PAGE TWO Jefferson Man Is Injured in Crash C. II. Miller Receives Rib Fracture' in Tuesday Morning Mishap. JEFFERSON Tuesday morn ing as C. H. Miller and Clinton Page were enroute to Salem, they met with an auto accident at Tay lor, Creek on the Pacific high way car driren by JV S. Anderson of Forks, Wash., trarellng south collided with the aedan driren by Cltntan Page, dimaXing both ars considerably. C H. Miller sus tained a fractured rib and Mrs. Anderson, occupant of the other car, receiTed alight Injuries. Relatirei of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Klhs enjoyed a picnic at Silrer Creek Falls Sunday. Those pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roehra and daughters Elaine and Esther; Mrs. Bargara" Roehm. Will Roehm and Peggy Lemke of Portland; Mr. and 'Mrs. Fred Hartman of Aurora; Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Stettler and Donald of Chemawa. and Mr. and Mrs. Karl Klhs and family, Helen, Laura. Walter and John Klhs of Jeffer son. - , - On Washington Trip Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson and son, Carl, left early Sunday for a motor trip to Camas, Wash., for a visit at the home of a cou sin, Mrs. Maggie Dixon. V Mrs. Edith Anderson of Salem was a guest Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Terhune and family. Mrs. Anderson is the mother of Mrs. Terhune. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Smith and three children of Medford were recent guest at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Smith. The younger Mr. Smith Is a pho tographer at Medford. - v. Mr. and Mrs. Holland Layton and family ' of Milwaukee were Sunday night and Monday guests at the home of Rolland'a parents, Rer. and Mrs. A. P. Layton. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Roland. Mr. and Mrs. Ge Roland and daugh ters, Dorla, Shirley and Sheila. attended a family picnic : Sunday in the loTely garden at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .Francis Ernest in Salem. Other relatives present j were Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Roland of j Cushman, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Carrlck and nephew of Portland. The OREGON STATESMAN, Salen. Oregon, Friday Morning, August 20, 1937 Here's a Real Saiety Pledge Booster CHOP OALLfO H H it "v - V ills" j- ? v u . ' m . v-,r:- i I I Bill 8hea vhn h.l lain lm PAWLnlf'. a VIiim.. .1- ir tm - ... .... . " - "''". uveuwi auiw aim i mui .aojiuereu esv con SUte Motor association's safety pledge.' He la one of Oregon's most confirmed believers in highway safety. Since his motorcycle u struck by an automobile he has beem forced to Ue fa tbla position and be has about four more weeks to go. Suver Folk Back From California f FALL PRE-VIEy Just arrived! Fresh from their tissue wrappings are . our newest array of coats and suits for fall days. Every type Is represented from trimly tailored styles to lav ishly furred dressmaker costumes. You'll adore every one of them. SUVER Mr. and Mrs. Orville Allen and Mrs. Clarence Smith re turned Monday from a trip to California. They Tisited Yosemite National park and the San Francisco bay bridge. Monday evening Mr. and ! Mrs. Allen accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John Miller left for Idaho to visit their old home there. Willis Alien returned home from eastern Oregon Saturday wnere he has been working in the hay harvest M. H. Gentemann baled hr for Ed DeArmond and Donald Bolter last week. Ed Lars en was hurt at the I Freese thresher which was oper I ating at the C. D. Ritchey farm Tuesday. A fork fell from a load of grain inflicting a wound on Mr. Laraen's cheek and chest Eston Carter of Wells and Rot Ttorsreson of Monmouth ara re pairing the E. B. Gobat hay ware- ; nouse in suver. Old Timer of 40 Years Ago Revisits Jefferson JEFFERSON Guests at the home of . Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rol and Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. Charles VanBuren of near Asto ria, and Mr. and Mrs. George Van Buren of Albany. Charles Van Buren lived in Jefferson. 40 years ago, and enjoyed seeing his old home and old time friends. George VanBuren is also a former Jeff erson resident and was operator for the Southern Pacific. Mr. and Mrs. Don Davis, who have been living on the Frank Glaser farm S miles northeast of Jefferson, have moved into town and are occupying the Jesse Par rish house on Third street Hollyhock at laayesville HAYESVILLE In speaking of flowers people here are wondering how tall a hollyhock will grow. Mrs. C. J. Stupfel has a dark red one in her front yard that measured IS feet. There are three spikes and. the tallest one has 17S flower buds on it Gent in Onlinary To King not Sure About His Duties SEATTLE, August l-)-Slr Louis Grieg, K. B. E., and gentle man usher in ordinary to King George VI, arrived from Vancon ver, B. C, by boat and confessed he didn't know what the words "in ordinary meant in his title. Sir