The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 02, 1937, Page 3, Image 3

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    i i s , ' : - S- - ..,?--. - - - . . . i . , . 11 111 MMMMMM MIS. I mn
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Ira A. Phelps, 70,
Dies, Rites Today
Well Known Linn Man
Waa Albany ; Native
Active in Work
The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, -mursday Morning. September 2. i937
Maih Carg ot Bay Bridgeeli Va1W Busy at Suver Entry Wins
- - i t . i .i i : i , - . w
Hop Harvesting
.' ...... muu utiakaa . . I
- . LEBANON Funeral services
ur ira a. -neips, 70. well known
Lma count! man, who died at
nis nome in the Bahrke apart
ments August 31, will be read
at the Harry C. - Howe funeral
noma Thursday and Interment
wm d is L,eD an on.
i Mr. Phelps was born in Albany
May 9, 18 7 and has spent most
i nia lire in the northwest
wLere he has been active In
business and civic affairs. He was
-for several years in newspaper
work and held a clerical posi
tion in am uty. He brought in
the first engine ta Scio at the
completion of the road r running
iu mai.poini. During the World
War he was n charge f the
Lebanon telephone office. Ho was
In business for a number of
years In Medford where he was
united in marriage with Ef fie
Tice, who, with, one son Francis
rnerps of Lebanon survives hime
One eon Earle passed away in
n f M . . .
xiesiuea nis widow and son
he is survived bv two rmnd.
e h i 1 dren Lorls and ' Margaret I m
ers, R. "C: Phelps of'.Heppner;
N. S Phelps of Kelso, : Wash;
L. W. Phelps of Oakland, Calif:
and . one sister, Mrs. Wilt Hill
or Heppner. :
Vacation at Beach
Mrs. Cora Howe with her
children, Margaret and Bruce and
her mother Mrs. H. W. Cooley
or Albany spent the week at
Agate beaeh. -Mrs.
J. t. Long who is re
covering from a severe illneis,
has come from Ontario for an
-indefinite stay with her son Dart
Long and her daughter Mrs.
Oscar Golden. .
Other gnests of the Long and
Golden families are W. E. and
Maggie Collins and Calvin Wag
goner of Cashion, Okla. Mrs,
Margaret .Carlson of Alliance,
Neb., and Mrs. Ruth Bates of
Riverside, Calif.
- ,
t ' ' - y
; .
Hop Parade Prize
Picking, Bit. Angel
Crop Has Mold
MT. ANGEL From the atand.
point of the picker the hop har-
- A mm .....
j. - - .-i MV ; UB alln
All Areas nnw . wr iinii vu
rr o Trea ! tae f Suver entrv m ,
w iesia. parade Saturday. :
, Mias iVerle Harris expect to
Te Tnursaay; for McDermitt,
ev., where i aha will foacK tvi.
IT. . RoCk'a team ran
vest in tnu Vicinity seems a rood r JU me Lena Ridden farm
one. Growers generally are pay- wnere Mr. Rock : wag hauling
ma per hundred for pick- "u."uieB! Ior tne thresher. He sus-
mg wnicn net the average pick- vun ana bruises.
er a fair day'e wage in spite of Mr. and Mrs.; Jay Thomas and
poor hops. h hare rented the Joe Ridders
Growers however are liment-1 r- . Mrs. Thomas are
ing conditions, both as to nriees IOSf. Fe? ?nt- ' ' -
and condition of the hons. Late -i-",,"! Aen n family have
hops are still conceded to be ",TTea l? lM Ralph Kester -farm.
fairly free of mold hnt tnnv
early hops are so moldy that
wnoie yards are left standing
une grower had the added ex
pense of "dumping" a picking
because of extreme moldiness af
ter they were hrourht to the
honhnnaa f rr itntm, nY, i !
. - - u'JU5 w I f
cessive mold had not been ap- LIBERTY Celebrattna- the
yatEui, nuiio ins noys were sun oiai weaaing anniversary of Mr
on the vine.: arid Mrs. Jamc, nia.
The ralnv" and damn .weather la their children.
of the pastfew days have added and othr members of their fam-
to the uneasiness. Picking prom- H3t gathered .Sunday for a reun-
ises to continue for at least all Io- Present were the honored
of next week. couple. Mr. and Mrs. Marts. A r-
A TTT fT a w-w . , . . I wa svn T V . 0
"unwftA .op niching in mis "co "ugueriy. Aim a Brva.ii. Ron.
vicinity began last week. The Marts, William Marts. Virginia.
