PAGE NINE Reliable Dealers Oier Extra Tallies in (Good Used Cars The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, August 18, 19ST Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single Insertion per line 10e Three Insertions per line 20c Six Insertions per line 30c One month per line .,11.00 Minimum charge lie Copy for this page accepted ontn 1:19 the evening before publication for classification. Copy received after this tim will be run under the beading; Too Late to Clas sify." The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors whfch may appear la advertisements pub lished in Its columns, and in cases where this paper Is at fault wlil re print that part of an advertisement ia which, the. typographical mistake occurs. : ' The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves , the right to place all advertising under- the proper classification. man. Farmers' Exchange Livestock and Poultry WHITE SOW and pigs, weanera. Willis Caldwell, 7 mi- north Champoeg MUX. ------ FOR SALE Black, mare 1500, black gelding 1450, black gelding 1330. Mid way Ketser school and Chemawa. W. I SK1PTON, TeL 14F2J 1 Hop Pickers Wanted START PICKING early hops Aug. 18th at Williams ft Thacker yard. - HOP PICKERS wanted. Hartley ft Craig yards. Walking distance of Sa lem. TeL 4461 or 5028. NOTICE HOP-PICKING ta Mintol yard wlU start Thursday, August 19th. I Help Wanted Male A BUSINESS OF TOUR OWN. Ex ceptional opportunity now available for District Manager in Salem. Large bZ-vnr oia iue insurance cviulhmij i wui new you ouua ,-oucie ir r, : . . ... i rSea- ""T1 .nl"'if "V," land. YOUNG MAN Interested in radio r,e Vr-serice.- Wrlte giving per- TWU WDULiafJuHiCna, ions JOU. I O. A. Hoard, care W. J. Beran, Scio, 1 Oregon. I L Help Wantel -Female .. . . . . I LZrw R,w car ot .91Ro8em?nt'-W'.SI.em: I Txrvrivr v.11mrk I EXP. WOMAN for Ken. nousewora 1 arty. Call evenings. WOMAN FOR housework. Ph. 6173, Situations Wanted EXP. DR'EiTKR Mrs. Adsltt 9448. 1 WILL. PAT 815 for permanent po- sltion. 12 yrs. exp. In grocery and general store. Age 31 yrs. iz s. Church. t NURSE ANUEKsUiN wtsnes practi- 1 rl nursina. Phone ISO. 675Z. 151 Js. 18th St, Salem, Ore. ' r 1 YOUNG MAN and mother want any I kind of work except cooking. Go anyt where. Man has drivers license, (jau 1 after 7 n. m.. Apt 7. 197 14 S. Com- merciaL A. E. Swets. RELIABLE MAN wants work. Ex-T nerienced school janitor, caretaaer, 1 etc. Good ref. Chas. Gascon, 462 State I Street - HAVE TOUR home painted before rains start As low as 96 ma, iz months to pay. 280 N. 18th. YOUNG COUPLE want farm dairy , work. 310 Water. Room 14. or For Sale-Miscellaneous 1 addino UlCRUTBS. cub reals- I tsrs, typewrltera sold, rented, swapped. I Expert repair service, moaeraia prices, i Roen Typewriter Excn. 4e ym. MATHIS ROOFS 476 Ferry. Pbona 4842. - 2000 WHEAT SACKS, carefully I footed. Phone 133F2, Lee's Hatchery. CANNING BEANS del. Ph. 4477, .W . . I 14 FT. BOAT for sale or trade, cheap. Ph. 4395. CASH OR trad tor used furnltun - nnfu heaters, radios, machinery tools, etc. Woodry and Woodry, auc- uoneera, phone s-i-i-s. jsie rt, saer In uouywooa. - 9ftlVVUsrOf1r1i BINOCLE BUSCH 10-power Ger- man narv or army glasses new- cost 990.00 sacrifice 90.00. 409 Ma sonic Bldg. V invvinAfuvuvwinnruvuuvuiiu v I roR SALE "20" Cletrac tractor l 9140 Mill StreeL Phone 3379. , ri snLLKD WHITE vinegar for all I iLTi-T ,. r, inkles I ''rSrX. ZZFJ-n?1 I .t-trv" Pure anola eider vinegar. PURITAN CIDER WORKS . WEST SALEM - " GOOD PIANO, reasonable. Iva Mc Donald. Last bouse N. ttrooa (. Ubl. 84. rival chair 84. etc Tat 9380. 