The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 20, 1937, Page 14, Image 14

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    The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Friday Morning, August 20,
City : Champs Turin Back Ml Angel; -Play Papermakers Tonight
Here Tomorrow
Brilliant Battery
Game to Wind
Up Local Play
Steinbock Limits Tourney
Entry to two Hits in
Exhibition Tilt
Cubs Snap out
Of Loss Habits
Defeat Pirates and Boost
Lead to Three Games
as Giants Lose
Wind up Plans
For Golf Show
: ' '
Visit, of . Four . big Stars
Saturday Is "Awaited ;
Public Is Invited
Sammy Steinbock limited Mt.
Angel's tournament entry to two
blows last night as Waifs, de
spite erratic play afield, turned
back the invading softballers 9 to
3 in an exhibition contest on
Sweetland field.
Bucknum, Mt. Anger first base
man, was the only batter to bit
safely off Stelnbock's delivery and
also scored all of Mt. Angel's
three runs.
Wait's took over the lead in the
fifth inning when hits by Bone.
Salstrom - and Drynan. coupled
.with a pair of errors, netted three
runs to make the score 6 to 3.
Three more came in the eighth
when Scales doubled to drive in
Adolph and Girod and Kitchen
. scored on a center field error.
Seven Mt. Angel errors contrib
uted to Wait's victory Score:
Mt. Angel . ...3 2 7
Wait's V. 9 9 6
A bean and Uselman; Stein
bock and P. McCaffery, Beard.
When . Wait's, the city cham
pions, and the Paparmakers, win
ner over. Hogg Brothers for the
: second Salem tournament berth,
. meet on Sweetland field at S o'
clock tonight. The Salem softball
association will close its books on
- another season and turn Sweet
land field over to the state soft
ball association for the tourna
ment starting next week.
- While tonight's contest will be
an exhibition game in that noth
ing. is at stake the two earns will
be patting forth to the utmost.
Wait's to maintain face as city
champs and the. Paparmakers in
an attempt to anocK over me
Butchers in the same abrupt fash
ion in which it eliminated Hogg
Brothers from tourney considera
tion.. . ...-.'.-.,
- Percy Crowfoot, the Fapermak
er's windmill style hurler, will be
on the mound against Walt's by
special request. Fearing that they
will be called upon to face the
baffling windmill delirery early
in the tournament. Wait's are
seeking a little practice at Crow
foot's expense.
Vera Gilmore, who with Tom
Drynan and Pete McCaffery has
been drafted to Walt's colors, will
be the starting pitcher for the city
The Papermakers hare added
one pitcher, an lnflelder and two
outfielders to their club, all draft
ed from Hogg Brothers. They an
nexed George Roth, Hogg Bros.
speedball hurler, Ernie Garbarino,
second base, and Jim Nicholson
and George Causey, outfielders. -As
the second contest of the
final performance a picked team
from the Junior league will meet
the Eagles in a challenge game.-
Dallas Nine Wins
Over West Salem
DALLAS Dalles Shreeve
Garage softball nine slaughtered
the West Salem aggregation 23 to
3 here Wednesday night in the
final district contest. It was de
feat No. 2 at the hands of Dallas
for the visitors who upset Inde
pendence last week. 3 to 2.
The locals pasted two West Sa
lem hurlers for 18 base hits tn
Cross Word Puzzle
1 -ll I'a
21 " IP 2? 3031
35 36 37 3 3f HO
bhH-l M-iM-1 1 fe
1 erase
5 furnishes
11 male sing
ing voice
12 eovetous-
43 a complete
44 foundation
45 ate to
47 hesitate
48 settled
49 scents
50 backless
51 fresh
tidings v
14 profes-
sional per
. former
15 rested
16 name
17 because
IS dispatch
19 to knot
20 skins of
22 pen for
23 eluded
25 juice of
' plants
27 prevent
8 dips
32 pinch
34 withdraw
25 strong beer
S3 Roman
40 perceived
41 harbor
Herewith is the solution to. yester
day's puzzle.
g,u iLfrjMAM i sbh
OwrrUbt. Kk(
rip-A :
,NE of the year's most phe
nomenal -hurlers is young
Monte Stratton, pitching
ace of the Pale Hose.
