The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 31, 1937, Page 2, Image 2

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Tha OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, July 31, 193T
Lebanon Native
Taken by Death
Mrs. Blary Ei Tenney, 68,
Was Born in Locality;
111 Four Years
i LEBANON Mrs. Mary E.
(Dollie) .Tenney, 63, a lifelong
resident of this section, was found
dead on the floor of her bedroom
Thursday afternoon. She had been
ill :Of a' chronic ailment the past
four, years and was much weak
ened. It was believed that she had
arisen .from her bed and had died
In the early morning.
She was a daughter of Isaac
and Mary Welch Saltmarsh, early
Oregon pioneers, and was born in
this locality where she-spent her
life. She was married when-quite
young to-D. S. Tenney who pre
ceded her In death. Since her
mother's - death more than -it
yeart ago she" has lived alone.
Mrs. . Tenney was a charter
member of the Women's Relief
Corps and held local, department
and' national offices. 1 " -
Funeral arrangements in charge
of Harry C. Howe funeral home,
await the arrival of relatires.
- ' Missionary to Speak
Dr. Cole of Albany, returned
missionary from Africa, will be
gueet speaker at the "Methodist
Missionary society Wednesday aft
ernoon in the .park at the Joel C.
Mayer homer Mrs." Florence Wit
cher is the hostess. " -
.Miss Jessie McCune of Salem Is
a 'guest of her sister, Mrs. Vera
- A pleasant diversion - at . the
meeting of the Lions club Thurs
day afternoon were numbers sung
by. .the ? girls trio, Pauline Pen"
gr. Florelne Calanan and Mar
jorie Pearson with Betty Keeb
ler piano accompanist.
Mrs. Hattie Hall, who has been
the guest of her brother F.- A,
Willis and family, will leave this
week to visit her daughter In Bo
ring before returning to Kansas.
Sue will be accompanied by Mrs,
Trills and" her daughter Dolma.
I Honor Recently Wedded
.Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Howe en
tertained with ' a family dinner
Thursday In honor of Mrs. Howe's
rn Forest - Vehrs ' and his bride,
n't Ada Chamberlain of Ontario.
Tfiey were married at Stevenson,
"Wash., July IS and were accom-
tnted by Mr. nd Mrs. Calvin
Itman of Portland, - cousin of
e groom. ' - -.
j Mr. Vehrs spent his boyhood
days In this locality and gradu
ated from the Lebanon high
school. He was employed for a
time with the Bohle creamery
and with the Irish Hammett gro
cery company. He is now em
ployed at a creamery at Vancou
ver, where they win begin house
keeping. Present at the family meeting
were tils grandfather. C. H. Whit
man; his mother and step-father,
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Howe; Mrs..
Hattie Hall of Wichita, Kan., Mr.
and Mrs. F. A. Wills and famUy;
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Vehrs and
daughter Shirley; the guests Of
honor, Mr. and .Mrs. Forrest
Washington People
At Grtmd Island
'GRAND ISLAND-Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Thinaberger a n d three
children", Thomas,- Jr., Marjorie
and 7 Barbara ol Brownstown,
Wasb-vwere guests this wek in
the home of Mr. and" Mrs; Ernest
Douglas and family. Mrs; Thina
berger and Mrs. Douglas were old
schoolmates when, living in Dallas.
-ir. Und Mrs. George Diebel and
little" daughter-, Joyce; have" moved
to Klamath Falls- Where Mr. Die
bel is employed t a logging com
pany in the Yamsay mountains.
'Donna Lee, Fr--llis and "Sharon-
Finnicum, daughters of Mr. and
ifrs. Fred Finnjieum, are all re
covering , from" tonsil operations.
v Dr. H. W. Burnard of Rldge
tield. Wish.,' has been a guest dur
ing the past week in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rockhili and
family. Dr. .Burnard Was a former
practicing physician in Dayton. -
W. Earl Qlgilbee
; Passes at Aurora
AURORA W. EaU Ogilbee, ?,
dred at the home ol Mr, and Mrs.
