PAGE SIX Society . Clubs Music. ; Hiss Dorner Will Harry at Home Ceremony -'t At aa Impressive service to ' nlgut at eight o'clock ' at the , home of Mr. and Ma O, T. ; Dentr la Portland their (laugh-1 ter. Miss SaHy, wUl become the bride of George W. Jackson, son . of Mr. and Mn. A. A. Jackson of -Salem. Rev., Oswald Taylor of Grace Memorial church wtU perform the ceremony In the presence of the two families and close friends of the couple. . Thicotiple will exchange their vo we W one end of the . living room banked with, early autumn ; fiowersand tapers. The bride, who 0111 he Siren la marriage bv her father, wBl wear a dark green wool auit ' with black antelope, sywde acces sories and corsagesyfft white or- chlda. There win bfeao attendants. Mrs. Dorner-will wear a gown blue lace with corsage for . her daughter' reception. -.-A amall rceptlon will follow the ceremony. The bride's two sisters, Mrs. Kenneth H. Zander 'and Miss Elolse Dorner will as sist v la. the' serving. The' table will be centered with an arange sneat. of pastel, flowers guarded . bs matcking tapers. -iV 4 To Reside In Balem "The couple . wilt leare for a neddtng trip and for traveling the bride will wear her wedding suit and matching top coat with raccoon collar. They will be at tome In Salem at 1240 Center street after September 9. Miss Dorner Is a graduate of Portland schools and attended the University of Oregon . where she was' a member of Sigma Kappa. Che took her teacher's training at Momouth Normal and Saa Inu Ct TmaWi rolUre. For several years she has been on the faculty o f the McKiaiey4 grammar school. Mr. Jackson - attended Salem choola and attended the Dun- woody Institute of Technology at Mlnneappojis. He Is a member of the .20-30 club and the Elks t lodge. He is- now employed at the Fairrlew home. Several affairs hare been giTen - In compliment to Miss Dorner in Portland. Mrs. Warren Tinker and Mn. Charles Shoemaker vera hostesses for a bridal show or and Mrs.. Kennetn zanaer Tie zormer is witn tne Salem, was a tea hostess for Diss Dor- - fire department, the latter is em-' tier. ployed at Fred Meyers'. y Mrs. McCaffery will be hen- Mrs. Charlotte Jones and ored at a party given tonight daughter Dorothy hare Just re- with' Mrs. Edward Marr and Miss turned from Seattle where they Marion Johnson as hostess. Pres iiaTe been visiting relatives. Mrs. ent will be: Miss Barbara Por Jones attended the summer ses- ter, Mrs. Loren Kitchen, Miss flo.ft ,5B!!!,tr ot w' lngton while there, - i Mrs. Catherine Simma and Miss Margaret Sim ma are leaving to- - lay for a. few day trip to Brit- - l&h Columbia.; In the Valley WOODBURN An impressive Redding ceremony was performed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. will take place Friday at 2 p.m., Bhrock Saturday evening when at the community halL All women their daughter. Miss Daisy Shrock, in the Salem Heights district are became the bride of Cletus Chap- invited to attend this meeting.! lie. son of Mrs. Clara Chapelle 0. H. Lipps, former superin Ot Woodbarn. . tendent at the Chemawa Indian The candlelight - services were school, will be the speaker, and beld at 8:10 o'clock with Rev. will talk on early Oregon Indians, John T. Myers ot Oregon City of- his subject belag "They Met the ficiatiag. About SO Invited guests Covered Wagon. of the Immediate, family- were Hostesses for the refreshments present. will be Mrs. Roy Burton, chair Preceding the ceremony Miss m&n assisted by Mrs. H. S. Gile JIasel Shrock. sister of the bride, and Mrs. F.