PAGE NINE Buy, Sell With an Ad on This . Resulf-Getli Page The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, August 5, 1937 Big I, Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single Insertion per line 10e Three Insertions per line 20c Six Insertions per line 30c One month per line $1.00 Minimum charge 25c Copy for this page accepted unttl f :2S the evening before publication for classification. - Copy received after this time will be run under the head Ins. "To Late to clas sify" ' , The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility (or errors whtch may appear In advertisements pub lished In Its columns, and In cases where this paper la at fault will re print that part of an advertisement la which the typographical mistake crura. , . . , The Statesman reserves tbe rtaht te reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising under tbe proper classification. Farmers Exchange Livestock and Poultry WANTED WHITE Leghorn fry, lbs. Phone 122F2. Lee's Hatch ery. - - . TEAM TOR sale. Call S0F4. r RED FRYERS and fat hens, live, or dressed to order. Nelson, RC 7, Bx. 14. Ph. 8289. Hop Pickers Wanted ATTENTION HOP-PICKERS We are registering pickers for Mltoroa, Curtis, and Durbln yards. Durbln Cornoyer over 3. C. Penney Store N. Liberty Street ftru'vvvyy's'- aafc aaaa,a-aad- HOP PICKERS WANTED On F. W. Durbln farm t miles east of Salem. St acres of hops; 20 acres of earlya. J acres of latea Good camp ground. Wo Invite Inspection of nr& Kor Information call 441. Dur bln Cornoyer. Over J. C renneys store. WANTED HOP plckera 175 A. -rlv anil In f a rivr bottom hODI. Lone picking tents, cabins, stoves, wood furnished. Register now. Call or write V. O. Kelley, R. 2. Box 153AA, Salem. Tel. 71F22, t ml. N. of Salem, Wheat land erry rioaa. REGISTERING HOP pickers for Williams Thacker yard, 4 ml. west of Salem. Good crop. For Information, phone 614. PICKERS REGISTER for Minto yard at 821-or 841 fiaginaw street. Phones sisz ana o. Help Wanted I WANT VIOLIN instructor. All overhead furnished. State qua If lea lions. Box 379, Statesman. TEACHER D E S I R A B L E rural school, pupils ; apply Mrs. Vada Dag gett, Armln, Ore. f Help Wanted Female ELDERLY LADY to care for child ren for room and board, some wages. Box 383, Statesman. WANTED, WOMAN cook on farm, steady. Box 885, Statesman. i Situations Wanted , EXP. DR'SMKR. Mrs, Adsltt 9448. WANTED POSITION as companion to lady In Salem, for room and board. Stella Henry, Argo Hotel. EXPERIENCED DISH washer wants work. Will go anywhere. E. J. Williams, 860 Chemeketa. EXP. CLERK wants position, will consider leaving town. Box 382, Statesman. CARPENTER WORK and painting. In or out of city. Phone 6715. REFINED CHRISTIAN lady. - boy 11, well behaved, hskpr., cook, reli able, economical, good cook. Box 47 U, Rt t, Dayton, Oregon. 0000m0000j01 MIDDLE AGE women wants hskpg. for men. Will go anyplace. Mra Keith, 255 Chemeketa. ... I For Sale-Miscellaneous I aBaBaBaBSBBBSBBaBSBBaBBBBSaBaaBaBSBBaaBSSaaaaBII.,,,,,,,,,,,!.,,!,, CASH OR trade tor used furniture ranges, beaters, radios, machinery, tools, etc, Woodry and Woodry. auc tioneers, phone 8-1-1-0. 1610 N. Bum mer In Hollywood. ADDING MACHINES, cash regis ters, typewriters sold, rented, swapped. Expert repair service, moderate prices Roen Typewriter Exch. 420 Court 1000 WHEAT ' SACKS, carefully selected. Phone 133F3. Lee's hatchery. MATHiS ROOFS. 