The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 18, 1937, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tfce OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Blornlns, August 18, 193T
Local News Briefs
Coming Events
Aug. 18 Marion county
grange council meets, Stayton.
Aug. 22-23 Parade of Pro
gress, Madison street circus
... Aug. 20-29 Hop Fiesta, in
Aug. 29 Old timers
Mebama. ,
Kept. 0-12 O r e g o n
Hit-Run Driver
Gets Ten Days
Also Fined $25; Abandons
Car After Accident,
Police Testify
Super-Trucks Bring "Parade of Progress?' Show
Marriage Licenses Vancouver
marriage licenses were receivea
by Alvin E. Finn, Salem and
Delma M. Jensen, route 8, Sal-
cm? Flovd If. Thomas. Salem j
and Prances M. Sanderson, Day
ton; Emll V. Veskrna, Dallas,
S. D..T and Helen V. Vestecka,
Sclo; Arthur N. Stallmarsh and
Ada M. Ashmon, both of Leb
anon ; Fred J. , Benton, Sweet
Home and Lorena E. Farr. Mil
waukle; William M. Haynes and
Evelr L. Hendren, both of
Turner; Tbornvald P. Jungels,
Detroit, and Grace M. McAllis
ter, Freewater: Otto G. Wengen
10th. Portland, and Luella F.
Rarstad. Woodburn: Abe J.
TJArVspn. Dallas. - and Doris D.
Goodell, Itickreall.
Furniture , . Arrive Furniture
which will he used in the new
nnotnffioA hntlrilnz? arrived at Hie
" ... . . V . .1 I nnr( annllpanta mnot m,V. b f f M
Southern Facinc -aepoi ir;- - I abandoned it after the collision.
Desks, cases ana sprung i?"" Henry Peterson. 1415 Mission.
Lester Rollson, Kelso, Wash.,
was sentenced to ten days In the
county Jail and ordered to pay a
rine oi szs in Justice court yester
day after pleading guilty to fail
ure to stop and render aid after
Xo Fighting Allowed County I being involved in an accident.
Clerk U. G, Boyer was yesterday I . ionfWas charged with be
notified by the passport bureau ol j..wMh wm
me Department ot state ; that no driven by Mrs. Cora Young. 1415
further passports will be issued to I Mission, at State and Winter
im.,1,,1. , -in ,. , I streets the night of August . Po-I
enlist in the naval or military f or- f oundtvtn 1cr d?Ten by Rol-
ces of warring powers. All pass- w luo
'V ... "".f.p.h t ! .,
, . .
v .... y
-2arGil& of arfxr
Letter on Hop
Outlook Sent
died the situation, that the grow
ers as individuals, are now help
less and that a strong organiza
tion is the only way out conse
quently in accordance with the
instructions given this committee
by the meeting on August 13, we
are asking you to express your
rowers neceiye uaiiuui organizing a cooperative market-
to Vote Preference
of two Plans
abroad to enter military service.
were included in the shipment.
Postmaster Henry R. Crawford
is faced with the task or nnamg
space m wmcn . w. aw from Jiimn-nff-J- 9n Tni-. Rollson was committed to iaiL
equipment until it Is put to use Creek, f ' irriaH f ft- CimU D.rA. PInnt Gomo "T,1
when the postal aepanmeni - - .-7 " ... r" ,.rT , tlulUUC X unci x aat. ux vv,o x tuauv
and his gra.nd-dauthter. Donna
Bis Project Planned A oermlt I Young, C, received Injuries In the
to appropriate 250 feet of water I accmeui.