Monte is really going through his
first big league season, though he
was on the Sox payroll all of last
year.- Illness kept Stratton on the
sidelines in 1936, but he has proved
to be a great investment.
A lanky, towering fellow, meas
Wednesday's farce, running wild
with the aid of nine errors. West
Salem collected 11 scattered hits
off Dallas' pitcher Bruce Eckman.
The winners tallied 15 times in
two innings.
Dallas held a 5 to 2 lead going
into the last of the sixth Inning,
and converted three hits and a
pair of errors into six runs. The
eighth became ' a nightmare for
West Salem..
Hugh Ashby, Shreeve Garage
catcher, contributed the game's
longest hit, a home run clout in
to left field, in the seventh frame
with one man aboard.
West Salem 3 11 t
Shreeve Garage 23 18 4
E. Cottew, Gehrig and Quamme,
J. Cottew; Eckman and Ashby.
1 delude
2 beseech
3 machine
for weav
ing doth
4 to mistake
5 song of joy
6 wards off
7 gentle blow
8 god of love ,
9 mounts
10 smell
11 made an
13 move in
17 nourished
20 danger
21 auctions
24 lair
26 strike
29 renounce
30 pencil
31 conduits
33 colored
34 prepare ;
85 footless
36 regards
37 upright
39 grass- -
" stems
42 set of three
44 com
. mended
46 fuss
47 sained
-A REAL y-itf 4 TV IT&ZSw .
PUZZLE S Jfj 'V ' ?A
HITTERS, fa ft p .
1 w S"i j-;
uring 6 feet 6 inches, Monte bends
low and tosses a semi-submarine de
livery that is really a puzzle to the
Behind Stratton's sensational rise
is the other half of the White Sox
wonder battery, catcher Luke Sew
ell. "
This veteran backstop is one of
the smartest receivers m baseball,
and bis knowledge of batters' weak
31 & 31 Woodworkers, de
fending 1 state champions of
softball, and Rotary Bread,
their deadliest rival, will again
be among the teams battling
for the state softball crown
next week. It will be the third
successive year that the two
teams have been Portland's
representatives in the- state
tournament and never yet has
either failed to reach the semi
finals. O
Bakers Also Champs.
Rotary Bread, with itsoeefy
speedball pitcher, "Biff George
son, was state champion In 1935,
defeating M & M that year 1 to 0
In the final game. It was a pitch
er's duel between Georgeson and
Mickey Berlant and Berlant lost
but had balm in that he walked
off with about all the individual
trophies and honors there were
to be bestowed. It had been touch
and go between those two teams
all season, even as it is yet, and
when the championship game was
over their slate was even at five
wins apiece.
Meet in Finals.
Last year the two clubs did
' not meet in the tournament
for Rotary Bread was defeated
O to 5 in the semi-finals by
Hogg Brothers of Salem with
Vera Gilmore pitching one of
the sweetest games of his ca
reer. This year also the sched
ule Is so arranged that the two
Portland teams must meet, if
at all, ia the final game. They
will play Friday night in Port
land for the city championship
and to determine which will be
the Portland No. 1 team and
which the No. 2 in the tourna
ment. Best vs. Worst.
There's a game on tonight on
Sweetland field which is of great
importance to the younger ele
ment In softball. It's a battle be
tween an all-star team from the
junior league a team consisting
largely of Golden Pheasant play
ers, and the Eagles. As Gurnee
Fls her says it's a game between
the best possible junior league
combination and the worst senior
league team to determine the
feasibility of entering a team of
juniors in the big league next
season. -! . .
Back to Eight.
Indications bow are that the
softball association, after a sor
ry experiment with a six team
circalt, will return next year
to the old eight team standby.
