The OREGON STATESMAN, Salesi, Oregon, Snnday Morning, August 1, 1937 rAG'E TmRTEKI Mujp. Sell With an Ad o: lis Regnlt-Getti Page 1 nig 1 Help Wanted Female t CAPABLE GIRL or woman for light housework and care of Invalid. State ; age and ref. Box 775, Statesman. - " rvTrii"i)uirxjjxruTjnruff ADDRESS OUR postcards. Tour earnings mailed weekly. Everything supplied. Particulars free. Write Sel ma Cosmetics, box 2349, Tucson. Arizona! WOMEN WANTED Address enve lopes for us. Good pay. Everything furnished. No experience required. Rush stamped addressed envelope for free details. Nationwide Distributors, 401 IS roadway. New York. - " SPECIAL WORK for married wom en. Earn to $21 weekly and your own dresses free. No canvassing. Give age and dress size. Fashion Frocks, Inc., Dept. E-1352, Cincinnati. Ohio. mj0000t00000000000000000 ADDRESS POSTCARDS for us. Everything supplied. We pay weekly. Particulars free. Write May's Cos metics, University Station, Tucson, Arizona. Salesmen Wanted A LIVE ' REAL estate salesman Wanted. Box 373, Statesman. Situations Wanted EXP. DR'SM'KR. Mrs. Adsltt 0446. I For Sale-Miscellaneous CASH OR trade tor used furniture -ranges. Renters, radios, machinery - tools, etc. Woodry and Woodry. auc tloneera, phone 6-1-1-0. 110 N. Sum mei In Hollywood. ADU1NO MACHINES, cash regis ters. typewriters sold, rented swappe.1 Expert repair service, moderate prices Roen Typewriter Kirn, ize -our tuinri(WyifWv"iTi"r ...j. ........ 2000 WHEAT SACKS, carefully selected. Phone 1S3F2. Lee"s hatchery. MiJirrrir! R A rvrOS 8-TUBE, $154 CABINET, like new, balance due, $19.50. Terms, $3 month ly. Se Mr. Jans. . GEO. C WILL MUSIC STORE ; iyJj-unj-ij-ij-sfsfi",iT,iJ,i,,i" m ' TWO PUPPIES, part Chinese chow, black tongues, six months old, fine for children, $5 each. Phone 62F11. SPECIAL USED RADIOS 5 Midgets, special $ 4.95 8 Midgets, special $ 9.9a 6 Midgets, special 814.9 II Cabinet Models, special -$ 7.95 14 Cabinet Models, special $13.95 9 Cabinet Models, special $17.95 Terms $3 monthly. See Mr. Janx. CEO. a WILL MUSIC STORE MATHIS ROOFS. 474 Ferry. Phone 4642. DISTILLED WHITE vinegar for all pickling purposes. "Keeps your pickles crisp." Pure apple cider vinegar PURITAN CIDER WORKS WEST SALEM DACHSHOUNDS Richard P. Res- sel, nurseryman, Mulino, Ore. Silver-ton-Oregon City highway. WE ARE now booking orders for our hill-grown non-irrigated Slappy canning peaches for delivery about August 18. Place your orders early and be sure of getting your require ments of those luscious - canning peaches. " PURITAN CIDER WORKS West Salem Phone 5418 PET CHIPMUNK. 725 Locust St SALE MODEL A Ford roadster, girl's bicycle, 7-tube radio, L-sC. Smith typewriter, umbrella tent eantp stove, camp bed. R. A. Hiudman, 585 S. 12th. Trade Miscellaneous I EXCHANGE OAKLAND Sed, good run. order for wood. In. 755 N. Church. Wanted Miscellaneous ) FILBERTS AND meats State Cafe WALNUT MEATS , or walnuts in belt any quantity Slat Cafeteria. FRIOK WE Dick ud dead and wortn leas horses, cows, sheep Tel 4$89. - ru-irinnrW-ll - -- -- ..... ..- top . pri rvs tald for live, horses and cows for fox feed. Phone 8138. Ttrna nv SS cords of heavy 2nd growth fir delivered at Liberty school district No, 71, Marlon county. Bid re ceived up to August 10 by Mrs.. Roy S. Farrand, rt 4, box 184A. Salem, Oregon. Miscellaneous FILMS DEVELOPED, t prints and t enlargements, 15c. Quality Co., box 8573, Portland. Ore. n.rii-i ri.nnririr-i-1 1 '- - mit r TNsrrRTTCTlON. We want to elect reliable men, now employed, . with foresight fair education and me chanical Inclinations, willing to train spare time or evenings, to become Installation and service experts on all types air conditioning and electric refrigeration equipment. Write fully, giving age, present occupation. Util ities Inst, box 377. care Statesman. TTTT.WS DEVELOPED. Eight prints and hand colored, enlargement 25c. Oregon Picture Co., box 42s, siauon V, Portland, Ore. DEVELOPED. 2 orlots each good negative, 25c. Portland Film Co., box 421 J. rprtiana, ure. t- For Renl Rooms 1 RMS, ladlea 696 N. Cottage. 6478 SLEEP. R. for men, 635 Chemeketa 10000000000000000k KT.EEI Tt WITH or without kltclv en prtT, or S or I R. apt. Phone 3002. sLftjj'xru'xnjjjiriisriisii'" " NICE. SLEEP, room, 86Q Chemeketa.. ,XruirxrjrTjsJSwuiiii' SLEEPING RM, 975 E St. Ph. 7367 FURN, RM. Shower. 1005 N. CapltoL ( , : Room and Board I BOARD, RM, very close In. f4J 1000j00000000' CLOSE IN. Ph. 6001. SIS Bllru. 