The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, August 20, 1937 PAGE SEVEN Joint Affair Is Held at Oakdale OAKDALE The Dallas grange And the Oakdale Community club enjoyed a watermelon feed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Linza Den nis Sunday evening, around a bonfire. Those who enjoyed the affair were Mr. and .Mrs. Joe Murphy. Mr. and .Mrs. Emerson and chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McCann and son, Charley; Victor Larson. Lawrence Pranger, Ed Cochiane. - Mrs. J. Ross and son, Jlmmle, Miss Euginia Shanks and Miss nrnWe. Cover the Town & H r npofin?! Dot mrus..wtn just 'ID THE CO Free Roof Estimates st . 1 " m 0 k 0 Paint" and Roofing 474 Ferry Ph. 4642 mVTe Cover the Toun mmm Berga Zumkeller - of Falls City, E. Parish and son, Claud, of Dal las; Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Cochrane and son, Joe," and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis and daughter, Shirley. The younger A set enjoyed - playing games around the bonfire. Mr. and Mrs. Marion - Fair of Custine, Calif., arrived Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Sellers, to spend a month. They left Monday for the Collins hopyard at Independence to pick hops. Others from here who plan to go bop picking are the Herrick family, the Wright family and Mr. and Mrs. E. Cochrane and son. Waldo Hills Farmer 111 At Portland Hospital WALDO HILLS Mrs. Dewey McBride and Infant son wero brought to their home In the Evergreen district Sunday in the Ekman ambulance. The baby was. born Tuesday at the Silver- ton hospital and is the third child in the family, all boys. " Roy Brown, manager of the former L. B. Haberly farm, is in a Portland hospital. He under went an oration for ulcers of the stomach last week and is re ported as in a satisfactory condi tion. Woodburn Pension Club Sponsoring Show Friday WOODBURN The Woodburn Townsend club is sponsoring an entertainment to be held at the high school . auditorium Friday evening, August 20. . i . ' Waring, the Wonder Worker. Idaho Farm Land Sinks Forming 200 Foot Canyon -CSV y" . . i Art ? Earth tremors, rumblings and eruptive clouds of yellow. , volcanic dust,, accompanied the sinking of a five acre tract near Buhl, Idaho. In less than two weeks the tract sank 200 feet and gaping cracks appeared throughout an adjoining 17-acres. The land where the phenomenon Is taking place is on the H. A. Robertson farm, which Is pictured here showing how the earth cracked and caved in. Notice, how top soil on sunken portions of earth remains intact. IIX photo. will give a program of magic and sleight of hand. He has been entertaining the public for the past 30 years and comes highly recommended. Old Depot Hotel at Gervais Falls Victim to Progress, Being Razed Hubbard Athletic Coach to Resign HUBBARD Paul Burch, who taught the 7 th and 8 th grades and coached the grade school athletics resigned to attend University of Washington. Lester Cody, who taught at Goble, Oregon last year was appointed to fill the vacancy. School la scheduled to open Sept. 13. Many improvements are being made to Hubbard property, among them a new roof and coat of paint put on Mrs. B. E. Wells' house. C. C Hepler is renovating the entire inside of his house, and putting in a new private water system. Logging, Farming Keeps Suver Busy j SUVER Coats Lumber com pany is yarding out several car loads of lumber in Suver. : Dane Purvlne picked up hairy vetch with his combine Thursday for H; - P. Couey. The Freese thresher has finished fall grain at the Lena Ridders, I. G. Are-, barf and John Rldders farms. Dr. C. E. Long, veterinarian of Independence was testing cows for T. B. in this district Tuesday. Picnic of Scott Family Is Event UNION HILL Members of the Scott family enjoyed a picnic din ner at Silver Falls state Park last Sunday. . Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Scott, Genevieve and Wayne Scott of Silverton. Miss Ada Scott of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. C. Merti, Marcelle and La vonne Merti, Mrs. Elsie Cooley of El Centro. Calif., Mrs. Jessie Pen dleton, Mill City. L. C. Trask. Ly ons; Mr. and Mrs. George Scott, Guy and Clifford Keith Scott, Mrs. Henry Peters. Donald Peters and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Peters of Detroit. Off for Guard Camp RICKREALL Charles Adams and Abe Derkson. members of Co. L of Dallas left Monday night with their company for CamP Murray, Fort Lewis, Wash. Adams is company bugler. THE BLUEBIRD RESTAURANT Under New Management, Solicits the Patronage of Old Customers and New Featuring.., 30c Special Plate Lunch 30c V FRIDAY NOON 1230 State Park and Shop at Salem's Finest Food Market "Your" FREE DELIVERY Phone 9127 Important FOOD NEWS For Week End Shoppers I This fine market is as close to you as your phone. Take advantage of our Free City Delivery and Phone Service. A pleasant sales man will take your phone order and do your shopping with the same care as you would choose your own merchandise and will have it delivered promptly and correctly. PHONE US YOUR ORDERS IF YOU CAN'T COME iTTS Quick r Reular Ground fresh when you buy it for your individual Coffee Blaker. Try Mello Glo. Lb. only 35g No. 1 cans Tasty Pak Pork and Beans 15C 2 cans 25C Menu Gil C02ee A big purchase gives us this low price. No. 10 bag only ..... . . Hard Wheat Blended All purpose, fully guaranteed. 49-lb. sack .:... HARVEST TIME No. 10 bag. Fresh, economical. Each ..... JELLO ' All 6 flavors, pkg. 5c BEANS California small white ... SPAGHETTI No. 1 1 Tasty Pak .. it cans A3 V 5-lb. Blue Label 5-lb. Red Label j S6 1 SO Qt.Tin8S$(g Granulated Sooip Ig pkg. 2ilr Pkg. . Pep or Bran Flakes 2). pkg. 4 I 10 lbs. aoo lb. bag UOI? Ol33C?Il3GC?C 3 dozen Sc Sure Jell, 2 pkgs. 23e III Brooms 111 sweeper I M 29c Ja iff Dry Pack ( yMinmp m cans 27c Iff Macaroni vYrt III 3 n . Pineapple v . Juice )) Fresh Vegetable Department GOLDEN BANTAM. ES Doze" 2 lbs. Slviss Steak, lb. . . 22c -: TENDERIZED . Minute Stealis, each 5c Lamb Chops, lb. . . . . 25c Lamb Stew, 2 lbs. . . ;19c FLUFFO . Shortening, 2 lbs. . . . 25c . LEMON FLUFF Salad Dressing, pt. . 15c r LOTS OF COLORED FRYERS : HENS RABBITS - GERVAIS Claire . Byrne bas bought the old building known as the Depot hotel and is tearing it down to be rebuilt on his land In the Lake Labish district. Mr. Byrne traded property In Charles Mix county, S. D., for, 25 acres here last year and is im proTing it He bought 900 tree3 in the timber. He owns his saw mill and is cutting the logs tor a service station and camp ground. The main building is 60 by SO feet and will contain a lobby across the entire front. Immedi ately back of the lobby will be a dance hall and skating rink through the center with dining rooms on each side. At the back of these will be the kitchen and a cooler. On the grounds will be 20 log cabins. The lumber sal vaged from the hotel building will be used for interior finish. Mrs. Mary Nibler and son, Au gust, built the rear or what was called the old part of the hotel. 