474 Ferry. Phona 4642. DISTILLED WHITE vinerar for all pickling purposes. "Keeps your pickles crisp. pure apple ciaer vinegar. PURITAN CIDER WORKS WEST SALEM WE ARE now booking orders for ur hill-grown non-irrigated Siappy - can nine peaches for . delivery about August 18. Place your orders early and be sura of rettlnc your require ments ; of those luscious canning peaches. PI7RTTAV f?rtER WORKS West Salem . Phone 6426 WVWUUVT0mmt'' USED FURNACE. Phons 372$. USED BABY buggy. Phone 84 5S. aaaaaaaajaaaasas,S AUTOMATIC ELEC. range. Ph. 543. . FOR SALE Cedar shingles, 10 off all grades. M. D. Mayfleld, Brooks, Route l, near Hayes ranch. RRATTTTirfTT.T.V RRflNIS HED Bird's Eye Maple bed and vanity, up stairs Furniture Store, 439 tjouir, oi. aaaaaaafcaaaaNsfc, SEVERAL GOOD used davenport and chairs, repaired. 439 Court Sb Up stairs Furniture Store. PERSIAN KITTENS. 735 N. Com'i SALE 600 LARGE oak fence posts, SUte Fair Grounds. ADVERTISING Western Advertlslns Repressntstlves Fenger-Hall Col. Ltd. Baa rranclsco, Los Angeles, Seattle ; Eastern Advertising Representatives Bryant Griffith Branson, Ine Chicago, New Tora, Detroit, , Boston. Atlanta Katerad ml ie foatuftte at galea. Orepo, as geeond- Class staffer. UAked avsrv atamlsg accepl Honda. BsisM fflc0 ti$ . Commercial Strut. v - - " ' - 8DBSCKIFT10N RATES: Mall Subscription Rates in Advance. Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday. Mo. 68 cents: $ Mo, 81.59 : 6 Mo. 32.50 1 year fS.OO. Elsewhere 60 cents per Mo., or $f,ev tor 1 year in a a ranee. ftr copy cents, aiwi ouLaua centa Br Pit Carrier 60 cents a month. $7.2 - a Bdvafie. For SaleMiscellaneon NEW DINING room furniture btrv upstairs and save. Upstairs Furniture Store. 421 Court St NEW LIVING room Aeaka at a rifice Upstairs Furniture Store. ENTIRE HERD of Guernsey. Jer sey Durham cows, 1 Guernsey bull, farm machinery and t horses, 20 ton of hay, 5 acres of corn. Geo. Jensen, noui , box in, Salem. THE BEST buy In town on WHEAT OAT 4k SPUD sacks, all No. 1 bags, reasonable. Capital Bargain Junk Co., 14S Center St. BLUE LAKE canninx beana Pur. Itan Cider Works, West Salem. FOR 8 ALE. cood-sewina- machine. SIS.. 1110 Madison. FOR SALE US FRIOIDAIRE THKKE CUBIC FEET S 80.00 GOOD AS NEW. Phone 6989. Trade 'Miscellaneong j WILL ACCEPT new waahlnar ma. chine or outboard motor, trade on usea car. call 216. WANTED TO trade No. 1 drv wood for new or aood used car. Phone 3354. ' - ivriVivryYvwfiiviAmm. EXCHANGE OAKLAND Sed.. aood run. oraer lor wood. in. 765 N. Cnurch. WANTED TO trade No. 1 dry wood for good set of drums, saxaphone or gooa syiapnone. call 3354. Wanted Miscellaneous KII.BKKT8 AND meats Slate Cafe WALNUT hi & ATS or walnuU In shell, any quantity State Cafeteria. -i-n-ii-ii in-ii-iru-uirLrLruLnx FREE WE pH-k up dead and worth It-aa horsea rows, sheep Tet 48(9. TOP PRICES paid for live horsea and cows for fox feed. Phone 8138. For Rent Rooms RMS, lad lea 898 N. Cottage. 6478 NICE SLEEP, room, 860 Chemeketa. SLEEPING RM, 975 E St. Ph. 7387 NICE SLEEP. R. for man. Hot and cold water. 255 Center. Room and Board I BOARD. RM., very close In. 6482. CLOSE IN. Ph. 5001. 315 Bellevue. 545 a COMMERCIAL. Phone 3835. BOARD AND room. 112 Union. LGE. ROOM for men. Hot cold water. Ph. 4375. 332 N. Church. COMFORTABLE DOUBLE room with home cooked meals. Phone 3797. r'or Kent Apartments SMALL FUR.V apt. 250 S. Cottage. NICELY FURN. apt 90 Union. S R. FURN. APT.! Lights, water, $2.50 wk. 1290 Oak. TeL 6276. sSSsaSaaSaSaaaasasaaaasasaa 2 R. FURN. APT. 640 Chemeketa. NEW FURN. Capitol. apt, adults. 74S N. 1 R. APT. CLEAN and comfortable. 645 Ferry. 3 R. APT, 435 N. WINTER. APT. $ large furnished rooma Lim it to 3 persona, $20.: 485 8. Com'L 8 R. FURN. apt. 640 Marion. 2 R APT, 266 S. CotUge. CLOSE IN. 5 rm. furn. first floor. garage, adults. Inq. 860 Mill St 3 R. FURN. APT.. 325 S. 14th. 2 R. FURN. APT.. 969 N. Cottage. 2-3 R. FURN. APTS., 639 N. Lib erty. - 1 R. KITN'T. furn. 312 Water. 4472. For Rent Houses T R. MOD. FURN. 862 N. 16th. FURN. HOUSE, call 674 So. Cap. FURN. HOUSE. Ph. 3723. FURN. 6 RM. Available Aug. 6 1396 N. Liberty. SALE OR rent 6 R. mod. house. furnace, fireplace. 1285 Is. Cottage. 