61st Wedded
at Libertv
Jet Jolts, Turnidge Leaves
Woodburn Court Pulpit at Lacomb
Guard Pastor Plans to Enter
Outfit Back From
." Annual Camp
Evangelical - Work
Albany District
m W. Smith of Missonri et hw i.n i- . VI , . . .winity began last week. The Marts. William Marts, Virginia,
potoVS ox .JaTaKsifc rain caused considerable damage Verlyn. Mildred and Kenneth
recently contributed tlhTXH of highway patrol officer m the yards, due to the heavy Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Carter.
B"&J!!!3.'i crop of hops. Wires and costs Charles Dauehertv. Earl KavLr
i Daugher ty, Earl Kayser,
Brash Col
Fair Boot
lege s
l Ready
Lefleys Reunited
At Grand Island
- nor Wi,i.r . .,.. individuals in his 1 turkey flock
- uom .! L. w tt
iiuvuua oiiu luib nuu ujr nenrjr
Christenson, of Oalj Knoll poultry
farm at McCoy, onihis white leg-
nurse of Chicago, 111., Js the
bouse guest of Mrs. E. C Mor
thumb so badly that It required
a number of stitches.
Girod Injured as
Mrs. Lena Dillard cut her hrn? and "JK an.1 ecofds made
ojr nrry iiuii, 01 inaenenaence.
on, his Jerseys, will be given a
prominent place.. Mrs. A. E. Ut
lejr, of Brush College, is manager
of the booth.
Mr. and Mrs. Asel Tappen and
C 11 J c,iaren' Uorl8 an Jwry, of Ce-
, ,!A I day after a visit Of several days
at. the home of Mrs. Tappen s un
ELDRIEDGB Albert c.irnA cle and his wife, Dr. and Mrs. C
--r- I T Tit-j-.. 1 f
received injuries to his head and f o'oaRe"
""-n iaai weex wnen a bridge he
tor and mower collapsed. Keturn t ram Trip
oyiiDcer woo was na- i " iiwrviAnn HpmurQ i nr
utg :va ui mower escapea in-J Simon and latP mm r.
jury wnen tractor and mower Bliss, who left here ten days
plunged fifteen feet into the 1 ao n trin tn i .oh
.... I : " " -
w:ui i noma Simdnv
Kntii r m WAnw loonua wua r' -li 11. i i - r
' - f " "K"" wr na gave HAZEL GREEN Fi
Hashlebacker and E. J. Montan- George Marts, Maude Marts, Ofa
aon began picking hops last Kraaiey Bill Bradley. Violet Ben
Thursday. The hops are an ex-1 on, Cecile and Lanty Parrlsh,
cellent quality. Alois Duda will j Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hardy, Mer-
ucsiu pic&mg soon. mee Ann ana cnaries Netmeth.
AIRLIE Hop picking has Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kraueer
oeen m iuii swing at the M. E. ana na; Kriiuger.
Branch yard this past week. Ear- ! Some of the family came from
iy nous were finished Saturday uaurornia. south : rtaVnta and
ujtAiXLF ibUANU A laree fam- moraine, the work in the late I various Orecon Htl
lly reunion was held Sunday at hops beginning Monday morning. iE. Al Free has purchased the
w. uuu.o ui mr. ana jurs. -ta. A. talbut HOP picamg has be- oia Liberty store building from
Lefley and family. gun in the late hops in this lo- Mrs. V.I Starr of Salem. Mr. Free
Relatives present included Mr. cality. Plcker are scarce here. Plans to raze the buildlnr and
ana Mrs. ueorge wise, Ruth and WALDO HILLS Hop picking DUild a dwelling on the property.
rred Finsley all of Gaston; Mr. has commenced In the Hau. Sta- I Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Oliver.
anu airs. Marvin nun, Mr. and oeu ana Kaser-Brunner yards of Willamette (Madaline
Mrs. Gus Hult and gam Smith all here. Schmidt, and the F.4 E. Judda of
ui veiuouia; Mr. ana Mrs. Kav . h.lukikuue Aioert uiroa uueny,
Cota, Ruby Smith, Bill Smith, Mr. hegan picking his late hops Tues
and Mrs. William Smeljkoh and day. . Long Beach, California, who via- and
daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar JEFFERSON Picking of ear- ited at the home of Mrs. K. Lcl
progressing on th Polk county
oootb at the state fairgrounds
Special attention will be paid this
year to the prize winning poultry
and livestock. i
Silver cups won by Henry
Domes of McCoy, on outstanding
3 (Clip This Coupon Now)C
Sept. 4th
8 i
2 P. M.
t 5 M.