90-4 A 1 MirirTJl A Wlier MSWr. I . . j-j jfc. m I . - - - v . a also oU burner, beating stove, 168 S. I ComX ' CK. STOVE, clrc beat 933 Water. ANTIQUE SPOOL bed, original fla- ISb, 030.00. 1ZZ0 N. ICtB. GOLD FISH, fans S for 25c, turtJps, trap door, rams born and red snails. Water llllea and plsnU for pools.aad aquarium.. 192 v bo. lztn. 30-8 SPRINGFIELD SPORT ER, Stoeger stock peep A ramp sights. 935.00. 1220 N. 16th. Trad ir: ii ... i'""""""a ' WANT GRAIN, hay, straw la axch. tor truck service, fa. ss4. ADVERTTSINQ Western Adfertlslnt RepresentatiTes Fencer-Han Cn Ltd. 8aa Francisco. Loa Angelea, Seattle. Eastern Ad vertlslnj RepresentatiTes Bryant Griffith 4 Branson. In cnicago, New lork, Detroit. Boston. Atlanta tntwnd at ( Pv tat Hew at BaUm, Oregon, as gecoad-Cloaa If atttr. - T.".-'. r.:: .Vtr ,f;lh .rnointm.T,t only." st-t " v",m9ma SUBSCRIPTION RATES: v ' Mall Subscription Rates In Advance, within Oregon t Dally and Sunday. 1 Mo. 69 cents; 9 Mo. 91.90; 9 Mo. 93.69: year f Elaawber 50 senu per lit. ar SAO tar 1 t in n Per copy 9 cants. News Stands By City Carrier: 69 cents a Saoslh 97.10 s year ta advance, Wantetl -Miscellaneous FREE Wit pick up dead and worth less horses, roars, sheep. TeL 4111. WALNUT MBATS or walnut la I shell, any quantity. State Cafeteria. 1 wwmmimwwwwww I PILBERTS AND meats Bute Cat wwiipwwiwwiim I wanted 2 COCKER Spaniel pups I roust be reasonable. Box 550, States- i Miscellaneous CASH FOR any kind of discarded I jewelry, gold A silver. 111 N. Com- merciaL For Rent Rooms 545 a COMMERCIAL. Phone 9835. RMS, ladies. 691 N. Cottage. 5679. EUVC..Cli U KUUMS. tWO OJOCKS I 6 from capitol bids. 1245 Cbemeketa St. 1 SLEEPING ROOM, , Tel. 4849. NICE SLEEP, rm.. 255 Center. SLEEPING RMS., 635 Chemeketa. Room and Board BOARD. RM., very close In. 5482. NICE ROOM. 151 N. 13th. ROOM. BOARD. Phone (557. ississsais iriY"a-rv"errurxfXs BOARD. ROOM, laundry. S5 wk. 923 s. Hign. fror Kent A part ments 9 R. MOD.. GAR." 2005 N. CapitoL 2 RM. FURN. apt TeL 8840, UPSTAIRS APT. Close In. Call be tween 9 and 5. 138 S. Cottage. - -- -'" - i-ci-ri-ivrrryMinAAj LOW RATES, mod. apart, private uatn, adults. 1940 no. Capitol St J isJv-s'M'fvsrwjLO-Si I 3 ft 4 RM. APT., furn. or unf urn. jjo N. 14th St 1 R. KITCH., 312 Water. Ph. 4472. 1 www.wwwm.iw,pm I 9 ROOMS FURNISHED, modern. I good location. TeL 8884. . I 9 WQ PAPTT V fimt At A ' A.itf uaIWa i--4 iaa; -kt I whj. wu umu ilu a vuf a . stuva i Street For Rent- Houses 14th. Call at 771 NT CtoimnwrclaJ. MUUtKN t UKJsISHED 7 room fwitifbt. . 1 nn ft rruuit urt f iit-m r.1I I 1 nn 7 n m RG? N Kth 5 R HOUSE, 320. 2075 Center. HSE. AXCLTS. P. Trin. 6598. Port I w i '..iwkwwo I ULtiunt.L,i iakjaikli. nrst class. I motem. 6-room. ground floor, unfur-1 Pished apartment Vacant Aug. 14. 920 monin. water rurnished. No smau I eiry. . Dlw. . ..rlu r tt- ti. n . n aaent in. auiier street. .a. ...... ...... .. l.l.l.l.l)-u.uArLrLro-Ln 9 R HOUSE. 2510 LAUREL. 8 RM. NEW house on 10 A., close in, 20. rnone 6163. BEAUTIFUL MODERN bungalow, I st jmnltL Ofis Madisnn Rt Just completed. 965 Madison St 6 R HOUSE. LIGHTS and water furnished. 912 mo. Inq, Brookside, Brooics, ure. K. MUUt-KJV HOUSE exceDt oasement partly lurnisnea 132.50. r. m. weir, oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411. wmmwwimmwmvw 7 RMS., FURNACE, fireplace. Sr. nign aist. zt.oo. 7 rms.. sleeping porch. 949.00. RICH L. REIMANN, 167 S. High St RENT FOR 1 mo.. 4 R. turn, lower rut Adults. 896 S. 21st wwwiimowomwvmww 8 R. FURN. HOUSE. S25.00. In 245 Hood between 2 and 1p.m. For Rent HOSPITAL BEDS and wheel chairs to rent H. U Stiff Furniture Co. h Wanted to Rent j WANTED; SMALL apt. private bath, close In. For lady. 400 Statesman. j For Sale Ileal Estate BEAUTIFUL 8 R. JUST completed. 