The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 04, 1937, Page 5, Image 5

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    V Tht OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, August 4, 193f
Local News Briefi
Building Pe r m 1 1 s Building
permits were issued yesterday to
T. D. Bowman to reroof a
tory dwelling at 1294 South
Liberty, $40; R. J. Milton, to re
roof one-story" dwelling at
1930 North Liberty. $50; Mrs.
Lulu Montgomery, to alter a one
story dwelling at 1140 South
Liberty, $40;. Tom and Robinson,
to alter a tsne-etory public ga
rage at 1103 Union. $310; Ira
Lelghty, to reroof a one-story
dwelling at 1725 South Church.
$15; Frank Simmon, to remodel
a two-story dwelling at 1090
South Liberty, $750; R. Wlck
lander. to erect a woodshed at
1795 South 12th, $30.
, Governors Accept Six of 11
governors Invited to attend the
western safety council in - Port
land August 17 to 20; hare writ
ten that t h e y will be present.
Governor Charles H. Martin an
nounced Tuesday. Replies hare
been received ' from Governor
Frank Merriam, California; Tel
ler Amnions. Colorado; Brazilla
W. Clark Idaho; Roy A. Ayes.
Montana; Richard Klrman, Nev
ada; and- Leslie A. Miller, Wyo
ming. Governor Martin said he ex
pected that at least 10 of the 11
governors would attend the con
ference. Experienced cherry pitters want
ed. Oregon Fruit Products Co .
West Salem.
Boy Recovering G r a n v J 1 1 e
Perkins, seven-year-old boy, who
last week fell 14 feet from a
window to a concrete driveway.
Is reported as improving rabidly
at the Salem general hospital.
The boy, son of Mr. and Mrs
Granville G. Perkins, 198 North
21st, received a fractured skull,
arm fractures and face lacera
tions. He fell when a screen gave
way in the window.
El Rey roofs. 349 N. Com'l.
Jones Gets Vacation City Re
corder A. Warren Jones received
city council permission Monday
night to take a leave of absence
beginning Saturday to enable him
to attend the Eagles lodge nation
al convention at Chicago. J one
served as state president of the
order last year and was elected a
national delegate at the recent
state convention.
Re-Roof Now Elfstrom. 6550.
Drunkenness Charged F our
circus roustabouts, Lon Peyton
of. Chicago, Jack McBrlde of
Sweetwater, Texas, and Donald
Weatherly and Frank Lyda,
transients, were arrested yester
day afternoon at the circus
grounds on drunkenness charges.
Home From Camp Billy Bent
son, 1455 Marion street, a States
man carrier, has returned from a
month spent at the CMTC en
campment at Vancouver barracks.
The schedule included a nine-day
stay at Camp Bonneville where
night maneuvers were held.
- I . - . - - '
-We will pay 5c ea. for complete
"copies of Sunday, Aug. 1st Issue.
Statesman Pub. Co. , ,
Lad Improved Jack Beakey j
2 H-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
John S. Beakey, was reported as
improved slightly at the Deacon
ess hospital yesterday. The boy
received a fractured skull in an
automobile accident last week.
Luts florist. 1276 N Lib. Ph 99Z
Child Breaks Leg N a n c y
Fuhrer, infant daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Walter - Fuhrer, re
ceived a broken leg while play
ing at he Fuhrer home in the
Royal Court apartments Sunday
Bight. ;
"Thirteen" Study Topic "The
Number 13" is the topic of the
: Unity study class, meeting tonight
in the Marion hotel. Attendants
are requested to bring pencil and
, paper. Miss Olive Stevens is the
Experienced cherry pitters want
ed. Oregon Fruit Products Co..
West Salem.
Mrs. Fulkersoa Away Mary L.
Fulkerson, Marion county school
aaperlntendent, yesterday left her
office to take her annual two
weeks vacation. She did not dis
close where she would spend it.
Grand Jury Busy The grand
Jury resumed Its sessions yester
day but made no report. District
Attorney Lyle J- Page said the
jury probably would be at work
lor the. next three days.
Painting Ealsoming. Phone 4472.
Dr. Riley to Speak Dr. P. O
Riley will be the principal speaker
at the Guglieimo Marconi mem
orial services in Portland Wed
nesday. August 4. Dr. Riley met
Marconi while he was a student
in Italy.
" DeJardht "
Donavan A. DeJardin, R. F. D.
