re s t that has been
shown in the restoration of Wil
liamsburg and the various other
restorations of colonial times,
furniture is being displayed in
both mahogany and walnut as
well as maple, cherry, tulip and
native sycamore that faithfully
reproduces the simple Sturdiness
of the time fevered designs, An
other farnitare style that springs
from the roots of the early days
of this country is beginning to
challenge the leadership of the
early American and federal de
ft i g n s. It is southern colonial.
Characterizing the soft, easy man
ner ot the southland, where it was
born with authentic poster: beds,
bonnet-hood highboys, the turned
posts and the glamor reflected in
the oral, wood frame mirrors that
had their origin on the plantations
ot the Calhonns and the Pendle
tona a century ago, this new style
is expected to win northerners as
well as continue to reign supreme
in the south. j
Has the Authentic Answer to
i j
Those Questions on
T "'
. "mel 1 i.
nvTTTn TOT fTTrl1TiT
mi r ii II r n ii iv
Home Checkup
Season's Here
Attractiveness and Comfort
Should. Be Essentials ;
Time for Repairs
The first hints of tall are bin U
of j home and comfortable living.
We comfort-loving - mortals Just
naturally tarn our thoughts to the
inviting cosiness and luxury of
our modern shelters, where ' we
can while away pleasant hours in
side, when the weather no longer
invites ns to spend the livelong
day outdoors.
This Is the time to eye your
house from a fresh viewpoint. Is
it going to be comfortable, Is it
going to be attractive, is it going
to be the ideal place in which to
live during the next six months?
If yone discovered a place
where the roof dribbles, if ths
wind blows through the cracks
around the bedroom windows, if
the wallpaper in the upstairs hail
has begnn to give you the "will
ies, now is the time to correct
all these domestic defects. It's
time for a thorough "once-over.
and if you're a true home lover
you will feel the mood coming
over you as the days grow percep
tibly shorter and you will pos
itively ache to do something to the
old homesteadthat will put more
ot "you" into it. and that. wilt add
more zest, pride, comfort, - and
satisfaction la your blessed home
Wise to Improve Now
Of course, to realise your ambi
tions of a "home, sweet home
that you can really warm up to
may necessitate one or two major
operations in the dwelling th&t
yon now call "our little place
down the street. And if this is
the case. youH really be smart to
make the changes. Improving
your home to make it modern and
more livable is a good investment
these days. You can still do it
at very reasonable cost; the
spring building rash will have
eased off a bit, and yon can have
the work done without hustle and
bustle, and have it completed be
fore the cold weather sets in.
Goodbye, Drab Homes
If your home Is drab and
gloomy, some modern ideas on re
modeling will effect a miraculous
transformation. You can, for ex
ample, convert an old-fashioned
porch into an inviting sun-room
at a very reasonable outlay, and
the net result always is that you
have added a whole new room to
your house. Or, if you ... have
gloomy, crowded bedrooms on the
second floor, you can often have
dormer windows broken into the
roof, that will bring in the cheery
sunlight and add immensely to the
outside appearance of your home
If your home dates back to the
"dark inside" days, you probably
have an excess of doors, and a de
ficiency of windows on the first
floor. Any good architect who has
had remodeling experience will be
able to help you overcome this
difficulty, and it need not cost a
fortune either. Groups of win
dows. or one large window, lo
cated at the right, place a smart
new entrance and closing UP
some of the unnecessary doorways
are minor changes that have made
all the difference in the world in
2 Pant
Selections Brooks
I takes pride in being
able to satisfy every
! type build in styles
for the youth Dad
Grandaddy and offer
only the highest quaU
: ity merchandise at
j reasonable prices. A
T genuine saving to you
of $5.00.
See the
! In Oar Window Now
r -
i rt
transform in r a. draft. ald-aaa-
ioned place Into a home that's
taken a aew 1mm on life, and ac
tually beckons people to coma la
ana enjoy pieasaat imns.
- i ,
Paint to Protect
Home Is Advised
Cood Workman as Well as
Wise Choice of Color
Some Essentials
If yen have given . thought to
improvements in your home, yon
should give some thought, too, to
the protection at, the home that
bosses these improvements. How
about the protection of a sturdy
coat ef paint against the ele
ments at a loag winter? If your
house has gone a long time with
out paint, repainting now Is a
wise investment, and will, of
coarse, be especially necessary if
o have made any alterations in
the exterior.