0000000000000 545 a COMMERCIAL Phone 8835 nnfi.rnnrinrrvinru"ii-ini-iriri-i-- ' " ' mmm fYVMPOTIT BI.T FURNISH ED room with home cooked meals, close In. Phone 2797. BOARD AND room. 113 Union. wiwrni nvE or two rooms, with meals, bath and garage. Good cofktng condition. Write box s. carw o- tuan. i mmmm ea . ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives Fenger-HaU Co.. Ltd. 8aa ftancisea Loa Angelee. Seattle Esstern AdrUsIn; RcDregenUtlTes Krrant. Orlffttll A Bninson." I no, " Chicago, New Tor. Detroit Boston. Atlanta . a . rmtered at t tottolltct at 9aUm .arataa aael tiondmu. BMin tt ttt South CommtnAal SDBSCRIPTION . RATES: Ma a Subscription Rates In Adraacs. TVlthln Oregon: Daily ana unaay, lf ts cents: Mo. S1.50 : M $2.(0 1 year $5.00. Elsewhere. $ cents per Mo, or isr year n uiito Per copy 3 ceats. News Stands 6 cents. By City Carrier: CO cents month, S7.20 a year to ssfvence. f or Kent -Apartments SMALL FURI. apt, 250 a Cottage. .NICELY FURN. apt. 590 Union. s VsVuviAnnnfi APTS.. $S UP. 355 Bellerue. FURN. APT, 553 a 12th. ... - - - -,-nr-)-)r)rr 1 R. FURN. APT. Lle-hts. water. $2.50 wk. 1290 Oak. Tel. 6278. ATTRAC. SMALL spt, 210 N. 14th. 2 RM. FURNISHED apt., refriger ator, 2 mo. Phone 7018. ------ - - ',v-y-innivJwxAi 2 R. FURN. APT. (40 Chemeketa. m-as- s- - - ,B-B-u-u-unj-J-)J- 3 R. APT, LIGHTS, water, beat. Phone 3477. NICELY FURN. downstairs 2 R. apt, available Aug. 1st. 639 N. Liberty. LARGE 2 RM. apt., ground floor, furnace heat $74 No. Church. NEW FURN. apt., adults. 745 N. CapltoL " - CLEAN 8 R. APT, 2217 Lee. w"--- - -- -- -- - -i - -1-i.i-inrij-Lnj-mj-ur 1 R. APT. CLEAN and comfortable. 845 Ferry. " .i iit-----rjrjtj 3 R. APT, 433 N. WINTER. APT. 3 large furnished rooms. Lim it to 3 persons. $20. 485 S. Com'L MOD. 2-RM. apt. Adults. 843 Union. FURX. APTS., $11.50 up. Adults. Maytag. Water, lights, paid garage. 624 N. CapltoL For Rent Houses 7 R. MOD. FURN. 882 N. 16th. NEW 4-R. HOUSE, one couple, EL Superior St Phone 4369. HOUSE 8 R, 3 BEDROOMS sleeping porch, newly finished 1198 Marion St '- -- ---.-w-ww-u-LrutrxinjKfV FURN. HOUSE. Richmond addition. Inquire 534 N. 15th. NICE HOME at 1815 S. Church. $40. Dial 7807 for appointment So colofsky ft Son, First National Bank Bldg. 5-RM. FURN. house, $22.50. See William Bliven, 215 Masonic Bldg. Phone 7806 or 3580 Sunday. 00000000000j000j0j4000000k 4 BEDROOMS, hot water heat $40 5 rooms, furnished, 2 bedrooms, $35. Phone 7544. WANTED TO rent a good, modern house to a couple for taking tare of property ror a abort time. Fr H. WEIR, 212 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411. 0000000000000000k 4-RM. FURN. house, garage. S blocks from statehouse, $22.50. Also 9 room, unfurnished house, 1 block from new hiKh school. Ivan G. Martin. Phone 4817. . 3-ROOM COTTAGE with shower. Close In. Inquire 1255 Court COMPLETELY FURNISHED 6-rm. house. 3 bedrooms. Adults. Inquire 1787 State street , For Rent HOSPITAL BEDS and wheel chairs to rent H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. COTTAGE AT Tachats. TeL 47F2. Wanted to Rent WANTED: TO rent long time or buv about 5 room house In or near Salem. Give exact location and rental or price flrt letter. P. O. BOX 225, HOULTOK, OKK. GENTLEMAN DESIRES furnished room and bath facilities. Must be with in 6 blocks radius of Ladd Bush bank. State particulars in first letter. Write box 3i, care Statesman. For Sale Real Estate I NEW MODERN HOME $4500. WILL BUY this new up to date modern a room nome witn at tic, mahogany finish in living room and dining room, tile bath, hardwood floors through out. full cement basement, fur nace, fireplace, cor. lot garage, paved at, restricted district. $5 down will handle. IMME DIATE POSSESSION. W.-IL GRABENHORST k CO, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone 6468 MODERN 5 RM. home on State St Hdwd. floors, furnace, fireplace. Lot 50x300. 84000 8600 down. rm. modern home, creex lot close In, North Salem. $4200 $500 down. FHONE 6SB0 ART MADSEX 883 Court St CLOSE IN HOME MODERN ROOMS, nice cor. lot both sts. paved, large living room.- fire place, full cement basement furnace, double garage. IMMEDIATE POS SESSION, only S500 down, bal. $45 oer month. Price 84200. SEE, W. H. UKABK.NHUKST CU, KKALTUKS 134 S. Liberty St Phone $468 6-ROOM HOUSE close In. Hardwood floors, built-ins. garage, . shrubs, lots of fruit nice garden. By owner.. (No calls Sunday). 645 N. Cottage street. FOR SALE REPOSSESSED HOUSE, f large, airy rooms, oak floors, fireplace, full cement basement, rurnace. nice lot with, lovelr flowering trees, shrubs. pool, etc. For quick sale only $4260, Terms m reason. - SEE Mrs. Ellis wtth CHILDS MILLER.' Realtors 344 State St . Phone 6708. 