The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 18, 1937, Page 7, Image 7

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Giants r-Move ;to:MitfeOT Ttwee
Tht OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Wednesday Morning, August 18, 1937
Circus Catch
Aids Pirates!
Soapbox Derby Finals at Akron Ohio, Attract Record Crowd
Waner Hero With Aid for
' Brandt Who Turns in
Five-Hit Hurling
PITTSBURGH, Aug. 17.-Wfc:
Fine pitching In the pinches by I
Lefty Brandt and a brilliant
ninth-inning catch by Lloyd Wan-
er helped the Pittsburgh Pirates
beat Chicago 4 to 2 today. -
r It was the fourth straight vic
tory for the Pirates. - r
Waner'a catch of Herman's
whistling liner which appeared to
be good (or two bases ended the
game. Two runners on the bases
i were headed toward the home
. base. -
. Brandt entered the game limp
ing with an injured leg but held
the slagging Cabs to one ran un
til he was forced to retire in the
eighth after Galan doubled.
Chicago . .2 10 1
Pittsburgh 4 12 0
French and Hartnett; Brandt,
Brown and Todd.
Giants Close la
BOSTON, Aug. 17.-;p-BehInd, fire-strikeout pitching by
Cliff Melton, their lanky south
paw, the New York Giants today
climbed within three games of the
National league lead by outscor-
lng the Bees, 4 to 1.
New York 4 12 0
Boston . ..1 .5 0
Melton and Danning; Bush,
Hutchinson and Lopez.
BROOKLYN, N. Y., Aug. 17.- Shreeve Sauadls
V-Two home runs by Johnny A
Moore, each with a man on base, I T7f- r Zn Tmiitnatr
another by Pinky Whitney, and EiHlry ill lUUrilCy
seven-hit iiitcMnz hv Claude Pas-1 J ' J
' f-.-r i 4 if X 'a 1 I
s c, " J ,"'. ,';. ' 1
: - - V " "i '.' '','- y I
o o -
I 1
seren-hit pitching by Claude Pas-
sea u today gave the Phillies an
easy li-i triumph orer the Dod-j Defeats Independence KP
Brooklyn thus was dropped in
to last place, four points behind
Wythe Phils.
S Philadelphia 11 15 1
uroomyn i t x i
Passeau and At wood; Hamlin,
Cantwell, Lindsey, Butcher and
Spencer, Cherrinko.
12-11 in Slugfest,
District Final
Cards Win at Night
CINCINNATI, Aug. 17 .-()-Playing
the last two innings in
the rain, the St. Louis Cardinals
defeated the Cincinnati Reds 8 to
before 20,302. persons in the
fourth floodlight contest of the
major league season tonight.
St. Louis 8 IS 1
Cincinnati : 8. 11 3
Wetland, Harrell and Owen;
Schott, Derringer and Lombard!.
DALLAS A crew of slugging
Dallas softballers, playing under
the banner of Shreeves Garage,
came from behind in a close j
game here Monday night to down
the Independence Knights of
Pythias team, 12 to 11. It gar
The local all-stars pounded out
Dallas the district championship
and a berth in the state tourney.
ten hits oft two Independence
hurlers, OTerhauling an early 8
to 0 lead In the nightcap. D wight
Adams on the mound for the
winners allowed ten blows bat
kept them well scattered after
the second inning.
The Independence Oldtimers
collected six runs in the first
frame of a fire-inning opener and
held that lead despite a pair of
home runs to down the Dallas
Old men, 8 to 2.