Fall painting will to a long
way towards preserviag your
bouse, and fall ia a time when
the painters are less rushed and
can do a careful and unhurried
If yoa are considering paint
ing, take the time to choose a
painter who knows his craft. Any
man who can handle a brash is
not necessarily qualified as a
painter, aa many house owners
have foqnd to their despair lat
er. Good workmanship la paint-
lag, combined with good paint,
will insure a long lasting Job.
and will spare yoa from unnec
essary expease and disappoint
ment later.
Before yoa select your paint
er, see some of his work and it
is a wise precaution to have your
contract ia writing, specifying ex
actly what is to be included in
the painting. See that all nec
essary . repairs are made before
the paiattng la began, as yoa
will save time and money, by
making them first.
Before a wooden house is re
painted, loose paint, blisters and
scale should be scraped, or burn
ed off. and grease or dirt of aay
kind removed. Cracks, bad Joints,
nail holes, etc.. should he pat-
tied up, if yoa want to be as
sured of a good Job.
While in the past it haa been
considered necessary to use three
coats for a house painting Job
that will stand up, recently two
coat paints have been developed
that give all the advantages , and
long wearing qualities ot the us
ual three coats. There is, of
course, a considerable saving on
labor costs in the use ot these
paints. The important thing to
consider, regardless of what kind
of paint you use, is that it be
good quality paint there la no
saving in using paints of Infer
ior grade.
And when you decide on the
color you will use on your house,
choose one that you really like,
for you will have to live with it
for a long time. In general it is
wisest to employ a conservative
color scheme for you will grow
less tired of it.
In Our Show Window Daring
467 Court Sreet
Cheerful Kitchen
Is Among "Musts"
Couvenience Also Served;
Built-in Vogue, now
Proves General
fa this . day and age why
shouldn't every housewife have a
cheerful convenient k 1 1 e h e a
that's a' real pleasure to work
in? If your kitchen has not been
modernized In the last few year
it's high ; time something was
done about it for it's causing
twice as much work every day
lor the lady of the house than is
necessary in the modern " kitchen
dated ISSt.
Usually.! too, many doors, low
windows, and walled-off pantries
are the obstacles to a nice job
ot modernizing. But this can all
be corrected at a cost that's not
prohibitive by any contractor
who has specialized in this sort
of work, j With a few changes
you can have continuous coun
ters, convenient cabinets, and
built-in breakfast nook installed.
And it's worth a major operation
to bring refrigerator, sink, and
range together in a compact
working unit, with equipment
and supplies at arm's reach, in
stead of across or outside the
room, i
Vogue for "Built-in"
And ! while we are speaking ot
these features, we ought to men
tion a trend that is becoming
more and' more conspicuous , and
that is the built-in features that
are making homes not only more
convenient but more interesting
as wsll. Built-in bookcases, built
in cupboards, built-in cabinets
built-in seats, desks, and what
have yoa. are being used more
and more possibly a forerun
ner of the time predicted by some
of our designers who are ad
vance thinkers when most ot our
furniture itself will be built right
right into our homes. Have a
look at some of the model built
in cupboards, cabinets, etc.. that
cabinet builders are showing
these days, and see if they wont
fit into swell advantage la your
home, i Many of these have been
standardised of late, with the re
sult that they may be had at very
attractive prices, and may be in
stalled la short order.
Ensemble Sister
And brother Act
At least one smart manufac
turer this fall ia putting out en
semble clothes for sister and her
small brother . . . sister's dress
for instance in wine colored
plane with white collar and cuffs
and small Brother's suit in the
same fabric and color combina
tion. Cute?
Nothing is Quite so smart and
practical for the high school girl
as two-piece affairs. She should
have at least two good skirts, one
ia a plain color and another of
plaids or stripes. They are any
number of snappy little sweaters
tooaooo CuQirlliiOg
Flatplate I r oners
Miss Hart wig, who is home laundry equipment
demonstrator for General Electric, will he in our
store '. . ; . jr - '" ; ..
Todayj fridaylct Saturday .
to demonstrate and explain the uses of this ef
ficient new ironer, which is equipped to iron every
thing even ruffles. You are cordially, invited to
come in and let Mis3 Hartwig show yon what
"effortless ironing" can really he. . . You'll find
your call well worthwhile.
and saucy brief jacketa that can
be worn with the skirts. Fashion
again' dictates pleated skirts.