This has been a poor season
for the league and part of the
reason has been that the con
tinuity of , games was broken
by the Thursday night sessions
devoted to the junior league.
This year the softball associa
tion will ot be bragging about
how maeh money It puts la the
bank, though It will still be
well oa the black side of the
r. J" : - ' I
THE Rise of
nesses has been a prime factor in
the success of Stratton, Kennedy,
Lee, and other Sox slingers.
Luke may have slowed up with
the years, and he isn't a great hit
ter, out Jimmy Dykes will tell you
that his ace maskman is worth his
weight in gold. Sewell is the master
mind behind the brilliant pitching
of the Pale Hose,
CaenteM. KIT. kj Kim rUM Indicate. In.
Ranger Wins out;
Fog Hides Yachts
gust 19-P)-Ranger, Harold S.
Vanderbilt's defender of the
America's cup, won her 19 th
race today, but her victory went
to a large degree unwitnessed be
cause the contest was sailed for
the most part in a fog so thick
u scarcely was possible to see
the length of the contenders.
The Vanderbilt sloop finished
a 32-mile squadron run of the
New York Yacht club, from New
port, R. I., more than 12 minutes
ahead of Endearour I. T. O. M.
Sopwith's unsuccessful challenger
of 1934. Sopwith's recently de
feated second challenger, Endeav
our II, came home 26 seconds
behind her old sister.
Rainbow, now owned by
Chandler Hovey, with which Van
derbilt vanquished Endeavour I
three years ago, came in fourth
more than three minutes astern
of the new Endeavour and Ger
ard B. Lambert's Yankee did not
Budge Overcomes
Slump; Still Wins
NEWPORT, R. I., Aug. 19.-(ff)
-The severe slump that has ruined
Don Budge's mighty tennis game
appeared to be waning today when
he led his three closest American
rivals, Frank Parker, Bryan "Bu
sy" Grant and Bobby Riggs, Into
the semi-final round of the his
toric Newport Casino tournament
... Budge's touch and timing de
serted him several times during
the four-set match, but he man
aged to pull out a 10-8, 7-6, 3-6,
6-3 victory over John McDiarmid.
League Baseball
(Before night games.)
W. L.
San Diego 83 18
Sacramento ,, o 60
Los Angeles ..76 64
San Francisco ... 7$ 66
Portland 70 69
Oakland 6 5 76
Seattle 0 79
Missions .,- ,, ; . E3 90
W. L.
New York 74 33
Detroit- ' 44
Chicago ' ' 49
Boston 60 46
Cleveland ;5 0 64
Washington 49 67
St. Louis 34 72
Philadelphia .33 71
W. L.
Chicago 7
New York 63
St. Louis 69
Pittsburgh S8
Cincinnati . 44
Philadelphia 44
Brooklyn 42
Vancouver 4, Spokane 0.
Yakima 6, Lewiston 2.
Tacoma 6, Wenatchee 3
PITTSBURGH, Aug. 19-(P)-The
Chicago Cubs got out the
skid chains today in time to pre
vent a rout in their three-game
series with Pittsburgh, winning
the final contest 7 to 3.
The triumph, while the New
York Giants were losing, gave
Chicago a lead of three games
in the close National league race.
Curt Davis burled excellent
ball except for a home run pitch
to young Bill Brubaker in the
second Inning after Todd had
singled. In the third with the
bases loaded and one out, he
prevented the Buccaneers from
Chicago 7 14 0
Pittsburgh . ......... 3 10 1
Davis and Hartnett; Bowman,
Weaver, Brandt and Todd.
Cards Capture Two
wildness of Lefty Lee Gris
som in the first game and two
rallies in the second gave St
Louis both ends of a double
header with the Cincinnati Reds
today., and a clean sweep of the
three-game series. The Cards won
the first 6 to 2, and the night
cap, 5 to 1.