Independence trotted orer
three runs In the first inning on
four hits, and added five more '
The Papermakera and the Hogg in the second canto on only two
Brothers, the two battling softball I bingles and a pair of errors. Dal-
teams which went 13 innings Mon- las came back to counter ten
day night in the first game of a I runs in the next four Innings, I
playoff series, will meet again to-1 an A held a 10 to 8 lead at the
night oft Sweetland field at 8 1 end of the fifth.
o'clock. 1 Rlney, Independence first
Hogg Brothers, fighting to sare I sacker, drore a slow ball to right
both face and the series, will be 1 center for a home run In the
Softball Playoff
Resumes Tonight
' 'fvsX "'-v:' h; yt 2sJ
:j. ' Vi ' cXTT
K'l " i'-" t-C x" - . N
Japanese Victory
Noted at Annory
Cooper Signs,
O'Grady Clash
Tiny Agrees to Risk His
Belt Against Ashland
Boy Here Sept. 3
"Tiny" Cooper, holder of the
Oregon heavyweight - champion
ship belt, yesterday capitulated to
Jack McCarthy's demands that he
sign for a championship bout with
Gene O'Grady . of Ashland and
agreed to meet his heavyweight
riral for the Oregon crown in
ten three minute rounds the night
of September 3.
McCarthy, who with the Coo-
per-O'Grady bout, will make his
debut as a boxing matchmaker for
the Veterans of Foreign Wars,
Immediately announced that the
championship battle will be spon
sored by a stellar card.
To Turn ia Belt
The Oregon heavyweight cham
pionship belt awarded by the Sa
lem boxing commission will be re
turned to the commission before
the match. McCarthy said, and of
ficially turned over to the winner
at the conclusion of the contest.
Cooper, second holder of the belt,
won it from Frank RiggI and will
be defending it for the first time.
Purporting to have offered Coo
per the largest guarantee ever of
fered a fighter to appear here In
recent years McCarthy said that
both Cooper and O'Grady would
begin training for the match with
in a few days.
Cooper and his manager, John
Friend of Hubbard. McCarthy
said, are incensed over supposed
newspaper allegations that Cooper
was afraid to risk his crown
against O'Grady, who once held
him to a draw in a ten round
event here.
ft 4
a ' V y ' v
-4 y ' f 1'
Yankees Win Two
To Increase Lead
Gomez, Told of Mother's
Death, Hurls Shutout
Giving Three Hits
NEW YORK. Aug. 17--A
three-hit shutout by Lefty Go
mes in the first game and a
five-ran. eighth-inning rally in
the second today gave the Yan
kees a clean sweep of their dou-
bleheader with the Washington
Winning the first game, 8-0.
and the nightcap, 8-4, the Amer
ican league leaders ran their
margin over the second place
Tigers to ten and a half games.
Gomez, informed an hour be
fore the start of the opener that
his mother had died at Rodeo,
Calif., insisted he wanted to
pitch and proceeded to turn in
one of his best Jobs of the year.
Washington 0 3 0
New York 8 9 0
Appleton, Chase and R. Fer-
rell, Millies; Gomes and Dickey,
Washington 4 8 0
New York 11
Deehong and R. Ferrell; Had-
ley. Murphy and Dickey.
Sugai and Higami Defeat
Caucasian Meanies in
Lively Team Bout
ML Angel Outfit
Tops Silver Falls
Horton Smith, one of the four
golfing aces coming here Sat
urday for an exhibition match
at the Salem Golf dab, coarse.
Others in the foursome are
"LiKhthorse" Harry Cooper,
Jimmy Thomson and Lawson
Little. There will be no charge
for the match and all golfers in
the Willamette valley are in
Ducks Rally and
Defeat Missions
Red Box Win Easily
The Boston Red Sox had Iktle
trouble taking the first Joust
of a three-game series with the
Athletics today, supporting Jack
Wilson's eight-hit pitching with
a 14-hit assault to win by a
score of 6 runs to 1.
Boston . 6 14 I
Philadelphia 1 8 4
Wilson and Berg; Ross, Fin.
Turheville and Brucker.
SILVERTON While it was
nip and tuck throughout, Mt.