1690 N. 18th. hwd. floors, buitt-lns. I easy terms. Cladek, 1435 N. 18th. NEW HOME. 6 rooms, double plumbing, nook, hardwood floors, fire place, lawn, 198S Saginaw. Owner T . . 1 . ACRE TRACT IN NORTH SALEM IMMEDIATE POSSESSION of a 5 room residence, needs soma repairs. street paved and walks in and all paid. Price 91700. cash 9200, bal. like rent " CIuLDS MILLER, Realtors 344 State St Phone 6708 se, ' meet garage. Way below cost Terms. Owner at 980 N. 18th. 6-ROOM HOUSE close In. Hardwood , Ml4in jwmow atrsii Kat 1ita ;r;r "..t"!'. i r?e V?" V. . ZTZZZZZTTZZ -- 7 A. a i rmuHuuua, a rm. f" price. 31.009. 9200 down. ml fl per mo. ; F. H WEIR Oregon Building - Phon 1411 1 8250 400 DOWN. PAYMENTS 919 per month, buys a 4 room modern I home. V.VZZ HVUSW HSfkM VI Wa I a... -A . V9-I '"7t" "JTT I liaavioa lot fruit hmhhrv MBtrallT tocateo. . ' R. A. FORKNER A. B. LAKE ltit N. Capitol St HI isth RT a ROOVT all modom I Jr-" ' I , JT -L- nle can be bought tm MTV nif tmM. C A KLEXUM JU. UAMBi P. 8623 338 SUte St strictly modern ENGLISH HOME, 3500. B rms., hardwood floors. - 1 t. At A. Jkl. . . .ks-nl mmr9-0mJ. "r..,::.."' "i" V t" .. ROBERT F. BUDROW, Real Estate II Ladd Bush Bldg. Ph. 6965 WEST SALEM 44 acres, mostly timber. Beautiful view land ; can be sub-divided. Price 81400, easy terms. CARLETON E. LANE m, ai ltu-l-ltuwu.' 4 R. HOUSE ON paved street for 91600, Im, .,,k t .ni ,j70() Apt bouse with 8 apt, for 13700. Inmnu ia S&S 00 nr mo. . - 10 A. 3 ml. from Chemawa, good house, barn, some cherries. Prica 81,- 900, $500 down. Terms on naiance. 28 acres nortn to exchange ior sa- lem. good house, barn, other buildings srood. " Masonic Bldg. . BEAUTIFUL HOME N. Summer St All modern and air conditioned. Known CARLETON E. LANE 33 S State St Ph. 8623. i easM"asea"AssAA"Asas4 I 93700. LARGE HOUSE near new i high school, fireplace, basement, fur- 1 nace, garage, targe back . yard. Some 1 fruit trees. Tb is would make s good I house for taking- in roomers, I J IL BELL 81 429 Ore. Bldg. Phone 9121 I MOD. 6 RM. home, ctoea in. Sacrt- 'flee. Owner TeL ". For SaleReal Estate I MOD. 4 KM. house, furnished. 19 SO Koyai street, by owner. Terms cash. LOT near statenouse. 1580 Center. mwmwiiwwwwi BLDG. LOTS. W. Salem. 1180 to I 9150. 910 down. $5 per mo. Acreage 11981 N. Capitol St. tracts, a. Salem. 1400 up. SZ5 down. sio per mo. mono tsz. wmwwwwwwwwm I I ROOM MODERN house, lot 9060.1 For short time, price 13250. Good I terms. 1 fTA RT.ETOM v. I.ANK I 33$ SUte St. Phono 8623 1 N. FIFTH STREET S ROOM BUNGALOW, lot 60x120 can be seen by appointment only. Very reasonable, terms. CARLETON E. LANE Real Estate 133 SUte St. I HAVE FOR Cflla ar xrtia.npa : I H hnuaa txoll Inratiul T11II Trif 12 . 500 ; will take in good car as down navi 4 H turn nrwl A nf ln1 rnnA I chicken - bouses, barn, garage ft well water, mi. of city limits to exchange I ior city property or sell ; turn.- bouse, fully modern, basement, garage, close to school, priced to sell, down-payment ft 925 per mo. ; one of the best bar- SomsV c.mpleTelT'rurnl.hed wfth .U A at m m J... I sr ti garden tools, including small garden I " .rsSV"5.!!.Sl lw v;i . 200 A. adjoining the city of Jeffer son, only 950 per A. . ; F. H. WEIR, Oreg. Bid Ph. 9411. TRACTS. 50, CASH, 910 month. 1 A., 7 R. mod., trade clear. 1 A., 6 R. mod. except base.; 9350O, e a a t v. m. j nr aa I ism, itami, . I 10 A., new bldics.. mod. except base.. I 95400. Many more good buys. See F. Griepentrog, 1940 McCoy St Exchange Real Estate ROOM MOD. home, Santa Ana, Calif., for Salem.' Ph. 6552 EXTRA FINE 6 R. mod. home In Salem for Seattle home. A very good 10 A., all year stream, fruit berries. 