2 R. FURN. house. Ph. 8840. 5 R. HOUSE. 444 S. High. SMALL FURN. house. $20. Apply forenoons only at 515 N. Summer. 6 R. MODERN. NEWLY finished throughout 1196 Marion St Phone 6494. MODERN STUCCO suburban home on Croisan Creek, 5 rms., full base ment and furnace. 130 a mo. to rell able party. 1 A. ground. Ph. 9539. FOR RENT 3 2-bedrm. houses. ROBERT. F. BUDROW. Real Estate 13 Ladd ft Bush BIdg. Ph. 6965 For Rent HOSPITAL BEDS and wheel chairs to-rent H. U Stiff Furniture Co. COTTAGE AT Tachata. TeL 47F2. Wanted to Rent WANT TO rent small house, apt. or flat 2 bed rms. preferred. Box 381, Statesman. WANTED TO rent stock farm. 9357, For Sale Real Estate I HAVE 2 MODERN houses for sale one Is new and ultra-modern five rooma One is newly refinlshed In ev ery detail. Either can be purchased on small down payment balance like rent Call me for details. Emma Murphy Brown, Phone 8753 or 9111 i-ROOM HOUSE close in. Hardwood floors, built-ins, garage, shrubs, lots of fruit, nice garden. By owner. (No calls Sunday). 645 N. CotUge street LOT near statehouse, 1580 Center. WANTED LISTINGS ' THAT WILL sell. CLIFFORD HAR OLD and CHAS. SANDERS, i located with H. P. GRANT at 629 Court Street Ph. 6584. BEAUTIFUL S R., JUST completed. 1S90 14. lstn, nwa. floors, ouiit-ins, easy terms. Cladek, 1435 N. 18th. NEW S R. MOD. home. $2250.. New 4 R. home, $1500. Corner lot for gas station and store. O. A. Madsen, Pen 4 Corners, R. S, Box 3&C. i $695. EAST TERMS, acre, aew hse. REASON ER (certainly) 665 N. High YOU CAN'T POSSIBLY FIND A NICER kitchen tor $2250, 6 rooms, rare re. easy terma : REASONER (certainly) 665 N. High SNAP IN A LOT BUY A VERY GOOD north front, lot on paved street; with three nice walnut trees and two filbert bushes. : Located In Northeast Salem In fast growing section. New houses all around. Price $375. See this lot before you buy. It Is a bar (rain. : . - See G. H. oraoennorsi. jr. With W. H.-GRABENHORST CO. 121 S. Liberty St. For Sate Real Estate l GOOD LOT on Thompson Ave- very I chean. Phone 1515. I wiwvwmwwwwwmvi j HOME BARGAINS V I 2(500. WILL BUT thia modern S room I home with cement basement. 1 . furnace, fireplace, oak floors, all nice large - rooms, extra large living room, nice cor. lot. both sta. paved. Only 85001 down, baL $50 per month to mciude int. Located close in on I N. Fifth SL U. SC300. Good modern S room horn la. I rated on corner lot, close in on I N. winter St S1500 down, bat terma i nr a Ysrti, i . . t . . I ww. nui room aouiw 10- I cated in E. Salem on paved st I Only 8300 down. baL 120 per I month. I 13900. uooo modern room home In I excellent condition, basement I furnace, flrenlace. raraa-e. Io-1 cated at 1769 S. Commercial St. only $500 down. baL S3S per mo. fzv. Mice moaern up to oate 7 room I colonial home in good location, i oak floors, sun room, basement I lurnace, iirtpiace, garage, $L- 650 flown, bat. stz rer month. $4500. New, ready to move into, maho gany finish, hardwood floors throughout tile bath, basement rurnace, fireplace. Kara re. cor. lot only 8500 down. baL S50 per mo. REAL ESTATE FIRE INSURANCE W. H. GRABENHORST CO., REALTORS I 134 K. Liberty St Phone S4SS t MMMtMtmk I FOR SALE Beautiful country home 5 acres close in. C room modern house, basement deep well, elec. wa-1 ter system, double garage, barn, larae chicken hffliflA nUntv nt frtiit amnata I and nuts, two acres clover 1 acre naatnre xl arm anuria haianra in I pasture, H acre spuds, balance In fruit I and small garden $925.00 cash, bal- kiicq easy lerma, uy owner, v, rue I Box 384, Statesman. REAUTIFtTI NT!W modern A rm I country home. V. A. close In -20 ft living room, hwd. . floors, wonderful soiL Must sacrifice for quick sale. 1 Only $2450. Easily worth much more. I Ina. 1118 Marliaon atrnet Kalem. I ...... - ,-fvvnrvvvvnjvxruX1J1ji I 'FrnTTS'R RARn atns I 1500 wtt.t. rtiv mnA fin Mnm house, with basement furnace and flreDlace. Good location, near schooL I store and bus Terma ?S0 rlnwn and I S1950 will bur a five room nlastered 1 houB well loraterl In Knrtheaat Ra.