Angel finally managed to pile up
Thomas Settles Down and
Gets Help; San Diego
Captures Opener
The Sun of Heaven, serene In
his gilded palace, might not
know it but two sons of Japan
put another victory for Nippon Angel linally managed to pile up SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 17.-
on the annals last night as Don I a three-point lead to maae tne I -Portland came from behind to
Sugai and Tetsuro Higami score 16 to IS in the softball I defeat the San Francisco Missions.
teamed up to overwhelm by game played here Monday night 7 to 3. in their Coast league base-
tncka peculiar to tne race one i between tne Mt. Anget AU-stars i ball game here tonight
sandy McDougall, Scotchman, I and the Silver Falls softball team, j Portland 7 8 X
and one Bob Castle, nationality j In the first inning Mt. Angel I Missions ... 3 8 1
Tigers Move Ahead
CHICAGO. Aug. 17-UP)-De-
troifs Tigers added a full game
to their margin over Chicago in
.the battle for second place in
"the American league today by
winning a slugging match from
the White Sox, 11 to 7. lnthe
series opener.
Detroit n
Chicago 7 11 3
Lawson, Coitman ana tore;
Whitehead. Rigney, Brown and
unknown. scored 2 and Silver Falls 8. but
Their effective Jiu-jitsu tricks ft. Angel took the lead in the
just a trifle too much for the third by bringing in three runs
occidental pair to fathom Sugai I and kept that lead until the 8th
and Higami wound up the show I when the visitors' score was
in rapid fire order by taking two bruoght up to nine.
straight wins, dropping each of in the first part of the game.
the opposing due twice during I additional amusement
the fracas,
Thomas and Tresh; Tost, Beck
(8) and Sprint.
Brewers, Loggers
To Play Tonight
" SILVERTON Two new men
have been added to the Silver
Falls baseball team this week and
McDougall was the first to
feel the weight of Japanese dom
ination and, with Castle ca3t lg
nominously out of the ring, was
pressed solidly to canvas after
Padres Go Ahead
SACRAMENTO. Calif., Aug. 17
-CP)-Sacramento and San Diego I will see action for the first time
, J continued their crucial series here Wednesday night with the locals
interest I . . .. n vantAa I l. .t. n Muf Uvn nnlA Tha
i-....- , . down south, with the Padres go-1 rame has been called for s
ing for the odd game by winning
tonight -1. It was the first of sev
ers, Harvey Kaser for Mt. Angel
and Mervin Kaser for Silverton,
Batteries Mt. Angel, Kaser I . . ,
extended the Padre lead to 2
games over the Sacs.
Sacramento 1 8 3
Ward and Detore; Schmidt and
and A. Bean and Usalman: Silver-
eiglit minutes. Castle, with the ton. M. Kaser. Koch and Kelly. ameOT" ine aac8- ,
combined fury of the two rice- Brvson ?an DIeg? ?
consumers turned on him alone, u, Aneel 16 11 8
could hold out only a minute sllTerton 13 lt 6
McDougall Hangs On
with Mt. Angel doubling the
m tne second stansa ana ms 8COre on SIlyerton making a final a,' J7,
partner McDougall futilely exhib- 14 to ? for thd Ti8lto. But Mt. Haid and Ralmondi
Ilea great staying powers as me Angel more thtn douDied the
iwo japaaes0 wu mi ic pltcher8 , a8ing four to Silverton's
minutes to make him succumb. nna Wllm- KniM. whft bprin
J ...,l. IMU Jiauuoiu u
sV "i;-"-" ""' Oakland 3 13 0
The new players, both of
whom are now signed by the
Yankees are Morey, who will
play 3rd base, and Arlett, out
fielder and a cousin of the orig
inal Buss Arlett. Both are from
Oakland, Calif.
Bourbannias and Wattier will
form Silver Falls battery Wed
nesday night. Beard, Hagedorn
Shores and Woodall; Douglas, and Williamson are' expected to
be down with the Hop Gold boys.