6 R. nlastered semi-mod., home. New roof and paint, for Salem home. J LINCOLN ELLIS 2061 Stat xr-o cirn M c.uM erty 80 lrnproved ann 6 miles mt un " ur u aus asvra oaicui uiwir southwest of Philomath. Phone or write Rev. Geo. Chapman, Corvallis, Rt No. 2. housTforheeV place CaV evenly For Sale Farms 19 A rVCTrtV 1KTI ranfon lan1 Int. of water, all tiled, on the pavement I t V mi. from school, 4 mi. from Sa- - iem, new rm. nouse. it. jusi oin m i smau aown payment, oaiance on a i crop payment basis. Owner shares-1936 1 more than 9500 00. Consider city prop- 5-ACRES, 8-R. HOUSE, 8 miles east assas a . a ai e - i s- in cult, good buildmgs. 30500-93000 5 acres. 6 room house, barn, chicken .?Jnntinnft J. V 't t01. $350091000 down. Terms to house, brooder bouse, elec water sys- suit A. C. JENSEN 212 Oregon Bldg. P. 9411. Pattern Patten 4474 By ANNE ADAMS Your housekeeping; career .'n t K. . whpn nn own i V.. ...i;.T ...... UCU cucT, yiwuw myivu9 mm I tl.u.l T.. fklnV Iw. 4nll. "run ler-aua" irom oniy one pauru: ii I won't take TOU more than a. few hours to cat . n stitch this gay jDaIr id youll probably wast to ntaav SUUIO &11B ICIDIUUH 1UI I ! rifts f or Yonr friends ! See tyle "A" wouldn't you like it in s I T . w ..... I bright floral print in tubbable cre- tonne or colorful percaleT Ver- slon B Is lust HBht made up in ..rdT checked Bingham, cham- oray, or uai-iy uwi. , j , I rauern ttt is avauaoie in I sizeg mall. medium and large. lcll A t.Vo. 9 U. I yards raffling; Apron B takes 2 Vk I yards 38 Inch fahrie and Z -y'fS? A j i 1 1 yards ruffling. Illustrated step-1 ' . tn.tneUnn- inrT?Z sewing instrucUons ln - B-"":? eluded. Send FIFTEEN CENTS (15e) is coins or stamps (coins preferred) for tbls Abbs Adams pattern. Write ptarhlr SIZE. SAKE, ADDRESS sad STYLE XUMBER. Make roar own flattery t Send for nr ASXE ADAMS PATTERS BOOK sod see how essily yoa . csa . stitch up the newest, smartest out-. fits from the easiest patterns ever seeat Me aaattsr bow inexperienced st sewing, yoa wilt west ta make these lovely afternoon frocks, part styles, moraine models! Variety sad Cattery for growing-ep end grows ! BOOK FIFTEEN CEXT8. Pat TERJi FIFTEEN CEXT8. TWENTT- " FIVE CENTS FOR EOTH WHEOS ORDKfiED TOGEHER. Send year order te he 8tstesatsa, Patters Departs!. ' ' For Sale -Faring ) -. 94 ACRES ' 90 IN CULT., family orchard, good well, creek, all fenced, old buildings, good roads. Price 35500 f 2000 down, bal. 6 int. DICK DARNTKLLE. Real EsUte rnone mi Acreage 5 ACRES: I RM. plastaredhse. Wired for electricity. Hollywood Drive, 11700.00. 9700.00 down. ACRE: 4 no. unfinished has- Fairvlew Ave. 91200.00. 3200.00 down. Suburban SUBURBAN HOME OF 1 ACRES not far out on paved road. 6 room residence and garage. Price 3500, part terms. See us for Good Buys in close in acreage. CHILD 3 ft MILLER. Realtors 344 State St PhOM 6709, 5 A. PLACE, SMALL bldgs.. good terms or rent for cash.- 637 N. zotn. Wanted Real Estate DICK DARNIELLE. Real Estat. im K Capitoi gt Phon, J511 IF YOU- have "property to sell would like to have an opportunity to talk to you about It F H. .WEIR, Oregon Bldg. Phone 9411 PAT CASH S to 20 acres with lm- rrnvsmfnti Hark mnil Wrft at ftneft . f . " . Kt z,.box 43A, Norm front St. - I n-j:i!M I tSUSinCSS UpDOrtUnitieS MOD. APT. house, easily managed. good business for woman, cash. Will take house as part payment 1365, Eu gene Register ttuard. 8 APT. HOUSE on R Cottage 8t All stnei 4Sil 1 an1 MaHv it svrt Os Ti rtsm boug, on easy termV CARLETON E. LANE 3S3 State St Phone 8628 3-PUMP SERVICE station, central location 10,000 gallons a month only 92000. R. A. FORKNER A. B. LAKJS 1853 N. Capitoi St BEER k. LUNCH : Fountain, coun ter, booths. Showing very good profit Low over head. Ask salesman for par- tJJTTKk 8-2 rm. apts. ; 2-3 rm. apts., automatic furnace. Everything like new. Close to state house. 