- 1 lem. Terma S200 down an tso 00 a 1 month to include int at . I flrwvl air room hnna loratad In I Northeast Salem. Has basement, fur-1 nare and flrenlace. Prlr S3200. terma I S250 down and $35.00 a month to in- int of dc. . I 12200 will buv a four room nlastered I house located live blocks irom town I with two lots. Terms $200.00 down 1 and $22.00 a month to include lnt at 67. See G. H. Grabenhorst. Jr. With W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty St. ssSssaaaaaaMMaSaaaaaasat a rTTv mu ir iviiui. c, k .fn house, all newly decorated ; inside, lot Knrllin I r Via ha Aamv- I CARLETON E. LANE. Real Estate - I 333 state St. fnone B6ZI I s t tirtTTHc fmiDT i-rrT v I close in, fully mod., except basement fairly new. Owner here Irom Caltror I nla wants to sell at once.-. Full price $2100, $100 down, $30 per mo. 5 A. well-improved to trade for city property. F. II. WEIR, 212 Oreg. BIdg. Ph. 9411 Pattern By ANNE ADAMS There s cantivatlon i in every line of this radiant frock, one woub aiiuyic, uuuiira-iu-ucui panels can be seamed up in less time than It takes to tell. Such help but be the center of at traction when It wins the .spot light for its wearer by reason of slashed sleeves, a prettily curving neckline, bright, eye catching buttons, and flared skirt. You've all manner of print ed cottons and figured or plain crepes from which to choose fab ric for this. So easy to make, it s the very frock for "beginners' or those with limited sewing ex perience, i ; , Pattern 4398 is available in misses' and women's sixes 12, i j ic to en n 19 38 nd 40. KSir 16 reaulres ,4 yards 36-inch fabric. Illustrated step-by-step sewing instructions included. , Bead nTTEEl , CESTS 15e) is eaina ar ataana - (eoias- vrefcrred) for this Abbs Adsms pattern. Write plainly SIZE, NAME, ADOStSS sat STYLE 0b.KJ,K. ; Mk year ewa flattery I Sead for ar AHKK ADAMS PATTERN BOOK sad sea haw easily res esa stltea ap tbe newest smartest outfits from the easiest pattens ever sees I mat ter how iaexperteaeed at Mwiag. yea will wast to Make these lersly ,af- traooa frocks. Tarty styles, ajoraing aiedelal Variety sad flattery for (roirinc-ap and growa-ep I BOOK FIFTEEN CENTS. PATTERN FIF TEEN CENTS. TWENTY. FITS CENT8 FOR BOTH WHEN ORDER ED TOGETHER. . , . Sead your order te The Oreroa Btateaaiaa, rattra iMpartau saisat. For Sale Real Estate jt NICE MODERN 4 R. House near aphonia LAt 0x100. Price 31.760. small down payment $ 18 per month I OB bal. CARLETON E. LANE. Real Estate 133 State St. Phono Si Zi S R. MOD. , bungalow. Ph. 8249. SPECIAL NEAT 8 ROOM bunxalow. Price 21.- 800. Has 82200 at 6, SEE Mra Ellis with pmiJ19 A Realtors 344 State St Phono S7" . tt rfrx . Liwimriii i m x . I HOUSES ON large lot close to business center. Will net good income on the Investment of 14900. Call to see It. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 SUte St Phone 870$ $500. DOWN, 6 RM. furnished house. basement, lot fixito, paving- iZ3oe, $500. down, 6 rm. house on S. High 8t, good condition, large living rm. m dinlnff room, tu rioor in batn rm., basement, rurnace, fireplace. 8J760. MONET TO LOAN MELVIN JOHNSON or a O. RICE A BARGAIN FOR $2500 WITH $200 DOWN. 8 rm. house, fairly close in. House Is plastered and In good condition. Furnace, wired for' elec ran are. ROBERT F- BIIDROW. Real Estate 12 Ladd 4k Bush BIdg. Ph. 5985, 1 pTI,h.n., ' -Real Estate I 0 A.. GRAVELLTBLACK. soil, bean land. 3 mL 8. E. Turner, irrlgat- ban I""! 