This Coupon Worth $4.51 i
Toward This Ring Purchase , J
This Coupon and Only 49c
Entitles Bearer to One of Our Regular $3
Styles for Men, Women and Children
Lifetime Guarantee on Each; Ring
Bring this coupon and 49c to our? store and
receive one' of our regular $5.00 Facsimile
Diamond,' Hematite or Cameo Rings, j You
save exactly 4.51. This 49c merely helps pay
for local advertising, express, salespeople,
etc. Nothing more to pay. Get yours bow.
i Limit 2 Rings to a Coupon !
Double Head Cameo or Single Head Intaglio
Hematite Rings. These facsimile diamonds
are rivaled in beauty only . by the genuine
diamonds costing hundreds of dollars. .Do
not confuse these with ordinary Imitations
Choice of White or Yellow Mounting
This ring given free If you can buy onei else
where in this city for less than 1$ 5. 00 In
troductory offer. This ring will be 5.00'after
this sale. - i . j
If ' joer can't
attend t h I a
saJe, leave
tr!g for
size 'and mo
ney your
ring will be
laid aside.
Drug Store
Court and High, on Corner
. . . Phone 8792
l(Clip This Coupon Now)x.
Mali or.
tiers, (add
Be, 4 e n d
Mring for
ize. j State
H"t de-
M; -
vu o. lonowmg LEBANON Rev. Henry Turn-
v uo.j apperea m juage lage, pastor the past two years at
Overton's court the past week: . j the Lacomb Baptist church, has
Wayne Marlon Cook was iv- Lreslned his pastorate and will en-
u a ime or 15 for drivine at ' iujwut uri. nis neaa-
night Without lens In hi teaf
quarters will be in Albany,
llgh David Huwa paid a fine Eldon Dennis fractured his arm
of $10 and costs' for famr n J while cranking his car Fridav. "
stop. Ray Joseph Kuhn paid a ' Reeent "entries to the Lebanon
fine of 110 and rot fnr rtrt oeneral hospital are C. H. Kahler.
a truck without license plates. I Brownsville, who suffered an in
Richard Lewis Dixon paid a fine I ary to nIf knee when a log rolled
or 15 and costs for permitting an I on nm; james js. Hereford En
un-llcensed minor to drlr n mn. gene, fractured leg; James De
tor vehicle on the highway. Glen j Well. Monroe, ' of the E u g-e n e
Kicnara -Mead, paid a fine' of -5 -umoer. company injured while
and costs for driving a truck at wtking near Holley; John Spier-
a speed of 45 miles per hour. lnS. third member of the Eugene
. J. Clayton Allen, for passing canP. rm and face injured by
another car traveling in the same aynamlte; Samuel: J. Newsom,
airection without enough clear- ena, miection in his right hand;
ance entered a. plea of gailty and rat pempseyj tonsilectomy,
was given a fine of $5 and costs twelve .Lebanon women .at
and sentenced 'to the county Jail tended the regional meeting of
for 5 days with the- Jail esn- garden clubs at Brownsville Fri-
tence suspended if fine and osts aay ana Saturday. Albany, Shedd,
be paid. Being unable to pay he Tangent. Corvallis and Lebanon,
was committed to the county the latest to be organized, were
jan. represented.
Guard Pjimiuii, nt Mrs. Nellie Henderson Mans
Howitzer company. 186th In- fIeW- president -at Milton-Freewa-fantry,
returned home Tuesday ter an? winner of a n a 1 1 o n a 1
at noon from two weeks en- awrd at Cleveland in" 1936 for
eampment at Camp Murray where achievements
they have been a part of the vic
torious blue army.
