The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, August 20, 197, PAGE ELEVEN Detroit to Open First High School Standard 4-Year Courses Will Begin Sept. 7, Mrs. Evans Head. DETROITr-Thls growing win ter sports community situated high in the Cascade foothills a bore Mehama and Mill City win open its first high school classes . on September 7. in a room: of the present grammar school building. . Detroit, which also recently acquired a first . class, pogtoffica rating, has found It necessary to take care of the 14 students of high school ! ageJhere who hare heretofore had tp attend schol at Mill City and other places. . , , 1:'-""" - : Mrs. Willow Evans, : grade school ' principal, will also as sume principalahip of the new four-year high school. Standard courses will be taught. Mrs. Joaa Stayner, primary teacher, will also join the faculty; and there will be one more full. time teacher who is yet to be named. In T order to make room for the : iew- ,woxK - aa additional room to the school . building Is being greeted. This room will accommodate 8ft , pupils, and will be occupied ; by grades. The high school classes will be con ducted -in -one of the rooms of the old ' building. .,- ;; . , : ; . .Mr. and Mrs. William Brans are the parents of a baby daugh ter born August 7. The new comer has not been named.' . ? Kidnaped Child Foils Captor T H ERE 6 NO BE TT E R PLACE 260 N. Liberty St. v Phone 3032 Prices Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday August 20, 21 and 23 silks Buy at These Prices and Save the Difference Orders of $2.00 or More Delivered FREE! W rill n EI M-itt Armour 22-oz. 5 cans (D WoodburyJ Bar With Filtered Sunshine 2M A Northwest product W White or Colored lb. sack a3 True American I Boxes There Are No Better jmmbmbmmbmbhbbsssssssmmbbshbvbbmbm IHlGE?GlInes7 (gBii(3(S)IlatieilG Honey and Almond and Mild and Mello - - - - FRESH MEATS GO VERNMEN T-INSPECTED IPGJiairiLiAIBlD If 4JS ITccnclGi? JJubSgst Doe2 GtteaCss C3trloinil20c, Round lb 23c, T-Dono lb 20c HENS - RABBITS - FRYERS BAKERY DEPT. BURNT CUGAR CAKES rS, 39c & 49c DATE NUT CAKES . .. co. 25c FRUIT COFFEE CAKES . . . CO. 15c Damascus ICE CREAM qt 29c I Cookies dos. 10c Packed in Thermo Bar Meltproof I (Assorted PRODUCE DEPT. each Q Juicy, each Seedless, lb. f .J? v" 4. ' V Snatched near her home while selllB flowers, Dorothy Skinner of San Francisco, 9, recently outwitted her abdactor and escaped. Her kidnaper drore np and seised her while her father looked on helplessly from a window In their home. Taking the child to an outlying section of the town, the man made improper advances. Dorothy told police. Distracting; his attention for a moment, ahe leaped from the car and nut to a nearby highway, where she flag ged a car and was taken Into town. The only description Dorothy conld give of her captor was that he had a "black mustache. UX photo. - Youth Near Scio Dies, Rites Today SCIO Funeral services for Donald C. Peery, 25, who died at the family home near Provi dence Wednesday, are to be held at the Providence church at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon. The young man had not been well for some time. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Peery, a sister, Mrs. Geraldine Becker, and a brother, Cyrus, survive. The deceased was unmarried and had made his home with his parents all his life. Lane Weinberg la reported re covering from severe scalding a few days ago when the radiator cap on a farm tractor blew off from an . overheated motor. The young man's face, chest, arms and left shoulder were badly injured by the heat. Weinberg, who is 19,! was working in a field in the Rivervlew commun ity southwest of Scio. He was in high school in Scio last year. What Is believed to be an adequate supply of water was encountered at a depth of 255 feet at the Walter farm on Rodgers mountain. J. E. Evans, Grangers' News MACLEAY The monthly in vitatlonal grange social evening will be held at the grange hall Saturday night. A varied program has been planned. Macleay grange women are asked to bring cake or sand wiches. ' ALBANY Fairmont grange will meet Saturday evening at 8:30 for the regular meeting and to transact business. Pre liminary practice will be held for a drill team which is to func tion early this fall. In place of the usual refresh ments a weiner roast is to be held. SILVERTON HILLS The Sll verton Hills grange will hold Its regular meeting at the grange hall Friday night Mrs. Ida Benson is master. Only the reg ular business will be taken .up as farmers are busy at this sea son of the year. Mennonites Meet at Turner Monday National Conference Will Dravr Representatives From Entire World TURNER The national Men- nonlte conference will be held at the .Turner Memorial Tabernacle Aaffust It to II. Representatives from all the United States and Canada and missionaries from , India, South America and Africa win be pres ent. Bishop Aaron Mast of Belle rllle, Pennsylvania Is general chairman; ' Bishop Simon Glnger kk of Wayland, Iowa will act as moderator. The Pacific conference includes the states of Oregon, California and Idaho, with 16 congregations. 