3 mt S. E. Turner, irri gat- J lt B0 per A. or ,J 1 wvUu.j. w. , i nuisooro, nouis z. EXCHANGES SALEM HOME for small store or to camp and service station. Will aa- 8U - . , Beautiful 160 acre farm near Mt Angel. Modern set of new buildlnga n am Biuaiier luna lur W I, nv; wv tar from saiem. Fine 80 acre farm. Modern home. Excellent soil. With or without stock! and equipment Want home in Mt An- gel as pan. SEE Mr. Walter With S4t state bt. rnons aiwo A 5 RM. HOUSE with basement and furnace. Shade fruit treea Close to town. or acres or more Willi W buildings within 7 miles or Salem prefer north or east. See Beth Wldener with WM. BLIVEN zia Masonic mow i I For Sale Farms I SALE FARM LAND. Turner Mem orial Home, Turner, Ore. E. J. Gll- strap, supt. FARMS. WE buy, sell, trade. See Oregon Land Co., Woodburn, Ore. - rnu xjij s.ti i " . "rr I variety family orchard, room 700 hena ": 13500 will handle. M. J. Helton, .CB... I Acreage $100 DOWN S20 PER MONTH will buy this 6 rrm Mom hnuae. nrllleil wall, bear ing orchard, located 1 miles out on I main highway. Price $2000. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. ,134 S. Liberty St LAND SACRIFICE . $25 PER ACRE will buy this 206 acre tract all level land, located 12 miles south near Willamette river. No I buildings. - $2000 down will handle. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 144 S. Liberty St 8 A. CLOSE IN on paved road, all cult.,, 91600, s loo down. z a. i mi. irom saiem, iair diokb., i 16 A. cult. bal. nastura creek, team, X hav In barn, tools A chlcltena I ,tvv, 60 A. 2 mL irom saiem. 7 rm. i plastered house, fireplace, 2 barns, 2 A. timber, good soil, fenced, orchard, $140 per acre. MONET TO LOAN MELVIN JOHNSON or C. O. RICE 1725 Court St Phono 3722 Wanted Real Estate WANTED LISTINGS Farm and city DroDertr. by CHAS. SANDERS. now with H. P. Grant at 629 Court street 1 Business Opportunities I FOR SALE COMPLETE PLUMBSNG tools A business in connection with hardware store, only shop In town. Over $300 worth of work ahead. Price 1500.00. MERLE SWEARINGEN Monmouth, Oregon HOME AND business. 2-pump ser rice station, all equipped. Mod. 5 R. living quarters. butlt-tBS. bath and .,. nr ku wiiiamatta . vaiiav soil, 1H seres in berries, 60 filbert trees, bal. in garden. On Pac high way north of Salem. Price $4200. Good terma ... DICK DARNIELLE. Real Estate 1988 N. Capitol St. Phone 3511 Money to Loan $$$$ FOR TOUR Immediate needs, see us for small loana Any amount up to $300. CHILDS m .MILLER, INC Lie. No. S-204 344 State St - - . Salem, Oregon waWWWeJMWMWVWwaaA " MONEY TO LOAN ON 8AI.EM residential property un der the F. H. A. plan, long term loans wltb low monthly payments, no com mission. Refinance or build a new home. W. a GRABENHORST A CO, REALTORS j & t Phone 64CS i vnvitT to iiM i r you want immediate action, see us for farm, city and Improved acreH 244 State St Phone 6708 COLD CASH FOR HOT WEATHER NEEDS A VACATION IS not a luxury It Is an Investment In health and happiness. We can lend you up to $300 for youra Repay in small amounts on any plan you select Coma In- Second Floor New Bllgn BIdg. Rm. 119 18 SUte St at High Phona 2!91 - Salem. Oregon Beneficial Finance Co. of Salem Llccns. s-,22. M-16S , r17X??V.VAV'''MsrTV" CONSOIJ OATH TOUR DEBTS BORRROW FROM an Independently owned and operated Salem company a here your probl3u will receiva per sonal consideration both before and after the loan is made. Interest on unpaid balances ye teas Quick, courteous servtcev WE SOLICIT TOUR ACCOUNT General Finance "" ; Corporation tit a rVmnuiviii - Rt ' Salem, or. Phone 216.8 Lla Na S-I Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED UsW- ka. -.