Tf,i waimm mAnmina fhn Htreamllncd hlsrhvcav Lerlathau of the General Motors Parade of Pro
gress re not with tne snow, xney are jnerciy picturea 10 give you an iuc) m uic 1 uon 01 a coupetio s.owvi.w-
super-trucks. These trucks convert to a series of exhibit bxlis on location. The snow opens unuy 1 (0r the hop industry
ml 7 pjn. and remains througn Monoay witn conunuous performances rrora smiu p-m. 11 x
i ing association. If you believe that
such a permanent organization
should be formed, you will please
sign this document also and re-
In mall boxes au over me nop "There are no funds available
producing areas of Oregon yes- at tne present time for carrying
terday hop growers found letters on tMa prognmm For the past
from the hop reduction committee, years, various Individual
containing a referendum on the growerg haTe contributed large
two schemes for relief from over- amount8 of tJme and money for
production that are to be voted the benerit of tne hop growers,
upon. This is unfair. If you are in favor
1 The letters contained ballots or this work, will you please re-
whereby the schemes may be vot- turn in the inclosed envelope any
ed upon by the individual grower Bam you may be able , to contri- ,
as to which method of meeting bute from $1 to $25, depending
the hop crisis, caused by the on the size of your yard. .
brewers' killing of the McNary "Your committee expects the
bill in congress, he may prefer, prompt and hearty, cooperation of
The first ballot title reads: each and every hop grower Jn the
I favor Immediate organlza-1 siaie or uregon. wasnmaron ana
uaiiiornia, ana requests your
moves to the new building about
Christmas. ' ;
Re-Roof Now Elfstrom.' 45S0.
Tuesday to Frank . Thompson.
trustee .of the Merlin Irrigation
district at Merlin.' The creeks
Official Call a. E.- ..Paima- 1 tributary to the Roarne rlrtr
mi Alerted state commander of I
th-American Lesion, ai uxe con- vwn wwMg war igiun. nir
000 acres in Josephine countv. I Tlllie
was issued by the state engineer I chard; decree of divorce In -which Of PrnoWfll" KYni hltinn I hip H prp
it, is ordered that plaintiffs for-1 w vJ3..v, . ,
mer name of Tillle Blckler be re
State of Oregon vs. Edward 8.
Robinson; order Over-ruling state
Robinson; order 1 over-ruling
Sunday; Variety of Currents Used
Chemeketans Get
m s - f 11' hops In the sUte of Oregon, m
10 lOD 01 AdamS consideration of the promises an
t - ' : agreements of other hop growers
Two comDlete mobile power and lighting plants suffi
vention in Albany iaat week, cissus pests has again been sun- Uute's motion to show cause why dent for all its exhibition needs are two of the inariy eriden-
made his " ' no1 nt be punished Y -M f mr-orranization shown by the General Motors Pa
iIit nirnt vnen ne tueuito m 1 uimb, uu icdwu uu. ingrn.Mnt.mnt f lh, . 1 1 --o . . .... . .. .
meetlnr of CaniUl Jost No. 9. cooker used to kill nematode and I -
He expressea appreciation 01 B , ef 10 uesiroy me iiyi s. Robinson; order allowing plain- to ffive
election and. stressed tne neea are again m operation near wood- uffs motion, orderinr the decree -T-t.,,- rwiT? t Mission xnd 14th street.
I ,..ltt..- 1 I Vi W.M WMWM -
Edward rade of Progress opening in Salem Sunday night at 7 o'clock
ag plain- to give the local residents a view of the wonders of science at
25 Reach Summit and
4 Obtain Fine View
of an Increased membership, be- burn. Planting stock and stock
fore next month's national con- for shipment are being treated.
ll.w I. '.. ntT I . i . -.
VTMW? J - ' Lots florist, 1276 N. Lib. Ph 5t2
Unn nnn PirkpriU. 4n ex-I r .
cess Of help In the hop fields Commission Invited--The state
is reported at the state rem- highway commission received . an
ai.i . rtv&r innn . nnn 1 uimmuuu luesaav 10 airenn n
iWta 7ao-:-opi fe" "P.lcBl t Sunday de '
Friday but all: have since been signed to arouse ; interest In the mlfSi ' J a t
?t .(.. u.tMi iicin. nronosed route ? hiphw. .hi.t. Darrell Theodore Wyatt ts.