J A a. - A. la. A. A, I 1 1. t lit. A. A. 1 I
n PHiwriin no win innirnL rnnieiL i miin inn in w wun iwn mmei an i . - . m. av. M M n a K j i
W i- 7 ij 1 7 a A; i " " lop: A mora-Dmkuu; mwa OI mora iom iwfuuu penvu wMtncv bqoot uurn aua jluuj ir i t wnMn tin nrorpmi from tb
for a Papermaker win would mean board to put the tavaders ahead J2.yeard RoberBnllard, of Whlta Plains. W. to Tictory malne. Extending their scheduled 2f JfK fi SedS Sll-
?.K,n' " 5- -Tl!.8C.r5 in 19ST IaternTlon8o.plox Drby finala, held t Akron. O. 45 minaU match to a full hour Anofwi" fVtPe? Jwtei-
nr ri nrr nriu riMna innrnRT nontH. i i ipii avKin in i n a Kivuin. hum iisu i . m mm a i m n - m hiam i .-w.
Cross Word Puzzle
W The Papermakera won the first J las squeexed over another tally
contest i 10 in it innings aueri in me ninm to win.
tying -the score with a two run I Scores
rally fa the ninth frame. Indep. Old Timers 8 7 2
St. Joseph's and the Paper Mill Dallas Old Men.. 2 3 0
Office team of the Industrial I Harwood and Hagleeton; W.
league, second and first held win- Craven and R. LeFors.
Hers respectively, will play for the K of P . 11 10
Industrial league championship In
the second game
12-ver-old Robert Ballard smiles in victory after winning the in
ternational finals of the 1937 Boapoox neror, neia k asxob, kj.
Shreeves 12 10
First Round Net
Matches to End
Coleman Is 0SC
Baseball Mentor
August 21 has been announc
ed as the deadline for all first
No word as yet has come to
the headquarters of the Bearcat
athletic rlgime in regard to a
CORVALLIS. Ore.. Aug. 17-
taKVerr Tjwt Atrftnr nt fh I rairtA with the TTniversitv of Wv-
round matches In t h e Olinger hetics at Oregon SUte college, an - omlng for September 25. Nigh
playground tournament for girls J nouncei tBa appointment of I onto two week have elapsed
wun August z set ior me c-lR.iBh O. Coleman aa baseball I since a missive was sent wing-
coach today. ing Laramle-ward by air mail to
Coleman succeeds A. T. "Slats" proposition the Buckaroos, or
GUI. head basketball mentor, whate'er they call themselves.
Locey said the change would f n there has been no answer
ond round, August 27 for the
semi-finals and August 30 as the
date of the final match.
Play began August IS. Tourn
ftmenj. entries m r Alice Wlrts. I permit Gill to devote all his time 1 This is interpreted as a good
jean rerry, tarence uuuuru,
Dorothy Green. Betty Gallagher.
Helen Cook. Betty Wirth, Jean
Altec Carkin, Frances Lilburn,
Shirley Huntington and Ann Hof
Careleuness It Chief -Cause
of Road Mishap
Rosson Tells Kitianians
to developing hoop contenders.
The new baseball ..director
coached the Beaver team from
1824 to 1921, winning the north-
era division title in 1925. He
formerly pitched for Portland in
the Pacific coast league.
League Baseball
sign by the Bearcat master
minds, who believe that this de
lay Indicates that the Wyoming
m. m.'s are giving due and full
consideration to the proposition
thereof. So Willamette's grid
iron myrmidons may have an
other fulsome trip to while away
the fall.
Glaring Time,
The primary cause of traffic
accidents is carelessness on the
part of the drivers or condition
of the motor equipment, Hugh
E. Rosson, new director of pub
lic safety for the secretary of
state, told members of the KI
wanis club at their luncheon
ThW was Rosson 's maiden ad
dress on traffic since he as
sumed his new duties.
Rosson recommended more
careful driving and a tendency
the part of automobile own
ers 4o keep their equipment In
better condition.
Visiting Seattle Pastor
- Honored, Dayton Picnic
DAYTON Complimenting
Rev, and Mrs. Walter Smith and
son Jimmy and daughter Nancy
Lee of Seattle who are spending
their ..vacation here, about 40
members of the Dayton, Baptist
church and friends enjoyed a bas
ket -dinner .in the city park Sun
day. -
Rev. Smith was the local pas
tor here for several years, leav
lag here in 1930 to take up the
.Twin Falls. Idaho charge.
