FACE THIRTEEN Pick Qut a Good Used Car for biir 3 'Day Holiday Trip The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursdays Morning September 2, 1937 u Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 '' Classified Advertising Single insertion per Una 10 Three insertions per line 20c Six insertions per line .30c One month per Una ..J1.00 Minimum, charges , . .,.25c Copy for this pas accepted until ( :2I the evening befor publication for classification. Copy received after this time will b run under the beading; Too Late to Clas- if." ' ' . - " , J The Sin teaman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors whtfch may appear 1n advertisements pub lished in ila columns, and incases alter thla paper ia at fault will re print that part of aa adyertiaement .In which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising, 'It further reserves the right to place ai) advertising under the protr classification. t For Sale !V1 isccllaneous- I a COILED TRASH burner, gas water heater. Phone S3 5 3. ' i CANNING PEACHES will be igone soon. Elbertas, Hales, Clings, 4th to 7th. L. Townsend. Mission Bottom; Farmers Exchange s Livestock and Poultry WANTED MARKET poultry, all kinds. Highest market prices. Phone taF2. Lee's Hatchery. C GOOD JERSEY cows. Must sell. Sacrifice. Route $, box 1!0. Out Penn road. ..-.. METAL TRAILER house eomplete ly furnished, radio, $185.; 332 Water St. OOOD USED range., 567 Ni 15th. asaaBMMMaaVMMMVVVVeivV USED HOO Fuel A Sawdust Burn ers, reasonable. Ph. 8478. C. D. Oppen. REPOSSESSED FURNITURE- at a bargain save $2500 paid oa the fol lowing pieces: new range, txll Ax minister rug. davenport chair, floor lamp, used dining room table ft chairs. Upstairs Furniture Store. MAJESTIC RADIO . $135 8-TUBE CABINET model, re possessed. Bal. due. 119.50, .terms S3 monthly. See Mr. Jans i GEO. C. WILL. MUSIC STORE ' FAMILY CAR. .household goods and garden loots. Leaving town soon, 44 r. Cottage street. j HOUSEHOLD GOODS. 1271 Che- meketa. Phone 9519. , Hop Pickers Wanted .ATTENTION HOP-PICKERS We are registering pickers for MItoma, Curtla, and Wlgrlch ranch. j I Durbin A Cornoyer over J. C. Penney Store N. Liberty Street MaMaiaMss,assss WANTED HOP pickers at Williams and Thacker sUrting Aug. 30th. Tek 9C14. T. A. UVESLET CO. will trans fer by biis to and from Lakebrook yard. TcVvW at Salem office. HOP TICKERS B. F. Shepherd. Rt. $, Silverton Road. Tel. 10F4 HOP PICKERS, now picking. Gil bert Farm .Co., Eola. - Help Wanted ROASTING EARS, Golden Bantam, lc each. Tomatoes, 3oc lug. 3s4 r 21st. TeL 4682. For Salt; Real Estate M For Sale Used Cars tjl For Sale Used Cars For Sale Used Cars j For Sale Used Cars 1 j t For Sale Used Cars 11 i BEAUTIFUL 5 R.. JUST completed. 169 N. 18th, hwd. floors, buiit-lna easy terms. Cladek. 1433 N. 18th. g ROOM BUNGALOW near schools. owner leaving town. Call 6912, ; S RM. HOUSE, ' beautiful shrubs, furniture If desired, leaving Salem, A snap If taken at Once. 1145 Rural Ave, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION PINE i ACRE tract with unusually nice Colonial borne, . beautiful lawn, shrubs and shade treea, paved street. Salem school district and bus service. A real buy for $6900. Terms to suit. t SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State St Phone 6708 EXTRA! SPECIAL! For Liirmte Only SR. MODERN HOUSE, basement, furnace, fireplace, paving paid, good location, price SI 800. terms. We have a nice acreage close in to I excharure for Salem residence. VOSBUROH-GRANT, Masonic Bldg. ' of the Wanted Miscellaneous FUKK VVB pus up 6Vadhd worth ( hoi sea cows, sheep Tel 4188,: WALNUT UOATS or walnuts In ohelL any quantity Slate Cafeteria. KM.KKHTS AND meals State Cafe Trader Miscellaneous CAR, RADIO or drum, to trade for cement work. C08 N. High. Miscellaneous CASH FOR any kind of discarded lewelry. gold silver.