96500.00. Will take some trade. RICH U REIMANN, 167 & High St Money to Loan 9 8-1 1 .nno t.v ... f TOsJl loansT Any amount to .300 amount up w Lie. No. S-204 - 244 SUte St Salem, Oregon .Vffi "Km CONSOLIDATE TOUR DEBTS BORRROW FROM an Independently owned and operated 8alem campany here your problems will receive per sonal consideration both before and after tha loan Is toads. Interest on unpaid balances No fees 43uick. courteous service. WE SOLICIT TOUR ACCOUNT : General Finance Corporation 196 8. Commercial Phone 9169 St. Salem. Or. tie. Nl 8-188 SOUND INVESTMENT FOR A sound Investment : for your savings get a first mortgage on real estate. We now have a number of good farm, and city loans. Amounts of 8500 to $5000. net you 6. payable semi annually. CHILDS MILLER, Mtge. Loans 344 State St Phone 9708 Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO bay new or used ear, Private money at vary low rates. No red tape 1 ta 29 months- to repay. Roy H. Simmons 136 & Commercial St, Salem, Or. Phone 168 Lt& No. M-152 MONEY TO LOAN ON SAt .EM residential property na- der tha F. .H. A. plan, long term loans with low monthly payments, no com mission. Refinance ar build a new W. H. QRABENHORST CO, REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St Phone 6463 MONEY TO LOAN IF TOU want immediate action, see us for farm, city and Improved acre age loana CHILDS A MILLER Mtae. Loans 344 SUte St Phone 6708 I aeeS9aSejaasats COLD CASH FOR HOT WEATHER NEEDS . A VACATION IS not a luxury it la an Investment in ,. health and happiness. We can lend you up to 9300 for yours. Repay In small amounts on any plan you select Come in. Second Floor New BItgh Bldg. Rm. 119 1I State 8t at Hfgit Phone 9191 ' Salem. Oregon Beneficial Finance Co. of Salem License S-12X. K ill Loans Wanted I LOANS WANTED en farm and city property. fVsfore borrowing. Inquire at Hawkins Roberta., . WAHTKU rKlVATB UJAH : azase, Secured by gilt-edge first mort i gaga. See EDWARD ROSTETN Raetetn A Adoloh Inc. 119 North Commercial St. Ph. 3039 I Financial WE HAVE never paid less than this rata on savings ig ana mvesimenia. iwnw iv 85000. Mutual Federal Savings 4 Loan Ass's. Phone 4944 142 S. Ubetry St 1 For Sale Wo4d OLD 2ND fir k ash. Ph. B379. 19 IN. OLD fir. 35.50. Ph. 9459. QUA RANTEED URT WOOD coal TeL 5000. Salens Fuel Co. Trad and 1 laRQ1e second growth. Ph. I37F8. ir OLD FIR, 2nd grey Ph. 3679. I -ssss-ssJ-sj-s,Sas NO. I DRT wood. Reas Ph. 3364. I s-ssaaSsas-asatsseSBsSa-ssaasS-sS 14- OLD FIR. Tel. 9700. lt-saaS-jSSsSvaSa WOOD. 19 IN. eld growth fir. 93.59 4 ft 2nd growth. 84.00. Don Burr. Dallas. Ore. Phono Dallas 1353. Long distance paid lor. SALE 180 CDS. dry old growth. ft. Made from large timber, 92.50 cd. 7 miles rrom Bcotts Mills on mute Creek. Good road. N. R Rashford. La Center, Waahr Pbons 1ZJ21. r Lost and Found FOUND CAR tack. Aug. 9 th. Ss- lem-Stlver Creek highway, east of Vic tor Point Intersection. Leo Cteslak, It I. Sublimity. I For Sale Used Cart Question: ''.Who lias the ' A . 6t(Tl TT U auswcti a 11c jAcrraxi'Vncus cuiupaiiY Question! "Who sayg so?' 'Answer i They (the public) all say so.' See Our 1930 AUBURN SEDAN ..