Itv has already begun on- most oe xugene s snort-cut to P" "V""" ""
in cause modified and fixing mon
ey to be paid by ' defendant for
support of Gene Robinson at I
117.50 monthly instead ot $25
montnly formerly paid.
w. w. Forgey vs. Mildred For-
gey; decree granting divorce and
Own Electricity
ranrhpM and the rest will start
operations before the end of the
week. - . '
El Rey roofx S49 N. Coml.
the sea. 1 Torce, granting defendant restora
tion of her former name of Gene-
Back to Bridges After maklnz 1 vieve;F. Dahl.
repairs to buildings at the county Oril A. Edwards, as admlnis-
poor farm the bridge crew will re-1 tratrlx of the estate of Orpha Pal
turn to its remlsr 1nh iAnn I mer Dawes, va. Jaraa Pntter anil
School Opening City schools I i0D for the bridge wnrlr wilt 1 L'uln Humnhrpv decree, nt fnra.
are scheauiea to open sepiemuet replacement of the bridge hear I closure on lots 1, 2 and 3 of Cap-
13 according 10 an auuuuu- Brush Creek school which burned tai Park addition to' Salem.
meht yesterday at the ornce 01 on the nl(:Bt of Jnly 3 , state land hoard vs. Stephen I.
Silas Gaiser. supenuieuueui I Paishnlufr et deorae wirfinr
schools. Numerous calls nave Koaa Oiling Due Oil t rocking I plaintiff Judgment in the sum of
been received at the oinee re- or the road from the Pacific high- $3500 with interest and ordering
cently requesting the opening way to the c h e m a w a Indian foreclosure on certain property
date, school principals e w kuuui is expected lo oe started held h the defendant in Ufann
in their of rices alter xuguai v. laie mis wees: Dy the county oiling county.
D.r n.H.t.- BnhPrt ?rfw' lctl Vu Cn,sn Its Present W. C. Wlnslow vs. Ida Goetc,
isniciu mou . .v-. - lion nn rne I'antni tlnv.ll xtv
J. Hill. son . of Mrs. Delta Hill
1S70 South Cottage street, re-en
Hated Anrust 16 at the .Vancou- Boundary Meetinjr The d I a-
rer barracks for service-with the trict boundary board will meet at
army air corps. He win oe sta- 10 o'clock this morning at the
tinned in the Philippine- lsianas. court house to consider the nrn. r ..'v. !,-.
leaving San Francisco shortly on p0fcd boundarir change between gr7nds of aV inhume
au armyi.a-ovwiv oaicm auu noperis aismctS. treatment In which nlafntlff ..v.
n.h Met West I Tn in.i ci 1. ...i.. r ir o a for $1S monthly lor each of two
Salem Townsend club No.-l will derson of Forks, Wash.', ireceived mInor eWldren. $15 monthly all-
hod: Its regular meeting inurs- . eM Ininries when car. driven t-uaiuuj ot no minor cmi
d nttht. There will be a short h xir Andsr.nn -t n 11 dren and lump alimony of 20
program and a general discussion Page of Jefferson collided near acre" of nd.ln. Mrlon cntr
on the petitions oeing circuiaiea. Sunnvside. ' ' i rroDaie UHUT
also a report on the picnic held in - In the matter of the guardian
Dallas.;: Friends and- the puhiici inity uoss Tonight 1 "Spirit- snip of Donald Madsen, a minor;
are Invited. 4 . j uai Law and Order ' is the topic I petition of Lillian Madsen St.
Job on the Central Howell-North
Howell road Thursday.
Ed Goetc and Qua Carstensen; de
cree ordering foreclosure for
Judgment of $500 and interest.
Anna Savage vs. A. T. Savage
et ai; motion to take deposition.
Hylda Lynch vs. John Alvin
x '. -."s. - :-":-: f
- A' s
S ' I
t - i
Bernard Zlnk and Robert Locke-
ridse. Deisel engineers, are
shown with their unusual ex
hibit In itself, the Winton Dei-
eel power plant. This huge dy
namo generates power for the
opera tion of the General Mot
ors Parade of Progress. 80
many types of current are nec
essary for the many scientific
exhibitions that the show must
carry Its own plant.
O One unit, a 35 KW Winton die-
sel power plant is transported In a
18 -foot tractor and trailer unit.