-na am MSbSmI Mi PK Private money at eery law ratea Nol red tar 1 to 20 month to repay. O' . ff Q:-. mna tlOy ft. OXmmOri5 it a Commercial St- Salem. Or Phone $16$ lie. No. M 162. For Sale Used Cars "111 FRANK DOOLuTTTLE PONTIAC GOODWILL 1938 CHEVROLET MASTER TOWN nair upholstering, new tires, very low mileage. This car was turned into us on a new Pontlao from tbe original owner. We Invito your inspec tion. Only 69t lists rv.Qr.Trt r-.r ntmrnu crm a ZtJliiJCJ 1 X 1 JlZi steel body, air-wheels, very good one oi cnrysiers iinest cars, only Phone C2 PONTIAC 8 Boolitttle 339 North High Street Good Buys IN LATE MODEL Used Cairs 1934 Ford Coupe.- -overhauled' at ready to ko .$$85 1938 Ford 4 -dr. Town Sedan, low mileage . si 1934 Ford Coach, radio, heater, trunk 415 19 Jg Ford Tudor & 'n (45 USS 'Ford Coupe', completely" re conditioned 446 1931 Ford Tudor, all overhauled, repainted, new upholstery 245 1936 Ford Tudor, with trunk 660 Motor Co. Open Evenings and Week Days Closed Sundays Three Lots Center A Liberty - Hollywood Marion k Liberty 6saSsSasasaWMSaSMaMSa FOR SALE 1936 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe. Low mileage, like new. No trade in. Phone 7362. Money to Loan FEDERAL HOUSING loans, build. refinance homes, business prop. Ratea Abrama A Ellis. lne Ma xnlo Bias. Loans Wanted loans WANTED on farm and city oroDertT Before borrow In a. inaulre ai Hawkins ft Roberta SOUND INVESTMENT FOR A sound investment for your savings get a first mortgage on real estate. We now have a number of good farm and city loana Amounts of $a00 to $5000, net you 6, payable semi annually. CHILDS A MILLER. Mt?e. Loans oiaie oi. "none us Financial 4 WE HAVE never paid- less than this rate on savings and Investments, Insured to 25000. Mutual Federal Savings Loan. Assn ral Ear 4 T u 'Sale Phone 4944 f 141 8. LI Dot IT u I For Wood GUARANTEED DRY WOOD coal - . n , . ret iem cuw w. LARGE SECOND growth. Ph. 137F3. DRY OLD FIR, TaL 6700. 16--OLD FIR, 2nd gro. Ph. 8673. NO. 1 DRY wood. Real. Ph, 8354. OLD 2ND fir ft ash. Ph. 6370. I Lost and Fonnd I LOST WHITE faced bar mare be longing to N. P. Williamson, Hasel Green. Reward. LOST RED Irish setter, male, named "Paddy." Reward. 346 Division; r 'Personal WANTED A - reliable person to Arlva a new ear from Michigan to Sa lem. Part of expenses paid, can 4fZ2 during the day. WILL THE. ladv who' lives in the mnntrv who palled at the Argo hotel I for comoanlon Friday please call j again 7 Miss Menry, I Transportation STURENT WISHES ride to mid west Will drive or share expense. Ph. 6504. Business Cards in this directory run on a monthly basis only. Rate: fl per line per month. Anto Brakes Mike Panek. 278 South Commercial. r Bicycles BICYCLES. NEW reconditioned. Harry W. Scott 147 S. ComT. pb. r Brushes FULLER'S, Ph. 6724, 1105 Norway. Chimney Sweep "1 TELEPHONE! 4450. R E Northnesa. Chiropractors DR. a L. SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor. 1166 N. High. TeL Res. 8762. , Excavating, ggaFgg, Jgs'SC. sala. Salem Sand and Grarel Ca Phone 9401 Florists Brelthaupt's. 447 Court Ph. 6904.. Furs DuBAIN FUR Ca Master furriers and designers. Rm 8 A S. Miller BIdg. Laundries' "THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRT ' THE WE1DER LAUNDRY 262 & HlgH . TeL $126 lime I wU) HILL agricultural lime, state l tested. 9$ calcium carbonate.. SoU (tested free. ALSO farm loana 1070 Broadway ar 42$ Oregon BIdg. Valley For Sale Used Cars DEALER USED CARS SEDAN, has original black finish, mo- v.. i: Kv.. .11 tires, exceptionally good mechanically; i . " V hV,17iiw" , , ., ., ,. , Phone 5848 Motors North. Com'L at Center St WE NOW HAVE A WONDERFUL ASSORTMENT OF GOOD LATE MODEL USED CARS. HERE IS JUST A FEW OF WHAT WE HAVE AT McKAYS 1934 Chevrolet Town Sedan Built In trunk, new dark blue paint, upholstery In perfect con- dition, good tires. See this very fine running car today $475.00 1936 Chevrolet Master DeLuxe Sport Sedan 6-cylinders, 80 h. p., 113-in. wheelbase. hydraulic brakes. V-shaped slanting windshield and