Major Oliver S. Olson was in
command of the train whifih car
ried the Woodburn company and
Howitzer company, 162nd. Infan
try of Sllverton; Co. 116th Med
leal regiment of Lebanon, and
Co. D, 186th Infantry of Oregon
in garden : club
work, was present and, aceompa- '
nied Mrs. Joel C. Mayer', president - i
of Lebanon club home for a week- -
end visit, 1
H. Shilling Dies,
Funeral Is Today
i . " .
- SHELBURN H. ol Shilling,
6J, passed away, following a
month's Illness at the Stayton :
hospital early Tuesday - mora lag. - ,
Funeral services will be held -Thursday
at 2 p.m. at the Shel
burn church In charge of Fisher- .
Braden of Albany, Rev. Leiand
Wilkinson officiating, and bur- .
ial will be in . Miller cemetery i
beside his wife who died in 1921.
Mr, Shilling leaves five chil
children. Virgil. Olen and Ralph "
all at Shelburn, Mrs. Iva . Mc
Crae of R.F.D.. Albany, and Mrs,
Opal Tripp of Glendale. Calif.,, ' -
one sister Mrs. Ollie Funk and
two brothers Chas. and Fred .
Shilling and five grandchildren.
Mr. Shilling was a member of.
the Interdenominational church,
of Shelburn.
Silverton Farm Sold
8alesnian for the Georre i w.
Hubbf, company, .reports sale of
the 0. S. Hauge farm to Li J.
Aasheim, Monmouth, who came
rrom Florida recently. The new
owners will take possession Qct-
ooer iirst. .
Liberty Host to
Oregon Fox Meet
LIBERTY One of the series of
summer schools put on each year
tSA f-wr rr nr 17" w Tt J I 1
M5- W Brockley of Uo wl. held he w TrZ
Smith and tamUv tr mnA TUT Iv linna hann Thnrulg, mnmlnr I Rfhrnlll Voo . lv.nt. I .. 1 ne Ilr81 Was devoted to I
n v r- .' I it. L.i. o nl u I r-j the problems of mink growers, the
held In Oregon. .Speakers on the
aay s program were: Michael Ded-
Mrs. William Heuer and family, yard across the Santiam river.
Mr. ana M rs irr1 nav ant nn I Plcklna- nr lata Tinna m fha f r
Donald ; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kee ranch one and one half SfOrf f nor 11
Johnson and daughter, Mr. and miles northwest of here was ex- kfv'A
Mrs. Ernest Scofield, Jieverly and Pected to begin Monday, Septem
Hiine ssconeia, all of Glen wood; per 6.
Mrs. uora Le, Edward and Con-
ard Lee of Gales Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. William Lee, Wal
ter Scofield and Mr. and Mrs. En
sel Scofield and family, all of For
est tirove; Mr. and Mrs. Lionel
Crawford and daughter, Joan,
me ui. a. ueney family all of this
52d Anniversary
Observed, Albany
ALBANY Mr. and Mrs. Franz
erer of the Seattle Fur Exchange:
TT.. -.V r 1 rs. . .. I
a-1 , T TT 1 vrooaer oi uregon Ully
TOT DairV Herds BPke on "Why All Growers
- , v should Be 1 o n g to the Associa
tion;" Charles Garfield, editor of
CORVALLIS. Sent. Wan-Bo- t' " -V . "l
, . . . . - v i " ,uuiui iii on
vine nonors or tne cow testing as- "Fashion and Fads in Furs." Roh-
aociauon ieu 10 roia. coos ana rt Watt nt nav ri. .nv.
Tillamook, dairies for July. R. W. fcedine'and breedin f mi,v
Morse, extension dairyman at Robert Woods, president of the
today. , carina for mink.
High individual score went to I Saturday discussion pertained
one of the biggest values offered waiting no delay. Buy today
by any automobile dealer any- and begin enjoying your new
where. For an amazinplv lo- NASH today! Wide color
Df -
Frlenria nt .-,11. ' . I aajom. x int. auu xarn. rruii miju luumuuw score went u osmraaj. aiscussion pertainea
included 1 Verna Rn f PnPrnf H- Pftffer of Albany celebrated W. B. Allen's pure bred Jersey to the raising and marketing of
oVraldlne t, . n' the ' y-econd anniversary of fitom the Polk county association foxes. Harold Potts of Coquille
er of GTenwooH Frl thelr weddln8 T Sunday at with a production of 1240 pounds discussed the tariff on fox pelts.
n.Vi- 1 7 .a ?ami 01 their summer home at Cascadia. of milk conUinlng 99.2 nounds of He stated that the imnortation of
Lawrence and 'son MelvTn " of iSSL !LW" al" Pfelffer'' bIrfa: t. Second place went to a reg- Increasing
district aay. me riemers were marriea tsxerea j Jersey owned by Alfred rapiaiy oesptte the fact that there
iu aikiuj iu ioio, aua wna m i zwaia oi iiiiamooK. with
exception of a few years spent in pounds of fat.