8200 DOWN BAL. $22 PER month will buy this 6 room .house located within biocas of the down town district. Price- $2,- 200, located In the business sone, nice location for grocery store.- -SEE IT TODAY. . - W. H. GRABENHORST CO, 1J4 a Liberty St. 000000000000000 HOME BARGAIN ROOMS. BASEMENT, automatic sawdust furnace, large lot fine orna mental, shade and nut trees. Lovely flower- and vegetable gardens. For julck sale, only 32sO. CHILDS k MILLER Realtors 244 State St. Phone 6708 SPECIAL - OWNER'S BUSINESS connections are moving him from Salem. He offers beautiful, modern suburban home for rent at $40 or will sell lor 300, easy terms. Call to see It. - j - SEE Mrs. Ellis with. PHII-DS k MILLER. Realtors 344 State St Phone $701 : LOT BARGAIN GOOD LOT (0x100 feet located la restricted district on paved st, price 1400. Manr new homes being built nearby. SEE THIS BARGAIN TO- DAW. It GRABENHORST CO. 134 8. Liberty St T RM. ALL modern home, beautiful ly finished, large grounds, automatic rurnace, close in, near oummer ex. ss, 500 terms. Phone fB0. i BEAUTIFUL f R-. JUST, completed. 1(90 .N. .18th, hwd. floors, built-lns. easy terms. Cladek, 1435 N. 18th. t WHY PAT RENT! , - $25 DOWN AND $25 per mo. buys this S R. house, oxit rt lot, paveq street full price - DICK DARNIELLE, Real Estate 4 . .. - 198$ N. Capitol . east front paved street close In, $500 down. i '4.. .118 A. stock ranch, spring water. buildings, good pasture and lets of marketable alder and fir. Trade for house Jn Salem or CorvaUis - . J. J. Crittenden, 171 B. Ubertjr For Sale Real Estate . SACRIFICE 4 RM. FURNISHED home, all mod ern, newly decorated. Owner leaving state, will sacrifice for $2800 with 9300 down. Phone 6580. NICE EAST front lot at almost the cost of the street paving fronting it, which la paid. Good residence district near schools. On 24th street. Only $375, easy terms. Phone owner, 8854. LOVELY HEIGHTS home, nearly aa acre, gardens and native trees. $4,- sou. wo. Small modern stucco house, fire place, river front lot. Priced at only $80.00 some terms. E. A. JENSEN 1331 Edgewater St. Ph. 8877. COMFORTABLE TWO FAMILY HOME -ENTRANCE HALL, living rm, 2 bedrms., large kitchen, bath and lot of storage space on first floor ; living rm. bedrm. Kitchen and another complete bath upstairs. Some furniture also In cluded. Good condition in and out Large east front with variety of fruit close to high school and bus line. Could occupy part and rent balance. ALL FOR ONLY $2750. Dial 7807 tor appointment SOCOLOFSKY SON First National Bank Bldg. THREE LARGE lots, almost, new modern house, two small bedrooms, near good school four miles from Ladd Bush. Eay terms. Phone 7421. . MOD. 6 R. HOUSE. Also Z lge, lots. Call 1983 Fairgrounds Rd. 0000000000000000000 I DARE YOU TO INVESTIGATE this property In good faith. 6-room house, good loca tion, large garage, beautiful back yard. shrubbery, kitchen would grace a $10,000 house, tiled bath room all for 82250 for immediate sale, with, but $400 down. A $1600 mortgage at $12.65 monthly. Jt you know your own mind and can make the grade move. REASONER (certainly) 565 N. High 000000000000000 $17,000 FOR $8,000 ONE OF Salem's finer homes built but 17 years and near new state house grounds. The corner lot is worth today about $5000 without the improvements. House has nine rooms of generous size, walls cleanable, much hardwood. many built-ins, 4 lavatories, marble drainboards, hot water j heat base ment ; fruit, shade, lawn, excellent lo cation for home or for renting apart ments. Exceedingly low price, favor able terms. $8000. ' REASONER (certainly) 565 N. High 0000000000 5 R. HOUSE FURN. basement gar., street paved. $2300.00, $500 down. bal. like rent. Owner 980 N. 18th. NEW 4 RM. home, wash trays, ga rage. $1200.00. terms. Ph 3723. A BEAUTIFUL 8-room home, few blocks irom state buildings, large creek lot rockery, lily ponds, terraced grounds, irrigating system, fruit and nuts, all modern house. Must be seen to be appreciated. Shown by appoint' nent only. $5000 will handle, balance C. J. JACKSON 341 State St - Phone 3839 50 ACRES. 10 miles out on the high way for only $30 per acre. Large house suitable for an apart ment house. Priced real low at 82100. so acres with small buildings about 20 acres in cultivation, balance pasture and some timber, watered by springs. .fricecr at 3t.uo, part terms. Six-room house only lour blocks from the court house. A real buy for $3200 with $600 cash, balance $15 per month. Including interest. Two acres with small buildings, nice creek. Only four miles out. Priced $1300. KOSTEIN Si ADOLFH. InC 110 N. Commercial SALE 3 A, close in. Owner. Phone 8256. TURNER. OREGON, home. 5 rooms. bafh. plastered. $700. Socolofsky k Son, First National Bank building. CLOSE IN GOOD DISTRICT Attractive 4 -room home, nice lot with immense tree. This place has a lot of possibility, xzioo. 