No. 2, Salem, August 2. at the age
of 14 years. He ia survived by his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julian De
Jardin of Salem, two sisters. Max
ine and Elaine, both of Salem, and
grandparents. Mr. and Mr. B. De
Jardin of Gervais and Mr.' and
Mrs. Peter Lelack of Gervaia. Ser-
Tieea will be held Wednesday,
August 4, at 9:30 a. m. from the
Gtrvals Catholic church, under
the direction of the Clough-Bar-
rick company. Interment in the
Sacred Heart cemetery. Gervais.
Recitation 'of the Rosary- at the
. home Tuesday evening at S p. m
IlklllWIUWIVil'W .
Far Z( ym w
cliiy traatca
mmA rnl mmi
wit wltsant
r rit He fSXB Bklrt 4T
cr.cj.DZAn cunic
fcnri I mm
K l CmT. E. Bnui4 tU GrvU
TcitphMM EAst tl yrUsad, Qrtfa
ia. Rctl I - I
Corning Events
Aug. 6 Marion County Vet
erans association meets at Sil
verton. - '
Angu&t -Howell homt
coming, Howell I arhoolhotMe.
Aug. . 8 Annual Nebraska
picnic. Fairgrounds grove, bas
ket luncheon, coffee provided.
Aug. H Mariom county dem
ocratic picnic. Silver Falls.,
Aug. 8 Marion county po
rn ona grange picnic, Riverdale
park. Oientawa grange picnic,
Riverdale iark.
Aug. 8 H o m e c o m ing of
Aumsville Pioneer association,
Highberger grove.
Aug. 8 Iowa state picnic at
Champoeg, all day.
. Sept. 6-12 Oregon state
Aug. 10-14 West Salem
August 13-14 Mt. Angel
flax festival.
Aug. 15 YWIlamette valley
republican pirnlc," Dallas park.
Aug. 15 Mnnkers clan pic
nic, Hager's grove, all day.
Aug. 26.20 Hop Fiesta, In
dependence. Picnic Sunday The annual
oicnic of the Marion rnnniir oi.
ture 153 of the 40 et 8 societe
of the American Legion will be
held Sunday at the south river
road farm of Dr. G. E. Prime.
Signs indicating the route to the
picnic grounds, near Riverdale,
will be Disced earlv Saturday
morning. Many families are ex-
pected to arrive in the morning
to make a day of it. Arrange-
ments are in charge of Dr.
Prime. Dr. Laban A. Steeves and
Dr. B. F. Pound.
Chimney Blazes Firemen had
to tear out an old fireplace,
blocked off from the chimney,
w u .ou a uiiuuc, mt: in
rerdav T, ".'
' I
TlortoH BlsA vtfh a afnva
v .u v r u u d w vy umia, I
.1.. i. i i i
auantitv of sont hnd collected
2bove the aSSdoned fi "nlrfe
Glen Shedeck. fireman, said this
material appeared to have been
- v , I
Ex-Fiebter to Soeak Tommy
Green, at one time a noted nro-
fessional fiahter. will Bneak to-
night at the Emmanuel Full Gos-
pel church, 433 Ferry street.
The service starts at 8 o'clock.
Grcus Draws big
r 1 .: C 1
LirOWUS in naiem
falm Laf Fans Much in
Demand but Troupers
Don't Mind Heat
Patrons of the Russell Bros, cir-
run rrmtiii vntcrAv with
typical midsummer circus day
weather which resulted in the
sale of innumerable palm leaf
fans at the afternoon performance
and which was felt only slightly
less during the night show. But
even "Buddy." the sea-lion, who
applauded himself enthusiastlcal-
ly after the successful completion
of each trick, refused absolutely
quality 'of the show. The tent
might have been air conditioned
judging from the actions of the
Capt. Walter Jennier and his
finny charge, "Buddy," combine
ring personalities for the show's
foremost human interest- attrac-
tion. "Buddy" did everything
from anruine with his master to
kissinz him. includine the Dlav-
Inz of "America" on a set of mu-
sical horns at Jennier's com-
mands. This last feat was only ac-
complished after Capt. Jennier
had installed a pair of spectacles
on "Buddy's" nose, thus enabling
hlm to read the music.
Aerialists Astound
Bob Fisher and his five fearless
flyers, presented in the grand fi-
nale. produced probably the most
spectacular event of the program,
Fisher's double backward somer-
sauu irom a Dar to tne catcher's
nanas, wnue Dimaioiaea, was tne
nign point.
ine neoras, orotner ana sister
from France who do not yet apeak
.cgusn. inrnisnea me spectators
a tnrui wnen Mademoiselle Kebra
did a loop-the-lOOP on a bicycle
running on a cylindrical track 15 rate of 55 miles per hour on Pa
feet above the arena, and mount- cific highway three miles south of
ea on a nign poie Balanced oy ner
. . l a . . i .
rains Aeniieiu, 011 Biase pari-
ner oi capt. jennier. provided ner
suare oi inn us in ner center ring
act when she did what circus peo
ple refer to as a "standing ankle
droD and somersault in mid-air"
without safety devices. She broke
ner tau oy catcning noia oi a Gan
gling rope.