Another 35 KW. gasoline' driven
power plant has- been added in or
der to operate the additional
equipment that has been addedTio
the show since Its initial showing
in Miami in January, 1936.
As an idea of the magnitude of
the show, there are more than
three miles of Insulated cable in
terconnecting the various exhibits.
Variety of Voltage
Furnishing both power for the
mechanical exhibit- marvels and
lighting for the huge "big top
tent and the streamlined exhibit
halls, these mobile power plants
boast of a greater variety of vol
tages and currents than the ordin
ary type of power plant.
Instead of the usual lighting
system, the General Motors Pa
rade of Progress power plants
provide voltages 1500 volts. AC.
550 volts AC. 220 volts AC.V 110
volts AC and 110 volts DC. And
Instead of the usual 6 0-cycle cur
rent, these plants produce a cur
rent as high as 3600 cycles.
This high current is utilited in
in Salem for the first time In
many years, on October 21, 22, 23
receivea notice
Local members
for this week's stndv in the Un. Clair to he annotated mardian in I yesterday of appointment of com
All garments, cieaiieu , are lty class meeting tonight in the which petitioner states that Don-jmittees tor me aiiair.
proofed rso exira cnarge. our- Marlon hotel. Miss Olive Stevens aid Madsen. minor child of 11, Is
rough's Cleaners,
Phone 3733.
691 N. High, i8 the ieaier.
- Governor on Trip Governoi
Charles H. Martin will go today to
Tillamook where he will give an
address at the county' fair. - The
governor later will go to Bremer- -lnto free facilities.
ton. Wash., to visit wim nis
daughter.' - - .
Inquire on Bridges The Rhode
Island hotel association has asked
the Oregon highway commission
for information as to how it con
verted its toll bridges and ferries
nnssesaed nt . nerannol tlrnnartv
r r'"i rivr.ivj 1 - .
only and an unliquidated claim I Varum Vnniltc tfi
and cause of action for damages I OCIAIUI kJLVJUlo IU
Corcoran at Lions Lary M.
Corcoran, advance representative
Progress, will be the. speaker at
of the General Motors Parade of
the Salem Lions club luncheon
Recovers from Injuries Mrs,
Blanche Allen, employee of - the
local . YMCA for the past. 12
years, Tisited th office Tuesday Thursday noon at the Quelle
for the first time since the auto ,
wreck.' June 12, In which she Artisans to Meet There will
was seriously injured. be a regular meeting of Capital
. ... " I Assembly nf Artisan T)iiirali
Guilty of Assault G. E. Hll- night at 8 o'clock at the Frater-
burn pleaded guilty to a cnarge 01 nal temple.
assault and battery m juage au
6. Nelson's court in Silverton yes- j . Bonnd Ovei Homer Gladwell
terday and was. fined $10, the tine J was bound over to the grand Jury
being suspended upon payment or in justice court at stayton yester
against the Southern Pacific Com
pany arising out of the negligence
of that company which on June IS
resulted in injuries to said minor.
Edna L. Daily estate; petition
for letters of administration by cftm(1 trt nimh Jefferson:
UHiKii V Tiallw AU l.At. I -'vxm.w w aw
" a- avwui BUio ucil a,u ax
estate of probable value of $100.
Gustaf Knopf estate; Inventory
by appraisers R. S. Ratcliffe. B. S.
Martin and G. L. Miller in which
assets of estate are listed as $10,-1
98.14 in a savings account and
100 In two U. S. treasury certif
$6.75 costs.
8. E. Notson. father of Mrs.
V. M. Sackett of Salem and Ro
bert C. Notson o! Portland, died
August 14 et Emmanuel hospi
tal in Portland. Late resident of
Heppner. where he"was, district
attorney of Wallowa: county for
many years. Funeral srevices win
be held at Portland with grave
side rites at Belcrest memorial
park, Salem, time to be announc
ed later. -
Mrs. Octavia J. P. Nolan, late
resident of route 8, Sunday, An
day on a charge of assault and
Back from Vacation Silas
Gaiser, city school superintend
ent, is back at his desk this
week after a two weeks' vaca
tion. ' .. , t
Club Xo. 4 Tonight Townsend
club No. 4 will meet tonight at
8 o'clock In the Highland school
Instead of Thursday night. The
public Is invited.