6 LARUE ROOMS Upstairs unfinished, several rooms In basement Nice corner lot with both streets paved. $4500. SOCOLOFSKY SON First National Bank Building BEST BUY In town for cash In an eating place. -Low overhead, plenty of equipment lor your money, a good business and a right location. People retiring from business. 31609. Have cash buyer tor good grocery store. ' WINNIE PETTYJOHN 477 Court Street 7 ROOMS. BASEMENT, furnace. 4 bedrooms, large lot fruit and shade. $2650. Easy terms. Modern 6 rooms and unfinished upstairs. Basement fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors, newly redecorated, in line repair, a-i resi dential district. $3750; $150 down. balance like rent. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 381 State Phone 7113 8 A.. 6-ROOM house. An exceptional buy. Paved road, 7 minutes from Sa lem. $1750. 94 A. with 90 in cultivation. Build ings. Health reason for selling. $5500. Small grocery, stock and fixtures. $1700. Gas station, store and home, well located. A good buy. $6000. R. A. FORKNER. 1853 N. " UapltOL 00000000000000000000 BEAUTIFUL LARGE home close to schools and bus. Good pipe furnace, double garage, fine lot Priced way below value for quick sale. $2750. Terms. ROBERT T. BUDROW, Real Estate 12 Ladd ft Bush Bldg. Phone 6965 HOUSES 5-RM. house, 2 lots, S. 19th street and 6-room house complete ly furnished, large lot lots of shade. Reduced from $2800 to $2100; $500 down, balance like rent Bush school district ' 2 houses near Leslie school. Immedi ate possession, easy terms. Good house, N. CapltoL A real buy for $3000; .reasonable down payment 2 A, Woodburn. Good house. Trade for farm. See my farm list. Lots of good buys on terms you can handle. H. C. Shields, Oreg. Bldg. TeL 8902. 0000000l0000k EXCEPTIONAL OFFER Drive past 1391 Broadway street and see what a fine place for only $1800. This Is ft fine investment $ rooms, full basement furnace: We will then show you through this place. Better hurry and see. JAS. D. SEARS, Realtor 47$ Court St Phone 8468 GOOD INVESTMENT $200 down and $16 per month in cluding Interest Price $1050. 4-room house, batb and toilet, dandy lot Good location. " PROFITABLE? DUPLEX S-room duiilex bouses rented for 146 oer month. Close to statehouse (north). $4300; 21500 down. Fine lo-i cation and fine lot Street and alley paved. V 478 Court St Phone 8481 MOD. 4-RM. house, furnished. 1940 Royal street by owner. Terms casb4 FOR SALE BT OWNER One of the pretty homes on Court street 6 rooms and bath. Three blocks; from state buildings. Priced to sett 1615 Court street Phone 3034. - ' 25 A, t ROOMS, garage, barn, he house. In SUverton school district; $200. 8mall down payment J 20 A, 7 A. in crop. $1200; $200 cash. t roms. bath, plastered, basement! $2250; $300 cash, balance $25 month, S rooms, 2 -car garage, corner, pias tared. $1960. Terms. See 1940 McCoy TeL 4954, 000000000000000 SALE OR tradebeautiful view lot soxizs in Kingwood vtsta Addn, wt Salem. Water, gas, lights, reasonable price. Box 37s, Statesman, t i For Sale Real Estate I 11950.- Terms. 7 -room home, fire place, shade, lawn and shrubbery, large cornet lot Improvements all paid, fruit and nut- trees. Close to Junior and senior high schools. Walking distance toi town, 1 block to bus; For sale by owner. Phone 7184 for appointment $4200 cash takes going business, filling station, 2 pumps, oil drums and al equipment Included, t A. good soil, fie corner, new 6-room incomplete no use, oia , 4-room nouse rentea tor 310. shop building and ch. ho. Adjoins city limits of Salem. Ill health causa lor selling. V. I IRISH, IDS H. 17tn LOT near statehouse. 1580 Center, REAL INVESTMENT NOW OR FOR FUTURE BUILDING Fine view lot 150x150. thickly wood ed, facing on park soon to be devel oped, ra.irmount hul unis is a reaa sacrifice at $800 if taken at once. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 477 Court Street a' haiwwuuu fxuuna THROUGHOUT IN this fine S rm. home, 2 complete baths with shower, ngce nook, 1937 taxes paid. Ready to teccupy now. On bus line. REDUCED TO S5000. THIS ONE IS ALSO OUTSTANDING Stricuy modern 7 rm. home in A-l condition, nook, 2 sets of plumbing, automatic heat NICE QUIET NEIGH BORHOOD. See this before you buy. SOCOLOFSKY ft SON First National Bank Bldg. AVAILABLE NOW Move right In. This well located home at 1816 S. Church. Drive by, then -call 7807 for appointment. Kent 840. BOCULUtsiii SON, First Nat'L Bank Bldg. 5 ROOMS, FULL basement, east front good location. $2750. Worth more money. i 7-room house, north, fruit and nuts, walking distance. $2500; $200 cash, balance arrange. I 5 rooms, Englewood district $2700 Tsh. 4 rooms, furnished, south, basement 2100 1500 rinwn mnm navement. H. P. GRANT, 529 Court St 1 TrTTOMTOtrr-n iTTPinrrvv hmiu and yard. Shade. Close In. 4 rooms. bath. French windows, built-in kitch en. Wired for range. Laundry trays. $2000 cash. Will carry good loan. ATTENTION STATEHOUSE FOLKS ! Fine modern home within walking distance of state buildings, 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, hardwood finish In living itoom and dining room, fireplace, in direct lighting, large lot shade and Sice shrubs. T WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 281 State Phone 7118 FOR SALE One of the very best tomes and Investment bargains now being offered in Salem. A well built tnodern, two-story, nine-room house In nice condition, very choicely and beautifully located on an excellently landscaped east and south front corner lot 67x158 feet with plenty of vacant Space on west end to build a house. Beautiful shady frontage extending the entire length of south border of lot First floor of house, five-rooms, floor furnished. Furniture Included. Each floor has separate modern conveni ences and occupied by good adult ten ants paying in advance. Property has ood monthly rental income value of 40.00 or over. Excellent Investment to rent or choice home for owner on first floor and nice rental Income on Irecond floor. The former owner of this property turned down an offer of $800 for the vacant building space and Boon after sold it all for 86500. How ever. It is now being offered for a limited time for quick sale at owner's extremely low price oi tssvv ior an, pr $3250 with 40 feet reserved off west end of lot Terms: Half cash: a loan can be had for the balance on terms which the second floor rentals will bay off. If Interested, call phone 573 tor see agent at 145 East Miller street I 95 ACRES. 25 acres In cultivation. balance timber and pasture. Buildings are old but liveable. Some stock and machinery. Priced very low at $3000. 1800 will handle. Farm is free from mortgage and would trade for Salem .property or small acreage. ! E-room house, close in. Good loca it Ion, paved street nearly all furnished Tor only I2ivu; suv oown ana f a month. Out of town owner says sell his modern home at 2396 State street for only $3500. Liberal term a y, acre and neat small House at city limits, east for only $950. A good buy. Nearly 6 acres, on pavement close to school and bus line. All in growing mixed orchard. Priced very low at $1500; $250 will handle. 3 acres close in. All In cherries. 5-roorn plastered house, electric lights, for only $3500. A real home with an Inooma. Liberal .fterms. Lunch room and confectionery doing a good business or will rent fries $700; $500 will handle. A real live grocery store in Salem. Price $2700; $1000 will handle. Bal ance can be paid out or earnings. a m Rnr.K or VICK BROS. 208 N. High Phone 967$ NEW HOME. 2 bedrooms, den in basement fireplace, large living room and dining room. Plenty of closet space. This place was planned by a woman lor a woman to uve in. inn, with terms WINNIE PETTYJOHN 477 Court Street Exchange Real Estate CO A GRAVELLY BLACK soil. bean land, 3 mL S. E. Turner, irrlgat- able. $50 per A. or trade lor roniana or Washington county. S. A. Gotter, Hillsboro. Route 2. 20 A ABOUT S cult. 4-room house. barn, electricity, creek, fine road. $3000 clear. Take house in good town. j. j AUJvsuiw, at i state ot- HAVE SEVERAL city places to trade for acreage. See us at once, Small 6 -room house, fireplace, base ment close to schools. Want larger house or will exchange equity ior gooa building site. 9-room house, fine district close in. Can be made Into apartment house. Will trade for acreage with improve ments, close In. WINNIE PETTYJOHN V 477 Court Street ) For Sale Farms 1 IS ACRES RTVER bottom land. 1 mile from Salem. Sacrifice. Price $3675.00. . TC A JENSEN 1321 Edgewater St Ph. S37T. SIS. Af RE SPECIAL 815 ACRE IDEAL STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH 600 acres, not far from Salem. Enough big fir timber to pay for en tire ranch. 