Creek Is Highway
If It's Naviffable
If the new channel of Seven
Mile creek in Klamath county is
navigable. It ia a public highway
for such purposes. Attorney Gen
eral Van Winkle ruled Tuesday.
The opinion further held, how
ever, that the public has no right
to land on the banks or bed of the
stream since they belong to the
abutting land owner.
The opinion was requested by
the state game commission.
in the Making
Interesting description of
life In Oregon from the
0e to gay '.
Price $1.00
v Publiahed by
Publishing Co.
For Sale at
Commercial Book Store
Cooke's Stationery Co,
'eedhans'a Cook Sterav
iHelser Firm's
Claim Revised
Declaratory Judgment Is
Asked Upon Nature of "
Company Business
The J. Henry Helser Co. suit
against Corporation Commission
er J. H. Hazlett took a new tack
; yesterday when an amended com
plaint was filed in circuit court
with Judge L. G. Lewelling's per
mission. The company,: located in
Portland, is seeking a declaratory
judgment ruling as to whether or
not the nature of Its business Is
such that it is required' to secure
a broker's permit from the state
corporation department.
The amended complaint, states
that the plaintiff filed (supplemen
tary articles of Incorporation on
Monday. The supplementary ar
ticles, among other points, include
authorization for the firm to act
as securities broker. Lack of such
authorization in the original ar
ticles was alleged in a recent fil
Ing by the defense.. j "
Hearing on the Helaer case was
set for August 31. J.
Harold Keppinger, trucker.
filed suit in .circuit court yester
day for $6500 damages from Sam
Shleifer on the grounds that the
defendant's truck drfrer was to
blame for a collision! with plain-
rcK near leeway service
station on the Pacific highway six
miles north of Jefferson last June
30. Keppinger claims' he suffered
sashes on the forehead, a broken
tooth, injuries to an elbow and leg
and to his nervous system. Of the
$6500 demand, $900 is for lost
Trial of the suit of John Lester
McFarlane and others to upset a
deed held bv Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Ellingsworth to property which
formerly belonged to ithe late Lola
i- uvcnnv win n rMiimpn nrnr
-T eumg nerp im, morn-
. . . I
m a fiAn w ww I
. I
Robinson: order anollIn8 cita-
-k- v j Vm-
L , t
i v v i " " " - . j - i
f.nnra t n rav r. mnnrhlv Tnr I
support oi nis son, ;uene uooin-
son; defense motion to vacate
thIs PaI"t r decree op ground the
DOT WUI reacn is years oi age
toaay ana wm De Die lo 8UD"
porx mmseii.
Caroline Ethel Edlund vs. I
Henry August uaiuna; aeiense
motion for discontinuance of aV-I
jmony payments overruled; de-
fenaant's reply afnaavlt avers
plaintiff Is able to support her- I
elf and that he is engaged to
be married about September 1.
Mark Skinner, bapking super-
mienaeni, vs. j. tu xraw; oe-
ibuii juagmeni lor ,tos. auu
97 5.
Anna Savage vs. ; A. T. Sav-
age. Jr.; order allowing plaintiff
partial restraining order in sec-
ond suit wnereDy aerenaant may
continue as executor to operate
farm Dut mav not afyert proper-
tv or divide expenses under
terms of leading agreement f or-
ia suit, m wuicu vuwi
" uue w personal prupw
Qd taken under advise-;
Mrs- M- c- Cashott vs Hattie
uk; uruer ior ucicuua.iv v
aPDear P. m. today and
"uswer uu"" "aiu luuluu' '
property she may own or In
Phil E. Green vs. Oscar Hayter;!
memorandum ordered submitted
on defense motion to quash ser
vice of summons.
Probate Court
Edizabeth D. Proctor estate::
order approving final account of
Errol D. Proctor, executor, and
ordering distriDution.
Christian Engi estate; order for
Ldd & Bush Trust company, ad-
ministrator, to transfer $208.66
trom Christian Engi account , to
estate or Mary ii.ngi. incompetent.
Marriage Licenses
Clifford S. Almquist, 27, book-
keeper. 516 North Church street.!
Salem, and Elsie O. Brenden, 24.
clerk. Silverton.
Charlie Earls, 18. laborer, and
June Baughman, 17, housekeep-
er, Silverton.