N: E. Cole, Saturday; ' s -
He was born 'in Iowa in the
year 1876. Mr. Ogilbeo' was a
printer and held positions in Port
land and other places in the west,
the last being at Hillsboro, from
which ' place he came to Aurora
three months ago.; --Since
coming here he has made
hfs home with the N. E. Cole fam
ily, Mrs.' Cole and Mrs, Ogilbee
being Bisters.: :
'Te deceased leaves bis widow,
Beatie, one son, Allen of Portland,
a' daughter, Grace Lane of Boring,
and four grandchildren. - :-
The body has been in charSe
ct S. A. Miller and was taken lo
Portland where services were held
before cremation. .
The Call Board
Today - Double bill, -Grant
Withers and Beatrice Ro-
' berts in "Bill Cracks
Down and RIn Tin Tin,
. Jr., in "Roaming Wild."
. . - STATE ', ,
Today Eastern circuit vau
deville pins "Captured in
Today Harold Bell Wright's
. "The California" ; with
. RIcardo Cortes.'
Today Double bill, Kay
Francis and Errol Flynn in
"Another Dawn" and "Pick
''. a Star" with Patsy-Kelly
and Laurel and Hardy. .
Today Double bill "Talent
Scout" with Donald Woods
nd Clarence - Mulford'a
. "Rustlera Valley? with Bill
Judge Zimmerman
Official - Visitor
Monmouth IOOF
MONMOUTH J u d g e H. K.
Zimmerman of the Clatsop and
Columbia circuit, and grand mas
ter of the L O. O. F. of Oregon.,
was an official visitor at the local
lodge ' Monday night. Judge Zim
merman was holding court at Dal
las for Judge Arlie G. Walker
during" the " week; - and found the
opportunity timely to visit here.
Polk county lodges represented
were: Dallas; Falls City, McCoy,
Monmouth and Independence,
- In an-interesting and inform
ative talk the grand master dis
cussed ideas - on fraternity ' ad
vancement and progress, also the
question of maintenance of the
old people's home operated by this
fraternity in Portland. Since Odd
Fellow membership, declined dur
ing the depression;' maintenance
of the home, financed on a per
capita basis,, has been difficult.
Methods - to -, stimulate' interest
among . young men of - the order
were features of the grand mas
ter's talk.
Frank Kelley, Independence,
was named special district deputy
for Polk' by Grand Master Zim
merman. Other . prominent I. O.
O. F. members present who spoke.
were S. C. Steward, Tom Graves
and Morris Christensen, all of
McCoy. Fred Holman and Tracy
Staats; of Dallas, R. E. -Helms,
Falls City and J. E. Hubbard, In
Monmouth Native
Dies at Age 78
Alary Ellen Chamberlin
Funeral Rites Set
For Today
MONMOUTH M a t y Ellen
Chamberlin, 78, died Thursday at
Albany. She was born Oct 28,
1858. in Cooper Hollow, a few
mfles west of Monmouth and had
lived in this-community most of
her lifetime. She was married at
Albany, Feb. 15, 1878, to Enoch
Chamberlin. Surviving are one
son, Ross and three grandsons:
Chester, Dean and Harry, all of
Myrtle Creek, Oregon. Funeral
services will be held at Indepeni-
dence, directed by the Smith
Baun chapel, Saturday at 2 p. m.
Rev. W. A. Elkins, Monmouth,
will officiate.' Interment will be
made in the old Chamberlin cem
etery, south of Monmouth.
Claude Boothby, long a farmer
of this section, is receiving treaty
ment at a Salem hospital. He has
been ill for more than a year from
arthritis. Mrs. Boothby has -leased
an apartment in Salem for the
The annual 4-H club picnic for
Polk county members will be held
August 7 in the Dallas city park.
Miss Gertrude Warren, a national
a-H club , worker will be present.
Features ot athletic entertain
ment will include a softball game
with a 4-H team from Yamhill
competing against a Polk county
4-H club group. A picnic dinner
and swimming are other details
of interest.