-M. Ericksoh. aang. Miss Lucille Anderson vplay- d the wedding march from1 Loh- BETHANY Miss Agnes Tor engrtft. s vend, who will leave this month ' "The bride was given in mar- for Pacific Luther college at Park- riaea hv her father. She was nn- ,:5Vi I"neT- SM WM B: I. . V, LZZ ifnnAl Muriel Gabriel of Portland, bride attended. Her wedding gown of tes l her home Monday . . f rhlM;AS . v. -i i nlra Vtvmm Tnrn nn h. 61eCl OI "SrieS HeUiei, Will net oTer white satin, with ahoul- der veH can eh t . In a wreath of orange bloasoms. She carried an arm bouquet of roiebuds and aweetpeai. . fr. . m1 . . A reception followed and re- freshments were served by the bride's alsters, Mrs. Henry Roh- Tie. Mrs. Robert Hunt. Misses Hasel and Edna Shrock. Both Mr. and Mrs. Chanelle are graduates of Wood burn hi g h school.' After a short honeymoon the young eouple will he at' home to friends at 1831 SS Hawthorne avenue. Portland. . ' f ,tfres and friends from the Unlbn- vale and Grand Island districts WACONDA Mr. and Mrs. were present. - j .Henry C Stafford entertained ice cream and cake were serv 6aturday night' complimenting ed by the hostess. Before her re Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tare, re-; cent marriage Mrs. Thomas was cent arrlrals, here from the Ca- Frances Sanderson; oldest daukh aary islands. The couple are ter of Frank Sanderaon. She was spending their honeymoon In the resident ot the Island district states and plan to leave foa their far several years before the fam Xort Rlcaa home early in Sep- fly moved to the Unionvale com- lemoer. . The occasion Saturday night aisa ceieoratea tne birthdays or ra. Kugene Manning of cerraia Jie Jerry Gates and Florehce and C M. Hall, ot Waconda. Hanett were Joint hostesses I at !.tBJ? froup w Mr- c- Mrs. ReiUnga apartment In coap- HaM. Gordon Tuve. Richard -nment- to Mabel MeHby, brlde TttTe. North HoweiU Mr, Eugene t of RaadaU Bailey, Monday Manalng. Henry Ritchey, Ger- night. Preseat wer Miss MeUbye. T .VM7.- "5 Mrs.KnutoTnve, Mert Terry. Dorothy Stirber, Mar or.t.h?oweU n Mr nd Mr Kat Langley. Ruth Shepard. El- e - e ." TURNER Mrs. C. A. Bear, en tertained with a 8 o'clock dinner Monday night for her nephew Paul Cammack of Rosedale, who Is leaving for his high school teaching at Cove. ' his sister Mrs. jrfc nrV.oh.i .nrt h.,h..i of Tientsin. Chlnaphere on mis- gionary t Qriough WUlard B. Bear, Mr, and Mrs. E. C.- Bear and children Eunice and Billy. . Robert Mickey. : - . e e , - . SCOTTS 'MILLS-i-Rex NichOl- son. son of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Nicholson, and Miss Peggy Ack erman of ML Angel were mar ried in Salem last Friday. After a honeymoon at the Oregon beaches they will be at home In Salem. . SCOTTS MILLS Marlon Thomas, soa of Mr. aad Mrs. C. J. Thomas, was married Saturday evening to Miss Dorothjr Dur gin. The wedding was held at the home of. the bride's parents in Vancouver, Wash. The young 6uple.wUl reside la Corrallis, .News CLUB CALENDAR Tharsday, September S Chapter O of PEO lunch at 1 . m. w 1 1 h Mrs. C A. Sprague. J U. 8. Grant circle', G-A.R. it armory, t p.m., business meet ing. . J Missionary society of First Chrlstlaa church. 2 p. m. at church parlors. Mrs. J. C. Per ry's group in charge of pro gram. .- . Women's Benefit association at KP hall, 8 p.m. . Friday, September 8 : Hal Hlbbard auxiliary, reg ular business meeting at ajf morr, p. m. Postal clerk auxiliary with Mrs. W. Q. Ross. S0 Tama rack street, 2 p.m. I Eaglewood club meet with Mrs. C. A. Kells, Salop Heights, t p.m. jl Three Uaks club with Mrs. Bessie Boehringer, 260 West Wilson street, no-host lunch eon at 1 p.m. I Neighbors of Woodcraft, Mil ler's hall, 8 p.m. Wedding Monday! JoinsSalem Couple On Monday morning. Miss Myrtle Thatcher, daughter otjiC. P. Thatcher, became the bride! of f. -rnaicner. oecame tne onae oi Peter McCaKery. son of Mrs. ' Kiia Mccairery in toe cnapeisot St. Vincent de Paul Catholic church. Rev. Ft. Dunn read the ceremony before an altar of yel low and white fall flowers and burning candles. j The hridtk wore a. brown tall. lenr.wlrh roM and hrnwn niWa. sories and a corsage of Cecil Brunner roses and lilies. She was attended by Mrs. Edward Marr who wore a brown ensem- ble. Mr, Edward Marr attended Mr. McCaffery. x Following the ceremony, ; a wedding breakfast was served at the home of the grooua mother. The couple left for a short mo tor trip to British Columbia and will make their home at the Rob erts apartments. Both Mr. and Mrs. McCaffery are aradnatea of Salem schools. ett7,,Rea1? Me Ml!" Ion. Mlsa Trraine Kinser. Mrs. Norval 1 Edwards, Mrs. Robert Kitchen.! Mrs. Glen Nash, Mrs.