10 A. In cultivation, pro ductive aoiL several creeks and springs. buildings good, large barn and latest type poultry house, line pasture. Ana at $16 per acre this place should pay for Itself In a few years. Total price $7800. $600 private money to - loan. RRfHTKt-RRA SHER 341 State St Dial 6968 00000f000000000000000 S A ALL cultivation. 4 miles out 8-room plastered house. $1680, Crop included. Terms. 29 A, all cultivated, good soil. Near Pratum. 6-room house, barn, poultry house, electricity. $3600: casn. 28 A, 21 cultivated. 0 A. .prunes, 400 cords timber, aU year stream, 5- room house, barn. zwuv ; cmo. 40 a ail cultivated. Near Wood- burn. Fine soli. $4200 ; $8000 cash. balance easy. Improved. , IL P. GRANT, 29 Court St VTKV. RTTRTTRRAN HOME 10H acres, good 7-room bouse, bath, toilet and water system, fruit room, nice lawn, family orchard and fine garden. 2 Urge poultry houses, brooder house, barn, feed house, ah in tiR-iop shape. Family orchard, 1 A cow pas ture, balance in hay and grain. Only 2 miles out. If yon reaiy want a weu balanced place see this one. jar r SEARS. Realtor 470 CVwirt Sr. Phnne 846$ 1 For SaleUsed Care "" OTTO X WILSON , for- BETTER USED CARS SPECIAL MONDAY ONLY 1931 Chevrolet Sedan , . ', ,, ., - "... 1935 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1935 1934 1933 1933 1931 1931 1929 1935 1929 1929 1929 Packard Sedan, priced below book at Bulck Small Series Sedan " Hudson DeLuxe C Sedan " ; , Oldsmobile DeLuxe 6 Sedan - -Oldsmobile DeLuxe Coupe Dodge DeLuxe 2-Door Sedan Chevrolet 2-Door Sedan , ., - Ford 2-Door Sedan . ... Ford DeLuxe Coupe Hudson DeLuxe Coupe ,- . .--Pontlac DeLuxe Sedan Bulck Series 67 Sedan Plymouth Sedan - Studebaker Sedan , Graham 6 Sedan , Chrysler 65 Sedan Dodge Panel Delivery Chevrolet 2-Door Sedan Bulck 2-Door Sedan - - Plymouth Coupe 1937 Chevrolet Master SEVERAL OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM. PRICED FROM $15.00 UP For Better Cars Prices Terms and Service SEE OTTO J." WILSON BUICK SALES 36$ and 382 North Commercial - Framk DooMttle PONTIAC GOODWILL 193C Pontlac 8 Coupe, perfect condition 1936 Ford 4-Dr. Sedan trunk radio 1933 DeSoto 4-Dr. Sedan extra good 1931 Pontlac 2-Dr. Sedan best buy in 1929 Che volet 4-Dr. Sedan new tires 1930 Chevrolet Roadster today's big WE HAVE IS OTHER CARS TO CHOOSE FROM 6-PONTIAC-S Doolittle Motors 339 North High St and North Commercial at Center Street Phone 6266 Phone 6640 1 For Sale Farms FARMS. WE buy. sell, trade. See Oregon Land Co., Woodburn, Ore. RTVER BOTTOM DAIRY 194 ACRES. ABOUT halt under plow, balance pasture and timber. Fine modern home, large barn, two silos. Sandy loam soil. On good road. Fam ily fruit A dandy layout for dairying. Will take smaller acreage or home in good town as part Priced at $13,600. SEE Mr. waiter witn CHILDS MILLER, Realtors 344 State St Phone 6708. pUATTTIkff TVrSTRTPT !S acres. 6- room modern house (furnished), barn (5 tons hay In), chicken house, garage, Arrharil llvlnir stream. Some good river bottom ground. $6000. Producing peach orchard, 14 acres. Packing house, 45 cherries, 15 walnuts Z acres timber, s ft acres aiiaiia. uwu income annually. $9500. Terms. Rich. L. Reimann, 167 S. High St 109 ACRE FARM LOCATED ABOUT 2 miles from Lebanon, about 60 acres of good farm land, ten aeres In 30 year old bearing Eng. walnuts, bat of land In oak and ash timber pasture, 6 room house, barn and other outbuildings. Price S7000. L cash, bat 5 yrs. at 6 int. SEE, W. H, GRABENHORST CO., REALTORS 124 8. Liberty St Phone 6448 Acreage LAND SACRIFICE 206 ACRES OF level land located about 12 miles south of Salem near the Willamette river, no buildings, this land has been pastured for a number of years, good roads. Out of town own er will sacrifice for $26 per acre, 82000 down will handle. INVESTI GATE THIS BARGAIN BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. ' W. H. GRABENHORST CO., REALTORS 114 & Liberty St Phone 6468. 0000000000000000 $100 DOWN $20 per month. New 4-room house, garage, water system. electricity, gas, garden ground. Close in. 4 acres on Market street 7-room house, 4 bedrooms, newly decorated. Fireplace, furnace, large shade trees, pavement paid. $4250. Term a Rich. L. Reimann, 1$7 S. High St Wanted Real Estate WISH TO rent 2 to 10 acres with buildings, elec, within 5 miles of Sa lem. Ph. 7813 after 6:00. Business Opportunities SALE CAR agency and service sta tion. Doing good business. Not much capital required. Box 376, States man. COUNTRY GROCERY and gas sta tion. A well established business mak ing the owner money every month. No competition. Located center Will amette valley. $1350. Bechtel-Brasher, 341 State street. GOOD BEER and sandwich business. See Walter Socolofsky, First National Bank Bldg. for further Information. TRAILER LUNCH coach. 