(Before night games)
W. L.
Saa Diego .......82
Sacramento 80
Los Angeles ...... 7 8
San Francisco ,,..74
Portland ........63
Oakland 85.
Seattle 60
Missions 52
' W. L.
New York 72 33
Detroit 61 43
Chicago 63 48
Boston 59 45
Cleveland 48. 53
Washington ..... .49 55
St. Louis .33 70
Philadelphia .....32 70
Softball went into the scar
ing and glaring stage the oth
er night at Sweetland field
when the Papermakera emerg
ed victors in a little fracas
with Hogg Bros. The Paper
Producers meet the Brothers
again tonight in the second
spasm of their fend and every
thing bat machine gnus and
the heavy artillery will be a
popping, yon can bet. There's
blood there. The winner ill
be Salem's second entry in the
state softball tournament and.
as such, . wDI meet Hillsboro
In its first game.
. ' W. L.
Chicago ....66
New York ..62
St. Louis 56
Pittsburgh 57
Boston ....52
Cincinnati .......44
Philadelphia .....43
Brooklyn . . . . . .
475 Fight! Fight!
;M Jack McCarthy, having finally
... i (ucu iiuj vuvycr w meet.
.314 1 rn- V-!aA vwnmta that 1.0
is going to bring forth for the
edification and entertainment of
Salem's sparse boxing public a
real show. "More boxing for
the stuff yon leave at the box-
office.' is McCarthy's motto. He
plans on having; evenly matched
boys ia the prelims with good
scraps as results. No more
broken down sailor box the com
pass for McCarthy.
Lewlston 7. Yakima 4.
Tacoma 13, Wenatchee 3. ;
Vancouver 17, Spokane 3.
Web feet vs. WehfootsS
Bruce Hamby, the Univer
sity of Oregon press agent, is
taking the Webfeet feets bail
ers right to his bosom this
vear. "Stupendous, Colossal.
Saper-DeLnxe" he labels the
front of the press book he has
just issued to aid as poor fal
tering sports writers. Inside he
modeetlv reveals that "the
University of Oregon present
an epic of the Northwest, The
1037 Oregon WebfooU." Out
side of the confusion over the
correct plural of Webfoot M's
a good book.
Tom Drynan, coach at Par-
rlsh Junior high and recent re
cruit in the Wait's ranks, is go
ing around bragging about the
general looks and ability of a
new player Walt's signed wun-
ont bargaining for. The new i
player, now several stages below
a flyweight but expected to iui
in auickly. weighs some s
pounds and is named, by some
coincidence, Thomas Drynan, Jr.
1n U An ami ra Ta11h
Knsek to show tor the opener WeKon penneW and Richmond'
eacn iuu iu w " I i.i. vtir. .... k
match and wrestled it out in al
j i mm
Is Tourney Entry 10 lying UHirse
KUOENH. Aug. 17-MPV-Confl-1 Chief among the new features
dent that its ace pitcher, Bill added to the fly tying class, one of
"Speedball" Jones, would prove the regular courses offered in the
aa invincible in state tournament I local adult education program nn-
competition as in the Eugene city 1 der the direction of Earl Litwiller,
loop, the Rubenstein softball club is Instruction In fly casting In the
today awaited opening of tourney I old high school gym.
play at Salem. Members of the class, under
The "sofa-sitters" won the the instruction of Elmer East
city title last night by defeating ridge, have learned the art of fish
Sunset Oilers, 4 to 1. Jones, rat- fly construction during recent
ed one of the leading softball I months. Some of the more advan-
pltchers la the state, limited the Iced students of , the class report
opposition to one blow and struck having sold flies, which they
out 20.
