PAGE EIGHT The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, August 20, 1937 Summer Visitors Feted at Lebanon LEBANON Mrs. W. E. Fitx gerald and Mrs. W. C. Skelton baring birthdays August IS. were honor guests at a picnic dinner at Cascadia Sunday with the Leb anon JJaptist people as hosts. Guests this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bilyeu are their daughter, Mrs. John .W. Neely, and daughter, Doris Ann, of. Sacramento, Calif. Mrs. Neely and daughter are on their way home from a month in "the east. They went by train, but bought a car In New York to drive home. Mr. and Mrs. William Eisenbein of Kalama, Wash., house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bilyeu joined them and Mr. and Mrs. Evan Ay ers and son, Jack, Mrs. Neely and daughter on a trip and picnic din ner at SIlTer Creek Falls Sunday. Mrs. John Summers, sr., enter tained a group of twelre friends Friday evening in observance of Mr. Summers' birthday. The Baptist Women's Service class honored the 80th birthday of Mrs. H. K. Arnold, a member of the class, with a luncheon at her home Thursday and a hand kerchief shower. ". Team Bolts With Wagon, Harvester Jumps to Safety CENTRALL HOWELL Albert Leichty's team ran away with a loaded b n n d le wagon while -threshing at the Steelhammer place. Unable to atop the team Leichty guided them toward a tree and Jumped. The wagon was badly damaged. . i Threshing of fall grain is al most completed. Most of the grain yielded only fair with some less than fair. Cutting of spring grain has started but- much of it will be very late. Hop picking will start here next week. . The Rurbln yard has over 200 pickers signed up starting Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bach, parents of Mrs. J. S. Kaufman, left Thurs day after spending a month with their daughter. They went to Seattle en route to their home at FairbuTj, 111. ' Mr. and Mrs. Chester Leichty and two children who have "been spending their vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. ; Chris Leichty, and other relatives re turned to their home at Pendleton .Wednesday. 1 Famous Dionne Quints Attracted Monmouth Woman Most During Her Recent Long Motor Trip to East MONMOUTH Mrs. Dora D. Goodman, local real estate wom an. Is nome from a motor trip to her old home at Akron, Ohio, the first time she bad been there since. 1912. Accompanied by her daugh ter, Mrs. William Seidel and granddaughter, Betty Ann of Bull Run, the eastern trip -to Chicago was made by train. From Chicago to Flint, Mich., they went by bus, encountering a terrific electric storm In which they later learned that seven persons had lost their lives. One of the most Interesting side-trips was made to Callender, Ontario, Canada to view the famed Dionne quintuplets. Mrs. Goodman is enthusiastic over these children. "They were the most beautiful group of young sters I have ever seen," she states.. "Dressed exactly alike, romping and playing with -a mar velous array of . toys and . play things, they rollicked, capered and wrangled just like any other normal children. That item In the press last week that "the Quints had learned to Quarrel since they had suffered bad colds," is mis leading, because those children had. their healthy spats and dis agreements on June 29 when we visited them. Just like any other group of kiddies would have. Sometimes two wanted the same wagon, or pushcart or something, and they knew how to assert themselves and stand np for their individual rights very capably. It seemed to me. "It was a rather cool day and we were perturbed lest they not be allowed out to play. The obser vation hours for guests Is from 9:30 to 10:10 a. m., and from 2:30 to 3:30 p. m. They came out despite the weather and what a charming sight they were! Each wore long soz and shoes with tops, also little tan coats that came to the bottoms of their dresses, and tan hats to match. With that beautiful cnrly dark hair framing each cherubic face, I couldn't tell one from the other except by asking the guards, their names. They looked like five love ly big dolls at play, bat their ac tions were anything but doll-like. "No charge Is made to see the children. They play in an octag onal shaped outdoor playhouse, heavily screened from public con tact, but in full view of the guests. We estimated that at least 1500 people saw them the day we were there, and that was near the opening of the observation season of this year, since weather