Reunion Held
The annual Smith-Chamberlin-Russell
family reunion was held
Sunday in Helmlck state park
with 93 attending.
Oscar L. Russell, Salem, was re
elected president; C. V. Averill,
editor ' of the Halsey Journal, was
named secretary-treasurer. Next
yeara meeting Will be- held the
fourth Sunday In July in the Dal
las city- park. Among local folk
attending' were Mr. and Mtb. G. L.
Russell, Miss Blanche Russell, and
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Lacey.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Gillette en
tertained guests this week from
their former home, St. Joseph,
Mo.' In the out-of-state group
were: Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Myers
and children, andMr. and Mrs.
H. E. Allison and daughter. Mrs.
Allison and Mrs. Gillette, sisters,
met for the first time in 17 years.
Mickey Sez ,
HaVe you a
suggestion for
a contest? -See
I .r i
Minnie sez
Tune in at
1 o'clock for
our broadcast.
Methodist Service Club
At Amity Holds Meeting
AMITY The Social Service
Olub of the Methodist church met
Wednesday afternoon in the
church parlors with fbe new presi
dent. Mrs: W.. E. Taylor, presid
ing. Mrs. Nette Tovey had charge
of the opening devotional service.
' Mrs.-Nette -Toy ey Aas returned
from a six week's visit in Ashland
with her niece, Mrs. Eva GosnelL
Mrs. J. M. TJmphlette returned
Wednesday from 'a vacation la
Portland with relatives.
Calif ornians Terminate
Yisit With Amity Hosts
-AMITY Miss Cleo Odom and
brother, Earl Odom, left Thurs
day for San Francisco after a two
week's visit here at the homes tt
her father. A.' T. Odom and her
sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. A. R. Rierson.
Mrs. Gleoln Howard left tor
her home in New Mexico this week
after a month's visit in Amity at
the homes of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. L McKenney and her sis
ter, Mrs. Harley Ellenwood..
Wilfred a Hagedorn. Editor
Salem, Oregon, July 31, 1937
No. 35
Contest Winners
To Appear Today
Eight Who Gain Honors ht
Talent Event Slated
for Mouse Shovr
Letters in
Trie Mail
Laurel and Hardy
I On Screen Today
"Pick a Star" Is Feature
With Noted Comedians ;
in Musical Stunts'
Laurel and Hardy, those whim
sical and fantastical exponents of
comedy,, were at , the heights ..of
their glory in filming the hilarious
highlight sequences in the all-star
feature, "Pick a Star,", which is
showing today at Mickey Mouse.
After displaying' their singing
and dancing talents !aWayOut
West," Laurel and Hardy elected
to display their skill with musical
instruments and the result was
a blare of mirth and merriment,'
Another sequence ia which they
portray bold, bad bandits intro
duced some artistic bottle-busting
with rotund Hardy's head the tar
get. But as sad-faced Laurel ex
plained offset to Madcap Patsy,
the bottles were "breakaways' and
did not hurt. Patsy wanted a per
sonal demonstration and, in being
handed a real bottle by mistake,
routed Laurel and Hardy In an uproariously-funny
gag. It is a laugh
Swimmers Enjoy
See Sunday
Mill Stream
Mickey Mousers in the east part
of Salem have their own swim-
1 .rvw- .u .uw W.V .U .11
Btream. The place, to be exact; is
located at 18th and Chemejceta
streets.' where the boys and girls
have erected a diving board and
a swing.
Dorothy Arnold. Mildred Lloyd,
Marjorie Roseman and Gordy'
Tricker were seen taking plunges
and splashing all they could yesterday.
Woodburn Pension
Club Will Picnic
Townsend Event Sunday;
Business Men Discuss
Parking Condition
WOODBURN Plans for the
third annual Townsend club pic
nic sponsored by the Woodburn
club, have been completed and
the event will be held at .the city
park Sunday.
Refreshments will be served on
the -grounds. A program of inter
est has been prepared with Clar
ence Wagner of Portland as main
speaker of the af terfcoon; F. G.