95.7 "UPposed to be a 60 per cent errect at present.
rL.: 1 m eastern Oregon and in Portland A. H. Colver's Coos Bay asso- Eugene Finlay of Jefferson.
V11 urcil d I 1 Uriier have resided in Albany since that elation herd won first place with president of the. Oregon associa-
TT i 1-a n 1 "me. an average production of 56.1 on, spoke on fox care and Archie
UIlUeriOeS IvCPail . uest Sunday included Dr. I pounds -of fat for 23 cows. Alois Gardner of , Oregon State college
" a ind Mrs. D. V. poling, Mr. and yfaber of Tillamook, first place told of th- college experimental
r 1 , Mrs. W. L. Jackson, Mr. and winner for three months, was sec- farm and its work.
Rev. Bruce Grose- I nr Vnnw nrnm, t xjt. I . . , . I Tnin. v. . t .
rlnsA anrf moKo..' vi . I . uuu mm mu aTrage JU81 one l '" uugui. uui were iaai
". mfmber of his congre- A- SUrk Mr- and jjrs. F. H. pound below Colver's herd. mink is a coming Oregon industry.
duVThnrA,!J.Meuir; Houn' Mr- and Mr Glenn Jun" The two Tljlamook associations that mink farm are rapidly in-
fc-V v " "v""" , 'T JQ. A", ana Mrs. u. a. Fiooa, co n 1 1 n u ed leadership of the 16 I creasing and many fox fanners
and Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Taylor, herd . improvement associations are taking over the raising of
wanaa L.angmacK or AiDany with the owner-sampler associa- mina as a sideline. The marirt
placed third in the bathing beau- tion showing an average nroduc- tor fox and mink pelts is good
A. 4 . a A .a J I . w I
iy contest at tne maepenaepce tion of 39.66 for first place. The
delivered price, you get a big
Nash 6-passenger sedan com
pletely equipped with tuilt-in
trunk, safety glass all around,
extra tire and wheel, and all
dual eOjUipment.
A SmiL DEAL And price is
just half tb story! You'll save
even more with our liberal trade
in allowances . . . we're in post-
selection. Other models to
choose from.
Here's your opportunity to get
out of the "All Three" class
and own a really mc automobile
for your money. -
SEE US TODAY Don't miss out
on this act on it as promptly
aspossible! Because these NASH
cars are moving fast setting the
sales-pace for the whole auto-
tioo to gfve you a wonderfully motjve industry. Get our offer
fair, liberal allowance! to you and get a real thrill!
has been renewed and the church
win ne repainted.
The Methodist ladies will hold
a silver tea and program Fridav
afternoon at the home of Mrs.
F. c. Gunning. All ladles wel
Mrs. Waldo Riches has return
ed from her - position at the
Campfire Girls camp near Port
land. Mr. and Mrs. Riches will
spend the year at Oregon State
Lyons Townsend Group
Plans Essay Contest
365 N. Commercial Phone 3734
Fiesta Saturday.
. Work of replacing the old cov
ered bridge over Crabtree creek
was commenced Monday by a
crew of men under Walter Lar
son, county engineer.
A detour will be made from
the county road to be used un
til the new bridge is completed
1?88 cows in the Tillamook coun
ty association averaged ' an even
39 pounds.
Canadians Visitors at
f Kingwood Folk's Homes
LYONS The Lyons Townsend
club advisory board members met
Plans were made for an essay
contest to be held by the hih
Bcuooi memoers or ,thls locality.
the subject will be "What the
Townsend plan will do for me."
Cash prizes will be awarded.
-. i ' I" .a
A WEEK-END HOLIDAY in September! If
you are going somewhere, teUpbout -ahead.