has been cool and retarded their oat- door activities. Guards are plen tiful I counted seven but ex tremely courteous to visitors. No Don't Pay Over 25c For Medicine Today and Tomorrow To Men and Women Suffering From Poor Health Here's Good News for Yon! Scientific Medicine Relieves Acid Stomach, Stimulates Flow of Liver Bile, Flushes Out Sluggish Kidneys, ' Relieves Nervousness and Constipation Every person who suffers can nave a liberal introductory bottle of the World's Newest Medicine the offer below. Do this in your own interest. This new and scientific med icine, known as Van-Tage, has al ready been used by 20 Million Elck People. Therefore, we offer the trial bottle at 25 CENTS, be cause we believe the people who sure benefited will keep on using It. The regular full-size price of this medicine Is $1.25. WHAT IT IS! Van-Tage Is a new, advanced medical compound of 30 medica ments, 21 of which are the Finest Natural Herbs, and not one a habit-forming drug. It la taken after meals and mixes with the food in . one's stomach, thus throwing off the poisons that foster stomach troubles and stim ulating the kidneys and liver to function more efficiently. It acts within 10 minutes to relieve gas pains, sourness, bloat and belch ing. It will not gripe or nauseate yon like ordinary liver medicines, but It will stimulate the flow of fresh liver bile In your system. drive poisons from the kidneys by Its diuretic action and thus re lieves backaches and bladder Ir ritation. Helps strengthen "fray ed" nerves irritated by toxic end products In bowels. Now, - whether Van-Tage will help yon as it has thousands of others whether it will relieve your suffering in a day or a week remains to be seen. But In light of what it has done for others. It is surely a mistake not to try It for 25 CENTS, only a fraction of Its worth. This introductory offer is good today : and tomorrow ONLY, so read the rest, of this announcement and act at once. Do this in y fairness to yourself, your family. WHAT IT WILL DO! Van-Tage . will help ,, cleanse your bowels (gradually not drastic or severe). It will bring out awful gases and impurities (frequently from the first dose) which may have been inside you along time, causing you many days of misery with headaches, dizzy spells, skin eruptions and lazy, drowsy, tired feeling. . ' ' " Van-Tage will relieve acid con ditions and make the digestive organs sweet and clean and give quick relief from gaseous indi gestion, bloating sour stomach, shortness of breath and dyspep IT WILL give you a great ap petite; a keen desire for food! Van-Tage will act as a diuretic to sluggish kidneys and flash out f t X - a O. H. Mosbjr, Originator of the Van-Tage formula of 80 In gredients, who chooses today and tomorrow to offer his med icine purely on a trial basis at a fraction of its actual valne. quantities of impurities that may have become' dammed np Inside, can sing BACKACHE, SHARP PAINS and RISING AT NIGHT. It will make your liver more active; will clear away old bile deposits, thus relieving spells of biliousness and sick headaches. . Rheumatism is often, caused by acid arising from stomach hyper acidity. Neuritis is also many times traceable to an acid stom ach which poisons the nerves. IT WILL aid In clearing np skin eruptions that are caused by the impurities in the organs, will assist in overcoming the sallow ness or "muddiness" that Is due to liver bile in the system and will work to restore the ROSY GLOW OP HEALTH into 7 o o r cheeks. Van-Tage . will act on . your sluggish stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels, thus helping to build yon np in general and make yon LOOK. ACT and FEEL like a DIFFERENT MAN or WOMAN. - To get your, first bottle for 2 So (today and tomorrow ONLY) bring coupon to store below: F"cOTJPON and only 25c I - Good for One Introductory v. Bottle I V AJM-TAGE I Today and Tomorrow Only - Fred yieverl i i Toiletrv & I I ' Remedy Shop 170 N. Liberty St. one is allowed to carry a camera onto the premises; and no dis turbance, - or, loud noise which might startle the children, is per mitted. "Mr. Oliva Dionne, rather of the children, operates a large sou venir shop, selling pictures of the children and their home and play house, Indian trinkets and bas kets, blankets, postcards and oth er articles. He was not at the store' that 'day, and I had almost given up seeing him, but as we drove away down the road, pass ing the Dionne farmhouse, he was coming