- loe . Johnston, Mrs. John Bone, Mrs, Edward Marr and Miss Mar ion Johnston. ' S opial Realm SALEM HEIGHTS The first fall meeting of the Woman's cjub land.. Wash., entertained a lew nlht Evelyn Torvend won . t gam prises for the evening. Present were Miss Evelyn Tor- rend.! Miss Haiel May Baker, Mis,. Inga I Taorkildson. Miss Grfce n.-.i.H mi., to Campbell, Miss Flora Campbell. Miss Bertha Larson of Flresteel. S. D.. Miss Eunice Torvend and tha hostess. Miss Larson Id a house guest ot Miss Torvend. t ' ukanu island Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Thomas of Salem were the Inspiration for a shower Friday night at the homo oCMr. and Mrs. J- H. " Tompkins About 30 rela- inanity. . SILVERTON Mrs. Tom Rell eanor Moea, Elaine Marsh, Mary Ba,iley Esther Arthur, Mrs. Wii lian Gates and . Grace Wiger. 1 , '- -- ' ' ' " . ELDRIEDGB Mr. and Mrs. Albert Glrod entertained a group of friends Sunday. - Present were Mr. and Mm. Henry C. Stafford. and -Mrs. - Pearl Patterson ! ?S,ParIei8 and Norman, r' ui, "U0JD. n,a commanity, Unda and Shir fey Girod and the hosU. , ; , Dillsr Fawlif V TEACHER OF PIANO AND PIPE ORGAN irarUtser Organ for Student Practice : , . PRICES ( 50e n . Lesson or 75c With Harmony Studio: 1420 N. Sta St. Cor ner ot Hood. Student enroll tnent starts September 10th. and Mrs! Eyre Hostess For Miss Vaughn On Wednesday Mrs. Robert Eyre was hostess at a delightful affair last sight to honor Miss Elizabeth Vaughn Whose marriage to Robert Ba.1 qock is to be sol em nixed on Sun day. The erenlng wse spent at the bridge Ubles and later, a mis cellaneous shower of gifts was presented to the bride elect. Fall flowers were used for decora tions. - i I Present were: Mrs. R. H. Bal dock, I Mrs. Ltllie Vaughn, Mrs. das Moore, Mrs. Claude Fulfer, Mrs. John Bone. Mrs. Franklin Prtncehoase, Mrs. Bd Metier. Mrs; Andrew Baker, Mrs. Etta Byre, Mrs. Kenneth Klein. Mrs. Ronald Hudkias of Portland. Mrs. Ed Parker. Mrs. Edward frantx. Miss Bonnie Baldock, Miss Dorothy Baldock, Miss Nel lie Carter, Miss Caroline Mac kef. Miss Ruth Melson. Miss Velma May, Miss Dorothy Blaisdell, Miss Honora Reidy, Miss Margaret Hauser, Miss Margaret Bell. Mies Deris Drager, Miss Virginia Cross, Miss Grace Elisabeth Hol nu, Mrs. S. E. Gilbert, Miss Elizabeth Vaughn and Mrs. Rob ert Eyre. i Visitor Feted at Informal Affair At (J AttemOOn i Three Salem matrons. Mra. John Harbison, Mrs. 8. M. Laws and Mrs. A. F. Marcus are en tertaining this afternoon at the Harbison home at 95 f South Sigh street for the pleasure of Mrs. J. E. Holt. Of Los Angelea. The honor guest Is a cousin of Mrs. L. M. Purvine and is her hgnseguest. , i An Informal afternoon will bo enjoyed by the group, and tea willl be served late In the day. i Guests bidden to meet Mrs. 3olt : are: Mrs. George Pearce, rs. A. W. Love, Mrs. Max Bur eh, Mrs. L. M. Purrlne, Mrs. Charles Wilson. Mrs. Harvey Thomas, Mrs. Walter Robinson. Mrs..N. J. Llndgren, Mrs. D. A. Hodge, Mrs. J. W. Hartley, Mm. leon Barrick, Mrs. Arthur Den ISon, Mrs.' Eugenia Harrison. Mrs. Herbert Glaisyer, Mrs. Otto J. Wilson, Mrs. Charles Weller, Mrs. W. W. Moore, Mrs. Isadora Reed. Mrs. L. L. Laws, Mrs. John Harbison and Mrs. A. F. Marcus. Mrs.' Reed Is the houseguest ot W. W. Moore. Moses Cottage Scene of ; "O Sunday Picnic I J f "The Shadows" mountain cot tage of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Moses, located