Make sure of pleasant accommodations.
. Avoid disappointment. Avoid having to i
- ped! A telephone call will safeguard your j
peace of mind snd let you travel in leisure, j
- - " II;
"...and I'm going
otter It by treating
ray seed with NEW
ajqMUBBMt Slanoas of Most Important
Kaw Improved CEEESAll. Bedacea
eednaa EhohL shakos; amut ef wheat,
covorod aad black tooao anola aad
afefew of bodor. ArmttiMd
m lasts. . Eosut dusted ea as dlroctod.
'Wlaa. Ho doat ia drOBB. m drill
mfarr. o chmwa m sasdaa tola. And
air aboat fcolf ftp coat of dW daat
IraotaaalBl Ask AaoUr for nt Conoj
Pamphhl tr trrtlt Birrtr finieacm Co.
lae. WQalaaton. Datowara.
740 State Street
Telephone 3101
- . r
Waldo Hills Folk
Injured in Falls
Comstock is beginning to get
around again following a fall that
left her with a sprained left foot
Monday William Haevernick's
foot slipped and he. fell 10 feet
from a hay mow, striking on
manger cutting his fear .very bad
ly, his collar bone is out of place
and the shoulder socket- of his
right arm Is cracked. -
Mr. and Mrs. John Overlund
are the parents of a daughter
born Sunday. This Is the first
daughter although they have two
young sons,
'Mending Day Held at
. Public Library, Amity
i AMITY Tuesday was "mend
Ing day" at the Amity' library and
80 books were repaired. Those
helping were Mrs. L. G. Emerson,
Mrs. Earl Massey, Mrs. Nette Tov-
ey, Mrs. E. O. Morse. Mrs. J. A.
Breeding, Miss Lillian Schaeffer
and the Misses Juliann and Ruth
Mrs. Glenn Weston left Friday
with hei1 parents. Mr. and Mrs.
George Dissmore, of Dayton for
a six -weeks' trip to their old
home In Wisconsin.
RelatiVe, Hazel Green
- Folk out of War Zone
Van Cleave hid a message from
her sister, Mlsa Grace Wormath.
teacher In the English school at
Shanghai, thar she is on vacation
in Tokio.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Rost-
Vold have moved from tha lrutr
at, the park to Monitor. They
have ' been assisting at the park
ior me summer.
Arrested at Silverton
SILVERTON Harold Soren-
aen and Michael Orlando were
arrested on .drunken charges and
were fined and costs. Botb
men are working out . their finds
by cutting weeds on parkings
and doing' other clean-up work
for the city. E. H. Wheeled made
the 'arrests.
KING WOOD Recent guests j
at the Charles Schwartz home
were Mr. and, Mrs. Grover C.
Sehwarjs and four children from
Weyburn, Sask., Can. The two
men are brothers. The new
comers; have purchased acreage
near Dallas wher they will make.
rneir nome.
Mrs. : Nejlie Campbell who has
spent several months at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Robert
Hall, has returned to her home
at .Victoria, B. C.
L "i v cm a l t
$ .50 Round
60-ta Return Privileyca
p. :' Leave Prom .'
Senator Hotel Daily at i
9:55 a. 1 :55 p. m.
K y. : 5:35 p.m. - : ''
Spend Your Week Ends
r by the Ocean at
Rockaway , Wheefer
Manzanite; Nekalem
y(Z0s n n .r.nn n
y A 1 :-
O These days, with everyone
in town out in their cars
on roads crowded with vaca.
apn traffic and often slippery Ttn-MimmHUftty
from summer showers-it's U Jtmmrmtt$
more important than ever SKID CON-
that year car have quick- TX0L.
stopping : Royal Masters. "
.- - Come in today and aee oar -
one-minatc 5K.ID- CON-
TOLdenxnstration.if ()
ranuRES amii tr
piachiaa, abratioa, '
fast aad oxrotioa af .
rim wita aw Lmi.
mtfd ib Bsmf
TESS p ytm
Day & Company, Inc.
crno e a are tpaciaiS r :Chemeketa and High St; '
ad let the aarsaealiatd
TU IwJlptwiwnl if. S.
Pratnm Mercantile Co.:
Pratnm, Oregon , i
hone 6192
Dave John Service Station
..Stayton, Oregon