Louis apparently never had been asked this before. He pus- zled a moment " "Damned If I know," he final ly said. Then he was. asked what a gen tleman in ordinary does. "Well, not much of anything,' said Sir Louis doubtfully. "He shows people where to go," suggested Lady Grieg help fully. i "Yes, and he hands out cards and things,, added one of his two attractive daughters. "Precisely, precisely," said Sir Louis, relieved. "I hand out cards and things. Quite simple, of course. Just show people. Hand out cards. QI?On? Fur Trimmed AITO SATT Values to 24.50 VALUES TO 39.50 18.88 28.88 Others OJW to 83.50 Others 10.88 to 40.50 5 11 i1 1 MILLINERY 2.95 and 3.95 . (West Felts NEW FALL DRESSES JUST ARRIVED 4.95 - 7.95 - 10.95 up A 'Small - t Deposit wm Reserve Tow Garment SALLY'S 357 COURT ST. WALES EIS'S 162 N. Commercial St. Phone 5151 (snflGQ -V Full UU? Cream lb. 35 watermelon -New -Arrivals POUND Potatoes Extra Good No. 2a. -Smooth. Large CORN FLAKES 2 nn PEANUT BUTTER ib a Brina: container. bars 2D3 (3 Bakers IK can. as SALAD OIL 100 Cotte - - Seed. Brins Contatacr Qt. 29(3 Salad Dressing QiagG (S SGgqs: lb. as DEVILED HEAT Di?cooc Can 3S dandy 33C Ebner'i Famous Sausage and Other Bleat Products Are Delicious . - STORE 294 N. Commercial St. Phone 7335 From customer to customer conversations in our store daily w. gather these phrases. "Their prices here are much lower. "It's certainly a pleasure to be able to park 2 hours and be able to save on your foods, too. The service here is far above the average. "Courteous and congenial, T am certainly, coming here from now on," etc. Are you enjoying these advantages? BEANS California small whites. pounds BEANS Red Mexican pounds CORN Golden Bantam No. 2 Cans cans Many are buying their winter supply now of Special 49-lb. bag Valley Rose 49-lb. - bag , CHEESE A few more hundred pounds to sell at lbs. MILK Tall cans Armour's. cans PEAS Tender and good. cans SUGAR Pure Cane 10 lbs 59c 25 lbs. ....$1.53 100 lbs: ..5.49 CRACKERS 2-lb. box salted wafers. each Peanut Butter Fresh and good, in your container. Per pound Sanka Coffee or Kaf fee Hag Per pound 39c PICKLES Dills in quart jars. s; 1 9c VEGETABLES and FRUIT You can tell .when you . pass our store by the freshness of our Vege tables and Fruits.. Quantities of the Best of All Obtainable Varieties : Bananas Fancy ripe, s) pounds 25c PARK AT PEARCON'Q CAOH GT Silverton School OpeningSept 20 Big Enrollment Probably Till Tax Gty's Plant to Its Limit SILVERTON Opening date for tli Sllrerton school has been set-for September 20. It Is understood that principals of the hifh schools will be In their of fices the week prior to opening to rive students an opportunity to discuss courses and registra tion. School board members and faculty are spending consider able mental energy this summer In devising some means of car ing for , the heavy registration expected this autumn. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Cameron of Wfllo Ranch. Calif., arrived hera Thursday for a visit with Mrs. Cameron's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Rus sell. The Camerons have visited a number of times and have many friends here. Mr. Cameron wttl go on to Olympia, Wash., while . Mrs. Cameron remains here. Mr. Cameron is manager of the Crane Lumber company at Willow Ranch. Visitor from Hawaii Departs Miss Miriam Sylvester, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Sylvester during the summer at Silverton. left, this week for San Francis co from where she will sail on the Mariposa for Hamkuapoke. Maul, T. H.. where she teaches In the high school. She will begin her eighth year there tbla fall. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis are spending a few. days at Sil Terton. They have been attend ing summer school at Pullman, Wash., and later drove to De troit, Miclu, where they pur c luted s new automobile. They will visit at Burlington, Wash-, a short time' before again tak ing up their residence at Silver ton where Mr. Davis is principal of the junior high schooL BING'S FEEDjCo. y r, - Formerly Irish Bing Co. j ; . V--, Same location, 330 Chemeketa, across from Argo. . - Phone 3527 - DEALERS IN HODGEN BREWSTER FEEDS , . .. H. B. Egg Mash, : . Milk and oil, 100 lb. : VOW 3X DAIRY CHOP Z. 1 $U9 H. B. LAYWELL EGG PRODUCER OYSTER SHELL Live sheU . . , " ', 95c GRANITE GRIT All sizes 95c SHAMROCK SCRATCH 100 lbs. ... $240 Delicious Hard Wheat Flonr 49's $143 49's Vallev Rose Valley Blend $1.29 WE BUY EGGS Highest Prices Paid at All Times Try Our Produce Dept. QficMis fta? (Mil Mmsf CartQn J V? m. n 3-lb. Tin Net cost 40c with coupon. ZEE .hfoirite MM cans for KIPPERED 504b. Bag 49c airs White or Whole Wheat Ffeeh Stock ib:'saoQ Assorted Flavors pkgs. Royal ' s for LB SantUm'a Fresh Blue Ik. lbs. 73 for BORDEN'S EAGLE BRAND each TV lilt Pillsbury's Best s 49-lb. bag , Castle I JLnd Guaranteed HardwUaL 4Mb. bag 137 S. Commercial Su m to 8 IF (Mm 100 Home Owned 100 Union Operated Phone 7311