66 years ago and about ten years later added the front part, John Weisz doing the carpenter work. A, Mr. Rector was the first to operate th'e hotel. The Nlblers were in charge for 15 or 20 years and they sold it to George Mickel,' who later sold to a Mr. Catlin. IV has changed hands several times in later years, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Ellsworth being the last to oper ate it. During the years the Niblers were in charge Gervais was a hus tling little town. The amusement on Sundays was baseball and horse racing and we are told that they always prepared Sunday din ner for 150. Their rooms, 19 in number, were always full and they often sent private parties to private homes for a night. Auto mobiles and good r o a d s have made the small town hotel an up hill business. ' Loganberry Pool Meets at Liberty LIBERTY The Salem Logan berry Growers' association held a meeting at the hall here Mon day. Reports were made on this year's business In disposing of the association's large logan berry pool. The Jory Packing company of this district canned the fruit for the organization. Checks were issued to the grow ers for their crop. Members of the organization also discussed the prune outlook for this fall. The association will have a prune pool Which will consist of 200 acres. Ton nage is as yet uncertain as growers reported a heavy fall of prunes at this time. In many orchards, it was said, as much aa two-thirds of the prunes have already dropped during the pres ent dry hot spell of weather. .The association has as yet not disposed of the prune pool and may put it fa a cooperative. Midwesterners on Unionvale Visit UNION VALE Mr. and Mrs. Marion Sisco of Barchard, Neb., are guests of Mr. and Mrs Charles Patterson. They , were neighbors before Mr. Patterson came to this locality in June. 1936. . . . ' Mr. and Mrs. Bert French and their, son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Davis and their two sons of Norton, Kan- arrived here Monday to reside. They were guests Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. Orval Stdutenburg. Mr. Davis was In this; locality and worked lor several farmeft 11 years ago. School is scheduled to start here September 204 Mehama Ladieg Society Has Picnic on Sunday MEHAMA The Ladle Friend ship club with their husbands and friends from Salem, met with Mr. and Mrs. Will Hughes for a picnic dinner Sunday. ' Those In: attendance were the Mr. and Mrs Will Gardner. Judd Pratt, Charlej Standlsb, Hange, McFarland, Greene, and daughter from Kansas, and 'the-Mrs Hi Curtis. Mamie Callaway, , Justina Klldee, Sarah Smith, Dorothy Lenon and daughter. Joan. Irene Bowes and Miss Lottie McAdams LJ3 Perfumed A Soap I (Ass't. odors.) I f 5 bars 27c 25c Carters A Little Liver I Pills r i7c Moth Proof A Bags (Full size.) I 19c N rv Sun Helmets A V 60c Italian Balm 44c A 65c PONDS FACE CREAM . . 60c CALOX TOOTH POWDER 35c CUTEX NAIL PREPS . . 60c DRENE SHAMPOO . . . 75c VANTINES BATH SALTS . 25c MAVIS TALCUM . . . 60c MUM DEODORANT . . , 60c ROGUE INCARNAT . $1. MILKWEED CREAM . . 43c 49c 49c 19c 49c 45c 79c Ml I -I J $1.25 Absorbine jr. 92c 1.25 Petrolagar 89c 1.00 Adlerika 79c 60c Sal Hepatica 49c 60c Eno Salts 49c 50c Ipana tooth paste 39c 40c Pepsodent Paste 33c 50c Tek Tooth Brush 39c 1.00 Corega 69c 1.00 Sterakleen 83c 1 ftfe Kfcaj r 40c Castoria 27c 50c Pablum 33c 85c Dextri-Maltose 57c 1.20 S.M.A. 90c 1.00 Lactogen 83c 1.00 HorHcks M.M. 69c 75c Doans Pills 49c 75c Caroid and Bile 49c 75c Cvstex 49c 60c Alka-Seltzer 49c 1.00 Ironized Yeast 69c FRENS SANITARY PADS 2 boxes 29c VELDOWN PADS 30 Jn box ; . . . 39c CLEANSING TISSUES 500 sheet . . . 19C SCOTT PAPER TOWELS 150s . . . . 90 RINSO SOAP POWDER lSe. ... E9c RUBBER GLOVES Pr. . . . . . 19c LUNCH KITS COMPLETE . . . Cl.19 M. D. TOILET TISSUE 3 rolls ... ZSO HOSPITAL COHON 1 lb. r. 29c Health-o-meter Bath Room Scales $3.95 V7 $15 j ! V Vantage j 2 bottles $1.9o C Pal Wrist Y Watch 02.95 -r ff5 Challenge Alarm Clock 90c Super Star , Electric " Irons 01.29 wwm mm mm ( QJAaajl (occ dczvc &vtA& Da&f ) COURT & HIGH ,: ON THE CORNER PHONE 8792' I Open Evenings and Sundays Until 10 P. M.