Delano of Salem will be master of
ceremonies. The Kinard colored
singers of Portland will appear on
both the morning and afternoon
Everyone is cordially invited to
make this event a success.
Highway parking Discussed
At the regular meeting of the
Woodburn Fusinesr Men's el u b
held at the Woodburn hotel Wed
nesday the matter of double park
ing on the highway at 4ho inter
section of Toung street was dis
cussed. At this point on the high
way it U difficult to eee the traf
fic approaching especially " when
stages are parked together as they
often are. Jt has been suggested
that the city council take action
to prohibit double parking on the
east half of the highway which
is in the city limits. A speed limit
of 3 5 miles per hour has recently
been fixed for that paTt of the
highway and the highway depart-1
ment plans to put up signs ac
cordingly. Acting for the club are
F. Lacey, H. F. Butterfleld and
Keith O'Hair.
Hubbard Folk Return
HUBBARD Dr. H. C. Mack
and wife and granddaughter, Bet
ty, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Gibbs and daughter, Ev
elyn, made an extended trip to the
middle west, their itinery taking
them through Yellowstone ipark.
The party returned home a few
days ago. '
On Screen Today in "Pick a Star" Seventeen Signed
Dear BIU;
I reilly did enjoy "Fos"
ter' arrangements of the new
serial "Wild West Days," and tu
him for me to make more of then
like that.
' I came regularly to Micln v
Winners in the talent contest Mouse and if I were a boy I surely
that was held at the Capitol the- would enter my airplane n th
atre last night will appear on our contest' that you sDoke about
a i hih Mpmhpra stage today ana tney are reaiiy week. but I'm Just a girl. See yon
JA ViiUXJ lTieiIlJJt- god. Here they are: Donny Ed- Saturday:
' ' ' ' ' wards, Florence and Frances BaU, Sincerely,
Last week over seventeen boys Johanie Arnold, Gordon Miller, Mary Lou Halnes
and girls, signed up toj)ome full Patsy , Cannon, , Bonnie Zwicket .
Dear Bill:
I m not writing to you to tell
fledged Mickey Mouse members JaoJr and Sebastian Koch.
Other entertainers that
friends do the same thing? Just
look at alt the fun boys and girls
have each Saturday at the show.
Here are the boys arid girls who
signed upat the secretary's desk:
Nancy sChappell, Patsy Nichens,
Betty Hlndmaa, Colleen Graham,
Verna Jahns, Walter' Wickstrom,
Marjorie Henry, Bobble Roman,
Gwenyth Tucker, Claude Briggs,
Elmand Decker, Jane Lust, Dor
othy Eberly, Pauline Wecker, Ray-
SCneouiea lo appear on inKV wkat T think f vnur nr..
ey'Mouse' stage ow " but rather to ask you why doesn't
rrlolrinii alstors J r K I A Mi iiiiams. . " 1
...r:.---, ------ . . rommy noxie. tne announcer.
pass out DeLuxe lee cream to ev-
Gloria -Cottew and Thedamary
Richey, the lub's own song bird
Miany Mongers on
Playground Nines
Inquisitive as ever
Bob Crest
Dear Bob:
J don't blame you. I woula
squawk too, in fact I have been.
f oT,j .Tl.tAmf,f however, we must be patient as
mond Marstfield. Betty Provast, , uking. place between the two Plana are beinK formulated with
playgrounds, Olinger and Leslie, , ' . f, "c tream
Bobbie Hvedstien.
Airplane Models
Contest Popular
in the softball situation. Many
to give you" Mice some maybe.
t .. ... , V Mn .a .m - . .
Mickey Mousers are taking part J s-ee mat
on both sides. May the best team Tommy - is one swell announcer.
win Tf v lilt on 17 anfthall nns- WOn 1 V0U
, Bill, the Mickey
has had many boys come to him
and ask further details oa the air
plane model cpntest, in connection
with tha ihnv "Win Pa fWar TTnTI.