This is tough oa the cleaning and
pressing biU bat utterly entranc
ing on the particular Juene fills
of qrour. family a
One ot the most amusing of
the fall printed dresses is one
that we saw called the 'These
Song." The print was Inspired by
the still popular ditty. "I'm For
ever Blowing Bubbles. Splashed
all Over the dress are bubbles,
pipea tor blowing them, clefs aad
doll-like figures blowing the fra
gile, colored spheres all over the
Cape Dresses to
Hold Popularity!
The interest in cape dresses
that was so m u c h seea in the
spring continues on Into cold
weather costumes. The capes are
from fingertip to seven-eighths
length. Many of them are-made
entirely of fur or are lavishly fur
trimmed. Shoulders are squared
or sloping, although the squared
shoulder is preferred. Dresses nn
der fur or far trimmed cape are.
of course, very simple, relying en
tlrely on smartness ot line tor
their effect.
The costume suit is a necessity
for every wall planned wardrobe.
These, as every one knows, are
those practical garments . that
combine a straight slim dress with
a matching or contrasting coat. If
your budget Is limited it's wise to
choose a suit that has a coat that
may be worn with other dresses.
The coats are usually three-quar
ters or seven-eights in length.
If you have a liking for strictly
tailored, suits of the mannish type
yottll be right In style this season,
for they're enjoying a tremendous
popularity. One of the ehlef rea
sons probably is that they are
ideal for wear under a for coat.
Shoulders in this type of suit are
perfectly plain, most of the Inter
est given the suit being in the
new, wider, deep notched lapels.
Cape suits in the three p 1 e e e
version are very good. For many
figures cspes are flattering and
offer a new and interesting silhou
ette. Salts of this kind are equally
ideal for traveling or for around
town wear.
Fur Collars Will
Be new in Design
There's no end to the tricks
yoa are likely to see in the col
lar designs ot the new fur coats.
Invariably small, they are often
turned over Into a tiny roll, or i
sometimes they develop Into a
small revers. The narrow, stand
ing collar is going to command
plenty of attention.
Collarless models, too, will ap
pear In profusion,' though a clus
ter of small tails hanging loose
ly at the neckline, the bright con
tract of a dashing velvet scarf, or
other such accents ased
Phone 4131
to contribute a note of flattery.
Decidedly ; individual aa a de
sign feature for youthful faU
length fitted coats is the aag
gestlon of a bolero in the bodice
treatment of several mod ela. A
blithe note of styling; that is sure
to appeal to youthful tastes ia
the use of hortlxontal insets ot
IIDireSs- Ejcitilep ffoir less
mmSm?' choose.
r v-u- I ! M7
r Youll find V 4,
them both in ?
IFallll Smnits
r cr flCK
At This Low
New patterns . . solid colon . ; iporta
backa ... plain backs . . . aingle and doublet c
breasted Wards is the store for VARIETY
in smart fall suits I TAILORING that means
perfect fit and long- wear I FABRICS that
make you look your best! j j
. No Ckargm for Necetiory Afarafjons
'Inquiro About Wards Mortkiy Paymoat Pkm
Falls tho time
Wards Men's
t I r - hi.', p': - i res
" z ----- I vV
1 1?
- aVaii srtn i(tm . mrmmim
grosgrain or fabric bands on the
sleeves, or through the shoulder
and upper arn laeetion.
The tallneea for the fitted
coat's flared ikirta ia achieved
in many n sen Sous ways godets,
pleat or ripple treatments, or ?
perhsp concentrated defUy at
one side. i
for dressing up I
Vest r
YouH tike die vsay they look
. . and the way they wear
New. sport modda, with noa-'
wrinkle froata k Dsrs
saita and lustiuaa rayon &
oga. Full cot; barracked
panta. Smart faU patterna"
and colon. It year a.
Extra Loaslea. 2.08
Coys Longlcs
IVnorty pleated
models! Plains, TI Of
thecks. plaidsl II uo
Doys'Fall flats
Lonar-weartnc fur TI flfa
auSaapbrias, 1 1
New Fall shades. JJ-
Store Main Floor
. i
' J"