Justice Court
Marin Violet James: xS fin.
no operator's license.
state T. R0ine c. Smtlh: non-
inrr trial at 2 n. m. todav. cham I
0f operating motor vehicle with
I defective brakes.
rxiwt r. Arlrirmsn- ts fln
sneedinr with, nassenrsr bm at
Salem July 31.
I Wllllim Ktalllnv 4mnV flnail
I ' -
i tin
Frank Lnran " drunk, fined tlft.
Worth Santiam Veteran
Recovering, Leg Tumor
vey, who recently underwent an
operation for a tumor on hla leg
in the Veterans hospital In Port
land, is not expected to be able
to return home for several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. L C. KeHhley and:
daughters, Mary Lou and Betty Jo.
are spending the week in - Bar
City, guests of Mra. Kelthley'a
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Mills.
Nataral rrotedlea
for disorders of Hv
er. atomafh. ganda,
skla. and wrlaary
system of meat and
women. , Rentedles
for ronstlpatloa.
asthma, arthritis.
wjcar dlabetls and
20 years ia basf-
Bjeaa. Nataropathto
phyatetaaa. S8SU Court SC
Comer Liberty. Of
Qro open Saturdays
and Tuesdays only,
19 A. aft. to I P.IL,
P. IL to 7. Com
mHalioa Blood
preaswro and striae
l V t
View oi Steamer Day Alter Disastrous Fire
r? - -fi. -
; ; - . -
Thl. aerial view of the City of Baltimore, steamer destroyed In Chesapeake Bay while en route from B.1-
timore to Norfolk, Va., was token the day after fire gutted the hoar, resulting in tne aeam ox "ur
and Injury of several other, among the 92 persons who were .board.
Twelve Divorces i
Handed out Here
Default Given in Each of
Cases Terminated by
Decree in Court
been light at tne county court.
hnnoa of vt i- a t Vi a Tuna rtioh tsvsxlr
"v i, i wa5 a uou, iwa
. . . - . si J I
a uaru iau lesieraaj wueu Li ui
'vitca were gruieu m circuit
court. The orders, all by the de-
.."..' u lueir lclIU"
v i ,
uiiuic giauicu (lioiuiui.
AmfA arm-n.A
Myrtle Elva McFarland vs.
William Harold McFarland; plain
tiff given divorce and custody of
two children
Angle Bell Bradway vs. Dana
Eustace uraaway: niamtlll given
divorce and property settlement
Max W. Pemberton vs. Mildred
Pemberton ; plaintiff given di-
vorce and defendant's former
name, Mildred Anderson, restored
to her.
Helen M. Busch ts. Ernest
Busch; plaintiff given divorce.
unarny uernice isyerley vs.
wiuiam Mckinley uyeney; plain
tiff given divorce, her former
name. Charitr Bernice Blodcett.
restored, and property settlement
Property Divided
B. Craig vs. E. H. Craiz: nlain
tiff giren divorce, custody of
three children, $25 monthly for
support and adjudged owner of
certain iurnuure ana personal
Floyd M. Scott vs. Lulu Scott;
plaintiff arlven divorce.
Ethel U. Summervllle vs. Em-
mm oummervnie; piamtur given
divorce, custody of one child and
, : , "
15 monthly support money.
Lois Webster ts. W. W. Web
ster; plaintiff given divorce and
her former name, Lois Wilson,
Zelda M. Jory vs. Lewis H.
Jory; plaintiff given divorce, cus
tody of two children and $19
monthly support money.
Alta Bowen vs. Ira W. Bowen;
plaintiff given divorce.
Elementary Fund
Paid in Full Here
Lane County Decision Has
no Direct Effect on
Local Procedure
Marion county school districts
have bees receiving their full
shares of the state two-mill ele
mentary school tax fund, which
has been subject of litigation in
Lane county, investigation at the
courthouse disclosed yesterday.
At Eugene Monday Circuit Court
Judge G. F. Sklpworth ruled
against Lane county in a suit
brought by the Eugene, Spring
Positive Relief for
Hay Fever
Sinus, Colds, Arthritis,
Lumbago, Sciatica or
Rheumatism. Phone for
523 N. Cottage Ph. 4021
II - U
field, Cottage Grove and June-
tion City school districts in an
effort to force the county to pay I
them the full two-mill tax re-
gardless of delinquencies.
county ciers: u. u. uoyer nere
declared MaTlon county had al-1
ways paid the full amount pro-
vlded by law ior tne eiemeniary
fund, although at times u "-
quired transfers from other
funds. Records in the county
school superintendent's office lor
recent years confirmed the
clerk'? statement. The county
levied a 2.33 mill elementary
. - .