on the Little North Fork of the Santiam was the scene of an all day picnic fpr friends of the hosts, f Those making the trip were Hr. and Mrs. E. A. Prnitt. Mrs. Margery .Stokney, Mr. and Mrs. Qscar Dencer, Mr, and Mrs. M. P. Dennis. Mr. and Mrs. W. A, disked, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Case, Virginia and Leah June Case, Mrs. Lois schults, Mr. and Mrs. William' E. Moses, Mary Dale Cladek. and Patsy Lamb, Bin. Brace Spaulding of Dal las Is planning to spend the next few days at the homo of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Al bert and at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Asel Eoft on the Jefferson highway. Mr. Spaul ding is . attending the Oregon State Bar convention In Baker. Several Salem friend of Mlae E-ZE ""t "J V.J luncheon given by Miss B e 1 1 e JJJ," utanlhSutiS Mrs r5if-J1 Carl Collins were bidden. j Sirs. Ralph Mathews, and her mother Mrs. Aj L. Brown ' re turned en Wednesday night to Kansas City after spending the summer here. Mr. Mathews re turned some time ago. e e, Mrs. Dora Johnsosi " . W& OCIQl CM U1VUIUB UllVURU lUV eastern states and the Panama Enjoy effortless heat, too! ! AS HEATROLA Gas beating rates art denvn! 'Z-: - Gas beater prices art low Why pat up with ;$tove heat aoothex winter? Install a gas circulating air heater and know clean, even, automatic heat. New Um rates make the really cheap heating fuel. ' And ou can bay a beautiful gas circulating air heater for . as little as $4&Ot5 Installed. Convenient terms,' of cootse. .Visit our showrooms today. Portland Gas a .Coiie Cor.iPAriY 13S S. Hifh Stmt ,s : ; Phoni 5919 111 OREGOtf STATESMAN, Salem, Featares MAXINE BUREN tule-?miLi - M. . . iT t ?;rAu j a.,,, .-, - . , (r :-- a '-i ::-::-'- "Since Junior hid the child psychology book; my bnsband Since the new silk jerseys and deaigners, autumn hasnt a chance to find us meeting it awkwardly attired. Few fabrics adjust themselves to happily to the shifting slant ot the sun. Those are handkerchief linen cntoets appllaned on the rippling sleeves above. And,' te the j lower figure, those squared-ot! Ubs are of sheer front opening of this pin-striked Jacket suit. Copyright HIT. Esquire Features, Inc. Peaches Make Pudding For Dinner ThU peach pudding is a good use for cooked fruit. The reel- po cornea from the Inglenook cook book and u that of a is tor U that of StoWr Lydla Garber, Redfield, Kansas. PEACH PUDDING Peel and cut one quart peacht es, put In a dish and pour over them 1 cup white sugar. Heat 2 cups milk in the double boiler, add the yolks ot three eggs, well beaten. 1 tablespoon cornstarch made Into a paste with a little cold milk, and stir hard. As soon as thickened add the fruit. Beat whites to a stiff froth, add 1 tablespoon sugar to the whites, spread over the top as a frosting, and set in the oven to set. Serve cold with cream. Oraageo or berries may be substituted for peaches. Cucumbers Make Sauce For Roast Meat A good meat sauce to servo when fresh encumbers . are in market is this: CUCUMBER JELLY SAUCE "2 teaspoons prepared mustard 1 small cucumber, out 1 teaspoon butter 2 tablespoons gravy 2 tablespoons jelly Hard cooked egg yolks, rtced Mix all together and serve with any meat. s ee Paintings in Water Colors Good An interesting exhibit of water colors br Elmer E. Young, for merly of Salem was on display for but one day this week at the studios; of Monroe Gilbert The artist, who has been vacationing in Oregon Included several de- canal. They also visited In Can ada, Word has reached Salem of the birth of a son, David Owen, to Mr. and Mrs. William Grif fiths In Butte, Montana. Mrs. Griffiths Is the former Gladys Llndgren, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Llndgren. of Salem. KB if. ESTATE U Oregon, Thursday Morning, of Interest Women Editor - -- u?tttck fc .sr-- mmim