- 211 N. Com mercial. . ' CONVALESCENTS AND elderly people cared for in my home. Phone 6616. "S I BEAN PfCKERS wanted. About two weeks picking. Good cabins, free, bee Chas. L. Martin, Aumsville, Ore. f AN ELDERLY couple to take charge nt a modern home. Rent free In re turn for which you would be expected ,to board and room the daughter and mother over the weekend, write dox 420. care Statesman.. 1 Help Wanted Male I YOUNG MAN for grocery work. Ap- . w i i o a -iA...e. ? pi alter tz&v evenings, u"ui i ( Hflp Wanletl- Female 1 WOMAN FOR light hsewk. and care of baby. 691 Rosemont w. Salem. CAPABLE, MID.-AGE hskpr. Give address, age, ret Box 416. Statesman. " YOUNG LADIES (2),. under 25. free to travel with similar, girls, chaper oned. 60 mo. to start and bonuses. No experience -jiecessary. Transportation free. Apply between (As. Miss ssim " mons. Senator 'Hotel. ' GIRL FOR housework. Wages $-17.- tV. Mrs. Bruce : Spauldlng.: Dallas. I 'Phone "840, Salem. ;. -.WANTED CAPABLE housekeeper. permanent, 2 adults, 820.00 per month. Could take husband and wife, if man employed at least part time. Box 41S, Statesman. WOMEN. WE mt you in advance to address cards and mall samples for US. Everything furnished. Send for de tails. National Bla-Pak Company, 1H-X I Park. Hartford. Connecticut. t TiKPEKnABLE WOMAN to keep botfse for 2 young people for 2 months or i more. Phone 7344, BEFORE TOU paint your car, see Bill Walker, repairing fender A body work. Broadway Station, 898 No.; Lib erty St. - I For Rent Rooms i J i , i i SLEEP. R. CLOSE In. TeL 4498. NICE SLEEP, m, 860 Chemeketa. GOOD SLEEP, room Irt private home, garage. For business man. Phone 4378. ' FOR RENT, nicely furn. room for gentlemen, near state buildings, 14Z0 Court. SLEEP. "RMS., 635 Chemeketa. I TWIN BEDS. 696 N. Cottage. ,56'8. SLEEPING ROOM for teacher or employed girl. Close to Bush school. Phone 721. Room and Board 1 ) BOARD. RM. very close iln, $482 ROOM, board, very close In. Tel S001 aassaSA EXCELLENT RM., bd. 74S SNCom. aaWaaaasarfaaassssass LADIES. 841 N- COTTAGE. For Rent Apartments j 1. 2 AND 3 RM. apts., lilt So. 13th. 86 and up. 1 R, KITNT. FURN, 312 Water. aaasaaaSsas 4 ROOM ATTRACTIVE apt., auto matic heat adults pref. 210 N. ttth. NICE FURN. apt, 690 Union.; aaaaassA' 3 R. MOD. FURN.. Frlgldalre.l 2J80 F. G. Road. Phone 7532. : j 3 R. APT.. 353 Leslie, 1st floor. aMWMVas0BBa0aaAABstBkafcA FURNISHED THREE rooms A pri vate bath. S30 Broadway. 1 MIDDLE AGED lady to care for small boy and do light housework. I -t85 S. X2th. - Situations Wanted I EXP. DR SM KR. Mrs. AdsitL 446 i 4gsaassssaf - JAN. WK., rm. Bx 415, Statesman. YOUNQ MAN attending high school wants place to work for board and j room. TeL 974. - - WANTED, FARM work with truck. Call or write 1080 Cross St. MMMMMaaaisaa1saaassaAs I HIGH SCHOOL boy wants to work for board and room. Phone 6810. For Sale-Miscellaneous I ADDING MACHINES, cash regis ters. typewriters sold, rented, swapped Expert repair service, moderate prices Roen Typewriter excr. z CASH OR trade tor used furniture ranges, neaters, radloa, machinery tools, etc - Woodry and Woodry. sue Uoneera. phone 6-1-1-0. 161 N. Bum mer In Hollywood, 1 - 11 FT. FRIG1DAIRE case. Auto oil burner or furnace, Cheap. Phone 753Z. asasasassaaajtmaaaam i WOOD RANGE, 15. 2076 Center SC aSaasvasaaass . 