Band to Participate The Mas
ter Bread boys' band, under the
direction of J. C. Hassenstab, will
assist in-1 h e Territorial Days
parade in Oregon City Friday.
Smoker Is Fined C. Schafer of
Jt,lh hi . daThter Jfra 8m0kI5 n ea in the
Survived by a daughter, Mrs. El- .0,.,
15,; .'!'-:
lza N. Sersanous . of ; Portland;
son. Alford R. Nolan of San An
tonio, Texas; siBter, Miss Zulette
Painter "of Salem; step-brother.
Will A.' Mumper of Salem:
three' grandchildren,-"' Alford R
Nolan, ' Jr., Jean Sersanous and
Suzanne ' Sersanous. ' Funeral ser
vices - will be held from the
Clough-Barrick chapel - Wednes
day. August 18, at . 2 p.nv. In
terment IOO F cemetery. - Rev
Mr. George -H. Swift of St. Paul's
Episcopal church will officiate.
now on Job
William H. Moran arrived here
Monday to . begin preliminary
work . for the community , chest
drive which will begin September
20 under the sponsorship of sev
en local organizations. He open
ed headquarters in office, space
donated, until completion of the
drive, by the Portland General
Electric company. - -
The campaign manager,' a rep
resentative of the Pierce-Hedrick
firm. Is scheduled to come to Sa
lem shortly before September 20
when solicitation work will be
gin. Salem - Community Chest.
Inc., was brought into being this
year for the first time upon the
petition of about 300 local busi
ness and professional men. .
Officers who are expected to
take a prominent part in this
years drive include: William M
Hamilton,-president, and Senator
Douglas McKay, chairman of the
! - -... v. - BLAKE
. Elmer. "George Blake passed
away Tuesday, August 17 at the
residence in Salem at the age of
68 years. He is survived by
widow,- Mrs. Electa Blake of Sal
em and two sons, Carl Plate
and Clifford Blake, both of
Salem. Funeral announcements
later by the Clough-Barrick com
pany.- 7', . - : -
. Worllts To Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Worlits. 2585 Portland Road. - a
son, Frederick Henry born Aug
ust 15 at the Salem Deaconess
hospital. -. , "
Webb To Mr. and . Mrs. Ray
Webb 1130 "Lee street, a son
Philin Arthur, horn August 10 at I campaign committee.
the Salem Deaconess hospital.. I Mr. Moran 's work for the next
Yonnar-r-To Mr. .and Mrs. Vlr-1 few weeks - will consist of com-
gil Toung, 495 Ford, a son, WII-L piling prospect lists and; making
the residence. ' ' Inary to the opening of the drive.
Make 6-Day Hike
Pamelia, Breitenbush
Are on Itinerary-
Departure of senior hikers on
the annual six 'day hike and a
court of honor attracted visitors
Richard Patterson estate; or- Sunday from Salem and vicinity
der admitting will to probate.
venetia Anna Stickney estate;
final order.
Justice Court
Harry Maizels. speeding with a
truck, fined $10 and costs.
Paul Havelack, passing a mo
tor vehicle on the right, fined $5
Jester C. Himmel. no operator's
license, fined $2.50.
C. O. Ensley, charge of glvlne
check without sufficient funds
dismissed for reason of insuffi
cient evidence upon payment of
costs and making good the check.
Marriage Licenses
Dale Johnson, 271 D. 21. truck
driver, and Wilda N. Skipper, Sil
verton, 21. housekeeper.
Paul W. Wildman. Portland,
39, rancher, and Jane McMillan,
Port Orchard, Wash. 28, housekeeper.
Rudolph Frank Balke Breiten
bush Springs, legal,, chauffeur,
and Franke Louise Bowers.
Erightwood, legal, housekeeper.
K-eisey L. Forstrom, Eugene,
23, store manager, and Vivian E.