hasn't fascinating sheets took the fancy of linen and continue: on down tha ....... .J . . . . Jftg-jSt SfiSggX tures "J10: qait tfasted to the landscapes but were equally: skillful and pieaa- ing to treatment. Mr Ton.r! . .mh Af wr ronnr University of! Minnesota art fae- atMM Aaa. A. " - w v n . i lwT.there for XOUag. the former Mr. and Mrs, of Salem. t . r T ""uuirr 4 Samuel McCracken - J Fur Coato Dresses V ' ' '' . flS r-:SMem"0wi,ed Station J 409-415 . Court Street ' ' ( September Z, 1937 Tourists Tell oi Pleasures of Traveling .Traveling now-a-days by ci quiUsdifferent from what it was "when I was young." Tow ot as will take a twelve-thousand mile jaunt through 28 states, Canada and Mexico within the next few weeks bat many ot as like to hear about it. V it is Three young Salem women re- mlmoit deBe add soy sance to the new8paDer Knd has proved a turned , recently from inch a three grirj, and cook down to a rich popular modern way of moath'p trip, aad la a telephone aac, , , making cakea. 4 It produces a conversation with one she reveal- GINGER JUNKET 'smooth: texture, large amount ot facts- Break gingersnapa la the hot- tt9X ud u easy to mix. Most ' Pat.U elitM f 7e.r?v0f ' m of sherbet glasses. Dissolve 1 vome prefer bding the flour a day for three to travel by car. jallket tablet In 1 tablespoon old attd shortening together instead ineloding food, sightseeing rooms rallk. Heat x plnt mHk to luke of 8hortenln and sugar, and gas. It does not include the warm ada j tablespoons sugar. 1 yollow the directions care purchase of souvenirs, clothes or teaspoon vanilla. Remove from fBll thtt fIrtt tlm8, yo mav M'"- tv . . 4 stove and add the dissolved Jun- Kodffy tt later to suit your The fourth person would cut v-t stir a mrnnte and oour im- . it. AJ, . , vu tw iv uwwu, wvu food is the only extra item. It Is necessary to get two double beds la most hotels or tourist homes. It cost around S3 a night for fha Has Innrlil linmu V W f & hntela cost ti.s for aaVh "eiAn Hotels In the east can be had tor about the same. Motor CenrU Fine Tourist and motor courts ot the south.' are especially fine. Thoie In New Mexico were ' complete apartments with radios snd tiled showers and kitchens. These were usually about fS a night for two v j . m. -a . uuuuic lieu,. auiauu w courts, over hotels was that the car could be parked close, aad It ... . .i i. n a Zrf"?J?JZ?Z"r::? too atop at tk IPiV KrhiwiileMt on. coHetor "th? crowd My additions to the collection may be picked ap. One of tnese travel ers found Interesting Indian dolls fa Arlxona and New Mexico. Virginia had the most complete system of historical markers. The hospitality of the southern people might well be emulated here and in other nortians of the iTeRed SUtes. One man drove 5 mUes ent of hia war to show them the road He went eheerfnllv hark the - Bt . 1 The convicts of - Florida and ST the PoadT dressed ta VtrtpVa, Georgia are seen freqi i V. ... IV,"' Ind ' v and mna- . . t.-v.T71V ..v waaei iwa t icdl a i win ilu u mond. Virginia to New York aad ' t a a. .... w the New England sUtes. inere is unite a mile road con- Strnctinn rnlnt nn niinrwhm Knt noinmg senousiy uncomioruDie. Sheer cottons were found to be the heat for traveling. Seersucker FASHIONS FALL THEMES are brilliantly crystnllired in thi. important showing. You'll see Paris-inspired aOhonettes galore !. . . designed after original creations by many of the most famous coutnrieres. You'll love their sleek sophistication . . .land the rich opulence of the new fabrics which fashion this season's clothes. And here you will find examples of erery im portant new style trend . . . at prices which will prove a happy surprise. As for Dresses . . . Highlights of the Autumn mode in dresses for sports, street, dressy afternoon and evening wear are presented in this excit ing fashion opening. YouH discover how ! charmingly the 1900 influences have been 'adapted to this season's clothes. And youll Jove their fascinating new shades . . . such Fall hues as demi-tasse brown, siren green, gendarme blue, king's' blue, ingenue mar : go and the ever-chic black. SALBarS NEWEST EXCLUSIVE READY-TO-VEARjSTORE Today's Menu J " .. Soiced tomatoes and onions will bajpatSur. J ,n5fr Hiini dessert la planned tojfln- ishft. " .. 