7-TUBE CONSOLE radio and set of drums. 608 N. igh, - 12-BASS PIANO accordion and case, perfect condition. Instruction book. S29 ' cash. 1S4S N. summer si., apl-s. ' tsjJLfvnrijnrOiii,i,'vi'i''i'" 'i"" 'j DUO-THERM Oil Burning Clrcula ? tor heaters 837.50 and up easy terms. ! Good Housekeeping inc., 4iJ court ot. . MALE COCKER Spaniel. Trained. : N. .Fifth. Phone 347. GOLDEN GIANT sweet corn for ! canning will geUver. Tel. E1- , lnTWMwrHl'NIs',l" ! A LARGE STOCK of repossessed Singer Electrics to sell at cut price. ITaed treadle machines from 85.00 up. All makes of machines rented and re i paired. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 176 : s. High eu Tel. sail, i . STUDIO COUCH, green with back and arm rest, practically new f. ADVERTISING Western Advertising; RepresenUlires . '. ' Fencer-Hall Co Ltd. Baa Francisco. Los Angeles. Seattle ; Eastern Advertising i Representatltea Bryant, Orif fit' Bmnsoo, tn' . " Chicago, New tors, Detroit, . ! . . Boatoit Atlanta , , Karered taa roerwre as SaUm. Oresow. a BtconA-Claai ttattT. fw MmLm mn unitM MMcrot Mouda Butintu pffUt t it South Commercial Stress, - 1 A J R- APTS. FOR rent reason able, 1010 Oak. St. 2 RMS. FURN, bath, 1440 Waller. S LARGE FURN. rms. S1Z water. 4-ROOM .HOUSE, modern except basement, in north Salem. Full price $1250. Down payment, then 911.50 per month, interest Included. S-room house. W. Neb HI1L Suit ably located close to bus line and school. Well worth the price, -1800; $200 down, 120 per month. Immediate possession. 5 -room house, north Salem. Well lo cated on bus line. Close to school and church. Full price. 82250; 8100 down. $20 per month. Possession October l. F. H. WEIR, Oregon Bldg. Ph. 9411 j ALMOST 2 facres with an 8-room house located near Penn four corners. Double garage and work ahop, pressure water system, filbert, walnut and eherrv trees. some arapes. 83000. , 8-room modern house that can be bought for $350 down and $30 per month. Located in a good district Immediate possession. P H BELL - O. E. RAE. Realtors 429 Oregon Bldg. Phone 8121 FINE RESTAURANT, all gumwood, S eailon lee cream freeser. fixtures and stock, all goea for $4000. A very "good business. 1 ACRE EDGE of city limits, -room chouse, carage. 3 chicken houses. water system. Irrigation all over place, onlv S3100: 3700 down, $25 a month.! 5 A., 3 miles east Salem, S-room house, barn, earase. woodshed, chicken bouse, some! fruit, gzawu; oown, 115 a month. g A.. 3 miles east Salem. 6-room modern house, electric water system, barn, chicken house, brooder house, 10 rods to school, tnu price $1000 down, terms. 5 -room house, all furnished, big lot. craraee. 11800: S500 down. $25 a mo. A, C. JENSEN 212 Oregon Bldg. Phone 9411 NRT (.ROOM house with- 2 cot- tfiireH In ! rear. One rents for $10, th tthr needs renair and should rent for $15. Close In on paved street. All 3 for $1650. Reasonable terms. 7-room plastered house on paved street In good location, $1400; $100 cash, $20 per month. rhrrrt F BTTDROW. Real Estate 12 Ladd Bush Bldg. Phone 5965 Sa00 DOWN BUYS 5-room furn. house In the Bush school district. Bal ance like rent, full price $1800 and stummed navment with no delinquency. Full basement, lots of shade, lot 67 j by 104. You nav for material In house, acre ef land. Bus service. Total price, tSSrt Rilnnra nav S5 monthly. II. C. ShieWs, Oregon Bid. Ph. 8902 5-ROOMHOUSE and 2 nice fots. A bargain for $1900 ; cash $250. 