radiator, adjustable front seat spare tire hidden, knee ac tion, shockless steering, 5-point engine mountings, YK frame, mohair upholstery, see it at $675.00 120 Packard Four-Door Trunk Sedan Original dark green finish like new spotless upholstery, white side wall tires motor in best of condition. If you want a tru ly beautiful car, you cannot af ford to pass this one, priced at only $795.00 1936 Lincoln Zephyr Sedan Very low mileage, rich Cardiff green finish, white side wall tires 110 h. p. V-12 motor. Beautiful appointed chrome trlm interior guaranteed now $985.00 1936 Chevrolet DeLuxe Coupe You couldn't find a finer car than this model. Spotless inter ior. The lines of this model has big car appearance and is very distinctive. Knee action valve-in-head motor, 6-ply tires, matched horns, banjo type steer ing wheel and other extras, and j you can get it -at our low price $625.00 MANT OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM McKay Chevrolet Co, 333 Center Ph. 3189 430 N. ComT. FREE! IF excess acid causes you Stomach Ulcers, Gas Pains, Indiges tion, Heartburn. GET free sample doc tor's prescription. Udga. at Capital and Perry's Drug 8tores. iu-u-uinjirtfii-i-,-g-,-ii-M-M-M-,-- i i i i WRECKING '28 MASTER BUICK. 930 Auto Wreckers, 930 N. Commer ciaL PACKARD i SEDAN, appearance good, runs well, tires excellent price low. Dr. J. J. panton, pnone NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that West Salem School District No. 32, Polk County, Oregon, will re ceive bids up to and until 7:ou P.M.. August 17, 1937, to furnish said district 75 cords of four foot second growth fir delivered at the school buildings. Mrs. Elmer D. Cook, Clerk. R. 1 Salem, Ore. A. 5-7 Directory Mattresses SALEM FLUFF-RUG and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, sia Ing; fluff rug wearing, a 18th & Wil bur. TeL 844L OTTO F. ZW1CKER Est 191L CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4069. Paintins-Paperhanging HERBERT E. WOOD T.$Ji. PAINTING, KALSOMINtNG. Phone 4472. Photo Engraving SALEM PHOTO engraving. 14t N Commercial. TeL 6887. Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards. DamDb- leta, programs, books or any kind of printing, call Tbe Statesman Printing Department sis & commercial. Tele phone tlOI. Radio Service BARKUS RADIO Service, 887 So. Com'L Ph. 1968. ; - . " Transfer CAPITAL CITT Transfer Ca 114 warding and storage our specialty. Get SUte St TeL. 7778. Distributing, for- our rates. FOR LOCAL or distant transfer star age. burner on, call 8121, Larmar Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally Vacnnrn Cleaners" REGINA Sales A Service. Ph. 2506. Well Drilling ft A. WEST. KL 6. Ba. 44$. T. I10FJ Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING, blacksmlthlng Phone 2622. 820 N. Commercial. For Sale Used Cars SALEM AUTO CO.'S BETTER VALVES 1936 DODGE 4-DOOR SEDAN $598.00 1935 GRAHAM SEDAN, TRUNK : $695.00 1931 STUDEBAKER CPE. $295.00 1933 PLY. FOUR DOOR $395.00 1932 PLY. FOUR DOOR. VERY CLEAN . $396.00 193$ DeLUXE t-DOOR TOUR, 19,000 MILES 3665.00 I93 FLTMOUTH CPE, RUNS LIKE NEW $628.00 1938 PLYMOUTH CPE THIS CAR IS 85 NEW $576.00 1933 L'HKXSLEK CON. CPE. MOTOR RECONDITION ED. NEW PAINT. TRU LY A BEAUTIFUL CAR $335.09 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM. SALEM AUTO CO. Two Locations 435 N. Com'L Lot, Court and Church Purebred Cattle Breeders Invited All purebred cattle breeders in "Marion county are invited to attend an all-day meeting of the Oregon State Holstein Cattle club on Saturday, August 7. at the Multnomah hotel in Portland, starting at 10 a. m., according to County Agent Harry L. Riches. A breeding school will be con ducted at the meeting by Dr. F. E. Heizer, ; geneticist from Ohio State university, who has been loaned to the Holstein as sociation