out from his garage. We recognized him from pictures we had seen and waved. He returned our waves cordially, smiling and bowing. It is said that Mrs. Di onne never goes near the quint's playhouse, Dafoe hospital or the store when the public la about. We visited- Niagara, Falls, and drove across the . natural bridge on Lake. Ontario. This "bridge is a neck of land about 500 feet wide crossing the lake near Its west extremity. The bridge contains the high way and aome cottages. We found it unusual and very - interesting. Great Lakes Been "We saw all of the Great Lakes except Superior. In Ohio we saw McKinley's tomb at Can ton and the wonderful zoological gardens of Cincinnati. The Ser pent Mounds prehistoric burial tombs in southern Ohio - are very interesting. "We visited West Virginia and Michigan. In. the strike area we were escorted and asked if we carried any contraband guns! "At Akron we had the privi lege of viewing the tremendous Goodyear Rubber factory, observ ing the entire process of man ufacturing a tire from the tak ing of the liquid rubber aap Into a bottle till the tire was put into a huge "waffle-Iron to imprint the treads. V En route home, we encoun tered rain every day. And it doesn't begin to rain as hard in Oregon a it does In Michigan. The heat, practically every day was intense, 105 in the shade often. ' " "At Lusk, Wyoming, we saw oil wells and refineries In oper ation. We saw the Teton for ests and drove on np to Yellow stone park. But when we got on the John Day highway, cross ing Waplnitia Pass, my daugh ter and I agreed that no eastern tcenery we had observed could surpass the beauty of what lay before us. miv V firms l!0iiP fJUMMp oil STOK . (C- 4 .iiTi.TJ 't' 3pc.1EWM'-$I - UfiLOTY Holl)ivood Divan with Chair and Ottoman . . 49.98 Heavy Nub-tex cover in blu and white! Regular 89.95. Leather Siesta Chair and Ottoman 19.98 With tubular steel body! Blut and white. Regmlar 89.95. Chintz Covered Bedroom Chair 3.98 Light blue chintz! Covered arms also. Regular 7.95. 3-Piece Table Mirror Sets . .1.00 Beveled edges! Several -styles! Val ues to 2.291 Table Mirrors in Clear or Blue . . . . . . .29c 9-inch square and 7x12 size! Regular 69c. IMIL 41 f 10 SH-LEG TABLE -Fine features Veneered Top! 7&& COGSWELL CHAIR SALE! Worth Twice Wards Price 10.6& 910 QUEST CHAIRS Large earv Styles 9A WARDOLETJM RTJO BORDER Prices alashedt St lnehes wide Y d. JI9 VXaTEERED TABLES t Useful Styles! B.U COTTON ORIENTALS Gorgeous Colors! tii4t in. site 1 SUPER-SERVIOH RUGS Ixl 1 sisel Extra heavy . 0.S8 COTTOX MATTRESS $S Value! Fined with fluffy eotton! 0.8S SUPER SERVICE TARD GOODS Priees eat! Newest patterns! Sq. Yd. 4Se EXTRA HEAVY AXMINSTERS $50 Quality! Heavy Pile 40 More Wear! .8TJIS Pay Only $5 DOWN; $6 Monthly, Plus Carrying Charga 3 PIECES IN COSTLY 3IATCHED VENEERS A "Record Break er'! Every piece is big! Hand rubbed finish! Spacious drawers! Big plate-glass mirror! You get bed, chest and vanity! 1 r . S Hi - & f i . I A Sensational Value ''Hit''! WAlldDIUlDM Be here at store opening for thls-value 4t may be raonths before we can offer famous Wardoleum in 6 and 9 foot widths azaln at this txice Huny choose from the wid est selections of new patterns in Town! QD 9 x 12, WARDOLEUM RUGS-Sams quaUty as famous $6.95 to $7.95 makes!. ... 4.83 AILE! 9 x12 1M7II ASTANS ! $39.95 Quality t Out they go at an amazing sals price! Rich oriental, hooked, and modern patterns 1 $3 Dowb; $5 Monthly; Plus " Carrying Chargs 5 dnflaMily HlvSimg lHinm SMites TWO MASSIVE PIECES IN RICH VELVET! Priced $20 LOWER than nationally advertised values I Newest styles. Davenport is ix feet eight inches long! TWO PIECE SOFA BED SUITE1 Save $20 and MORS at Wards Challenge Sale! Hugs davenport opens up into a full sized double bed with full size bedding compartment I Pay Only $6 DOWN, $7 Month, Plus Carrying Chores Your Choice An Innerspring 3Iattress at a Cotton 3Iat tress Price S 155 No. Liberty Telephone 3194 " ff cm cq f ; a- . abab v., 11 . $2 DOWN; I v $2 Month; -J Carrying . X ! v , i tr i i i 1 1 i v;-i v ' N l K llllll 11 l r- 1 S'.'V : - Tg I un mnprsnnrijf Niu Mattress Standout! While quantities last out they ea this ridiculously LOW price I One of the greatest values ever offered even a na tionally famous mattress at $14.95 has LESS comfort features than this Chal lenge Value! Examine every feature. BUY Save dollar NOW! SALE! Platform Spring TVJ f . mm for Innersprinj mattreasl. . Ml dDMTT dB (E) MIE Wif