3 rooms and basement, garage, street paved, fine location, $1250 ) cash 8500, balance like rent. - . R OSTEIN & ADOLPJL Inc. ; - 110 4 North Commercial Street 1510 S. COMMERCIAL 5 large rooms, upstairs unfinished, several rooms In basement. Corner lot with both streets paved. ANOTHER S. SALEM HOME 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms, fireplace,- pipe furnace, beautiful trees, enclosed back i yard, close to bus, $4250. These homes now ready to occupy. SOCOLOFSKY ft SON First National Bank Bldg. njVrArAiVr" "rr i m a a FOR SALE NEAT 3 ROOM house, large lot. street paved and paid. Price only $1400 with $160 down, bal. $lS"per mo. CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State St. Phone 6708 WILSON ST., nice 6 room house, all modern, very reasonable. CARLETON E. LANE 33S State St. Ph. 22. F 21 Folio wimig Cars OOLiTTLE DEALER ' I, GOOD WILL VSED CARS OTTO J. WILSON FOR BETtER CAR$ PRICES AND SERVICE Sedans ' 1935 Packard Sedan, former new car price over $3000', driven 30,000 miles $1150 1937 Studebaker 6 Sedan. , built-in trunk, law mileage . , 193$ Hudson DeLuxe $ Sedan, built-in trunk 13S OldamoDile DeLuxe 6 Sedan, trunk, radio and heater .- . 1934 Chrysler Imperial Airflow Sedan, far above average conamon, uniy 19S6 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan, built-in trunk . ia TTnni rwIjne Sedan, built-in trunk, low mileage 1934 Pontiac DeLuxe Sedan, 6-wheel equipped, a real buy 19SJ Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan, driven only 31,000 miles 19S1 Studebaker 4-Door Sedan, reconditioned, new tires 1931 Oldsmobile Coach, an- outstanding buy at 1930 Buick 6 Sedan, looks and runs fine - 1931 Oakland 4-Door Sedan, this one is above average In condition 1928 Hudson Victoria Coupe, good running and good looking car for only 1S30 Hudson DeLuxe Sedan - - - 925 745 735 (85 665 635 465 -445 365 295 245 265 115 185 Coupes 193$ Terraplane DeLuxe Coupe, driven only sioo mus, rauio 1$SS Hudson DeLuxe Coupe, driven only 1J.000 miles 192 Plymouth Coupe, repainted, runs good 192S Essex t?rort Coupe, looks and runs good $685 ..... 685 135 RAM a&sV' Transportation 192$ Bulck 6 Sedan 1927 Bulck 6 Sedan 1926 Bulck 6 Sedan 192$ Oakland 6 Sedan 1927 Pontiac $ Coach OPEN EVENINGS COME IN AND PICK ONE OUT AND MAKE US AN OFFER NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. CLOSED SUNDATS : 1936 PONTIAC S 4-Door Sedan 1936 PONTIAC 6 Coupe i. 193S CHEVROLET Master 4-Door Sport Sedan 1935 PLYMOUTH 2-Door i Touring Sedan 1936 FORD 2-Door Touring Sedan : 1935 FORD Coupe, new motor ; 1934 PLYMOUTH 4-Door Sedan 1935 WILLYS 77 Sedan 19S1 PONTIAC 4-Door Sedan . ..S95 $725 ..$695 ..$585 ..$585 ..$475 ..8485 ..$365 $323 OTTO X WiiLSON BUICK SALES and SERVICE 386 and 388 North Commercial Phone '5451 Salem, Or. JDONT WAIT! Come down to our lots and you're sure to find just Low Dotvri Payments Easy General Motors Monthly Payments on Balance the Used Car to suit your every need. These cars are pncea to go during mis giganiic vnr sier nation- YOUR CAR TA KEN IN TRADE (g-PONTIAC D OOLITTLE MOTORi SALES A SERVICE $39 N. High St Phone 9109 USED CAR LOT N. Com'l at Center Phone 5646 I Business Opportunities BOARDING HOUSE, gross income, $400 a mo. Phone 3634 after 8 p. m. Money to Loan t COLD CASH FOR HOT WEATHER NEEDS A VACATION IS pot a lutury . It is an Investment in health and happiness. We can lend you up to $30t for youra. ' Repay in small amouiKs oa any s-lan you select Come In. -- Second Floor New Bllgn Bldg. Rm. 11 61$ SUte St at High Phona 8191 Salem. Oregon Beneficial Finance Co, o) Salem v-uxn.-l.-.