Really Mice, here is one pictare that will bring more laughs than you 0iui tnat coming soon to
have ever bad ia many a month. Just looking at Patsy Kelly and tv via inn re
Jacfc. Haley (above) wooM make anyone langh, but Laurel and Q . n th ,
MMXOj cut up in the picture too. F,ra. the fle mlt . 1R. .pron(1.
sibilities see Bob Keuscher at 01
ineer or the superintendent at
Mouse chief, Leslie.
Your pal,
Dear Bill:
You asked the Mice to tell you
who their favorite entertainers
are so I'm writing you telling you
rx j .-mm- mine, i enjoy me ino consis'in"
SatUraay ItlOrning of Doris Taylor, Maxtne Holt and
' Joan Hotchkiss. Then too, I ilk
Tryout Held Each
nLl?Tpa) ,
r ,. - 1 -Cliib
Many of you boys and girls
your entry may Just be a model, would like to appear on our pro-
dbg next'weekr l go on my
vacation which will be spent
having x my wisdom teeth pulled
out, wha wisdom I have left. Just
the same a fellow- is entitled to
absorb some of this Oregon sun
shine; I sorely do appreciate you Mice
sendif g letters to me telling who
and What you like on the pro
grams just keep on sending in
- J o
Owing to the fact that so many
Mice nave asked me to have Eldon
Foster make some new arrange
ments in relation to DeLuxe ice
creani, he will have some doped
out wjithin two weeks.
My, my, it surely seems like
home: to have "Chuck" Bier back
with all of us again after spend
ing two weeks away from the the
atre. Perhaps he can be persuaded
to play a number on the organ
for u again.
Toak a plunge at Olinger the
other! night and who should I meet
but "0rie.Man Phil Barrett," Jack
Roack, Eileen Goodenough, Helen
Kestly and Dale. Willamette's
amateur photographer. Yes, Mice;
we still kept the water cool for
On 'last week's program the Mice
heard the two little black dots
from iM uriel Raster's dance school
RuthjOstrin and Mirzel Mohr. Al
Raff ety, Fred Andrews, Jeanetta
Arehrt, Helen Hutchinson, Pat
Meisihger, Cleve Bartlette, Doris
Vincent, Doris Taylor, Jackie Wil
liams and Joan Hotchkiss singing
"Nevr in a Million Years."
For the special Mickey Mouse
feature today Mr. Carl Porter ha9
listd "Pick a Star," with Patsy
Kellejy, Stanley Laurel and Oliver
Hardy, plus five other big stars.
The ether feature Is Kay Francis
and Earl Flynn in "Another
Dawn," chapter two of the new
serial and the latest news of the
So 'until one o'clock, I'll be look
iag for a letter from you.
WILFRED, Bill to you
Mickey Mouse Chief.
Two Thrilling Feature
1 - i 1
Vi 1 4 nil rr a
Vandeville f
O. . . m jl u w w a w .. . . . .
O "h Donald Wood and "j bustiers
Jenmie JM widen
end at Delake where she enjoyed it doesn't have to fly; third, bring gram, and Bill wants you too. All tunes als0
the brilliant sun rays and came y o u r models to the theatre at that you have to do is to come
home with a good tan. once so that they may be display- down to the Elsinore Saturday
MaybeTIe Frazer returned from ed in the foyer in connection with morning at 10:30, do your act
Newport where she had ben spend- the show; fourth, valuable prizes and If it is suitable for radio pres- down
ing a week s vacation. will be announced at a later date
to hear "Chuck" Bier, "Jiff
Draper and "Al" Raffety play hot
Signing off,
Gladys Jones
this morning and perhaps
entation it will 'be used, so' come you may become a star.
Outings at Coast
Enjoyed by Mice
Maxine Holt, a popular Mickev
Mouse entertainer, spent the week
B2S f
howl I
a? ivo' . ..o" vac
X P iC s r, ;i I
t:fei: LZ AlEtDsl
i ' NfcUHJi " ' ; ; RKO RADIO
l : i ; - r WWMJ - picture
. m-
Last Times Q Kay Francis - Errol flynn in D ' jPutsy ReUy and 'Laurel and
Todav " " ."Another Dawn''" -'" r:i. c.
"Another.' Dawn