$190.00 Completely Overhauled Fords 19?? Ford T Coupe ; 1928 Ford Coupe. Excellent 1929 Ford Coach ., 1981 Ford Coach 1935 Ford Tudor .9 1 -9115 Jl4S -9250 846 Chevrolets 1929 Chev. Coach ItSO Chev. Coach 1910 Chev. Sedan 19S1 -Cher. Coupe 198S Chev. Coupe 1939 Chev. Coaoh Plymouths 1934 DeLuze Ply. Tudor 9441 19J6 DeLuxe Ply. 2-Dr. Touring Sedan - 9650 Buicks 1929 Bulck Sedan 9191 $249 9245 1930 Bulck Sedan 1930 Bulck 7-pass. Sedan 1931 Bulck Sedan. CoroDletelr overhauled. Excellent 3295 1932 Bulck Sport Coupe . ..8S49 Pickups & Panels 1927 CHEV. -T. Panel -9 -9109 izs chev. sedan DeL Trucks 1929 CHEV. Truck 1 35 1928 REO 1-ton Truck 9 81 1929 GRAHAM 2 -ton Truck 80 HerralllOweinis Co. -"DEPENDABILITY" The Home of Dependable DODGE A PLYMOUTH and DODGE TRUCK DIST. 235 S. Commercial - - - Phone 3169 OPEN EVENINGS CLOSED SUNDATS NEW USED CAR PARK Church St across from State Theatre saaisSsssssj avjaaasa1jja OTTO J. Today's Used 1936 PLYMOUTH DeLUXE SEDAN 1937 STUDEBAKER 4-DOOR SEDAN 1938 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN 1936 HUDSON DeLUXE SEDAN ISIS Piririwn SRHAN fnrmerl duced to ; -.1150 MANT OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM. OTTO J. WILSON Used Car Lot 366 NORTH COMMERCIAL Let's See 47 Used Cars Ranging iii Price From $200 Down FOR EXAMPLB A beautiful 1930 Pontiac Sedan 9175.00. Looks at runs like new. 1934 Ford DeL Cpe. Runs perfect, low mileage. New tires, etc. Our price today-7-9385.00. An exceptionally clean 1929 Pontiac Landau Sedan. Runs perfect. 9125.90. HURRY! THERE'S A FEW MORE Salem Automobile Co. TWO LOCATIONS CHURCH AT COURT AND 435 NORTH COMMERCIAL - FOR THOSE: THAT WANT THE BEST SHOULD SEE AND TRY THESE CARS 1936 Ford DeLuxe Coupe 1938 Ford Touring Sedan, .9585 low mileage. 13.000 ml. 596 646 446 1933 Ford Touring Coach 1936 Ford Coupe 1934 Ford Coach, radio, heater. truaa, a special car i 1933 Ford Coupe 346 1930 tort A-l Coach zot 1935 Terraplane Coach, overhaul ed completely 495 396 395 1931 Bulck DeLuxe Sedan . 1933 Plymouth Sedan , 1923 Ford Pick-up. B model, 4 new s-Dlv tires, excellent condition . 828 Motor Co. OPEN EVENINGS A WEEK DATS CLOSED SUNDATS Three Lots Center A Liberty Hollywood Marios A Liberty A J"--i-,-riri-r-irrii-iru'uj"in-r PACKARD SACRIFICE for- cash. J. J. P, RL 4, Box L Tel. 5566. Personal - LONELY?. SELECT CORRESPOND ENTS, FRIENDSHIP CLUB. CONFI DENTIAL. Send age. Box 214, Ash land, .Oregon. - , - WANTED. NAMES MEN under 26 who are willing to work for 975.00 a month while training to become avia tors or ground mechanics. One year's training given by V. S. Air Corps. Costs absolutely nothing. Flying Intel ligence Serv. Box 522. Milwaukee. Wis. ANT BILLS outstanding against the West Salem Community dub water re gatta must be presented- before Aug. 23 st 1339 Edgewater St West Salem. f WILL NOT be ressonslblo -f or any bills contracted by anyone but myself. T. R. Godley. For Sale Used Cars "III best buys in town?1 r . 99 -Dodges- till TJhdm Conns. Motor com pletely overhauled .,',..985 1981 Dodsrs 4 -Dr. Sedan. Car ex cellent MM 1936 Dodge Coupe. Good as new 9646 ltlt Dodjn 4-Dr. Tr. Sedan. A real beauty winner ,. ...6T36 Miscellaneous 192S OAKLAND Sedan . 1927 NASH Sedan 1929 WHIPPET Coach , 1928 ESSEX -Coach 1928 PONTIAC Sedan , 1928 DURANT Sedan li29 PONTIAC Sedan 1928 HUP Sedan 1929 PONTIAC Cab. 1929 OAKLAND Coupe -9 85 -8 65 -8 55 I 60 is I -9 90 -9 95 Mil 8185 -9146 1930 LaSALLE Sedan -91 1929 CHRYSLER Cabriolet Real Car .9185 1930 AUBURN Sedan 1930 OLDS Coach 1929 STUDEBAKER Pres. 8 Se dan. Motor rebored. . New pistons, pins, rings, valves re ir round, new brakes, rub ber, paint excellent 9348 1911 STUDEBAKER Coupe. Completely overhauled 9296 Trucks-- . 1929 DODGE 2-ton Truck 9285 1930 FAGEOL 2-ton Truck. Ex cellent condition 3386 1931 DODGE 3-ton Truck -8346 1934 CHEV. lH-ton Long W. B. Van Body ; 1450 Logging Trailer 9225 Used Cars and Trucks' 19 WILSON Car Specials .8865 926 . 785 '74$ - r nriced st 81200. now re LEFT LIKE THESE GET YOURS NOW Look at these cars before you buy at Capps Used Cars, 1100 Edgewater, West Salem. 