-L!f".i"uijxM"1'f.r.n.r.ru-.r CONSOLIDATH TOUR DEBTS BORRROW FROM an Independently owned and operated Salem company .here your problem will receive per sonal consideration bath before. n . , ih. Imh la made. Interest on unpaid bslances N teas Quick, courteous seme. WE 80LICIT TOUR ACCOUNT General Finance Corporation modkrn 2-ROOM apt. Inquire Tip Top Lunch, corner North Capitol and Tile road. S-ROOM FURN. apt. Call from 8 to It a. m, 455 S. 18th. APTS.. S ROOMS furnished. $22.50. 4 rms. unfurnished. $22.50. Lights and water mcL for both, private pains. Ph. 711J. For Rent Houses MODERN 7 ROOM furn. house. Call 4 to 8 p. m. $62 N. 16th. 6 ROOM UN FURN. house. Call 11 to S p. m. 1161 Union St J I'KfT'RN 6 RM. bungalow. 8 blocks new high school. Inq. 411 N. Summer. 7 ROOfS PARTLY furnished. 145 E Miller. 825.00. a M. Irwin. 463 Fer ry, phone 4663. 5 - ! S R. FURN. Adults. 1748 Broadway. $1500 down $400 a year n n T-M-. 'n i-ri.ixn.ru-u-i- r. uijuuumn anr ! 28 acres 1 mile east of Salem, u 4-RM. MOD. Inquire 2566 Laurel. 6-ROOM MODERN, except furnace. $20. 17S S. Liberty. Exclianpe Real Estate TRADE SMALL, attractive, well lo cated 811verton home, 4 rooms and bath, good condition. Will trada for house, trailer, truck, light car, timber, vacant land, farm or what have you? Oregon Land Co.. Woodhurn, Ore. I For Sale Farms t MY EQUITY In 34 acre, good Im proved farm near highway. On 'mil from, woodDurn. Jtox s, oiatewiian. ywWMWMMMMWMMMAasaaasAwaSn 23 ACRES, 8 MI. east of Salem, 1 mils to town. S acres In pasture, 18 acres cultivated, all black soil, young orchards, mall rout to door, new room house, fully modern, new barn, chicken house, all fenced, -electric lle-hta. hot & cold water, 2 cows, 5 heifers, 2 horses, fiv yrs. old, harness ft all machinery. 23 ton hay In bam. some oats. This house is completely furnished, everything Is as good as new. Everything goes for only $5400- 138 8. Commercial Phone BIS fit Salem. Or U& N S-1S9 6188 mit tour immediate needa see us for small loana. Any amount up to . (Jul I. US aiiL.L,e.rt, i-'v-V Lie. No. S-204 844 Stat St Salem. Oregon Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED nmuiTY TO hi i new or used cars Private money at very tow rates. No red tape 1 to 20 months to repay. Roy H. Simmons 13$ a Commercial St, Salem, Or SSCru otju lt n - r N - -'." FEDERAL HOUSING loana, build refinance homea. business prop. Rate Abrams Ellla. Inc. Ma -onle Bldg. Be Wise .and Buy Wise SMART BLUE SEAL CARS AND TRUCKS The Snappiest Cars In Town i wide Used Car Sale. FOR EXAMPLE: 1928 Buick Standard Fordor Sedan Unusuallv cioan, very good tires. One of the finest cars ever bunt oy Bulck. Actual value. $165. Our price today $ 91 1934 Plymouth DeLuxe Fordor Sedan Original dark blue finish. Interior like new. 20.000 miles. This car is actually 80 new. A ride in this car and you'll want to own it It's yours for f - 1935 Chevrolet Sedan Very, very clean. This car speaks , for itself. Sparkling, original light blue finish. .Runs like new. A good two years of trouble-iree transportation. Think" of It, only -. - ---,- 1935 Graham Special Sedan Original gunmetal color. Real low mileage. In the pink or condition me chanically. This is a full six-passenger sedan with trunk and dual equipped. New tires, etc. A sound Investment at ,....$9 OPEN EVE.MSUS tOK 1ULK lv.Mt.MC.vi-r. Salem Automobile Co. LOT Court ft Church. Phone 4519 SALES ft SERVICH 4 25 N. Com ! Phone 4673 AND DAILY SPECIAL, 1932 Buick Sport Coupe $345.00 Fords 1929-Ford Coup $ 83.00 1931-Ford Town Sed, com pletely overhauled, new paint -j , ; 895.00 1935-Ford Tudor i .... 4 65.00 .$350.00 . 590.00 . 645.00 . 