Sharpnack, 21 358 North 19th.
clerk. '
John B. Evans, route 2. 28.
laborer v and Evelyn C. En tress.
1865 South Commercial, legal,
housekeeper. - ., ; :
Municipal Court
E. M. Omstad and John Thom
as,, failure, to observe stop signs,
fined $2.50 each. -
Stanley Koles and R. W. Ad
ams each forfeited $5 bail on a
no driver's license charge.
Medical Society Slates'
Meeting Here in October
. The annual meeting of the Ore
gon Medical society will be held
to the Boy. Scout camp on the
North santiam.
The 60 mile hike will Include
vlsita to Marion lake, Pamelia
lake, Mt. Jefferson, Jefferson
park and Breitenbush springs
where narents will meet the
travelers with automobiles.
Members of the party who
wish to climb Mt. JefVrson will
trv for the summit under the
leadership of James Monroe,
ramn director and area scom
craratiTA Th schedule calls
for arrival at Breitenbush Satur
day night or Sunday.
Transport iseeaea
It is inconvenient for the camp
management to furnish transpor
tation for hikers from Breiten-
hnsh to Salem, it was announcea
at local headquarters. A call for
volunteers will be made among
parents of boys making the trip
fnr trnnannrtation from that
r.nnt to fialem.
.. . . , .... j
Those making the trip inciuuc
Bob Day, Walter Busnnea nau
Bob East of Salem, Wallace
nnmnhrer. Matthleu Forrette
and Francis Leffler of Stayton
and jpV Parrish of 'Jefferson.
rTnn Tnrertnr Monroe is in
p.harcre. - '
-Snnriav rnMta . SI. IDS ,, CWF
1 B--- -
m nxr ana airs. . u.
son and son. Jack; Mr. xnd
lira J. K. Try on. Mr. and Mrs.
U-enneth Watt Of Dallas. - Jf.
v " . . : . . i w
and Mrs. Dan Asnton oi u-
nnn Vr and Mrs. T. T. Leo
nard of Silverton. Mr. and Mrs,
iirred iifnndt. Marie Robertson
IWIaa Helen Way. "Dr. O. .
Pound, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dal
l,. xi and mm. Harold Fair
vi.t r r. M. Deuber and
Dan Henderson..
the "circus of science" induction
furnace, where visitors to the .tree
exposition witness such marvels
as the frying of eggs on ice. J The
visitor also may place his hand in
the furnace with comfort, without
burning, next to a bar of stee
which the furnace is heating to a
white heat.
Friction Increased
Here's how science accomplish
es such marvels. The 3600 cycle
current generated by the Winton
Diesel changes the direction of the
current flow In the induction fur
nace coil wires 3600 times a sec
ond. setting up a terrific magnetic
friction or heat on all magnetic
subjects in the field.
The Ice upon which the egg
fries is non-magnetic and there
fore the ice is not affected by the
magnetic friction. But the pan,
n which the egg rests, is magnet
ic and becomes heated, frying the
In the same manner, the human
hand placed near the magnetic,
red hot steel bar is non-magnetic
and is not affected in the least by
the magnetic friction.
As with all exhibits at the ex
position the power plants are open
to the free inspection of the public.
Colitis Coasti pa tioo V la
awra Dicers. aU KcctsJ.
Colo aa4 Stomach troabiaa
completely climiaatod with
oat avrgical operation after
all other methods fcava
faUod. Wa hava dona it
. for thousands of others wo can do it
. foe yea. 36 years U Portland.
rjejTJC BOOKLET aoat mt
"' fmu request. Call or wxitm
faaah,faai mm
HJt. Cor. & Barmaid sad Grand Avo.
Telrphoc SAtt J81S Portland. Ortgoa
Drastic' Cuts in Rates
To introduce hotel to public
Ocean-front ' rooms on third
floor, double, $7.00 per week..
Second floor, private sun
porches for each room, $10.00
per week, double.
Lake-front , rooms. $ 8.0 0 per
week, double.- .
Double room with private bath
$14 00.
Twin, beds and private bath,
$16.00 per week. , V ?
It this plan is voted, bops will
be Impounded after picking and
baling to control market prices.