St. Louis 6 7 1
Cincinnati 2 8 2
Warneke and Owen; Grissom,
Mooty, Hallahan and Lombard!.
St Louis 5 10 0
Cincinnati 1 8 4
Ryba and Owen; R. Davis and
Campbell, Lombard).
Tail Enders Split ,
BROOKLYN, Aug. 19-P)-Ev-en
the return of .Van Mungo to
active pitching duty couldn't raise
the Dodgers out of the National
league cellar today as they split a
doubleheader with the Phillies.
They won the opener 3 to 0 be
hind the six-hit Bhutout pitching
of old Waite Hoyt to climb into
seventh place, but were dumped
back into the cellar again imme
diately when the Phillies belted
Mungo and two other flingers for
a 7 to 5 decision in the nightcap.
Philadelphia 0 6 0
Brooklyn 3 7 0
Mulcahy, Jorgens and Grace;
Hoyt and Spencer.
Philadelphia .... 7 10 1
Brooklyn .5 9 1
Johnson, Passeau and Atwood;
Mungo, Hamlin, Lindsey and
Spencer, Phelps
Bees Stop Giants
BOSTON, Aug. 19 -(JP)- The
Bees stopped the New York Gi
ants' dash toward the National
league today by squeezing out a
2 to 1 decision in 11 innings, be
hind the all-but-airtight pitching
of their "Qld Man" rookie, Jim
The defeat, which was pinned
on the Giants when Hal Warstler
and Elbio Fletcher singled and
Bob Reis drove in the winning run
with a pinch-fly, ended the New
Yorkers five-game winning
New York 1 6 0
Boston 2 8 1
Gumbert, Melton and Danning;
Turner and Lopes.
Chocolate Bests
De Foe Narrowly
NEW YORK, Aug. 19.-Up)-Kid
Chocolate, the Cuban bon bon.
came back to the fistic big time
tonight with a stirring ten-round
victory over Johnny De Foe, stur
dy New York featherweight, In
Madison Square Garden, Choco
late weighed 127 and De Foe 126-
The kid, former holder of the
world's 126-pound title, put on a
rousing last-round rally to win
after a nip-and-tuck contest from
the opening gong.
Close Struggle Looms for National Amateur
f ' I - . -- J
L , ' '
4 I
; - -f
" v - f A
- S I J
Johnoj Fischer
One of the most fiercely contested battles la recent
year Is la prospect when some 170 crack golfers
ct the country tee off In the national amateur at
Alderwood course at Portland, Ore. August. 23.
jjaaaoBg the stronger contendere sure Johnny FUch-
V ? S2 ' 4
:-:v:-:::3fr:i- tie
f A d
H fx
r '
Upsetting the dopesters by win
King the 840,000 Hambletonian
classic at Goshen, N. Y with
Shirley Hanover, long shot filly,
Driver Henry Thomas was re
warded with a kiss from Charlotte
Sheihard, daughter of the filly's
Yankees Win out
After 12 Innings
Error, not Home Run This
Tirae; ,Red Sox Take
Uphill Battle
NEW YORK, August 19-(P)-Shut
out in their homer-hitting
specialty, the Yankees took ad
vantage of a 12th-inning break
today to nose out the Washing
ton Senators 4 to 3, sweep the
four-game series and bold their
HH-game American league lead.
With the bases loaded and two
out in the third extra frame, Cecil
Travis threw high to first in
nelding Tony Lazseri's grounder,
and Red Roife slid across the
plate with the
Washington 3 11 3
New York 4 10 1
W. Ferrell and R. Ferrell; Ruf
fing and Dickey.
McXair Is Hero
(vP)-Eric McNair, who entered the
game as a pinch-hitter in the
eighth inning, slammed the first
pitch of Harry Kelley into the
left field stands for a home run
giving the Boston - Red Sox an
uphill 5 to 4 victory over the
Athletics today.
Boston 5 10 1
Philadelphia 4 8 3
Marcum, Wilson and Desautels,
Berg; Kelley and Brucker. .