735.00 Chevrolets 1926-Chev. Coach 1929-Chev. Sed. -1933-Chev. Coup 1935-Chav. Coach $ 45.00 155.00 345.00 485.00 .1 moutns 1934-Ply. DeLuxe Coach Dodges 1935-Dodge 2-Dr, Sed. 1935- Dodge 4-Dr. Sed 1936- Dodge Coupe 1936-Dodge 4-D. Tr. Sed. Buicks 1929-Buick Coach new rings. good rubber, new paint ..$185.00 1931- Buick Sed., motor re bored, new paint 295.00 1932- Buick Coupe .345.00 Miscellaneous CAR .$445.00 Pickups and Panels 1928- Durant Sed. 192 8-Pontlac Sed. 1929- Pont Cab. 1930- Stude. Sed. ....$ 85.00 85.00 .. 130.00 . 135.0$ 1928-Che. Sed. Del. 1934-Chev. Pickup Trucks 1928-Reo 1-ton Truck ..$ 90.00 .. 450.00 $ 85,00 Trucks 1930-Fageol, 2 to 3 ton truck, : motor overhauled, good rubber, new paint $325.00 1914-Chev. lH-ton I W. B., . van body . 450.00 FORD NATO USED Cleairance Sale Watch for Special Low Prices on All Used Cars! i - Valley Motor Co. OPEN EVENINGS and WEEK DATS CLOSED SUNDAYS - - - Three Lots - - - Marion A Liberty Center A Liberty Hollywood Owens Co. it MONET TO LOAN IF TOU want Immediate action, see us for farm, city and Improved acre age loana CHILDS A MILLER, Mtge. Loans $44 Stat St Phon $708 MOD. S-RM. bouse. Call 21F8 eve. g.ROOM HOUSE, basement, 20 a month. Inquire 1099 Rural avenue. MONET TO loan oa good real estate. CHAS. HUDKINS, 275 State St Loans Wanted 4-ROOM FURN. nous 560 North 14th street Adults only. For Rent LOANS WANTED on rarm and city property FUfor borrowing nqulrai Hawkins A Roberta HOSPITAL BEDS and wheel irttalr to rent B. U Stiff Furniture w Financial For Salts Real Estate MODERN 7 ROOM home. Salem's best location, close In, bet ween; fcum mer and N, Capitol. $6500. $800 down. Ph. $580T V rijjUTj-ijTrLrijiri rt " BARGAIN 3 ; t 5 ACRES . RfViM HOUSE, fireplace, i' base ment oak and fir trees, beautiful view. 1 miles sotitn or Miim. jri" down. Ph. 55S0. v j i uxnj-i-riw.il. wrwrM-.riirir ."ii-i-i- tpt to bur snot her lot on this street at this price, only $$75." Paved and paid street concrete sidewalk, two walnut treea. iin, nrwi.fi' 8854. owner. .v-j.,.'..- $25 DOWN ! i prr MONTH will buy A good lot 50x100 feet, good location, re strict ad district. Price $25S. clear tRle, Nice homes adjoining mn prope"': ' 334 S. Uborty St. TWO HOUSES FOR THE PRICK OF ONE! is i - - a ROOM RESIDENCE and 1 room room modern nouse, oik Darn, hub house, chicken house,, garage, lots of loganberries AA other fruit All fenced. $2500 down, terms on balance, ance. A. C. JENSEN 212 Ore. Bldg. phone $411 "3 MILES WEST of Turner, 30 acres. 6 in cult, 4 room remodeled plastered house, new bam, chicken house S00 cord standing timber. Sell or trade for city prop. Creek. CARLETON E. LANE 33$ State St. Y Ph. 8622. $ ' ACRES. ALL lji fruit and nuts, on raved road. J ntiles out of town. Good 5-room house fully modern, fire-1 nin fiinuiM. wired for electric eouip. ment electric water Mystera. Will tra.de F. H. WEIR. Oregon Bldg. Phone S411 FARM FOR sale.;, 1675 Saginaw. ; MR. BARGAIN HUNT1SR 19 S acres east of -Salem. 100 cleared, as timber an j nasture. family fruit spring water to buildings, stream ta 1 "22 1 7Z1 pasture, s-room nouse, z targe onnw, coop. -outbuUdings. PRICE REDUCED 4r WE HAVE never paid less than thla rat on savings and Investments. Insured t 85000. Mutual rederal Savings A Loan Assn Phon 4944 141 8. 1.1 net ry .t 1 For Sale Wood : 1$" OLD FIR. 2nd gro. Ph. 8$7A Na I DRT Wood. Reas Ph. $154. OAK. ASH. summer prices. S703. eva. HO. 1 ir OLD FIR. Phone 7$0, IS TO. OLD fir. Phon S7.ee. OLD 2ND fir A ash, Ph. 5370. TfLSELL at S41 ner acre. SOCOLOFSKY SON Ftrst National. Bank Bldg. 1 ,. . Aerease c' 1 14 IN. OLD fir. 15 50. Ph. $458 44 ACFEBS OF timber in West Sa- I wiiwwwwwwwyM i tw titM VIm rmmrtr.I ntllRlNTEEII DRT WOOD. COS.! parlctos E LANS I Tel 5000. Salem Fuel Co Trad and 333 State Street ' Phn $62$ 1 Cotgo. 