The other ballot title reads:
"The undersigned grower of
hnna in the state of Oregon. In
prompt response, particularly, to
the organization proposal.'
in said state whose names are
John W. Brown's
Funeral Is Today
John Walter, Brown, who baa
but two in Party of J subscribed to this or unP"te" been making his home with , hie
UVV1. VVM. - J
duce the production' of his 1937
erop ot hops to the amount of 20
ner cent. In Quantity.
. ' ...... . .
"This agreement snail ne eiiec-
tive as. and shall have the rorce
son, J. R. Brown,, in. west sal-
em, passed away Tuesday, at
5 p. m. ' . ' ' ' ". . ."--: "-
Mr. 'Brown was born January
14, 1853. at - Sturgeon, Boone
county, - Missouri. - - His wife
Under the leadershln of " Bill
McCloud and Bob Keudell a party I and effect of. a contract when this J pged'away April 21; 1936. He
oi is men ana i women-cumnea or simitar agreemenw are mu leaves to mourn his loss five '.
Mt. Adams Sunday in a: climb I by producers of 7a per ceni, sons and three daughters: Ivan
sponsored by the Salem Chemek-I amount, of the Oregon 1937 nop i pPOwn of Spokane, Alvin "Brewn
etanx All bat two of the party I production. . - . of Richland, Wash.; - J.--: J
reached the top. I .- Either or both of these Qnes-Brown ana- Archie " Brown of
Starting shortly after 1 o'clock I tlons may be adopted. or xiuea oy west Salem: Frank Brown,-Mrs,
Sundays morning the climbers the rrowerx If both carry.," means I tola Handwith and Mvrtle Keel-
tooTt about 10 hours for the: (organization of the industry .into er 0f Rlachley, Oregon, and Mrs;
cirmD. xne size oi tne party, ana i a cooperative-as weti u"- Lomz Birnstiae or waua waua;
ley climbing conditions during I ite. plan. fer reduction of.hop pro-I ig .. grandchildren and three
the early part of. the trip com-1 duction by at least 20 per. cent. I great-grandchildren. .. . .
bined . to . slow the group . down. 1 Explanation Given I At the time of his death he
Lack of crampons, spiked shoe Each grower also found In his. was 84 years, seven months and
attachments constructed for Ice letter the following comraunica- two days old. -
surfaces, . was . f e I t during the tion from W. H. Anderson of Eu- Funeral services will be held
gene, heading the special hop re- Wedneshday at 2 p. m. at the
duction .program committee for Franklin Christian church, with-
the Oregon Growers association.
in the form of an explanation:
"You are well aware of the
early morning hours.
The return trip, from summit
to camp, was made in two hours.
15 minutes. Roped together for
the ascent; members of the party
cut loose" and slid most -of the I emergency facing the bop Indus
way down. Clear and warm were try at the present time.
Interment at the IOOF cemetery.
west of Junction City, Oregon.
Funeral services In 'charge of
Branstetter,' Eugene. , . . ;
the weather conditions reported,
affording a good view from the
mountain top. St. Helens, Rainier
and Jefferson were among the
Washington snow peaks visible to
the climbers.
See Few Climbers
Only two other climbers were
encountered by the party. The
"You also know that several
unsuccessful attempts have been
made to organize the growers so
that they might Improve their
"Just recently" the committee
of Pacific coast growets has gone
to Washington, D. C, and with
Zimmerman Isn't
Definite on Race
For Governorship
Peter . Zimmerman of Yamhill
county has reached no decision
the cooperation of members
rah n on the anniTnlt OrlaHnoll. It,.. ManBad t he Introduced In i uussiuio numuscj xui guf
hniit . ... . I it.i-n -vts wnnid ernor next year, he indicated
lookout the cabin was later ahan- have placed hops under the 193 7
doned by fire lookouts and' re- marketing act, and which would
modeled to fit the needs of a have been very beneficial to the
crew of sulphur miners engaged hop growers. This bill passed the
In developing a sulphur deposit house ot representatives, but due
project Just below the summit to the opposition of the brewers,
Soap Box Derby
Is Slated Friday
A soap box derby, the event
which has been gaining rapidly
in public acclaim throughout the
nation in recent years, is on the
calendar for Salem's younger gen
eration. The Howard street hill,
near Leslie pool, will be turned
into a speedway Friday afternoon
when " speedsters gather with
their entries at 2 o'clock.