1936 Chev. 3-D. Bed. with trunk -9545 1936 FoM 3-D. DeLuxe- Sedan. with trunk . u 8351 HIS Jrora couse. radio ana heat- . er, looks and runs like new 496 1929 Page 4-D. Sedan ' ' 185 1929 Chev. 4-D. Sedaa - 155 1926 Ford 4-D. Sedaa "a 1928 Ford Coupe 95 1928 Durant Sedan 66 1926 Dodge 4-D. Sedan 85 TERMS TO SUIT OR TRADE 00mAVmAAA9AAAA9AAAm1mM i 1926 FORD TR, 2306 No. Fourth. DIESEL BURNER 15 CHEV. DUAL truck, long wheel base, heavy duty overloads, air-brakes. 100 gal. auxiliary tank, 24-foot semi I trailer, Oregon. Idaho, Wyoming. Ne braska license plates, good mechanical condition: will sell or trade also, 4 urea 7.1 . tires good condition, one good wood furnace, colls suitable for 7 room house. Phone 4039 or write Bos 237. Salem. , SssasAJSsAeSs DODGE TOURINO car. 1926 model. 925. Inquire 485 South Coinmerciex Automobiles v . - TRADE EQUITY ta '37 Model A. Inq. 2104 N. Fourth. : TRADEMARK NOTICE : "Please take notice that John JP. Jelkai rtamnan-r. an Illinois cor poration, located at Chicago, Illin - ois. has filed an -application (or registration of a trade-mark In the SUte of v Oregon In accordance with tha Statutes thereof. The statement snows toai tne traae- Tziz vui"J vuuo,w vi iug woras "Good lucic. it is applied to the following products: short enings. Cheese, Vegetable Spread, Vitamin Fortifier, and Prepara tions for making pastries, fillings, breads, desserts and the like." A4.-X1-1I. For Sale Used CartTI Celebrate! with the Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. on their 1 Oth AmMversary Sale During the Past Ten Years You Have Purchased 691 4 and Trucks W Would Like to Show Our Appreciation by Offering Tou tha Following Outstanding Bargains ... 1936 Chev. DeLuxe Sedan $695 , built-in trunk 1934 Buick Sedan 535 1934 Ford Tudor DeLuxe 1929 Chevrolet Sedan 1929 Chevrolet Coupe 1928 Buick Coupe .... 1927 Pontiac Sedan .. 1928 Whippet Coach 1929 Willys Knight Sedan..... MANY OTHER BARGAINS TO CHOOSE FROM McKay Chevrolet Co. . . m- mm mm. MOTOWN ft V(S 7 CLOSED 333 Center Phone 8169 Dallas Company Leaves for Camp DALLAS Company L of the 162 Infantry of the third bat tallion, of the 41st brigade, left early Tuesday morning for a two weeks stay at Camp Lewis. This will be the first time that the entire company has been able to go. This was made pos sible by several changeg in per sonell, when older members re turned to the company In the past ten days. -Company L will be one of the few complete com panies attending Fort Lewis. In spection of the local guard took place Monday evening. Their major is Ed B. Hamil ton, formerly of Dallas. The oth er officers are Captain Roy M. Scott. 1st Lieutenant, John Eakln. and 2nd Lieutenant, Pete Freisen. They will return August 1 NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF MARION COUNTY, STATE OF OREGON la the Matter of the Estate of Elizabeth R. Harris, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Final Account of Victor H. Morris, administratrix of the estate of Elizabeth R. Harris, De ceased, has been filed with the County Clerk in the County Court of Marlon County, Oregon, and that the 19th day of August, 1937, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. at the court house of said County has been appointed by said court as the time for hearing of objections, if any there be, to said Final Account, at which time any persons interested in said es tate may appear and file objec- tions'thereto in writing and con test the same. Dated at Salem, Oregon, July 20, 1937. VICTOR H. MORRIS. Administratrix of the Estate of Elizabeth R. Harris. Deceased. FRED A. WILLIAMS, Attorney for Administratrix, U. S. National Bank Bldg.. Salem, Business Cards in this directory ran OS monthly basis only. Ratet 98 per liate per month. F Auto Brakes Mike Pa nek, 978 South Commercial Bicycles BICYCLES. NEW A reconditioned. Harry W. Scott. 