'j .,nnr- NOTICE I LARGE SECOND growth. Ph. I$7F PROSPECTIVE FARM BUTER3 I kxwwmwwwwwvwwwho 50 acres near Wood burn, all culUva-l GOOD DRT 4 ft 2nd growth fir. tion. Large comfortable boose, barn I cord lots, fis.se. Tel. tsso. needs repair. Fruit shade trees arouna cottage, paved street trees, shrub and j building. Owner was offered $15,000 I K flowers. Price only $2100. Se us at j cash. Now widow must sell for. $6000. j Terms. Becmei-Brasner, ifi atato Dt Lost and Found SUBSCRIPTION KATES: Mall Subscription Rates In Advaaoa.1 Wlthta Oregon: Dally and Sunday, 1 once. i"- ' CHILDS A MILLER,. KeaiBors $44 Stat St t i. Phone, 70S. LISTEN rm FOR milck sale from $J00 to ac ( nt.- a Ma si sa: S Mo, 62.60:l 215. 2 acr tract, family orcnaro. 1 rear S& 00. KMsswheT cents Pti so)"? Un Mr tC for i TMI b llflUt Per emBv I cents. New Stands $ By City Carrior: $$ cnU sv month 17.14 a rsr ka Mnm etc House WtoMls soul pairs but la at real bargain at tn price. SEE Mra Ellis with CHILDS Ml JLJUr.lt, neaitors $44 SUt SL PhOp 70A Wanted-r-Real Estate WANT AT once, I to 20 acres, close in. Improvements not considered. Real tors recognised. Mudd. 266 S. Cottage. WANTED FARMS W have cash renters and buyers for tarmir Oregon Land Co Pacific highway. Woodbum, Oregon. ... . :. LOST PEKINESE, brown, female, Reward. 1255 Court or TeL S34. LOSTTOT bull doc Answers nam of "Tux.- Weight 15 lbs. J front feet whltt Reward. Phone 96 OS or S4, Trtsrr. ft LACK natent leather coin purse containing . currency. . en State street between Sear-RolMss and 17th street Reward. CaU $1$$ r BUtro- maa office. "DEPENDABILITT" The Home of Dependable Used Cars and Trucks DODGE PLYMOUTH and DODGE TRUCK DIST. 235 S. Commercial - - - Phone $189 OPEN EVENINGS CLOSED SUNDATS NEW USED CAR PARK Church St acrosa from Stat Theatre Fall Opening Specials at McKays 1936 Chevrolet Std. Sport ' i J Sedan Beautiful dark finish, very good tires, low mileage, built in trunk, safety glass throughout. Mohair upholstery in perfect condition...; $625 1934 Buick 6-Wheel Sedan Four new 8-ply tires, original dark blue finish like new, panel clock and many other extras, i whipcord upholstery spotless. See this beautiful car today, only . 1495 Tt ICaat, CoiiTta 8 45.00 1928 Durant Coach , 7.0 1929 Darant Sport Coupe 95.00 1929 Chevrolet Sedan i '. 145.00 1931 Chevrolet Coach 175.00 1980 Chevrolet Landeau Sedan zse.uo 1S24 Chevrolet Sedan 450.00 1934 Plymouth Sedan ; . 450.00 1936 Chevrolet Sedan : 1936 Chevrolet Sport Sedan 1935 Packard Trunk- Sedan 625.00 665.00 795.00 I Trucks J934 Dodge Panel . , -$425.00 1936 Chevrolet Panel . 193$ Terraplane Sedan Del. $25.00 1935 Chevrolet LWB Truck .- 47S.00 19X6 Chevrolet Loanrina Truck and Trailer 1$5.0 ! j . ' t McKAY CHEVROLET .J-t4::C0.yr CLOSED SUNDAYS 33 Center St 480 N. Com! .v - - Fhoj $1$9 "' ; I ' , - 21 CHEV. HPT. Rdstr.. recent over haul, new paint, slick littl lob. Sacrt- flea for Quick sale, fzoo. save $e. 2585 Brooks. MODEL T COUPE, good condition. $2. 187S Fir St . 