' CHICAGO, August 19-(JP)-A
heavy storm stopped a rain of De
troit Tiger base hits today, but
not in time to save the Chicago
White-Sox from a six-inning 12
to 4 defeat in what was to have
been the first game of a double
header. The drenching ended the con
test in the last half of the sev
enth and caused postponement of
the second Joust
Detroit 12 15 0
Chicago 4 8 3
Bridges and York; Whitehead,
Cain, Rigney and Sewell, Rensa.
ST. LOUIS, August 19 - (Jf) -Two
of the Indians' chief tomahawk-swingers,
Earl Averill and
Bruce Campbell, smashed seven
hits good for 18 bases today as
Cleveland downed the St. Louis
Browns, 9 to 1. .
Cleveland .... 9 14 0
St Louis . ....1 10 0
J. Allen, Feller and Sullivan;
Koupal, Strickland and Hemsley.
-1 Ross SommervCteli:
: - Chick Marbert 1 t
' " ' v
- 7
Extensive preparations were be
ing pushed to completion Thurs
day by the Salem Active club and
the Salem Golf club for entertain
ment here Saturday of the four
traveling professional stars who
will show their wares on the Sa
lem course that afternoon at 2:15
o'clock, and of the hundreds of
golfers and others Interested in
in the game who will form the
gallery. There is no charge to the
public and golfers from all parts
of the Willamette valley are be
ing invited.
The Active club has arranged
for Harry V. Collins, district man
ager of the Pacific Telephone &
Telegraph company who has tak
en great interest in promoting all
types of amateur sport in Salem
and is an active golfer himself, to
serve as master of ceremonies and
introduce the visiting golfers.
Horton Smith, "Lighthorse Har
ry Cooper; Jimmy Thomson and
W. Lawson Little. Smith takes
over the duties of announcer for
the exhibition of fancy shotmak
ing which precedes the match,'
To Control Gallery '
The "warmnp" ehibition will
take place below the hill in front
of the first tee and the spectators
are expected to find vantage
points on this hill, from which to
view this unusual program.
Members of the Active club
have been assigned as galleryj
marshals and will maneuver a
guard rope which will keep the
crowd back from the players and
out of the line of flight of their
shots during the match. It is
planned to rope off thus an area
at all times large enough so that
everybody will be able to see what
is going on. As the match pro
ceeds, all scores will be announc
ed, together with the standing of
the teams, after each hole.
Although the professional stars
will play a best ball match iu
which only the score of the low
man on each team will count, all
four will hole out on each green
In order that their medal scores
may be recorded.
At the golf club, all fairways
and greens were being mowed
late this week so that the course
will be in apple-pie order. "Back
tees" will be used so that the
course will be more difficult than
normal and approximate the
length of the championship
courses these men are accustomed
to play. The greens, recently top
dressed, have rounded out In ex
cellent shape.
Mt. Angel Enters
MT. ANGEL By winning Tues
day night's softball game here 8
to 6 from Silverton, the Mt. An
gel All-Stars gained the right to
represent District No. 9 at the
state softball -tournament at Sa
lem next week, August 23 to 28
On Monday night the All-Stars de
feated the Silverton players 16 to
13 at the Silveton field, thus mak
ing the third of two of th r e e
games unnecessary.
Thursday night the boys will
meet Wait s of Salem at Salem.
This will be their last game be
fore the tournament
The Mt. Angel girls softball
team will also enter the tourna
ment Their first tournament
game will be played next Wednes
day, Aug. 25, at Salem with Port
land No. 2 girls team.
Two previous games, one Fri
day night here with the Silverton
girls and another Monday Bight
with Independence there, will
serve as practice games. In their
first encounter with Silverton
Monday night the Mt Angel girls
came out victorious 14 to 7.