of America. All purebred cattle breeders may attend this meeting, whether they have Holstelns or any other breed, says Mr. Riches. Special Services Close at Turner TURNER The month of spe cial services held at the Christian church, conducted by the well- known evangelist, Rev. Teddy Leavltt. closed Monday night with a fellowship dinner, and a benefit recital for Miss Goff, director of music. Fourteen new members were added to the church roll, and plans were laid for future up-building of the church. Mrs. Leavitt and two children have al so been in Turner during the month, the group having occupied rooms at the parsonage. Threshing Grain Starts Monday, Rickey Locality, Fair Yield Is Forecast RICKEY First threshing of the season here was done on the Harold McMillin farm Monday. Mr. Mc Mill in also farms the Stel la farm, and the first grain cut this season was cut by Mc Millin's men on this ranch. Grain generally is fair this year but owing to so much having to be " re-seeded because of the frost, there will be little profit for the farmer. Hay was spotted, some fields being good while otherg were light because of the freeze. Cross Word Puzzle 1I,S i H 18 IT 2p2 21 55" 23 27 25 w1 !?8ZZ 11 !: l!!I36!l 3S 3? HO -Vl H2 V3" " " HH H 1 I wMm 1 11 By EUGENE SUEFfER HORIZONTAL 1 Embarks 6 Imitates U Wast was the aarUert aaaw sWaa ts Craat Sritaiar 15 Easily soae I 14 Note et the scale 16 Vermify 17 Pria tar's tieasnre X0 Btroas tnra4 IV r" art ' . - ; IS Waal saaaisk general, teeaaa la eaas. ataag to rraaca, ato4 racaaUy as a Ism craaaT , - 24 Mamber i 26 Acitate 24 Oiacaaxras af aiaces mt artUIet t 2S-tep ' 2 Lode ' :. 60 . BpacUs ef pepper II Wkat sasitsM pMcker. receatly saa. . Is upalsrly kaawa as "Diaay"! . SS bormaat - i 44 Place af rerreation ' 26 Waterfall (Scot.) 4 Male rss aeav TaJek 41 - Pwarace i 42 Chiaese 4 What eaaatrr is tae ka4 ef the Mafrars f 4t riULh onita article 46 Wheas 4U4 Farts ahaaoea far BaUa ef Tray 1 - i.-. ,, 4S BkxlLsda J...- - , 69 Siaai 1 Tlaos fr eafaaaepeac 7 - vzstical . 1 What k the capital ef Orefaa? ' ' , S Paplan S la the easM place (ahbr.) v . 4 Ease mt a waaaa . Paweer which lion sasehe " Labyriath i- S Note ef the seale Writ for aeUTeria a eWeaaaat a IS aaiah title 12 What Eaa-iarii tt forth the hia tal thaaryT 1 S Nstia af Fialaaa -la Vaites To Try Channel J .alsslsis-sji I -.v:..-., """,S5tS"1 '-7 eawn mr. rf i - Eva Morrison, 26, Boston, Mas librarian and champion dis tance swimmer, who . recently began training for her third at tempt to swim the English channel. Miss Morrison hopes - to set a new record and win swim from Dover to Cape YJris Nez, on the French side.'- No woman has yet swam from Ens; land to France. IIX photo. r Swegle Community Club Issues Picnic Invitation SWEGLE Swegle community club will hold the annual picnic at Dallas city park Sunday, A picnic dinner will be served and everyone is asked to bring table service. Coffee will be furnished by the club. ... All residents of the community, especially newcomers, are inritcd to attend. Party Honors Birthday : RIVERVIEW Mrs. Dave Bos hart entertained a group of thirty five youngsters and adults Sun day afternoon fn honor of h e r daughter's sixth birthday. ' 21 What city waa the ahJccUv ef Gs Sharssaa's htTastoa la 1444 T 22 Ooaias threoah ctoseacs - ' '- 27 Wise (f.) 28 Head cwi,las' S What state is la ahaast "the ' exact S tiaaaU crater af the U. S.T II Wh hi asacrihie ia the Old TcwtaaMss as bain carried away kg Nehachad) 12 afariae Sah It Of arsator stature 4 Seaport ef Spaia 16 Uaacecated IT Wac-footed birds IP Hill ef saad 40 Goddess of diicorg 41 Jump ea eae foot 44 Still 47 Mosatira 41 Depart ' Herewith is the solution to yester day's puzzle. ' L4 iANIADlE NWS lREEIUDrorr BiEl umm till . bf Kbai Wm A TIE m IIRSI 3 on Hi