3BsSSSllt'BS666$Ai Personal LONELTT SELECT CORRESPOND ENTS. FRIENDSHIP CLUB. CONFI DENTIAL. Sand age. Bos 814, Aab- land. Oregon. Transportation j PAS'NGER. Boise, Ida. Sept. t. 4 $$5. Hillsboro Fair ; Ready To Lau$h ctl Weather HILLSBORO. pt. liPr Rainproofsd tzklMtg sad conees stons will mark tb WasaJagton county fair, epaslsg Thursday, officials asBosacAi! today. Gravelled, walks and practically all exhibits as? eoncessiona under cover glre Tlsitorf tne UugU on the weather taaa. IX THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRIO OF OREGON r FOR SALE, ehp, 1929 Tor Boadstot 1111 OzXorg. No. B 22284 - -In the Matter of Maeef Sills, B-Jiropt. To the creditors of Mef B- SUla. of Salem, in the County 4f Marion: and District aforesaid, bankrupt. , NOTICE IS HEREBY 43IVE2I that on the 18th day f May. 1937. the said Macel B. Sills was duly adjudicated' bankrupt and that the first meeting of his cred itors will be eld at the law li brary of thex office of Keyes & Page, Room 304 u. . jsationat Bank Building. ; In the City of Saleem, Oregon, on the 15th day of September. .1937. At 1:30 o clock la the afternoon, at which time the said creditors -may at tend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business aa may properly, come before said L meeting. . .. WILLARD L. MARKS, i Insurgents Gain Back Lost Ground H E N D A T E , Franco-Spanish FronUer, Sept. !-P)-InsttTgentJ troops, ia a sweeping counter or fensire, reported tonight the ret capture et all territory taken, by the government In Us drive against Zaragoza on the Aragon front. The insurgent troops . made their biggest advances in the Almude-Variuera sector north east of Zaragoza, where they re ported reconquering all the', ground they had lost and also had driven1 government troops from other positions held since early la the civil war. Only la the Belehite sector southwest of Zaraxoga, the insur gents said, did the government ) continue to exert pressure. ; Defease commanders, although admitting; Jaaarg-ent counter-' attacks have "slowed ap some-. what the offensive oa the Aragon front, declared their troops still bold every Important position. Business Directory Crd ta tfcta directory rank M SBOSMhlT basis 4Msly. roU: PrT line per moath. I Auto Brakes 3 Ulke Paaek. 771 Sourii CP"fell Bieyeley BICTCLKS, MEW A rc4mdi(iss4. Harry ff, fleott, $ A Gm l P 414 Btdy eS Fcndef lUpaffTj FOR 6SO&T A FtSKDES feenaUrs. Ato Trkv ea jCorars, Gl resiaceeaeot, AO snSWMH-a nonu-vf n C, JS4. ho tiff. 3 SKtU JtO CARPENTER A ArafO , fosaodaUng calty.. Php i - Chiropiaetor$j II in .. a I'. Jl I ,11 I l. niHi.ll 1 .' DR. a U SCOTT, PSC. Chiropractor 85SJ. High, TeL Re. S76X. , . Excavating EXCA V ATI N$ OF an kinds. manta dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Din for sal. Salem Sand and Orvj co Phone $401 -v :- Florists Brelthauprs. 447 Court Ph. $904. Laundries TH!f SffCW SAfJttt LACNDftT " THH! WKlDHll IJCNDRt Referee A Baakrvptcx S.I t$$ aV titgb Tl till Lstwp Sprinklers CAM, C $1 WIrom. rh. 4J95. lime T QOtli HILL sicrywuarai llm. stale Uated. tV eaiciufli earDonat. oii uotod ra ALSO larm loana t070 avwy m r Orm Bid t. 1st tresses CALCU ejrJFr-JG and Mattress . Factory. ESf AfATTRESS mad to order, M4 remade f carpet cleaning, six- tegs uff rng sreaving o istn vr it Aer. TH. ASL OTTO F. ZWICKER., 4EL 4II. AP1TOfVJDDINa CO Phone 4089. Fainlig j Paperhanginiz: jHERBriRT -3SKU T. $926 tyfaoto IErjgravins SAL4C3S fUrra .engraving. Cmin?c4At Tel $7 j 141 N.i griming 4Olt 4rTAT40f KRT. cards, I'Wmh leta. programa oooks ot any kind of printing, rail The St a teaman- Printing Department .216 S OmimerrtM Tele phone f 11 , ;x Transfr, T CAPITAL ' CrTT Ttaosfer Co: 2-241 : warding and stpraa our apciaity Jt; Stat St TeL 777A DlstrllHiiIng, for-: ur rates, . . ' I FOR LOCAL er Blatant transfer stor-i age. burner on. call $111, larmef Transfer Co Trork, to Porttnnd dalle.' REX3INA Sale m Servlrw. . Hh. 8S0S. Well Drilling a A, WEST, Rt fl. Ba. 44$. T. 110FI 1 -