X?lJJjtJ?Il?JZ" aDd
"V " .w
have contended that the county
court was in error in lately re-
tuslng to levy a tax sufficient to
the districts 110 for every
child between four and 20 yeare
of are. Whether or not Judge
Skipworth's decision might have
hearing on this situation could
not be ascertained.
Portland Gas
You Will
and How
You Will
Phone or
Write Us
Address ... or
reU the Carrier
. . . and '
Well Do
the Rest!
WU Chosen by
38SHS Grads
Over Half Asking Credits
Forwarded Will Enter
Local University
More than half of Salem high
students graduated last June who
have asked that their credits tre
forwarded to colleges or univer
sities h a t e selected Willamette
university, according to record
'kept by J. C. Nelson at the high
school offices.
Willamette will receive credits
of 38 of the 67 students who have
requested that their transcripts
be forwarded. Oregon State col
lege is second best with 12 and
University of Oregon third with
eight. Other colleges represented
are. -Linfield, Reed. University of
Nevada. Stanford, Taylor univer
sity. University of Washington
and Washington State college.
The following credits have been
Willamette Mary Jeanette
Arehart. Gordon J. Benson. Rob-
ert Brady. Mary Dale Cladek.
Meivin . v.ieveianu, nmr
Irene Coons, Mary Downey, Ar-
I 11 r?iHt. CMaah .sA t j try I .
' , n " . rrMnm.nn,i
GJ n t Dorothea fj eenwood
Hubbs, Garnet .ditn Lansing.
Wllllam s. Laughlin, Catherine
Mackar, Haiel Magee. Charlotte I
MtKee, Lois Vivian Milligan. June j
Moynlhan, Warne Nunn, William j
S. Parker. jacK rouoca, uooen
Powell. Robert Ormond Reeves, I
p , , . Schramm. Mildred Sher-
man. Arllne Sholseth. Paul Tan-1
I k Robert Curtis Taylor. Mar-1
i gare Terusaki, Arliss Thomas. I
William Ray Thomas. Shirley
Thomas. Alice Thompson. Vera
j D walker Taul Watanabe.
oreon State Vernon Carkin.
Mar Rann Robert Hansen.
Claim Hurlev. Douglas McKay.
Phiun MrKiniv Rsrhara Miller.
i 47 Ul ill iiiwiviiiiaj . iai tx iuiuvi j
Janet Robertson. Deryl Shields.
Alice Unruh. Helen Wilson. Quen-
tin Zielinskl.
uniyersuy oi uregon jam
Armprlest, Elizabeth Hamilton.
Mabelle Jean Lllburn, Edith
Oglesby, Jack Powers, Eleanor
Swift, Bertha Maye w ooaeg-,
Martha Daye Wodaeee.
Linneio Eleanor Aspmwau,
Eugene Beall.
& Coice Company
Ml Wll
Reed Margaret Bailey.
University of Nevada David
Thompson. -Stanford
Edgar Fortner. -Taylor
university Marioa C
University of Washington-
Dean Goodman, Jean Pound.
Washington State college-
Earl Maynard.
Lusk Is Sworn in
As State Justice
Oath Is Administered by
Bean at Ceremony in
Court Building
Hall S. Lusk of Portland waa
sworn in Tuesday as a member of
the state supreme court. He had
resigned Monday as Multnomah,
county circuit judge, following his
recent appointment to the su
preme bench.
Justice "Lusk succeeds the late
3?U 3e U- Campbell, wtio.
. - Tst, Hanrv T tu..h
w1mb1h ,, nmW ir
frlends gni relatives of the new.
jQStlce. Included in the gathering.
Mr L k twa d.-i,.
. ,
,,cl, ,
were fiven by Governor h.rlea
8iSt&nt attorney general; John F
Reilly and George B. Guthrie.
Portland attorneys,
Is Congratulated
Justice Lusk responded briefly
ana manaea uovernor Martin ior
his appointment.
At the conclusion of the brief
ceremony Justice Lusk received
congratulations from many of
those assembled in the supreme
I court chamber.
Justice Lusk will occupy the of-
1 "ce formerly used by Justice
J- O. Bailey.
Under the commission issued by
I Governor Martin the new Justice
vi until January 1, 1959.
McNary to Join Tour
Senator Charles McNarr will ac-
company m county-wide tonr of
irrigation activity August 1J.
I sponsored by Canby cltlxens to-
i boost the proposed Canby project.
tWe Cover the Tottnirz
Dont IY? just
Ills. Mil
nil Tiir I nil' e
Free Roof Etimate9
. a.
Paint and Roofing
474 Ferry
Ph. 4642
We Cover the Towti