Fiesta Speeder
Ranger Beaten by
Lambert's Yankee
NEWPORT. R. L, Aug. 17-(tfV
Ranger. the sloop with which
Harold Vanderbilt recently turn
ed back Endeavour II, T. O. M
Sopwlth's second challenger for
the America's cup, today suffered
the second defeat of her spectac
ular career.
Gereard B. Lambert's Yankee,
runner-up for defense nomination
in the last three cup campaigns,
led Ranger home by five minutes
and two seconds after a 37 hi-
mlle sailing contest from New
London. Conn., to Newport.
Also trailing in Yankee's wake
were Chandler Hovey s Rainbow,
1934 defender. Endeavour I, Sop
wlth's unsuccessful challenger of
that year, and Endeavour IL
Rainbow, which Vanderbilt
sailed to victory three years ago
crossed the finish line almost
two minutes behind Ranger , but
four minutes ahead of the first
Endeavour. Endeavour II trailed
her older sister more than two
minutes ,
i f .
Other topics which will come up
for discussion in the class during
meetings in the near future will
be rod winding, kinds and habits
of game fish, state fishing laws,
and kinds of lures and when to
use them.
The class is sponsored by the
local school district. It is one of
firs such classes continued
through the summer. Summer at
tendance for this year Is material
ly higher than last year, averaging
58 people for each class meeting.
Class instruction has progressed
through various types of fly con-1
struction. specialising In the study
of dry flies. Half the period is j
spent now in practicing fly cast-1
ing in the gym.
w 17
1 dry; said
of wines
4 people of
Budge Off Form,
Manages Victory
NEWPORT. R. I., Aug. 17-flV
-Don Budge's post-Davis cup va
cation from singles competition
appeared to have rusted his bril
liant brand of tennis today when
he made 1 his belated start in
the historic Newport Casino
tournament, which he won, two
years ago.
After drawing a bye. Budge
had breezed to a 6-2, 6-1 victory
over Henry Daniels, a young New
Yorker. In a second-round match.
but was far oft his usual game.
Just how far the vacation had
set him hack became evident
Jim Miller. Los Angeles midget 1 perienced and much steadier Her-
ear pilot, who will compete in 1 perienca and much steadier Her-
the races to be held at the in-1 bert L. Bowman, also or New
dependence Hon Fiesta, Aug-1 York, in his third-round match.
nst 28 to 29 inclusive. Miller J Budge's forehand strokes were
mow holds No. 1 position for I erratta na be was unaoie to
northwest honors. The fiesta's J employ Ms terrific power as he
midget auto races will be staged J faltered along tq an 8-6. 8-6 win
Friday night, August 28. over his consistent opponent. .
8 seat of a
12 past
13 South
14 dine .
15 put on
16 elongated
17 Spanish
measure of
18 meshed
20 symbol for
21 be silent!
23 mineral -spring
24 Mexican ,
28 jump on
one foot
SO one versed
in govern
ment 83 melody
34 Eskimo
35 to shelter
36 devoted to;
: ' one's native
33 pronoun
49 division of
the year
41 engine
of war
43 exclama
tion -44 upon
45 fragment
47 black
60 narrow bar
of wood
51 seed of a
cereal grain
54 Gaelic -sea
55 varying
of an object
66 make a '
mistake .
57 meadow '
68 anxious
69 month
1 down
hearted 2 the self
2 regards
4 slumbers
6 height
6 sound
11 poetry
19 exists
tO golf mound
1 leather
t2 goddesses
of the
accompany- 24 flight of
Inr normal
, breathing:
7 Prussian
8 symbol for
9 body of v
10 sense organ
11 Greek
Herewith is the solution to yester
day's puzzle.
OwrrtiM, ItJT. if Kmt tm
25 Oriental .
20 Italian city
27 foe
29 fiber from
jV the century
:s plant t
21 Siamese
" coin
23 malicious
37 electrified
particle i
58 teamster
42 mother -
45 cinder .
46 rhymed
47 cloth -measure
48 insect
49 Anglo
Saxon money of
60 Shinto
82 constella
tion 63 attempt
55 Hebrew
lettae ,