147 S. ComX Ph. 4516. Carpenter SKILLED CARPENTER and drafts man, remodeling s . specialty. Phone 4369. Chimney Sweep ) I ,. -aftN - - ..w 1 TELEPHONE 4459. R E. Northneas. Chiropractors DR. a U SCOTT. PSC, Chiropractor. 259 M. High. TeL Res. 9763. Excavating . EXCAVATING OF ad kinds, Bass- meats dug Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. Salem Band snd Gravst Ca Phone 940A Florists Brelthaupta. 447 Court. Ph. 6904. Jr For r 1 1- I DuBAIN FUR Co. blaster farriers snd esignera. Rm. i s. f liter Bldg. r Laundries tke new sa lem haundr. i - THE WEI HER LAUNORT 1x99 a High - tsl 9129 Lime GOLD HILL agricultural lime, state testes. 08 ralctotn carbonate. Son tested free. ALSO farm loaaa, 1970 Broadway er 429 Oregon Bldg, - For Sale Used Cars Cars from Us . v Regular Price Anniversary Priea $645 495 ae 415 375 175 t 150 125 ' 95 95 65 50 25 45 25 '45 25 525 475 SUNDAYS 430 N. Commercial Townsend Group Meets, Jefferson JEFFERSON At the meettar of the Townsend club, the Tlce president, Mrs. Maude Black well presided, in the absence the president. Jack Tyson. During the business meeting W. S. McClain was elected see retary of the club, taking tir place of Mrs. Nettle Reeves whe resigned. The address and slide presented by Gordon Fleming o.' Salem were much appreciated. Dt. H. C. Epley of Salem als gave a short talk, uecaus many Jefferson people were i" Albany that evening to wltner the American Legion parade. there was . only a fair size audi ence. The next meeting wil' be held September 9, and a pre gram is being planned. North Dakotans Guests at Shav SHAW Dr. and Mrs. O. I Hickman of Bryant, S. D. asr Herbert Carey of Salem, visltr at the B. D. Wells home Sands while touring the west The dor tor is s cousin of the late Rev. r. C. Hickraan,vformerly of Salem. Eva Faulkner, who Is esr ployed In Seattle, spent the week end at the home of her mother. Mrs. Mary Larson. Frank Masser, who suffered heart attack recently, Is slowlr recovering. New Teacher on Visit to Lyon LYONS Mrs. Nora Taylor ' Stayton visited a her brother Ev erett Crabtree's home in Lyor several days this week. Mrs. Tsylor will teach the Wr sel Flat district school , this yer and hag arranged to stay at t G. F. Johnston home In Fox V" ley. Mrs. Taylor taught the F Yelley district school around 3 years ago. Directory I Lawn Sprinklers CALL C S. Whltcomb, Ph. 4396. Alattresses SALEM FLCFF-RUO and Mattret Factory. NEW MATTRESS mads order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, sir tag; rJuri rug wenrlng. 11th Wil but Tel ' 944L OTTO F. ZWICKRit Est. I91L CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 400- Painting-Paperhanyint; HERBERT E. WOOD. T. 9926- PAINrrNQ, KALSOMININO. 447t Phon Photo Enpraving SALEM PHOTO engravtnav Ml K Commercial TeL 1887. Printing FOR STATION ERT. cards, pampb lets, programa books er say kind prnttng. csui The statesman Prtntm Department. 918 & Commercial. Telr phone 9101. Radio Service BARKUS RADIO Sarvtcs, 897 S Cora L Ph. 8969. Transfer CAPITAL CJTT Transfer Co. 2 warding and store our specialty ('. . Stata St. TeL 17 7 A Distributing, f our rates. . FOR LOCAL st distant transfer st age. burner oil. call 8181, La rm Transfer Co. Trucks ta. Portland dm Vacuum Cleaners RKGINA Sales 4 Service. Ph. 'li Well Drilling R. A, WEST,. RC f. Bs. 446. X. 110F& Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING, blacksmtthln. Pbons 9429. 939 K. CoaustrclaL