, : - v. - -r ' -
Johnny Goodman )i J
Softball Tourney
er, defending: champion; Johnny Gkodnian, former
Open champion; Ron Sommerville, six times Cana
dian champion, and Chick Harbert, Michigan phe
nomenon, who recently shot a 268 to capture the
Michigan Open,
V '
Ilghthorse Harry Cooper, rec
ognlbed as one of the most con
- sistent top-notch Rolfers in the
world, who will play in an ex
hibition match with Horton
Smith, Jimmy Thomson and W.
Lawson Little Saturday after
noon at 2:15 o'clock on the Sa
lem Golf club coarse. Admission
Is free.
Beavers Held to 'I
Four Safe Blows
Clabaugh and Bedore Are
Factors in Rally to
Prevent Shutout.
-The lowly Mission Reds played
brilliant baseball behind, Babich's
steady pitching today to defeat
the Portland Ducks 6 to! 2, in a
Coast league game.
Babich held the Ducjks to a
pair of hits until the nlnh inning
when Clabaugh and Bedore con
nected to play the major roles In
the late two-run rally. -
The Reds solved the nnderhand
offerings of Liska . early in the
game, scoring a tally in i the sec
ond Inning on a walk to I Johnson
and a two-base clout by Barath.
Harry Rosenberg hit a home
run over the left field fence in
the sixth to start a three-run
rally, and doubled in the seventh
to drive in two more runs.
Pete Coscarart, Duck second
baseman, left the game in the
seventh inning after injuring a
finger of his -right hand.
Portland :. .2 4 0
Missions ...-.:......-........ 14 0
Liska, .Monciief , and, Treth;'
Babich and Sprinz.
Seattle .7 11
Los Angeles ..... 0 4 . 1
Barrett and Spindel; Berry,
Campbell and Collins.
San Francisco .......l 4 I'
Oakland 9 13 V
Stutz, Sheehan. McDonald and
Woodall. Clifford; Bonham and
Raimondl. (
San Diego ... 15 9
Sacramento ....0 5 Ij
Salvg and Detore; Freitas,
Stout and Franks. '
Salem Girls Win
Another Victory
Salem's slugging crew of fe
male softball players pounded
three Independence pitchers for
33 hits last night as the locals
posted a 23 to 4 win on Sweet
land field.
Ruth Yocom, Salem pitcher, al
lowed only seven hits while her
mates backed her -up with one
error support.
Home runs were collected by
Otjen, Carson and Anunsen ci
the Salem team. Score:
Independence ! 4 7 13
Salem ...;..;..31 33
Soden, Alderson, Shu ford and
Kurre; Yocom and Moore.
Miners to Oppose
River Waste Curb
GRANTS PASS,. Aug. 19-tfFV
The Miners' Protective association
laid plans today to wage a finish
fight against action Instituted in1
Curry county to bar depositing
of waste materials In the Rogue
river. -. -.
- R. W. DikIIp- itMiA hy
the association to organize mint
ers and business men of southern
wegoa to., fight the . movement
which,- he said, means "life, or
death to mining with a conse
quent on other businesses
Because of a snit filed In Currf
county against 17 mining opera
tions,. one 3250,000 development
was postponed or cancelled, and
a ' $25,000 ' navment nreviouslr
made on another mine was with
drawn Dudley said.
.The association was formed
last fall to fight proposed leRis-
lauon to curb pollution of tbe
river by miners. , .
Big Plane Conies
To Assist Search
PORT ARTHUR, Ont. August
19-( Canadian Press) -The plane
bearing Sir Hubert Wilkins and
four companions- enroute from
coast to assist tn the search tor
mx soviet fliers, landed here to
night less than five hours after,
taking off from Toronto.
Sir Hubert and his pilot, Her
bert Hollick-Kenyon, noted Ca
nadian airman, were accompanied
bV Engineer ("SeralA T)mw 'Ra
dio Operator Raymond Booth and
nusseu iiogers. :
. . ..
Ross Wins Decision
-Barney Ross, world's welter
weight chamnlon. tonight won a
newspaper decision over Al Man
fredo in a 10-round, non-title bout
here. -