Prizes will be given to winners
of each of the six scheduled
events and to the owner of the
best built car and the most un
usual car in each of the two age
. One race is set for each of the
two age groups. Boys between
the ages of six and 12 are in one
group and boys between the ages
of 13 and 18 are eligible to enter
competition with the older group
Events . Included in .- the , pro
gram are a soap box race for. the
younger group and one for the
older group, a one mile bike race,
a roller skate race , for younger
division, boys, a roller skate for
girls between 6 and 12 years and
a bicycle race of four blocks open
to girls only.
while In - Salem Tuesday to con
fer with state officials. .
"There has been some talk
about me running for governor,
but that is all," he said.
Zimmerman was In independent
on the northern side of the unanimous consent could not be candidate for governor In a pre-
mnnan TO... l Vl ... I . i , . . .v- ! J - t VlOUS election.
ed again by the forest service, the bill in the senate so that ac-
members . of the Chemeketan tion on this bill will be postponed
party report. They brought back until the next session of congress,
sulphur samples with them from "This bill, if enacted into law,
the old workings. which can be done If the growers
Supplies, are brought to the organize properly, will make It
lookout on the summit by pack possible to so regulate the hop
horse train, they said the man industry of the future that the
on duty there told them. The growers wilt be assured of a fair
party followed this trail much of return over the cost of production,
the way on the way up. Lumber "On August 13, at a meeting
for the cabin was also transport- called by this association, a reso-
ed on the back of. pack horses I lutlon was passed creating a corn-
several years ago. Regular trips mittee instructed to carry out
two projects, which are:
"(1) Many growers seem to
feel that it is desirable and prac
tical to curtail the present crop.
Consequently the committee has
caused to be drafted and encloses
a contract which must be signed
and returned in the inclosed en
velope, on or before August 23,
1937, if you approve of this plan.
The committee will immediately
The state of Oregon was urged .nd w. m h. notified whether
to continue full Participation in TOtt are bound to curtail your
CCC operations in a letter receiv, production for the year 1937 in
ed Tuesday at the executive de accordance with the terms of the
parimeni irom w. ran rersons, contract, or whether this project
for the secretary of the Interior. . abandoned due to the failure to
Persons said the civilian eonser- vm-nin .nffiM.nt ate-nntnren.
vation corps had been extended Help Is Qualified
for another year under legislative -m The officials at Washlng-
ertectlvely Ju y 1. 1937, and ton naTe repeatedly made it clear
that Oregorf, along with other that the growers of hops cannot
states, would be expected to co- expect the continued assistance
operate. ..... of the government unless the
o are ,fPProlmaely 20.- growers indicate their ability and
soy vvo ruiiees m uregon, me desire to help themselves by set
ting up an effective organization.
to the top were begun by the
sulphur mine company headed by
vvaae Dean, owner of the tele
phone service in the vicinity.
CCC Cooperation
Urged Upon State
letter said.
1-erSOnS Saia tne financial hene-l Tt ho. elm neon Inrrenalna-lT an.
fits of the CCC division were im- parent t0 everyone who has stu-
training received by the men in
the camps.
Governor Charles H. Martin re
plied that he was interested In
this work which he regarded a
one of the outstanding accom
plishments ot the present administration.
Do Things .
Look as Nice
As They Did
Way Back When
Today is not yester- v
day we ourselves
. change - Glas s e s
. th,at you have been
wearing; for the past
year often need cor
Eye strains may
be present yon are
hardly aware of. A
few minutes time :
will be well spent if
you see . v
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Natural remedies
for disorder of liv
er, stomach, glands,
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asthma, ' art hrlt Is.
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Talking Picture
How to modernize your
present home or how to
build new house
August 18th, 7:30 P. M.
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