1 Sliced tomatoes and onions French dressing Beet shortriba soy aauce CarroU potatoes j Buttered squash Ginger Junket ahortrlbs. add water etables and cook. When . - mediately over tne giagersnape. when set, ehill and serve with whiped cream, topped' with a illTer of candled ginger. ' dresses could be washed out and needed no ironing. Even men in the aouth wear seersucker suits. Yellowstone park was one of tfce highlights ot the trip. Even taI iat the n1f the colors were t,tM. the greens especially heautifuL The vastness wan breathtaking, and even though the7 Qd been told, the travelers were for anch variety ' - . . T V. ot scenery. Thy entered on tha a w s e e nlc Red Lodge-Cooke acenie hlehwav on the eastern side. There is a climb of 11.000 way remains at this elevation for of beauty. Th. dent 1. not noticed and soon the highway - . the other entrance. The highway, has Just been completed over two munou aoi- lAr- , ' Questioned about this trip aa compared to a prevloua European lour lM narrator sia iravei oy car was less comfortable than reg- ulation European tours because ot tne variation in neat, lack or good water and other factors, but it be" : ci l r' l l - .CCU 7 WJr,t RolJd, n . a - . M CrUp bread and butUr pickles r . f. ... T nnnn i r nr nil rail r n n l n r tbi rorltes. and many recipes are ' r found, each having its winning point. Here is a recipe for Km iv r. .i. .vi. Anmw- ment. Similar to one already published but with - the addition of olive oil which produces a Suite and Coats . . Whether it's a srxjrU classic with imW- cably tailored British details or an ele gantly designed coat lavish with fur, youll find it smartly interpreting the newest -style trends in our new collections. Fabric interest reaches new. heights of beauty in v the rich materials, and the silhouettes are stunning new expressions of youthful dis tinction. In the grandest able, too! - 1 HomemaKing Styles o Food Pineapple Cake Mixedby new . j ' Met hod .Pineapple Is a mighty handy fruit to bare, around the house and goes Into Just about every course. Using pineapple in thU recipe there Is produced a nlc cake with excellent flavor. The new method of raising nrV4 Ant In tha home eon. m(a Aanmrtmnt ot a 'Seattle VUTCU1U PINEAPPLE CAKE (Mixed by the new method) H cup batter I cups flour 1 cup sugar tt teaspoon salt tt cup water 2tt teaspoons double acting or 84 teaspoons single acting baking powder 1 cup crushed pineapple and Juice S y 3 egg whites, unbeaten J 1 teaspoon vanilla Blend shortening and flour until like fine cornmeal with no .ti.i. .An.in4.n, parUcles remaining Add sugar. baklns ' powder, salt and halt the pineapple and water. Beat,, well. Add whites one at a time. beating well. ' Bake in 2 layers at 875. 25-80 minutes. Ice with ? 2 ?2" ed almonds If single acting bak- g powuer -a half gup ot nonr last, nice flavor and attractive, shiny appearance. A BREAD AVD BTJTTBR PICKLES (Mrs. Arden Reed) 6 quarts sliced cucumbers' IVi quarts sliced onions 1H quarts vinegar tYt cups white sugar cup mustard seed ii cup celery seed ii cup pickling spices Vi cup olive oil Slice onions and cucumbers and let stand over night in a' brine made In the proportion ot 4 cup salt to a quart of water. In the morning drain, mix all together except onions and cu cumbers, bring to a boll. Then add the cucumbers and onions and bring again to the boiling point but don't let them boil. Seal. v nv- variety imagin j