1,500 members, 9 btshoPs. 25 ministers and 12 deacons. The general board meeting is held this week at the Falrview Mennonitt church in Albany. Returned from Denver Miss Lois Gunning returned home last week from a two months visit In Denver, Colo., with Rev. and Mrs. Oswald Jeff erson, who drove back to McMinn rille to Tislt Mrs. Jefferson's aged parents. Rev. Jefferson was pastor, of the Turner Methodist church for a year, leaving 12 months ago for Denver. They called on former Turner friends Tuesday. who drilled the Ed Bilyeu well near Scio to a death of 230 feet, was in charge of opera tions. PETUG SUOHIE 135 N. Commercial St Phone 5197 or 7023 Prices .Friday, Saturday Through Monday Sole Agent Penslar Remedies in Marion County BE WISE AND SCHAEFERIZE Nelson's Perfume IOC Assorted Scents 75c Goggles 25c (with ad) Coconut Rolls 25C lb. Vanilla centers 25c Hair (Ml 10c (with ad) Big Ice Cream Soda Real lee Cream . 10c Itcliing Feet and Long Hikes Get rid of those corns eas ily and surely, use Scliaefer's Corn Remedy 25c (no relief no pay) Schaef er's Is the Only , Place to Bay Hood's Poison Oak Lotion Best and surest remedy for the relief of poison oak. 50C &$1.00 Schaef er's Fountain Specials Are Delicious! Get your Pickling Supplies Now Special Low Price Pocket Combs 10c Large ' Assortment $1.00 Horlicks Malted Milk 69c 60c Dr. Caldwell's Syrup of Pepsin 35c THE MOST OF THE BEST FOR YOUR MONEY SOIAEFER'S CANDY! ' SSe Pine Needle Balm for Chest Rub 17c (with ad) 75c EAUDE COLOGNE 102 (with ad) 50c : Syringe' Attachment . Sets 27c (with ad) Weekend Fountain Special! Just the dish to fill in that . ' (n empty space below the belt L. AVw Canadian Visitors To Leave Grvais GERVAIS Mrs. Allen and family are 1 earing Friday for their home at Ottowa, Canada,' after a visit of several weeks at the home of her sister, Mrs. D. L. St. John, and other points along the coast They plan to go by way of the Lincoln highway as far as Chicago. , Mrs. O. M. Larson of Portland is a house guest at the home of her brother, Eugene V. Myers, principal of the grade school. FOR o .-Keirs Friday and Saturday Only- .Mod Ladies Leather Gloves hop-picking - Kt Ladies' Blue Overalls Slacks & $143 Boy's Corduroy Pants, Tans & Navy value $1.79 Men's, Ladies Cotton Sweater-Coats Men's Tin Pants Pre-shrunk extra heavy, now $1.98 For hop-picking 98c Men's and Boys' Tennis Shoes Real hop-pick er values 59c Men's and Boys' Polo Shirts hop-picking 49c Men's Whipcord Pants For hop- fl 34Y picking ?le3y Boys' Dress Shirts Fast color prints, broad' cloth for school wear. Reg. 60c, now 49c One Lot of Ladies9 Shoes Extra Special 1.48 .Salem, Oregon CORNER STATE & COMMERCIAL PHONE 6608 Orders $2.00 and Over Delivered Free We Offer This Afternoon Saturday and Monday Come and Save TJ olden Bantam CORN lb Cream Style Caae $2.29 No. a Cam Dunbar. Wet pack S for SSe Dry Pack, K-os. Can 15 JOTTER Schreder'e J Always tweet and J J fresh. Grade Aj Pound OK Fine Granulated Soap Large Package 19 PRISCO Fine for Frying With coupon tie Mb. Caa 09 rapes Seedless Freeh shipment Juit arrlTed Poand, Only UGAR Fine . Granulated 10-lb. Bag 59c 2Mb. Bag I43 ancake Flour (Sperm) II S pint drlpcut jag for II only $1.00 with pack J v age wrapper 1 S Pound Package 29 EUOW DRIPS Hotcake and waffle Syrup 12-oa. Glass Jug 11 (T rown Flour Best Patent 25-lb. Bag 95c 50-lb. Bag I65 aLi Salem's Favorite Coffee Fresh Roasted Pound 22c Schillings or Wadhams Ground Black Pepper, 2-oz. Can 5c HHS II Cloverbloom, 7 varieties. -Ib. package Orange JUICE No. ltin Only 1 lie of AM or JEU.T1 Strawberry or Raspberry flaror 15-os, Jar TQ)est Foods Bread and But ter Pickles - "Your Meatmg Place" CPECEALO Legs Blotton, Ih. .. We Are Open Saturday Nighte till 8t30 p.m. BLOCH'S oflcEeim miofle SttnG 220 to 22A N. Liberty ...15c Rabbits, lb. 27c HeilS, lb. . . . . . .... .25c j Sugar Cured Picnics, &: jJ2Sc j j V 3 . 5 i i i I- . . . n 5' i: If