13 stools. wired for lights. Also Buick rumble seat coupe, $1500. Take equity in noma. Mrs. Taylor, with !C X. JACKSON, 341 State St PAYING CAMPGROUND ON $-BS Nine good cabins snd nice residence. Lot 100x204 ft Good location on 99-E. If , you want something good don't pass this up. See JAS. D. SEARS, Realtor 471 Court St Phone $46$ I Money to Loan I AMPLE FUNDS. Benjamin Frank lin loan. Also private money to build, modernise or refinance on homes and suburban property. Lowest rate, quick service. See F. Q. Delano. 396 North Church street FOR YOUR Immediate needs, see as for email loans. Any amount op to $200. j CHILDS - MILLER. INC. - Lie . No. S-264 -246 State St , Salem, Oregon MONET TO LOAN ' ON SAIJEU residential property se der the F. H. A. plan, long term leans with low monthly payments. Ne com mission. Refinance er buQd a new home. -; - W. BL GRABENHORST CO REALTORS. 124 SL Liberty St - - Phone 0468 00000000000000000 . MONEY TO LOAN. TP TOU want Immediate action, see us for farm, city and Improved acre age loena. CHILDS A MILLER, Mtge. Loans 344 State St .... Phone $70$ FEDERAL HOUSING loans, build refinance homes, business prop. Rates. Abrams A Elil Ine, Ma wale Bldg. I For SaleUsed CaTT 185.00 -$1200.00 . 965.00 , " f 46.00 735.00 735.00 , 696.00 , 595.00 595.00 . 685.00 665.00 . 515.00 495.00 , 445.00 365.00 , 265.00 , 215.00 , 550.00 - 185.00 165.00 - 135.00 Sedan. $100.00 Discount AND SERVICE - Phone 5451 - Salem, Ore. DEALER VSED CARS . . 725.00 -$495.09 . 485.00 . 296.00 . 166.00 . 83.00 new motor only a buy at town , new finish bargain EVERY CAR LISTED BELOW IS AN Outstanding Buy 1936 1936 1935 1934 1932 1935 Ford Coach, renewed and and guaranteed $545 Ford DeLuxe Sedan, with trunk 615 Ford CouDe. new oatnt. re- newed and guaranteed . 445 Ford Sedan, special wheels. renewed and guaranteed : . 415 Ford Coupe, new paint over hauled motor. 5 A-l S-Dlv tirea 265 Terraplane Coach, new paint overhauled motor, electric hand : . Ford A Coach Chevrolet Coach 495 225 1930 1927 1926 1928 1934 45 Chevrolet Touring 20 65 Chevrolet Coach Ford Pickup, a square deal car 350 Valley Motor Co. Open Evenings snd Week Days Closed 8undaya Three Lots Center k Liberty - Hollywood Marion Liberty Money to Loan To Loan $1700 PRIVATE MONEY, 2 or I years, . Improved farms preferable. Call V. L. Irish, phone 7184. , 000000000000000000 COLD CASH FOR HOT WEATHER NEEDS A VACATION IS not a luxury it Is aa investment in health and happiness. We can lend yon up to $309 for yours. Repay In small amounts on any plan you select Come in. Second Floor New Bllgh Bldg. Rm. 119 61$ SUte St at High Phone 3191 Salem, Oregon Beneficial Finance Co, of Salem License S-112. M-16S CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBTS BORRROW FROM an Independently owned and operated Salem company where your probleaa s will receive per sonal consideration both before and after the loan is made. Interest on unpaid balances Ne tees --Quick, courteous service, WE SOLICIT TOUR ACCOUNT General Finance Corporation 12$ S. Commercial St. Salem, Or. Phone 9168 Lie. Ne. S-138 Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO bay new or seed care. Private money at very saw rates. No red tape -I to 20 months te repay. Roy H. Simmons 12$ 8. Commercial St, Salem, Or, Phone 9168 Lie, No. M-152. 3 Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED ea rarm and efty property. Before borrowing. Inquire si Hawkins Roberta, 00000000000000000 Wuited $4000 Private money - for I years at $76- per month until -paid. $9000 security for same, including new B class business building and equnlp ment fine location. Call V. L. Irish, phone 7184. . ;: . - I: Financial .WE HAVE never paid less than this rate on savings ff ana in vestment insurca im Mutual Federal Savings A Loan Ass Phone 4944. 142 S. Ubetry St , Personal W ANTED ORIGINAL poems, songs, for immediate consideration. Send po ems -to Columbian Music Publishers, Ltd., Dept ESS, Toronto, Can. I For Sale Ued Cars I For Sale Used Cars Used Cars for Less at 27 Chevrolet Coupe .... ... $ 45.00 28 Buick Coupe ......... . ............... 95.00 29 Studebaker Sedan ......................... 125.00 29 Ford Coach ............ : . 135.00 29 Chevrolet Sedan i. 175.00 33 Chevrolet Coupe ........1 .. 335.00 34 Chevrolet Coach 395.00 1936 Chevrolet Coupe 625.00 1936 Chevrolet Town Sedan 595.00 1936 Chevrolet Sport Sedan 665.00 TRUCKS 1935 Chevrolet L. W. B. truck.! $525.00 1936 Chevrolet Panel -1 550.00 1936 Chevrolet L. W. B. Truck...... ... 625.00 MANY MORE MAKES AND MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM McKAY CHEVROLET CO. CLOSED Phone 333 Center Big August Sale! You Ask: "What Is a Sale?" We Say: "Merchandise at a Bargain", and We Don't Mean "Maybe" Look at these Bargains! Remember Beginning August 2nd and Continuing through the Month. Fords 1928- Ford Coupe 1929- Ford Coupe 1981-Ford Coach .$ 95.00 .. 155.00 255.00 1932-Ford Coupe, motor over- . hauled - . 255.00 1934-DeLuxe 4-Dr. Sed. with trunk completely recon ditioned 445.00 1935-Ford Standard 2-Door a real buy 445.00 Chevrolets 1927- Chev. Sed:, 1928 motor, exceptionally good $ 65.00 1928- Chev. Coach $0.00 1929- Chev. Coupe ; 145.00 1929- Chev. Coach 150.00 1930- Chev.' Coupe twlre wheels rumble seat . 225.00 1931- Chev. Coupe , 240.00 1935-Cher. Coach 495.00 1934-Cher. Master 4-Dr. Tr. Sedan $545.00 Herrall-Owens Co. " "DEPENDABILITY 'The Home of Dependable Used Cars and Trucks DODGE k PLYMOUTH and DODGE TRUCK DIST. 235 S. Commeicial - - Phone 3169 . OPEN EVENINGS CLOSED SUNDAYS NEW USED CAR PARK Church St across from 8 tats Theatre ' PACKARD 6 SEDAN, appearance good, runs well, tires excellent price low. Dr. J. J. Panton, phone 6556. FOR SALE: 1930 Chevrolet truck, $150 or trade for light car same value. E. P. Hltt 11$ Division street For Sale Wood GUARANTEED DRT WOOD cost TeL 6000. Salem Fuel Co. Trade and Cottage, LARGE SECOND growth. Ph. 137F2. 9P00000000000 DRY OLD FIR. Tel. 6700.' 0000000000000000 16" OLD FIR, 2nd gro. Ph. 3473. Business fjards Ik this directory reus' oa a monthly basis only. Rate: f 1 per line per month. - Auto Brakes Mike Panek, 271 South Commercial. Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW A reconditioned. Harry W. Scott 147 & Comt PH..4S16. Brushes FULLER'S, Ph. 672 1 27 85 Brook St Carpentering BUILDING, PAINTING, repairing, 441 SUte. Phone $066. Chimney Sweep " TELEPHONE 4450. R Northnessv j Chiropractors 1 DR. a L, SCOTT, P8C, Chiropractor. 211 N. Hl.Tel Rea 0712. Excavating EXCATATING OF aB kinds. Base ments dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. Salem Sa ad and Grave! Co Phone 040$. - . ' Florists Breithaupfa; 447 Court Ph. 1994. Furs DuBAIN rUR Co. Master furriers and designers. Rm. lit Miller Bldg. Laundries . THB NEW SALEM LAUNDRY ' .THE WXIDER LAUNDRY 2$ & High i TeL 2126 Lime GOLD HILL agricultural lime, state tested, l calcium carbonate. Son tested free.; ALSO Una leans. 1679 Broadway er 429 Oregon Bldg. - Of SUNDAYS 2189 420 N. Commercial Plymouths 1934-Ply. DeLuxe Coach $465.00 1936-Ply. 2-Dr. Tr. Sed. 665.00 Dodges 1931-Dodge Coupe completely overhauled $325.00 1935- Dodge Sed. 595.00 1936- Dodge Coupe 645.00 1936-Dodge 4-Dr. Tr. Sed. 745.00 Miscellaneous 1928-Essex Sed. 1927- Nash Sed. 1928- Pontiac Sed. 1929- Pontlac Sed. 1929-Pontlac Cab. 1929- Stude Sed. 1930- Auburn Sed. 1931- Stude Coupe 1935- Graham Sed. 1936- La fayette Coupe 25.00 65.00 85.00 160.00 125.00 195.00 195.00 295.00 495.00 595.00 1937 DE LUXE Plymouth 4 -door touring sedan, excellent condition. Car ries a new car guarantee. Priced Tight for quick sale. Herrall-Owens company. Lost and Found LOST STRAW agate pta between 735 N. Com'L A Ferry St Reward. Call at Tourist Cafe, 355 N. Com'L LOST KEYS in slpper case. Please return to 2049 Ferry St Reward. John P. Murphy.. . , LOST LADY'S blsck purse on pea road or McCleay-Geer crossroad. Name Inside. Return Roate , Box 124. - . . v Directory Lawn Sprinklers 1 CALL C 8. Whltcomn, Ph. 4315V Mattresses SALEM ? FLUFF-RUG ad ' Mattress Factory." NEW MATTRESS mads to order, old remade ; carpet deaedng;, sis Ing; fluff rug weaving.. & 13th A Wil bur. TeL $441. OTTO. F. ZWICKER. Est 191L- V ; T - . .- ? CAPITOL REDDING CO. Phone 4069. PainngPaperhanging HERBERT WOOD. T. 6926V: PAINTING, KALSOMININO. Phone 4472. - , . '. Photo Engraving :' SALEM PHOTO engraving, " 14T VM. Commercial. TeL 8887. . Printing FOR 8TATIONERT, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesmen Printing Department 21$ 8. Commercial. . Tele phone 0101. . . i Radio Service BARKUS RADIO -'Service, l$7 So, Com'L Ph. 0868. V . st's J-:- Transfer CA PITAL CITT Transfer Co. 220 warding end storage our specialty net SUte SU Tel .7778. Distributing, for our rstea- . ; -, : FOR LOCAL pr distant transfer- tr sge, burner oil. call 8llt Larmeg Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dniijs. Vacuum Cleaners REGINA Sales A Service. Ph. 3S0S. 2 Well Drilling - 1 1 i hi i ii R. A.-WEST. Rt I Bs. 446V T. II9F2, 1 , . Wood Sawing ; . 1 WOOD SAWING, bMcksmltbms. Phone 2522. 220 N. Commercial.